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NT-EPISTLES.filter - riversident sigh:

riversident@Romans:8:26 @ Thus also the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes for us with sighs beyond words.

riversident@Romans:12:17 @ Repay to no one evil for evil. Aim at what is honorable in the sight of all men.

riversident@1Corinthians:3:19 @ For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their own craftiness,"

riversident@2Corinthians:2:10 @ To whomever you forgive anything I also forgive it, and what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, it was for your sake in the sight of Christ,

riversident@2Corinthians:4:2 @ but we have renounced shameful secret things, not living in craftiness nor adulterating God's message, but by the openness of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.

riversident@2Corinthians:5:2 @ For in this we sigh in earnest desire to put on our dwelling that comes from heaven,

riversident@2Corinthians:5:4 @ For while we are in this tent we sigh being burdened, not that we wish to be unclothed, but to put on the other, that what is mortal may be swallowed up in life.

riversident@2Corinthians:5:7 @ for we walk by faith, not by sight \'97

riversident@2Corinthians:8:21 @ for we are providing arrangements honorable, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

riversident@2Corinthians:8:24 @ Show them in the sight of the churches your love and the ground of our boasting to them about you.

riversident@Philippians:1:9 @ And this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and all insight,

riversident@Colossians:1:9 @ For this reason we also, from the day we heard it, never cease praying for you and asking that you may have full knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual insight,

riversident@Colossians:2:2 @ that your hearts may be encouraged and that joined together in love you may reach all the wealth of the full assurance of insight into the knowledge of the mystery of God, which is Christ.

riversident@1Thessalonians:2:17 @ But we, brethren, when bereft of you for a little while, out of sight not out of mind, endeavored more earnestly to see your faces, with great longing.

riversident@1Thessalonians:4:12 @ Thus you will live becomingly in the sight of outsiders and will have need of nothing.

riversident@1Timothy:2:3 @ This is excellent and pleasing in the sight of God, our Savior,

riversident@1Timothy:5:4 @ If any widow has children or grandchildren, let them learn first to act piously toward their own family and to repay what they owe to their parents and grandparents. For this is pleasing in the sight of God.

riversident@2Timothy:2:7 @ Think over what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight in all things.

riversident@Hebrews:12:21 @ And so dreadful was the sight that Moses said, "I am terrified and trembling."

riversident@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey your leaders and yield to their authority; for they watch over your souls as those who must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with sighing. That would be unprofitable for you.

riversident@Hebrews:13:21 @ equip you with every good thing for doing his will, doing in you what is well-pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for the ages of the ages. Amen.

riversident@James:1:27 @ Pure and stainless religion in the sight of God the Father is to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep one's self unspotted from the world.

riversident@1Peter:2:20 @ For what credit is it if when you sin and are struck with the fist you are patient? But if though doing well, you suffer and are patient, that is grace in God's sight.

riversident@1Peter:3:4 @ but the hidden personality of the heart must wear the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is in God's sight most precious.

riversident@2Peter:1:9 @ But he who lacks these is blind, dim-sighted, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins.

riversident@2Peter:2:8 @ for that righteous man living among them was tortured day and night in his righteous soul by the sight and hearing of their lawless deeds, \'97

riversident@1John:3:22 @ and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commands and do what is pleasing in his sight.

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