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NT-GOSPEL.filter - bwe God:

bwe@Matthew:1:23 @ The prophet said, A young woman who has not slept with a man is going to have a baby son. His name will be Emmanuel. That means "God is with us."

bwe@Matthew:2:5 @ They told him, In Bethlehem in Judea. That is what the prophet, the man of God long ago, wrote:

bwe@Matthew:2:23 @ He went and made his home in the town of Nazareth. The prophets of God long ago had said, He shall be called a man from Nazareth. What they said came true.

bwe@Matthew:3:1 @ After some years had passed, John the Baptizer came and told Gods word in the desert of Judea.

bwe@Matthew:3:2 @ He said, Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.

bwe@Matthew:3:3 @ This is the man that Isaiah the prophet of God spoke about long ago. He said, A man is calling in the wilderness, "Make the way ready for the Lord. Make the road straight for him."

bwe@Matthew:3:7 @ Many of the Pharisee group and the Sadducee group came to him to be baptised. But when he saw them, he said to them, You family of snakes! Who told you to run away from Gods anger that is coming?

bwe@Matthew:3:8 @ Stop your wrong ways to show that you have turned back to God.

bwe@Matthew:3:9 @ Do not think you can say to your-selves, "Abraham is our father." I tell you, God can make children for Abraham from these stones.

bwe@Matthew:3:16 @ After Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water right away. The sky opened. He saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove.

bwe@Matthew:4:3 @ The one who tries to make people do wrong came and said to him, If you are Gods Son, tell these stones to be changed into bread.

bwe@Matthew:4:4 @ But Jesus answered him, The holy writings say, "Man cannot live on bread only. He needs to live by every word that God says."

bwe@Matthew:4:6 @ The devil said to him, If you are Gods Son, jump down. The holy writings say, "God will tell his angels to take care of you. They will hold you up in their hands so that you will not knock your foot on a stone."

bwe@Matthew:4:7 @ Jesus answered him, The holy writings say, "You must not test the Lord your God."

bwe@Matthew:4:10 @ But Jesus answered him, Get away, Satan. The holy writings say, "You must worship the Lord your God. and he is the only one you are to worship."

bwe@Matthew:4:17 @ From then on, Jesus began to tell Gods word to the people. He said, Stop your wrong ways and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is here!

bwe@Matthew:5:3 @ He said, God makes happy those who know that they need him. The kingdom of heaven is for them.

bwe@Matthew:5:4 @ God makes happy those who are sad. They will have comfort.

bwe@Matthew:5:5 @ God makes happy those who quietly trust him and do not try to get their own way. The world will belong to them.

bwe@Matthew:5:6 @ God makes happy those who are hungry and thirsty for what is right and good. They will be filled.

bwe@Matthew:5:7 @ God makes happy those who are kind. He will be kind to them.

bwe@Matthew:5:8 @ God makes happy those who have clean hearts. They will see God.

bwe@Matthew:5:9 @ God makes happy those who make peace between people. They will be called Gods sons.

bwe@Matthew:5:10 @ God makes happy those who have trouble for doing what is right. The kingdom of heaven is for them.

bwe@Matthew:5:11 @ God makes you happy when people say wrong things about you, when they trouble you, and when they say all kinds of lies about you. God makes you happy when it is for my sake.

bwe@Matthew:5:12 @ Be happy and glad because God will be good to you in heaven. In the same way people troubled the prophets before your time.

bwe@Matthew:5:23 @ Perhaps you are bringing your gift to God at his altar. There you remember that your brother has something against you.

bwe@Matthew:5:24 @ If so, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go to your brother and make things right with him. Then come and give your gift to God.

bwe@Matthew:5:33 @ Also you have heard this said to men long ago, "You must not make a promise in Gods name and break it." And, "You must do for the Lord what you said you would do."

bwe@Matthew:5:34 @ But I tell you, do not make a promise in Gods name. Do not use the name of heaven, because that is where God rules.

bwe@Matthew:5:35 @ Do not use the name of earth, because that is where God rests his feet. Do not use the name of Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King.

bwe@Matthew:5:44 @ But I tell you, love your enemies. Ask God to do good to those who trouble you.

bwe@Matthew:5:47 @ Do you speak to your brothers only? If so, you are not doing any better than other people. Even people who do not believe in God do that.

bwe@Matthew:6:5 @ When you talk to God, do not be like people who are not true to themselves. They like to stand and talk to God in the meeting houses and at the street corners, so that people will see them. I tell you the truth. They have their reward already.

bwe@Matthew:6:6 @ But when you talk to God, go into your room and shut the door. Then talk to your Father in secret. Your Father sees secret things and he will reward you.

bwe@Matthew:6:7 @ And when you talk to God, do not say words that mean nothing, over and over again. People who do not believe in God do that. They think their god will hear them because they say many words.

bwe@Matthew:6:9 @ So talk to your God like this: "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

bwe@Matthew:6:24 @ No man can work for two masters. He will hate one and love the other. Or he will obey one and despise the other. You cannot work for both God and money.

bwe@Matthew:6:30 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is put on the fire. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Matthew:6:32 @ It is the people who do not believe in God who work for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need them all.

bwe@Matthew:6:33 @ Work first for Gods kingdom and what he calls good. Then you will have all these things also.

bwe@Matthew:8:26 @ Jesus said to them, Why do you fear? You do not believe in God very much! Then Jesus got up. He said to the winds and the sea, Stop! Then all was quiet.

bwe@Matthew:8:29 @ They shouted, Jesus, Son of God, what do you want to do to us? Have you come here to punish us before it is our time?

bwe@Matthew:9:3 @ Some of the scribes were thinking, This man is not giving respect to God.

bwe@Matthew:9:8 @ Many people saw this and were much surprised. They praised God who had given such power to men.

bwe@Matthew:10:41 @ Anyone who takes in a prophet because he is a prophet of God will get a prophets reward.

bwe@Matthew:11:1 @ When Jesus finished telling his twelve disciples what to do, he left that place. He went to teach and tell Gods word to people in the towns around there.

bwe@Matthew:11:9 @ Why did you go out? To see a prophet of God? Yes, I tell you, and he is much more than a prophet.

bwe@Matthew:11:13 @ All the prophets and the books of the law gave Gods word until John came.

bwe@Matthew:11:20 @ Then Jesus began to talk about the towns where he had done most of his big works. He said hard things about the people, because they did not stop their wrong ways and turn back to God.

bwe@Matthew:12:4 @ He went into Gods house. Some bread was there for God. Davids men ate it. David did not have the right to eat it, nor the men who were with him. Only the priests have the right to eat it. But David took the bread and ate it. He also gave some of it to the men who were with him.

bwe@Matthew:12:17 @ So what Isaiah the prophet of God said, came true.

bwe@Matthew:12:28 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by Gods Spirit, then Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Matthew:12:39 @ But Jesus answered them, The people today are bad. They have gone away from God. They want a sign. No sign will be given them but the sign of the prophet Jonah.

bwe@Matthew:12:41 @ When people are judged, the men of the city of Nineveh will stand up and speak against the people of today. The people of Nineveh stopped their wrong ways when Jonah told them Gods word. And the one who is here is greater than Jonah.

bwe@Matthew:13:16 @ God is blessing your eyes because they see. God is blessing your ears because they hear.

bwe@Matthew:13:35 @ What the prophet of God said long ago, came true. He said, I will use stories. I will tell things that have been secret since the world was made.

bwe@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the people who are right with God will shine like the sun in their Fathers kingdom. Everyone who has ears, listen.

bwe@Matthew:14:5 @ Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people. They thought John was a prophet, a man of God.

bwe@Matthew:14:19 @ Then Jesus told the people to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish. He looked up to heaven and thanked God for them. Then he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples. The disciples gave it to the people.

bwe@Matthew:14:23 @ After he had sent them away, he went up on the hill by himself to talk with God. Evening came and he was there alone.

bwe@Matthew:14:33 @ Then the men in the boat bowed down in front of Jesus. They said, You really are the Son of God.

bwe@Matthew:15:3 @ Jesus asked them, Why do you break Gods law so that you can keep your own law?

bwe@Matthew:15:4 @ God said, "Respect your father and your mother." And God said, "Anyone who says wrong things to his father or his mother will surely die."

bwe@Matthew:15:5 @ But you say, "Tell your father or your mother that you have given to God what you were going to give to them." You say, "If anyone says that, then he does not need to help his father or mother."

bwe@Matthew:15:6 @ You make Gods law to mean nothing so you can keep your own laws!

bwe@Matthew:15:30 @ The people were surprised. They saw that people who had not been able to talk were talking. They saw that people who were hurt were made well. They saw that lame people were walking. They saw that blind people could see. And they praised the God of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:15:35 @ Then he took the seven loaves of bread and the fish. He thanked God for them. Then he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples. The disciples gave it to the people.

bwe@Matthew:16:4 @ People today are wrong. They have gone away from God. They want a sign. No sign will be given them but the sign of Jonah. Then Jesus went away and left them.

bwe@Matthew:16:16 @ Simon Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

bwe@Matthew:16:17 @ Jesus answered, Simon, Jonahs son, God has blessed you. No person on earth has showed you this. But my Father in heaven has showed you.

bwe@Matthew:16:22 @ Peter took him to one side and began to talk to him. He said, Lord! May God stop it! This must never happen to you.

bwe@Matthew:16:23 @ But Jesus turned to Peter and said, Get away from me Satan! You are trying to make me do wrong. You are not thinking the way God thinks, but the way people think.

bwe@Matthew:17:17 @ Jesus said, You people today do not believe. You have turned away from God. How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.

bwe@Matthew:17:21 @ But this kind of bad spirit does not come out of a person unless people ask God and fast <FI>do not eat food for a time<Fi>.

bwe@Matthew:18:17 @ If he does not listen to them, tell the church. If he does not listen to the church, treat him as one who does not believe in God and as bad as a tax collector.

bwe@Matthew:19:4 @ Jesus answered, Have you not read this? From the time God first made people, he made them a man and a woman.

bwe@Matthew:19:5 @ God said, "A man must leave his father and mother and must stay with his wife. The two of them will be like one person."

bwe@Matthew:19:6 @ So they are not two people any more, but they are one person. Man must not separate what God has joined together.

bwe@Matthew:19:11 @ Jesus said, Not everyone can agree to that. But God has chosen some not to be married.

bwe@Matthew:19:13 @ Then people brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them and ask God to bless them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Matthew:19:17 @ Jesus said, Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good. If you want to live for ever, you must keep Gods laws.

bwe@Matthew:19:24 @ And I tell you this also. It is easier for a big animal like a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Matthew:19:26 @ Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it, but God can do anything.

bwe@Matthew:21:4 @ This happened, and what the prophet of God said long ago, came true.

bwe@Matthew:21:9 @ People in front of him and people behind him shouted, Praise the Son of David! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise him in heaven!

bwe@Matthew:21:12 @ Jesus went into the temple of God. He drove out all the people who were buying and selling in the temple. He threw down the tables of the money changers. He pushed down the seats of those who sold doves.

bwe@Matthew:21:13 @ He said to them, The holy writings say, "My house shall be called a house where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Matthew:21:15 @ The chief priests and the scribes saw the big works that Jesus did. They saw the children calling out in the temple, God save the Son of David! They were angry.

bwe@Matthew:21:21 @ Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. Believe God. Do not doubt him. Then you can do what I did to this fig tree. But that is not all. You can even say to this hill, "Go and jump into the sea" and it will be done.

bwe@Matthew:21:22 @ When you ask God for anything, believe that you will have it. Then you will have it.

bwe@Matthew:21:25 @ Who gave John the right to baptise people? Did God or did men? So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say to us, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Matthew:21:31 @ Which of the two sons did what his father wanted him to do? They said, The first one. Then Jesus said, I tell you the truth. The tax collectors and women who commit adultery by selling their bodies, are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you.

bwe@Matthew:21:43 @ So I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you. It will be given to the people who do what they should do in it.

bwe@Matthew:22:16 @ They sent their disciples to him with some of Herods people. They said, Teacher, we know that you are true. We know that you teach the true way of God. You do not fear any person, or care how great he is.

bwe@Matthew:22:21 @ They said, Caesars.Then he said to them, Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. And give to God what belongs to God.

bwe@Matthew:22:29 @ Jesus answered, You are wrong! You do not know what the holy writings say. And you do not know what power God has.

bwe@Matthew:22:31 @ People do rise from death! Have you never read what God said to you?

bwe@Matthew:22:32 @ He said, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." He is not the God of dead people, but of living people.

bwe@Matthew:22:35 @ One of them was a man who taught Gods law. He asked Jesus a question to try him out.

bwe@Matthew:22:37 @ Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your soul, and love him with all your mind."

bwe@Matthew:22:39 @ The second law of God is like it. "Love your neighbour as you love yourself."

bwe@Matthew:23:5 @ They do all their work to be seen by people. They wear bigger and bigger boxes with Gods word in. And they make wider and wider borders on their gowns.

bwe@Matthew:23:14 @ You scribes and Pharisees will have trouble. You who are not true to yourselves! You take away the homes of women whose husbands are dead. You cover up your wrong ways by talking big to God for a long time. Because of that, you will be punished harder.

bwe@Matthew:23:18 @ And you say that if anyone makes a promise in the name of Gods altar, he does not have to keep that promise. But if anyone makes a promise in the name of the sacrifice, he must keep that promise.

bwe@Matthew:23:20 @ So if anyone makes a promise by Gods altar, he makes his promise by it and by all that is on it.

bwe@Matthew:23:21 @ If anyone makes a promise by the temple, he makes his promise by the temple and by God who lives in the temple.

bwe@Matthew:23:22 @ If anyone makes a promise by heaven, he makes his promise by Gods big chair called a throne and by God who sits on the throne.

bwe@Matthew:23:23 @ You scribes and Pharisees will have trouble. You who are not true to yourselves! You give God a tenth part of small garden plants. But you have not done those bigger matters of the law. You have not judged in the right way. You have not been kind. You have not believed God. You should be doing these things and the other things too.

bwe@Matthew:23:30 @ You say, "If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have helped to kill the prophets of God."

bwe@Matthew:23:35 @ So you will be punished for all the blood of every good man that is on the ground. I mean all the blood from the time of Abel, who was a good man, to Zechariah, the son of Barachiah. You killed him between the temple and Gods altar.

bwe@Matthew:23:39 @ I tell you this. You will not see me again until the time when you say, "God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord."

bwe@Matthew:24:11 @ Many people will come and say they are prophets of God. But they will not be true. They will fool many people.

bwe@Matthew:24:20 @ Ask God that you may not have to go in the cold time of the year or on the Sabbath day.

bwe@Matthew:24:21 @ The trouble then will be bigger than any other trouble since God made the world. And there never will be any trouble as big as that.

bwe@Matthew:24:24 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets. But they are not true. They will show big signs and do wonderful things to fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Matthew:26:26 @ As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He thanked God for it and broke it. He gave it to the disciples and said, Take this bread and eat it. It is my body.

bwe@Matthew:26:27 @ He also took a cup. He thanked God for it. Then he gave it to the disciples and said, All of you drink from this.

bwe@Matthew:26:36 @ Then Jesus came to a place called Gethsemane. He said to his disciples, Sit down here. I will go over there and talk with God.

bwe@Matthew:26:39 @ Jesus went on a little further. He bowed down with his face to the ground. He talked to God and said, My Father, if it can be, let this cup of trouble pass by me. But do not do what I want. May what you want be done.

bwe@Matthew:26:41 @ Watch and talk with God, so that you will not do wrong. A persons heart can want to do it, but his body is weak.

bwe@Matthew:26:42 @ Jesus went away again. He talked to God and said, My Father, if you do not want this cup to pass by me, but you want me to drink it, I will do what you want.

bwe@Matthew:26:44 @ He left them and went away again. He talked with God the third time and said the same words.

bwe@Matthew:26:54 @ But then, how would Gods word come true? The holy writings say that this is the way it must be.

bwe@Matthew:26:61 @ They said, This man said, "I can break down Gods temple and build it again in three days."

bwe@Matthew:26:63 @ But Jesus said nothing at all. Then the high priest said to him, I ask you in the name of the living God. Tell us. Are you the Christ, the Son of God?

bwe@Matthew:27:40 @ They said, You are the man who said you could break down the temple and build it again in three days. Save yourself! If you are really Gods Son, come down from the cross.

bwe@Matthew:27:43 @ He trusted in God. If God wants him, he can save him now. He said, "I am Gods Son."

bwe@Matthew:27:46 @ About three oclock, Jesus called out loud, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? That means, My God, my God, why have you left me alone?

bwe@Matthew:27:52 @ The graves opened. Many of Gods people who had died rose from death.

bwe@Matthew:27:54 @ The Roman captain and some of his soldiers were guarding Jesus on the cross. When they saw the earth shake and the other things happen, they were very much afraid. They said, Surely this man was Gods Son.

bwe@Mark:1:1 @ This is the beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ, Gods Son.

bwe@Mark:1:2 @ The men of God, called prophets, long ago wrote about it this way: God said, See, I send my man ahead of you to tell about you. He will make the way ready for you.

bwe@Mark:1:4 @ John baptised people in the desert. He told them to stop doing wrong things and be baptised, and God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:1:10 @ As soon as he came up out of the water, Jesus saw the sky open. He saw Gods Holy Spirit come down on him like a bird called a dove.

bwe@Mark:1:14 @ John was put in prison. Then Jesus went to Galilee. He told people the good news of Gods kingdom.

bwe@Mark:1:15 @ The time has come, he said. The kingdom of God is here. Stop your wrong ways, turn back to God and believe the good news.

bwe@Mark:1:24 @ He called out, Jesus of Nazareth, what do you want to do to us? Have you come to kill us? I know who you are. You are the Holy One of God.

bwe@Mark:1:35 @ The next morning Jesus got up long before daylight. He went out to a place by himself. There he talked with God.

bwe@Mark:1:44 @ He said, Do not tell anyone about this. But go and let the priest look at you. Moses gave a law about the gift you must give to God when you are healed. Give it to prove to people that you are healed.

bwe@Mark:2:2 @ Many came together right away. The house was full. There was no more room, not even outside near the door. Jesus was telling them Gods message.

bwe@Mark:2:7 @ They were thinking, Why does this man say such wrong things against God? He is not giving God respect! Who can forgive the wrong things people do? No one but God can do that.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:2:26 @ He went into Gods house when Abiathar was the high priest. Some bread was there for God. It was not right for them to eat it. Only the priests have the right to eat it. But David took the bread and ate it. He also gave some of it to the people who were with him.

bwe@Mark:3:11 @ When the bad spirits saw Jesus, they bowed down before him. They shouted, You are Gods Son!

bwe@Mark:3:14 @ He chose twelve disciples to stay with him. He wanted to send them out to other places to tell people Gods word.

bwe@Mark:3:35 @ Anyone who obeys God is my brother, my sister, and my mother.

bwe@Mark:4:11 @ He said to them, You can learn the secret things about the kingdom of God. But we must use stories to tell the other people.

bwe@Mark:4:12 @ They may look and look, but they will not see. They may listen and listen, but they will not understand. If they did understand, they would turn back to God and he would forgive them for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Mark:4:14 @ The man who sows the seed tells Gods message.

bwe@Mark:4:24 @ And Jesus said, Take care how you listen. How much you give to others is how much will be given to you. You who obey God will get more than you give.

bwe@Mark:4:26 @ And Jesus said, The kingdom of God is like this. A man sows some seed in the ground.

bwe@Mark:4:30 @ And Jesus said, What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I say it is like?

bwe@Mark:4:33 @ Jesus told the people many stories like this. He told them as much of Gods words as they were able to understand.

bwe@Mark:4:40 @ Then he said to the disciples, Why do you fear? Do you not believe in God?

bwe@Mark:5:7 @ He called out loud, Jesus, Son of the High God, what are you going to do to me? I beg you not to hurt me.

bwe@Mark:6:4 @ Jesus said to them, Other people honour a man who is a prophet of God. But the people in his own country, his own home, and his family, do not honour him.

bwe@Mark:6:15 @ Other people said, It is Elijah. Others said, He is a prophet like the prophets of God who lived long ago.

bwe@Mark:6:41 @ Jesus took the five loaves of bread and the two fish. He looked up to heaven and thanked God for them. Then he broke them in pieces. He gave them to the disciples to give to the people. Then he divided the two fish among them all.

bwe@Mark:6:46 @ When he had sent the people away, he went up on the hill to talk with God.

bwe@Mark:7:3 @ They and all the Jews keep the laws made by men. God did not give them those laws. They do not eat until they wash their hands very well.

bwe@Mark:7:8 @ You do not keep the law of God, but you keep the laws made by people. Those laws are about washing pots and cups. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:7:9 @ You break Gods law so that you can keep your own law.

bwe@Mark:7:11 @ You say, "Tell your father or your mother that what you were going to give to them is Corban." (That means a gift to God.)

bwe@Mark:7:13 @ You make Gods law to mean nothing so that you can keep your own laws. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:8:6 @ He told the people to sit down on the ground. Then he took the seven loaves of bread and thanked God for them. Then he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples. They gave it to the people.

bwe@Mark:8:33 @ Jesus turned around and saw the disciples. Then he talked to Peter. He said, Get away from me, Satan! You are not thinking the way God thinks, but the way people think.

bwe@Mark:8:37 @ What can a person give to get back his soul? People have gone away from God and are full of wrong ways. If anyone in this time is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of Man will come with his holy angels, and be great like his Father.

bwe@Mark:9:1 @ Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. Some people are standing here who will not die before they see the kingdom of God come with power.

bwe@Mark:9:29 @ Jesus said to them, This kind of bad spirit does not come out unless people talk to God and fast.

bwe@Mark:9:47 @ If your eye makes you do wrong, take it out. It is better for you to go into Gods kingdom with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.

bwe@Mark:10:6 @ From the time God first made people, he made them man and woman.

bwe@Mark:10:9 @ Man must not separate what God has joined together.

bwe@Mark:10:15 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Mark:10:18 @ Jesus said, Why do you call me good? Only God is good.

bwe@Mark:10:23 @ Then Jesus looked around at his disciples and said to them, It is very hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Mark:10:24 @ The disciples were surprised at his words. But Jesus said again, Children, it is very hard for people who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Mark:10:25 @ It is easier for a big animal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Mark:10:27 @ Jesus looked at them and said, Men cannot do it but God can, because God can do anything.

bwe@Mark:11:9 @ People in front of him and people behind him shouted, Praise God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord!

bwe@Mark:11:10 @ God bless the kingdom of our father David which is coming. Praise him in heaven!

bwe@Mark:11:17 @ He taught the people, saying, The holy writings say, "My house shall be called a house for all tribes and nations, where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Mark:11:22 @ Jesus said, Believe in God.

bwe@Mark:11:24 @ So I tell you, when you ask God for anything believe that you will get it and you will have it.

bwe@Mark:11:25 @ When you stand and talk with God, forgive others for the wrong things they have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Mark:11:30 @ Who gave John the right to baptise people? Did God or did men? Answer me!

bwe@Mark:11:31 @ So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Mark:11:32 @ But what if we say, "Men gave him the right to do it"? They feared the people because they all believed that John was a prophet of God.

bwe@Mark:12:14 @ They came and said to him, Teacher, we know that you are true. You do not fear any person or care how great he is. But you teach the true way of God. Tell us, is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or is it not?

bwe@Mark:12:17 @ So he said, Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. The Pharisees and Herods people were much surprised at Jesus.

bwe@Mark:12:24 @ Jesus said to them, You are wrong! You do not know what the holy writings say. And you do not know what power God has.

bwe@Mark:12:26 @ People do rise from death! Have you never read what Moses wrote? It is in the place where we read about the small tree which burned. Moses tells how God said to him, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

bwe@Mark:12:27 @ He is not the God of dead people, but of living people. The way you look at things is wrong altogether.

bwe@Mark:12:29 @ Jesus answered, The greatest one is, "Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God is one Lord.

bwe@Mark:12:30 @ Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your soul. Love him with all your mind. And love him with all your strength."

bwe@Mark:12:32 @ Then the scribe answered Jesus, Teacher, what you say is right. There is one God. There are no other gods.

bwe@Mark:12:33 @ Love God with all your heart. Love him with all your understanding. Love him with all your strength. That is much better than to burn offerings and make sacrifices. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. That is better than any of these offerings and sacrifices.

bwe@Mark:12:34 @ Jesus saw that the scribe was wise. So he said to him, You are not far from the kingdom of God. After that everyone feared to ask him any more questions.

bwe@Mark:12:40 @ They take away the homes of women whose husbands are dead. They cover up the wrong things they do by talking to God a long time. They will be punished more!

bwe@Mark:13:14 @ Daniel the Man of God said that people would put something very bad in the temple. (Let the one who reads this understand it.) When that happens, the people in Judea must go quickly to the hills.

bwe@Mark:13:18 @ Ask God that you may not have the trouble in the cold time of the year.

bwe@Mark:13:19 @ The trouble then will be bigger than any trouble since God made the world. And there never will be any trouble as big as that.

bwe@Mark:13:22 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets of God. But they are not true to themselves. They will show big signs and do wonderful things that will fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Mark:13:33 @ So watch! Stay awake and talk with God. You do not know when the time will be.

bwe@Mark:14:22 @ As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He thanked God for it and broke it. Then he gave it to the disciples and said, Take this bread and eat it. It is my body.

bwe@Mark:14:23 @ He also took a cup. He thanked God for it. Then he gave it to them. They all drank some of it.

bwe@Mark:14:25 @ I tell you the truth. I will not drink any of the fruit of the vine again until I drink some of it new in the kingdom of God.

bwe@Mark:14:32 @ Then they came to a place called Gethsemane. Jesus said to his disciples, Sit here. I will go and talk with God.

bwe@Mark:14:35 @ Jesus went on a little farther. He fell on the ground and asked God that, if it could be so, this big trouble might pass by him.

bwe@Mark:14:38 @ All of you must watch and talk with God so that you will not do wrong. A persons heart can want to do it, but his body is weak.

bwe@Mark:14:39 @ Jesus went away again and said the same words to God again.

bwe@Mark:15:34 @ About three oclock, Jesus called out loud, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? That means, My God, my God, why have you left me alone?

bwe@Mark:15:39 @ The captain who stood in front of Jesus saw that he died. He said, Surely, this man was Gods Son.

bwe@Mark:15:43 @ Joseph of Arimathaea was a member of the court. He was a good man. He also was looking for the kingdom of God. He was not afraid, but went to Pilate and asked him for Jesus body.

bwe@Mark:16:19 @ So after the Lord Jesus had talked to them, he went up into heaven and sat down beside God.

bwe@Luke:1:6 @ Both of them were good people as God saw them. They obeyed all the laws and the things that the Lord said they should do.

bwe@Luke:1:8 @ Zechariah was doing his work one day as a priest to God. It was time for his group to do the work in the temple.

bwe@Luke:1:10 @ All the people were talking to God outside the temple at this time.

bwe@Luke:1:13 @ But the angel said, Do not be afraid, Zechariah. You have been talking to God. He has heard you. Your wife Elizabeth will have a son. Name him John.

bwe@Luke:1:16 @ He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God.

bwe@Luke:1:19 @ The angel answered him, I am Gabriel and I stand before God. I have been sent to talk to you and to bring you this good news.

bwe@Luke:1:26 @ Elizabeth was now in her sixth month. God sent the angel Gabriel to the town of Nazareth in Galilee.

bwe@Luke:1:28 @ The angel went into the house and said to her, Be happy! God has blessed you more than other women. The Lord is with you!

bwe@Luke:1:30 @ The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary. God has blessed you.

bwe@Luke:1:32 @ He will be a great man. He will be called the Son of the Highest One <FI>a name for God<Fi>. The Lord God will make him king where his father David was king.

bwe@Luke:1:35 @ The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come to you. The power of the Highest One will be over you. That is why the holy child who is to be born will be called the Son of God.

bwe@Luke:1:37 @ But God can do anything.

bwe@Luke:1:42 @ She said in a loud voice, God has made you happy and blessed you more than all other women. He has blessed your baby.

bwe@Luke:1:47 @ And my spirit is happy because God has saved me.

bwe@Luke:1:48 @ He has remembered his servant even though she is not a great person. From now on all people of all times will say God has blessed me.

bwe@Luke:1:64 @ Right then he opened his mouth and his tongue was free. He began to speak and to praise God.

bwe@Luke:1:67 @ Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke words from God.

bwe@Luke:1:68 @ He said, Praise the Lord God of Israel! He has remembered his people, and set them free.

bwe@Luke:1:70 @ That is what he promised through his holy prophets of God long ago.

bwe@Luke:1:78 @ Our God is kind. A light from heaven will shine.

bwe@Luke:2:13 @ All at once a great number of angels from heaven were with the angel. They were praising God.

bwe@Luke:2:14 @ They said, Praise God in the highest heaven! Peace on earth and loving mercy towards all people!

bwe@Luke:2:20 @ Then the men who were taking care of the sheep went back. They praised and thanked God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as they had been told it would be.

bwe@Luke:2:24 @ They also came to make a sacrifice as an offering to God. The law of the Lord said, A pair of doves or two young pigeons.

bwe@Luke:2:25 @ A man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. He was a good man and he loved God. He was watching and waiting for the one who would save Israel. The Holy Spirit was on him.

bwe@Luke:2:28 @ Then Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God.

bwe@Luke:2:32 @ He is a light which will shine for those who do not know God. He is the one who will bring praise to your people Israel.

bwe@Luke:2:36 @ Anna, a woman prophet of God, was there too. Her fathers name was Phanuel. She was of the tribe of Asher. She was very old. She had been married and lived with her husband for seven years.

bwe@Luke:2:37 @ Then her husband died. Now she had been alone for eighty-four years. She did not leave the temple, but worshipped day and night. She talked with God and fasted <FI>did not eat food for a time<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:2:38 @ While Simeon was talking to Mary, Anna also came along and thanked God. She talked about Jesus to all the people who were waiting for the one who would set Jerusalem free.

bwe@Luke:2:40 @ The child grew. He became strong and very wise. And God blessed him.

bwe@Luke:2:41 @ Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast <FI>a special time to thank God<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:2:52 @ Jesus grew and became wiser and taller. He pleased God and also people.

bwe@Luke:3:2 @ Annas and Caiaphas were high priests. At that time God spoke to John in the desert. John was the son of Zechariah.

bwe@Luke:3:3 @ Then John went to all the country around the Jordan River. He told the people to stop doing wrong things, turn back to God and be baptised. And God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Luke:3:4 @ Isaiah, the prophet of God, wrote about him long ago in his book: A man is calling out in the desert: "Make the way ready for the Lord. Make the road straight for him.

bwe@Luke:3:6 @ And all people will see that God can save."

bwe@Luke:3:7 @ Many people came out to John to be baptised. He said to them, You family of snakes! Who told you to run away from Gods anger that is coming?

bwe@Luke:3:8 @ Do good things that will show you have stopped your wrong ways! Do not begin to say to yourselves, "We are Abrahams children. "I tell you, God can make children for Abraham from these stones.

bwe@Luke:3:15 @ The people were waiting to see what would happen. They were all asking about John. They thought that he might be the Christ, the great king promised by God long ago.

bwe@Luke:3:21 @ When all the other people had been baptised, Jesus was also baptised. While he was talking with God, the sky opened.

bwe@Luke:3:23 @ Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his work. The people thought he was Josephs son. Here are the names of Jesus family line: Joseph, Heli, Matthat, Levi, Melchi, Janna, Joseph, Mattathiah, Amos, Nahum, Esli, Naggai, Maath, Mattathiah, Semei, Joseph, Judah, Joannas, Rhesa, Zerubbabel, Shealtiel, Neri, Melchi, Addi, Cosam, Elmodam, Er, Jose, Eliezer, Jorim, Matthat, Levi, Simeon, Judah, Joseph, Jonan, Eliakim, Melea, Menen, Mattathah, Nathan, David, Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Salmon, Nahshon, Amminadab, Ram, Hezron, Perez, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Cainan, Arphaxad, Shem, Noah, Lamech, Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalalel, Cainan, Enosh, Seth, Adam. Adam came from God.

bwe@Luke:4:3 @ The devil said to him, If you are Gods Son, tell this stone to be changed into bread.

bwe@Luke:4:8 @ Jesus answered him, The holy writings say, "You must worship the Lord your God and he is the only one you are to worship."

bwe@Luke:4:9 @ The devil took Jesus to Jerusalem. He put him on a high part of the temple. He said to him, If you are Gods Son, jump down.

bwe@Luke:4:10 @ The holy writings say, "God will tell his angels to take care of you."

bwe@Luke:4:12 @ Jesus answered him, The holy writings say, "You must not test the Lord your God."

bwe@Luke:4:17 @ A man gave him the book that Isaiah the prophet of God wrote long ago. He opened the book and found the place where it says,

bwe@Luke:4:24 @ And he went on to say, I tell you the truth. No prophet of God is accepted by the people in his own country.

bwe@Luke:4:27 @ Also while Elisha was the prophet of God, many people in Israel had leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi>. None of them was healed. The only one who was healed was Naaman from the country of Syria.

bwe@Luke:4:34 @ He said, Jesus from Nazareth! What do you want to do to us? Have you come to kill us? I know who you are. You are Gods Holy Man.

bwe@Luke:4:41 @ The bad spirits also came out of many people. They called out, You are the Son of God! But he stopped them. He would not let them talk because they knew that he was the Christ.

bwe@Luke:4:43 @ But he said to them, I must tell the good news to the people in other towns also. It is the news of Gods kingdom. I was sent to tell this.

bwe@Luke:4:44 @ So he told Gods word in the meeting houses in the Galilee area.

bwe@Luke:5:1 @ The people came close around Jesus to hear Gods word. He was standing by Lake Gennesaret <FI>the Sea of Galilee<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:5:16 @ Many times Jesus went away to the desert and talked with God.

bwe@Luke:5:21 @ The scribes and Pharisees began to talk about this. They said, Who is this man that is not giving respect to God? No one but God can forgive anyone for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Luke:5:25 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his bed and went home praising God.

bwe@Luke:5:26 @ The people were all surprised and they praised God. They did not know what to think. They said, We have seen things today that are hard to believe.

bwe@Luke:5:33 @ They said to him, The disciples or followers of John are often fasting <FI>not eating for a time<Fi>, and they talk with God. The disciples of the Pharisees do the same. But your disciples eat and drink.

bwe@Luke:6:4 @ He went into Gods house. Some bread was there for God. But David took the bread and ate it. He also gave some of it to the men who were with him. Only the priests have the right to eat that bread.

bwe@Luke:6:12 @ About that time Jesus went out of the city on the hill to talk with God. He talked with God all night.

bwe@Luke:6:20 @ Jesus looked at his disciples and said, God will make happy you who are poor. The kingdom of God is for you.

bwe@Luke:6:21 @ God will make happy you who are hungry now. You will be filled. God will make happy you who cry now. You will laugh.

bwe@Luke:6:22 @ God will make you happy when people hate you, when they will not let you belong to their group, when they say wrong things about you and make your name bad. God blesses you when it is for the sake of the Son of Man.

bwe@Luke:6:23 @ Be very happy on that day and dance for joy. God will be good to you in heaven. The fathers of these people did the same things to the prophets of God long ago.

bwe@Luke:6:26 @ When all the people praise you, you will have trouble! The fathers of these people did the same things to those who were not true prophets of God.

bwe@Luke:6:28 @ Bless those who use bad words about you. Ask God to do good to those who trouble you.

bwe@Luke:6:37 @ Do not judge others and you will not be judged. Do not punish others, and you will not be punished. Let others go free and God will let you go free.

bwe@Luke:6:38 @ Give to people and they will give to you. They will fill your cup, press it down, shake it, and let it run over. That is what they will give to you. How much you give to others is how much God will give to you.

bwe@Luke:7:16 @ Everyone was very much surprised. They praised God. They said, A great prophet of God has come to us. God has remembered his people.

bwe@Luke:7:26 @ What did you go out to see? A prophet of God? Yes, I tell you, and he is much more than a prophet.

bwe@Luke:7:28 @ I tell you, no one has ever been born who is greater than John. And yet, the smallest one in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

bwe@Luke:7:29 @ All the people and the tax collectors praised God when they heard that. They had been baptised by John.

bwe@Luke:7:30 @ But the Pharisees and teachers of the law would not follow Gods way and they were not baptised by John.

bwe@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee who had asked Jesus to his house saw this. He said to himself, If this man were a prophet of God, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She is a bad woman.

bwe@Luke:8:1 @ Soon after this, Jesus went through the cities and towns. He told the people Gods word about the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve disciples were with him.

bwe@Luke:8:10 @ He said to them, You can learn the secret things about the kingdom of God. But other people must have stories. They will look, but they will not see. They will hear, but they will not understand.

bwe@Luke:8:11 @ Now here is what the story means. The seed is Gods word.

bwe@Luke:8:12 @ Some seeds fell on the road. They are like the people who hear the word of God. Then the devil comes and takes the word out of their hearts. He does not want them to believe and be saved.

bwe@Luke:8:21 @ But he said to them, These people who hear the word of God and do it, they are my mother and my brothers.

bwe@Luke:8:25 @ He said to the disciples, Why do you not believe God? They were afraid and surprised. They said to each other, What kind of man is this? He tells the wind and the sea what to do and they obey him.

bwe@Luke:8:39 @ He said, Go home and tell the people what God has done for you. So the man went away and told the people all through the town what Jesus had done for him.

bwe@Luke:9:2 @ He sent them out to tell people about the kingdom of God and to heal sick people.

bwe@Luke:9:8 @ Some people said Elijah had come back. And other people said that one of the old prophets of God had risen from death.

bwe@Luke:9:11 @ But the people found out and they followed him. He was glad to see them and talked to them about Gods kingdom. He healed those who were sick.

bwe@Luke:9:16 @ He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish. He looked up to heaven and thanked God for them. Then he broke the bread. He gave it to the disciples to give to the people.

bwe@Luke:9:18 @ One day Jesus was alone talking to God. His disciples were there too. He asked them, Who do people say I am?

bwe@Luke:9:19 @ They answered, Some people say you are John the Baptizer. Others say you are Elijah. And others say that one of the old prophets of God has risen from death.

bwe@Luke:9:20 @ Jesus said, But who do you say I am? Peter answered, You are the Christ sent by God.

bwe@Luke:9:27 @ I tell you the truth. Some people are standing here who will not die before they see the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:9:28 @ About eight days after saying these things, Jesus went up on a hill to talk with God. He took Peter, John, and James with him.

bwe@Luke:9:29 @ As he was talking with God, he was changed. His face was different. His clothes became very white and shining.

bwe@Luke:9:41 @ Jesus said, You people today do not believe. You have turned away from God. How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy here to me.

bwe@Luke:9:43 @ All the people were surprised to see that God has so much power. While the people were wondering about everything Jesus did, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Luke:9:60 @ Jesus said to him, Let those who are dead bury their own dead people. As for you, go and tell people about Gods kingdom.

bwe@Luke:9:62 @ Jesus said to him, Any person who starts doing something and then keeps looking back is not fit for the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:10:5 @ When you go into a house, first say, "May God give peace to this family."

bwe@Luke:10:9 @ Heal the sick people in the town. Tell the people, "The kingdom of God has come to you."

bwe@Luke:10:11 @ Say to the people, "We wipe off even the dust of the town that is on our feet. This will be a sign to you. But remember this, the kingdom of God has come."

bwe@Luke:10:23 @ Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said to them alone, God is blessing the eyes of people who see what you see!

bwe@Luke:10:25 @ A man who taught Gods law stood up and asked Jesus a question to try him out. Teacher, he said. What must I do so that I will live for ever?

bwe@Luke:10:27 @ The man answered, You must love the Lord your God with all your heart. Love him with all your soul. Love him with all your power, and love him with all your mind. And you must love your neighbour as you love yourself.

bwe@Luke:11:1 @ One day Jesus was in a place talking with God. When he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to talk with God as John taught his disciples.

bwe@Luke:11:2 @ Jesus said, When you talk with God, say, "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your kingdom come.

bwe@Luke:11:20 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by the help of God, then know this, Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Luke:11:28 @ But Jesus said, Happy are those who hear Gods word and obey it!

bwe@Luke:11:29 @ More and more people were coming. He started to talk. He said, People today are bad. They want a sign. No sign will be given them but the sign of Jonah the prophet of God.

bwe@Luke:11:32 @ When people are judged, the men of Nineveh will stand up and speak against the people of today. They stopped their wrong ways when Jonah told them Gods word. And the one who is here is greater than Jonah.

bwe@Luke:11:40 @ You are fools! Did not God make the outside and inside also?

bwe@Luke:11:42 @ You Pharisees will have trouble! You give to God a tenth part of small garden plants. But you do not judge in the right way. And you do not love God. You should do these things and the other things too.

bwe@Luke:11:45 @ Then one of the men who taught Gods law said to Jesus, Teacher, when you say these things, you talk against us too.

bwe@Luke:11:47 @ You will have trouble! You build places to bury the prophets of God that your fathers killed.

bwe@Luke:11:49 @ That is why God, who is wise, said, "I will send prophets and messengers to them. They will kill some of them. And they will trouble some of them."

bwe@Luke:11:50 @ So the people who are living now will be punished for all the blood of the prophets of God that is on the ground since the world was made.

bwe@Luke:11:52 @ You teachers of Gods law will have trouble! You have taken away the key of the door where people can go in and know what is true. You yourselves did not go in, and you stopped those who were going in.

bwe@Luke:12:6 @ Are not five sparrows sold for a tiny sum of money? Yet God does not forget about one of them.

bwe@Luke:12:8 @ And I tell you. If anyone tells people that he knows me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he knows him.

bwe@Luke:12:9 @ But if anyone tells people he does not know me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he does not know that person.

bwe@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him, "You are a fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will have all the things you have kept for yourself?"

bwe@Luke:12:21 @ So anyone who keeps things for himself is not rich in the way God wants him to be rich.

bwe@Luke:12:24 @ Think of the birds. They do not plant, cut, or keep any food. Yet God feeds them. You are worth much more than the birds!

bwe@Luke:12:28 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is burned. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Luke:12:31 @ But work for Gods kingdom. Then you will have all these things also.

bwe@Luke:13:1 @ Some people were there at that time who told Jesus what Pilate had done. He had killed some of the people of Galilee and put their blood with the blood of their sacrifices to God.

bwe@Luke:13:13 @ Jesus put his hands on her, and right away she stood up straight. And she praised God.

bwe@Luke:13:18 @ He went on to say, What is the kingdom of God like? What shall I say it is like?

bwe@Luke:13:20 @ Then Jesus said again, What else is the kingdom of God like?

bwe@Luke:13:28 @ You will see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God. And you will see yourselves thrown out. Then you will cry and make a noise with your teeth.

bwe@Luke:13:29 @ People will come from the east, from the west, from the north, and from the south. They will sit down to eat in the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:13:33 @ But I must go on my way today, tomorrow, and the next day. A prophet of God cannot be killed outside of Jerusalem.

bwe@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets of God. You throw stones to kill men who are sent to you. How often I have wanted to gather your people together as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings. But you would not come!

bwe@Luke:13:35 @ Now you are left alone in your house. I tell you this. You will not see me again until the time when you say, "God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord."

bwe@Luke:14:3 @ Jesus asked the teachers of Gods law and the Pharisees, Is it right to heal a person on the Sabbath day or not?

bwe@Luke:14:15 @ One of those who was sitting at the table heard this. He said, Happy is the person who will eat in the kingdom of God!

bwe@Luke:15:10 @ I tell you, the angels of God will be glad like that when one bad person stops doing wrong things.

bwe@Luke:15:18 @ I will get up and go to my father. I will say to him, "Father I have been a bad son. I have done wrong to God in heaven and to you.

bwe@Luke:15:21 @ The son said to him, "Father, I have been a bad son. I have done wrong to God in heaven and to you. I am not good enough now to be called your son. Let me be like one of these men who work for you."

bwe@Luke:16:13 @ No servant can work for two masters. He will hate one and love the other. Or he will obey one and despise the other. You cannot work for both God and money.

bwe@Luke:16:15 @ He said to them, You try to make men think you are all right. But God knows your hearts. What men think is fine, God hates.

bwe@Luke:16:16 @ The Law and the Prophets gave Gods word until John came. Since then, the good news of Gods kingdom has been told. And now everyone tries hard to get into the kingdom.

bwe@Luke:17:15 @ One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back. He praised God with a loud voice.

bwe@Luke:17:18 @ Is this stranger the only one who has come back to praise God?

bwe@Luke:17:20 @ The Pharisees asked Jesus, When will the kingdom of God come? He answered them, You cannot see the kingdom of God when it comes.

bwe@Luke:17:21 @ People will not be able to say, "Look, here it is!" or "There it is! That is because the kingdom of God is inside you.

bwe@Luke:18:1 @ Jesus told them a story to teach them that they should keep on talking with God and not give up.

bwe@Luke:18:2 @ He said, There was a judge in a city. He did not respect God or care about people.

bwe@Luke:18:4 @ For a long time he would not do it. But after a time he said, "I do not respect God or care about people.

bwe@Luke:18:7 @ When the people whom God has chosen call to him day and night, he will save them from their enemies. He may let them wait a time.

bwe@Luke:18:10 @ He said, Two men went to the temple to talk with God. One was a Pharisee and the other one was a tax collector.

bwe@Luke:18:11 @ The Pharisee stood and said to himself, "God, I thank you that I am not like other men. They steal, cheat, and commit adultery. I thank you that I am not like this tax collector.

bwe@Luke:18:13 @ The tax collector stood far away. He did not even look up towards heaven. But he beat his chest, and said, "God, I am a bad man. Help me!"

bwe@Luke:18:14 @ I tell you, when this man went home, he was right with God. The other one was not. Everyone who puts himself up in a high place will be brought down to a low place. And everyone who puts himself in a low place will be brought up to a high place.

bwe@Luke:18:16 @ But Jesus called them to him and said, Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to people like them.

bwe@Luke:18:17 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Luke:18:19 @ Jesus answered him, Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.

bwe@Luke:18:24 @ Jesus looked at him and said, It is very hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of God!

bwe@Luke:18:25 @ It is easier for a big animal like a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:18:27 @ But Jesus said, God can do what men cannot do.

bwe@Luke:18:30 @ Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. If any man has left his house, or his wife, or his brothers, or his father, or his mother, or his children for the sake of the kingdom of God, he will receive many times as much as he has left. He will receive that in this world. And in the next world he will live for ever.

bwe@Luke:18:31 @ Jesus took the twelve disciples with him. He said to them, We are going to Jerusalem. The prophets of God long ago wrote about the Son of Man. Everything they wrote will be done to him.

bwe@Luke:18:43 @ Right then he was able to see. He went with Jesus and he praised God. All the people saw it and they all praised God too.

bwe@Luke:19:11 @ While they were listening to this, he started to tell them a story. He did so because they were near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God would begin right away.

bwe@Luke:19:37 @ He came near the top of the hill called the Mount of Olives. Then all the people who believed in him began to be happy. They sang out loudly, and praised God in a loud voice for all the big works they had seen.

bwe@Luke:19:38 @ They said, God bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven where God is praised!

bwe@Luke:19:44 @ They will break you down to the ground. They will kill the people within you. They will not leave one stone of your houses on top of another. That will happen because you did not know the time when God was ready to help you.

bwe@Luke:19:46 @ He said to them, It is written, "My house shall be a place where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Luke:20:1 @ One day Jesus was teaching the people in the temple. He was telling them Gods good news. The chief priests and the scribes came to him with the leaders.

bwe@Luke:20:4 @ Who gave John the right to baptise people? Did God or did men give it to him?

bwe@Luke:20:5 @ They talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Luke:20:6 @ But if we say, "Men gave him the right to do it," then the people will kill us with stones. They believe that John was a prophet of God.

bwe@Luke:20:21 @ So they asked Jesus, Teacher, we know that you talk and teach what is right. You do not fear any person. But you teach the true way of God.

bwe@Luke:20:25 @ Then he said to them, So give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.

bwe@Luke:20:36 @ They cannot die again. They are like angels. They are Gods children because they have been raised from death.

bwe@Luke:20:37 @ Even Moses showed that people do rise from death. It is in his book where we read about the small tree which burned. Moses says that the Lord is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

bwe@Luke:20:38 @ He is not the God of dead people, but of living people. All people are alive to him.

bwe@Luke:20:47 @ They take away the homes of women whose husbands are dead. They cover up their wrong ways by talking to God a long time. They will be punished more!

bwe@Luke:21:23 @ In those days it will be very hard for women who are to have a child. It will be very hard for mothers who have babies. There will be big trouble on the earth. God will show his anger to these people.

bwe@Luke:21:31 @ It is the same way when you see all these things happening. You will know that the kingdom of God is near.

bwe@Luke:21:36 @ Watch all the time. Ask God to make you strong to do right so that you will not go through all these things that are going to happen. Ask him to make you able to stand in front of the Son of Man.

bwe@Luke:22:16 @ I tell you this. I will not eat it again until the great feast in the kingdom of God.

bwe@Luke:22:17 @ He took the cup and thanked God. He said, Take this. All of you drink from this.

bwe@Luke:22:18 @ I tell you this. I will not drink from the fruit of the vine again until the kingdom of God comes.

bwe@Luke:22:19 @ He took some bread. He thanked God for it and broke it. He gave it to the disciples and said, This is my body, which is given for you. When you do this, then remember me.

bwe@Luke:22:32 @ But I have talked to God about you, Simon, so that you will keep on believing in me. And when you come back, then help your brothers to be strong.

bwe@Luke:22:40 @ He said to them, Talk with God so that you will not do wrong.

bwe@Luke:22:41 @ He went away from them about as far as a person can throw a stone. Then he kneeled down to talk with God.

bwe@Luke:22:44 @ His heart was troubled very much. So he talked with God more than before. His sweat was like big drops of blood falling on the ground.

bwe@Luke:22:45 @ He stopped talking with God and got up. He went to his disciples and found them sleeping because they were sad.

bwe@Luke:22:46 @ He said to them, Why are you sleeping? Get up. Talk with God so that you will not do wrong.

bwe@Luke:22:69 @ From this time on the Son of Man will sit beside God who has all power.

bwe@Luke:22:70 @ They all said, Then are you the Son of God?" He said, Yes, I am.

bwe@Luke:23:35 @ The people stood around watching. But the rulers made fun of him. They said, He saved other people. He should save himself if he is Gods Christ, Gods chosen one!

bwe@Luke:23:40 @ But the other bad man told him to stop. He said, Do you not even fear God? You are being punished just as he is.

bwe@Luke:23:43 @ And Jesus said to him, I tell you the truth. Today you will be with me in Gods garden of paradise.

bwe@Luke:23:47 @ The captain saw all this. Then he praised God. He said, Surely, this was a good man!

bwe@Luke:23:51 @ He had not wanted the people to do what they did. He was looking for the kingdom of God. He was from a town of the Jews, called Arimathea.

bwe@Luke:24:18 @ Jesus said, What things?" They said, All that has happened to Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet of God. He had power to do big works and to teach the people. He was respected by God and all the people.

bwe@Luke:24:24 @ Then he said to them, You foolish men! Your hearts are slow to believe all that the prophets of God have said long ago.

bwe@Luke:24:26 @ Then he told them the meaning of all that Moses and all the prophets of God long ago had written about him.

bwe@Luke:24:29 @ He sat down at the table with them. Then he took the bread and thanked God for it. He broke it and gave it to them.

bwe@Luke:24:46 @ I will send you what the Father has promised to give you. So wait in the city of Jerusalem until you have been given power from God.

bwe@Luke:24:50 @ Every day they were in the temple praising God.

bwe@John:1:1 @ The Word already was, way back before anything began to be. The Word and God were together. The Word was God.

bwe@John:1:2 @ Before anything began to be, the Word was there with God.

bwe@John:1:3 @ God made everything by the Word. Nothing has been made without him.

bwe@John:1:6 @ God sent a man named John.

bwe@John:1:12 @ But there were people who did believe in his name. They did receive him. He gave all those who received him and believed him the right to become children of God.

bwe@John:1:13 @ They were born into Gods family by God. That is, they were not born into his family in the way a person is born into this world. It was not by any persons will.

bwe@John:1:14 @ The Word became man and he lived among us. We saw with our own eyes that he is great. He is great the way God the Father made his only Son great. We saw that he is full of loving kindness and truth.

bwe@John:1:18 @ No one has ever seen God. But his only Son is very near to his Fathers heart. He has told us plainly about God.

bwe@John:1:23 @ John said, I am a voice calling in the desert, "Make the road straight for the Lord." This is what was said by Isaiah, the prophet of God long ago.

bwe@John:1:29 @ The next day John saw Jesus coming to him. Look, said John. See Gods special Lamb! He takes away the wrong ways of the world.

bwe@John:1:34 @ I saw the Spirit coming on him, and I have told you. This man is the Son of God.

bwe@John:1:36 @ Jesus walked by. When John saw him, he said, Look, see Gods Lamb!

bwe@John:1:41 @ The first thing Andrew did then was to find his brother Simon. He said, We have found the Messiah! (Messiah means the Christ, the messenger of God.)

bwe@John:1:49 @ Nathanael said, Teacher, you are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel.

bwe@John:1:51 @ I tell you the truth, said Jesus. You will see heaven open. You will see Gods angels going up and down to the Son of Man.

bwe@John:2:17 @ His disciples remembered that Gods word says, My love for your house is like a fire burning in me.

bwe@John:3:2 @ One night Nicodemus came to Jesus. He said, Master, we know you are a teacher sent by God. We know this because no person could do the big works you are doing if God did not help him.

bwe@John:3:3 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. No person can see Gods kingdom if he is not born again.

bwe@John:3:5 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. This new birth is by water and by the Spirit. No person can enter Gods kingdom if he has not been born that way.

bwe@John:3:16 @ God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.

bwe@John:3:17 @ God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent him to save the world.

bwe@John:3:18 @ Everyone who believes in the Son will not be judged. But everyone who does not believe in him is judged already, because he does not believe in the name of Gods only Son.

bwe@John:3:21 @ But everyone who does what is right comes to the light. He wants people to see that God helps him to do what is right.

bwe@John:3:25 @ Johns disciples and the leaders of the Jews were talking about how to be clean, the way God wants us to be clean.

bwe@John:3:27 @ John answered, A man cannot get anything unless God in heaven gives it to him.

bwe@John:3:33 @ If a person believes what the one from heaven says, then he also says God is true.

bwe@John:3:34 @ The one God sent speaks the words of God. God does not give him the Spirit little by little, but he gives the Spirit in full.

bwe@John:3:36 @ He who believes in the Son will live for ever. He who does not believe in the Son will not live. God will be very angry with him for ever.

bwe@John:4:9 @ Jesus answered her, You do not know what God gives people. And you do not know who is asking you for a drink. If you knew him, then it is you who would have asked for a drink of water. He would give you living water.

bwe@John:4:18 @ The woman said, Sir, this shows me you are a prophet of God.

bwe@John:4:19 @ Our fathers came to this mountain to worship God. But you people say Jerusalem is the place people must go to worship him.

bwe@John:4:22 @ But the time is coming, yes, the time is here already, when those who worship God will worship him in spirit and in a true way. My Father is looking for that kind of people to worship him.

bwe@John:4:23 @ God is Spirit. Those who worship him must do so in spirit and in a true way.

bwe@John:5:18 @ This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.

bwe@John:5:25 @ I tell you the truth. The time is coming. Yes, the time is here when the dead people will hear the voice of the Son of God. Those who hear his voice will live.

bwe@John:5:42 @ But I know that you do not love God in your hearts.

bwe@John:5:44 @ How can you believe? You are always calling each other great, but you do not want the only God to make you great.

bwe@John:6:11 @ Then Jesus took the bread and thanked God for it. He gave it to the disciples and they divided it among those who were sitting. He did the same thing with the fish. The people had all they wanted.

bwe@John:6:23 @ But there were some other boats from Tiberias. It was near the place where they had eaten bread, after the Lord had thanked God for it.

bwe@John:6:27 @ Do not work for the food that spoils, but work for the food that will never spoil, the food that will give you life for ever. The Son of Man will give you that food. God my Father has chosen him to do that.

bwe@John:6:28 @ They asked him, What works does God ask us to do?

bwe@John:6:29 @ Jesus answered them, The work that God asks you to do is to believe in the one whom he has sent.

bwe@John:6:33 @ He who comes down from heaven is the bread that God gives. He is the one who gives life to the world.

bwe@John:6:45 @ The prophets wrote, "God will teach all people." So then, every person who listens to his words and learns what he says, he will come to me.

bwe@John:6:46 @ But no person has seen my Father. The only one who has seen him is the one who comes from God. He has seen my Father.

bwe@John:6:69 @ We believe now, and we know it is true. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

bwe@John:7:17 @ If any man wants to do what God wants him to do, he will know the teaching. He will know if it is Gods teaching or if I am speaking from my own mind.

bwe@John:7:18 @ The person who speaks from his own mind only wants to be great himself. But the person whom God has sent wants to show that God is great. That person is true. He is not a bad man.

bwe@John:8:40 @ But you want to kill me because I told you the truth which I learned from God. Abraham did not do that.

bwe@John:8:41 @ You are doing your fathers work. Then they said to him, We were not born of an unmarried woman. God is the Father of us all.

bwe@John:8:42 @ Jesus said to them, If God were your Father you would love me, because I have come from God. I did not come by my own power. God sent me.

bwe@John:8:47 @ The person who comes from God listens to what God says. You do not come from God. That is why you do not listen to me.

bwe@John:8:53 @ Are you greater than our father Abraham and the prophets of God who died long ago? Who do you make yourself out to be?

bwe@John:8:54 @ Jesus answered, If I make myself great, then I am not great. But my Father makes me great. You say he is your God.

bwe@John:8:55 @ But you do not know God. I know him. If I say, "I do not know him," I am a liar, just as you people are. But I know him and I obey his word.

bwe@John:9:3 @ Jesus answered, It was not that he or his parents did any wrong thing. But it was so that people would see what God will do in him.

bwe@John:9:16 @ Then some of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God. He does not obey the Sabbath day law. The others said, But how can a bad man do such a big work? So the Pharisees did not agree together in what they thought about Jesus.

bwe@John:9:17 @ Then they asked the man who had been born blind, What do you say about the man who healed you? He answered, I say he is a prophet from God.

bwe@John:9:24 @ Then again they called the man who had been blind. They said to him, You must praise God for this. We know that the man who healed you is a bad man.

bwe@John:9:29 @ We know that God talked to Moses. But this man, we do not know where he comes from.

bwe@John:9:31 @ We know that God does not listen to bad people. But God listens to the person who shows him respect and who obeys him.

bwe@John:9:33 @ If this man did not come from God, he could not do anything like this.

bwe@John:9:35 @ Jesus heard that the people had put him out. When he found him, he said, Do you believe in the Son of God?

bwe@John:9:36 @ He answered, Sir, who is the Son of God? Tell me, so that I may believe in him.

bwe@John:9:37 @ Jesus said, You have already seen him. The person who is talking to you now, he is the Son of God.

bwe@John:10:33 @ Then the Jewish leaders answered him, We do not kill you for doing any good thing. But you do not respect God. You are only a man, and yet you say you are God.

bwe@John:10:34 @ Jesus answered them, In your own books it is written that God said, "You are gods."

bwe@John:10:36 @ Nothing can change the words in the holy writings. It is written that God spoke to men and that he called them gods. So he called some men gods. Then why do you say I do not respect God when I say that I am the Son of God? I am the one God chose and sent into the world.

bwe@John:11:4 @ Jesus heard the message. He said, The man is sick, but he will not die from it. But this will show people that God is great, and his Son also.

bwe@John:11:22 @ But even yet, I know that God will give you anything that you ask for.

bwe@John:11:27 @ She said, Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ. I believe that you are the Son of God who was to come into the world.

bwe@John:11:40 @ Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you believed God you would see that he is great?

bwe@John:11:51 @ He himself did not understand what he was saying. But he was the high priest that year. God spoke through him to say that Jesus should die for those people.

bwe@John:11:52 @ Jesus would die, not only for those people, but he would gather together all of Gods people who are out in different places.

bwe@John:12:13 @ So they took branches of palm trees and went to meet him. They shouted, Praise God! God bless the King of Israel! He is coming in the name of the Lord!

bwe@John:12:16 @ His disciples did not understand this at first. But when God had made Jesus great, then they remembered what the holy writings said about him. They remembered that people had done these things to him.

bwe@John:12:20 @ Some of the people who came to worship God at the feast were Greek people.

bwe@John:12:38 @ What the prophet Isaiah said came true. He said, Lord, who has believed what we told them? Who has believed even though they have seen the power of Gods hand?

bwe@John:12:40 @ So they could not believe. Isaiah said also, God has made them blind. Their hearts have no feeling. They cannot see. They do not understand with their heart. They will not turn to God. If they did turn, he would heal them.

bwe@John:12:43 @ They wanted the praise of men more than the praise of God.

bwe@John:13:3 @ Jesus knew that his Father had put everything into his hands. He knew he had come from God. He knew he was going back to God.

bwe@John:13:18 @ I am not talking about all of you but I know the people I have chosen. So Gods word comes true. The holy writings say, "He who is eating my bread has turned against me."

bwe@John:13:31 @ When he had gone out, Jesus said, Now the Son of Man is very great. And he has made Gods name great.

bwe@John:13:32 @ If he has made Gods name great, God also will make him great by his own power. He will do it right away.

bwe@John:14:1 @ Jesus said, Do not let anything trouble your heart. You believe in God and you must believe in me also.

bwe@John:16:2 @ The people will put you out of the meeting place. Yes, the time is coming when someone will kill you and think he is working for God.

bwe@John:16:8 @ When the Helper comes, he will prove this to the people of the world that they are wrong. They are wrong about what they call bad and about what they call good. He will show them how to be right with God. He will show them about Gods judgement.

bwe@John:16:27 @ My Father himself loves you. He loves you because you have loved me. And he loves you because you have believed that God sent me.

bwe@John:16:30 @ We know now that you know everything. No one needs to ask you questions. This makes us believe that God sent you.

bwe@John:17:3 @ You are the only true God. If they know you, and Jesus Christ whom you sent, they will live for ever.

bwe@John:19:7 @ The leaders of the Jews answered him, We have a law. That law says he should die, because he calls himself the Son of God. When Pilate heard what they said, he was very much afraid.

bwe@John:19:11 @ Jesus said, You would have no power over me if God did not give you power. So then, the man who gave me up to you has done something worse than you.

bwe@John:20:17 @ Jesus said to her, Do not hold me, because I have not yet gone up to my Father. But go to my brothers and tell them that I am going up to my Father. He is your Father also. I am going up to my God. He is your God also.

bwe@John:20:28 @ Thomas said to him, My Lord and my God!

bwe@John:20:29 @ Jesus said to him, You yourself have seen me. Is that why you now believe? God will bless people who believe though they have not seen me.

bwe@John:20:31 @ But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And when you believe in his name, then he will give you power to live.

bwe@John:21:19 @ Jesus said this to show how Peter would die and make Gods name great. When he had finished saying this, he said to him, Come and follow me!

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