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diaglotnt@Matthew:4:6 @ and saying to him: if a son thou be of the God, cast thyself down; it is written for: That to the messengers of him he will give charge of thee; and on hands they shall raise thee, lest thou strikes against a stone the foot of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:4:9 @ and says to him: These all to thee I will give, if falling down thou wilt do homage to me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:15 @ nor they light a lamp, and place him under the measure, but on the lamp–stand; and it gives light to all those in the house.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:31 @ It was said and: that whoever shall release the wife of him, let him give her a bill of divorce.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:40 @ and to the purposing thee to sue at law, and the tunic of thee to take, give up to him also the mantle;

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:42 @ To the asking thee do thou give; and the wishing from thee to borrow money, not do thou repulse.

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:4 @ that maybe of thee the alms giving in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, himself will give back to thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:6 @ Thou but, when thou prayest, enter into the retired place of thee, and locking the door of thee, pray thou to the Father of thee, to the in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret place, will give to thee in the clear–light.

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:11 @ the bread of us the sufficient give thou to us to–day;

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:14 @ If for you forgive to the men the faults of them, will forgive also you the Father of you the heavenly;

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:15 @ if but not forgive to the men the faults of them, neither the Father of you will forgive the faults of you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:18 @ so that not thou mayest seem to the men fasting, but to the Father of thee, that in the secret; and the Father of thee, who seeing in the secret, will give to thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:6 @ Not you may give the holy to the dogs, neither cast the pearls of you before the swine; lest they should trample them under the feet of them, and turning they should rend you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:7 @ Ask, and it shall be given to you; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what is there of you a man, who if ask the son of him bread, not a stone will give to him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:10 @ or if a fish he asks, not a serpent will give to him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:11 @ If then you, bad ones being, know gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father of you, that in the heavens, give good to those asking him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:2 @ And lo, they brought to him, a paralytic, upon a bed lying. And seeing the Jesus the faith of them, he said to the paralytic: Take courage, son; are forgiven thee the sins of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:5 @ Which for is easier? to say: Are forgiven of thee the sins? or to say: Arise and walk?

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:6 @ That but you may know that authority has the son of the man on the earth to forgive sins; (then he says to the paralytic:) Arising take up of thee the bed, and go into the house of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:8 @ Seeing and the crowds wondered, and glorified the God, that having given authority so great to the men.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:8 @ Those being sick heal, dead ones raise up, lepers cleanse, demons cast out; freely you have received, freely give.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:19 @ When but they shall deliver up you, not you may be anxious, how or what you must speak; it shall be given for to you in that the hour, what you shall speak.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:21 @ Will give up and a brother a brother to death them; and you will be being hated by rise up children against parents, and deliver to death them;

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:42 @ And who ever may give to one of the little–ones these a cup of cold only, in a name of a disciple, indeed I say to you, not not may lose the reward of himself.

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:27 @ All to me are given by the Father of me; and no one knows the son, if not the Father; neither the Father any one knows, if not the son, and to whom may be willing the son to reveal.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:31 @ Therefore this I say to you: All sin and evil–speaking shall be forgiven to the men; the but of the spirit evil–speaking not shall be forgiven to the men;

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:32 @ and who ever may speak a word against of the son of the man, it shall be forgiven to him; who but ever may speak against of the spirit of the holy, not it shall be forgiven to him, neither in this the age, nor in the coming.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:36 @ I say but to you, that every word idle, which if may speak the men, they shall give account, concerning this word in a day of trial.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:39 @ He but answering said to them: A generation evil and adulterous a sign demands; and a sign not shall be given to her, if not a sign of Jonas the prophet.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:41 @ Men Ninevites shall stand up in the judgment against the generation of this, and shall give judgment against her; for they reformed at the preaching of Jonas; and lo, a greater of Jonas here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:42 @ Queen of south shall rise up in the judgment against the generation of this, and shall give judgment against her; for she came from the ends of the earth to her the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:11 @ He and answering said to the: Because to you it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of the heavens; to them but not it is given.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:12 @ Whoever for has, it shall be given to him, and he will be gifted with abundance; Whoever but not has, even what he has, shall be taken from him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:7 @ whereupon with an oath he promised to her to give, what soever she might ask.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:8 @ She and, being incited by the mother of her, Give to me, she said, here upon a plate the head of John the dipper.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:9 @ And was sorry the king; because of but the oaths and those reclining at table, he commanded it to be given.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:11 @ And was brought the head of him on a plate, and it was given to the little girl; and she brought it to the mother of her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:16 @ The but Jesus said to them: No need they have to go away; give to them you to eat.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:25 @ She then coming prostrated to him, saying: O lord, give aid to me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:4 @ A generation evil and adulterous a sign seeks; and a sign not shall be given to her, except the sign of Jonas the prophet. And leaving them, he went away.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:19 @ And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens; and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth, shall be bound in the heavens; and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the heavens.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:26 @ What for is profited a man if the world whole he may win, the and life of him he may forfeit? or what shall give a man in exchange for the life of him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:27 @ That but not we may offend them, going to the sea, cast thou a hook, and the ascending first fish take up; and opening the mouth of him, thou wilt find a stater; that taking, give to them for me and thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:21 @ Then coming to him the Peter, said: O lord, how often shall sin against me the brother of me, and I shall forgive him? till seven times?

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:35 @ So also the Father of me the heavenly will do to you if not you forgive each one the brother of him from the hearts of you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:19:7 @ They say to him: Why then Moses did enjoin to give a scroll of separation, and to release her?

diaglotnt@Matthew:19:11 @ He but said to them: Not all admit the word this, but to whom it has been given.

diaglotnt@Matthew:19:21 @ Said to him the Jesus: If thou wishest perfect to be, go, sell of thee the possessions, and give to poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:4 @ and to them he said: Go and you into the vineyard; and whatever may be just, I will give you. They and went away.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:8 @ Evening and having come on, says the lord of the vineyard to the steward of him: Call the laborers, and give to them the hire, beginning from the last, till the first.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:14 @ Take thee thine and go, I wish and to this the last to give as also of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:23 @ And he says to them: The indeed cup of me you shall drink; the but to sit at right of me and at left of me, not is mine to give, but to whom it has been prepared by the Father of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:28 @ even as the son of the man not came to be served but to serve, and to give the life of him a ransom for many.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:43 @ On account of this I say to you, that shall be taken from you the kingdom of the God, and shall be given to a nation making the fruits of her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:17 @ Say therefore to us, what to thee seems right? is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:21 @ They say to him: Of Caesar. Then he says to them: Give you back then the (things) of Caesar to Caesar; and the (things) of the God to the God.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:30 @ In for the resurrection neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but as messengers of the God in heaven are.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:24 @ Shall be raised for false anointed ones and false prophets, and shall give signs great and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible even the chosen.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:29 @ Immediately but after the affliction of the days those, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon not shall give the light of her, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is the faithful slave and prudent, whom placed the lord of him over the domestics of him, of the to give to them the food in season?

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:8 @ The but foolish to the prudent said: Give to us out of the oil of you, because the lamps of us are extinguished.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:28 @ Take you therefore from him the talent, and give to him having the ten talents.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:29 @ To the for having all shall be given, and he shall abound; from but the not having, even what he has, shall be taken away from him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:9 @ She was able for this to have sold of much, and to have given to poor.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:15 @ said: What are you willing to me to give, and I to you will deliver up him? They and paid to him thirty pieces of silver.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:26 @ Eating and of them, having taken the Jesus the loaf and having blessed, broke, and did give to the disciples, and said: Take you, eat you; This is the body of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:27 @ And having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave to them, saying: Drink you out of it all;

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:28 @ this for is the blood of me, that of the new covenant, that about many being shed for forgiveness of sins.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:42 @ Others he saved, himself not is able to save; if a king of Israel he is, let him come down now from the cross, and we will give credit to him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:58 @ He coming to the Pilate requested the body of the Jesus. Then the Pilate ordered to be given the body.

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:18 @ And approaching the Jesus, spoke to them, saying: Has been given to me all authority in heaven and on earth.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:4 @ Was John dipping in the desert, and publishing a dipping of reformation into forgiveness of sins.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:5 @ Seeing and the Jesus the faith of them, says to the paralytic: Son, are forgiven of thee the sins.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:7 @ Why this thus speaks blasphemy? Who is able to forgive sins, if not one the God?

diaglotnt@Mark:2:9 @ Which is easier? to say to the paralytic: Are forgiven of thee the sins? or to say: Arise, take up of thee the bed, and walk?

diaglotnt@Mark:2:10 @ That but you may know, that authority has the son of the man on the earth to forgive sins; (he says to the paralytic:)

diaglotnt@Mark:3:28 @ Indeed I say to you, that all will be forgiven to the sons of the men the sins, and the evil speakings, whatever they may revile;

diaglotnt@Mark:3:29 @ who but ever may speak evil to the spirit the holy, not has forgiveness to the age, but liable is of age–lasting judgment.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:11 @ And he said to them: To you it is given to know the secret of the kingdom of the God; to them but to those without in parables the all (things) are done;

diaglotnt@Mark:4:12 @ that seeing they may see, and not they may see; and hearing they may hear, and not they may hear; lest they should turn, and should be forgiven to them the sins.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:25 @ Who for ever may have, it shall be given to him; and who not has, even what he has will be taken from him.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:43 @ And he charged them much, that no one might know this; and spake to have given to her to eat.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:2 @ And being come sabbath, be began in the synagogue to teach. And many hearing were astonished, saying: Whence to this these things? and what the wisdom that being given to him? and miracles so great through the hands of him are done.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:22 @ and having entered of the daughter of her of the Herodias, and dancing, and having pleased the Herod and those reclining at table, said the king to the little girl: Ask me, whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:23 @ And he swore to her: That whatever me thou mayst ask, I will give to thee, till half of the kingdom of me.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:25 @ And coming in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying: I will that to me thou wouldst give instantly on a plate the head of John the dipper.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:37 @ He but answering said to them: Give to them you to eat. And they say to him: Going may we buy denarii two hundred loaves, and give to them to eat?

diaglotnt@Mark:8:12 @ And groaning deeply to the spirit; of himself, he says: Why the generation this a sign seeks? Indeed I say to you, if shall be given to the generation this a sign.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:37 @ or what shall give a man in exchange for the life of himself?)

diaglotnt@Mark:9:22 @ and often him both into fire has cast and into waters, that it might destroy him; but if any thing thou canst do, give aid to us, having pity on us.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:41 @ Who for ever may give drink to you a cup of water, in name, because of Anointed you are, indeed I say to you, not not he may lose the reward of himself.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:21 @ He but Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: One to thee lacks; go, whatever thou hast sell, and give to the poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me, take up the cross.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:37 @ They and said to him: Give to us, that one at right of thee, and one at left of thee we may sit in the glory of thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:40 @ the but to sit at right of me and at left, not is mine to give, but to whom it has been prepared.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:45 @ And for the son of the man not came to be served, but to serve, and to give the life of himself a ransom for many.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:25 @ And when you stand praying, forgive, if any thing you have against any one; that also the Father of you, that in the heavens, may forgive you the faults of you.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:26 @ If but you not forgive, neither the Father of you, that in the heavens, will forgive the faults of you.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:9 @ What therefore will do the lord of the vineyard? He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard to others.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:14 @ They having come they say to him: O teacher, we know, that true thou art, and not cares thee about no one; not for thou lookest into face of men, but in truth the way of the God thou teachest; is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give, or not? should we give, or not should we give?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:17 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Give you back the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of the God, to the God. And they wondered at him.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:25 @ When for out of dead (ones) they may rise, neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as messengers in the heavens.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:11 @ When but they may lead you deliver up, not be anxious beforehand what you should speak, nor be concerned; but whatever may be given to you in that the hour, this speak you; not for are you the speaking, but the spirit the holy.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:22 @ Shall be raised for false anointed ones and false prophets, and shall give signs and wonders, to the to deceive, if possible, even the chosen.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:24 @ But in those the days, after the affliction that, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon not shall give the light of herself;

diaglotnt@Mark:13:34 @ As a man going abroad leaving the house of himself, and having given to the slaves of himself the authority, and to each one the work of himself and to the porter he commanded that he should watch.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:5 @ Could for this of the balsam to be sold more three hundred denarii, and to be given to the poor. And they censured her.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:11 @ They and hearing were glad; and promised him silver to give. And he sought, how conveniently him he might deliver up.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:23 @ And taking the cup, having given thanks he gave to them; and they drank out of it all.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:44 @ Had given and he delivering up him a signal to them, saying: Whoever I may kiss, he it is; seize him and lead away safely.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:13 @ And those having gone brought back word to the rest; neither to them did they give credit.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:32 @ This shall be great, and a son of highest he shall be called; and shall give to him a Lord the God the throne of David the father of him;

diaglotnt@Luke:1:73 @ an oath, which he swore to Abraham the father of us, of the to give to us,

diaglotnt@Luke:1:77 @ of the to give knowledge of salvation to the people of him, in forgiveness of sins of them,

diaglotnt@Luke:3:3 @ And he went into all the country about the Jordan, preaching a dipping of reformation into a forgiveness of sins;

diaglotnt@Luke:4:6 @ And said to him the accuser: To thee I will give the authority this all, and the glory of them; that to me it has been prepared, and to whoever I will, I give her;

diaglotnt@Luke:4:10 @ It is written for: That to the messengers of himself he will give charge concerning thee, of the to guard thee;

diaglotnt@Luke:4:20 @ And having rolled up the roll, having given back to the attendant, he sat down; and of all in the synagogue the eyes were looking steadily to him.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:20 @ And seeing the faith of them, he said: O man, have been forgiven to thee the sins of thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:21 @ And began to reason the scribes and the Pharisees, saying: Who is this who speaks blasphemies? who is able to forgive sins, if not alone the God?

diaglotnt@Luke:5:23 @ Which is easier to say: Have been forgiven to thee the sins of thee? or to to say: Arise and walk?

diaglotnt@Luke:5:24 @ That but you may know, that authority has the son of the man on the earth to forgive sins, (he said to the having been palsied:) To thee I say: Arise, and having taken up the little bed of thee, go into the house of thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:30 @ To all and those asking thee give thou; and from the taking what is thine, not demand back.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:38 @ Give you, and it shall be given to you; measure good having been pressed down and having been shaken and running over shall be given into the bosom of you; by the for same measure, with which you measure, it shall be measured again to you.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:42 @ Not having and of them to pay, both he forgive. Which then of them, say more him will love?

diaglotnt@Luke:7:47 @ Therefore, I say to thee, have been forgiven the sins of her the many, for that she loved much; to whom but little is forgiven, little he loves.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:48 @ He said and to her: Have been forgiven to thee the sins.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:49 @ And began those reclining with to say in themselves: Who this is, who even sins forgives?

diaglotnt@Luke:8:10 @ He and said: To you it is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of the God; to the but others in parables; that seeing not they may see, and hearing not they may understand.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:18 @ Take heed then, how you hear; who for ever may have, it will be given to him; and whoever not may have, even what he seems to have, will be taken from him.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:25 @ He said and to them: Where is the faith of you? Fearing and they wondered, saying to one another: Who then this is, that even to the winds he gives a charge and to the water, and they hearken to him?

diaglotnt@Luke:8:55 @ And returned the breath of her, and she stood up immediately. And he commanded to her to be given to eat.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:13 @ He said but to them: Give to them you to eat. They and said: Not are to us more then five loaves, and fishes two, if not going we may buy for all the people this food.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:19 @ Lo, I give to you the authority of the to tread on serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy; and nothing you not not may hurt.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:22 @ All to me are given by the Father of me; and no one knows, who is the son if not the Father; and who is the Father, if not the son, and to whom may be willing the son to reveal.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:40 @ The but Martha was–over–busied about much serving; having come near and said: O lord, not concerns thee, that the sister of me alone me has left to serve? say then to her, that to me she may give aid.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:3 @ the bread of us the necessary give thou to us the every day;

diaglotnt@Luke:11:4 @ And for give to us the sins of us, even for ourselves forgive all owing us; and not thou mayest lead us into temptation.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:7 @ And he from within answering should say: Not to me trouble do thou cause; already the door has been shut, and the children of me with me in the bed are; not I am able having arisen to give to thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:8 @ I say to you, if and not will give to him having arisen, because the to be of him a friend, through indeed the importunity of him arising he will give to him as many as he wants.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:9 @ And I to you say: Ask you, and it shall be given to you; seek you, and you shall find; knock you, and it shall be opened to you.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:11 @ Which now of you the father shall ask the son bread, not a stone will give to him? or also a fish, not in place of a fish a serpent will give to him?

diaglotnt@Luke:11:12 @ or also if he may ask an egg, not will give to him a scorpion?

diaglotnt@Luke:11:13 @ If then you, evil being, know you gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father that of heaven, will give a spirit holy to those asking him?

diaglotnt@Luke:11:29 @ The and crowds gathering together, he began to say: The generation this evil is; a sign it seeks; and a sign not shall be given to her, except the sign of Jonas.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:41 @ But the things being within give you alms; and lo, all things clean to you is.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:10 @ And all who shall speak a word against the son of the man, it will be forgiven to him; to the but against the holy spirit having spoken evil not will be forgiven.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:32 @ Not fear, the little flock; for it has pleased the Father of you to give to you the kingdom.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:33 @ Sell you the possessions of you, and give you alms. Make for yourselves bags not growing old, a treasure exhaustless in the heavens, where a thief not approaches, nor moth destroys.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:42 @ Said and the Lord: Who then is the faithful steward, the wise, whom will appoint the lord over the domestics of himself the to give in season the measure of food?

diaglotnt@Luke:12:48 @ he but not having known, having done and deserving of stripes shall be beaten few. To all and to whom is given much, much will be required from him; and to whom they have entrusted much, more they will ask him.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:51 @ Do you think, that peace I came to give in the earth? No, I say to you, but rather division.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:58 @ When for thou goest with the opponent of thee to a ruler, in the way give thou labor to be set free from him; lest he may drag thee to the judge, and the judge thee may deliver to the officer, and the officer thee may cast into prison.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:9 @ and coming he thee and him having invited, shall say to thee: Give thou to this a place; and then thou shouldst begin with shame the farthest place to occupy.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:12 @ And said to younger of them to the father: O father, give to me the falling to part of the property. And he divided to them the living.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:22 @ Said but the father to the slaves of himself: Bring you out the robe the chief, and clothe you him, and give you a finger–ring into the hand of him, and shoes for the feet.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:12 @ and if in the another faithful not you have been, the yours who to you will give?

diaglotnt@Luke:17:3 @ Take heed to yourselves. If and should sin against thee the brother of thee, rebuke him; and if he should reform, forgive him.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:4 @ And if seven times of the day he should sin against thee, and seven times of the day he should turn, saying: I reform; thou shalt forgive him.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:18 @ Not they found having returned to give glory to the God, except the foreigner this?

diaglotnt@Luke:17:27 @ They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till of which day entered Noah into the ark; and came the flood, and destroyed all.

diaglotnt@Luke:18:11 @ The Pharisee, standing by himself, these he prayed: The God, I give thanks to thee, that not I am like the others of the men, plunders, unjust ones, adulterers, or even like this the tax–gatherer.

diaglotnt@Luke:18:22 @ Having heard and these the Jesus, said to him: Yet one to thee is wanting; all what thou hast sell, and give thou to poor ones, and thou shalt have a treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:8 @ Standing up but Zaccheus said to the Lord: Lo, the half of the possessions of me, O lord, I give to the poor; and if of any one any thing I extorted I give back fourfold.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:24 @ And to those having stood by he said: Take you from him the mina, and give you to the the ten minas having.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:26 @ I say for to you that to every one the having will be given; from but of the not having, even what he has, will be taken from him.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:2 @ and said to him, saying: Say to us, by what authority these things doest you? or who is he having given to thee the authority this?

diaglotnt@Luke:20:10 @ And in season he sent to the husbandmen a slave, that from of the fruit of the vineyard they might give to him; the but husbandmen, having beaten him, sent away empty.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:16 @ He will come and will destroy these husbandmen those, and give the vineyard to others. Having heard and they said: Not let it be.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:22 @ Is it lawful for us to Caesar tax to give, or not?

diaglotnt@Luke:20:25 @ He and said to them: Give you back then the things of Caesar, to Caesar; and the things of the God, to the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:34 @ And answering he said to them the Jesus: The sons of the age this marry and are given marriage;

diaglotnt@Luke:20:35 @ those but having been accounted worthy of the age that to obtain, and of the resurrection that out of dead ones, neither marry, nor are given in marriage;

diaglotnt@Luke:21:15 @ I for will give to you a mouth and wisdom, which not will be able to gainsay or resist all the opponents to you.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:5 @ And they were glad; and agreed to him silver to give.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:17 @ And having taken a cup, having given thanks he said: Take you this, and divide you among yourselves.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:19 @ And having taken a loaf, having given thanks he broke, and gave to them, saying: This is the body of me, that in behalf of you being given; this do you in the my remembrance.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:2 @ They began and to accuse him, saying: This we found misleading the nation, and forbidding to Caesar tax to give, saying himself an Anointed king to be.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:34 @ The and Jesus said: O Father, forgive them; not for they know what they do. Having divided and the garments of him, they cast a lot.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:47 @ and to be proclaimed in the name of him reformation and forgiveness of sins to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@John:1:17 @ For the law through Moses was given; the favor and the truth through Jesus Anointed came.

diaglotnt@John:1:22 @ They said then to him: Who art thou? that an answer we may give to those having sent us; what sayest thou about thyself?

diaglotnt@John:3:27 @ Answered John and said: Not is able a man to receive nothing, except it may be having been given to him from the heaven.

diaglotnt@John:3:34 @ Whom for has sent the God, the words of the God speaks; not for by measure gives the God the spirit.

diaglotnt@John:3:35 @ The Father loves the son, and all has been given in the hand of him.

diaglotnt@John:4:7 @ Comes a woman of the Samaria, to draw water. Say to her the Jesus: Give to me a drink.

diaglotnt@John:4:10 @ Answered Jesus and said to her: If thou hast known the gift of the God, and who is be saying to thee: Give to me to drink; thou wouldst ask him, and he would give thee water living.

diaglotnt@John:4:14 @ who but ever may drink of the water, of which I shall give to him, not not may thirst to the age; but the water, which I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing into life age–lasting.

diaglotnt@John:4:15 @ Says to him the woman: O lord, give to me this the water, that not I may thirst, nor may come in this place to draw.

diaglotnt@John:5:22 @ Not even for the Father judges any one; but the judgment all has given to the son;

diaglotnt@John:6:23 @ (other but came boats from Tiberias near the place, where they ate the bread, having given thanks the Lord;)

diaglotnt@John:6:27 @ Work you not the food that perishing, but the food that abiding into life age–lasting, which the son of the man to you will give; him for the Father sealed the God.

diaglotnt@John:6:32 @ Said therefore to them the Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to you, not Moses has given to you the bread from the heaven; but the Father of me gives to you the bread from the heaven the true.

diaglotnt@John:6:34 @ They said then to him: O sir, always give to us the bread this.

diaglotnt@John:6:37 @ All what gives to me the Father, to me will come; and the coming to me, not not I will cast out;

diaglotnt@John:6:39 @ This and is the will of the having sent me, that every which he has given to me, not I may lose out of it, but raise up it in the last day.

diaglotnt@John:6:51 @ I am the bread that living, that from the heaven having come down; if any one may eat of this the bread, he shall live into the age. And the bread also, which I will give, the flesh of me is, which I will give in behalf of the world life.

diaglotnt@John:6:52 @ Were contending therefore with one another the Jews, saying: How is able this to us to give the flesh to eat?

diaglotnt@John:6:65 @ And he said: Through this I have said to you that no one is able to come to me, if not may be having been given to him from the Father of me.

diaglotnt@John:7:19 @ Not Moses has given to you the law? and no one of you does the law; why me do you seek to kill?

diaglotnt@John:7:22 @ Moses has given to you the circumcision; (not that of the Moses it is, but of the fathers,) and in a sabbath you circumcise a man.

diaglotnt@John:9:24 @ They called therefore a second time the man, who was blind, and said to him: Give glory to the God; we know, that the man this a sinner is.

diaglotnt@John:10:28 @ and I life age–lasting give to them, and not not they will perish into the age, and not will wrest any one them out of the hand of me.

diaglotnt@John:10:29 @ The father of me, who has given to me, greater of all is; and no one is able to wrest out of the hand of the Father of me;

diaglotnt@John:11:22 @ but and now I know, that whatever things thou mayest ask the God, will give to thee the God.

diaglotnt@John:11:41 @ They took away then the stone. The but Jesus lifted up the eyes above, and said: O Father, I give thanks to thee, that thou didst hear me.

diaglotnt@John:11:57 @ Had given now both the high–priests and the Pharisees a commandment, that if any one should know where he is, he should show, how they might seize him.

diaglotnt@John:12:5 @ Why this the balsam not sold three hundred denarii, and given to poor ones?

diaglotnt@John:13:3 @ knowing the Jesus, that all things had given him the Father into the hands, and that from God he came out and to the God he goes;

diaglotnt@John:13:26 @ Answers the Jesus: He it is, to whom I have dipped the little piece shall give. And having dipped the little piece, he gives to Judas of Simon Iscariot.

diaglotnt@John:13:29 @ Some for thought, seeing that the box had the Judas, that says to him the Jesus: Buy what things need we have for the feast; or to the poor that something he should give.

diaglotnt@John:13:34 @ A commandment new I give to you, that you may love each other; as I loved you, that also you might love each other.

diaglotnt@John:14:16 @ and I will ask the Father, and another helper he will give to you, that he may abide with you into the age;

diaglotnt@John:14:27 @ Peace I leave to you, peace the mine I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Not let be troubled of you the heart nor let it be afraid.

diaglotnt@John:15:16 @ Not you me did choose, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you might go and fruit might bear, and the fruit of you might abide; so that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he may give to you.

diaglotnt@John:16:23 @ and in that the day me not you will ask nothing; Indeed indeed I say to you, that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he will give to you.

diaglotnt@John:17:2 @ as thou gavest to him authority over all flesh, so that all which thou hast given to him, he may give to them life age–lasting.

diaglotnt@John:17:4 @ I thee glorified on the earth; the work I finished, which thou hast given me, that I might do.

diaglotnt@John:17:6 @ I manifested of thee the name to the men, whom thou hast given to me out of the world; thine they were, and to me them thou hast given; and the word of thee they have kept.

diaglotnt@John:17:7 @ Now they know, that all things whatever thou hast given me, from thee is;

diaglotnt@John:17:8 @ because the words which thou hast given me, I have given to them; and they received, and knew truly, that thou thee I came out, and believed, that thou me didst send.

diaglotnt@John:17:9 @ I concerning them ask; not concerning the world I ask, but concerning whom thou hast given me, because thine they are;

diaglotnt@John:17:11 @ And no more I am in the world, and these in the world are, and I to thee am coming. O Father holy, keep them in the name of thee, by which thou hast given to me; that they may be one, as we.

diaglotnt@John:17:12 @ When I was with them in the world, I kept them in the name of thee; whom thou hast given to me I guarded, and no one of them was destroyed, if not the son of the destruction, that the writings may be fulfilled.

diaglotnt@John:17:14 @ I have given to them the word of thee; and the world hated them, because not they are of the world, as I not am of the world.

diaglotnt@John:17:22 @ And I the glory which thou hast given to me, have given to them; that they may be one, as we one are;

diaglotnt@John:17:24 @ O Father, whom thou given to me, I wish, that where am I, also they may be with me; that they may behold the glory the mine, which thou didst give to me, because thou didst love me before a laying down of a world.

diaglotnt@John:18:9 @ So that might be fulfilled the word, which he said: That whom thou hast given to me, not I lost of them no one.

diaglotnt@John:18:11 @ Said therefore the Jesus to the Peter: Put up the sword into the sheath; the cup which has given to me the Father, not not should I drink it?

diaglotnt@John:19:11 @ Answered Jesus: Not thou couldst have authority not any against me, if not it was to thee having been given from above; on account of this he delivering up me to thee, greater sin has.

diaglotnt@John:20:23 @ If of whom you may forgive the sins, they are forgiven them; if of whom you may retain, they have been retained.

diaglotnt@John:21:13 @ Comes the Jesus, and takes the bread, and gives to them, and the fish in like manner.

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