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bwe@Matthew:1:20 @ While he was thinking about this, he had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him. He said, Joseph, Davids son, do not fear to take Mary to be your wife. Her baby is by the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Matthew:1:22 @ All of this had been told long before by the Lord through his prophet. It came true.

bwe@Matthew:1:25 @ But he did not make love with her until her first son had been born. He named him Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:2:9 @ After they heard what the king said, they went away. And the star, which they had seen rising, went in front of them. It stopped above the place where the child was.

bwe@Matthew:2:13 @ After the wise men had gone, Joseph had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him and said, Get up. Take the child and his mother, and go quickly to the country of Egypt. Stay there till I tell you, because Herod will try to find the child and kill him.

bwe@Matthew:2:16 @ Herod saw that the wise men had fooled him. He was very angry. He sent men to kill all the baby boys in the town of Bethlehem and around it. They killed all the boys who were two years old or less. Herod remembered what the wise men had told him about the time they first saw the star.

bwe@Matthew:2:19 @ Herod died. Then Joseph had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him in Egypt.

bwe@Matthew:2:23 @ He went and made his home in the town of Nazareth. The prophets of God long ago had said, He shall be called a man from Nazareth. What they said came true.

bwe@Matthew:3:1 @ After some years had passed, John the Baptizer came and told Gods word in the desert of Judea.

bwe@Matthew:3:6 @ He baptised them in the Jordan River when they said how sorry they were for the wrong things they had done.

bwe@Matthew:4:16 @ And he said, The people who lived in darkness have seen a great Light. Light has come to those who lived in a land covered by the dark shadow of death.

bwe@Matthew:4:24 @ The people in all the country of Syria heard about him. They brought all who were sick in any way, or had bad spirits in them, and those who could not walk or use their hands. Jesus healed them.

bwe@Matthew:7:29 @ He taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach like their scribes.

bwe@Matthew:8:2 @ A man who had leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came and kneeled in front of Jesus and worshipped him. He said to Jesus, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Matthew:8:16 @ That evening, many people who had bad spirits were brought to Jesus. He spoke to the bad spirits and drove them out. And he healed all the people who were sick.

bwe@Matthew:8:28 @ Jesus came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarene people. There were graves in that place. Two men came from among the graves to meet him. They had bad spirits in them. They were so bad and strong that people feared to pass that way.

bwe@Matthew:8:33 @ The men who cared for the pigs ran to the town. They told everything and what had happened to the men who had the bad spirits.

bwe@Matthew:9:8 @ Many people saw this and were much surprised. They praised God who had given such power to men.

bwe@Matthew:9:20 @ A woman had a sickness for twelve years. She was bleeding all the time. She came behind Jesus and touched his clothes.

bwe@Matthew:9:32 @ As they were leaving, people brought a man to Jesus. This man could not talk He had a bad spirit in him.

bwe@Matthew:10:2 @ The names of the twelve apostles are: Simon, whose other name was Peter, and his brother Andrew, James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax collector, James, the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose other name was Thaddaeus, Simon, the freedom fighter, and Judas Iscariot, the one who gave Jesus over to people who hated him.

bwe@Matthew:11:20 @ Then Jesus began to talk about the towns where he had done most of his big works. He said hard things about the people, because they did not stop their wrong ways and turn back to God.

bwe@Matthew:11:21 @ He said, Chorazin! You will have trouble! Bethsaida! You will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped their wrong ways long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad. They would sit in ashes.

bwe@Matthew:11:23 @ Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to death. If the big things I did in you had been done in the city of Sodom, it would be standing now.

bwe@Matthew:12:11 @ Jesus said to them, If one of you had a sheep and it fell into a hole on the Sabbath day, would you not take hold of it and pull it out?

bwe@Matthew:12:22 @ Then the people brought a man to Jesus. The man had a bad spirit in him. He was blind and could not talk. Jesus healed him. Then the man could talk and see.

bwe@Matthew:13:6 @ When the sun began to shine, it was too hot for the new plants. They died because they had no roots.

bwe@Matthew:13:44 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. Something worth a lot of money is buried in a field. A man found it and covered it again. He was so glad that he went and sold everything he had. Then he bought that field.

bwe@Matthew:13:46 @ He found a pearl that was worth a lot of money. Then he went and sold everything he had and bought it.

bwe@Matthew:13:53 @ When Jesus had finished telling these stories, he went away from there.

bwe@Matthew:14:3 @ Herod had taken John and tied him up. He put him in prison. He did this because of Herodias. She was the wife of his brother Philip.

bwe@Matthew:14:4 @ John had said to Herod, It is not right for you to have her for your wife.

bwe@Matthew:14:9 @ The king was very sorry to do this. But he had made a promise. And all the people who were there had heard him promise. So he gave orders to do it.

bwe@Matthew:14:20 @ They all ate and had enough. They gathered twelve baskets full of pieces that were left.

bwe@Matthew:14:23 @ After he had sent them away, he went up on the hill by himself to talk with God. Evening came and he was there alone.

bwe@Matthew:15:30 @ The people were surprised. They saw that people who had not been able to talk were talking. They saw that people who were hurt were made well. They saw that lame people were walking. They saw that blind people could see. And they praised the God of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:15:36 @ They all ate and had enough. They gathered seven baskets full of pieces that were left.

bwe@Matthew:16:5 @ When the disciples reached the other side of the sea, they found they had forgotten to bring any bread with them.

bwe@Matthew:18:2 @ Jesus called a child to him. He had the child stand in front of them.

bwe@Matthew:18:31 @ The other servants saw what he did. They were very sad. They went and told their master everything that had been done.

bwe@Matthew:19:1 @ When Jesus had finished this talk, he left Galilee. He went away to the part of Judea that is on the other side of the Jordan River.

bwe@Matthew:20:5 @ The man went out again at twelve oclock and at three oclock. He did the same as he had done before.

bwe@Matthew:21:28 @ What do you think about this? A man had two sons. He went to the first one and said, "Son, go and work today on my farm."

bwe@Matthew:22:3 @ The king sent his servants to call the people who had been asked to the wedding. But they would not come.

bwe@Matthew:22:7 @ The king was very angry. He sent his soldiers to kill the men who had killed his servants. And he burned their city.

bwe@Matthew:23:30 @ You say, "If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have helped to kill the prophets of God."

bwe@Matthew:25:16 @ Right away the servant who had five bags of money began to buy and sell things with it. He made five bags of money more than he had at first.

bwe@Matthew:25:17 @ The servant who had two bags of money did the same thing as the one who had five bags. He also made two bags of money more than he had at first.

bwe@Matthew:25:18 @ But the man who had only one bag of money dug a hole in the ground. And he hid his masters money in the ground.

bwe@Matthew:25:19 @ After a long time, the master of those servants came home. He asked what they had done with his money.

bwe@Matthew:25:20 @ The servant who had been given five bags of money brought five bags more to his master. He said, "Sir, you gave me five bags of money. See, I have made five bags more money."

bwe@Matthew:25:22 @ The servant who had been given two bags of money came and said to his master, "Sir, you gave me two bags of money. I have made two bags more money."

bwe@Matthew:25:24 @ The servant who had been given one bag of money came and said, "Sir, I knew that you were a hard man. You cut grain where you did not plant. You pick fruit where you put nothing in.

bwe@Matthew:25:27 @ You should have put my money in the bank. Then when I came home, I would have had my money with interest on it.

bwe@Matthew:26:1 @ When Jesus had finished telling all these things, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Matthew:26:6 @ When Jesus was in the town of Bethany, he was in the house of Simon, a man who had leprosy, a bad skin disease.

bwe@Matthew:26:7 @ While Jesus sat at the table, a woman came to him. She had a bottle of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She put the oil on Jesus head.

bwe@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of Man will go away just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Matthew:26:47 @ As Jesus was saying this, Judas came. He was one of the twelve disciples. Many people came with him. They had long knives or swords and big sticks. The chief priests and the leaders of the people had sent them.

bwe@Matthew:26:48 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and hold him.

bwe@Matthew:26:57 @ The men who caught Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the high priest. The scribes and the leaders had met at his house.

bwe@Matthew:26:59 @ The chief priests and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him.

bwe@Matthew:26:75 @ Then Peter remembered that Jesus had said, Before the cock calls, you will say three times that you do not know me. Then Peter went out and cried very much.

bwe@Matthew:27:3 @ Judas was the man who helped them take Jesus. He saw that they had judged Jesus and were going to kill him. He was sorry for what he had done, so he brought the thirty pieces of silver money back to the chief priests and leaders.

bwe@Matthew:27:18 @ Pilate knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they had brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Matthew:27:31 @ After they had made fun of him, they took off the red gown. They put his own clothes on him. Then they took him away to nail him to a cross.

bwe@Matthew:27:38 @ Two bad men were also nailed to crosses. They had stolen money. One man was put on the right side of Jesus and one was put on the left side of him.

bwe@Matthew:27:52 @ The graves opened. Many of Gods people who had died rose from death.

bwe@Matthew:27:55 @ Many women were there watching from far away. They had come with Jesus from Galilee and had helped him.

bwe@Matthew:27:60 @ He put the body in his own new grave which had been cut in a rock. He rolled a very big stone to close the grave. Then he went away.

bwe@Matthew:28:11 @ While the women were going, some of the soldiers who had guarded the grave came into the city. They told the chief priests all that had happened.

bwe@Matthew:28:12 @ The chief priests had a meeting with the leaders of the people and talked the matter over. They gave much money to the soldiers.

bwe@Matthew:28:16 @ The eleven disciples went to Galilee. They went to the hill where Jesus had told them to meet him.

bwe@Mark:1:22 @ They were very much surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach them like their teachers called scribes.

bwe@Mark:1:23 @ A man who had a bad spirit in him was in the meeting house at that time.

bwe@Mark:1:30 @ Simons wifes mother was sick and was lying down. She had a fever. Right away they told Jesus about her.

bwe@Mark:1:32 @ That evening when the sun went down, people brought to Jesus all the sick people and those who had bad spirits.

bwe@Mark:1:45 @ But the man went out and told everyone everywhere what had happened to him. Because he did this, Jesus could not go into any large town freely. He stayed in places where only a few people were. There people came to him from everywhere.

bwe@Mark:3:8 @ Jesus and his disciples went away to the sea of Galilee. Many people went with Jesus. They came from Galilee, Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, and from the other side of the Jordan River. And many more people came also, a great many from around the cities of Tyre and Sidon. They also had heard about the great works that Jesus had done.

bwe@Mark:3:19 @ He also chose Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon of Canan, and Judas Iscariot, the one who gave Jesus over to people who hated him. Then Jesus and his disciples went home.

bwe@Mark:4:6 @ When the sun began to shine, it was too hot for the new plants. They died because they had no roots.

bwe@Mark:5:2 @ There were graves in that place. As soon as Jesus came out of the boat, a man came from among the graves to meet him. The man had a bad spirit in him.

bwe@Mark:5:4 @ Many times people had tied him with strong ropes and chains. But he broke the chains and tore the ropes into many pieces. No person was strong enough to hold the man.

bwe@Mark:5:8 @ He said this because Jesus had said to him, You bad spirit, come out of the man.

bwe@Mark:5:14 @ Then the men who cared for the pigs ran away. They told the people in the city and all around the country about it. The people went out to see what had happened.

bwe@Mark:5:15 @ They came to Jesus. They saw the man who had the many bad spirits in him. He was sitting with clothes on and was not crazy any more. The people were afraid.

bwe@Mark:5:16 @ Those who had seen it told them what had happened to the man who used to have many bad spirits. And they told about the pigs.

bwe@Mark:5:20 @ So the man went away and told people in the Ten Towns what Jesus had done for him. All the people were surprised.

bwe@Mark:5:25 @ A woman among them had a sickness for twelve years. She was bleeding all the time.

bwe@Mark:5:26 @ Many doctors tried to heal her. She spent all the money she had to pay them. She was not better, but was getting worse.

bwe@Mark:5:32 @ He looked around to see who had done it.

bwe@Mark:5:33 @ The woman was afraid and trembled. She knew what had happened to her. She kneeled down in front of Jesus and told him the truth about herself.

bwe@Mark:5:38 @ They came to the rulers house. Jesus saw that there was trouble. People were crying and making much noise because the rulers daughter had died.

bwe@Mark:6:17 @ Herod had sent his people to catch John. They tied him and put him in prison to please Herodias. Herod had married her, but she was his brother Philips wife.

bwe@Mark:6:18 @ John had told Herod, It is wrong for you to have your brothers wife.

bwe@Mark:6:26 @ The king was very sorry. But he had made a promise and all the people at the feast had heard him promise. He wanted to do what he promised her.

bwe@Mark:6:30 @ The apostles came back to Jesus. They told him all they had done and taught.

bwe@Mark:6:42 @ They all ate and had enough.

bwe@Mark:6:46 @ When he had sent the people away, he went up on the hill to talk with God.

bwe@Mark:7:2 @ They saw some of the disciples eating food. They had not washed their hands before they ate. The Pharisees said that was wrong.

bwe@Mark:7:24 @ Right away a woman heard of him. She came and kneeled down before him. Her daughter had a bad spirit in her.

bwe@Mark:7:25 @ The woman was not a Jew and had been born in the country of Phoenicia in Syria. She begged Jesus to drive the bad spirit out of her daughter.

bwe@Mark:7:29 @ When she came to her house, she found that the bad spirit had left. Her daughter was lying on the bed.

bwe@Mark:8:1 @ Again at that time many, many people came together. They had nothing to eat. Jesus called his disciples. He said,

bwe@Mark:8:7 @ They had a few small fish. Jesus told the disciples to divide the fish among the people also.

bwe@Mark:8:8 @ The people ate and had enough. They gathered seven baskets full of pieces that were left.

bwe@Mark:8:14 @ The disciples forgot to take food. They had only one loaf of bread with them in the boat.

bwe@Mark:9:21 @ Jesus asked the father, How long has he had this spirit? He answered, Since he was a child.

bwe@Mark:9:34 @ But they said nothing, because on the road they had been talking among themselves about who was the greatest person.

bwe@Mark:9:36 @ Jesus took a child and had him stand in front of them. Then he took the child in his arms and said,

bwe@Mark:11:6 @ The disciples said what Jesus had told them to say. So they let them go.

bwe@Mark:11:13 @ He saw a fig tree a little way off with leaves on it. So he went to see if it had figs. He came to the tree. There was no fruit on it, only leaves. It was not the time for figs.

bwe@Mark:11:20 @ The next morning they passed the fig tree again. They saw that it had died from the roots.

bwe@Mark:12:12 @ They tried to catch Jesus but they feared the people. They knew that Jesus had spoken this against them. So they left him and went away.

bwe@Mark:12:22 @ All seven brothers married her. They all had no children. Last of all the woman died also.

bwe@Mark:12:23 @ Now then when people rise from death, whose wife will she be? All seven of them had married her.

bwe@Mark:12:44 @ All these people had plenty of money and they gave only a part of it. She was poor and she gave everything she had. She has nothing left to live on.

bwe@Mark:14:3 @ When Jesus was in the town of Bethany, he was in Simons house. Simon had leprosy. While Jesus sat at the table, a woman came to him. She had a bottle of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She broke the bottle and poured the oil on Jesus head.

bwe@Mark:14:12 @ It was the first day of the feast with bread that has no yeast in it. The sheep had to be killed for the Passover Feast. His disciples asked Jesus Where do you want us to make ready for you to eat the Passover Feast?

bwe@Mark:14:16 @ The disciples went to the city. They found everything just as he had said. There they made the Passover food ready.

bwe@Mark:14:21 @ The Son of Man will go just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Mark:14:43 @ While he was saying this, Judas came. He was one of the twelve disciples. Many people came with him. They had long knives or swords and big sticks. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders had sent them.

bwe@Mark:14:44 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and take him away safely.

bwe@Mark:14:51 @ A young man went with Jesus. He had a piece of cloth about him. The people caught him.

bwe@Mark:14:55 @ The chief priests, and all the judges of the court tried to find men to say Jesus had done something wrong so they could kill him. But they found none.

bwe@Mark:14:72 @ Right then the cock called a second time and Peter remembered that Jesus had said, Before the cock calls two times, you will say three times that you do not know me. Then he broke down and cried.

bwe@Mark:15:7 @ In the prison was a man named Barabbas. He had led some people who had been fighting in the city. He had killed a man.

bwe@Mark:15:20 @ When they had made fun of him, they took off the red gown and put his own clothes on him again. Then they took Jesus out of the city to nail him to a cross.

bwe@Mark:15:26 @ They put the complaint they had against him above Jesus head. It was, The King of the Jews.

bwe@Mark:15:41 @ When Jesus was in Galilee, they came with him and helped him. Some other women who had come to Jerusalem with Jesus were also watching.

bwe@Mark:15:46 @ Joseph went to buy some cloth. Then he took Jesus down and wrapped him in the cloth. He laid him in a grave that had been cut in a rock. Then he rolled a very big stone to close the grave.

bwe@Mark:16:9 @ Jesus rose early on the first day of the week. He showed himself first to Mary Magdalene. Jesus had driven seven bad spirits out of her.

bwe@Mark:16:10 @ She went and told the disciples that she had seen him. They were still crying because Jesus was dead.

bwe@Mark:16:11 @ Mary told them that he was living. She had seen him. But they would not believe it.

bwe@Mark:16:19 @ So after the Lord Jesus had talked to them, he went up into heaven and sat down beside God.

bwe@Luke:1:7 @ But they had no children. Elizabeth was not able to have a baby and they were both very old.

bwe@Luke:1:9 @ The priests had a certain way of dividing their work. This day it was Zechariahs turn to go into the temple of the Lord and burn the incense <FI>that smells sweet when it is burned<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:1:22 @ When he came out, he could not talk to them. They knew that he had seen something in the temple. He made signs to them with his hands and did not talk.

bwe@Luke:1:57 @ The time had now come for Elizabeths child to be born. She had a son.

bwe@Luke:1:58 @ When her neighbours and family heard that the Lord had been so kind to her, they were glad, too.

bwe@Luke:2:17 @ When they saw the child, they told what the angel had said to them about him.

bwe@Luke:2:18 @ All those who heard them were surprised at what the shepherds had told them.

bwe@Luke:2:20 @ Then the men who were taking care of the sheep went back. They praised and thanked God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as they had been told it would be.

bwe@Luke:2:26 @ The Holy Spirit had shown him that he would not die before he had seen the Lords Christ.

bwe@Luke:2:36 @ Anna, a woman prophet of God, was there too. Her fathers name was Phanuel. She was of the tribe of Asher. She was very old. She had been married and lived with her husband for seven years.

bwe@Luke:2:37 @ Then her husband died. Now she had been alone for eighty-four years. She did not leave the temple, but worshipped day and night. She talked with God and fasted <FI>did not eat food for a time<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:2:49 @ He said to them, Why did you look for me? Did you not know that I had to be in my Fathers house?

bwe@Luke:3:1 @ Tiberius Caesar had been king for fifteen years. Pontius Pilate was the ruler of Judea. Herod was the ruler of Galilee. Herods brother Philip was the ruler of Iturea and Trachonitis. Lysanias was the ruler of Abilene.

bwe@Luke:3:19 @ John told Herod the ruler that he had done wrong things. He told him he should not have his brothers wife, Herodias. He also told him about all the other wrong things he had done.

bwe@Luke:3:21 @ When all the other people had been baptised, Jesus was also baptised. While he was talking with God, the sky opened.

bwe@Luke:4:14 @ Jesus had the power of the Spirit when he went back to Galilee. People talked about him in all that part of the country.

bwe@Luke:4:16 @ He went to Nazareth where he had grown up. He went to the meeting house as he always did on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read.

bwe@Luke:4:27 @ Also while Elisha was the prophet of God, many people in Israel had leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi>. None of them was healed. The only one who was healed was Naaman from the country of Syria.

bwe@Luke:4:32 @ They were surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them.

bwe@Luke:4:33 @ A man who had a bad spirit in him was in the meeting house. He called in a loud voice.

bwe@Luke:5:9 @ He was very much surprised to see how many fish they had caught. All those who were with him were surprised too.

bwe@Luke:5:12 @ Jesus was in one of the cities and a man was there who had leprosy, a bad skin disease. When he saw Jesus, he bowed his face to the ground. He begged Jesus saying, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Luke:5:17 @ One day Jesus was teaching people. Pharisees and other Jewish teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every town in Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem. Jesus had the power of the Lord to heal the sick.

bwe@Luke:5:39 @ No one wants to drink new wine after he has had old wine. He says, "The old is better."

bwe@Luke:6:24 @ But you who are rich will have trouble. You have already had your good times.

bwe@Luke:7:2 @ An army officer had a servant whom he loved. The servant was sick and almost dying.

bwe@Luke:7:10 @ The men who had been sent to Jesus went back into the house. They found that the servant who had been sick was well.

bwe@Luke:7:12 @ He came near the gate of the town. There he met people carrying out a man who had died. He was the only son of his mother. And her husband was dead too. Many people from the city were with her.

bwe@Luke:7:17 @ The people all over Judea and all the country around it heard what Jesus had done.

bwe@Luke:7:21 @ At that time Jesus healed many people who were sick or had troubles or bad spirits. He made many blind people able to see.

bwe@Luke:7:24 @ When Johns messengers had gone away, Jesus began to talk to the people about John. He said, What did you go out into the desert to see? Did you go out to see a tall grass moving in the wind?

bwe@Luke:7:29 @ All the people and the tax collectors praised God when they heard that. They had been baptised by John.

bwe@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee who had asked Jesus to his house saw this. He said to himself, If this man were a prophet of God, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She is a bad woman.

bwe@Luke:8:2 @ Some women were also with him. They had bad spirits and had been sick. But they had been healed. One was Mary, called Magdalene. Seven bad spirits had gone out of her.

bwe@Luke:8:8 @ But some seed fell on good ground and it grew well. Those plants gave a hundred times as much grain as the man sowed. When Jesus had said this, he called out, Everyone who has ears to hear, listen!

bwe@Luke:8:27 @ As Jesus got out of the boat a man met him from the town. He had bad spirits in him. He had not worn clothes for a long time. He did not live in a house, but among the graves.

bwe@Luke:8:29 @ He said this because Jesus had told the bad spirit to come out of the man. Many times the spirit had taken hold of the man. People had guarded him. They had tied him with chains and strong ropes. But he broke the chains and ropes. The bad spirit drove him into the desert.

bwe@Luke:8:30 @ Jesus asked him, What is your name? He answered, My name is An Army. He said this because many bad spirits had gone into him.

bwe@Luke:8:35 @ The people went out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus. They saw the man from whom the bad spirits had gone. He was sitting near the feet of Jesus. He had clothes on and was not crazy any more. The people were afraid.

bwe@Luke:8:36 @ Those who had seen it told the people how the man had been saved from the bad spirits.

bwe@Luke:8:38 @ The man from whom the bad spirits had gone begged to go with him. But Jesus sent him away.

bwe@Luke:8:39 @ He said, Go home and tell the people what God has done for you. So the man went away and told the people all through the town what Jesus had done for him.

bwe@Luke:8:42 @ He had only one daughter She was about twelve years old. And she was dying. Many people went with Jesus and pushed against him.

bwe@Luke:8:43 @ A woman among them had a sickness for twelve years. She was bleeding all the time. She had given all her money to the doctors, but no one had been able to heal her.

bwe@Luke:8:47 @ The woman saw that he knew about her. So she came trembling and bowed down in front of him. She told him in front of all the people why she had touched him. She told him that she had been healed right away.

bwe@Luke:8:52 @ All the people were crying and making a lot of noise because she had died. But he said, Do not cry. She is not dead, but sleeping.

bwe@Luke:9:7 @ Herod the ruler heard about all that was happening. He did not know what to think. Some people said John the Baptizer had risen from death.

bwe@Luke:9:8 @ Some people said Elijah had come back. And other people said that one of the old prophets of God had risen from death.

bwe@Luke:9:10 @ When the apostles came back, they told Jesus all they had done. He took them away with him and they went by themselves to a town called Bethsaida.

bwe@Luke:9:17 @ They all ate and had enough. They picked up twelve baskets full of pieces that were left.

bwe@Luke:9:36 @ The talking stopped. Then Jesus was left alone. The disciples did not say anything. They did not tell anyone at that time what they had seen.

bwe@Luke:10:13 @ Chorazin, you will have trouble! Bethsaida, you will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped doing bad things long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad, and would sit in ashes.

bwe@Luke:10:17 @ The seventy men Jesus had sent out came back very happy. They said, Lord, even the bad spirits obey us when we talk to them in your name!

bwe@Luke:10:34 @ He went to him and tied up the sores he had from the beating. He washed them with oil and wine. Then he lifted the man up and set him on his own animal to ride. He took him to the house for strangers. And he cared for him.

bwe@Luke:10:39 @ She had a sister named Mary. Mary sat near the feet of Jesus and she listened to what he said.

bwe@Luke:11:1 @ One day Jesus was in a place talking with God. When he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, Lord, teach us to talk with God as John taught his disciples.

bwe@Luke:12:1 @ Many thousands of people had gathered. They stepped on each other. Jesus began to talk to the disciples. He said, Take care. Do not let the yeast of the Pharisees spoil you. They are not true to themselves.

bwe@Luke:12:16 @ Then he told them a story. He said, A rich man had a farm. The things that grew on it were many.

bwe@Luke:13:1 @ Some people were there at that time who told Jesus what Pilate had done. He had killed some of the people of Galilee and put their blood with the blood of their sacrifices to God.

bwe@Luke:13:6 @ Then Jesus told this story: A man had a fruit tree on his farm. He came to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.

bwe@Luke:13:11 @ A woman was there who had a spirit that had made her sick for eighteen years. She had to bend down all the time and could not stand up straight.

bwe@Luke:13:14 @ The ruler of the meeting house was angry because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day. He said to the people, There are six days to work. You should come to be healed on those days, and not on the Sabbath day.

bwe@Luke:13:17 @ When he said that, all those who had talked against him were ashamed. All the other people were very glad for all the wonderful things Jesus did.

bwe@Luke:14:12 @ Then Jesus said to the man who had asked him to come, When you make a dinner or a feast, do not ask your friends, or your brothers, or the people in your family, or your rich neighbours. They will repay you by making a dinner for you.

bwe@Luke:14:17 @ When the feast was ready, he sent his servant to tell the people who had been asked. He said, "Come. Everything is ready."

bwe@Luke:15:11 @ Jesus also said, A man had two sons.

bwe@Luke:15:12 @ The younger son said to his father, "Father, give me my part of what will belong to me." So his father divided all he had between the two sons.

bwe@Luke:15:14 @ He spent everything he had. There was no food in that country for a long time. He began to be in trouble.

bwe@Luke:15:15 @ So he went to stay with a man in the country who had a farm. The man sent him out to his farm to feed the pigs.

bwe@Luke:16:1 @ Jesus also talked to his disciples. He said, A rich man had a manager in charge of his things. People told the rich man that the manager was wasting his things.

bwe@Luke:16:20 @ A poor man named Lazarus was put at his door. He had many sores on his body.

bwe@Luke:16:25 @ But Abraham said to him, "Son, remember this. You had a good time when you were living. Lazarus had a bad time when he was living. But now he is happy here and you are in pain.

bwe@Luke:16:30 @ He answered, "No, father Abraham! But if a man who had died went to them, they would stop their wrong ways."

bwe@Luke:17:12 @ When he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy came to him. They stood far away.

bwe@Luke:19:15 @ But he was given the power to rule and came back. Then he called the servants to whom he had given the money. He wanted to know how much money each one had made by trading.

bwe@Luke:19:23 @ Why did you not put my money in the bank? Then when you came home I would have had my money with interest."

bwe@Luke:19:28 @ When Jesus had said this, he went on ahead of them towards Jerusalem.

bwe@Luke:19:32 @ They went and found it just as Jesus had said.

bwe@Luke:19:37 @ He came near the top of the hill called the Mount of Olives. Then all the people who believed in him began to be happy. They sang out loudly, and praised God in a loud voice for all the big works they had seen.

bwe@Luke:20:19 @ The scribes and the chief priests wanted to catch Jesus right then but they feared the people. They understood that he had told this story against them.

bwe@Luke:20:31 @ Then the third one married her. All seven brothers married her. They all had no children and they died.

bwe@Luke:20:33 @ Now then, when people rise from death, whose wife will she be? All seven of them had married her.

bwe@Luke:21:4 @ All these people had plenty of money and they gave only a part of it. She was poor and she gave everything she had. She has nothing left to live on.

bwe@Luke:22:7 @ It was the day of the feast with bread that has no yeast in it. The sheep had to be killed for the Passover Feast,

bwe@Luke:22:13 @ So they went and found everything just the way Jesus had said. Then they made the Passover food ready.

bwe@Luke:22:20 @ In the same way he took the cup after they had eaten. He said, This cup is the new agreement made by my blood. It is given for you.

bwe@Luke:22:52 @ The chief priests, the captains of the temple, and the leaders of the people had come to catch Jesus. He said to them, Have you come to take me with swords and sticks, the way you catch a man who steals?

bwe@Luke:22:61 @ The Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered that the Lord had said to him, Before the cock calls in the morning, you will say three times that you do not know me.

bwe@Luke:23:8 @ He was glad to see Jesus. He had heard about him. And he had wanted to see him for a long time. He was hoping that he would see Jesus do a big work.

bwe@Luke:23:12 @ Herod and Pilate became friends that day. Before that, they had hated each other.

bwe@Luke:23:19 @ (Barabbas had been put in prison because he led some people who had been fighting in the city. He had killed a man.)

bwe@Luke:23:25 @ He let the other man go free. (He was the one who had been put in prison because he fought and had killed a man. He was the one the people asked Pilate to let go free.) And Pilate did to Jesus what they wanted him to do.

bwe@Luke:23:29 @ The time will come when people will say, "Happy are the women who have no children or who have never had a child."

bwe@Luke:23:46 @ Jesus called out loud, Father, I put my spirit into your hands! When he had said this, he died.

bwe@Luke:23:49 @ All Jesus friends and the women who had come with him from Galilee stood far away. They saw all of this.

bwe@Luke:23:51 @ He had not wanted the people to do what they did. He was looking for the kingdom of God. He was from a town of the Jews, called Arimathea.

bwe@Luke:23:53 @ He took the body down from the cross. He wrapped it in a linen cloth and laid it in a grave cut in a rock. No one had ever been put in this grave.

bwe@Luke:23:55 @ Some women had come with Jesus from Galilee. They followed and saw the grave where his body was put.

bwe@Luke:24:1 @ On the first day of the week, early in the morning, the women went to the grave. They took with them the things they had made ready.

bwe@Luke:24:8 @ Then they remembered what he had said.

bwe@Luke:24:11 @ But Peter got up and ran to the grave. He bowed down and looked in. He saw the linen clothes lying there, but nothing more. Then he left, wondering about what had happened.

bwe@Luke:24:13 @ They were talking together about all the things that had happened.

bwe@Luke:24:18 @ Jesus said, What things?" They said, All that has happened to Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet of God. He had power to do big works and to teach the people. He was respected by God and all the people.

bwe@Luke:24:25 @ Christ had to have this trouble and go to the place where he will be great, did he not?

bwe@Luke:24:26 @ Then he told them the meaning of all that Moses and all the prophets of God long ago had written about him.

bwe@Luke:24:34 @ Then the men from Emmaus told them what had happened on the road. They told how they knew Jesus when he broke bread and gave it to them.

bwe@John:1:24 @ It was the Pharisees who had sent these people to John.

bwe@John:2:6 @ Six very large water pots made of stone were standing there. The pots were there because the Jews had a certain law about washing themselves.

bwe@John:2:9 @ The man in charge of the feast tasted the water that was now turned into wine. He did not know where it came from, but the servants who drew the water knew. When the man had tasted it, he called the man who was being married.

bwe@John:2:10 @ He said, Other people give the good wine at the beginning of the feast. When people have had all they want, then they give the wine which is not so good. But you have kept the good wine until now.

bwe@John:2:22 @ After Jesus died and had been raised from death, the disciples remembered that he had said this to them. Then they believed what the holy writings say. They also believed what Jesus had said to them.

bwe@John:4:1 @ The Pharisees heard that Jesus was getting people to follow him and was baptizing them. (Jesus disciples baptized them, not he himself.) He now had more followers than John.

bwe@John:4:2 @ The Lord knew that they had heard about it. So he left Judea and went back to Galilee again.

bwe@John:4:3 @ He had to pass through the country of Samaria.

bwe@John:4:7 @ His disciples had gone into the town to buy some food.

bwe@John:4:17 @ You have had five husbands, but the man you are living with now is not your husband. You have told the truth.

bwe@John:4:26 @ When Jesus had said this, his disciples came back. They were surprised to hear him talking to a woman. But not one of them asked, What do you want? or, Why are you talking to her?

bwe@John:4:44 @ When he came to Galilee, the people of that country were glad to see him. They had seen all the things he did when he was at the feast in Jerusalem. They had been at the feast also.

bwe@John:4:45 @ So Jesus came back to the town of Cana in Galilee. That was the place where he had changed water into wine. One of the kings officers was there. His son was sick in the town of Capernaum.

bwe@John:4:46 @ He heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, and he went to Jesus and said, I beg you, come and heal my son. He is dying.

bwe@John:5:1 @ After that, the Jews had a feast and Jesus went to Jerusalem.

bwe@John:5:2 @ In Jerusalem, near the Sheep Gate, there is a wide water hole. The Jews called this water hole Bethesda. It had five places with roofs for people to stand under.

bwe@John:5:4 @ An angel came down into the water at a certain time and made it move. The first person who stepped into the water when it moved was healed of any sickness that he had.

bwe@John:5:5 @ A man was there who had been sick for thirty eight years.

bwe@John:5:6 @ Jesus saw the man lying there. He knew that he had been sick for a long time. He said to him, Do you want to be healed?

bwe@John:5:13 @ The man who was healed said, I do not know who he is. Many people were at the place and Jesus had gone away.

bwe@John:5:15 @ The man went away and told the leaders of the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.

bwe@John:5:18 @ This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.

bwe@John:6:2 @ Many people followed him because they saw the big works he had done in healing the sick people.

bwe@John:6:11 @ Then Jesus took the bread and thanked God for it. He gave it to the disciples and they divided it among those who were sitting. He did the same thing with the fish. The people had all they wanted.

bwe@John:6:12 @ When they had eaten enough, he said to his disciples, Gather up all the pieces that are left so that nothing will be lost.

bwe@John:6:13 @ They gathered all the pieces of the five loaves. Twelve baskets full were left over after all the people had eaten enough.

bwe@John:6:17 @ They got in a boat and crossed over the sea toward the town of Capernaum. It was dark, but Jesus had not come back to them.

bwe@John:6:22 @ The people who stayed back on the land had seen one boat only. They had seen the disciples get in it and go away without Jesus.

bwe@John:6:23 @ But there were some other boats from Tiberias. It was near the place where they had eaten bread, after the Lord had thanked God for it.

bwe@John:7:2 @ Every year the Jews had a feast to remember the time when their fathers lived in tents in the desert. The time was near for that feast.

bwe@John:7:39 @ This is what Jesus meant: those who believe in him would receive the Spirit. At that time no one had received the Holy Spirit because Jesus had not yet been lifted up to heaven

bwe@John:8:3 @ The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus. They had caught her having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made the woman stand in front of them.

bwe@John:9:1 @ On his way out of the temple Jesus saw a man who had been born blind.

bwe@John:9:6 @ When Jesus had said this, he spat on the ground. Then he put some of the wet dirt on the mans eyes.

bwe@John:9:8 @ His neighbours and other people had seen him when he was blind. They said, Is not this the same man who used to sit here and beg?

bwe@John:9:11 @ He answered them, That man whose name is Jesus made some mud. He rubbed it on my eyes and told me to go and wash them in the water hole Siloam. And when I had washed my eyes, I could see.

bwe@John:9:13 @ They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind.

bwe@John:9:17 @ Then they asked the man who had been born blind, What do you say about the man who healed you? He answered, I say he is a prophet from God.

bwe@John:9:18 @ But the leaders of the Jews did not really believe what they heard about the man. They did not believe that first he had been blind and now was able to see. So they called the parents of the man who could now see.

bwe@John:9:22 @ The parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. They knew that the leaders of the Jews had already agreed that if anyone said Jesus is the Christ, they would be put out of the meeting place.

bwe@John:9:24 @ Then again they called the man who had been blind. They said to him, You must praise God for this. We know that the man who healed you is a bad man.

bwe@John:9:30 @ The man who had been blind said, This surprises me! He healed me and yet you do not know where he comes from!

bwe@John:9:35 @ Jesus heard that the people had put him out. When he found him, he said, Do you believe in the Son of God?

bwe@John:11:13 @ But Jesus meant that Lazarus had died. The disciples thought that Lazarus was sleeping to have a rest.

bwe@John:11:17 @ When Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had been buried four days.

bwe@John:11:19 @ Many Jews had come out to see Martha and Mary. They came to comfort them because their brother had died.

bwe@John:11:21 @ Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:28 @ When she had said this, she went back to call her sister. She said quietly, Mary, the Master has come. He is calling you.

bwe@John:11:30 @ Jesus was not in the town yet. He was at the same place where Martha had met him.

bwe@John:11:32 @ Mary reached the place where Jesus was. When she saw him, she kneeled down before him and said, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:43 @ When he had said this, he shouted, Lazarus, come out!

bwe@John:11:44 @ Out came the dead man! The cloth that they had buried him in was tied around his hands and feet. Another small cloth was tied around his face. Jesus said to the people, Take off the cloths and free him!

bwe@John:11:45 @ When they saw the things Jesus did, many of the Jews who had come with Mary believed on Him.

bwe@John:11:46 @ But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.

bwe@John:11:55 @ The time for the Passover Feast of the Jews was near. Many people from all around the country went to Jerusalem. They had to make themselves clean according to the law before the Passover Feast.

bwe@John:11:57 @ Both the chief priest and the Pharisees had told the people, If any man knows where he is, tell us. We want to catch him.

bwe@John:12:1 @ Six days before the Passover Feast Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus lived. This was the Lazarus that Jesus had raised from death.

bwe@John:12:3 @ Mary had a jar of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She put some of it on Jesus feet. Then she wiped his feet with her hair. The smell of oil went all through the house.

bwe@John:12:9 @ Many of the Jews knew that Jesus was at Bethany. So they came because Jesus was there. But they also came to see Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from death.

bwe@John:12:16 @ His disciples did not understand this at first. But when God had made Jesus great, then they remembered what the holy writings said about him. They remembered that people had done these things to him.

bwe@John:12:17 @ Many people were with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the grave and raised him from death. They had talked about what he did.

bwe@John:12:18 @ That is why many people went out to meet Jesus. They had heard about the big work he did.

bwe@John:12:36 @ Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may be a people who have the light in you. When Jesus had said this, he left them. They did not know where he was.

bwe@John:12:37 @ Even though they had seen Jesus doing many big works, they did not believe in him.

bwe@John:13:1 @ Before the Passover Feast had started, Jesus saw that the time had come for him to leave this world. The time had come for him to go back to his Father. He loved his own people who were in the world. And he loved them the same way right to the end.

bwe@John:13:2 @ He and his disciples were eating together. The devil had already put it into Judas heart to give Jesus over to people who hated him. (Judas was the son of Simon Iscariot.)

bwe@John:13:3 @ Jesus knew that his Father had put everything into his hands. He knew he had come from God. He knew he was going back to God.

bwe@John:13:4 @ Jesus stood up where he had been eating. He took off his outer clothing. And he took a towel and tied it around him.

bwe@John:13:5 @ Then he poured water into a pan and began to wash the disciples feet. He wiped their feet with the towel he had tied around him.

bwe@John:13:12 @ After Jesus had finished washing their feet, he took his gown and sat down again. Do you understand what I have done to you? he asked.

bwe@John:13:21 @ When Jesus had said this, he was troubled in his heart. He said, I tell you the truth. One of you will give me over to people who hate me.

bwe@John:13:27 @ Right after Jesus had given the bread, Satan came into Judas. Then Jesus said to him, What you are going to do, do right away.

bwe@John:13:29 @ Judas had the money bag. Some thought that Jesus was telling him, Buy what we need for the feast, or that he wanted Judas to give something to the poor people.

bwe@John:13:30 @ Judas went out right after he had taken the bread. It was night.

bwe@John:13:31 @ When he had gone out, Jesus said, Now the Son of Man is very great. And he has made Gods name great.

bwe@John:15:22 @ I came and spoke to them. If I had not done that, then what they did would not have been a wrong thing. But now they have no excuse for doing it.

bwe@John:15:24 @ No other person has ever done the work that I have done. If they had, then what they did would not be a wrong thing. But now they have seen me and hated me and my Father also.

bwe@John:16:21 @ Any woman is sad just before her baby is born. She has much pain because the time has come for the baby to be born. But as soon as the baby is born, she forgets the pain she had. She is very glad because a person has been born into the world.

bwe@John:17:1 @ When Jesus had said these things, he looked up to heaven and said, Father, the time has come now. Make your Sons name great, so that your Son may make your name great.

bwe@John:18:1 @ When Jesus had finished saying this, he and his disciples went through the valley called Kidron. There was a garden with trees. He and his disciples went into the garden.

bwe@John:18:2 @ Jesus had gone to this place often with his disciples, so Judas knew where the place was. He was the one who gave Jesus over to the people who hated him.

bwe@John:18:3 @ The chief priests and the Pharisees sent soldiers and guards with Judas. They had lamps, and torches, and things to fight with.

bwe@John:18:5 @ They answered, Jesus from Nazareth. Jesus said to them, I am he. Judas, who had given Jesus over to them, was standing with them.

bwe@John:18:9 @ So his words came true. He had said, I did not lose one of those you gave me.

bwe@John:18:10 @ Simon Peter had a long knife or sword. He took it out and hit the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. The servants name was Malchus.

bwe@John:18:14 @ This was the same Caiaphas that had talked to the leaders of the Jews. He had said, It is better for one man to die for the people.

bwe@John:18:18 @ It was cold there. The servants and the officers had made a small fire. They stood by it and warmed themselves. Peter stood by the fire also and warmed himself.

bwe@John:18:22 @ When he had said this, one of the officers who stood there hit Jesus. He said, Is that the way you answer the high priest?

bwe@John:18:26 @ A servant was there. He was of the same family as the one whose ear Peter had cut off. He said, Did I not see you in the garden with him?

bwe@John:18:32 @ So this is the way the words of Jesus came true. He had said how he was going to die.

bwe@John:18:38 @ Pilate said, What is truth? When he had said this, he went out to the Jews again. He told them, I find nothing wrong in this man.

bwe@John:18:40 @ Then they all shouted again, Not this man, but Barabbas! Barabbas was a man who had stolen things.

bwe@John:19:1 @ Pilate took Jesus and had him beaten.

bwe@John:19:5 @ Then Jesus came out. He had the crown of thorns on his head and had the red gown on him. Pilate said, Here is the man!

bwe@John:19:23 @ When the soldiers had nailed Jesus to the cross, they took his clothes. They divided them into four parts and gave each soldier one part. Then they took his coat. It was not sewn together but the cloth was all made in one piece from the top to the bottom.

bwe@John:19:28 @ Jesus now knew that everything had happened that the holy writings said. He said, I am thirsty.

bwe@John:19:31 @ It was the day before the Sabbath day. The Jewish leaders did not want the bodies to stay on the cross on the Sabbath day because it was a big day. So they begged Pilate to break the legs of those who had been nailed to crosses. Then they could be taken away.

bwe@John:19:38 @ A man named Joseph, from the town of Arimathea, was a disciple of Jesus. But he did not say so because he was afraid of the leaders of the Jews. After all this had happened, he went to Pilate. He asked him to let him take Jesus body away. Pilate let him. So he came and took his body.

bwe@John:19:39 @ Nicodemus also came. He was the one who had come to Jesus at night. He brought with him a heavy bag of sweet-smelling spices called myrrh and aloes. It was mixed together.

bwe@John:19:41 @ There was a garden at the place where Jesus was nailed to the cross. In the garden was a new grave cut in the rock. No one had ever been laid in it.

bwe@John:20:1 @ Mary Magdalene came to the grave on the first day of the week. It was early in the morning and not very light. She saw that the stone had been taken away from the grave.

bwe@John:20:7 @ He also saw the small cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus head. It was not with the other cloths, but it was folded together by itself in another place.

bwe@John:20:12 @ She saw two angels with white clothes on. They were sitting where Jesus body had been. One sat at the head and one at the foot.

bwe@John:20:14 @ When she had said this, she turned around. She saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus.

bwe@John:20:18 @ Mary Magdalene went to the disciples. She said, I have seen the Lord! And she told them what he had said to her.

bwe@John:20:20 @ When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

bwe@John:20:22 @ When he had said this, he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit.

bwe@John:21:7 @ That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord! As soon as Simon Peter heard it was the Lord, he put on his coat and his belt. He had taken off some clothes to work. Then he jumped into the water.

bwe@John:21:14 @ This was the third time that Jesus showed himself to the disciples after he had risen from death.

bwe@John:21:15 @ After they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? He said, Yes, Lord. You know that I like you. I am your friend. Jesus said to him, Feed my lambs.

bwe@John:21:19 @ Jesus said this to show how Peter would die and make Gods name great. When he had finished saying this, he said to him, Come and follow me!

bwe@John:21:20 @ Peter turned around. The disciple whom Jesus loved was coming with Jesus also. He was the one who was at Jesus right side at the supper table. He had said to Jesus, Lord, who will give you over to people who hate you?

bwe@John:21:23 @ So the report went around among the brothers that that disciple would not die. Jesus had not said to him, You will not die. But he had said, If I want him to wait till I come, what is that to you?

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