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NT-GOSPEL.filter - rotherham able:

rotherham@Matthew:3:9 @ and think not to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you, that God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

rotherham@Matthew:3:12 @ Whose fan is in his hand, and he will clear out his threshing-floor, and will gather his wheat into the granary, but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.

rotherham@Matthew:5:21 @ Ye have heard, that it was said, to them of olden time, Thou shalt not commit murder, and, whosoever shall commit murder, shall be, liable, to judgment.

rotherham@Matthew:5:22 @ But, I, say unto you, that, every one who is angry with his brother, shall be, liable, to judgment, and, whosoever shall say to his brother, Worthless one!, shall be, liable, to the high council; and, whosoever shall say, Rebel!, shall be, liable, unto the fiery gehenna.

rotherham@Matthew:5:36 @ Nor, by thine own head, mayest thou swear, because thou art not able to make, one hair, white or black.

rotherham@Matthew:10:15 @ Verily, I say unto you, More tolerable, will it be, for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for, that, city!

rotherham@Matthew:10:28 @ And be not in fear, by reason of them that are killing the body, and, the soul, are not able to kill. But fear, rather, him who is able, both soul and body, to destroy in gehenna!

rotherham@Matthew:11:22 @ Moreover, I say unto you, For Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the day of judgment, than for you.

rotherham@Matthew:11:24 @ Moreover, I say unto you For the land of Sodom, more tolerable, will it be in a day of judgment, than, for thee.

rotherham@Matthew:12:4 @ he entered into the house of God and, the presence-bread, did eat, which it was not, allowable, for him to eat, nor for them who were with him, save for the priests, alone?

rotherham@Matthew:12:10 @ and lo! a man having, a withered hand, and they questioned him, saying, Is it allowable, on the sabbath, to heal? that they might accuse him.

rotherham@Matthew:12:12 @ How much better, then, a man, than, a sheep? So that it is allowable, on the sabbath, nobly, to act.

rotherham@Matthew:13:3 @ And he spake unto them many things, in parables, saying: Lo! the sower went forth to sow,

rotherham@Matthew:13:10 @ And the disciples, coming near, said to him, Wherefore, in parables, art thou speaking to them?

rotherham@Matthew:13:13 @ For this reason, in parables, unto them, do I speak, because, seeing, they see not, and, hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand.

rotherham@Matthew:13:18 @ Hear, ye, then, the parable of him that sowed:

rotherham@Matthew:13:24 @ Another parable, put he before them, saying The kingdom of the heavens hath become like a man sowing good seed in his field;

rotherham@Matthew:13:31 @ Another parable, put he before them, saying The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;

rotherham@Matthew:13:33 @ Another parable, spake he unto them: The kingdom of the heavens is like, unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour until, the whole, was leavened.

rotherham@Matthew:13:34 @ All these things, spake Jesus in parables, unto the multitudes, and, without a parable, was he speaking, nothing, unto them:

rotherham@Matthew:13:35 @ that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying I will open, in parables, my mouth, I will bring up things hidden from the foundation!

rotherham@Matthew:13:36 @ Then, dismissing the multitudes, he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field.

rotherham@Matthew:13:53 @ And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, he removed from thence;

rotherham@Matthew:15:15 @ And Peter, answering, said unto him, Declare to us the parable.

rotherham@Matthew:15:27 @ And, she, said, True, Lord! for, even the little dogs, eat of the crumbs which are falling from the table of, their masters.

rotherham@Matthew:19:12 @ For there, are, eunuchs, who, from their mothers womb, were born so, and there, are, eunuchs, who were made eunuchs, by men, and there, are, eunuchs, who have made, themselves, eunuchs, for the sake the kingdom of the heavens: He that is able to find room, let him find room.

rotherham@Matthew:20:22 @ But Jesus, answering, said Ye know not what ye are asking: Are ye able to drink the cup, which, I, am about to drink; They say unto him We are able.

rotherham@Matthew:21:12 @ And Jesus entered into the temple, and cast out all who were selling and buying in the temple, and, the tables of the money-changers, he overthrew, and the seats of them who were selling doves;

rotherham@Matthew:21:33 @ Another parable, hear ye: A man there was, a householder, who planted a vineyard, and, a wall around it, placed, and digged in it a wine-vat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and left home.

rotherham@Matthew:21:41 @ They say unto him Miserable men! Miserably, will he destroy them; and will let out, the vineyard, to other husbandmen, who will render unto him the fruits in their seasons.

rotherham@Matthew:21:45 @ And the Chief-priests and the Pharisees, hearing his parables, took note, that, concerning them, he was speaking.

rotherham@Matthew:22:1 @ And, answering, Jesus, again, spake in parables unto them, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:22:17 @ Tell us then, how, to thee, it seemeth? Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not?

rotherham@Matthew:22:46 @ And, no one, was able to answer him a word, neither durst anyone, from that day, question him, any more.

rotherham@Matthew:24:32 @ Now, from the fig-tree, learn ye, the parable: When, already, her young branch, becometh tender, and the leaves, may be sprouting, ye observe, that, near, is, the summer:

rotherham@Matthew:25:30 @ And, the unprofitable servant, cast ye forth into the darkness, outside: There, shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

rotherham@Matthew:26:16 @ And, from that time, was he seeking a favourable opportunity that he might, deliver him up.

rotherham@Matthew:26:61 @ and said: This, man said I am able to pull down the shrine of God, and, in three days, to, build, it.

rotherham@Mark:2:4 @ and, not being able to get near him by reason of the multitude, they uncovered the roof where he was, and, having broken it up, they began letting down the couch whereon the paralytic was lying;

rotherham@Mark:3:23 @ And, calling them near, in parables, began he to say unto them How can, Satan, cast, Satan out?

rotherham@Mark:3:25 @ And, if a house against itself be divided, the house shall be unable to stand;

rotherham@Mark:3:27 @ But, no one is able into the house of the mighty one to enter, and, his spoils, to carry off, unless, first the mighty one, he bind, and, then his house, will he plunder!

rotherham@Mark:4:2 @ And he began to teach them, in parables, many things, and was saying unto them, in his teaching

rotherham@Mark:4:10 @ And when he was alone they who were about him with the twelve questioned him as to the parables;

rotherham@Mark:4:11 @ and he was saying unto them To you, the sacred secret hath been given of the kingdom of God, whereas, to them who are outside, in parables are all things coming to pass, that

rotherham@Mark:4:13 @ And he saith unto them Know ye not this parable? How then will ye get to know all the parables?

rotherham@Mark:4:30 @ And he was saying How shall we liken the kingdom of God, or, in what parable, shall we put it?

rotherham@Mark:4:33 @ And, with many such parables as these, was he speaking unto them the word, according as they were able to hear;

rotherham@Mark:4:34 @ but, without a parable, was he not speaking unto them, privately, however, unto his own disciples, was he explaining all things.

rotherham@Mark:5:3 @ who had his dwelling among the tombs, and, not even with a chain, any longer, was anyone able to bind him,

rotherham@Mark:7:17 @ And, when he entered into a house from the multitudes, his disciples began to question him as to the parable;

rotherham@Mark:7:28 @ but she answered and saith to him Yea, Lord! and yet, the little dogs under the table, do eat of the crumbs of the children;

rotherham@Mark:8:4 @ And his disciples answered him Whence shall any one be able, here, to fill, these, with bread, in a desert?

rotherham@Mark:9:3 @ and his garments became brilliant, exceeding white, such as, no fuller on the earth, is able, so, to whiten.

rotherham@Mark:9:28 @ And, when he had gone into a house, his disciples, privately, were questioning him Why, were, we, not able to cast it out?

rotherham@Mark:10:38 @ But, Jesus, said unto them Ye know not what ye are asking: Are ye able to drink the cup that, I, am to drink? or to be immersed, with the immersion wherewith, I, am to be immersed?

rotherham@Mark:10:39 @ And, they, said unto him We are able. And, Jesus, said unto them The cup which, I, am to drink, ye shall drink, and, with the immersion wherewith, I, am to be immersed, shall ye be immersed;

rotherham@Mark:10:46 @ And they come into Jericho. And, as he was journeying forth from Jericho, and his disciples, and a considerable multitude, the son of Timaeus, blind Bar-Timaeus, a beggar, was sitting beside the road.

rotherham@Mark:11:15 @ And they come into Jerusalem. And, entering into the temple, he began to be casting out them who were selling and them who were buying in the temple, and, the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them who were selling doves, he overthrew,

rotherham@Mark:12:1 @ And he began to be speaking unto them, in parables, A man planted, a vineyard, and put round it a wall, and digged a wine-vat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen; and left home.

rotherham@Mark:12:12 @ And they were seeking, to secure, him, and were in fear of the multitude; for they perceived that, against them, the parable he had spoken. And, leaving him, they departed.

rotherham@Mark:12:14 @ And, coming, they say unto him Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, for thou lookest not unto the face of men; but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach: Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not give?

rotherham@Mark:13:28 @ Now, from the fig-tree, learn ye, the parable: When, already, her young branch, becometh tender, and, the leaves, are sprouting, ye observe that, near, is, the summer:

rotherham@Mark:14:11 @ Now, when they heard, they rejoiced, and promised to give him, silver; and he was seeking how, at a favourable opportunity, he might, deliver him up.

rotherham@Luke:1:20 @ And lo! thou shalt be silent, and not able to speak until the day when these things shall come to pass; because thou didst not believe in my words, the which shall be fulfilled for their season.

rotherham@Luke:1:22 @ and when he came forth he was not able to speak unto them, and they perceived that, a vision, he had seen in the Temple, and, he, continued making signs unto them, and remained dumb.

rotherham@Luke:1:63 @ And, asking for a small tablet, he wrote, saying John, is his name! and they marvelled all.

rotherham@Luke:3:8 @ Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

rotherham@Luke:3:17 @ whose fan is in his hand, to clear out his threshing-floor, and to gather the wheat into his granary; but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.

rotherham@Luke:5:26 @ And, astonishment, seized one and all, and they began glorifying God, and were filled with fear, saying We have seen unaccountable things, to-day!

rotherham@Luke:5:36 @ Moreover, he went on to speak, a parable also, unto them No one, rending a patch from a new mantle, patcheth it upon an old mantle; otherwise, at least, both, the new, he will rend, and, with the old, the patch which is from the new, will not agree.

rotherham@Luke:6:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and, the presence-bread, receiving, did eat, and gave to them who were with him, which it is not allowable to eat, save alone, to the priests?

rotherham@Luke:6:39 @ He spake, moreover, a parable also, unto them: Can, the blind, guide, the blind? will not, both, fall into, a ditch?

rotherham@Luke:7:12 @ Now, as he drew near unto the gate of the city, then lo! there was being brought forth, one dead, the only-begotten son of his mother, and, she, was a widow; and, a considerable multitude of the city, was with her.

rotherham@Luke:8:4 @ And, seeing that a great multitude were coming together, and they who from every city were journeying forth unto him, he spake through means of a parable:

rotherham@Luke:8:9 @ But his disciples began to question him What might, this very, parable be?

rotherham@Luke:8:10 @ And, he, said Unto you, hath it been given, to get to know the sacred secrets of the kingdom of God; but, unto the rest, in parables, in order that, seeing, they may not see, and, hearing, they may not understand.

rotherham@Luke:8:11 @ Now the parable, is this The seed, is, the word of God.

rotherham@Luke:8:19 @ And his mother and brethren came near unto him, and were unable to reach him, because of the multitude.

rotherham@Luke:8:27 @ And, when he went forth upon the land, there met him a certain man, out of the city, having demons; and, for a considerable time, he had put on no garment, and, in a house, would not abide, but among the tombs.

rotherham@Luke:10:12 @ I tell you, for them of Sodom, in that day, more tolerable, will it be, than for that city.

rotherham@Luke:10:14 @ Moreover, for Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the judgment, than, for you.

rotherham@Luke:12:16 @ And he spake a parable unto them, saying A certain rich mans estate, bare well.

rotherham@Luke:12:41 @ But Peter said Lord! unto us, this parable, speakest thou? or, even unto all?

rotherham@Luke:13:6 @ And he went on to speak this parable: A certain man had, a fig-tree, planted in his vineyard, and he canto seeking fruit therein, and found none.

rotherham@Luke:13:11 @ And lo! a woman, having a spirit of weakness eighteen years, and was bowed together, and unable to lift herself up, at all.

rotherham@Luke:13:24 @ Be striving to enter through the narrow door; for, many, I say unto you, will seek to enter, and will not be able,

rotherham@Luke:14:7 @ And he went on to speak, unto the invited, a parable, observing how, the first couches, they were choosing; saying unto them

rotherham@Luke:14:8 @ Whensoever thou hast been invited by anyone unto a marriage feast, do not recline on the first couch; lest once, a more honourable than thou, have been invited by him,

rotherham@Luke:14:29 @ lest once, he having laid a foundation, and not being able to finish, all who are looking on, should begin to mock at him,

rotherham@Luke:14:30 @ saying This man, began to build, and was not able to finish!

rotherham@Luke:14:31 @ Or, what king, moving on to encounter, another king, in battle, will not sit down first and take counsel, whether he is able, with ten thousand, to meet him who, with twenty thousand, is coming against him.

rotherham@Luke:15:3 @ And he spake unto them this parable, saying

rotherham@Luke:16:21 @ and to long to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich man: nay! even, the dogs, used to come and lick his sores.

rotherham@Luke:16:26 @ And, besides all these things, betwixt us and you, a great chasm, hath been fixed, so that, they who might wish to cross over from hence unto you, should not be able, nor any, from thence unto us, be crossing over.

rotherham@Luke:17:10 @ Thus, ye also, when ye have done all the things enjoined upon you, say Unprofitable servants, are we, What we were bound to do, we have done!

rotherham@Luke:18:1 @ And he was speaking a parable unto them, as to its being needful for them always to pray, and not be faint-hearted;

rotherham@Luke:18:9 @ And he spake, even unto certain who were confident in themselves that they were righteous, and were despising the rest, this parable:

rotherham@Luke:19:11 @ And, because they were hearing these things, he added and spake a parable, because of his being near Jerusalem, and their supposing that, instantly, was the kingdom of God to shine forth.

rotherham@Luke:19:23 @ Wherefore, then, didst thou not place my silver upon a money-changers table, and, I, when I came, with interest might have exacted it?

rotherham@Luke:20:9 @ And he began, unto the people, to be speaking this parable: A man, planted a vineyard, and let it out to husbandmen, and went from home for a long time.

rotherham@Luke:20:19 @ And the Scribes and the High-priests sought to thrust on him their hands, in that very hour; and feared the people; for they perceived that, against them, spake he this parable.

rotherham@Luke:20:22 @ Is it allowable for us to give, unto Caesar, tribute, or not?

rotherham@Luke:21:15 @ For, I, will give you a mouth and wisdom, which one-and-all who are setting themselves against, you shall be unable to withstand or gainsay.

rotherham@Luke:21:29 @ And he spake a parable unto them: See the fig-tree, and all the trees,

rotherham@Luke:22:21 @ Nevertheless, lo! the hand of him who is delivering me up, is with me upon the table.

rotherham@Luke:22:30 @ That ye may eat and drink, at my table, in my kingdom, and sit upon thrones, judging, the twelve tribes of Israel.

rotherham@Luke:23:8 @ And, Herod, seeing Jesus, rejoiced exceedingly; for he had been, a considerable number of times, wishing to see him, because he had heard concerning him, and was hoping, some sign, to behold, by him, brought to pass.

rotherham@John:2:15 @ And, making a scourge out of rushes, all of them, thrust he forth out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and, the money-changers small coins, poured he forth, and, the tables, he overturned;

rotherham@John:5:10 @ The Jews, therefore, were saying, unto him who had been cured It is, Sabbath; and it is not allowable for thee to take up thy couch:

rotherham@John:11:50 @ nor do ye take into account, that it is profitable for you that, one man, should die for the people, and not, the whole nation, perish.

rotherham@John:16:7 @ But, I, the truth, am telling you It is profitable for you, that, I, depart; for, if I should not depart, The Advocate, would in nowise come unto you, but, if I go, I will send him unto you.

rotherham@John:18:14 @ Now Caiaphas was he that gave counsel unto the Jews, that it was profitable for, one man, to die in behalf of the people.

rotherham@John:21:6 @ And, he, said unto them Cast the net, on the right side of the boat, and ye shall find. They cast, therefore; and, no longer, were they able, to draw, it, for the multitude of the fishes.

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