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NT-GOSPEL.filter - mnt eye:

mnt@Matthew:5:29 @ And if your eye, your right eye, entices you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to lose one of your bodily organs, than to have your whole body go down into the pit.

mnt@Matthew:5:38 @ "You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

mnt@Matthew:6:22 @ "The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore if your eye is sound, your whole body will be well lighted;

mnt@Matthew:6:23 @ "but if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be darkened. If then the very light within you is darkness, how dense is that darkness!

mnt@Matthew:7:3 @ "And why do you look at the mote in your brothers eye, and fail to notice the beam which is in your own eye?

mnt@Matthew:7:4 @ "Or how will you say to your brother, Permit me to remove the mote from your eye, when, behold, the beam is in your own eye?

mnt@Matthew:7:5 @ "Hypocrite! First cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to cast the mote out of your brothers eye.

mnt@Matthew:9:29 @ Then he touched their eyes, saying "According to your faith be it unto you," and their eyes were opened.

mnt@Matthew:13:15 @ For the heart of his people is made fat, Their ears are dull of hearing; Their eyes, too, have they closed, Lest some day their eyes should perceive, And their ears should hear, And their heart should understand and turn, And I should heal them.

mnt@Matthew:13:16 @ "But happy are your eyes, because they see, and your ears because they hear.

mnt@Matthew:17:8 @ And when they raised their eyes they saw no one save Jesus only.

mnt@Matthew:18:9 @ "If your eye keeps causing you to stumble, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with only one eye, than to keep both eyes and be cast into the Gehenna of fire.

mnt@Matthew:19:24 @ "I tell you again, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

mnt@Matthew:20:15 @ "Have I not the right to do what I choose with my own property? Or is your eye evil because I am generous?

mnt@Matthew:20:33 @ "Master," they answered, "let our eyes be opened."

mnt@Matthew:20:34 @ Then Jesus, moved with compassion, touched their eyes, and they saw at once, and followed him.

mnt@Matthew:21:42 @ "Have you never read in the Scriptures," Jesus answered, "how The stone that the builders rejected Has been made the corner-stone; This is the Lords doing, It is wonderful in our eyes?

mnt@Matthew:26:43 @ He came again and found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy.

mnt@Mark:5:16 @ And those who had been eye-witnesses told them what had happened to the demoniac and to the swine.

mnt@Mark:8:18 @ Are your minds so slow to comprehend? You have eyes, do you not see? You have ears, do you not hear?

mnt@Mark:8:23 @ Taking the blind man by the hand, he led him outside the village; and, after spitting on his eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked, "Can you make out anything?"

mnt@Mark:8:25 @ Then Jesus again put his hands on the mans eyes; and the man, staring straight ahead, recovered his sight and continued to see everything perfectly.

mnt@Mark:9:47 @ If your eye cause you to stumble, tear it out! It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God one-eyed that to keep both your eyes and be cast into hell,

mnt@Mark:10:25 @ "My sons, how hard it is for those who trust in money to enter the kingdom of God. It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."

mnt@Mark:12:11 @ This is the Lords doing; It is marvelous in our eyes."

mnt@Mark:14:40 @ and when he returned he found them once more asleep, for their eyes were heavy with sleep, and they knew not what to say to him.

mnt@Luke:1:2 @ just as they reported them to us, who were from beginning eye- witnesses and ministers of the word,

mnt@Luke:2:30 @ "Because my eyes had seen the salvation,

mnt@Luke:4:21 @ The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him, and he began to say to them, "Today is this scripture fulfilled in your hearing."

mnt@Luke:6:20 @ Then raising his eyes upon his disciples he began to say to them. "Blessed are you poor, For the kingdom of God is yours.

mnt@Luke:6:41 @ "And why do you look at the splinter that is in your brothers eye, but never consider the beam that is in your own eye?

mnt@Luke:6:42 @ "Or how can you say to your brother. "Brother, allow me to pull that splinter out of your eye," when you do not see the beam in your own eye? Hypocrite! Take out first the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the splinter from your brothers eye.

mnt@Luke:10:23 @ And turning to his disciples he said privately. "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!

mnt@Luke:10:33 @ "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was, and when he saw him was moved with compassion.

mnt@Luke:11:34 @ "The lamp of the body is your eye; when your eye is single then your whole body is full of light; but when it is evil your whole body is full of darkness.

mnt@Luke:13:23 @ teaching as he journeyed toward Jerusalem. And a man came behind him and said, "Lord are there but few that are saved?"

mnt@Luke:15:29 @ "All these years I have been slaving for you and never disobeyed a command of yours. Yet you never gave me even a kid so that I might make merry with my friends.

mnt@Luke:16:15 @ He said to them. "You are those that justify themselves in the eyes of men; but God knows you hearts; for that which is lofty in the eyes of men is abomination in the eyes of God.

mnt@Luke:16:23 @ "The rich man also died, and was buried. And as he was tormented in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom.

mnt@Luke:18:13 @ "But the tax-gatherer, standing far back, would not lift up so much as his eyes to heaven, but kept beating his breast and saying, "O God be merciful to me, the sinner!

mnt@Luke:18:25 @ Why, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

mnt@Luke:19:42 @ exclaiming. "Oh that at this time you knew, yes, even you, on what your peace depends! But now it is hidden from your eyes.

mnt@Luke:24:16 @ But their eyes continued to be held that they should not recognize him even for an instant,

mnt@Luke:24:31 @ their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished out of their sight.

mnt@John:3:11 @ "Most solemnly I tell you we are speaking of what we know, and it is about that of which we were eyewitnesses that we give testimony. Yet all of you reject our testimony.

mnt@John:4:35 @ Do you not say, It wants yet four months, and then comes the harvest?Look, I tell you! Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, that they are already white for harvest.

mnt@John:9:6 @ When he had thus spoken he spat on the ground, and made clay with the spittle, and smeared the clay on the mans eyes.

mnt@John:9:7 @ Then he said to him, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam" (a word which means "sent"). So the man went and washed his eyes, and came back seeing.

mnt@John:9:10 @ So they asked him, "How then were your eyes opened?"

mnt@John:9:11 @ He answered. "The man who is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes, and said to me, Go to Siloam and wash;so I went and washed and received my sight."

mnt@John:9:14 @ Now it was on the Sabbath that Jesus had made clay and opened his eyes;

mnt@John:9:15 @ so the Pharisees again began to ask him questions about how he had regained his sight; and he said to them, "He put clay on my eyes, and I washed them, and now I see."

mnt@John:9:17 @ So there was a difference of opinion among them. Accordingly they said to the blind man, "What have you to say about him, now that he has opened your eyes?" "He is a prophet," he answered.

mnt@John:9:21 @ "but how he now sees we do not know, nor do we know who has opened his eyes. Ask him, himself. He is of age. He will speak for himself."

mnt@John:9:26 @ "What was it he did to you?" they asked him; "How did he open your eyes?"

mnt@John:9:30 @ "This is truly astonishing," said the man in reply, "that you do not know where he is from, and yet he has opened my eyes.

mnt@John:9:32 @ "Since the beginning of the world such a thing as opening the eyes of one who was born blind was never heard of.

mnt@John:10:21 @ Others were saying. "These are not the words of one demon-possessed. Can a demoniac open the eyes of the blind?"

mnt@John:11:37 @ "Could not this man, who has opened the eyes of the blind man, have prevented this man also from dying?"

mnt@John:11:41 @ Then they rolled the stone away; and Jesus lifted up his eyes and said.

mnt@John:12:40 @ He hath blinded their eyes and make their hearts hard, Lest they should see with their eyes, perceive with their minds, And should turn, and I should heal them.

mnt@John:15:10 @ "If you obey my commands you will abide in my love, just as I have obeyed my Fathers commands and abide in his love.

mnt@John:15:20 @ "Remember what I told you, A slave is not better than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you. If they have obeyed my word, they will obey yours also.

mnt@John:17:1 @ When he had thus spoken, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said. "Father, the hour is come. Glorify the Son, that thy Son may glorify thee;

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