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bwe@Matthew:2:6 @ "Bethlehem in the country of Judah, you are not the least among the leaders in Judah. A leader will come from you who will rule over my people Israel."

bwe@Matthew:16:21 @ From that time on, Jesus began to teach his disciples. He said, I must go to Jerusalem. I will have much trouble from the leaders, the chief priests, and the scribes. I will be killed. On the third day, I will be raised from death.

bwe@Matthew:21:23 @ He came to the temple and went in and taught the people. The chief priests and the leaders of the people came to him. They asked, What right have you to do these things? Who gave you the right to do them?

bwe@Matthew:23:16 @ You blind leaders will have trouble. You say that if anyone makes a promise in the name of the temple, he does not have to keep that promise. But if anyone makes a promise in the name of the gold on the temple, he must keep that promise.

bwe@Matthew:23:24 @ You blind leaders! You take a fly out of your cup, but you drink down a big animal like a camel!

bwe@Matthew:26:3 @ Then at that time the chief priests and the leaders of the people met together in the house of the high priest. His name was Caiaphas.

bwe@Matthew:26:47 @ As Jesus was saying this, Judas came. He was one of the twelve disciples. Many people came with him. They had long knives or swords and big sticks. The chief priests and the leaders of the people had sent them.

bwe@Matthew:26:57 @ The men who caught Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the high priest. The scribes and the leaders had met at his house.

bwe@Matthew:27:1 @ When it was morning, all the chief priests and the leaders of the people made a plan against Jesus. They wanted to kill him.

bwe@Matthew:27:3 @ Judas was the man who helped them take Jesus. He saw that they had judged Jesus and were going to kill him. He was sorry for what he had done, so he brought the thirty pieces of silver money back to the chief priests and leaders.

bwe@Matthew:27:12 @ When the chief priests and leaders brought their complaints, Jesus said nothing.

bwe@Matthew:27:20 @ The chief priests and leaders talked to the people. They told them to ask Pilate to let Barabbas go free, but to kill Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:27:41 @ The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders also made fun of him.

bwe@Matthew:28:12 @ The chief priests had a meeting with the leaders of the people and talked the matter over. They gave much money to the soldiers.

bwe@Matthew:28:15 @ The soldiers took the money. They did as they were told to do. And even to this day, many of the Jewish leaders say this is what happened to Jesus.

bwe@Mark:6:21 @ rod made a feast on his birthday. He called all his rulers and the captains and the leaders of Galilee to come to the feast.

bwe@Mark:8:31 @ Then he began to teach them. He said, The Son of Man will have much trouble. The leaders, the chief priests, and the scribes will not believe him. He will be killed. After three days he will rise.

bwe@Mark:11:27 @ They came to Jerusalem again. Jesus walked in the temple. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders came to him.

bwe@Mark:14:43 @ While he was saying this, Judas came. He was one of the twelve disciples. Many people came with him. They had long knives or swords and big sticks. The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders had sent them.

bwe@Mark:14:53 @ The people took Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the leaders, and the scribes met there.

bwe@Mark:15:1 @ As soon as it was morning, the chief priests, leaders, and the scribes talked together. They tied Jesus and took him before Pilate to be judged.

bwe@Luke:1:5 @ When Herod was king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah. He was one of a group of priests, and Abijah was their leader. Zechariahs wife Elizabeth came from the family of Aaron.

bwe@Luke:7:3 @ The officer heard of Jesus. So he sent some of the leaders of the Jews to him. He asked him to come and heal his servant.

bwe@Luke:9:22 @ Then he went on to say, The Son of Man will have much trouble. The leaders of the people, the chief priests, and the scribes will not believe him. He will be killed. On the third day he will be raised from death.

bwe@Luke:19:47 @ He taught in the temple every day. The chief priests, scribes and the leaders of the people wanted to kill him.

bwe@Luke:20:1 @ One day Jesus was teaching the people in the temple. He was telling them Gods good news. The chief priests and the scribes came to him with the leaders.

bwe@Luke:22:26 @ But it must not be so among you. The one who is greatest among you must be like the most unimportant. And the leader must be like one who helps others.

bwe@Luke:22:52 @ The chief priests, the captains of the temple, and the leaders of the people had come to catch Jesus. He said to them, Have you come to take me with swords and sticks, the way you catch a man who steals?

bwe@Luke:22:66 @ In the morning the leaders of the people, the chief priests and scribes met together. They took Jesus to their court.

bwe@John:1:19 @ The leaders of the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem. They asked John, Who are you? John told them.

bwe@John:2:18 @ The leaders of the Jews said to Jesus, Who gave you the right to do this? What big work will prove it to us?

bwe@John:2:20 @ The Jewish leaders said, It took forty-six years to build this temple. Do you say you will raise it in three days?

bwe@John:3:1 @ There was a man named Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, a ruler and leader of the Jews.

bwe@John:3:25 @ Johns disciples and the leaders of the Jews were talking about how to be clean, the way God wants us to be clean.

bwe@John:5:10 @ So the leaders of the Jews talked to the man who was healed. They said, It is the Sabbath day. It is not right for you to carry your bed.

bwe@John:5:15 @ The man went away and told the leaders of the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.

bwe@John:5:16 @ The Jewish leaders made trouble for Jesus because he did this on the Sabbath day.

bwe@John:5:18 @ This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.

bwe@John:6:41 @ The leaders of the Jews did not like Jesus to say, I am the bread that has come down from heaven.

bwe@John:6:52 @ The leaders of the Jews began to quarrel with each other about what Jesus said. They said, How can he give us himself to eat?

bwe@John:7:1 @ After this, Jesus travelled around in Galilee. He would not travel around in Judea because the leaders of the Jews wanted to kill him.

bwe@John:7:11 @ The leaders of the Jews at the feast tried to find him. They said, Where is he?

bwe@John:7:13 @ But they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, so no one talked about him out in the open.

bwe@John:8:48 @ The leaders of the Jews answered him, We say what is true. We say that you come from Samaria. And we say that a bad spirit is in you.

bwe@John:8:52 @ The leaders of the Jews said to him, Now we know it is true that a bad spirit is in you. Abraham died. So did the prophets. And yet you say, "If anyone obeys my word, he will never die."

bwe@John:8:57 @ The Jewish leaders said to him, You are not fifty years old yet. How could Abraham see you?

bwe@John:9:18 @ But the leaders of the Jews did not really believe what they heard about the man. They did not believe that first he had been blind and now was able to see. So they called the parents of the man who could now see.

bwe@John:9:22 @ The parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. They knew that the leaders of the Jews had already agreed that if anyone said Jesus is the Christ, they would be put out of the meeting place.

bwe@John:10:31 @ Then the leaders of the Jews picked up stones again to kill him.

bwe@John:10:33 @ Then the Jewish leaders answered him, We do not kill you for doing any good thing. But you do not respect God. You are only a man, and yet you say you are God.

bwe@John:18:14 @ This was the same Caiaphas that had talked to the leaders of the Jews. He had said, It is better for one man to die for the people.

bwe@John:18:28 @ Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the court house. It was early in the day. They themselves did not go into the court house. They did not want to become unclean. They wanted to eat the Passover Feast.

bwe@John:18:29 @ Pilate went out to the Jewish leaders and said, What complaint do you bring against this man?

bwe@John:18:31 @ Pilate said, Take him and judge him by your own law. The leaders of the Jews said, But we are not allowed to kill anyone.

bwe@John:19:7 @ The leaders of the Jews answered him, We have a law. That law says he should die, because he calls himself the Son of God. When Pilate heard what they said, he was very much afraid.

bwe@John:19:31 @ It was the day before the Sabbath day. The Jewish leaders did not want the bodies to stay on the cross on the Sabbath day because it was a big day. So they begged Pilate to break the legs of those who had been nailed to crosses. Then they could be taken away.

bwe@John:19:38 @ A man named Joseph, from the town of Arimathea, was a disciple of Jesus. But he did not say so because he was afraid of the leaders of the Jews. After all this had happened, he went to Pilate. He asked him to let him take Jesus body away. Pilate let him. So he came and took his body.

bwe@John:20:19 @ It was the first day of the week. In the evening the disciples were in a house together. The doors were shut because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Jesus came and stood there with them. He said to them, Peace to you!

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