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NT-GOSPEL.filter - riversident Which:

riversident@Matthew:1:23 @ "Behold the virgin will conceive and will bear a son, and they will call his name Immanuel" (note:)which means, God is with us(:note).

riversident@Matthew:2:9 @ After hearing the king, they journeyed on, and the star which they had seen in the East went before them until it came and stood over where the child was.

riversident@Matthew:2:16 @ Then Herod, seeing that he had been outwitted by the wise men, became furious, and sent out and killed all the boy babies two years old and under in Bethlehem and all its neighborhood, guided by the date which he had carefully learned from the wise men.

riversident@Matthew:11:20 @ Then he began to reproach the cities in which most of his miracles had been done, because they had not repented:

riversident@Matthew:19:18 @ He said to him, "Which?" Jesus said to him,

riversident@Matthew:22:28 @ In the resurrection, then, which of the seven will have the wife? For they all had her."

riversident@Matthew:22:36 @ "Teacher, which commandment in the law is greatest?"

riversident@Matthew:27:21 @ The Governor said to them, "Which of the two do you want me to release for you?" They said, "Barabbas."

riversident@Matthew:27:60 @ and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock. Then he rolled a great stone up to the door of the tomb and went away.

riversident@Mark:2:4 @ Not being able to bring him near, owing to the crowd, they opened the roof where he was, and when they had broken through it, they let down the pallet on which the paralytic was lying.

riversident@Mark:3:17 @ James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, to whom he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder,

riversident@Mark:5:41 @ Taking hold of the child's hand he said to her, which means,

riversident@Mark:6:2 @ When the Sabbath came, he began teaching in the synagogue. Many who heard were astonished and said, "Where did he get this, and what is this wisdom with which he is gifted? How are such deeds of power done by his hands?

riversident@Mark:7:4 @ and when they return from market they do not eat until they have washed. There are also many other traditions which they have been taught to hold tenaciously, such as washing cups and pitchers and copper vessels.

riversident@Mark:9:34 @ They were silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves which was the greatest.

riversident@Mark:11:8 @ Then many spread their cloaks in the road and others spread leafy branches which they had cut from the fields.

riversident@Mark:12:28 @ Then came one of the scribes, and, after listening to their discussion and knowing that he had answered them well, asked, "Which is the first commandment of all?"

riversident@Mark:15:17 @ Then they dressed him in purple and put on him a crown of thorns which they had twisted together,

riversident@Mark:15:22 @ So they brought him to the place Golgotha, which means Skull Place.

riversident@Mark:15:34 @ At three Jesus cried with a loud voice, \'97 which means,

riversident@Mark:15:46 @ Joseph bought a linen sheet and took him down and swathed him in it and laid him in a tomb which had been hewn out in the rock. He then rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

riversident@Mark:16:20 @ They went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming their message by the signs which accompanied it.

riversident@Luke:1:1 @ INASMUCH as many have taken in hand to draw up a narrative of those facts which are firmly believed among us,

riversident@Luke:1:4 @ so that you may know the exact truth in regard to the matters which you have been taught by word of mouth.

riversident@Luke:1:20 @ And now you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that this comes to pass, because you have not believed my words, which will be fulfilled in their time."

riversident@Luke:1:25 @ "So has the Lord done for me in the days in which he has looked upon me to take away my reproach among men."

riversident@Luke:1:73 @ The oath which he swore to Abraham our father,

riversident@Luke:1:78 @ Through the tender compassion of our God, With which the sunrise from on high will shine upon us;

riversident@Luke:2:4 @ Joseph went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judaea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,

riversident@Luke:2:10 @ but the angel said to them, "Have no fear! Indeed, I am bringing you good news of a great joy which is to be for all the people;

riversident@Luke:2:15 @ When the angels went away into heaven, the shepherds spoke to one another: "Let us go to Bethlehem and see this that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us."

riversident@Luke:2:31 @ which thou hast prepared before the face of all the peoples,

riversident@Luke:3:19 @ But Herod, the prince, because John reproved him regarding Herodias, his brother's wife, and regarding all the wicked things which Herod had done,

riversident@Luke:4:29 @ and they rose up and expelled him from the city, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, intending to throw him down.

riversident@Luke:5:3 @ He got into one of the boats, which belonged to Simon, and asked him to push off a little from the land. Then, sitting down, he taught the people from the boat.

riversident@Luke:8:26 @ They sailed to the land of the Gerasenes, which is across from Galilee.

riversident@Luke:9:31 @ who appeared in glory and spoke of his passing which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

riversident@Luke:9:46 @ A dispute started among them as to which of them was greatest.

riversident@Luke:13:14 @ But the synagogue Director, angry because Jesus was healing on the Sabbath, said to the crowd, "There are six days in which work should be done. On those days come and be healed, but not on the Sabbath day."

riversident@Luke:22:1 @ THE Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was approaching.

riversident@Luke:22:23 @ They began to question among themselves which of them it could be who was going to do this.

riversident@Luke:22:24 @ There was also a dispute among them as to which of them should be regarded as superior.

riversident@Luke:24:1 @ BUT on the first day of the week at early dawn they came to the tomb, bringing the perfumes which they had prepared.

riversident@John:1:9 @ The true Light, which enlightens every man, was coming into the world.

riversident@John:1:38 @ Jesus turned and looked at them as they followed, and said to them, They said to him, "Rabbi (note:)which means, when translated, Teacher(:note), where are you staying?"

riversident@John:1:41 @ He found first his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah (note:)which means, when translated, the Christ(:note)!"

riversident@John:1:42 @ He led him to Jesus. Looking at him, Jesus said, (note:)which is in Greek, Peter, that is, Rock(:note).

riversident@John:4:53 @ So the father knew that it was at that hour at which Jesus had said to him, and he believed, himself and his whole household.

riversident@John:5:2 @ There is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool which is called in Hebrew Bethesda. Around it are five colonnades.

riversident@John:6:13 @ They gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which were left over by those who had eaten.

riversident@John:7:39 @ This he said referring to the Spirit which those who had believed in him were soon to receive. For as yet there was no Spirit, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

riversident@John:9:7 @ and said to him, (note:)which means Sent(:note)." He went away and washed and came back seeing.

riversident@John:12:12 @ On the next day the great crowd which had come to the feast, hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

riversident@John:18:9 @ He said this that the word might be fulfilled which he had spoken,

riversident@John:19:41 @ There was in the place where he had been crucified a garden and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had been laid.

riversident@John:20:30 @ Jesus did before the disciples many other signs which are not written in this book.

riversident@John:21:19 @ This he said, indicating the kind of death by which he would glorify God. After saying this he said to him,

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