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gltv@Matthew:1:24 @ And being aroused from sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife,

gltv@Matthew:1:25 @ and did not know her until she bore her son, the First-born. And he called His name Jesus.

gltv@Matthew:5:17 @ Do not think that I came to annul the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to annul, but to fulfill.

gltv@Matthew:7:22 @ Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?

gltv@Matthew:7:25 @ and the rains came down, and the rivers came up, and the winds blew, and fell against that house; but it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.

gltv@Matthew:8:10 @ And hearing, Jesus marveled, and said to those following, Truly I say to you, Not even in Israel did I find such faith.

gltv@Matthew:9:13 @ But going, learn what this is, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." For I did not come to call righteous ones, but sinners to repentance. Hosea. strkjv@6:6

gltv@Matthew:10:34 @ Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

gltv@Matthew:11:7 @ But as these were going, Jesus began to say to the crowds about John, What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed being shaken with the wind?

gltv@Matthew:11:8 @ But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft clothing? Behold, those wearing soft things are in the houses of kings.

gltv@Matthew:11:9 @ But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and one more excellent than a prophet.

gltv@Matthew:11:17 @ and saying, We piped to you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not wail.

gltv@Matthew:11:20 @ Then He began to reproach the cities in which most of His powerful acts had occurred, for they did not repent.

gltv@Matthew:12:3 @ But He said to them, Have you not read what David did, when he and those with him hungered?

gltv@Matthew:13:5 @ And other fell on the stony places where they did not have much earth, and it immediately sprang up because it had no deepness of earth.

gltv@Matthew:13:17 @ For truly I tell you that many prophets and righteous ones desired to see what you see and did not see, and to hear what you hear and did not hear.

gltv@Matthew:13:27 @ And coming near, the slaves of the housemaster said to him, Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then from where does it have the darnel?

gltv@Matthew:13:28 @ And he said to them, A man, an enemy did this. And the slaves said to him, Do you desire, then, that going out we should gather them?

gltv@Matthew:13:34 @ Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the crowds, and He did not speak to them without a parable,

gltv@Matthew:13:54 @ And coming into His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, Where did this one get this wisdom, and the powerful works?

gltv@Matthew:13:56 @ And are not his sisters all with us? From where then did this one get all these things?

gltv@Matthew:13:58 @ And He did not do many works of power there because of their unbelief.

gltv@Matthew:14:31 @ And immediately stretching out the hand, Jesus took hold of him, and said to him, Little-faith, why did you doubt?

gltv@Matthew:15:7 @ Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, saying:

gltv@Matthew:15:23 @ But He did not answer her a word. And coming near, His disciples asked Him, saying, Send her away, for she cries out after us.

gltv@Matthew:16:7 @ And they reasoned among themselves, saying, Because we did not take loaves.

gltv@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they knew that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but from the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

gltv@Matthew:16:17 @ And answering, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in Heaven.

gltv@Matthew:17:8 @ And lifting up their eyes, they did not see anyone except Jesus alone.

gltv@Matthew:17:12 @ But I say to you, Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they desired. So also the Son of man is about to suffer by them.

gltv@Matthew:17:24 @ And they coming into Capernaum, those receiving the didrachmas came to Peter and said, Does your teacher not pay the didrachmas?

gltv@Matthew:19:7 @ They said to Him, Why then did Moses command to "give a bill of divorce," "and to put her away"? Deuteronomy. strkjv@24:1

gltv@Matthew:20:5 @ Again, going out about the sixth and ninth hour, he did the same.

gltv@Matthew:20:13 @ But answering, he said to one of them, Friend, I am not unjust to you. Did you not agree to a denarius with me?

gltv@Matthew:20:28 @ Even as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

gltv@Matthew:21:15 @ But the chief priests and the scribes, seeing the wonders which He did, and the children crying out in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David, they were incensed.

gltv@Matthew:21:16 @ And they said to Him, Do you hear what these say? And Jesus said to them, Yes. Did you never read, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have perfected praise?" LXX-Psa. strkjv@8:3; MT-Psa. strkjv@8:2

gltv@Matthew:21:25 @ The baptism of John, from where was it? From Heaven, or from men? And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we shall say, From Heaven, He will say to us, Why then did you not believe him?

gltv@Matthew:21:30 @ And coming to the second, he said the same. And answering, he said, I go, sir; but he did not leave.

gltv@Matthew:21:31 @ Which of the two did the will of the father? They said to Him, The first. Jesus said to them, Truly I say to you, the tax collectors and the harlots go before you into the kingdom of God.

gltv@Matthew:21:32 @ For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him. But the tax-collectors and the harlots believed him. And seeing, you did not repent afterwards to believe him.

gltv@Matthew:21:36 @ Again he sent other slaves, more than the first. And they did the same to them.

gltv@Matthew:21:42 @ Jesus said to them, Did you never read in the Scriptures, "A Stone which the builders rejected is the One that has become the head of the corner. This was from the Lord, and it is a wonder in our eyes?" Psa. strkjv@118:22, 23

gltv@Matthew:22:3 @ And he sent his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, but they did not desire to come.

gltv@Matthew:22:12 @ And he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here, not having a wedding garment? But he was speechless.

gltv@Matthew:22:46 @ And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day to question Him any more.

gltv@Matthew:23:37 @ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one killing the prophets and stoning those sent to her. How often I desired to gather your children in the way a bird gathers her chicks under her wings! And you did not desire it.

gltv@Matthew:24:39 @ And they did not know until the flood came and took all away. So also will be the coming of the Son of man.

gltv@Matthew:25:3 @ Those being foolish, taking their lamps, did not take oil with them.

gltv@Matthew:25:17 @ In the same way, the one with the two also did; he also gained another two.

gltv@Matthew:25:24 @ And the one who received the one talent also coming up, he said, Lord, I knew you, that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter;

gltv@Matthew:25:26 @ And answering, his lord said to him, Evil and slothful slave! You knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not I scatter.

gltv@Matthew:25:37 @ Then the righteous will answer, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungry, and fed You; or thirsting, and gave You drink?

gltv@Matthew:25:38 @ And when did we see You a stranger, and took You in; or naked, and clothed You?

gltv@Matthew:25:39 @ And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to You?

gltv@Matthew:25:40 @ And answering, the King will say to them, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of these, the least of My brothers, you did it to Me.

gltv@Matthew:25:43 @ I was a stranger, and you did not take Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.

gltv@Matthew:25:44 @ Then they also will answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see You hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to You?

gltv@Matthew:25:45 @ Then He will answer them, saying, Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of these, the least, neither did you do it to Me.

gltv@Matthew:26:12 @ For in putting this ointment on My body, she did it in order to bury Me.

gltv@Matthew:26:13 @ Truly I say to you, Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in all the world, what she did will be spoken of as a memorial of her.

gltv@Matthew:26:19 @ And the disciples did as Jesus ordered them, and prepared the Passover.

gltv@Matthew:26:55 @ In that hour, Jesus said to the crowds, Have you come out to take Me with swords and clubs, as against a robber? I sat with you daily teaching in the temple, and you did not lay hands on Me.

gltv@Matthew:26:60 @ but did not find any, even though there were many false witnesses coming forward, they did not find any. But at last, coming up two false witnesses

gltv@Matthew:27:14 @ And He did not answer him, not even to one word, so that the governor greatly marveled.

gltv@Matthew:27:23 @ But the governor said, For what wrong did he do? But they the more cried out, saying, Let him be crucified.

gltv@Matthew:27:46 @ And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani; that is, "My God, My God, why did You forsake Me?" Psa. strkjv@22:1

gltv@Matthew:28:15 @ And taking the silver, they did as they were taught. And this report was spread by the Jews until today.

gltv@Mark:1:34 @ And He healed many who had illness of various diseases. And he cast out many demons, and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.

gltv@Mark:2:12 @ And at once he rose up. And taking his cot, he went out before all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, Never did we see it this way.

gltv@Mark:2:17 @ And hearing, Jesus said to them, Those who are strong have no need of a physician, but those who have illness. I did not come to call the righteous to repentance, but sinners.

gltv@Mark:2:25 @ And He said to them, Did you never read what David did when he had need and hungered, he and those with him,

gltv@Mark:4:5 @ And another fell on the stony place where it did not have much earth. And it sprang up at once, due to not having deepness of earth.

gltv@Mark:4:7 @ And another fell into the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it; and it did not yield fruit.

gltv@Mark:4:34 @ But He did not speak to them without a parable. And He explained all things to His disciples privately.

gltv@Mark:5:19 @ But Jesus did not allow him, but said to him, Go to your house, to your own, and announce to them what the Lord has done to you and had mercy on you.

gltv@Mark:5:20 @ And he left and began to proclaim in Decapolis what Jesus did to him. And all marveled.

gltv@Mark:5:37 @ And He did not allow anyone to go with Him except Peter and James and John, the brother of James.

gltv@Mark:6:20 @ For Herod feared John, knowing him to be a holy and just man, and kept him safe. And hearing him, he did many things, and gladly heard from him.

gltv@Mark:6:26 @ And becoming deeply grieved, but because of the oaths and those reclining together, the king did not wish to reject her.

gltv@Mark:6:30 @ And the apostles gathered to Jesus. And they told Him all things, even what they did and what they taught.

gltv@Mark:6:31 @ And He said to them, You yourselves come apart into a deserted place, and rest a little. For those coming and those going were many, and they did not even have opportunity to eat.

gltv@Mark:6:52 @ For they did not understand the miracle of the loaves, for their hearts were hardened.

gltv@Mark:7:6 @ And answering, He said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy concerning you, hypocrites; as it has been written: "This people honors Me with the lips, but their heart is far away from Me;

gltv@Mark:8:14 @ And the disciples forgot to take loaves. And they did not have any with them, except one loaf in the boat.

gltv@Mark:8:19 @ When I broke the five loaves to the five thousand, how many hand baskets full of fragments did you take up? They said to Him, Twelve.

gltv@Mark:8:20 @ And when the seven to the four thousand, how many lunch baskets did you take up with the fillings of fragments? And they said, Seven.

gltv@Mark:9:6 @ For he did not know what to say, for they were very fearful.

gltv@Mark:9:13 @ But I say to you, Elijah also has come and they did to him whatever they desired, even as it has been written of him.

gltv@Mark:9:32 @ But they did not know the word, and feared to question Him.

gltv@Mark:10:1 @ And rising up from there, He came into the borders of Judea by the other side of the Jordan. And again crowds came together to Him, and as He usually did, He again taught them.

gltv@Mark:10:3 @ But answering, He said to them, What did Moses command you?

gltv@Mark:10:45 @ For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

gltv@Mark:11:16 @ And He did not allow any to carry a vessel through the temple.

gltv@Mark:11:31 @ And they argued to themselves, saying, If we say, From Heaven, he will say, Why then did you not believe him?

gltv@Mark:12:21 @ And the second took her, and died, and neither did he leave seed; and the third likewise.

gltv@Mark:14:8 @ What this one held, she did. She took beforehand to anoint My body for the burial.

gltv@Mark:14:9 @ Truly I say to you, Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in all the world, what this one did will also be spoken of for a memorial of her.

gltv@Mark:14:40 @ And returning, He found them sleeping again, for their eyes were heavy. And they did not know what to answer Him.

gltv@Mark:14:49 @ I was with you daily teaching in the temple, and you did not seize Me. But it is that the Scriptures may be fulfilled.

gltv@Mark:15:8 @ And crying aloud, the crowd began to beg him to do as he always did to them.

gltv@Mark:15:14 @ But Pilate said to them, For what evil did he do? But they much more cried out, Crucify him!

gltv@Mark:15:23 @ And they gave him wine spiced with myrrh to drink. But He did not take it.

gltv@Mark:15:34 @ And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? (Which being translated is, "My God, My God, why did You forsake Me?") Psa. strkjv@22:1; strkjv@69:21

gltv@Mark:16:11 @ And those hearing that He lives, and was seen by her, they did not believe.

gltv@Mark:16:13 @ And going, those reported to the rest. Neither did they believe those.

gltv@Mark:16:14 @ Afterward, as they reclined, He was revealed to the Eleven. And He reproached their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him, having been raised.

gltv@Luke:1:20 @ And behold, you shall be silent and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which shall be fulfilled in their season.

gltv@Luke:1:49 @ For the Mighty One did great things to me, and holy is His name.

gltv@Luke:2:37 @ and she was a widow of eighty four years, who did not depart from the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers.

gltv@Luke:2:43 @ and fulfilling the days, in their returning, the boy Jesus stayed in Jerusalem. And Joseph and His mother did not know.

gltv@Luke:2:48 @ And seeing Him, they were astounded. And His mother said to Him, Child, why did You do so to us? Behold, Your father and I were looking for You, greatly distressed.

gltv@Luke:2:49 @ And He said to them, Why did you look for me? Did you not know that I must be busy in the affairs of My Father?

gltv@Luke:2:50 @ And they did not understand the word which He spoke to them.

gltv@Luke:3:19 @ But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him concerning his brother Philip's wife, Herodias, and concerning all the evil things Herod did,

gltv@Luke:4:34 @ saying, Aha! What is to us and to You, Jesus, Nazarene? Did You come to destroy us? I know You, who You are, the Holy One of God.

gltv@Luke:4:41 @ And also demons came out from many, crying out and saying, You are the Christ, the Son of God! And rebuking them, He did not allow them to speak, for they knew Him to be the Christ.

gltv@Luke:5:32 @ I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

gltv@Luke:6:3 @ And answering, Jesus said to them, Have you never read this, what David did when he hungered, and those being with him?

gltv@Luke:6:10 @ And having looked around at them all, He said to the man, Stretch out your hand! And he did so. And his hand was restored sound as the other.

gltv@Luke:6:23 @ rejoice in that day, and leap for joy; for, behold, your reward is much in Heaven! For their fathers did according to these things to the prophets.

gltv@Luke:6:26 @ Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers did according to these things to the false prophets.

gltv@Luke:6:49 @ But he who heard and did not perform, he is like a man having built his house on the earth without a foundation, on which the stream burst, and it immediately fell; and the ruin of that house was great.

gltv@Luke:7:7 @ For this reason I did not count myself worthy to come to You. But say in a word, and let my servant be cured.

gltv@Luke:7:9 @ And hearing these things, Jesus marveled at him. And turning to the crowd following Him, He said, I say to you, I did not find such faith in Israel.

gltv@Luke:7:24 @ And John's messengers going away, He began to speak to the crowds about John: What did you go out to the wilderness to see? A reed being shaken by the wind?

gltv@Luke:7:25 @ But what did you go out to see? A man who had been dressed in soft clothing? Behold, those in splendid clothing and being in luxury are in king's palaces.

gltv@Luke:7:26 @ But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, even more than a prophet.

gltv@Luke:7:32 @ They are like children sitting in a market and calling to one another, and saying, We piped to you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not weep.

gltv@Luke:7:44 @ And turning to the woman, He said to Simon, Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give water for My feet, but she washed My feet with tears and wiped off with the hairs of her head.

gltv@Luke:7:45 @ You gave Me no kiss, but she from when I entered did not stop fervently kissing My feet.

gltv@Luke:7:46 @ You did not anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with ointment.

gltv@Luke:8:27 @ And He going out onto the land, a certain man out of the city met Him, who had demons from a long time. (And he put no garment on; and he did not stay in a house, but among the tombs).

gltv@Luke:8:39 @ Go back to your house and tell what God did to you. And he went away proclaiming through all the city what things Jesus did to him.

gltv@Luke:8:51 @ And coming into the house, He did not allow anyone to enter, except Peter and James and John, and the father and mother of the child.

gltv@Luke:9:10 @ And returning, the apostles told Him what things they did. And taking them He went out privately to a deserted place of a city called Bethsaida.

gltv@Luke:9:15 @ And they did so, and made all recline.

gltv@Luke:9:43 @ And all were astonished at the majesty of God. And as all were marveling at all things which He did, Jesus said to His disciples,

gltv@Luke:9:45 @ But they did not understand this saying, and it was veiled from them so that they might not perceive it. And they feared to ask Him about this word.

gltv@Luke:9:53 @ And they did not receive Him, because His face was going toward Jerusalem.

gltv@Luke:9:54 @ And seeing, His disciples James and John said, Lord, do You desire that we tell fire to come down from Heaven, and to destroy them, even as Elijah did? 2 K. strkjv@1:10-12

gltv@Luke:9:56 @ For the Son of man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save. And they went to another village.

gltv@Luke:10:24 @ For I say to you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear.

gltv@Luke:11:38 @ But watching, the Pharisee marveled that He did not first wash before the dinner.

gltv@Luke:11:40 @ Fools! Did not He who made the outside also make the inside?

gltv@Luke:11:52 @ Woe to you, lawyers! Because you took the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not enter, and you kept out the ones entering.

gltv@Luke:13:6 @ And He spoke this parable: A certain one had planted a fig tree in his vineyard. And he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any.

gltv@Luke:13:34 @ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! The one killing the prophets, and stoning those having been sent to her, how often I desired to gather your children in the way a hen gathers her brood under the wings, and you did not desire it.

gltv@Luke:14:30 @ saying, This man began to build, and did not have strength to finish.

gltv@Luke:15:28 @ But he was angry and did not desire to go in. Then coming out, his father begged him.

gltv@Luke:17:9 @ Does he have thanks to that slave because he did the things commanded of him? I think not.

gltv@Luke:18:34 @ And they did not understand these things, nothing! And this saying had been hidden from them, and they did not know the things being said.

gltv@Luke:19:21 @ For I feared you, because you are an exacting man, taking what you did not lay down, and reaping what you did not sow.

gltv@Luke:19:22 @ But he said to him, I will judge you out of your own mouth, wicked slave. You knew that I am an exacting man, taking what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow.

gltv@Luke:19:23 @ And why did you not give my silver on the bank table? And coming, I might have exacted it with interest.

gltv@Luke:19:44 @ and will tear you down, and your children in you, and will not leave a stone on a stone, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

gltv@Luke:19:48 @ And they did not find what they might do; for all the people hung on Him, listening.

gltv@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we say, From Heaven, he will say, Then why did you not believe him?

gltv@Luke:20:7 @ And they answered, they did not know from where.

gltv@Luke:20:31 @ And the third took her, and likewise also the seven did not leave children, and died.

gltv@Luke:20:40 @ And they did not dare to question Him any more, not a thing.

gltv@Luke:22:35 @ And He said to them, When I sent you without a purse, or a wallet, or sandals, did you lack anything? And they said, Nothing.

gltv@Luke:22:53 @ When I was with you day by day in the temple, you did not stretch out your hand on Me. But this is your hour and the authority of the darkness.

gltv@Luke:23:15 @ But neither did Herod, for I sent you up to him; and, behold, nothing worthy of death is done by him.

gltv@Luke:23:22 @ And a third time he said to them, For what evil did this one do? I found no cause of death in him. Therefore, chastising him, I will release him.

gltv@Luke:23:29 @ For behold, days will come in which they will say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that did not bear, and breasts that did not suckle.

gltv@Luke:23:41 @ And we indeed justly, for we receive things worthy of what we did. But this One did nothing wrong.

gltv@Luke:24:3 @ And going in, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

gltv@Luke:24:11 @ And their words seemed like foolishness to them, and they did not believe them.

gltv@Luke:24:24 @ And some of those with us went to the tomb, and found it so, even as the women also said; but they did not see Him.

gltv@John:1:5 @ and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it.

gltv@John:1:10 @ He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, yet the world did not know Him.

gltv@John:1:11 @ He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

gltv@John:1:20 @ And he acknowledged and did not deny; yea, he acknowledged, I am not the Christ.

gltv@John:1:31 @ And I did not know Him; but that He be revealed to Israel, for this reason I came baptizing in water.

gltv@John:1:33 @ And I did not know Him, but the One sending me to baptize in water, that One said to me, On whomever you see the Spirit coming down and abiding on Him, this is the One baptizing in the Holy Spirit.

gltv@John:2:9 @ But when the master of the feast tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know from where it was (but the servants drawing the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom,

gltv@John:2:11 @ This beginning of the miracles Jesus did in Cana of Galilee. And it revealed His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.

gltv@John:2:23 @ And as He was in Jerusalem, at the Passover, at the Feast, many believed into His name, seeing the miracles which He did.

gltv@John:2:24 @ But Jesus Himself did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all,

gltv@John:3:17 @ For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

gltv@John:4:2 @ (though truly Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples),

gltv@John:4:17 @ And the woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, Well did you say, I have no husband.

gltv@John:4:29 @ Come, see a Man who told me all things, whatever I did. Is this One not the Christ?

gltv@John:4:39 @ And many of the Samaritans out of that city believed into Him, because of the word of the woman testifying, He told me all things, whatever I did.

gltv@John:4:45 @ Therefore, when He came into Galilee, the Galileans received Him, seeing all things which He did in Jerusalem at the Feast. For they also went to the Feast.

gltv@John:4:54 @ Again, this second miracle Jesus did, coming from Judea into Galilee.

gltv@John:5:13 @ But he did not know the One who cured him, for a crowd being in that place, Jesus had withdrawn.

gltv@John:5:16 @ And because of this, the Jews persecuted Jesus and lusted to kill Him, because He did these things on a sabbath.

gltv@John:5:18 @ Because of this, therefore, the Jews lusted the more to kill Him, for not only did He break the sabbath, but also called God His own Father, making Himself equal to God.

gltv@John:6:2 @ And a great crowd followed Him, for they saw His miracles which He did on the sick ones.

gltv@John:6:14 @ Then seeing what miracle Jesus did, the men said, This is truly the Prophet, the one coming into the world.

gltv@John:6:22 @ On the morrow, the crowd standing on the other side of the sea had seen that no other little boat was there except one, that one into which His disciples entered, and that Jesus did not go with His disciples into the small boat, but that the disciples went away alone.

gltv@John:6:25 @ And finding Him across the sea, they said to Him, Rabbi, when did you come here?

gltv@John:6:36 @ But I said to you that you also have seen Me and did not believe.

gltv@John:6:70 @ Jesus answered them, Did I not choose you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!

gltv@John:7:1 @ And after these things Jesus was walking in Galilee; for He did not desire to walk in Judea, because the Jews were lusting to kill Him.

gltv@John:7:5 @ For His brothers did not believe into Him.

gltv@John:7:21 @ Jesus answered and said to them, I did one work, and you all marvel.

gltv@John:7:31 @ But many of the crowd believed into Him, and said, The Christ, when He comes will He do more miracles than these which this One did?

gltv@John:7:45 @ Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said to them, Why did you not bring him?

gltv@John:7:46 @ The officers answered, Never did a man so speak as does this man.

gltv@John:8:10 @ And Jesus bending back up, and having seen no one but the woman, He said to her, Woman, where are those who accused you? Did not one give judgment against you?

gltv@John:8:27 @ They did not know that He spoke to them of the Father.

gltv@John:8:29 @ And the One who sent Me is with Me. The Father did not leave Me alone, for I do the things pleasing to Him always.

gltv@John:8:40 @ But now you seek to kill Me, a man who has spoken the truth to you, which I heard alongside of God. Abraham did not do this.

gltv@John:9:18 @ Then the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he was blind and received sight, until they called the parents of him having received sight.

gltv@John:9:26 @ And they said to him again, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?

gltv@John:9:27 @ He answered them, I told you already, and you did not hear. Why do you wish to hear again? Do you also desire to become disciples of Him?

gltv@John:10:6 @ Jesus spoke this allegory to them, but they did not know what it was which He spoke to them.

gltv@John:10:8 @ All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.

gltv@John:10:25 @ Jesus answered them, I told you, and you did not believe. The works which I do in the name of My Father, these bear witness about Me.

gltv@John:10:41 @ And many came to Him and said, indeed did no miracle, but all things that said concerning this One were true.

gltv@John:11:40 @ Jesus said to her, Did I not say to you that if you would believe you will see the glory of God?

gltv@John:11:45 @ Then many of the Jews, those coming to Mary, and having seen what Jesus did, believed into Him.

gltv@John:11:51 @ But he did not say this from himself, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was about to die on behalf of the nation,

gltv@John:12:9 @ Then a great crowd of the Jews learned that He was there. And they did not come because of Jesus alone, but that they also might see Lazarus whom He raised from the dead.

gltv@John:12:16 @ But His disciples did not know these things at the first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they recalled that these things had been written on Him, and that they did these things to Him.

gltv@John:12:37 @ But though He had done so many miracles before them, they did not believe into Him,

gltv@John:12:42 @ Still, however, even out of the rulers, many did believe into Him. But because of the Pharisees, they were not confessing, so that they not be put out of the synagogue.

gltv@John:12:47 @ And if anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

gltv@John:12:49 @ For I did not speak from Myself, but He who sent Me, the Father, He has given Me command, what I should say, and what I should speak.

gltv@John:13:15 @ For I gave you an example, that as I did to you, you also should do.

gltv@John:15:24 @ If I did not do the works among them which no other did, they had no sin. But now they both have seen and also have hated Me and My Father.

gltv@John:16:4 @ But I have spoken these things to you so that when the hour comes you may recall them, that I told you these things. But I did not say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you.

gltv@John:17:25 @ Righteous Father, indeed the world did not know You, but I knew You; and these have known that You sent Me.

gltv@John:18:26 @ One of the slaves of the high priest, being a relative of the one whose ear Peter cut off, said, Did I not see you in the garden with Him?

gltv@John:18:28 @ Then they led Jesus from Caiaphas into the praetorium, and it was early. And they did not enter into the praetorium that they might not be defiled, but that they might eat the Passover.

gltv@John:18:34 @ Jesus answered him, Do you say this from yourself, or did others tell you about Me?

gltv@John:18:35 @ Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Your nation, even the chief priests, delivered you up to me! What did you do?

gltv@John:19:9 @ And he entered into the praetorium again and said to Jesus, From where are you? But Jesus did not give him an answer.

gltv@John:19:24 @ Then they said to one another, Let us not tear it, but let us cast lots about it, whose it will be (that the Scripture might be fulfilled which said, "They divided My garments among them," and "they threw a lot for My garment." Then indeed the soldiers did these things. LXX-Psa. strkjv@21:19; MT-Psa. strkjv@22:18 )

gltv@John:19:33 @ But on coming to Jesus, when they saw He was dead already, they did not break His legs.

gltv@John:20:5 @ And stooping down, he saw the linens lying; however, he did not go in.

gltv@John:20:9 @ For they did not yet know the Scripture, that it was necessary for Him to rise from the dead.

gltv@John:20:14 @ And saying these things, she turned backward and saw Jesus standing, and did not know that it was Jesus.

gltv@John:20:30 @ Then truly Jesus did many other miracles in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book.

gltv@John:21:4 @ And it now becoming early morning, Jesus stood on the shore. However, the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

gltv@John:21:23 @ Therefore, the word went out to the brothers that that disciple does not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he does not die, but, If I desire him to remain until I come, what is that to you?

gltv@John:21:25 @ And there are also many things, whatever Jesus did, which if they were written singly, I suppose the world itself could not contain the books having been written. Amen.

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