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NT-GOSPEL.filter - mhcc 51:

mhcc@Matthew:24 @ ****** Matthew 24 ****** *** Outline of Matthew 24 *** Christ foretells the destruction of the temple. (_1-3.) The troubles before the destruction of Jerusalem. (_4-28.) Christ foretells other signs and miseries, to the end of the world. (_29-41.) Exhortations to watchfulness. (_42-51.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Matthew:24:42-51 @ Verse 42-51 - To watch for Christ's coming, is to maintain that temper of mind which we would be willing that our Lord should find us in. We know we have but a little time to live, we cannot know that we have a long time to live; much less do we know the time fixed for the judgment. Our Lord's coming will be happy to those that shall be found ready, but very dreadful to those that are not. If a man, professing to be the servant of Christ, be an unbeliever, covetous, ambitious, or a lover of pleasure, he will be cut off. Those who choose the world for their portion in this life, will have hell for their portion in the other life. May our Lord, when he cometh, pronounce us blessed, and present us to the Father, washed in his blood, purified by his Spirit, and fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@Matthew:27 @ ****** Matthew 27 ****** *** Outline of Matthew 27 *** Christ delivered to Pilate, The despair of Judas. (_1-10.) Christ before Pilate. (_11-25.) Barabbas loosed, Christ mocked. (_26-30.) Christ led to be crucified. (_31-34.) He is crucified. (_35-44.) The death of Christ. (_45-50.) Events at the crucifixion. (_51-56.) The burial of Christ. (_57-61.) The sepulchre secured. (_62-66.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Matthew:27:51-56 @ Verse 51-56 - The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-seat now, and to the throne of glory hereafter. When we duly consider Christ's death, our hard and rocky hearts should be rent; the heart, and not the garments. That heart is harder than a rock that will not yield, that will not melt, where Jesus Christ is plainly set forth crucified. The graves were opened, and many bodies of saints which slept, arose. To whom they appeared, in what manner, and how they disappeared, we are not told; and we must not desire to be wise above what is written. The dreadful appearances of God in his providence, sometimes work strangely for the conviction and awakening of sinners. This was expressed in the terror that fell upon the centurion and the Roman soldiers. We may reflect with comfort on the abundant testimonies given to the character of Jesus; and, seeking to give no just cause of offence, we may leave it to the Lord to clear our characters, if we live to Him. Let us, with an eye of faith, behold Christ and him crucified, and be affected with that great love wherewith he loved us. But his friends could give no more than a look; they beheld him, but could not help him. Never were the horrid nature and effects of sin so tremendously displayed, as on that day when the beloved Son of the Father hung upon the cross, suffering for sin, the Just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Let us yield ourselves willingly to his service.

mhcc@Luke:9 @ ****** Luke 9 ****** *** Outline of Luke 9 *** The apostles sent forth. (_1-9.) The multitude miraculously fed. (_10-17.) Peter's testimony to Christ, Self-denial enjoined. (_18-27.) The transfiguration. (_28-36.) An evil spirit cast out. (_37-42.) Christ checks the ambition of his disciples. (_43-50.) He reproves their mistaken zeal. (_51-56.) Every thing to be given up for Christ. (_57-62.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@Luke:9:51-56 @ Verse 51-56 - The disciples did not consider that the conduct of the Samaritans was rather the effect of national prejudices and bigotry, than of enmity to the word and worship of God; and through they refused to receive Christ and his disciples, they did not ill use or injure them, so that the case was widely different from that of Ahaziah and Elijah. Nor were they aware that the gospel dispensation was to be marked by miracles of mercy. But above all, they were ignorant of the prevailing motives of their own hearts, which were pride and carnal ambition. Of this our Lord warned them. It is easy for us to say, Come, see our zeal for the Lord! and to think we are very faithful in his cause, when we are seeking our own objects, and even doing harm instead of good to others.

mhcc@John:1 @ ****** John 1 ****** *** General Notes on the Book of John *** The apostle and evangelist, John, seems to have been the youngest of the twelve. He was especially favoured with our Lord's regard and confidence, so as to be spoken of as the disciple whom Jesus loved. He was very sincerely attached to his Master. He exercised his ministry at Jerusalem with much success, and outlived the destruction of that city, agreeably to Christ's prediction, ch. strkjv@21:22. History relates that after the death of Christ's mother, John resided chiefly at Ephesus. Towards the close of Domitian's reign he was banished to the isle of Patmos, where he wrote his Revelation. On the accession of Nerva, he was set at liberty, and returned to Ephesus, where it is thought he wrote his Gospel and Epistles, about A. D. 97, and died soon after. The design of this Gospel appears to be to convey to the Christian world, just notions of the real nature, office, and character of that Divine Teacher, who came to instruct and to redeem mankind. For this purpose, John was directed to select for his narrative, those passages of our Saviour's life, which most clearly displayed his Divine power and authority; and those of his discourses, in which he spake most plainly of his own nature, and of the power of his death, as an atonement for the sins of the world. By omitting, or only briefly mentioning, the events recorded by the other evangelists, John gave testimony that their narratives are true, and left room for the doctrinal statements already mentioned, and for particulars omitted in the other Gospels, many of which are exceedingly important. *** Outline of John 1 *** The Divinity of Christ. (_1-5.) His Divine and human nature. (_6-14.) John the Baptist's testimony to Christ. (_15-18.) John's public testimony concerning Christ. (_19-28.) Other testimonies of John concerning Christ. (_29-36.) Andrew and another disciple follow Jesus. (_37-42.) Philip and Nathanael called. (_43-51.) *** Commentary ***

mhcc@John:1:43-51 @ Verse 43-51 - See the nature of true Christianity, it is following Jesus; devoting ourselves to him, and treading in his steps. Observe the objection Nathanael made. All who desire to profit by the word of God, must beware of prejudices against places, or denominations of men. They should examine for themselves, and they will sometimes find good where they looked for none. Many people are kept from the ways of religion by the unreasonable prejudices they conceive. The best way to remove false notions of religion, is to make trial of it. In Nathanael there was no guile. His profession was not hypocritical. He was not a dissembler, nor dishonest; he was a sound character, a really upright, godly man. Christ knows what men are indeed. Does He know us? Let us desire to know him. Let us seek and pray to be Israelites indeed, in whom is no guile; truly Christians, approved of Christ himself. Some things weak, imperfect, and sinful, are found in all, but hypocrisy belongs not to a believer's character. Jesus witnessed what passed when Nathanael was under the fig-tree. Probably he was then in fervent prayer, seeking direction as to the Hope and Consolation of Israel, where no human eye observed him. This showed him that our Lord knew the secrets of his heart. Through Christ we commune with, and benefit by the holy angels; and things in heaven and things on earth are reconciled and united together. **** Matthew Henry's Commentary ****

mhcc@John:6:47-51 @ Verse 47-51 - The advantage of the manna was small, it only referred to this life; but the living Bread is so excellent, that the man who feedeth on it shall never die. This bread is Christ's human nature, which he took to present to the Father, as a sacrifice for the sins of the world; to purchase all things pertaining to life and godliness, for sinners of every nation, who repent and believe in him.

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