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updv@Matthew:4:7 @ And they were astonished at his teaching: For he taught them as [one] having authority, and not as their scribes.

updv@Matthew:5:8 @ and look, a man having a withered hand. And they watched him to see if he would heal on the Sabbath day; so that they might accuse him.

updv@Matthew:7:6 @ For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my slave, Do this, and he does it.

updv@Matthew:10:13 @ And he came forth and saw a great multitude, and he had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

updv@Matthew:10:18 @ And having commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass, having taken the five loaves and the two fish, [and] having looked up to heaven, he blessed. And having broken the loaves, he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples [gave] to the multitudes.

updv@Matthew:11:21 @ And look, a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet. Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race.

updv@Matthew:11:28 @ And there came to him great multitudes, having with them the lame, blind, maimed, mute, and many others, and they cast them down at his feet; and he healed them:

updv@Matthew:13:13 @ And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.

updv@Matthew:13:14 @ And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into hell.

updv@Matthew:13:15 @ And if your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out: it is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire.

updv@Matthew:21:24 @ And it came to pass, when he came back again, having received the kingdom, that he commanded these slaves, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by trading.

updv@Matthew:23:10 @ saying, Teacher, Moses said, If a man dies, having no children, his brother will marry his wife, and raise up seed to his brother.

updv@Matthew:23:11 @ Now there were with us seven brothers: and the first married and deceased, and having no seed, left his wife to his brother;

updv@Matthew:23:19 @ And one of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together, and having seeing that he answered them well, asked him, What commandment is the first of all?

updv@Matthew:25:6 @ there came to him a woman having an alabaster cruse of exceedingly precious ointment, and she poured it on his head, as he sat to eat.

updv@Mark:1:22 @ And they were astonished at his teaching: For he taught them as having authority, and not as the scribes.

updv@Mark:5:27 @ having heard about Jesus, came in the crowd behind, and touched his garment.

updv@Mark:5:40 @ And they laughed him to scorn. But he, having put them all forth, takes the father of the child and her mother and those who were with him, and goes in where the child was.

updv@Mark:6:34 @ And he came forth and saw a great multitude, and he had compassion on them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

updv@Mark:7:25 @ But right away a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.

updv@Mark:8:6 @ And he commands the multitude to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and having given thanks, he broke, and gave to his disciples, to set before them; and they set them before the multitude.

updv@Mark:8:7 @ And they had a few small fish: and having blessed them, he commanded to set these also before them.

updv@Mark:8:18 @ Having eyes, don't you(note:){+}(:note) see? And having ears, don't you{+} hear? And don't you{+} remember?

updv@Mark:9:26 @ And having cried out, and torn him much, he came out: and [the boy] became as one dead; insomuch that most said, He is dead.

updv@Mark:9:43 @ And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire.

updv@Mark:9:45 @ And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off: it is good for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into hell.

updv@Mark:9:47 @ And if your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out: it is good for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;

updv@Mark:11:13 @ And seeing a fig tree far off having leaves, he came, if perhaps he might find anything on it: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for it wasn't the season of figs.

updv@Mark:12:28 @ And one of the scribes came, and heard them questioning together, and having seeing that he answered them well, asked him, What commandment is the first of all?

updv@Mark:13:34 @ [It is] as [when] a man, sojourning in another country, having left his house, and given authority to his slaves, to each one his work, commanded also the porter to watch.

updv@Mark:14:3 @ And while he was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat to eat, there came a woman having an alabaster cruse of ointment of pure nard very costly; [and] she broke the cruse, and poured it over his head.

updv@Mark:14:51 @ And a certain young man followed with him, having a linen cloth cast about him, over [his] naked [body]: and they lay hold on him;

updv@Luke:1:3 @ it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;

updv@Luke:2:36 @ And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity,

updv@Luke:3:21 @ Now it came to pass, when all the people were baptized, that, Jesus also having been baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,

updv@Luke:4:35 @ And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold your peace, and come out of him. And when the demon had thrown him down in the middle [of the synagogue], he came out of him, having done him no hurt.

updv@Luke:5:39 @ And no man having drank old [wine] desires new; for he says, The old is good.

updv@Luke:7:8 @ For I also am a man set under authority, having under myself soldiers: and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my slave, Do this, and he does it.

updv@Luke:8:15 @ And that in the good ground, these are such as in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, hold it fast, and bring forth fruit with patience.

updv@Luke:8:43 @ And a woman having a discharge of blood twelve years, who had spent all her living on physicians, unable to be healed by anyone,

updv@Luke:9:62 @ But Jesus said to him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

updv@Luke:11:36 @ If therefore your whole body is full of light, having no dark part, it will be wholly full of light, as when the lamp with its bright shining gives you light.

updv@Luke:11:50 @ that the blood of all the prophets, having been shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;

updv@Luke:15:4 @ What man of you(note:){+}(:note), having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he finds it?

updv@Luke:15:8 @ Or what woman having ten, $100 pieces, if she loses one, does not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she finds it?

updv@Luke:17:7 @ But who is there of you(note:){+}(:note), having a slave plowing or shepherding, that will say to him, when he has come in from the field, Come right away and sit down to meat;

updv@Luke:18:24 @ And Jesus seeing him become exceedingly sorrowful said, How hard it is for those having riches to enter into the kingdom of God!

updv@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to pass, when he came back again, having received the kingdom, that he commanded these slaves, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by trading.

updv@Luke:19:30 @ saying, Go your(note:){+}(:note) way into the village across from [you{+}]; in which as you{+} enter you{+} will find a colt tied, on which no man ever yet sat: and having loosed him, bring him.

updv@Luke:20:28 @ and they asked him, saying, Teacher, Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother dies, having a wife, and he is childless, his brother should take the wife, and raise up seed to his brother.

updv@Luke:23:14 @ and said to them, You(note:){+}(:note) brought to me this man, as one who perverts the people: and look, I having examined him before you{+}, found no fault in this man concerning those things of which you{+} accuse him:

updv@Luke:23:46 @ And Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit: and having said this, he gave up the ghost.

updv@Luke:24:22 @ Moreover certain women of our company amazed us, having been early at the tomb;

updv@Luke:24:39 @ See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones, as you(note:){+}(:note) see me having.

updv@John:4:45 @ So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast: for they also went to the feast.

updv@John:4:54 @ Now this is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come out of Judea into Galilee.

updv@John:5:2 @ Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep [gate] a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethzatha, having five porches.

updv@John:6:11 @ Jesus therefore took the loaves; and having given thanks, he distributed to those who were set down; likewise also of the fish as much as they would.

updv@John:7:9 @ And having said these things, he stayed in Galilee.

updv@John:7:15 @ The Jews therefore marveled, saying, How does this man know letters, having never learned?

updv@John:12:6 @ Now this he said, not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and having the bag took away what was put in it.

updv@John:12:14 @ And Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written,

updv@John:13:1 @ Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that his hour came that he should depart out of this world to his Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

updv@John:13:2 @ And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas [the son] of Simon Iscariot, to deliver him up,

updv@John:13:30 @ He then having received the sop went out right away: and it was night.

updv@John:17:4 @ I glorified you on the earth, having accomplished the work which you have given me to do.

updv@John:18:3 @ Judas then, having received the battalion [of soldiers], and attendants from the chief priests and from the Pharisees, comes there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

updv@John:18:10 @ Simon Peter therefore having a sword drew it, and struck the high priest's slave, and cut off his right ear. Now the slave's name was Malchus.

updv@John:18:18 @ Now the slaves and the attendants were standing [there], having made a fire of coals; for it was cold; and they were warming themselves: and Peter also was with them, standing and warming himself.

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