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geneva@Matthew:7:28 @ And it came to passe, when Iesus had ended these wordes, the people were astonied at his doctrine.

geneva@Matthew:12:45 @ Then he goeth, & taketh vnto him seuen other spirites worse then himselfe, and they enter in, and dwell there: and the ende of that man is worse then the beginning. Euen so shall it be with this wicked generation.

geneva@Matthew:13:21 @ Yet hath he no roote in himselfe, and dureth but a season: for assoone as tribulation or persecution commeth because of the woorde, by and by he is offended.

geneva@Matthew:13:53 @ And it came to passe, that when Iesus had ended these parables, he departed thence,

geneva@Matthew:13:57 @ And they were offended with him. Then Iesus said to them, A Prophet is not without honour, saue in his owne countrey, and in his owne house.

geneva@Matthew:15:12 @ Then came his disciples, and saide vnto him, Perceiuest thou not, that the Pharises are offended in hearing this saying?

geneva@Matthew:18:9 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

geneva@Matthew:20:1 @ For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man [that is] an (note:)God is bound to no man, and therefore he calls whoever and whenever he desires. This only every man ought to take heed of, and upon this bestow his whole endeavour, that he go forward and come to the mark without stopping at all or staggering, and to not curiously examine the doings of other men, or the judgments of God.(:note) householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.

geneva@Matthew:20:22 @ But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to (note:)«Taking the cup» is figurative speech for that which is contained in the cup. And again, the Hebrews understand by the word «cup», sometimes the manner of punishment which is rendered to sin, as (Psa_11:6), or the joy that is given to the faithful, as (Psa_23:5), and sometimes a lot or condition, as (Psa_16:5).(:note) drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the This is in reference to afflictions, as David commonly uses. baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.

geneva@Matthew:21:41 @ They say unto him, He will (note:)A kind of proverb, showing what punishment the wicked are worthy of.(:note) miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out [his] vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.

geneva@Matthew:23:18 @ And whosoeuer sweareth by the altar, it is nothing: but whosoeuer sweareth by the offering that is vpon it, offendeth.

geneva@Matthew:24:3 @ And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, his disciples came vnto him apart, saying, Tell vs when these things shall be, and what signe shalbe of thy coming, and of the ende of the world.

geneva@Matthew:24:10 @ And then shall many be offended, and shal betray one another, and shall hate one another.

geneva@Matthew:26:33 @ But Peter aunswered, and sayde vnto him, Though that al men should be offended by thee, yet will I neuer be offended.

geneva@Matthew:28:2 @ And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lorde descended from heauen, and came and rolled backe the stone from the doore, and sate vpon it.

geneva@Mark:3:12 @ And he sharply rebuked them, to the ende they should not vtter him.

geneva@Mark:4:17 @ Yet haue they no roote in themselues, and endure but a time: for when trouble and persecution ariseth for the worde, immediatly they be offended.

geneva@Mark:5:19 @ Howbeit, Iesus would not suffer him, but said vnto him, Goe thy way home to thy friendes, and shewe them what great thinges the Lorde hath done vnto thee, and howe hee hath had compassion on thee.

geneva@Mark:6:3 @ Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his (note:)This word is used after the manner of the Hebrews, who by brethren and sisters understand all relatives.(:note) sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

geneva@Mark:9:47 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out: it is better for thee to goe into the kingdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire,

geneva@Mark:11:1 @ And (note:)A graphic image of the spiritual kingdom of Christ on earth.(:note) when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples,

geneva@Mark:13:28 @ Nowe learne a parable of the figge tree. When her bough is yet tender, and it bringeth foorth leaues, ye knowe that sommer is neere.

geneva@Luke:1:28 @ And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, [thou that art] (note:)It might be literally rendered, «full of favour and grace», and he shows immediately after, laying out plainly unto us, what that favour is in that he says, «The Lord is with thee».(:note) highly favoured, the Lord [is] with thee: Of God. blessed [art] thou among women.

geneva@Luke:1:33 @ And hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer, and of his kingdome shall bee none ende.

geneva@Luke:1:69 @ And hath raised up an (note:)This word «horn», in the Hebrew language, signifies strength, and it is a metaphor taken from beasts that fight with their horns: And by raising up the might of Israel is meant that the kingdom of Israel was defended, and the enemies of it laid on the ground, even then when the strength of Israel seemed to be utterly gone.(:note) horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

geneva@Luke:1:71 @ That he would sende vs deliuerance fro our enemies, and from the hands of all that hate vs,

geneva@Luke:1:78 @ Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the (note:)Or «bud», or «branch»; he alludes to (Jer_23:5) (Zec_3:8; Zec_6:12); and he is called a bud from on high, that is, sent from God unto us, and not as other buds which bud out of the earth.(:note) dayspring from on high hath visited us,

geneva@Luke:3:8 @ Bring foorth therefore fruites worthy amendement of life, and beginne not to say with your selues, We haue Abraham to our father: for I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham.

geneva@Luke:4:2 @ And was there fourtie dayes tempted of the deuil, & in those dayes he did eate nothing: but when they were ended, he afterward was hungry.

geneva@Luke:4:13 @ And when the deuil had ended all the tentation, he departed from him for a litle season.

geneva@Luke:7:1 @ Now (note:)Christ admonishes the Jews that for their obstinacy and rebellion he will go to the Gentiles, by setting before them the example of the centurion.(:note) when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum.

geneva@Luke:7:6 @ Then Iesus went with them: but when he was now not farre from the house, the Centurion sent friendes to him, saying vnto him, Lorde, trouble not thy selfe: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe:

geneva@Luke:7:23 @ And blessed is hee, that shall not be offended in me.

geneva@Luke:7:27 @ This is he of whom it is written, Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

geneva@Luke:7:41 @ There was a certaine lender which had two detters: the one ought fiue hundreth pence, and the other fiftie:

geneva@Luke:9:12 @ And when the day began to weare away, the twelue came, and sayd vnto him, Sende the people away, that they may goe into the townes and villages round about, and lodge, & get meate: for we are here in a desart place.

geneva@Luke:10:2 @ And he said vnto them, The haruest is great, but the labourers are fewe: pray therefore the Lord of the haruest to sende foorth labourers into his haruest.

geneva@Luke:10:35 @ And on the morowe when he departed, he tooke out two pence, and gaue them to the hoste, and said vnto him, Take care of him, and whatsoeuer thou spendest more, when I come againe, I will recompense thee.

geneva@Luke:11:6 @ For a friende of mine is come out of the way to me, & I haue nothing to set before him:

geneva@Luke:12:50 @ Notwithstanding I must be baptized with a baptisme, & how am I grieued, till it be ended?

geneva@Luke:14:10 @ But when thou art bidden, goe and sit downe in the lowest roome, that when he that bade thee, cometh, he may say vnto thee, Friende, sit vp hier: then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at table with thee.

geneva@Luke:14:32 @ Or els while hee is yet a great way off, hee sendeth an ambassage, and desireth peace.

geneva@Luke:15:6 @ And when he commeth home, he calleth together his friendes and neighbours, saying vnto them, Reioyce with mee: for I haue founde my sheepe which was lost.

geneva@Luke:15:7 @ I say vnto you, that likewise ioy shall be in heauen for one sinner that conuerteth, more then for ninetie and nine iust men, which neede none amendement of life.

geneva@Luke:15:9 @ And when shee hath found it, shee calleth her friendes, and neighbours, saying, Reioyce with me: for I haue found the groate which I had lost.

geneva@Luke:16:8 @ And the lord commended (note:)This parable does not approve the steward's evil dealing, for it was definitely theft: but parables are set forth to show a thing in a secret way, and as it were, to present the truth by means of an allegory, even though it may not be exact: so that by this parable Christ means to teach us that worldly men are more clever in the affairs of this world than the children of God are diligent for everlasting life.(:note) the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the Men that are given to this present life, contrary to whom are the children of light: Paul calls the former carnal and the latter spiritual. children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

geneva@Luke:16:24 @ Then he cried, and saide, Father Abraham, haue mercie on mee, and sende Lazarus that hee may dippe the tip of his finger in water, & coole my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame.

geneva@Luke:17:1 @ Then said he unto the disciples, (note:)The Church is of necessity subject to offences, but the Lord will not suffer them unpunished, if any of the least be offended.(:note) It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe [unto him], through whom they come!

geneva@Luke:17:2 @ It is better for him that a great milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were cast into ye sea, then that he should offende one of these litle ones.

geneva@Luke:21:16 @ Yea, ye shalbe betrayed also of your parents, and of your brethren, and kinsmen, and friendes, and some of you shall they put to death.

geneva@Luke:22:37 @ For I say vnto you, That yet the same which is written, must be perfourmed in me, Euen with the wicked was he nombred: for doubtlesse those things which are written of me, haue an ende.

geneva@John:3:13 @ And no (note:)Only Christ can teach us heavenly things, for no man ascends, etc.(:note) man That is, has any spiritual light and understanding, or ever had any, but only the Son of God who came down to us. hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, [even] Whereas he is said to have come down from heaven, this must be understood as referring to his Godhead, and of the manner of his conception: for Christ's birth upon the earth was heavenly and not earthly, for he was conceived by the Holy Spirit. the Son of man which That which is proper to the divinity of Christ, is here spoken of the whole Christ, to show us that he is but one person in which two natures are united. is in heaven.

geneva@John:12:32 @ And I, if I be (note:)Christ used a word which has a double meaning, for it signifies either to lift up or to get out of the way: for he intended them to think of his death, but the Jews seemed to take it another way.(:note) lifted up from the earth, will draw Chrysostom and Theophylact say that this word «all» refers to all nations: that is, not only to the Jews. all [men] unto me.

geneva@John:15:13 @ Greater loue then this hath no man, when any man bestoweth his life for his friendes.

geneva@John:15:14 @ Ye are my friendes, if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaund you.

geneva@John:16:1 @ These (note:)The ministers of the gospel must expect all types of reproaches, not only by those who are open enemies, but even by those also who seem to be of the same household, and the very pillars of the Church.(:note) things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

geneva@John:17:1 @ These (note:)Jesus Christ, the everlasting high Priest, being ready to immediately offer himself up, by solemn prayers consecrates himself to God the Father as a sacrifice, and us together with himself. Therefore this prayer was from the beginning, is, and will be to the end of the world, the foundation and ground of the Church of God.(:note) words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, He first declares that as he came into the world so that the Father might show in him (being apprehended by faith) his glory in saving his elect, so he applied himself to that only: and therefore he desires from the Father that he would bless the work which he had finished. Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

geneva@John:19:12 @ From thence foorth Pilate sought to loose him, but the Iewes cried, saying, If thou deliuer him, thou art not Cesars friende: for whosoeuer maketh himselfe a King, speaketh against Cesar.

geneva@John:20:21 @ Then saide Iesus to them againe, Peace be vnto you: as my Father sent me, so sende I you.

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