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NT-GOSPEL.filter - geneva Shal:

geneva@Matthew:1:21 @ And she shall bring forth (note:)Christ is born of the same virgin who never knew a man: and is named Jesus by God himself through the angel.(:note) a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save Save, and this shows us the meaning of the name Jesus. his people from their sins.

geneva@Matthew:1:23 @ Behold, a (note:)There is an article added in the Hebrew and Greek text, to point out the woman and set her forth plainly: as we would say, the virgin, or a certain virgin.(:note) virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

geneva@Matthew:2:6 @ And thou Bethlehem, [in] the land of Juda, art not the (note:)Though you are a small town, yet you will be very famous and notable through the birth of the Messiah, who will be born in you.(:note) least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that That will rule and govern: for kings are rightly called leaders and shepherds of the people. shall rule my people Israel.

geneva@Matthew:4:4 @ But he answering said, It is written, Man shall not liue by bread onely, but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

geneva@Matthew:4:6 @ And said vnto him, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy selfe downe: for it is written, that he wil giue his Angels charge ouer thee, and with their hands they shall lift thee vp, lest at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Matthew:4:7 @ Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not (note:)Literally, «Thou shalt not go on still in tempting.»(:note) tempt the Lord thy God.

geneva@Matthew:4:10 @ Then sayd Iesus vnto him, Auoyde Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue.

geneva@Matthew:5:4 @ Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted.

geneva@Matthew:5:5 @ Blessed are the meeke: for they shall inherite the earth.

geneva@Matthew:5:6 @ Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnes: for they shalbe filled.

geneva@Matthew:5:7 @ Blessed are the mercifull: for they shal obteine mercie.

geneva@Matthew:5:8 @ Blessed [are] the (note:)Fitly is this word «pure» joined with the heart, for as a bright and shining resemblance or image may be seen plainly in a clear and pure looking glass, even so does the face (as it were) of the everlasting God, shine forth, and clearly appear in a pure heart.(:note) pure in heart: for they shall see God.

geneva@Matthew:5:9 @ Blessed are the peace makers: for they shal be called the children of God.

geneva@Matthew:5:11 @ Blessed shall ye be when men reuile you, and persecute you, & say all maner of euill against you for my sake, falsely.

geneva@Matthew:5:13 @ Ye (note:)The ministers of the word especially (unless they will be the most cowardly of all) must lead others both by word and deed to this greatest joy and happiness.(:note) are the salt of the Your doctrine must be very sound and good, for if it is not so, it will be not regarded and cast away as a thing unsavoury and vain. earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be What will you have to salt with? And so are fools in the Latin tongue called «saltless», as you would say, men that have no salt or savour and taste in them. salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

geneva@Matthew:5:18 @ For truly I say vnto you, Till heauen, and earth perish, one iote or one title of the Law shall not scape, till all things be fulfilled.

geneva@Matthew:5:20 @ For I say vnto you, except your righteousnes exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharises, ye shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen.

geneva@Matthew:5:22 @ But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be (note:)He speaks of the judgment of God, and of the difference of sins, and therefore applies his words to the form of civil judgments which were then used.(:note) in danger Of that judgment which was ruled by three men, who had the hearing and deciding of money matters, and such other small causes. of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the By that judgment which stood of 23 judges, who had the hearing and deciding of weighty affairs, as the matter of a whole tribe or of a high priest, or of a false prophet. council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of Whereas we read here «hell», it is in the text itself «Gehenna», which is one Hebrew word made out of two, and is as if to say «as the Valley of Hinnom», which the Hebrews called Topheth: it was a place where the Israelites cruelly sacrificed their children to false gods, whereupon it was taken for a place appointed to torment the reprobates in (Jer_7:31). hell The Jews used four kinds of punishments, before their government was taken away by Herod: hanging, beheading, stoning, and burning. It is burning that Christ meant, because burning was the greatest punishment; therefore by making mention of a judgment, a council, and a fire, he shows that some sins are worse than others are, but yet they are all such that we must give account for them, and will be punished for them. fire.

geneva@Matthew:5:26 @ Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast (note:)You will be dealt with in this manner, to the utmost extremity.(:note) paid the uttermost farthing.

geneva@Matthew:5:31 @ It hath bene sayd also, Whosoeuer shall put away his wife, let him giue her a bill of diuorcement.

geneva@Matthew:5:32 @ But I say vnto you, whosoeuer shall put away his wife (except it be for fornication) causeth her to commit adulterie: & whosoeuer shal marrie her that is diuorced, committeth adulterie.

geneva@Matthew:5:36 @ Neither shalt thou sweare by thine head, because thou canst not make one heare white or blacke.

geneva@Matthew:5:39 @ But I say vnto you, Resist not euill: but whosoeuer shall smite thee on thy right cheeke, turne to him the other also.

geneva@Matthew:5:43 @ Ye haue heard that it hath bin said, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour, and hate your enemie.

geneva@Matthew:5:46 @ For if ye loue them, which loue you, what rewarde shall you haue? Doe not the Publicanes euen the same?

geneva@Matthew:5:48 @ Ye shall therefore be perfit, as your Father which is in heauen, is perfite.

geneva@Matthew:6:6 @ But when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore, pray vnto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret, shall rewarde thee openly.

geneva@Matthew:6:7 @ But when ye pray, use not (note:)Long prayers are not condemned, but vain, needless, and superstitious ones.(:note) vain repetitions, as the heathen [do]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

geneva@Matthew:6:23 @ But if thine eye be wicked, then all thy body shalbe darke. Wherefore if the light that is in thee, be darkenes, howe great is that darkenesse?

geneva@Matthew:6:30 @ Wherefore if God so clothe the grasse of the fielde which is to day, and to morowe is cast into the ouen, shall he not doe much more vnto you, O ye of litle faith?

geneva@Matthew:6:31 @ Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eate? or what shall we drinke? or where with shall we be clothed?

geneva@Matthew:6:33 @ But seeke ye first the kingdome of God, and his righteousnesse, and all these things shall be ministred vnto you.

geneva@Matthew:6:34 @ Care not then for the morowe: for the morowe shall care for it selfe: the day hath ynough with his owne griefe.

geneva@Matthew:7:2 @ Eor with what iudgement ye iudge, ye shall be iudged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you againe.

geneva@Matthew:7:5 @ Hypocrite, first cast out that beame out of thine owne eye, and then shalt thou see clearely to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye.

geneva@Matthew:7:8 @ For whosoeuer asketh, receiueth: and he, that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

geneva@Matthew:7:11 @ If ye then, which are euill, can giue to your children good giftes, howe much more shall your Father which is in heauen, giue good thinges to them that aske him?

geneva@Matthew:7:16 @ Ye shall know them by their fruites. Doe men gather grapes of thornes? or figges of thistles?

geneva@Matthew:7:20 @ Therefore by their fruites ye shall knowe them.

geneva@Matthew:7:26 @ But whosoeuer heareth these my wordes, and doeth them not, shall be likened vnto a foolish man, which hath builded his house vpon the sand:

geneva@Matthew:8:8 @ But the Centurion answered, saying, Master, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe: but speake the worde onely, and my seruant shall be healed.

geneva@Matthew:8:11 @ And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall (note:)A metaphor taken of banqueters, for they that sit down together are fellows in the banquet.(:note) sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.

geneva@Matthew:8:12 @ But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into (note:)Who are outside the kingdom: For in the kingdom is light, and outside the kingdom is darkness.(:note) outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:9:15 @ And Jesus said unto them, Can the (note:)A Hebrew idiom, for they that are admitted into the marriage chamber are as the bridegroom's closest friends.(:note) children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.

geneva@Matthew:9:21 @ For shee saide in her selfe, If I may touche but his garment onely, I shalbe whole.

geneva@Matthew:10:14 @ And whosoeuer shall not receiue you, nor heare your woordes, when yee depart out of that house, or that citie, shake off the dust of your feete.

geneva@Matthew:10:15 @ Truely I say vnto you, it shall be easier for them of the lande of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of iudgement, then for that citie.

geneva@Matthew:10:18 @ And ye shal be brought to the gouernours and Kings for my sake, in witnes to them, and to the Gentiles.

geneva@Matthew:10:19 @ But when they deliuer you vp, take no thought howe or what ye shall speake: for it shall be giuen you in that houre, what ye shall say.

geneva@Matthew:10:21 @ And the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the sonne, and the children shal rise against their parents, and shall cause them to die.

geneva@Matthew:10:22 @ And yee shall be hated of all men for my Name: but he that endureth to the end, he shall be saued.

geneva@Matthew:10:23 @ But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have (note:)Bring to an end, that is, you will not have gone through all the cities of Israel and preached in them.(:note) gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.

geneva@Matthew:10:25 @ It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house (note:)It was the idol of the Acronites, which we call the god of flies.(:note) Beelzebub, how much more [shall they call] them of his household?

geneva@Matthew:10:29 @ Are not two sparrows sold for a (note:)The fourth part of an ounce or seven grams.(:note) farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.

geneva@Matthew:10:33 @ But whosoeuer shall denie me before me, him will I also denie before my Father which is in heauen.

geneva@Matthew:10:36 @ And a mans enemies shall be they of his owne housholde.

geneva@Matthew:10:39 @ He that (note:)They are said to find their life, who deliver it out of danger: and this is spoken against the opinion of the people, who think those that die are certainly lost, because they think not of the life to come.(:note) findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

geneva@Matthew:10:42 @ And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these (note:)Who in the sight of the world are vile and abject.(:note) little ones a cup of cold [water] only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

geneva@Matthew:11:3 @ Art thou he that shoulde come, or shal we looke for another?

geneva@Matthew:11:6 @ And blessed is he that shal not be offeded in me.

geneva@Matthew:11:10 @ For this is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

geneva@Matthew:11:22 @ But I say to you, It shalbe easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the day of iudgement, then for you.

geneva@Matthew:11:23 @ And thou, Capernaum, which art lifted vp vnto heauen, shalt be brought downe to hell: for if the great workes, which haue bin done in thee, had bene done among them of Sodom, they had remained to this day.

geneva@Matthew:11:24 @ But I say vnto you, that it shall be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement, then for thee.

geneva@Matthew:11:29 @ Take my yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules.

geneva@Matthew:12:11 @ And he said vnto the, What man shall there be among you, that hath a sheepe, & if it fal on a Sabbath day into a pit, doth not take it & lift it out?

geneva@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew (note:)By judgment is meant a godly kingdom, because Christ was to proclaim true religion among the Gentiles, and to cast out superstition; and wherever this is done, the Lord is said to reign and judge there, that is to say, to govern and rule matters.(:note) judgment to the Gentiles.

geneva@Matthew:12:19 @ He shall not striue, nor crie, neither shall any man heare his voyce in the streetes.

geneva@Matthew:12:20 @ A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he (note:)He will pronounce sentence and judgment, in spite of the world and Satan, and show himself conqueror over all his enemies.(:note) send forth judgment unto victory.

geneva@Matthew:12:21 @ And in his Name shall the Gentiles trust.

geneva@Matthew:12:26 @ So if Satan cast out Satan, he is deuided against himself: how shal then his kingdom endure?

geneva@Matthew:12:27 @ Also if I through Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whom doe your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your iudges.

geneva@Matthew:12:31 @ Wherefore I say vnto you, euery sinne and blasphemie shalbe forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiuen vnto men.

geneva@Matthew:12:32 @ And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: (note:)Of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.(:note) but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the [world] to come.

geneva@Matthew:12:36 @ But I say unto you, That every (note:)Vain and unprofitable trifles, which for the most part, men spend their lives in search of.(:note) idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

geneva@Matthew:12:37 @ For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified, and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.

geneva@Matthew:12:39 @ But he answered and said unto them, An evil and (note:)Bastard, who fell from Abraham's faith or forsook the true worship of God.(:note) adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

geneva@Matthew:12:40 @ For as Ionas was three daies & three nights in the whales belly: so shall the Sonne of man be three daies & three nights in ye heart of the earth.

geneva@Matthew:12:42 @ The queen of the (note:)He means the Queen of Sheba: whose country is south in respect to the land of Israel; (1Ki_10:1-13).(:note) south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the For Sheba is situated in the farthest coast of Arabia at the mouth of the Arabian Sea. uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon [is] here.

geneva@Matthew:12:45 @ Then he goeth, & taketh vnto him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe, and they enter in, and dwell there: and the ende of that man is worse then the beginning. Euen so shall it be with this wicked generation.

geneva@Matthew:12:50 @ For whosoeuer shall doe my Fathers will which is in heauen, the same is my brother and sister and mother.

geneva@Matthew:13:12 @ For whosoeuer hath, to him shalbe giuen, and he shall haue abundance: but whosoeuer hath not, from him shalbe taken away, euen that he hath.

geneva@Matthew:13:14 @ So in them is fulfilled the prophecie of Esaias, which prophecie saieth, By hearing, ye shall heare, and shall not vnderstand, and seeing, ye shal see, and shall not perceiue.

geneva@Matthew:13:40 @ As then the tares are gathered and burned in ye fire, so shal it be in the end of this world.

geneva@Matthew:13:41 @ The Sonne of man shal send forth his Angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which doe iniquitie,

geneva@Matthew:13:42 @ And shall cast them into a fornace of fire. There shalbe wailing and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:13:43 @ Then shall the iust men shine as ye sunne in the kingdome of their Father. Hee that hath eares to heare, let him heare.

geneva@Matthew:13:49 @ So shall it be at the end of the world. The Angels shall goe foorth, and seuer the bad from among the iust,

geneva@Matthew:13:50 @ And shall cast them into a fornace of fire: there shalbe wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:15:5 @ But ye say, (note:)The meaning is this: whatever I bestow upon the temple, is to your profit, for it is as good as if I gave it to you, for (as the Pharisees of our time say) it will be meritorious for you: for under this form of religion, they gathered all to themselves, as though he that had given anything to the temple, had done the duty of a child.(:note) Whosoever shall say to [his] father or [his] mother, [It is] a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;

geneva@Matthew:15:6 @ And honour not his father or his mother, [he shall be free]. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none (note:)As much as you could, you destroyed the power and authority of the commandment: for otherwise the commandments of God stand fast in the Church of God, in spite of the world and Satan.(:note) effect by your tradition.

geneva@Matthew:15:13 @ But hee answered and saide, Euery plant which mine heauenly Father hath not planted, shalbe rooted vp.

geneva@Matthew:15:14 @ Let them alone, they be the blinde leaders of the blinde: and if the blinde leade ye blinde, both shall fall into the ditche.

geneva@Matthew:16:4 @ A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but (note:)The article shows how notable the sign is.(:note) the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

geneva@Matthew:16:22 @ Then Peter (note:)Took him by the hand and led him aside, as they used to do, which meant to talk familiarly with one.(:note) took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.

geneva@Matthew:16:25 @ For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall (note:)Shall gain himself: And this is his meaning, they that deny Christ to save themselves, not only not gain that which they look for, but also lose the thing they would have kept, that is, themselves, which is the greatest loss of all: but as for them that doubt not to die for Christ, it goes well with them otherwise.(:note) find it.

geneva@Matthew:16:26 @ For what shall it profite a man though he should winne the whole worlde, if hee lose his owne soule? Or what shall a man giue for recompence of his soule?

geneva@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Son of man shall come (note:)Like a King, as (Mat_6:29).(:note) in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

geneva@Matthew:16:28 @ Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his (note:)By his kingdom is understood the glory of his ascension, and what follows after that, (Eph_4:10), or the preaching of the gospel, (Mar_9:1).(:note) kingdom.

geneva@Matthew:17:12 @ But I say vnto you that Elias is come alreadie, and they knewe him not, but haue done vnto him whatsoeuer they would: likewise shal also the Sonne of man suffer of them.

geneva@Matthew:17:17 @ Then Iesus answered, and said, O generation faithlesse, and crooked, how long now shall I be with you! Howe long nowe shall I suffer you! Bring him hither to me.

geneva@Matthew:17:20 @ And Iesus said vnto them, Because of your vnbeliefe: for verely I say vnto you, if ye haue faith as much as is a graine of mustarde seede, ye shall say vnto this mountaine, Remooue hence to yonder place, and it shall remoue: and nothing shalbe vnpossible vnto you.

geneva@Matthew:17:23 @ And they shall kill him, but the thirde day shall he rise againe: and they were very sorie.

geneva@Matthew:17:27 @ Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a (note:)The word used here is «stater», which is in value four didrachmas; every drachma is about five pence.(:note) piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

geneva@Matthew:18:3 @ And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be (note:)An idiom taken from the Hebrews which is equivalent to «repent».(:note) converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

geneva@Matthew:18:4 @ Whosoeuer therefore shal humble himselfe as this litle childe, the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen.

geneva@Matthew:18:5 @ And whosoeuer shall receiue one such litle childe in my name, receiueth me.

geneva@Matthew:18:18 @ Verely I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer ye loose on earth, shalbe loosed in heauen.

geneva@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall (note:)This word, which is normally used of the body, is here used of the mind, for it belongs properly to poetry.(:note) agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

geneva@Matthew:18:35 @ So likewise shall mine heauenly Father doe vnto you, except ye forgiue from your hearts, eche one to his brother their trespasses.

geneva@Matthew:19:5 @ And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall (note:)The Greek word conveys «to be glued unto», by which it signifies the union by marriage, which is between man and wife, as though they were glued together.(:note) cleave to his wife: and they They who were two become one as it were: and this word «flesh» is figuratively taken for the whole man, or the body, after the manner of the Hebrews. twain shall be one flesh?

geneva@Matthew:19:9 @ And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] (note:)Therefore in these days the laws that were made against adulterers were not regarded: for they would have no need of divorce, if the marriage had been severed by punishment of death.(:note) for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

geneva@Matthew:19:18 @ He sayd to him, Which? And Iesus sayde, These, Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnesse.

geneva@Matthew:19:19 @ Honour thy father and mother: and thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe.

geneva@Matthew:19:21 @ Jesus said unto him, If (note:)The young man did not answer truly in saying that he had kept all the commandments: and therefore Christ sets forth an example of true charity before him, to show the disease that lay lurking in his mind.(:note) thou wilt be perfect, go [and] sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come [and] follow me.

geneva@Matthew:19:27 @ Then answered Peter, and said to him, Beholde, we haue forsaken all, and followed thee: what therefore shall we haue?

geneva@Matthew:19:29 @ And whosoeuer shal forsake houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my Names sake, he shall receiue an hundreth folde more, and shall inherite euerlasting life.

geneva@Matthew:20:7 @ They sayd vnto him, Because no man hath hired vs. He sayd to them, Goe ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoeuer is right, that shall ye receiue.

geneva@Matthew:20:16 @ So the last shalbe first, and the first last: for many are called, but fewe chosen.

geneva@Matthew:20:22 @ But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to (note:)«Taking the cup» is figurative speech for that which is contained in the cup. And again, the Hebrews understand by the word «cup», sometimes the manner of punishment which is rendered to sin, as (Psa_11:6), or the joy that is given to the faithful, as (Psa_23:5), and sometimes a lot or condition, as (Psa_16:5).(:note) drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the This is in reference to afflictions, as David commonly uses. baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.

geneva@Matthew:20:23 @ And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is (note:)The almightiness of Christ's divinity is not shut out by this, but it shows the debasing of himself by taking man's nature upon him.(:note) not mine to give, but [it shall be given to them] for whom it is prepared of my Father.

geneva@Matthew:20:26 @ But it shall not be so among you: but whosoeuer will be great among you, let him be your seruant.

geneva@Matthew:20:32 @ And Jesus stood still, and (note:)Himself, not by the means of other men.(:note) called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?

geneva@Matthew:21:2 @ Saying to them, Goe into the towne that is ouer against you, and anon yee shall finde an asse bounde, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them vnto me.

geneva@Matthew:21:3 @ And if any [man] say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway (note:)He that will say anything to you will let them go, that is, the ass and the colt.(:note) he will send them.

geneva@Matthew:21:13 @ And said to them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye haue made it a denne of theeues.

geneva@Matthew:21:22 @ And whatsoeuer ye shall aske in prayer, if ye beleeue, ye shall receiue it.

geneva@Matthew:21:25 @ The (note:)The preaching of John is called by the figure «baptism» because he preached the baptism of repentance, etc.; (Mar_1:4; Act_19:3).(:note) baptism of John, whence was it? from From God, and so it is plainly seen how these are set one against another. heaven, or of men? And they Beat their heads about it, and mused, or laid their heads together. reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?

geneva@Matthew:21:40 @ When therefore the Lorde of the vineyarde shall come, what will hee doe to those husbandmen?

geneva@Matthew:21:41 @ They say unto him, He will (note:)A kind of proverb, showing what punishment the wicked are worthy of.(:note) miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out [his] vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

geneva@Matthew:21:43 @ Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the (note:)They bring forth the fruits of the kingdom of God, who bring forth the fruit of the Spirit, and not of the flesh, (Gal_5:16-26).(:note) fruits thereof.

geneva@Matthew:21:44 @ And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will (note:)As chaff used to be scattered with the wind, for he uses a word which properly signifies separating the chaff from the corn with winnowing, and to scatter it abroad.(:note) grind him to powder.

geneva@Matthew:22:13 @ Then said the king to the (note:)To those that served the guests.(:note) servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast [him] into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:22:24 @ Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no (note:)Daughters are also included by this word «children», but even though they were part of his family and bore his name, the man who had only daughters was in the same position as the man who had no children at all; this is because daughters were not at this time able to carry on the family name. Therefore, by «children» here, we should understand it to be referring to «sons».(:note) children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

geneva@Matthew:22:28 @ Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife shall she be of the seuen? For all had her.

geneva@Matthew:22:37 @ Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy (note:)The Hebrew text in (Deu_6:5) reads, «with thine heart, soul, and strength»; and in (Mar_12:30) and (Luk_10:27) we read, «with soul, heart, strength and thought.»(:note) soul, and with all thy mind.

geneva@Matthew:22:39 @ And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy (note:)Another man.(:note) neighbour as thyself.

geneva@Matthew:23:12 @ And whosoever (note:)He seems to allude to the position of the rabbis, for rabbi signifies one that is in a high position.(:note) shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

geneva@Matthew:23:16 @ Woe unto you, [ye] blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he (note:)Is a debtor. In the Syrian language, sins are called «Debts», and it is certain that Christ spoke in Syrian.(:note) is a debtor!

geneva@Matthew:23:22 @ And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the (note:)If heaven is God's throne, than he is without doubt above this entire world.(:note) throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.

geneva@Matthew:23:36 @ Verely I say vnto you, all these things shall come vpon this generation.

geneva@Matthew:23:38 @ Beholde, your habitation shalbe left vnto you desolate,

geneva@Matthew:23:39 @ For I say vnto you, ye shall not see mee henceforth till that ye say, Blessed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lord.

geneva@Matthew:24:3 @ And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, his disciples came vnto him apart, saying, Tell vs when these things shall be, and what signe shalbe of thy coming, and of the ende of the world.

geneva@Matthew:24:5 @ For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceiue many.

geneva@Matthew:24:6 @ And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all [these things] must come to pass, but the (note:)That is, when those things are fulfilled, yet the end will not come.(:note) end is not yet.

geneva@Matthew:24:7 @ For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in (note:)Everywhere.(:note) divers places.

geneva@Matthew:24:9 @ Then shal they deliuer you vp to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my Names sake.

geneva@Matthew:24:10 @ And then shall many be offended, and shal betray one another, and shall hate one another.

geneva@Matthew:24:11 @ And many false prophets shall arise, & shall deceiue many.

geneva@Matthew:24:12 @ And because iniquitie shalbe increased, the loue of many shalbe colde.

geneva@Matthew:24:14 @ And this (note:)Joyful tidings of the kingdom of heaven.(:note) gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the Through all that part of the world that people live in. world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

geneva@Matthew:24:19 @ And woe shalbe to them that are with childe, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.

geneva@Matthew:24:21 @ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the worlde to this time, nor shalbe.

geneva@Matthew:24:22 @ And except (note:)Those things which befell the people of the Jews in the thirty-four years, when the whole land was wasted, and at length the city of Jerusalem was taken, and both it and their temple destroyed, are mixed with those things which will come to pass before the last coming of the Lord.(:note) those days should be shortened, there should no The whole nation would utterly be destroyed: and this word «flesh» is a figurative word for «man», as the Hebrews used to say. flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

geneva@Matthew:24:23 @ Then if any shall say vnto you, Loe, here is Christ, or there, beleeue it not.

geneva@Matthew:24:24 @ For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and (note:)Will openly set forth great signs for men to behold.(:note) shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

geneva@Matthew:24:26 @ Wherefore if they shall say vnto you, Beholde, he is in the desert, goe not forth: Beholde, he is in the secret places, beleeue it not.

geneva@Matthew:24:27 @ For as the lightning commeth out of the East, and is seene into the West, so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be.

geneva@Matthew:24:30 @ And then shall appear the (note:)The exceeding glory and majesty, which will bear witness that Christ the Lord of heaven and earth draws near to judge the world.(:note) sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the All nations, and he alludes to the dispersion which we read of in (Genesis 10-11), or to the dividing of the people of Israel. tribes of the earth They will be in such sorrow, that they will strike themselves: and it is transferred to the mourning. mourn, and they shall see the Son of man Sitting upon the clouds, as he was taken up into heaven. coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

geneva@Matthew:24:31 @ And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the (note:)From the four corners of the world.(:note) four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

geneva@Matthew:24:34 @ Verily I say unto you, This (note:)This age: the word «generation» or «age» is here being used for the men of this age.(:note) generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

geneva@Matthew:24:37 @ But as the dayes of Noe were, so likewise shall the coming of the Sonne of man be.

geneva@Matthew:24:39 @ And knewe nothing, till the flood came, and tooke them all away, so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be.

geneva@Matthew:24:46 @ Blessed is that seruant, whom his master when he commeth, shall finde so doing.

geneva@Matthew:24:47 @ Verely I say vnto you, he shall make him ruler ouer all his goods.

geneva@Matthew:24:48 @ But if that euil seruant shal say in his heart, My master doth deferre his comming,

geneva@Matthew:24:51 @ And shall (note:)That is, from the rest, or will cut him into two pieces, which was a most cruel kind of punishment: with which, as Justin Martyr witnesses, Isaiah the Prophet was executed by the Jews: the same kind of punishment we read of in (1Sa_15:33) and (Dan_3:29).(:note) cut him asunder, and appoint [him] his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:25:1 @ Then (note:)We must desire strength from God's hand which may serve us as a torch while we walk through this darkness, to bring us to our desired end: otherwise, if we become slothful and negligent because we are weary of our pains and travail, we shall be kept from entering the doors.(:note) shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and The pomp of weddings was usually preferred to be done at night, and that by young unmarried women. went forth to meet the bridegroom.

geneva@Matthew:25:29 @ For vnto euery man that hath, it shall be giuen, and he shall haue abundance, and from him that hath not, euen that he hath, shalbe taken away.

geneva@Matthew:25:30 @ Cast therefore that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenes: there shalbe weeping and gnasshing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:25:32 @ And before him shalbe gathered all nations, & he shal seperate them one from another, as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from ye goates.

geneva@Matthew:25:33 @ And he shall set the sheepe on his right hand, and the goates on the left.

geneva@Matthew:25:34 @ Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye (note:)Blessed and happy, upon whom my Father has most abundantly bestowed his benefits.(:note) blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

geneva@Matthew:25:37 @ Then shall the righteous answere him, saying, Lord, when sawe we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or a thirst, and gaue thee drinke?

geneva@Matthew:25:40 @ And the King shall answere, and say vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethre, ye haue done it to me.

geneva@Matthew:25:41 @ Then shal he say vnto them on ye left hand, Depart from me ye cursed, into euerlasting fire, which is prepared for the deuill and his angels.

geneva@Matthew:25:44 @ Then shall they also answere him, saying, Lord, when sawe we thee an hungred, or a thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sicke, or in prison, and did not minister vnto thee?

geneva@Matthew:25:45 @ Then shall he answere them, and say, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

geneva@Matthew:25:46 @ And these shall goe into euerlasting paine, and the righteous into life eternall.

geneva@Matthew:26:13 @ Verely I say vnto you, wheresoeuer this Gospel shall bee preached throughout all the worlde, there shall also this that shee hath done, be spoken of for a memoriall of her.

geneva@Matthew:26:21 @ And as they did eate, he sayde, Verely I say vnto you, that one of you shall betraie me.

geneva@Matthew:26:23 @ And he answered and said, He that (note:)That is to say, he whom I invited to come to my table, alluding in this to (Psa_41:9), which is not to be understood as though just as the Lord spoke these words Judas had his hand in the dish (for that would have been an undoubted sign) but it refers to his tabling and eating with him.(:note) dippeth [his] hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

geneva@Matthew:26:29 @ I say vnto you, that I will not drinke henceforth of this fruit of the vine vntil that day, when I shal drinke it new with you in my Fathers kingdome.

geneva@Matthew:26:34 @ Iesus sayde vnto him, Verely I say vnto thee, that this night, before the cocke crow, thou shalt denie me thrise.

geneva@Matthew:26:48 @ Now he that betraied him, had giuen them a token, saying, Whomesoeuer I shall kisse, that is he, laie holde on him.

geneva@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, (note:)This word distinguishes his first coming from the latter.(:note) Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting Sitting with God in like and equal honour at the right hand of his power, that is, in greatest power: for the right hand signifies among the Hebrews that which is mighty and of great power. on the right hand of power, and coming in the Clouds of heaven; see above in (Mat_24:30). clouds of heaven.

geneva@Matthew:26:75 @ Then Peter remembred the wordes of Iesus, which had sayde vnto him, Before the cocke crowe thou shalt denie me thrise. So he went out, and wept bitterly.

geneva@Matthew:27:22 @ Pilate said vnto them, What shal I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They all said to him, Let him be crucified.

geneva@Matthew:27:64 @ Command therefore, that the sepulchre be made sure vntill the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steale him away, and say vnto the people, He is risen from the dead: so shall the last errour be worse then the first.

geneva@Matthew:28:7 @ And go quickly, & tel his disciples that he is risen fro ye dead: & behold, he goeth before you into Galile: there ye shall see him: loe, I haue told you.

geneva@Matthew:28:10 @ Then said Iesus vnto them, Be not afraide. Goe, and tell my brethren, that they goe into Galile, and there shall they see me.

geneva@Mark:1:8 @ I indeed have (note:)He shows that all the power of baptism proceeds from Christ, who baptizes the inner man.(:note) baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

geneva@Mark:2:20 @ But the daies will come, when the bridegrome shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast in those daies.

geneva@Mark:3:29 @ But hee that blasphemeth against the holy Ghost, shall neuer haue forgiuenesse, but is culpable of eternall damnation.

geneva@Mark:4:22 @ For there is nothing hid, that shall not be opened: neither is there a secret, but that it shall come to light.

geneva@Mark:4:25 @ For vnto him that hath, shall it be giuen, and from him that hath not, shall be taken away, euen that he hath.

geneva@Mark:5:28 @ For she said, If I may but touch his clothes, I shalbe whole.

geneva@Mark:6:23 @ And he sware vnto her, Whatsoeuer thou shalt aske of me, I will giue it thee, euen vnto the halfe of my kingdome.

geneva@Mark:6:24 @ And (note:)For women did not used to eat with men.(:note) she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.

geneva@Mark:6:37 @ He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, (note:)This is a kind of demand and wondering, with a subtle mockery, which men commonly use when they begin to get angry and refuse to do something.(:note) Shall we go and buy Which is about twenty crowns, which is five pounds. two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?

geneva@Mark:7:11 @ But yee say, If a man say to father or mother, Corban, that is, By the gift that is offered by mee, thou mayest haue profite, hee shall be free.

geneva@Mark:8:12 @ And he (note:)These sighs came from the centre of his heart for the Lord was very much moved with the great unbelief of these men.(:note) sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, Literally, «If a sign be given». It is an abbreviated kind of speech very common among the Hebrews; it is the same as when we say, «Let me be taken for a liar», or something similar. And when they speak out the whole, they say, «The Lord do such and such by me.» There shall no sign be given unto this generation.

geneva@Mark:8:35 @ For whosoeuer will saue his life, shall lose it: but whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels, he shall saue it.

geneva@Mark:8:37 @ Or what exchange shall a man giue for his soule?

geneva@Mark:8:38 @ For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of mee, and of my wordes among this adulterous and sinfull generation, of him shall the Sonne of man be ashamed also, when he commeth in the glorie of his Father with the holy Angels.

geneva@Mark:9:1 @ And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the (note:)When he will begin his kingdom through the preaching of the gospel: that is to say, after the resurrection.(:note) kingdom of God come with power.

geneva@Mark:9:12 @ And he answered, and said vnto them, Elias verely shall first come, and restore all things: and as it is written of the Sonne of man, hee must suffer many things, and be set at nought.

geneva@Mark:9:19 @ Then he answered him, & said, O faithlesse generation, how long now shall I be with you! how long now shall I suffer you! Bring him vnto me.

geneva@Mark:9:35 @ And he sate downe, and called the twelue, and said to them, If any man desire to be first, the same shalbe last of all, and seruant vnto all.

geneva@Mark:9:37 @ Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not (note:)He not only receives me, but also him that sent me.(:note) me, but him that sent me.

geneva@Mark:9:41 @ And whosoeuer shall giue you a cup of water to drinke for my Names sake, because ye belong to Christ, verely I say vnto you, he shall not lose his rewarde.

geneva@Mark:9:43 @ Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:45 @ Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:50 @ Salt is good: but if the salt be vnsauerie, wherewith shall it be seasoned? haue salt in your selues, and haue peace one with another.

geneva@Mark:10:7 @ For this cause shall man leaue his father and mother, and cleaue vnto his wife.

geneva@Mark:10:8 @ And they twaine shalbe one flesh: so that they are no more twaine, but one flesh.

geneva@Mark:10:11 @ And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery (note:)Whom he puts away, for he is an adulterer by keeping company with another.(:note) against her.

geneva@Mark:10:15 @ Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God (note:)In our malice we must become as children if we will enter into the kingdom of heaven.(:note) as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

geneva@Mark:10:21 @ And Iesus looked vpon him, & loued him, and sayde vnto him, One thing is lacking vnto thee. Go and sell all that thou hast, and giue to the poore, & thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come, followe me, and take vp the crosse.

geneva@Mark:10:30 @ But he shall receive an (note:)A hundred times as much, if we use the commodities of this life in a proper way, so that we use them in accordance with the will of God, and not just to gain the wealth itself, and to fulfil our greedy desire.(:note) hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, Even in the midst of persecutions. with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.

geneva@Mark:10:31 @ But many that are first, shall be last, and the last, first.

geneva@Mark:10:33 @ Saying, Beholde, we goe vp to Hierusalem, and the Sonne of man shall be deliuered vnto the hie Priests, and to the Scribes, and they shall condemne him to death, and shall deliuer him to the Gentiles.

geneva@Mark:10:34 @ And they shall mocke him, and scourge him, and spit vpon him, and kill him: but the third day he shall rise againe.

geneva@Mark:10:38 @ But Iesus sayd vnto them, Ye knowe not what ye aske. Can ye drinke of the cup that I shal drinke of, and be baptized with the baptisme that I shall be baptized with?

geneva@Mark:10:39 @ And they said vnto him, We can. But Iesus sayd vnto them, Ye shall drinke in deede of the cup that I shall drinke of, and be baptized with the baptisme wherewith I shalbe baptized:

geneva@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit at my right hand, and at my left, is not mine to giue, but it shalbe giuen to them for whome it is prepared.

geneva@Mark:10:43 @ But it shal not be so among you: but whosoeuer will be great among you, shall be your seruant.

geneva@Mark:10:44 @ And whosoeuer will be chiefe of you, shall be the seruant of all.

geneva@Mark:11:2 @ And sayd vnto them, Goe your wayes into that towne that is ouer against you, and assoone as ye shall enter into it, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him.

geneva@Mark:11:17 @ And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be (note:)Will openly be considered and taken to be so.(:note) called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.

geneva@Mark:11:23 @ For verely I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountaine, Be thou taken away, and cast into the sea, and shall not wauer in his heart, but shall beleeue that those things which he saieth, shal come to passe, whatsoeuer he saieth, shall be done to him.

geneva@Mark:11:24 @ Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that (note:)Literally, «that you receive it», speaking in the present tense, to show the certainty of the thing, and that it will indeed be performed.(:note) ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].

geneva@Mark:11:31 @ And they thought with themselues, saying, If we shall say, From heauen, he will say, Why then did ye not beleeue him?

geneva@Mark:12:7 @ But ye husbandmen said among themselues, This is the heire: come, let vs kill him, and the inheritance shalbe ours.

geneva@Mark:12:9 @ What shall then the Lord of the vineyard doe? He will come and destroy these husbandmen, and giue the vineyard to others.

geneva@Mark:12:23 @ In the resurrection then, when they shall rise againe, whose wife shall she be of them? For seuen had her to wife.

geneva@Mark:12:25 @ For when they shall rise againe from the dead, neither men marry, nor wiues are married, but are as the Angels which are in heauen.

geneva@Mark:12:26 @ And as touching the dead, that they shall rise againe, haue ye not read in the booke of Moses, howe in the bush God spake vnto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob?

geneva@Mark:12:30 @ Thou shalt therefore loue the Lorde thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soule, and with all thy minde, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandement.

geneva@Mark:12:31 @ And the second is like, that is, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. There is none other commandement greater then these.

geneva@Mark:12:40 @ Which deuoure widowes houses, euen vnder a colour of long prayers. These shall receiue the greater damnation.

geneva@Mark:13:2 @ Then Iesus answered and saide vnto him, Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone vpon a stone, that shall not be throwen downe.

geneva@Mark:13:4 @ Tell vs, when shall these things be? And what shalbe the signe when all these things shalbe fulfilled?

geneva@Mark:13:6 @ For many shall come in my Name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceiue many.

geneva@Mark:13:7 @ Furthermore when ye shall heare, of warres, & rumours of warres, be ye not troubled: for such things must needes be: but the end shall not be yet.

geneva@Mark:13:8 @ For nation shal rise against nation, & kingdome against kingdome, and there shalbe earthquakes in diuers quarters, and there shalbe famine and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorowes.

geneva@Mark:13:9 @ But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a (note:)When they hear you preach it will be a most evident witness against them, so that they will not be able to pretend that they do not know.(:note) testimony against them.

geneva@Mark:13:11 @ But when they shall lead [you], and deliver you up, (note:)We are not forbidden to think beforehand, but we are willed to beware of that pensive carefulness by which men discourage themselves, which proceeds from distrust and lack of confidence and sure hope of God's assistance. {{See Mat_6:27}}(:note) take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither By any kind of made-up and cunning type of story to tell. do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

geneva@Mark:13:12 @ Yea, and the brother shall deliuer the brother to death, and the father the sonne, and the children shall rise against their parents, and shall cause them to die.

geneva@Mark:13:13 @ And ye shall be hated of all [men] (note:)For me.(:note) for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

geneva@Mark:13:14 @ But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, (note:)When the heathen and profane people shall not only enter into the temple, and defile both it and the city, but also completely destroy it.(:note) standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

geneva@Mark:13:17 @ Then wo shalbe to the that are with child, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.

geneva@Mark:13:19 @ For [in] (note:)This is an idiom which the Hebrews use and it has a great power in it, for it shows us that during that entire time one misery will follow another in such a way as if the time itself was very misery itself. So the prophet Amos says that the day of the Lord will be darkness; (Amo_5:20).(:note) those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

geneva@Mark:13:22 @ For false Christes shall rise, and false prophets, and shall shewe signes and wonders, to deceiue if it were possible the very elect.

geneva@Mark:13:24 @ Moreouer in those dayes, after that tribulation, the sunne shall waxe darke, and ye moone shall not giue her light,

geneva@Mark:13:25 @ And the starres of heauen shall fall: and the powers which are in heauen, shall shake.

geneva@Mark:13:26 @ And then shall they see the Sonne of man comming in ye cloudes, with great power & glory.

geneva@Mark:13:27 @ And he shall then send his Angels, & shal gather together his elect from the foure windes, and from the vtmost part of the earth to the vtmost part of heauen.

geneva@Mark:13:30 @ Verely I say vnto you, that this generation shall not passe, till all these things be done.

geneva@Mark:13:31 @ Heauen and earth shall passe away, but my woordes shall not passe away.

geneva@Mark:14:9 @ Verely I say vnto you, wheresoeuer this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done, shalbe spoken of in remembrance of her.

geneva@Mark:14:13 @ Then hee sent foorth two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them, Goe yee into the citie, and there shall a man meete you bearing a pitcher of water: followe him.

geneva@Mark:14:14 @ And whithersoeuer he goeth in, say yee to the good man of the house, The Master sayeth, Where is the lodging where I shal eate the Passeouer with my disciples?

geneva@Mark:14:30 @ Then Iesus saide vnto him, Verely I say vnto thee, this day, euen in this night, before the cocke crowe twise, thou shalt denie me thrise.

geneva@Mark:14:44 @ And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, and lead [him] away (note:)So diligently that he cannot escape out of your hand.(:note) safely.

geneva@Mark:14:62 @ And Iesus said, I am he, and yee shall see the Sonne of man sitte at the right hande of the power of God, and come in the clouds of heauen.

geneva@Mark:14:72 @ Then the seconde time the cocke crewe, and Peter remembred the woorde that Iesus had saide vnto him, Before the cocke crowe twise, thou shalt denie me thrise, and waying that with himselfe, he wept.

geneva@Mark:15:43 @ Joseph of Arimathaea, an (note:)A man of great authority, of the council of the sanhedrin, or else a man who was taken by Pilate for his own council.(:note) honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in If we consider what danger Joseph put himself into we shall perceive how bold he was. boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.

geneva@Mark:16:3 @ And they saide one to another, Who shall rolle vs away the stone from the doore of the sepulchre?

geneva@Mark:16:7 @ But goe your way, and tell his disciples, and Peter, that he will goe before you into Galile: there shall ye see him, as he said vnto you.

geneva@Mark:16:16 @ He that shall beleeue and be baptized, shalbe saued: but he that will not beleeue, shalbe damned.

geneva@Mark:16:17 @ And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with (note:)Strange tongues, ones which they did not know before.(:note) new tongues;

geneva@Mark:16:18 @ And shall take away serpents, and if they shall drinke any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their handes on the sicke, and they shall recouer.

geneva@Luke:1:13 @ But the Angel saide vnto him, Feare not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard, and thy wise Elisabet shall beare thee a sonne, and thou shalt call his name Iohn.

geneva@Luke:1:14 @ And thou shalt haue ioy and gladnes, and many shall reioyce at his birth.

geneva@Luke:1:15 @ For he shall be great in the (note:)So the Hebrews say when a rare kind of excellency is signified: so it is said of Nimrod in (Gen_10:9), «He was a mighty hunter before the LORD».(:note) sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor Any drink that might make someone drunk. strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

geneva@Luke:1:16 @ And many of the children of Israel shall he (note:)Shall be a means to bring many to repentance, and they will turn themselves to the Lord, from whom they fell.(:note) turn to the Lord their God.

geneva@Luke:1:17 @ And he shall go (note:)As they used to go before kings, and when you see them, you know the king is not far off.(:note) before him This is spoken by the figure of speech metonymy, taking the spirit for the gift of the spirit; as you would say, the cause of that which comes from the cause. in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the By the figure of speech synecdoche he shows that he will take away all types of enmities which used to breed great troubles and turmoils among men. hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the Wisdom and goodness are two of the main causes which make men revere and honour their fathers. wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

geneva@Luke:1:18 @ Then Zacharias said vnto ye Angel, Whereby shall I knowe this? For I am an olde man, and my wife is of a great age.

geneva@Luke:1:20 @ And beholde, thou shalt be domme, & not be able to speake, vntill the day that these things be done, because thou beleeuedst not my words, which shalbe fulfilled in their season.

geneva@Luke:1:31 @ For loe, thou shalt conceiue in thy wobe, and beare a sonne, and shalt call his name Iesus.

geneva@Luke:1:32 @ He shall be great, and shall be (note:)He will be declared to be so, for he was the Son of God from everlasting, but was made manifest in the flesh in his time.(:note) called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

geneva@Luke:1:33 @ And hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdome shall bee none ende.

geneva@Luke:1:34 @ Then said Mary unto the angel, (note:)The greatness of the matter causes the virgin to ask this question, not that she distrusted by any means at all, for she asks only of the manner of the conceiving, so that it is plain she believed all the rest.(:note) How shall this be, seeing So speak the Hebrews, signifying by this modest kind of speech the company of man and wife together, and this is the meaning of it: how will this be, for as I will be Christ's mother I am very sure I will not know any man: for the godly virgin had learned by the prophets that the Messiah would be born of a virgin. I know not a man?

geneva@Luke:1:35 @ And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost (note:)That is, the Holy Spirit will cause thee to conceive by his mighty power.(:note) shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that That thing which is pure and void of all spot of uncleanliness: for he that was to take away sin must of necessity be void of sin. holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be Declared and shown to the world to be the Son of God. called the Son of God.

geneva@Luke:1:37 @ For with God shall nothing be vnpossible.

geneva@Luke:1:45 @ And blessed is shee that beleeued: for those things shall be perfourmed, which were tolde her from the Lord.

geneva@Luke:1:48 @ For he hath (note:)Has freely and graciously loved.(:note) regarded the Literally, «My baseness», that is, my base estate: so that the virgin did not boast of her deserts, but the grace of God. low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

geneva@Luke:1:60 @ But his mother answered, and saide, Not so, but he shalbe called Iohn.

geneva@Luke:1:66 @ And all they that heard [them] (note:)Thought upon them diligently and earnestly, and as it were, printed them in their hearts.(:note) laid [them] up in their hearts, saying, What manner of child shall this be! And the That is, the present favour of God, and a singular type of virtue appeared in him. hand of the Lord was with him.

geneva@Luke:1:76 @ And thou, (note:)Though you be at this present time ever so little.(:note) child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;

geneva@Luke:2:10 @ Then the Angel saide vnto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shalbe to all the people,

geneva@Luke:2:12 @ And this shalbe a signe to you, Yee shall finde the babe swadled, and laid in a cratch.

geneva@Luke:2:23 @ (As it is written in the Lawe of the Lorde, Euery man childe that first openeth ye wombe, shalbe called holy to the Lord)

geneva@Luke:2:34 @ And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this [child] is (note:)Is appointed and set by God for a mark.(:note) set for the Fall of the reprobate who perishes because of their own fault: and for the rising of the elect, unto whom God will give faith to believe. fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a That is, a mark, which all men will strive earnestly to hit. sign which shall be spoken against;

geneva@Luke:2:35 @ (Yea, a sword shall (note:)Will most keenly wound and grieve.(:note) pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.

geneva@Luke:3:5 @ Euery valley shalbe filled, and euery mountaine and hill shall be brought lowe, and crooked things shalbe made straight, and the rough wayes shalbe made smoothe.

geneva@Luke:3:6 @ And all flesh shall see the saluation of God.

geneva@Luke:3:9 @ Nowe also is the axe layed vnto the roote of the trees: therefore euery tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite, shalbe hewen downe, and cast into the fire.

geneva@Luke:3:10 @ Then the people asked him, saying, What shall we doe then?

geneva@Luke:3:12 @ Then came there Publicanes also to bee baptized, and saide vnto him, Master, what shall we doe?

geneva@Luke:3:14 @ And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse [any] falsely; and be content with your (note:)Which was paid to them partly in money and partly in food.(:note) wages.

geneva@Luke:4:4 @ But Iesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not liue by bread only, but by euery word of God.

geneva@Luke:4:7 @ If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be (note:)Out of a high place, from which would be seen a good and first-class country, and thus the devil showed him all countries.(:note) thine.

geneva@Luke:4:8 @ But Iesus answered him, and saide, Hence from mee, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lorde thy God, and him alone thou shalt serue.

geneva@Luke:4:11 @ And with their handes they shall lift thee vp, least at any time thou shouldest dash thy foote against a stone.

geneva@Luke:4:12 @ And Iesus answered, and said vnto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

geneva@Luke:5:10 @ And so was also Iames & Iohn the sonnes of Zebedeus, which were companions with Simon. Then Iesus sayde vnto Simon, Feare not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

geneva@Luke:5:35 @ But the dayes will come, euen when the bridegrome shalbe taken away from them: then shall they fast in those dayes.

geneva@Luke:6:21 @ Blessed are ye that hunger nowe: for ye shalbe satisfied: blessed are ye that weepe now: for ye shall laugh.

geneva@Luke:6:22 @ Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall (note:)Cast you out of their synagogues, as John expounds in (Joh_16:2), which is the severest punishment the Church has, if the elders judge rightfully, and by the word of God.(:note) separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

geneva@Luke:6:25 @ Wo be to you that are full: for ye shall hunger. Wo be to you that now laugh: for ye shal wayle and weepe.

geneva@Luke:6:33 @ And if ye do good for them which do good for you, what thanke shall ye haue? for euen the sinners doe the same.

geneva@Luke:6:34 @ And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receiue, what thanke shall yee haue? for euen the sinners lend to sinners, to receiue the like.

geneva@Luke:6:35 @ But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, (note:)When you will lend, do it only to benefit and please with it, and not with the hope of receiving the principal again.(:note) hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and [to] the evil.

geneva@Luke:6:38 @ Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, (note:)These are borrowed types of sayings, taken from those who used to measure dry things, as corn and such things, who do it in a rather forceful manner, and thrust it down and shake it together, and press it and put it into a pile.(:note) pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

geneva@Luke:6:40 @ The disciple is not aboue his master: but whosoeuer will be a perfect disciple, shall bee as his master.

geneva@Luke:6:42 @ Either howe canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou seest not the beame that is in thine owne eye? Hypocrite, cast out the beame out of thine owne eye first, and then shalt thou see, perfectly to pull out the mote that is in thy brothers eye.

geneva@Luke:7:7 @ Wherefore I thought not my selfe worthy to come vnto thee: but say the word, and my seruant shalbe whole:

geneva@Luke:7:19 @ So Iohn called vnto him two certaine men of his disciples, and sent them to Iesus, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?

geneva@Luke:7:20 @ And when the men were come vnto him, they said, Iohn Baptist hath sent vs vnto thee, saying, Art thou hee that should come, or shall we waite for another?

geneva@Luke:7:23 @ And blessed is hee, that shall not be offended in me.

geneva@Luke:7:27 @ This is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

geneva@Luke:8:17 @ For nothing is secret, that shall not be euident: neither any thing hid, that shall not be knowen, and come to light.

geneva@Luke:8:50 @ When Iesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Feare not: beleeue onely, and she shall be saued.

geneva@Luke:9:24 @ For whosoeuer will saue his life, shal lose it: and whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake, the same shall saue it.

geneva@Luke:9:26 @ For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of me, and of my wordes, of him shall the Sonne of man be ashamed, when hee shall come in his glorie, and in the glorie of the Father, and of the holy Angels.

geneva@Luke:9:27 @ And I tell you of a suretie, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they haue seene the kingdome of God.

geneva@Luke:9:41 @ Then Iesus answered, & said, O generation faithlesse, and crooked, howe long now shall I be with you, and suffer you? bring thy sonne hither.

geneva@Luke:9:48 @ And said vnto them, Whosoeuer receiueth this litle childe in my Name, receiueth me: and whosoeuer shall receiue me, receiueth him that sent me: for he that is least among you all, he shall be great.

geneva@Luke:10:6 @ And if (note:)So say the Hebrews: that is, he that favours the doctrine of peace and embraces it.(:note) the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again.

geneva@Luke:10:12 @ For I say to you, that it shall be easier in that day for them of Sodom, then for that citie.

geneva@Luke:10:14 @ Therefore it shall be easier for Tyrus, and Sidon, at the iudgement, then for you.

geneva@Luke:10:15 @ And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell.

geneva@Luke:10:19 @ Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means (note:)Will do you wrong.(:note) hurt you.

geneva@Luke:10:27 @ And he answered, and saide, Thou shalt loue thy Lord God with all thine heart, and with all thy soule, and with all thy strength, and with all thy thought, and thy neighbour as thy selfe.

geneva@Luke:10:28 @ Then he said vnto him, Thou hast answered right: this doe, and thou shalt liue.

geneva@Luke:10:42 @ But one thing is needefull, Marie hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

geneva@Luke:11:9 @ And I say vnto you, Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and yee shall finde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you.

geneva@Luke:11:10 @ For euery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: & to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened.

geneva@Luke:11:11 @ If a sonne shall aske bread of any of you that is a father, will he giue him a stone? Or if hee aske a fish, will he for a fish giue him a serpent?

geneva@Luke:11:13 @ If yee then which are euill, can giue good giftes vnto your children, howe much more shall your heauenly Father giue the holy Ghost to them, that desire him?

geneva@Luke:11:18 @ If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils (note:)By the name and power of Beelzebub.(:note) through Beelzebub.

geneva@Luke:11:19 @ If I through Beelzebub cast out deuils, by whome doe your children cast them out? Therefore shall they be your iudges.

geneva@Luke:11:29 @ And when the people were gathered thicke together, he began to say, This is a wicked generation: they seeke a signe, and there shall no signe be giuen them, but the signe of Ionas the Prophet.

geneva@Luke:11:30 @ For as Ionas was a signe to the Niniuites: so shall also the Sonne of man bee to this generation.

geneva@Luke:11:31 @ The Queene of the South shall rise in iudgement, with the men of this generation, and shall condemne them: for shee came from the vtmost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Solomon, and beholde, a greater then Solomon is here.

geneva@Luke:11:32 @ The men of Niniue shall rise in iudgement with this generation, and shall condemne it: for they repented at the preaching of Ionas: and beholde, a greater then Ionas is here.

geneva@Luke:11:36 @ If therefore thy whole body shall be light, hauing no part darke, then shall all be light, euen as when a candle doth light thee with the brightnesse.

geneva@Luke:11:49 @ Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and [some] of them they shall slay and (note:)They will so vex them and trouble them, that at length they will banish them.(:note) persecute:

geneva@Luke:11:51 @ From the blood of Abel vnto the blood of Zacharias, which was slaine betweene the altar and the Temple: verely I say vnto you, it shall be required of this generation.

geneva@Luke:12:2 @ For there is nothing couered, that shall not bee reueiled: neither hidde, that shall not be knowen.

geneva@Luke:12:3 @ Wherefore whatsoeuer yee haue spoken in darkenesse, it shall be heard in the light: and that which ye haue spoken in the eare, in secret places, shall be preached on the houses.

geneva@Luke:12:5 @ But I will (note:)He warns them of dangers that presently hang over their heads, for those that come upon one suddenly make a greater wound.(:note) forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

geneva@Luke:12:9 @ But hee that shall denie mee before men, shall be denied before the Angels of God.

geneva@Luke:12:10 @ And whosoeuer shall speake a woorde against the Sonne of man, it shall be forgiuen him: but vnto him, that shal blaspheme ye holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiuen.

geneva@Luke:12:12 @ For the holy Ghost shall teache you in the same houre, what yee ought to say.

geneva@Luke:12:17 @ And he (note:)Reckoned with himself, which is the characteristic of covetous surly men who spend their life in those trifles.(:note) thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?

geneva@Luke:12:20 @ But God said vnto him, O foole, this night wil they fetch away thy soule fro thee: then whose shall those things be which thou hast prouided?

geneva@Luke:12:29 @ And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither (note:)A metaphor taken of things that hang in the air, for those that care too much for this worldly life, and rely upon the arm of man, always have wavering and doubtful minds, swaying sometimes this way, and sometimes that way.(:note) be ye of doubtful mind.

geneva@Luke:12:37 @ Blessed are those seruants, whom the Lord when he commeth shall finde waking: verely I say vnto you, he will girde himselfe about, and make them to sit downe at table, and will come forth, and serue them.

geneva@Luke:12:38 @ And if he come in the seconde watch, or come in the third watch, and shall finde them so, blessed are those seruants.

geneva@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom [his] lord shall make ruler over his household, to give [them their] (note:)That is, every month the measure of corn that was given to them.(:note) portion of meat in due season?

geneva@Luke:12:43 @ Blessed is that seruant, whom his master when he commeth, shall finde so doing.

geneva@Luke:12:47 @ And that seruant that knewe his masters will, and prepared not himselfe, neither did according to his will, shalbe beaten with many stripes.

geneva@Luke:12:48 @ But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask (note:)More than the one who did not receive as much.(:note) the more.

geneva@Luke:12:52 @ For from hencefoorth there shall be fiue in one house deuided, three against two, and two against three.

geneva@Luke:12:53 @ The father shalbe deuided against ye sonne, and the sonne against the father: the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother: the mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe.

geneva@Luke:12:59 @ I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast payed the vtmost mite.

geneva@Luke:13:3 @ I tell you, nay: but except ye amend your liues, ye shall all likewise perish.

geneva@Luke:13:5 @ I tell you, nay: but except ye amend your liues, ye shall all likewise perish.

geneva@Luke:13:9 @ And if it beare fruite, well: if not, then after thou shalt cut it downe.

geneva@Luke:13:18 @ Then said he, What is the kingdome of God like? Or whereto shall I compare it?

geneva@Luke:13:20 @ And againe he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdome of God?

geneva@Luke:13:23 @ Then saide one vnto him, Lorde, are there fewe that shalbe saued? And he said vnto them,

geneva@Luke:13:24 @ Striue to enter in at the straite gate: for many, I say vnto you, will seeke to enter in, and shall not be able.

geneva@Luke:13:25 @ When the good man of the house is risen vp, and hath shut to the doore, and ye begin to stand without, and to knocke at the doore, saying, Lord, Lord, open to vs, and he shall answere and say vnto you, I know you not whence ye are,

geneva@Luke:13:27 @ But he shall say, I tell you, I knowe you not whence ye are: depart from me, all ye workers of iniquitie.

geneva@Luke:13:29 @ And they shall come from the (note:)From all the corners of the world, and the places mentioned here are four of the main ones.(:note) east, and [from] the west, and from the north, and [from] the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.

geneva@Luke:13:30 @ And beholde, there are last, which shalbe first, and there are first, which shalbe last.

geneva@Luke:13:32 @ And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that (note:)That deceitful and treacherous man.(:note) fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures That is, a small time, and Theophylact says it is a proverb: or else by «to day» we may understand the present time, and by tomorrow the time to come, meaning by this the entire time of his ministry and office. to day and to morrow, and the third [day] I shall be That is, when the sacrifice for sin is finished. perfected.

geneva@Luke:13:35 @ Beholde, your house is left vnto you desolate: and verely I tell you, ye shall not see me vntill the time come that ye shall say, Blessed is he that commeth in the Name of the Lord.

geneva@Luke:14:5 @ And answered them, saying, Which of you shall haue an asse, or an oxe fallen into a pit, & wil not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?

geneva@Luke:14:8 @ When thou shalt be bidden of any man to a wedding, set not thy selfe downe in the chiefest place, lest a more honourable man then thou, be bidden of him,

geneva@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou art bidden, goe and sit downe in the lowest roome, that when he that bade thee, cometh, he may say vnto thee, Friende, sit vp hier: then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at table with thee.

geneva@Luke:14:11 @ For whosoeuer exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shal be exalted.

geneva@Luke:14:14 @ And thou shalt be blessed, because they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the iust.

geneva@Luke:14:24 @ For I say vnto you, that none of those men which were bidden, shall taste of my supper.

geneva@Luke:15:7 @ I say vnto you, that likewise ioy shall be in heauen for one sinner that conuerteth, more then for ninetie and nine iust men, which neede none amendement of life.

geneva@Luke:16:3 @ Then the stewarde saide within himselfe, What shall I doe? for my master taketh away from me the stewardship. I cannot digge, and to begge I am ashamed.

geneva@Luke:16:12 @ And if ye have not been faithful in that which is (note:)In worldly goods, which are called other men's because they are not ours, but rather entrusted to our care.(:note) another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?

geneva@Luke:17:4 @ And though he sinne against thee seuen times in a day, and seuen times in a day turne againe to thee, saying, It repenteth mee, thou shalt forgiue him.

geneva@Luke:17:21 @ Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is (note:)You look around for the Messiah as though he were absent, but he is amongst you in the midst of you.(:note) within you.

geneva@Luke:17:24 @ For as the lightening that lighteneth out of the one part vnder heauen, shineth vnto the other part vnder heauen, so shall the Sonne of man be in his day.

geneva@Luke:17:30 @ After these ensamples shall it be in the day when the Sonne of man is reueiled.

geneva@Luke:17:33 @ Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall (note:)That is, will save it, as Matthew expounds it: for the life that is spoken of here is everlasting salvation.(:note) preserve it.

geneva@Luke:17:34 @ I tell you, in that night there shall be two in one bed: the one shalbe receiued, and the other shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:17:35 @ Two women shalbe grinding together: the one shalbe taken, and the other shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:17:36 @ Two shalbe in the fielde: one shalbe receiued, and another shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:18:7 @ And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though (note:)Though he seems slow in avenging the harm done to his own.(:note) he bear long with them?

geneva@Luke:18:8 @ I tell you he will auenge them quickly: but when the Sonne of man commeth, shall he finde faith on the earth?

geneva@Luke:18:14 @ I tell you, this man departed to his house iustified, rather then the other: for euery man that exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shalbe exalted.

geneva@Luke:18:20 @ Thou knowest the comandements, Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honour thy father and thy mother.

geneva@Luke:18:22 @ Nowe when Iesus heard that, he saide vnto him, Yet lackest thou one thing. Sell all that euer thou hast, and distribute vnto the poore, and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come followe mee.

geneva@Luke:18:30 @ Which shall not receiue much more in this world, and in the world to come life euerlasting.

geneva@Luke:18:32 @ For he shal be deliuered vnto the Gentiles, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe spitefully entreated, and shalbe spitted on.

geneva@Luke:18:33 @ And when they haue scourged him, they will put him to death: but the thirde day hee shall rise againe.

geneva@Luke:19:26 @ For I say vnto you, that vnto all them that haue, it shalbe giuen: and from him that hath not, euen that he hath, shalbe taken from him.

geneva@Luke:19:30 @ Saying, Goe ye to the towne which is before you, wherein, assoone as ye are come, ye shall finde a colte tied, whereon neuer man sate: loose him, and bring him hither.

geneva@Luke:19:31 @ And if any man aske you, why ye loose him, thus shall ye say vnto him, Because the Lord hath neede of him.

geneva@Luke:19:43 @ For the dayes shall come vpon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compasse thee round, and keepe thee in on euery side,

geneva@Luke:19:44 @ And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not (note:)That is, this very instant in which God visited you.(:note) the time of thy visitation.

geneva@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned within themselues, saying, If we shall say, From heauen, he will say, Why then beleeued ye him not?

geneva@Luke:20:6 @ But if we shall say, Of men, all the people will stone vs: for they be perswaded that Iohn was a Prophet.

geneva@Luke:20:13 @ Then sayd the Lord of the vineyard, What shall I doe? I will send my beloued sonne: it may be that they will doe reuerence, when they see him.

geneva@Luke:20:15 @ So they cast him out of the vineyarde, and killed him. What shall the Lord of the vineyarde therefore doe vnto them?

geneva@Luke:20:18 @ Whosoeuer shall fall vpon that stone, shall be broken: and on whomsoeuer it shall fall, it will grinde him to pouder.

geneva@Luke:20:33 @ Therefore at the resurrection, whose wife of them shall she be? For seuen had her to wife.

geneva@Luke:20:35 @ But they which shalbe counted worthy to enioy that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry wiues, neither are married.

geneva@Luke:20:37 @ And that the dead shall rise againe, euen Moses shewed it besides the bush, when he said, The Lord is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob.

geneva@Luke:20:43 @ Till I shall make thine enemies thy footestoole.

geneva@Luke:20:47 @ Which devour widows' (note:)By the figure of speech metonymy, «houses» is understood to mean the goods and substance.(:note) houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

geneva@Luke:21:6 @ Are these ye things that ye looke vpon? the dayes will come wherein a stone shall not be left vpon a stone, that shall not be throwen downe.

geneva@Luke:21:7 @ Then they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what signe shall there be when these things shall come to passe?

geneva@Luke:21:8 @ And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come (note:)Using my name.(:note) in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.

geneva@Luke:21:10 @ Then said hee vnto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdome against kingdome,

geneva@Luke:21:11 @ And great earthquakes shall be in diuers places, and hunger, and pestilence, and fearefull things, & great signes shall there be from heauen.

geneva@Luke:21:12 @ But before all these, they shal lay their hands on you, and persecute you, deliuering you vp to the assemblies, and into prisons, and bring you before Kings and rulers for my Names sake.

geneva@Luke:21:13 @ And it shall turn to you for (note:)This will be the result of your troubles and afflictions: they will be witnesses both before God and man of the treacherous and cruel dealing of your enemies, as well as of your steadfastness: A noble saying, that the afflictions of the godly and holy men pertain to the witness of the truth.(:note) a testimony.

geneva@Luke:21:14 @ Lay it vp therefore in your heartes, that ye cast not before hand, what ye shall answere.

geneva@Luke:21:15 @ For I will giue you a mouth and wisdome, where against all your aduersaries shall not be able to speake, nor resist.

geneva@Luke:21:16 @ Yea, ye shalbe betrayed also of your parents, and of your brethren, and kinsmen, and friendes, and some of you shall they put to death.

geneva@Luke:21:17 @ And ye shall bee hated of all men for my Names sake.

geneva@Luke:21:18 @ Yet there shall not one heare of your heads perish.

geneva@Luke:21:23 @ But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and (note:)By «wrath» are meant those things which God sends when he is displeased.(:note) wrath upon this people.

geneva@Luke:21:24 @ And they shall fall by the (note:)Literally, «mouth», for the Hebrews call the edge of a sword the mouth because the edge of the sword bites.(:note) edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

geneva@Luke:21:27 @ And then shall they see the Sonne of man come in a cloude, with power and great glory.

geneva@Luke:21:32 @ Verely I say vnto you, This age shall not passe, till all these things be done:

geneva@Luke:21:33 @ Heauen and earth shall passe away, but my wordes shall not passe away.

geneva@Luke:21:35 @ For as a snare shall it come (note:)On all men wherever they may be.(:note) on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

geneva@Luke:21:36 @ Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to (note:)You will appear before him in a condition such that you will abide the presence and sentence of the Judge without fear.(:note) stand before the Son of man.

geneva@Luke:22:10 @ Then he said vnto them, Beholde, when ye be entred into the citie, there shall a man meete you, bearing a pitcher of water: folowe him into the house that he entreth in,

geneva@Luke:22:11 @ And say vnto the good man of the house, The Master saith vnto thee, Where is the lodging where I shall eate my Passeouer with my disciples?

geneva@Luke:22:12 @ Then he shall shewe you a great hie chamber trimmed: there make it ready.

geneva@Luke:22:26 @ But yee shall not be so: but let the greatest among you be as the least: and the chiefest as he that serueth.

geneva@Luke:22:34 @ But he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cocke shall not crowe this day, before thou hast thrise denied that thou knewest me.

geneva@Luke:22:61 @ Then the Lorde turned backe, and looked vpon Peter: and Peter remembred the worde of the Lord, how he had said vnto him, Before the cocke crowe, thou shalt denie me thrise.

geneva@Luke:22:69 @ Hereafter shall the Sonne of man sit at the right hand of the power of God.

geneva@Luke:23:29 @ For behold, the dayes wil come, when men shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombes that neuer bare, and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke.

geneva@Luke:23:30 @ Then shall they begin to say to the mountaines, Fall on vs: and to the hilles, Couer vs.

geneva@Luke:23:31 @ For if they do these things in a (note:)As if he said, «If they do this to me who is always fruitful and flourishing, and who lives forever by reason of my Godhead, what will they do to you who are unfruitful and void of all active righteousness?»(:note) green tree, what shall be done in the dry?

geneva@Luke:23:43 @ And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in (note:)God made the visible paradise in the eastern part of the world: but that which we behold with the eyes of our mind is the place of everlasting joy and salvation, through the goodness and mercy of God, a most pleasant rest for the souls of the godly, and a most quiet and joyful dwelling.(:note) paradise.

geneva@John:1:21 @ And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, (note:)The Jews thought that Elias would come again before the days of the Messiah, and they took as the basis of their opinion (Mal_4:5), which is to be understood as referring to John, see (Mat_11:14). And yet John denies that he is Elias, answering their question just as they meant it.(:note) I am not. Art thou They are inquiring about some great prophet, and not about Christ, for John denied before that he is Christ, for they thought that some great prophet would be sent like Moses, using to support this position (Deu_18:15), which is to be understood to refer to all the company of the prophets and ministers, which have been and shall be to the end, and especially of Christ who is the head of all prophets. that prophet? And he answered, No.

geneva@John:1:33 @ And I knewe him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, he saide vnto me, Vpon whom thou shalt see that Spirit come downe, and tary still on him, that is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost.

geneva@John:1:42 @ And he brought him to Iesus; Iesus behelde him, and saide, Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, a stone.

geneva@John:1:50 @ Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him, Because I sayde vnto thee, I sawe thee vnder the figtree, beleeuest thou? thou shalt see greater things then these.

geneva@John:1:51 @ And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God (note:)These words signify the power of God which would appear in Christ's ministry by the angels serving him as the head of the Church.(:note) ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

geneva@John:3:12 @ If when I tel you earthly things, ye beleeue not, howe should yee beleeue, if I shall tel you of heauenly things?

geneva@John:3:36 @ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not (note:)Shall not enjoy.(:note) see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

geneva@John:4:13 @ Iesus answered, and said vnto her, Whosoeuer drinketh of this water, shall thirst againe:

geneva@John:4:14 @ But whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him, shall neuer be more a thirst: but the water that I shall giue him, shalbe in him a well of water, springing vp into euerlasting life.

geneva@John:4:21 @ Iesus saide vnto her, Woman, beleeue me, the houre commeth, when ye shall neither in this mountaine, nor at Hierusalem worship ye Father.

geneva@John:4:23 @ But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in (note:)This word «spirit» is to be taken here as it is set against that commandment which is called carnal in (Heb_7:16), as the commandment is considered in itself: and so he speaks of «truth» not as we set it against a lie, but as we take it in respect of the outward ceremonies of the law, which only shadowed that which Christ indeed performed.(:note) spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

geneva@John:4:25 @ The woman said vnto him, I knowe well that Messias shall come which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell vs all things.

geneva@John:5:43 @ I am come in my Fathers Name, and ye receiue me not: if another shall come in his owne name, him will ye receiue.

geneva@John:5:47 @ But if ye beleeue not his writings, how shal ye beleeue my wordes?

geneva@John:6:28 @ Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the (note:)Which please God: for they think that everlasting life depends upon the condition of fulfilling the law: therefore Christ calls them back to faith.(:note) works of God?

geneva@John:6:35 @ And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread (note:)Which has life and gives life.(:note) of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

geneva@John:6:45 @ It is written in the (note:)In the book of the prophets, for the Old Testament was divided by them into three general parts: into the law, the prophets, and the holy writings.(:note) prophets, And they shall be all That is, they will be children of the Church, for so the prophet Isaiah expounds it in (Isa_54:13); that is to say, ordained to life, {{See Act_13:48}}, and therefore the knowledge of the heavenly truth is the gift and work of God, and does not rest in any power of man. taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

geneva@John:6:57 @ As (note:)In that Christ is man, he receives that power which quickens and gives life to those that are his, from his Father: and he adds this word «the» to make a distinction between his Father and all other fathers.(:note) the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Christ means that although he is man, yet his flesh can give life, not by its own nature, but because his flesh lives by the Father, that is to say, sucks and draws out of the Father that power which it has to give life. Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

geneva@John:6:58 @ This is that bread which came downe from heauen: not as your fathers haue eaten Manna, and are deade. Hee that eateth of this bread, shall liue for euer.

geneva@John:6:68 @ Then Simon Peter answered him, Master, to whome shall we goe? thou hast the wordes of eternall life:

geneva@John:7:17 @ If any man will doe his will, he shall knowe of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speake of my selfe.

geneva@John:7:34 @ Ye shall seeke me, and shall not finde me, and where I am, can ye not come.

geneva@John:7:35 @ Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will he go, that we shall not find him? will he go unto the (note:)Literally, «to the dispersion of the Gentiles» or «Greeks», and under the name of the Greeks he refers to the Jews who were dispersed among the Gentiles.(:note) dispersed among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles?

geneva@John:7:36 @ What saying is this that hee saide, Ye shall seeke mee, and shall not finde mee? and where I am, cannot ye come?

geneva@John:7:38 @ He that believeth on me, as the (note:)The scripture being referred to is not found anywhere word for word, but rather Christ seems to be referring to many different places where mention is made of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; see (Joe_2:28-29; Isa_44:3) and especially (Isa_55:1-13).(:note) scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

geneva@John:7:41 @ Other saide, This is that Christ: and some said, But shall that Christ come out of Galile?

geneva@John:7:42 @ Saith not the Scripture that that Christ shall come of the seede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Beth-leem, where Dauid was?

geneva@John:8:24 @ I said therefore vnto you, That ye shall die in your sinnes: for except ye beleeue, that I am he, ye shall die in your sinnes.

geneva@John:8:28 @ Then said Iesus vnto them, When ye haue lift vp the Sonne of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I doe nothing of my selfe, but as my Father hath taught me, so I speake these things.

geneva@John:8:32 @ And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall (note:)From the slavery of sin.(:note) make you free.

geneva@John:8:36 @ If that Sonne therefore shal make you free, ye shalbe free in deede.

geneva@John:9:21 @ But by what meanes hee nowe seeth, we know not: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell: he is olde ynough: aske him: hee shall answere for himselfe.

geneva@John:10:28 @ And I giue vnto them eternall life, & they shall neuer perish, neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand.

geneva@John:11:12 @ Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleepe, he shalbe safe.

geneva@John:11:23 @ Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall (note:)That is, will recover life again.(:note) rise again.

geneva@John:11:24 @ Martha said vnto him, I know that he shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day.

geneva@John:11:25 @ Iesus saide vnto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that beleeueth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he liue.

geneva@John:11:26 @ And whosoeuer liueth, and beleeueth in me, shall neuer die: Beleeuest thou this?

geneva@John:11:48 @ If we let him thus alone, all [men] will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and (note:)That is, take away from us by force: for at that time, though the high priest's authority was greatly lessened and weakened, yet there was some type of government left among the Jews.(:note) take away both our place and nation.

geneva@John:12:8 @ For the poore alwayes yee haue with you, but me ye shall not haue alwayes.

geneva@John:12:25 @ He that loueth his life, shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keepe it vnto life eternall.

geneva@John:12:26 @ If any man serue me, let him followe me: for where I am, there shall also my seruant be: and if any man serue me, him will my Father honour.

geneva@John:12:31 @ Now is the iudgement of this world: nowe shall the prince of this world be cast out.

geneva@John:12:48 @ He that refuseth me, and receiueth not my wordes, hath one that iudgeth him: the worde that I haue spoken, it shall iudge him in the last day.

geneva@John:13:7 @ Iesus answered and sayd vnto him, What I doe, thou knowest not nowe: but thou shalt knowe it hereafter.

geneva@John:13:8 @ Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast (note:)Unless you allow me to wash you, you will have no part in the kingdom of heaven.(:note) no part with me.

geneva@John:13:21 @ When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and (note:)He affirmed it openly and sealed it.(:note) testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

geneva@John:13:26 @ Iesus answered, He it is, to whome I shall giue a soppe, when I haue dipt it: and hee wet a soppe, and gaue it to Iudas Iscariot, Simons sonne.

geneva@John:13:32 @ If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorifie him in himselfe, and shal straightway glorifie him.

geneva@John:13:35 @ By this shall all men knowe that ye are my disciples, if ye haue loue one to another.

geneva@John:13:38 @ Iesus answered him, Wilt thou lay downe thy life for my sake? Verely, verely I say vnto thee, The cocke shall not crowe, till thou haue denied me thrise.

geneva@John:14:14 @ If ye shall aske any thing in my Name, I will doe it.

geneva@John:14:16 @ And I wil pray the Father, and he shal giue you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for euer,

geneva@John:14:17 @ [Even] the (note:)The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth by reason of that which he does, because he inspires the truth into us, because he has the truth in himself.(:note) Spirit of truth; whom the Worldly men. world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

geneva@John:14:19 @ Yet a litle while, and the world shal see me no more, but ye shall see me: because I liue, ye shall liue also.

geneva@John:14:20 @ At that day ye shall know that I [am] (note:)The Son is in the Father in such a way that he is of one selfsame substance with the Father, but he is in his disciples in a different way, as an aider and helper of them.(:note) in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

geneva@John:14:21 @ He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will (note:)I will show myself to him, and be known by him, as if he saw me with his eyes: but this showing of himself is not bodily, but spiritual, yet so plain that no other showing could be more evident.(:note) manifest myself to him.

geneva@John:14:26 @ But the Comforter, which is the holy Ghost, whom the Father wil send in my Name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, which I haue tolde you.

geneva@John:15:10 @ If ye shall keepe my commandements, ye shall abide in my loue, as I haue kept my Fathers commandements, and abide in his loue.

geneva@John:15:27 @ And ye shall witnesse also, because ye haue bene with me from the beginning.

geneva@John:16:2 @ They shall excommunicate you: yea, the time shall come, that whosoeuer killeth you, will thinke that he doeth God seruice.

geneva@John:16:4 @ But these things haue I tolde you, that when the houre shall come, ye might remember, that I tolde you them; these things said I not vnto you from ye beginning, because I was with you.

geneva@John:16:13 @ Howbeit, when he is come which is the Spirit of trueth, he will leade you into all trueth: for he shall not speake of himselfe, but whatsoeuer he shall heare, shall he speake, and he will shew you the things to come.

geneva@John:16:15 @ All thinges that the Father hath, are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shewe it vnto you.

geneva@John:16:17 @ Then said some of his disciples among them selues, What is this that he saieth vnto vs, A litle while, and ye shall not see me, and againe, a litle while, and ye shall see me, and, For I goe to the Father.

geneva@John:16:19 @ Now Iesus knew that they would aske him, and said vnto them, Doe ye enquire among your selues, of that I said, A litle while, & ye shal not see me: and againe, a litle while, and yee shall see me?

geneva@John:16:20 @ Verely, verely I say vnto you, that ye shall weepe and lament, and the worlde shall reioyce: and ye shall sorowe, but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioye.

geneva@John:16:22 @ And ye nowe therefore are in sorowe: but I will see you againe, & your hearts shal reioyce, and your ioy shall no man take from you.

geneva@John:16:23 @ And in that day shall ye aske me nothing. Verely, verely I say vnto you, whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my Name, he will giue it you.

geneva@John:16:24 @ Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my Name: aske, and ye shall receiue, that your ioye may be full.

geneva@John:18:11 @ Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my Father hath giuen me?

geneva@John:19:15 @ But they cried, Away with him, away with him, crucifie him. Pilate sayde vnto them, Shall I crucifie your King? The high Priestes answered, We haue no King but Cesar.

geneva@John:19:24 @ Therefore they sayde one to another, Let vs not deuide it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be. This was that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which sayth, They parted my garments among them, and on my coate did cast lots. So the souldiers did these things in deede.

geneva@John:19:36 @ For these things were done, that the Scripture shoulde be fulfilled, Not a bone of him shalbe broken.

geneva@John:19:37 @ And againe an other Scripture saith, They shall see him whom they haue thrust through.

geneva@John:21:6 @ Then he said vnto them, Cast out the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall finde. So they cast out, & they were not able at all to draw it, for the multitude of fishes.

geneva@John:21:21 @ When Peter therefore sawe him, he saide to Iesus, Lord, what shall this man doe?

geneva@John:21:23 @ Then went this worde abroade among the brethren, that this disciple shoulde not die. Yet Iesus saide not to him, He shall not die: but if I will that he tarie till I come, what is it to thee?

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