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NT-GOSPEL.filter - rotherham gave:

rotherham@Matthew:8:18 @ Now Jesus, seeing a multitude about him, gave orders to depart unto the other side.

rotherham@Matthew:10:1 @ And, calling near his twelve disciples, he gave them authority over impure spirits, so as to be casting them out, and curing every disease and every infirmity.

rotherham@Matthew:14:19 @ And, giving orders that the multitudes should recline upon the grass, taking the five loaves and the two fishes, looking up into the heaven, he blessed; and, breaking, gave, the disciples, the loaves, and the disciples unto the multitude.

rotherham@Matthew:18:27 @ And, moved with compassion, the master of that servant released him, and, the loan, he, forgave, him.

rotherham@Matthew:18:32 @ Then, calling him near, his master saith unto him O wicked servant! All that debt, forgave I thee, because thou didst beseech me.

rotherham@Matthew:21:23 @ And, when he, entered, the temple, the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people, came unto him as he was teaching, saying, By what authority, these things, art thou doing? and, who, to thee, gave, this authority?

rotherham@Matthew:25:15 @ And, to one, indeed, gave he five talents, and, to another, two, and, to another, one, to each according to his particular ability, and went from home.

rotherham@Matthew:25:35 @ For I hungered, and ye gave me to eat, I thirsted, and ye gave me drink, a stranger, was I, and ye took me home,

rotherham@Matthew:25:37 @ Then, will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord! when, saw we theehungry, and fed thee, or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

rotherham@Matthew:25:42 @ For I hungered, and ye gave me not to eat, and I was thirsty, and ye gave me not to drink,

rotherham@Matthew:26:27 @ And, taking a cup, and giving thanks, he gave unto them, saying Drink of it, all of you;

rotherham@Matthew:26:48 @ And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, secure him.

rotherham@Matthew:27:10 @ And gave them for the field of the potter, as, the Lord, directed me.

rotherham@Matthew:27:34 @ they gave him to drink, wine, with gall, mingled, and, tasting, he would not drink.

rotherham@Matthew:28:12 @ and, being gathered together with the Elders and taking counsel, sufficient pieces of silver, gave they unto the soldiers,

rotherham@Mark:2:26 @ how he entered into the house of God, while Abiathar was High-priest, and, the presence-bread, did eat, which it is not allowed to eat, save unto the priests, and gave, unto them also who were with him?

rotherham@Mark:6:27 @ And the king, straightway, sending off a guard, gave orders to bring his head.

rotherham@Mark:6:28 @ And, departing, he beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head upon a charger, and gave it unto the damseland, the damsel, gave it unto her mother.

rotherham@Mark:6:39 @ And he gave them orders, that all should be made recline, in parties, upon, the green grass.

rotherham@Mark:7:36 @ And he charged them that they should be telling, no one, but, as much as to them he gave charge, they, exceeding more abundantly, were making proclamation.

rotherham@Mark:14:22 @ And, as they were eating, taking a loaf, he blessed and brake, and gave unto them, and said Take! this, is, my body;

rotherham@Mark:14:23 @ And, taking a cup, he offered thanks, and gave unto them; and they, all, drank of it.

rotherham@Luke:1:57 @ And, to Elizabeth, was the time fulfilled, that she should be bringing forth, and she gave birth to a son.

rotherham@Luke:2:7 @ and she gave birth to her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

rotherham@Luke:6:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and, the presence-bread, receiving, did eat, and gave to them who were with him, which it is not allowable to eat, save alone, to the priests?

rotherham@Luke:7:15 @ And the dead man sat up, and began to speak; and he gave him to his mother.

rotherham@Luke:7:21 @ In that very hour, he cured many from diseases, and plagues, and wicked spirits; and, unto many blind, gave he the favour to see.

rotherham@Luke:7:42 @ they not having wherewith to pay, he forgave, both. Which of them, therefore, will love him, more?

rotherham@Luke:7:43 @ Making answer, Simon said I suppose, that he to whom, the more, he forgave. And, he, said unto him Rightly, hast thou judged.

rotherham@Luke:9:1 @ And, calling together the twelve, he gave them power and authority over all the demons, and to be curing, diseases;

rotherham@Luke:9:21 @ He, however, sternly admonishing them, gave charge that, unto no one, should they be telling this;

rotherham@Luke:9:42 @ And, while yet he was coming, the demon tare him, and mangled him. But Jesus rebuked the impure spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.

rotherham@Luke:10:35 @ And, on the morrow, throwing out two denaries, he gave them to the inn-keeper, and said Take care of him, and, whatsoever thou shall further spend, I, when on my way back, will duly pay thee.

rotherham@Luke:18:43 @ And, instantly, he recovered sight, and began to follow him, glorifying God. And, all the people, beholding, gave praise unto God.

rotherham@Luke:19:13 @ And, calling ten servants of his own, he gave unto them ten minas, and said unto them Do business, till I come.

rotherham@Luke:20:2 @ and spake, saying, unto him Tell us, by what authority, these things, thou art doing, and, who, is it, that gave thee this authority.

rotherham@Luke:22:19 @ And, taking a loaf, he gave thanks, and brake, and gave unto them, saying This is my body

rotherham@Luke:23:29 @ For lo! days are coming, in which they will say Happy the barren! even the wombs that never bare, and the breasts that never gave suck.

rotherham@Luke:24:42 @ And they gave unto him a piece of boiled fish;

rotherham@John:1:12 @ But, as many as did receive him, he gave, unto them, authority, children of God, to become, unto them who were believing on his name:

rotherham@John:3:16 @ For God, so loved, the world, that, his Only Begotten Son, he gave, that, whosoever believeth on him, might not perish, but have life age-abiding.

rotherham@John:4:5 @ He cometh, therefore, unto a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the parcel of ground which Jacob gave unto Joseph his son.

rotherham@John:4:12 @ Art, thou, greater than, our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and, himself, out of it drank, and his sons, and his flocks?

rotherham@John:6:31 @ Our fathers, did eat, the manna, in the desert, just as it is written: Bread out of heaven, he gave them to eat.

rotherham@John:6:32 @ Jesus said unto them Verily, verily, I say unto you: Not Moses, gave you the bread out of heaven; but, my Father, giveth you the real bread out of heaven.

rotherham@John:17:2 @ Even as thou gavest him authority over all flesh, that, as touching whatsoever thou hast given him, he might give unto them, life age-abiding.

rotherham@John:17:6 @ I manifested thy name, unto the men whom thou gavest me out of the world: Thine, they were, and, to me, thou gavest them, and, thy word, have they kept:

rotherham@John:17:7 @ Now, have they come to know, That, all things, as many as thou gavest me, are, from thee;

rotherham@John:17:8 @ And, the declarations which thou gavest me, have I given them, and, they, received them, and came to know in truth, that, from thee, came I forth, and they believed, that, thou, didst send me forth.

rotherham@John:18:14 @ Now Caiaphas was he that gave counsel unto the Jews, that it was profitable for, one man, to die in behalf of the people.

rotherham@John:18:22 @ And, when, these things, he had said, one of the officers who was standing by, gave a smart blow to Jesus, saying Thus, answerest thou, the High-priest?

rotherham@John:19:9 @ and entered into the judgment-hail again, and saith unto Jesus Whence, art, thou? But, Jesus, gave him no, answer.

rotherham@John:19:38 @ But, after these things, Joseph from Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but having kept it secret for fear of the Jews, requested Pilate, that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave permission. He came, therefore, and took away his body.

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