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NT-GOSPEL.filter - wmth Abraham:

wmth@Matthew:1:1 @ The Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

wmth@Matthew:1:2 @ Abraham was the father of Isaac; Isaac of Jacob; Jacob of Judah and his brothers.

wmth@Matthew:1:17 @ There are therefore, in all, fourteen generations from Abraham to David; fourteen from David to the Removal to Babylon; and fourteen from the Removal to Babylon to the Christ.

wmth@Matthew:3:9 @ and do not imagine that you can say to yourselves, `We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

wmth@Matthew:8:11 @ And I tell you that many will come from the east and from the west and will recline at table with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of the Heavens,

wmth@Luke:1:55 @ In fulfillment of His promises to our forefathers–For Abraham and his posterity for ever.«

wmth@Luke:1:73 @ The oath which He swore to Abraham our forefather,

wmth@Luke:3:8 @ Live lives which shall prove your change of heart; and do not begin to say to yourselves, `We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

wmth@Luke:3:34 @ son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, son of Terah, son of Nahor,

wmth@Luke:13:16 @ And this woman, daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan had bound for no less than eighteen years, was she not to be loosed from this chain because it is the Sabbath day?«

wmth@Luke:13:28 @ »There will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God, and yourselves being driven far away.

wmth@Luke:16:22 @ »But in course of time the beggar died; and he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and had a funeral.«

wmth@Luke:16:23 @ And in Hades, being in torment, he looked and saw Abraham in the far distance, and Lazarus resting in his arms.

wmth@Luke:16:24 @ So he cried aloud, and said, »`Father Abraham, take pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.'

wmth@Luke:16:25 @ »`Remember, my child,' said Abraham, `that you had all your good things during your lifetime, and that Lazarus in like manner had his bad things. But, now and here, he is receiving consolation and you are in agony.«

wmth@Luke:16:29 @ »`They have Moses and the Prophets,' replied Abraham; `let them hear them.'«

wmth@Luke:16:30 @ »`No, father Abraham,' he pleaded; `but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.'«

wmth@Luke:16:31 @ »`If they are deaf to Moses and the Prophets,' replied Abraham, `they would not be led to believe even if some one should rise from the dead.'«

wmth@Luke:19:9 @ Turning towards him, Jesus replied, »To-day salvation has come to this house, seeing that he too is a son of Abraham.

wmth@John:8:33 @ »We are descendants of Abraham,« they answered, »and have never at any time been in slavery to any one. What do those words of yours mean, `You shall become free'?«

wmth@John:8:37 @ You are descendants of Abraham, I know; but you want to kill me, because my teaching gains no ground within you.

wmth@John:8:39 @ »Our father is Abraham,« they said. »If you were Abraham's children,« replied Jesus, »it is Abraham's deeds that you would be doing.

wmth@John:8:40 @ But, in fact, you are longing to kill me, a man who has spoken to you the truth which I have heard from God. Abraham did not do that.

wmth@John:8:52 @ »Now,« exclaimed the Jews, »we know that you are possessed by a demon. Abraham died, and so did the Prophets, and yet say, `If any one shall have obeyed my teaching, he shall in no case ever taste death.'

wmth@John:8:53 @ Are you really greater than our forefather Abraham? For he died. And the prophets died. Who do you make yourself out to be?«

wmth@John:8:56 @ Abraham your forefather exulted in the hope of seeing my day: and he saw it, and was glad.«

wmth@John:8:57 @ »You are not yet fifty years old,« cried the Jews, »and have you seen Abraham

wmth@John:8:58 @ »In most solemn truth,« answered Jesus, »I tell you that before Abraham came into existence, I am.«

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