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mnt@Matthew:1:6 @ And Jesse, of David the king. David (by Uriahs widow), was the father of Solomon;

mnt@Matthew:1:7 @ Solomon, of Rehoboam; Rehoboam, of Abijah; Abijah, of Asa;

mnt@Matthew:1:11 @ Josiah, of Jechoniah and his brethren, at the time of the carrying away to Babylon.

mnt@Matthew:1:12 @ And after the carrying away into Babylon, Jechoniah became the father of Shealtiel; Shealtiel, of Zerubbabel;

mnt@Matthew:1:17 @ So the whole number of generations from Abraham to David is fourteen; from David to the exile to Babylon is fourteen; and from the exile to Babylon to Christ is fourteen.

mnt@Matthew:1:20 @ And while he was having this in mind, behold! an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying.

mnt@Matthew:1:22 @ All this happened that the word of the Lord spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled.

mnt@Matthew:1:24 @ Now when Joseph awoke from his sleep he did as the angel of the Lord had directed him, and took his wife home,

mnt@Matthew:2:1 @ After the birth of Jesus, which took place at Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod, lo! certain Magi arrived in Jerusalem, saying.

mnt@Matthew:2:9 @ The Magi listened to the king, and went on their way, and lo! the star which they had seen in the east led them until it came and stood over the place where the young child was.

mnt@Matthew:2:13 @ When they were gone an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying; "Rise! Take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt, and there remain until I bring you word; for Herod intends to make a search for the child, in order to put him to death."

mnt@Matthew:2:15 @ There he remained until the death of Herod, in order that the word of the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, which says, Out of Egypt I called my son.

mnt@Matthew:2:19 @ But after Herods death an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,

mnt@Matthew:3:3 @ This Johnit was of whom it was said through Isaiah, the prophet, The voice of one who cries aloud in the desert, "Prepare a way for the Lord, Make the paths straight for him."

mnt@Matthew:3:4 @ This Johnwore a garment of camels hair, and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

mnt@Matthew:3:12 @ His winnowing-fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse the threshing-floor. He will store his wheat in the granary, but will burn up the chaff in unquenchable fire."

mnt@Matthew:3:16 @ Then he consented. And after Jesus was baptized, as soon as he rose out of the water, lo! the heavens opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him,

mnt@Matthew:3:17 @ while a voice from heaven said, "This is my son, the beloved, In whom I delight."

mnt@Matthew:4:4 @ Jesus answered him, "It is written, Not by bread alone shall man live, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

mnt@Matthew:4:7 @ "It is written again," answered Jesus, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

mnt@Matthew:4:8 @ Then the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain, and showed all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them,

mnt@Matthew:4:10 @ "Begone, Satan!" answered Jesus, "for it is written, "Thou must worship the Lord thy God, and Him only must thou serve."

mnt@Matthew:4:19 @ "Come, follow me," said Jesus, "And I will make you fishers of men."

mnt@Matthew:4:20 @ And they dropped their nets at once, and followed him.

mnt@Matthew:4:22 @ They immediately left the boat and their father, and followed him.

mnt@Matthew:4:25 @ Great crowds followed him from Galilee, from the ten towns, from Jerusalem, and Judea, and from beyond Jordan.

mnt@Matthew:5:13 @ "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt lose its savor, in what way shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing but to be thrown out and trodden under foot of men.

mnt@Matthew:5:16 @ "So let your light shine before men that they may see good you do, and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

mnt@Matthew:5:28 @ But I say to you that whoever looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

mnt@Matthew:5:29 @ And if your eye, your right eye, entices you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to lose one of your bodily organs, than to have your whole body go down into the pit.

mnt@Matthew:5:30 @ And if your right hand entices you into sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of your bodily organs, than to have your whole body go down into the pit.

mnt@Matthew:5:33 @ "Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old, "You must not forswear yourselves, but must perform your vows to the Lord.

mnt@Matthew:5:40 @ "and if any one wants to go to law with you and takes away your coat, let him take your cloak also.

mnt@Matthew:5:43 @ "You have heard that it was said, "You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy."

mnt@Matthew:5:44 @ "But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.

mnt@Matthew:5:46 @ "For if you love only those who love you, what reward have you?

mnt@Matthew:6:5 @ "And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the corners of the avenues, in order that men may see them. In solemn truth I tell you that they have their reward in full.

mnt@Matthew:6:9 @ "So pray in this way. "Our Father who art in heaven, May thy name be hallowed,

mnt@Matthew:6:13 @ And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One; For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen.

mnt@Matthew:6:16 @ "When you fast, do not look downcast like the hypocrites; for they disfigure their faces so that it may be apparent to men that they are fasting. In solemn truth I tell you, they already have received their reward.

mnt@Matthew:6:24 @ "No slave can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will pay heed to the one and despise the other. You cannot be the slaves both of God and of gold.

mnt@Matthew:6:25 @ "For this reason I say to you, do not be anxious about your life, inquiring what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor yet for your body, inquiring what you shall wear. Is not your life more than its food, and your body than its clothing?

mnt@Matthew:6:28 @ "Why be anxious then about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil not, neither do they spin.

mnt@Matthew:6:29 @ "But I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was robed like one of these.

mnt@Matthew:6:30 @ "If God then so clothes the grass of the field, which blooms today, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, you of little faith?

mnt@Matthew:7:3 @ "And why do you look at the mote in your brothers eye, and fail to notice the beam which is in your own eye?

mnt@Matthew:7:9 @ "What man of you is there who, when his son asks a loaf, will give him a stone?

mnt@Matthew:7:15 @ "Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheeps clothing, but within they are ravening wolves.

mnt@Matthew:7:21 @ "Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

mnt@Matthew:7:22 @ "Many in that day will say to me, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name done many mighty works?

mnt@Matthew:7:25 @ "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house, but it fell not, for it was founded upon the rock.

mnt@Matthew:7:27 @ "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it."

mnt@Matthew:8:1 @ As he went down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.

mnt@Matthew:8:2 @ And behold! a leper came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord if you choose, you can make me clean."

mnt@Matthew:8:6 @ saying, "Lord, my slave at home is lying ill with paralysis, in terrible agony."

mnt@Matthew:8:8 @ "Lord, "said the captain in reply, "I am not worthy to have you under my roof, but speak the word only, and my slave will be cured,

mnt@Matthew:8:10 @ As Jesus listened to this reply he was astonished, and said to those who followed him. "In solemn truth I tell you that I have found faith like this in any Israelite.

mnt@Matthew:8:19 @ when a Scribe came up and said to him, "Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go!"

mnt@Matthew:8:21 @ Another of his disciples said to him, "Lord, allow me first to go and bury my father,"

mnt@Matthew:8:22 @ "Follow me," Jesus said to him, "and leave the dead to bury their own dead."

mnt@Matthew:8:25 @ But he was asleep. And they came and woke him, saying. "Lord save us! We are drowning!"

mnt@Matthew:8:28 @ When he arrived on the other side, in the country of the Gadarenes, he was met by two demoniacs who were coming out of the tombs. They were so violently fierce that no one dared pass along that road.

mnt@Matthew:8:32 @ He answered, "Go!" So they came out of the men, and went into the swine, and behold! the entire herd rushed headlong down from the cliff into the sea, and perished in the water.

mnt@Matthew:9:8 @ But all the crowd were awestruck, and glorified God, who had given such power to men.

mnt@Matthew:9:9 @ As Jesus was passing thence, he saw a man called Mathew sitting at the tax-office, and said to him, "Follow me."

mnt@Matthew:9:10 @ And he rose and followed him. And while he was at table in Matthews house, there came many tax-gatherers and sinners, and they dined with Jesus and his disciples.

mnt@Matthew:9:15 @ "Can the friends fast at a wedding-feast," said Jesus, "so long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom has been taken from them, and then they will fast.

mnt@Matthew:9:16 @ "No one ever sews a piece of undressed cloth on an old cloak. If they did, the patch put on to fill it up would tear away from the cloak, and the rent be made worse.

mnt@Matthew:9:19 @ And Jesus rose and followed him, and so did his disciples.

mnt@Matthew:9:20 @ But a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years came up behind him, and touched the tassel of his cloak.

mnt@Matthew:9:21 @ For she said to herself, "If only I can touch his cloak, I shall be cured."

mnt@Matthew:9:27 @ And as he went on from thence two blind men followed Jesus, crying, "Have pity on us, Son of David!"

mnt@Matthew:9:28 @ And when he had gone indoors, they came to him. "Do you believe that I can do this?" asked Jesus. "Yes, Lord," they answered.

mnt@Matthew:9:38 @ "therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to thrust forth laborers into his harvest field."

mnt@Matthew:10:3 @ Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew, the tax-gatherer; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname is Thaddeus;

mnt@Matthew:10:4 @ Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him.

mnt@Matthew:10:5 @ These men, the Twelve, Jesus sent forth, after giving them the following instructions. "Do not go among the Gentiles, or enter any Samaritan town,

mnt@Matthew:10:6 @ "but rather be on your way to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

mnt@Matthew:10:10 @ "not even a bag for the journey, or a change of clothes, or sandals, or even a stick; for the worker is worth his rations.

mnt@Matthew:10:17 @ "But beware of men! For they will give you up to the Sanhedrin, and flog you in their synagogues.

mnt@Matthew:10:37 @ "He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;

mnt@Matthew:10:38 @ "and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.

mnt@Matthew:10:39 @ "He who has saved his life shall lose it; and he who has lost his life for my sake shall find it.

mnt@Matthew:10:42 @ "And whoever gives to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, because he is a disciple, I tell you in solemn truth, he shall not lose his reward.

mnt@Matthew:11:3 @ "Are you the Coming One, or are we to look for someone else?"

mnt@Matthew:11:8 @ "What did you go out into the desert to behold?" he asked; "A reed shaken by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, those who wear soft raiment dwell in kings palaces!

mnt@Matthew:11:19 @ and the Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Lo, a glutton and a wine-drinker, a friend of tax-gatherers and sinners! Nevertheless, Wisdom is justified by her deeds."

mnt@Matthew:11:21 @ "Woe unto you, Chorazin! Woe unto you, Bethsaida! Because if the mighty works which have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented, long ago, in sackcloth and ashes.

mnt@Matthew:11:25 @ At that time Jesus answered and said. "I praise thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and wary, and hast revealed them to the children.

mnt@Matthew:12:2 @ But the Pharisees, when they perceived it, said to him. "Look! Your disciples are doing what it is not lawful to do on the Sabbath!"

mnt@Matthew:12:4 @ "How he went into the House of God, and there they ate the loaves of the Presence, which neither he nor his men were permitted to eat, but the priests only?

mnt@Matthew:12:8 @ "you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath."

mnt@Matthew:12:9 @ As he passed along he went into their synagogue, and there he saw a man with a withered hand.

mnt@Matthew:12:15 @ So when Jesus knew it, he withdrew from that place, and numbers of people followed him.

mnt@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold my servant whom I have chosen, My beloved, in whom my soul delights; I will breathe my spirit upon him, and he shall announce justice to the Gentiles

mnt@Matthew:12:19 @ He will not strive nor cry aloud, Nor shall anyone hear is voice in the streets

mnt@Matthew:12:24 @ When the Pharisees heard it they said, "It is only by the aid of Beelzebub, the Prince of the demons, that this fellow is driving out demons."

mnt@Matthew:12:41 @ "The men of Nineveh will stand up in the Judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented under the preaching of Jonah, and lo! a greater than Jonah is here!

mnt@Matthew:12:42 @ "The Queen of the South will rise in the judgment with this generation, and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon; and lo! a greater than Solomon is here!

mnt@Matthew:13:15 @ For the heart of his people is made fat, Their ears are dull of hearing; Their eyes, too, have they closed, Lest some day their eyes should perceive, And their ears should hear, And their heart should understand and turn, And I should heal them.

mnt@Matthew:13:33 @ He told them another parable. He said, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until the whole was leavened."

mnt@Matthew:14:2 @ "This man is Johnthe Baptist; he is risen from the dead. That is why miraculous powers are working through him."

mnt@Matthew:14:13 @ When Jesus heard it he went away privately by boat to a lonely spot; but the crowds heard about it, and followed him on foot from the cities.

mnt@Matthew:14:15 @ As twilight fell, his disciples came to him and said. "This is a lonely spot, and the day is far spent; send the crowds away, so that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food."

mnt@Matthew:14:17 @ "We have nothing here," they replied, "except five loaves and two fishes."

mnt@Matthew:14:19 @ Then he told the people to sit down on the grass, and after taking the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven and blessed them. Then he broke the loaves and handed them to the disciples, and the disciples handed them to the crowds.

mnt@Matthew:14:23 @ After he had sent the crowds away, he went up into the mountain alone, to pray. When night came he was there alone.

mnt@Matthew:14:24 @ But the boat was already a long way from shore, buffeted by the waves, for the wind was contrary.

mnt@Matthew:14:36 @ and kept begging him to let them touch the tassel of his cloak - and all who touched were completely cured.

mnt@Matthew:15:14 @ "Let them alone. They are blind men leading the blind; and if one blind man leads another, both of them will fall into a ditch."

mnt@Matthew:15:22 @ Behold, there came to him a Canaanite woman of those parts. She wailed loudly, saying. "Pity me, Lord, thou Son of David! My daughter is possessed of an evil spirit."

mnt@Matthew:15:24 @ In reply he said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

mnt@Matthew:15:25 @ But the woman came and knelt to him and said, "Lord, do help me."

mnt@Matthew:15:27 @ "True, Lord," she said, "but even the little dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters table."

mnt@Matthew:15:29 @ On leaving that place Jesus went along the shore of the Sea of Galilee; and after climbing a hill, took his seat there.

mnt@Matthew:15:31 @ so that the crowd wondered when they saw the dumb speaking, the cripples walking, and the blind seeing. And they glorified the God of Israel.

mnt@Matthew:15:33 @ "In a lonely place like this," asked the disciple. "where can we get bread enough to satisfy such a crowd?"

mnt@Matthew:15:34 @ "How many loaves have you?" answered Jesus. They replied, "Seven, and a few small fish.

mnt@Matthew:15:36 @ he took the seven loaves and the fish, and gave thanks, then he broke them and gave them to his disciples, and the disciples to the crowd.

mnt@Matthew:16:3 @ and at dawn you say, It will storm today, for the sky is red and lowering. You know how to discern the look of the sky, but the signs of the times you cannot read.

mnt@Matthew:16:9 @ "Do you not remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many large basketfuls you took up?

mnt@Matthew:16:10 @ "Nor the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many large basketfuls you took up?

mnt@Matthew:16:17 @ "Blessed are you, Simon, Son of Jonah," said Jesus; "for flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven!

mnt@Matthew:16:19 @ "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind upon the earth shall be bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose upon earth shall be loosed in the heavens."

mnt@Matthew:16:23 @ But he turned and said to Peter. "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling-block to me, because you are not intent on what pleases God, but what pleases men."

mnt@Matthew:16:24 @ Then Jesus said to his disciples. "If any man wishes to come after me, let him renounce self, take up his cross, and follow me.

mnt@Matthew:16:25 @ For he who wants to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

mnt@Matthew:16:26 @ What will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

mnt@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Son of man is about to come in the glory of his Father, and his angels with him, and then will he reward each one in accordance with his actions.

mnt@Matthew:17:5 @ While he was yet speaking, behold! a luminous cloud overshadowed them; and a voice out of the cloud, saying. "This is my Son, my Beloved, in whom is my delight. Listen to him."

mnt@Matthew:17:17 @ In reply Jesus said. "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I endure you? Bring him here to me!"

mnt@Matthew:17:21 @ "But this kind is driven out by prayer alone."

mnt@Matthew:18:7 @ "Woe unto the world because of such stumbling-blocks! They will surely come, but woe unto each man by whom they come!

mnt@Matthew:18:11 @ "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

mnt@Matthew:18:12 @ "How does it seem to you, when a man has a hundred sheep and loses one of them? Will he not leave the ninety and nine on the hills, to go and search for the one that has strayed?

mnt@Matthew:18:15 @ "If your brother sins against you, go and show him, between yourself and him alone. If he listens, you have won your brother.

mnt@Matthew:18:16 @ "But if he will not listen to you, take one or two others along, so that by the testimony of two or three witnesses every word may be established. If he will not listen to them, tell the church;

mnt@Matthew:18:21 @ Just then Peter came to him, and asked him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?"

mnt@Matthew:18:28 @ "But on his way out, that slave met a fellow slave who owed him fifty dollars. Seizing him by the throat, and nearly choking him, he exclaimed, "Pay me what you owe me!

mnt@Matthew:18:29 @ "Then his fellow slave fell at his feet, and besought him, saying, "Be patient with me, and I will pay you.

mnt@Matthew:18:31 @ "When therefore his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were very angry; and they went and explained to their master all that had happened.

mnt@Matthew:18:32 @ "Immediately his master summoned him and said. "You wicked slave! I forgave you all that debt because you implored me.

mnt@Matthew:18:33 @ "Ought not you also to have had pity on your fellow slave, just as I had pity on you?

mnt@Matthew:19:2 @ A great multitude followed him, and he healed them there.

mnt@Matthew:19:6 @ "Thus they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

mnt@Matthew:19:14 @ "Let the little children come to me, and forbid them not; for it is to the childlike that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

mnt@Matthew:19:16 @ But look! a certain man came up to him and asked, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

mnt@Matthew:19:19 @ "Honor thy father and thy mother; and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

mnt@Matthew:19:21 @ "If you want to be perfect," said Jesus, "go, sell your property, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me."

mnt@Matthew:19:25 @ When they heard this the disciples were utterly astounded. "Who then can be saved?" they exclaimed. Jesus looked at them.

mnt@Matthew:19:27 @ Whereupon Peter said to Jesus. "Look, Master, we have forsaken everything and followed you. Now what shall be our reward?"

mnt@Matthew:19:28 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," Jesus answered, "that in the New Creation, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, you also who have followed me shall sit on twelve thrones, to govern the twelve tribes of Israel.

mnt@Matthew:20:3 @ "About nine oclock he went out and noticed some other workmen standing idle in the market-place;

mnt@Matthew:20:5 @ "So they went. Again at noon, and about three oclock, he went out and did the same thing.

mnt@Matthew:20:6 @ "When he went out about five oclock, he found others standing around, and said to them, "Why have you been standing here idle, all the day long?

mnt@Matthew:20:8 @ "And when evening came, the Lord of the vineyard said to his steward, "Call the workmen and pay them their wages, beginning with the last hired and ending with the first.

mnt@Matthew:20:9 @ "When those came who had begun at five oclock, they received two shillings apiece;

mnt@Matthew:20:18 @ "Look! We are on the way up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn him to death,

mnt@Matthew:20:22 @ "None of you indeed shall drink," he answered, "but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."

mnt@Matthew:20:25 @ but Jesus called them to him and said. "You know how the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them.

mnt@Matthew:20:29 @ Now as they were leaving Jericho a great crowd followed him.

mnt@Matthew:20:31 @ But the crowd checked them, to make them keep still. They cried out all the louder, saying, "Master, have pity on us, Son of David!"

mnt@Matthew:20:34 @ Then Jesus, moved with compassion, touched their eyes, and they saw at once, and followed him.

mnt@Matthew:21:2 @ "Go on into the village facing you, and at once you will find an ass tied, and her colt with her. Loose them and bring them to me.

mnt@Matthew:21:7 @ they led back the ass and her colt, and placed their cloaks on them.

mnt@Matthew:21:8 @ Then Jesus seated himself upon them, and most of the crowd kept spreading their cloaks on the road, and others began cutting branches off the trees, and spreading them in the road.

mnt@Matthew:21:9 @ And the crowds who preceded and those who followed after him shouted again and again, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed be he who is coming in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

mnt@Matthew:21:31 @ "Which of these two did the will of his father?" "The last," they replied. "I tell you truly," said Jesus, "that the tax-gatherers and harlots are going into the kingdom of heaven before you!

mnt@Matthew:21:32 @ "For Johncame to you in the road of righteousness, and you did not give credence to him; but the tax-gatherers and the harlots gave credence to him. But you, although you saw this, did not even then change your minds and give credence to him.

mnt@Matthew:21:35 @ "And the vine-dressers seized his slaves, flogged one, killed another, and stoned a third.

mnt@Matthew:21:40 @ "When therefore the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vine-dressers?"

mnt@Matthew:21:42 @ "Have you never read in the Scriptures," Jesus answered, "how The stone that the builders rejected Has been made the corner-stone; This is the Lords doing, It is wonderful in our eyes?

mnt@Matthew:21:46 @ but although they longed to apprehend him, they were afraid of the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet.

mnt@Matthew:22:17 @ "Give us your advice, then. Is it allowable to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?"

mnt@Matthew:22:37 @ Jesus answered, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

mnt@Matthew:22:39 @ "The second, which is like it, is this, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

mnt@Matthew:22:43 @ "How then, "he said, "does David in the Spirit call him Lord, saying,

mnt@Matthew:22:44 @ "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand Until I put thine enemies beneath thy feet?

mnt@Matthew:22:45 @ "If David calls him Lord, how can he be his Son?"

mnt@Matthew:23:17 @ "You fools and blind; for which is greater, the gold, or the Sanctuary which hallows the gold?

mnt@Matthew:23:19 @ "You blind! Which is greater, the offering or the altar which hallows the offering?

mnt@Matthew:23:24 @ "You blind guides! who strain out the gnat and swallow the camel!

mnt@Matthew:23:27 @ "Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You are like white- washed sepulchers. They look beautiful without, but within they are filled with dead mens bones and all rottenness.

mnt@Matthew:23:35 @ "that upon your heads may come every drop of innocent blood spilt upon the earth, from the blood of Abel, the just, to the blood of Zechariah the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the Sanctuary and the altar.

mnt@Matthew:23:39 @ "For I tell you that never shall you see me again until you say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." "nor did they know until the deluge came and swept them away; so will be the coming of the Son of man.

mnt@Matthew:24:12 @ "and because of the increase of iniquity the love of the majority will grow cold;

mnt@Matthew:24:18 @ "and the man in the field not turn back to get his cloak.

mnt@Matthew:24:28 @ "Wherever the corpse lies, there will the vultures flock together.

mnt@Matthew:24:30 @ "Then the signs of the Son of man will appear in the sky; and then all the tribes of the earth will lament, when they see the Son of man coming upon the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.

mnt@Matthew:24:43 @ "But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have been on his guard, and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

mnt@Matthew:24:48 @ "But if, because he is a bad slave, he should say to himself, My Master is a long time in coming,

mnt@Matthew:24:49 @ "and if he begins to beat his fellow slaves, and to eat or drink with the drunkards,

mnt@Matthew:24:51 @ "and will scourge him severely, and allot him a place among hypocrites, where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

mnt@Matthew:25:11 @ "Afterwards the other maidens came and cried, "Lord, Lord, open unto us!

mnt@Matthew:25:19 @ "After a long time the master of those slaves came, and demanded a reckoning with them.

mnt@Matthew:25:25 @ "so I was afraid; I went away and buried your talent in the earth. There, you have what belongs to you!

mnt@Matthew:25:31 @ "But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then will he take his seat on the throne of his glory;

mnt@Matthew:25:36 @ "I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to see me.

mnt@Matthew:25:38 @ "When did we see you a stranger and take you in; or naked and clothe you?

mnt@Matthew:25:43 @ "I was a stranger, and you took me not in; naked, and you clothed me not; sick, or in prison, and you visited me not.

mnt@Matthew:26:4 @ and they plotted together to get Jesus into their power by a trick, and to put him to death;

mnt@Matthew:26:16 @ and from that time he kept looking for a chance to betray him.

mnt@Matthew:26:28 @ "Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the Covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

mnt@Matthew:26:31 @ Then Jesus said to them. "This very night even you will all stumble and fall away from me; for it is written, "I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.

mnt@Matthew:26:45 @ Then he came to the disciples and said. "Sleep on now, and take your rest. Look! the hour is at hand; the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of wicked men.

mnt@Matthew:26:46 @ "Rouse yourselves! Let us go. My betrayer is close at hand!"

mnt@Matthew:26:58 @ Now Peter was following him, afar off, as far as the courtyard of the high priest; and when he got in, he was sitting with the officers, to see the end.

mnt@Matthew:26:61 @ However, at last two came forward who said, "This fellow declared, I can destroy the Temple of God and build it in three days."

mnt@Matthew:26:64 @ "I am He," Jesus answered; "yet I tell you that from this time on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven."

mnt@Matthew:26:71 @ Soon afterward he went out into the porch, and another maid saw him, and said to those who were there, "This fellow certainly was with Jesus, the Nazarene!"

mnt@Matthew:27:4 @ "I have sinned," he said, "in betraying innocent blood!" "What is that to us?" they answered; "you must see to that."

mnt@Matthew:27:6 @ The chief priests took the money, and said, "It would be wrong to put it into the temple-treasury, because it is the price of blood."

mnt@Matthew:27:8 @ That is the reason why, to this day, the field is called "The Field of Blood."

mnt@Matthew:27:10 @ and gave them for the Potters Field, as the Lord had appointed me.

mnt@Matthew:27:24 @ So when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that on the contrary a riot was threatening, he took water and washed his hands in the presence of the crowd, saying. "I am innocent of the blood of this man; you must answer for it."

mnt@Matthew:27:25 @ All the people answered, "His blood be upon us and upon our children."

mnt@Matthew:27:35 @ After crucifying him, they parted his garments among them by casting lots.

mnt@Matthew:27:45 @ Now from noon darkness fell upon the whole land, until three oclock in the afternoon.

mnt@Matthew:27:46 @ But at three oclock Jesus cried out in loud voice, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?" (That is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?")

mnt@Matthew:27:50 @ And Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit.

mnt@Matthew:27:51 @ And lo, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two, from the top to the bottom;

mnt@Matthew:27:55 @ And there were present several women who were looking on from a distance; they had followed Jesus from a Galilee, ministering to him.

mnt@Matthew:27:60 @ So Joseph took the body, and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had cut in the rock; and after rolling a great stone against the opening of the tomb, he went away.

mnt@Matthew:27:62 @ The day after - that is, the day following the Preparation - the chief priests and Pharisees went in a body to Pilate and said.

mnt@Matthew:28:1 @ At the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came down to see the sepulcher, when lo!

mnt@Matthew:28:2 @ There had been a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord had come down from heaven, and gone and rolled away the stone, and was sitting upon it.

mnt@Matthew:28:20 @ teaching them to observe every command which I have given you. and lo! I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."

mnt@Mark:1:3 @ The voice of one crying aloud. In the desert make ready a road for the Lord. Make his paths straight.

mnt@Mark:1:6 @ And Johnwas clothed with camels hair, and he had a leather girdle round his loins, and he ate locusts, and "honey of the wood."

mnt@Mark:1:11 @ and a voice from the sky. "Thou art my Son, my beloved; in thee is my delight."

mnt@Mark:1:16 @ And as he was passing along by the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew, Simons brother, casting their net into the sea, for they were fishermen;

mnt@Mark:1:18 @ At once they left their nets and followed him.

mnt@Mark:1:26 @ So the unclean spirit, after tearing him, came out of him with a loud cry;

mnt@Mark:1:34 @ He cured many who were ill with various diseases, and drove out many demons. But he did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew who he was.

mnt@Mark:1:37 @ and told him, "Every one is looking for you."

mnt@Mark:1:45 @ But he went out and began to tell every one and to publish it broadcast, so that Jesus could no longer enter any town openly; but he had to remain outside in lonely places, and people kept coming to him from every quarter.

mnt@Mark:2:2 @ and at once such a crowd gathered that there was no longer room for them, even around the door.

mnt@Mark:2:12 @ The man rose, at once took up his cot, and went out before them all; at which they were all astounded, and gave God glory, saying, "We never saw anything like this."

mnt@Mark:2:14 @ As he was passing by he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting in the tax-office; and he said to him, "Follow me." So he rose and followed him.

mnt@Mark:2:15 @ Later on Levi was sitting at table in his house, and together with Jesus and his disciples a number of tax-gatherers and sinners were guests, for there were many of them who used to follow him.

mnt@Mark:2:19 @ "Can friends of the bridegroom fast while he is still with them?" asked Jesus. "As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.

mnt@Mark:2:21 @ No one ever sews a piece of unshrunk cloth onto an old garment, otherwise the patch tears away from it - the new from the old - and a worse tear is made.

mnt@Mark:2:22 @ And no one ever pours new wine into old wine-skins, else the wine would burst the skins, and both wine and skins would be lost. New wine is poured into fresh wine-skins.

mnt@Mark:2:23 @ One Sabbath he was walking along through the wheat-fields, and his disciples, as they began to make their way across, were pulling the heads of wheat.

mnt@Mark:2:24 @ "Look," said the Pharisees to him, "Why are they doing on the Sabbath Day what is against the law?"

mnt@Mark:3:5 @ They were silent. Then looking around upon them with anger, and deeply grieved by the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand!" He stretched it out, and the hand was at once completely restored.

mnt@Mark:3:6 @ As soon as they came out, the Pharisees plotted against him with the Herodians, in order to destroy him.

mnt@Mark:3:7 @ Then Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great crowd of people from Galilee followed.

mnt@Mark:3:18 @ and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and Jamesthe son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Zealot,

mnt@Mark:4:10 @ When he was alone his followers and the Twelve began asking about the parables.

mnt@Mark:4:12 @ so that, "for all their looking they may not see, and for all their hearing, they may not understand, lest perchance they should turn and be pardoned.

mnt@Mark:4:22 @ There is nothing hidden except what is to be disclosed, and nothing concealed except what is to be revealed.

mnt@Mark:5:7 @ and with a shriek he cried out in a loud voice. "Jesus, son of God most high, what business have you with me? I adjure you by God, torment me not!"

mnt@Mark:5:15 @ When they got to Jesus they found the demoniac sitting there clothed and in his right mind - the man who had had the "Legion" - and they were awestruck.

mnt@Mark:5:24 @ So he went with him, and a great crowd followed him and thronged about him.

mnt@Mark:5:27 @ She had heard about Jesus, so she came in the crowd behind and touched his cloak.

mnt@Mark:5:28 @ "If I can touch even his clothes," she kept saying to herself, "I shall get well."

mnt@Mark:5:29 @ At once the fountain of her blood was dried up, and she felt in her body that she was cured of her complaint.

mnt@Mark:5:30 @ Jesus, instantly conscious that the power within him had gone forth, turned about in the crowd, and said, "Who touched my clothes?"

mnt@Mark:5:32 @ But he kept looking about to see who had done it,

mnt@Mark:5:39 @ "Why all this tumult and loud weeping?" he asked.

mnt@Mark:6:21 @ Then came a convenient day, when Herod on his birthday held a feast for his lords and generals and the leading men of Galilee,

mnt@Mark:6:38 @ "How many loaves have you?" he answered. "Go and see." When they had found out, they said, "Five, and two fishes."

mnt@Mark:6:41 @ Then he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven he blessed, broke the loaves in pieces, and kept giving to the disciples to distribute.

mnt@Mark:6:47 @ And when evening came, the boat was half-way across the sea, while he was on shore alone;

mnt@Mark:6:49 @ they thought it was an apparition and shrieked aloud, for they all saw him and were terrified.

mnt@Mark:6:52 @ for they had not understood about the loaves; on the contrary their heart was hardened.

mnt@Mark:6:56 @ And whenever he entered into villages or cities or the fields they would lay the sick in the market-places and beseech him to let them touch even the tassel of his cloak, and all who touched him were made well.

mnt@Mark:7:5 @ So the Pharisees and Scribes asked him. "Why do your disciples not follow the traditions of the elders? Why do they eat with common unwashed hands?"

mnt@Mark:7:34 @ then looking up to heaven with a sigh, he said to him, "Ephphatha!" (that is, "Be opened.")

mnt@Mark:7:35 @ And his ears were opened and the bond of his tongue was loosened, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus charged them not to tell any one, but the more he charged them, the more they published it;

mnt@Mark:8:4 @ "Where will it be possible," answered his disciples, "for one to fill these men with bread in a lonely place like this?"

mnt@Mark:8:5 @ He asked them, "How many loaves have you?" "Seven," they said.

mnt@Mark:8:6 @ So he directed the crowd to sit down on the ground; and when he had taken the seven loaves, he gave thanks, broke them, and gave to his disciples to distribute to the crowd.

mnt@Mark:8:14 @ Now they had forgotten to take bread, and had not in the boat with them more than one loaf.

mnt@Mark:8:15 @ So he gave them this warning. "Look out! Be on the watch against the leaven of the Pharisees, and the leaven of Herod."

mnt@Mark:8:18 @ Are your minds so slow to comprehend? You have eyes, do you not see? You have ears, do you not hear?

mnt@Mark:8:19 @ Do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets of broken pieces did you take up?" "Twelve," they said.

mnt@Mark:8:24 @ The man looked up and said, "I can make out the people, for as they move about, I see them like trees."

mnt@Mark:8:33 @ But he turned round, and looked upon his disciples, and rebuked Peter. "Get thee behind me, Satan," he said, "for your thoughts are not Gods thoughts, but mans."

mnt@Mark:8:34 @ Then summoning the crowd to him, with his disciples. he said. "If any man wishes to follow me, let him renounce self, take up his cross, and so follow me.

mnt@Mark:8:35 @ For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever, for my sake and the gospels, loses his life will save it.

mnt@Mark:8:36 @ For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own life?

mnt@Mark:8:38 @ Whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this unfaithful and wicked generation, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

mnt@Mark:9:3 @ Here in their presence he was transfigured; and his clothes also became glistering with a radiant whiteness, such as no bleaching on earth could give.

mnt@Mark:9:7 @ Then there came a cloud overshadowing them; and there came a voice out of the cloud. "This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him."

mnt@Mark:9:8 @ And suddenly as they looked around, they saw no one any more beside them, but Jesus alone.

mnt@Mark:9:19 @ "O unbelieving generation!" replied Jesus; "how long must I be with you? How long must I be patient with you? Bring him to me."

mnt@Mark:9:20 @ So they brought the boy to him, and when he saw Jesus, the spirit at once convulsed him, and he fell to the ground and wallowed, foaming at the mouth.

mnt@Mark:9:21 @ Then Jesus asked the father, "How long has he been like this?"

mnt@Mark:9:26 @ So with a loud shriek it came out, after throwing the boy into convulsion after convulsion. The boy looked like a corpse, so that most of them said that he was dead.

mnt@Mark:9:38 @ "Master," said John, "we saw a man casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him because he did not follow us."

mnt@Mark:9:41 @ For whoever gives you even a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, in solemn truth I tell you, that he shall certainly not lose his reward.

mnt@Mark:9:50 @ salt is excellent, but if the salt has lost its savor, what will you use to restore its saltness? Then have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another."

mnt@Mark:10:1 @ On leaving that place Jesus came into the borders of Judea, on the other side of the Jordan, Once more the people flocked about him, and again, as usual, he began teaching them.

mnt@Mark:10:14 @ Jesus was indignant when he saw it, and said. "Let the little children come to me. Do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such.

mnt@Mark:10:21 @ Jesus loved him as he looked at him, and said. "One thing you lack. Go, sell all you have and give to the poor; and you shall have wealth in heaven; and come, follow me."

mnt@Mark:10:23 @ Then Jesus looked round on his disciples and said, "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter into the kingdom of God!"

mnt@Mark:10:24 @ The disciples were amazed at his words. Jesus looked around and said again to them.

mnt@Mark:10:27 @ When he had looked at them, Jesus said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God, for all things are possible with God."

mnt@Mark:10:28 @ "But we," Peter began to say, "we have left our all and have followed you."

mnt@Mark:10:32 @ They were still on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus led the way; and they were amazed, and some, although they followed, were afraid. Then once more he took the Twelve, and began to tell them what was about to befall him.

mnt@Mark:10:34 @ who will mock him, spit upon him, flog him, and put him to death; and after three days he will rise again."

mnt@Mark:10:37 @ They answered, "Allow us to sit, one at your right hand, and the other at your left hand, in your glory."

mnt@Mark:10:42 @ "You know that those who are regarded as rulers among the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make them feel their authority.

mnt@Mark:10:48 @ and many kept rebuking him and telling him to be quiet, but he only shouted much louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

mnt@Mark:10:50 @ The man threw off his cloak, sprang to his feet, and came to Jesus.

mnt@Mark:10:52 @ "Go," said Jesus, "your own faith has saved you," and immediately he received his sight, and began to follow Jesus along the road.

mnt@Mark:11:3 @ And if any man asks you, Why are you doing that?" answer, The Lord has need of him, and he will immediately send him back."

mnt@Mark:11:7 @ Then they brought the colt to Jesus, and when they had thrown cloaks upon it, Jesus seated himself on it.

mnt@Mark:11:8 @ Then many spread their cloaks on the road, and others, soft leafy branches, which they had cut from the fields;

mnt@Mark:11:9 @ and those who went before him and those who came after kept shouting. "Hosanna! Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord!

mnt@Mark:11:11 @ Then he entered Jerusalem and went into the Temple, and after he had looked around at everything, as the hour was now late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve.

mnt@Mark:11:16 @ and he would not allow any one to carry a vessel through the Temple courts, Then he began to teach.

mnt@Mark:11:20 @ and as they (he and his disciples) were passing along in the morning, they saw the fig tree already withered from the root.

mnt@Mark:11:21 @ Then Peter remembered, and exclaimed, "Look, Rabbi, the fig tree which you cursed is withered up."

mnt@Mark:12:3 @ but they seized him, and flogged him, and sent him away empty-handed.

mnt@Mark:12:6 @ He had still one, a Son beloved, He sent him last to them, saying, "They will reverence my Son.

mnt@Mark:12:11 @ This is the Lords doing; It is marvelous in our eyes."

mnt@Mark:12:15 @ Shall we pay, or not pay?" But he, knowing well their hypocrisy, said to them. "Why are you testing me? Bring me a dollar for me to look at."

mnt@Mark:12:29 @ Jesus replied. "The first is. "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord;

mnt@Mark:12:30 @ and thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.

mnt@Mark:12:31 @ "The second is this, "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. Other command greater than these there is none."

mnt@Mark:12:33 @ and that beside him there is none other, and to love him with all ones heart and with all ones understanding and with all ones might, and to love ones neighbor as oneself is far beyond all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices."

mnt@Mark:12:36 @ David himself said in the Holy Spirit, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make thy foes the footstool of thy feet.

mnt@Mark:12:37 @ "David himself then calls him Lord; so how can he be his son?" Now the great mass of the people were wont to listen to him with delight;

mnt@Mark:12:38 @ and in his teaching he said. "Look out for the Scribes who like to walk about in long robes, and to receive salutations in the street, and to have prominent places in the synagogues,

mnt@Mark:12:40 @ they who consume the property of widows and make long, pretentious prayers. The greater shall their condemnation be."

mnt@Mark:13:1 @ As Jesus was walking out of the Temple courts, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and buildings these are!"

mnt@Mark:13:9 @ "You yourselves must be on your guard. They will hand you over to the courts, and you will be flogged on the synagogues; and you will stand before rulers and kings for my sake, to witness to them for me.

mnt@Mark:13:16 @ and he who is in the field, let him not turn back to get his cloak.

mnt@Mark:13:20 @ And had not the Lord cut short those days, not a single person would escape; but for the elects sake whom he has chosen, he has cut them short.

mnt@Mark:13:26 @ Then will they see the Son of man coming in clouds, with great power and glory.

mnt@Mark:14:6 @ So they began upbraiding her, but Jesus said. "Let her alone. Why are you troubling her?

mnt@Mark:14:11 @ and they were glad when they heard it, and promised to pay him money. So he kept looking for an opportunity to betray him.

mnt@Mark:14:14 @ Follow him; and whatever house he enters, say to the master of the house, The Teacher asks, "Where is your guest-chamber, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"

mnt@Mark:14:24 @ and he said. "This is my covenant blood, which is poured out for many.

mnt@Mark:14:41 @ Then he came the third time, and said. "Sleep on now, and take your rest! It is over. My hour is come. Look! the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

mnt@Mark:14:51 @ One young man, however, began following him, with only a linen sheet thrown round his naked body.

mnt@Mark:14:54 @ Peter also had followed Jesus at a distance, until he was inside the court of the high priest. There he was sitting among the officers, warming himself in the light of the fire.

mnt@Mark:14:62 @ "I am," Jesus answered, "and you all shall see the Son of man seated on the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven."

mnt@Mark:14:65 @ Then they all condemn him to be worthy of death. Some began to spit on him, and to blindfold him while striking him and saying, "Prophesy." The officers, too, received him into custody with blows.

mnt@Mark:14:66 @ Now while Peter was below in the courtyard, there came one of the maid servants of the high priest, and saw Peter warming himself.

mnt@Mark:14:67 @ She looked at him, and said, "You too were with the Nazarene, Jesus."

mnt@Mark:14:72 @ At that instant for the second time a cock crew. Then Peter recalled the word which Jesus had spoken to him, "Before the cock crows twice you will disown me thrice." And as he thought of it, he began to weep aloud.

mnt@Mark:15:5 @ "See, how many accusations they are making." But Jesus no longer made any answer, at which Pilate wondered.

mnt@Mark:15:8 @ So when the crowd went up and began asking Pilate to follow his usual custom,

mnt@Mark:15:17 @ They clothed Jesus in purple, and plaited a crown of thorns, and placed it on his head.

mnt@Mark:15:20 @ And after their sport with him, they stripped off the purple robe, and put on his own clothes, and led him out to crucify him.

mnt@Mark:15:23 @ There they attempted to give him wine mingled with myrrh; but he refused it. Then they crucified him, and divided his garments among them, casting lots upon them to see what each should take.

mnt@Mark:15:25 @ It was nine oclock in the morning when they crucified him.

mnt@Mark:15:34 @ At three oclock Jesus cried in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

mnt@Mark:15:37 @ But Jesus uttered a loud cry and expired.

mnt@Mark:15:40 @ There were some women also watching from a distance. Among them were both Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jamesthe younger and of Joses, and Salome,

mnt@Mark:15:41 @ women who used to follow him when he was in Galilee, and minister to him; and many other women who had come up to Jerusalem with him.

mnt@Mark:15:43 @ there came Joseph of Arimathea, a Councilor, honorable in rank, who was himself also looking for the kingdom of God. He boldly went in to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus.

mnt@Mark:16:1 @ When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices in order to go and anoint him.

mnt@Mark:16:4 @ But then as they looked up they saw that the stone, which was a very large one, was already rolled away;

mnt@Mark:16:5 @ and upon entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe.

mnt@Mark:16:17 @ Moreover these signs shall follow those who believe. They shall drive out demons in my name; they shall speak with new tongues in foreign languages;

mnt@Mark:16:19 @ So then the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

mnt@Mark:16:20 @ But they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the message by the miracles which followed.

mnt@Luke:1:5 @ In the reign of Herod, King of Judea, there was a certain priest, named Zachariah, belonging to the class of Abijah. He had a wife named Elizabeth,

mnt@Luke:1:6 @ who was a descendant of Aaron. They were both righteous in the sight of the Lord, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the law, blameless.

mnt@Luke:1:8 @ Now while Zachariah was acting as priest before God in the due course of his class, it fell to his lot, according to the custom of priesthood,

mnt@Luke:1:9 @ to enter into the sanctuary of the Lord and to burn incense.

mnt@Luke:1:11 @ Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense.

mnt@Luke:1:15 @ "For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, "He shall drink neither wine nor strong drink, "He shall be filled with the Holy Spirit from the hour of his birth,

mnt@Luke:1:16 @ "And shall win many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God.

mnt@Luke:1:17 @ "He shall go before Him in the wisdom and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, and so to make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him."

mnt@Luke:1:21 @ Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the sanctuary.

mnt@Luke:1:25 @ "This has the Lord done for me. He has now deigned to take the away my reproach among men."

mnt@Luke:1:28 @ The angel went in and said to her. "Joy to you, highly favored one! "The Lord is with you."

mnt@Luke:1:32 @ "He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. "And the Lord God will give him the throne of his forefather David,

mnt@Luke:1:38 @ Then Mary said. "Behold I am Lords slave. Let it be to me as you have said." Then the angel departed from her.

mnt@Luke:1:42 @ and called out with a loud cry. "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!

mnt@Luke:1:43 @ "But why is this honor done me, that the mother of my Lord should come me?

mnt@Luke:1:45 @ "And blessed is she who believed that the Lords words spoken to her would be fulfilled."

mnt@Luke:1:46 @ And Mary said. "My soul doth magnify the Lord,

mnt@Luke:1:52 @ "he has put down princes from their thrones, and has exalted those of low degree.

mnt@Luke:1:58 @ and her neighbors and kinsfolk heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy toward her; and they rejoiced with her,

mnt@Luke:1:64 @ Every one was surprised, and at once his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing God.

mnt@Luke:1:66 @ All the story laid it up in their hearts, saying "What, then, will this child be?" For the Lords hands was with him.

mnt@Luke:1:68 @ "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, For he has visited and redeemed his people,

mnt@Luke:1:76 @ "And thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Most High, For thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare the way

mnt@Luke:2:3 @ And every one went to be registered, each to the town to which he belonged.

mnt@Luke:2:5 @ He went to be registered along with Mary, who was espoused to him, and was pregnant.

mnt@Luke:2:7 @ And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.

mnt@Luke:2:8 @ And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

mnt@Luke:2:9 @ When suddenly an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone round them; and they feared with a great fear. The angel said to them.

mnt@Luke:2:11 @ "For unto you born this day in there is born in Davids town a Saviour, who is the Anointed Lord.

mnt@Luke:2:12 @ "And this is a sign to you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling-clothes lying in a manger."

mnt@Luke:2:14 @ "Glory to God in the highest, And in earth peace among men who please him"

mnt@Luke:2:15 @ Now when the angels had left them, and gone away to heaven, the shepherds said to one to another, "Let us go now even to Bethlehem, and see this saying which has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us."

mnt@Luke:2:20 @ And the shepherds returned, glorifying God and praising him for all those things that they had seen and heard, even as it was told to them.

mnt@Luke:2:22 @ And when the days for purification according to the law of Moses had passed, they took him up to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord,

mnt@Luke:2:23 @ as it is written in the law of Moses, Every firstborn male shall be called holy to the Lord.

mnt@Luke:2:24 @ And they also offered a sacrifice as commanded in the Law of the Lord A pair of turtle-doves or two young pigeons.

mnt@Luke:2:26 @ Now it has been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lords Christ.

mnt@Luke:2:32 @ "A light for the unveiling of the Gentiles And the glory of thy people Israel."

mnt@Luke:2:38 @ She came up at that very hour, and gave thanks to God, and spoke of the child to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

mnt@Luke:2:48 @ When they saw him they were astonished, and his mother said to him "Child, why have you treated us so? Behold your father and I have been looking for you in anguish."

mnt@Luke:2:49 @ He answered, "Why is it that you have been looking for me, did you not realize that I had to be in my Fathers house?"

mnt@Luke:3:5 @ Every ravine shall be filled up, Every hill and mountain shall be laid low, The crooked shall be made straight, And the rough roads smooth;

mnt@Luke:3:13 @ And he said to them, "Exact no more than the sum allowed you."

mnt@Luke:3:16 @ whether perhaps he were the Christ, Johnanswered, saying to all of them. "I indeed am baptizing you in water, but One is coming after me, mightier than I, whose shoe-latchet I am not worthy to unloose. He shall baptize you in the Holy Ghost and in fire.

mnt@Luke:3:17 @ He has his fan in his hand to cleanse his threshing-floor thoroughly, and to gather the wheat into his storehouse, but the chaff will he burn with unquenchable fire."

mnt@Luke:3:22 @ heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit, in bodily form like a dove, descended upon him. and a voice came out of heaven, saying. "Thou art my Son, dearly beloved; in thee is my delight."

mnt@Luke:4:2 @ He ate nothing during these days, and at the close of them he was hungry.

mnt@Luke:4:4 @ And Jesus answered him, saying, "It is written that not by bread alone shall man live."

mnt@Luke:4:6 @ "To you will I give all this authority and this glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

mnt@Luke:4:8 @ "It is written," answered Jesus, "Thou shalt worship the Lord, thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

mnt@Luke:4:12 @ "It has been said," replied Jesus, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God."

mnt@Luke:4:15 @ and he began to teach in their synagogues, and was glorified by all.

mnt@Luke:4:18 @ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim release to the prisoners, And recovery of sight to the blind; To set at liberty those that are bruised,

mnt@Luke:4:19 @ To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

mnt@Luke:4:25 @ In very truth I tell you there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were closed for three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land;

mnt@Luke:4:29 @ they rose, hurried him outside the town, and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, intending to cast him down headlong.

mnt@Luke:4:33 @ And there was in the synagogue a man possessed by the spirit of a foul demon. He cried out, in a loud voice, saying.

mnt@Luke:4:37 @ And the talk about him spread into every locality in the surrounding country.

mnt@Luke:5:3 @ He went on board one of the boats which belonged to Simon, and asked him to push out a little way from land. Then he sat down and continued to teach the crowd from the boat.

mnt@Luke:5:6 @ And when they had done this they enclosed a great multitude of fish; and their nets began to break.

mnt@Luke:5:8 @ When Simon Peter saw this he fell down at the knees of Jesus, exclaiming, "Depart from me, O Lord, for I am a sinful man!"

mnt@Luke:5:11 @ So when they had brought their boats to land they left everything and followed him.

mnt@Luke:5:12 @ Another time when he was in one of their cities, there was a man there full of leprosy. And he, upon seeing Jesus, fell on his face and implored him. "Lord," he said, "if only you choose you can make me clean."

mnt@Luke:5:17 @ One day he was teaching, and near to him were seated Pharisees and teachers of the Law, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him to heal.

mnt@Luke:5:21 @ And the Scribes and Pharisees began to cavil. "Who is this?" they asked, "speaking blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?"

mnt@Luke:5:25 @ And instantly he arose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and went away to his house, glorifying God.

mnt@Luke:5:26 @ Astonishment fell upon them all, and they began to glorify God, and they were filled with awe, and they said, "We have seen strange things today."

mnt@Luke:5:27 @ After this he went forth and noticed a tax-gatherer, named Levi, sitting at the tax-office, and said to him, "Follow me."

mnt@Luke:5:28 @ He rose, left everything, and followed him.

mnt@Luke:6:3 @ "Have you never read," answered Jesus, "what David did when he and his followers were hungry?

mnt@Luke:6:4 @ "How he entered into Gods house and took and ate the Presented Loaves, and gave some to his followers, loaves which none must eat but the priests?

mnt@Luke:6:5 @ "THE SON OF MAN," he told them, "IS LORD EVEN OVER THE SABBATH."

mnt@Luke:6:8 @ He was all along aware of their thoughts; and he said to the man with the withered hand, "Rise, and stand there in the midst."

mnt@Luke:6:10 @ Then he looked round about on them in anger, and said to him, "Stretch out your hand!"

mnt@Luke:6:15 @ Philip and Bartholomew; Mathew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon called the Zealot;

mnt@Luke:6:27 @ "But to you who are listening to me I say, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

mnt@Luke:6:29 @ To him who gives you a blow on the jaw Turn the other jaw also; And from him who is robbing you of your cloak Withhold not your coat also.

mnt@Luke:6:32 @ "If you love those who love you what credit is it to you? Why even sinners love those who love them.

mnt@Luke:6:35 @ "But you must love even your enemies and be kind to them, And lend, despairing of no man. Then your reward will be great, And you will be the sons of the Most High; For he is kind even to the ungrateful and to the evil.

mnt@Luke:6:41 @ "And why do you look at the splinter that is in your brothers eye, but never consider the beam that is in your own eye?

mnt@Luke:6:42 @ "Or how can you say to your brother. "Brother, allow me to pull that splinter out of your eye," when you do not see the beam in your own eye? Hypocrite! Take out first the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the splinter from your brothers eye.

mnt@Luke:6:46 @ "And why are you calling me Lord, Lord, and not doing what I tell you?

mnt@Luke:6:48 @ "He is like a man who is building a house who digged and went deep and laid a foundation upon rock. And, when a flood came, the torrent dashed against that house, but could not move, because it had been founded upon rock.

mnt@Luke:7:5 @ "for he loves our nation, and himself has built a synagogue for us."

mnt@Luke:7:6 @ So Jesus started to go with them, but while he was not far from the house, the captain sent friends to him with a message. "Lord do not trouble yourself, for I am not fit that you should come under my roof,

mnt@Luke:7:9 @ But when Jesus heard this he was astonished and he turned and said to the crowd that was following him, "I tell you that not even in Israel have I found faith like that."

mnt@Luke:7:13 @ A great crowd accompanied her. And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep."

mnt@Luke:7:16 @ And awe took hold on them all, and they began to glorify God saying. "A great prophet has risen among us;" and, "God has visited his people."

mnt@Luke:7:25 @ "But what you went out to behold? A man clothed in soft robes? Behold, men who are gorgeously dressed and live in luxury are in kings palaces.

mnt@Luke:7:42 @ "When they had nothing pay he forgave them with such charm. "Tell me, then, which of these will love him most?"

mnt@Luke:7:47 @ "This is why I tell you that her sins, many as they are, are forgiven, for her love is great; but he who is forgiven little, loves but little.

mnt@Luke:8:17 @ "For is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed; there is nothing secret which shall not be made known and come to the light.

mnt@Luke:8:24 @ Then they came to him and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are lost!" Then he awoke, and rebuked the winds and the raging of the sea. They ceased, and there was a calm.

mnt@Luke:8:27 @ When he landed here he was met by a certain townsman who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes and nor lived in any house, but in tombs.

mnt@Luke:8:28 @ When he saw Jesus he cried out, and fell down before him, and in a loud voice exclaimed. "What have we to do with you, Jesus, you son of God Most High? I implore you to torment me not!"

mnt@Luke:8:35 @ Then the people came out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man out of whom the demons had gone sitting clothed and in his right mind, at the feet of Jesus. And they were terrified.

mnt@Luke:8:44 @ came close behind him, and touched the hem of his garment; and instantly the hemorrhage ceased.

mnt@Luke:9:11 @ But when the crowd learned this they followed him. He received them kindly and spoke to them concerning the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed restored to good health.

mnt@Luke:9:12 @ But now the day began to decline, and the twelve came to him and said. "Send away the crowd so that they may go into the villages and surrounding the country to lodge and buy provisions; for here we are on a solitary place."

mnt@Luke:9:13 @ "Do you yourselves give them food," he answered. "We have nothing," they replied "Except five loaves, and a couple fish, unless you mean for us to go and buy provisions for all the crowd."

mnt@Luke:9:16 @ Then he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up in heaven, he blessed them, broke them in pieces, and began to giving to his disciples to apportion among the crowd.

mnt@Luke:9:23 @ And he said to all. "If any man wills to follow me, Let him renounce self and take up his cross daily and follow me.

mnt@Luke:9:24 @ "For whoever wills to save his life shall lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake shall save it.

mnt@Luke:9:25 @ "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose or forfeit himself?

mnt@Luke:9:26 @ "For whoever is ashamed of me and of my teachings, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his own and in his Fathers glory, and in that of the holy angels.

mnt@Luke:9:29 @ And as he was praying the appearances of his countenance became different, and his clothing became white and dazzling.

mnt@Luke:9:31 @ These appeared in glory and talked about his departure which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

mnt@Luke:9:32 @ Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep; but when they were fully awake they saw his glory, and the two men were standing beside him.

mnt@Luke:9:34 @ And while he was saying this, there came a cloud and began to overshadow them; and they were awestruck as they entered into the cloud.

mnt@Luke:9:35 @ And a voice came out of the cloud, saying. "This is my Son, my chosen one; listen to him."

mnt@Luke:9:36 @ When the voice ceased Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told no one at that time about what they had seen.

mnt@Luke:9:38 @ and a man called out of the crowd saying. "Teacher, I beg you to look upon my son; for he is my only boy,

mnt@Luke:9:41 @ "O faithless and perverse generation," said Jesus, "how long shall I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son to me."

mnt@Luke:9:48 @ then he said to them. "Whoever shall receive this little child in my name receives me; and whoever shall receive me receives him that sent me. For it is the lowliest among you all who is great."

mnt@Luke:9:49 @ "Master," said John, "we saw a man who was casting out demons in your name, and we forbade him, because he was not following us."

mnt@Luke:9:54 @ And when his disciples, Jamesand John, saw this they said, "Lord, are you willing for us to bid fire come down from heaven and destroy them?" As Elijah did.

mnt@Luke:9:57 @ As they were going on their way, a man came to him and said, "I will follow wherever you go."

mnt@Luke:9:59 @ To another he said, "Follow me!" But he replied, "Permit me first to go and bury my father."

mnt@Luke:9:61 @ And another man also said to him. "I will follow you, Lord; but first permit me to bid farewell to those who are in my house."

mnt@Luke:9:62 @ But Jesus answered him, "No man who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

mnt@Luke:10:2 @ And he thus addressed them. "The harvest is abundant, but the harvesters are few. do you therefore pray the lord of the harvest to send forth harvesters into his harvest.

mnt@Luke:10:13 @ "Woe unto you, Chorazin! Woe unto you, Bethsaida! For had the mighty been done in Tyre and Sidon which were done in you, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.

mnt@Luke:10:17 @ Then the Seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name."

mnt@Luke:10:21 @ In the same hour he thrilled with joy in the Holy Ghost. "I praise thee, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth," he said "for hiding these things from the wise and prudent, and for revealing them to babes. Yea, Father, for so it was well pleasing in thy sight!

mnt@Luke:10:24 @ "For I tell you that many prophets and kings have longed to see what you see, and have seen it; and to hear what you hear, and have heard it not.

mnt@Luke:10:27 @ "You must love the Lord your God," he answered, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."

mnt@Luke:10:32 @ "In like manner also a Levite who came to the spot, came and looked at him, and passed on the other side.

mnt@Luke:10:35 @ "The next day he took two silver pieces and gave them to the landlord and said, "Take care of him, and whatever more you spend I will repay it to you on my way back.

mnt@Luke:10:39 @ She had a sister named Mary, who after seating herself at the Lords feet was listening to his teaching.

mnt@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha meanwhile was growing distracted about much serving. She came up to him and said. "Lord do you not care that my sister has left me alone to do the serving? Come tell her to take hold of her end of the work along with me."

mnt@Luke:11:2 @ So he said to them. "When you pray, say, "Father, hallowed be thy name; May thy kingdom come,

mnt@Luke:11:5 @ He also said to them. "Suppose you have a friend and you go to him, My friend, lend me three loaves of bread,

mnt@Luke:11:7 @ "and he from indoors shall answer. Do not pester me. The door is now closed, and my children are with me in bed. I cannot rise and give to you.

mnt@Luke:11:11 @ "What father is there among you who, if his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him instead a serpent?

mnt@Luke:11:31 @ "The queen of the South shall rise up in Judgement with the men of this generation, and shall condemn them; because she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and lo, one greater than Solomon is here!

mnt@Luke:11:32 @ "The men of the Nineveh shall stand up in the judgment with his generation and shall condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and lo! one greater than Jonah is here!

mnt@Luke:11:35 @ "Look carefully! Perhaps that very light of yours is darkness.

mnt@Luke:11:39 @ but the Lord said to him. "You Pharisee do cleanse the outside of your cup or plate, but your secret heart is full of extortion and wickedness.

mnt@Luke:11:42 @ "But woe unto you Pharisee! for you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and disregard justice and the love of God; but these you ought to have done, and not leave the other undone.

mnt@Luke:11:46 @ "Woe unto you lawyers also!" said Jesus, "for you load men with irksome burdens, and you yourselves will not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

mnt@Luke:11:50 @ "so that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required from this generation,

mnt@Luke:11:51 @ "from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zachariah, who perished between the alter and the sanctuary; yes; I tell you, it shall be required of this generation!

mnt@Luke:12:23 @ "For the life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes.

mnt@Luke:12:27 @ "Consider the lilies how they grow! They toil not, neither do they spin, yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

mnt@Luke:12:28 @ "Now if God so clothe the grass in the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

mnt@Luke:12:32 @ "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

mnt@Luke:12:35 @ "Let your loins be girded about and your lamps burning;

mnt@Luke:12:36 @ "and be yourselves like men who are looking for the Lord, on his return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they may at once open the door for him.

mnt@Luke:12:39 @ "However, you know this, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

mnt@Luke:12:42 @ The Lord answered. "Who then is that faithful steward, the wise man whom his Lord will put in charge of the rations in due time?

mnt@Luke:12:47 @ "The slave who knew his Lords will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, will be beaten with many lashes,

mnt@Luke:12:54 @ Then he said to the crowd also. "When you see a cloud rising in the west you at once say, There is going to be a shower, and it comes to pass.

mnt@Luke:12:55 @ "And when you feel the south winds blowing you say, There will be a hot wind, and it comes to pass.

mnt@Luke:13:1 @ Now there were some present at that very season who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifies.

mnt@Luke:13:4 @ "Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you suppose that they were worse offenders than the rest of those who lived in Jerusalem?

mnt@Luke:13:6 @ Then he gave them this parable. "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came to look for fruit on it, but found none.

mnt@Luke:13:7 @ So he said to the gardener. "See, for years I have come looking for fruit on this tree, and found none. Cut it down. Why should it actually cumber the ground?

mnt@Luke:13:8 @ "But the gardener answered him. Lord, let it alone this year also, till I have dug around it, and fertilized it.

mnt@Luke:13:13 @ Then he placed his hand on her, and she instantly stood upright and began to give glory to God.

mnt@Luke:13:15 @ But the Lord answered him. "Hypocrites!" he said, "does not each one of you loose his ox or his ass from the stall on the Sabbath Day, and lead it to water,

mnt@Luke:13:16 @ "and this woman, who is the daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound these eighteen years, ought she not have been loosened from bondage, though the day be the Sabbath?"

mnt@Luke:13:17 @ As he said this, all adversaries were put to shame; and all the crowd rejoiced for the glorious things that he continually did.

mnt@Luke:13:21 @ "It is like leaven which a took and hid in three measures of flour until the whole was leavened."

mnt@Luke:13:23 @ teaching as he journeyed toward Jerusalem. And a man came behind him and said, "Lord are there but few that are saved?"

mnt@Luke:13:25 @ "when once the master of the house is risen up and has shut the door. You will begin to stand outside, and to knock at the door, crying, "Lord, open to us. "I do not know were you came from, he will reply.

mnt@Luke:13:30 @ "And lo, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last."

mnt@Luke:13:32 @ "Go, tell that fox," he answered, "Lo, today and tomorrow I am continuing to cast out demons and perform cures, and on the third day I finish my course.

mnt@Luke:13:33 @ "Yet I must continue my journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it would never do for a prophet to perish outside of Jerusalem!

mnt@Luke:13:35 @ "Behold! Your house is left to you, desolate! I tell you that you shall never see me again until you say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord,"

mnt@Luke:14:2 @ And lo! there was in front of him a man who had dropsy.

mnt@Luke:14:9 @ "Give place to this man, and then with mortification you proceed to take the lowest place.

mnt@Luke:14:10 @ "But when you are invited, go and sit down in the lowest place, so that when your host arrives he may say to you, My friend, come up higher. Then you will be honored before the other guest.

mnt@Luke:14:15 @ One of his fellow guest who was listening to him, said to him, "Blessed are those who eat bread in the kingdom of God."

mnt@Luke:14:25 @ Great crowds were along with him, and he turned to them and said.

mnt@Luke:14:30 @ "This fellow began to build and could not finish.

mnt@Luke:14:34 @ "Salt is good, but if even the salt have lost its flavor, with what shall it be seasoned?

mnt@Luke:15:4 @ "Which one of you men, if he has a hundred sheep, and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety and nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?

mnt@Luke:15:6 @ "When he gets home he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.

mnt@Luke:15:8 @ "Or, again, suppose a woman has ten coins. If she loses one, does she not light a lamp and sweep the house, and search anxiously until she finds it?

mnt@Luke:15:9 @ "And when she has found it, she calls together her woman friends and neighbors and say, Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.

mnt@Luke:15:16 @ "And he was longing to be filled with the husks which the swine were eating, but no one gave him any.

mnt@Luke:15:24 @ "for this son of mine was dead and is alive again - he was lost and is found.

mnt@Luke:15:30 @ "But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your property with harlots, you have killed him the fatted calf.

mnt@Luke:15:32 @ "But it was fitting that we should make merry and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and is alive; he was lost and is found."

mnt@Luke:16:2 @ "He called to him to him and said. "What is this that I hear about you? Render an account of your stewardship; for you can no longer be steward.

mnt@Luke:16:12 @ "And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?

mnt@Luke:16:13 @ "No one can be a household servants to two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot be the slave of God and of Mammon."

mnt@Luke:16:14 @ Now the Pharisees who loved money listened to all this and they jeered at him.

mnt@Luke:16:15 @ He said to them. "You are those that justify themselves in the eyes of men; but God knows you hearts; for that which is lofty in the eyes of men is abomination in the eyes of God.

mnt@Luke:16:19 @ "Now there was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and made merry every day in splendor.

mnt@Luke:16:21 @ "He was full of sores, and longingly desired to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich mans table. Yes! even the dogs came and licked his sores.

mnt@Luke:17:5 @ The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!"

mnt@Luke:17:7 @ "But who of you who has a slave plowing or keeping sheep, will say to him, when he is come in from the field, Come at once, sit down to dinner,

mnt@Luke:17:15 @ Now one of them, as he saw that he was cured, came back, glorifying God in a loud voice,

mnt@Luke:17:18 @ "Are there none found to return and give glory to God except this foreigner?"

mnt@Luke:17:21 @ "nor will they say, Look here it is! or See there! - for the kingdom of God is now in your midst."

mnt@Luke:17:22 @ Then he said turning to his disciples. "The days will come when you shall long to see one of the days of the Son of man, you shall not see it.

mnt@Luke:17:23 @ "And they shall say to you, Lo there! Lo there! But do not go away or follow them.

mnt@Luke:17:27 @ "Men were eating and drinking; they were marrying and being married, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

mnt@Luke:17:28 @ "The same was true in the time of Lot; they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building;

mnt@Luke:17:29 @ "but on the day that Lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

mnt@Luke:17:32 @ "Remember Lots wife!

mnt@Luke:17:33 @ "Whoever seeks to keep his life shall lose it; but whoever loses it shall preserve it.

mnt@Luke:18:1 @ He also taught them by a parable how they ought always to pray and never to lose heart.

mnt@Luke:18:6 @ "Listen" said the Lord, "to what this unjust judge says.

mnt@Luke:18:9 @ Moreover he spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves because they were righteous, and looked down upon the rest.

mnt@Luke:18:22 @ And receiving this reply, Jesus said to him. "One thing you are still lacking. Sell all that you have and give it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me."

mnt@Luke:18:24 @ Jesus looked at him and said. "How hard it is for those who have money to enter into the kingdom of God!

mnt@Luke:18:28 @ Then Peter said, "Look! we have left our homes and followed you."

mnt@Luke:18:41 @ "What do you want me to do for you?" "Lord," he answered, "that I might see again."

mnt@Luke:18:43 @ Instantly he regained his sight and followed Jesus, giving glory to God; and all the people who saw it gave praise to God.

mnt@Luke:19:5 @ As soon as Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, "Come down quickly, Zaccheus, for today I must stay at your house."

mnt@Luke:19:7 @ When they all saw it, they began to complain, saying "He has gone in to lodge with a man who is a sinner."

mnt@Luke:19:8 @ But Zaccheus stood up and said to the Lord, "I give half my property to the poor, Lord, and if I have defrauded any man of anything I am restoring it to him fourfold."

mnt@Luke:19:10 @ "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save the lost."

mnt@Luke:19:14 @ "But this fellow citizens hated him, and sent a deputation after him to say, We do not wish this man to become our king.

mnt@Luke:19:37 @ And when now he was coming near Jerusalem, and descending the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice, and to praise God with a loud voice for the almighty works they had seen.

mnt@Luke:19:38 @ They cried, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in Heaven and glory in the Highest"

mnt@Luke:19:41 @ And when he came into view of the city, as he approached it he broke into loud weeping,

mnt@Luke:20:9 @ Then he began to tell the people this parable. "There was a man who planted a vineyard, and let it out to vine-dressers, and went to another country for a long time.

mnt@Luke:20:11 @ "Then he sent another slave; and him also they flogged and handled shamefully and sent him away empty-handed.

mnt@Luke:20:13 @ "Then the master of the vineyard said. "What shall I do? I will send my beloved Son; it may be that they will reverence him.

mnt@Luke:20:17 @ He looked at them and said. "Then what does this scripture mean. "The stone which the builders rejected, the same was made the head of the corner?

mnt@Luke:20:25 @ "Then give to Caesar what belongs to him," he said, "to God give what is Gods."

mnt@Luke:20:37 @ "But that the dead are raised, even Moses clearly implied in the passage about the Bush, when he calls the Lord. "The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.

mnt@Luke:20:40 @ for they no longer dared to ask him any questions.

mnt@Luke:20:42 @ "for David himself says in the book of the Psalms, "The Lord said to my Lord. Sit at my right hand,

mnt@Luke:20:44 @ "David therefore himself calls him Lord, and how can he be his son?"

mnt@Luke:20:46 @ "Beware of the Scribes who like to walk about in long robes, and dote on salutations in the marketplaces, and on securing the front seats in the synagogues and the best places at banquets;

mnt@Luke:20:47 @ "but they devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayers. These shall receive severer condemnation."

mnt@Luke:21:1 @ And he looked up and saw people casting their offerings into the treasury, and they were rich.

mnt@Luke:21:6 @ "As for what you are looking at, the time is coming when not one stone will be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

mnt@Luke:21:8 @ "Take heed," he answered, "that you are not led astray, for many will come in my name, saying, I am he, and The time is close at hand. Do not go and follow them.

mnt@Luke:21:25 @ "And there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity at the roar of the sea and the billows;

mnt@Luke:21:27 @ "and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory.

mnt@Luke:21:28 @ "But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, lift your heads! for your redemption is drawing near."

mnt@Luke:21:30 @ "Look at the fig tree and all the trees! When they put out their leaves you can see for yourselves that summer is coming.

mnt@Luke:21:37 @ And each day he was habitually in the Temple teaching, and at night he used to go out and lodge on the mount called the Olives Orchards.

mnt@Luke:22:6 @ He consented to this, and looked for an opportunity to betray him, when the people were not present.

mnt@Luke:22:10 @ He answered. "No sooner will you have entered the city than you will meet a man carrying a water-jug. Follow him into the house were he is going.

mnt@Luke:22:15 @ and he said to them. "With desire have I longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.

mnt@Luke:22:19 @ And he took a loaf, and after giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying. "This is my body, which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me.

mnt@Luke:22:20 @ He gave them a cup in like manner, after supper saying. "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, poured out for your sake.

mnt@Luke:22:25 @ and he said to them. "The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who have who have authority over them are called Benefactors.

mnt@Luke:22:31 @ "Simon, Simon," said the Lord, "behold, Satan has asked to have you all that he might sift you like wheat.

mnt@Luke:22:33 @ "Lord," Simon said to him, "I am ready to go with you, both to prison and to death."

mnt@Luke:22:36 @ Then he said to them. "But now let him who has a purse take it, and he who has a wallet, let him the do the same. And he who has no sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one.

mnt@Luke:22:39 @ Then he went out, and began to go to the Mount of Olives, as was his wont; and his disciples followed him.

mnt@Luke:22:44 @ (And being in agony he kept praying more earnestly; and his sweat became as if it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.)

mnt@Luke:22:49 @ Those who were around him, when they saw what was about to happen, said to him, "Lord, shall we strike with our swords?"

mnt@Luke:22:50 @ Then one of them did strike a blow at the high priests slave, and cut off his right ear.

mnt@Luke:22:54 @ So they seized him and led him away, and took him to the house of the high priest; while Peter was following him a long way off.

mnt@Luke:22:56 @ But a certain maid servant saw him taking his seat near the fire and, with a sharp glance at him, she said, "This fellow was with him, too!"

mnt@Luke:22:59 @ But an hour afterwards another man kept insisting, saying. "Really, this fellow was with him. Why, he is a Galilean."

mnt@Luke:22:61 @ Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and Peter recollected the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, "This very day, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times."

mnt@Luke:23:2 @ and began to accuse him. "We have found this fellow perverting our nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, and proclaiming that he is the Messiah and King."

mnt@Luke:23:7 @ and when he learned that he belonged to Herods jurisdiction he sent him to Herod, who himself happened to be in Jerusalem during those days.

mnt@Luke:23:8 @ Now when Herod saw Jesus he was exceedingly glad. He had long been wanting to see him, because he had heard so much about him, and was hoping to see some miracles performed by him.

mnt@Luke:23:16 @ I will therefore, after flogging him, release him."

mnt@Luke:23:22 @ For the third time he appealed to them. "But what crime has he committed? I have found in him nothing that deserves death. I will therefore flog him, and let him go."

mnt@Luke:23:27 @ He was also followed by a great crowd of people, and of women too, who were beating their breast and lamenting him.

mnt@Luke:23:34 @ Jesus kept saying, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided his garments among them, casting lots for them,

mnt@Luke:23:35 @ and the people stood looking on. Even the rulers repeatedly taunted him, saying, "He saved others, let him save himself, if this fellow is indeed the Christ of God, His Chosen One!"

mnt@Luke:23:46 @ Then with a loud cry, Jesus said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit!" And after uttering these words, he yielded up his spirit.

mnt@Luke:23:47 @ When the army captain saw what had happened, he glorified God, saying, "This man was really innocent!"

mnt@Luke:23:49 @ But all his acquaintances and the women who had been his followers continued to stand at a distance, looking on.

mnt@Luke:23:55 @ Then the women who had accompanied him out of Galilee followed after, and noted the tomb, and how his body was placed.

mnt@Luke:24:3 @ and on entering they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

mnt@Luke:24:12 @ Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb, but when he stooped and looked in he saw the linen wrappings by themselves, and he departed to his home, wondering at that which was come to pass.

mnt@Luke:24:17 @ And he said to them, "What words are these that you are exchanging one with another, as you walk along?"

mnt@Luke:24:18 @ They stood still, looking sad. And one of them named Cleopas, answered him, "Do you sojourn alone in Jerusalem, that you do not know what things have been happening there these days?"

mnt@Luke:24:25 @ "O foolish men," said Jesus, "slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!

mnt@Luke:24:26 @ "Behooved it not the Christ to suffer thus, and then to enter into his glory?"

mnt@Luke:24:34 @ saying, "The Lord is really risen, and has appeared to Simon!"

mnt@Luke:24:39 @ "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I! Feel me and see; for a ghost has not flesh and blood as I have."

mnt@Luke:24:49 @ "And I will send forth the promise of my Father upon you. But tarry in Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high."

mnt@John:1:13 @ who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

mnt@John:1:14 @ And the Word became flesh and tented with us. And we gazed on his glory - glory as of the Fathers only Son - full of grace and truth.

mnt@John:1:15 @ John bore witness concerning him, and cried aloud, saying, "This is he of whom I said, He who is coming after me has been put before me, for he was before me."

mnt@John:1:23 @ He said, "I am a voice of one who cries aloud in the desert, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaiah."

mnt@John:1:36 @ After gazing intently on Jesus as he walked about, he said, "Look! that is the Lamb of God!"

mnt@John:1:37 @ The two disciples heard his exclamation, and they followed Jesus.

mnt@John:1:38 @ Then Jesus turned and saw them following him, and said, "What do you want?" They replied, "Rabbi" (which may be translated Teacher), "where are you staying?"

mnt@John:1:39 @ He said to them, "Come, and you shall see." So they went and saw where he was staying, and spent that day with him. It was then about four oclock in the afternoon.

mnt@John:1:40 @ One of the two men who heard what John said and followed Jesus, was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.

mnt@John:1:42 @ He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked intently at him and said. "You are Simon, son of John; you shall be called Cephas" (or Peter, which means Rock).

mnt@John:1:43 @ Next day Jesus decided to go into Galilee; and he found Philip and said to him, "Follow me."

mnt@John:1:44 @ Now Philip belonged to Bethsaida, the same town as Andrew and Peter.

mnt@John:2:6 @ Now there were six stone water - jars standing there, according to the Jewish rites of purification, each holding about twenty gallons.

mnt@John:2:11 @ This beginning of signs Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee, and showed forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him there.

mnt@John:3:8 @ The wind blows where it wills, and you hear its voice, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with every one who has been born of the Spirit."

mnt@John:3:16 @ "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever trusts in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

mnt@John:3:19 @ And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

mnt@John:3:35 @ the Father loves the Son and has committed everything into his hands.

mnt@John:4:1 @ Accordingly when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard it said, "Jesus is making and baptizing more disciples than John,"

mnt@John:4:35 @ Do you not say, It wants yet four months, and then comes the harvest?Look, I tell you! Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, that they are already white for harvest.

mnt@John:4:42 @ "We no longer believe because of what you said. for we ourselves have heard him, and we know that this is certainly the Saviour of the world."

mnt@John:4:52 @ So he asked them at what hour he had begun mend. They answered, "Yesterday, about one oclock, the fever left him."

mnt@John:5:3 @ It has five colonnades. In these there used to lie a great crowd of sick people - blind, lame, paralyzed.

mnt@John:5:6 @ When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to get well?"

mnt@John:5:14 @ Afterward Jesus found him in the Temple, and said to him. "Look! You have become well. Do not go on sinning, lest a worse thing befall you."

mnt@John:5:20 @ "For the Father loves the Son, and shows him every thing that he himself is doing. And greater deeds than these will he show him, that you may wonder.

mnt@John:5:42 @ "that you have not the love of God in yourselves.

mnt@John:5:44 @ "How can you believe when you receive glory from, one another, and have no desire for the glory which comes from the only God?

mnt@John:6:2 @ A great crowd were following him, because they witnessed the signs which he was continually performing among those who were ill.

mnt@John:6:4 @ Accordingly when he looked up, and perceived a great crowd was coming unto him,

mnt@John:6:9 @ "There is a lad who has five barley loaves and a couple of fish; but what is that among so many?"

mnt@John:6:10 @ "Make the men sit down," said Jesus. The ground was covered with thick grass; so the men sat down, in numbers about five thousand. "of righteousness, because I am going to my Father, and you will no longer see me;

mnt@John:6:11 @ Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks he distributed them among those who were seated; in like manner also of the fish, as much as they wished,

mnt@John:6:13 @ So they gathered them up, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves - the broken pieces that were left after they had eaten.

mnt@John:6:18 @ Jesus had not yet come to them, and the sea began to rise, because a strong wind was blowing.

mnt@John:6:23 @ So, on the following day, when boats came from Tiberias near the place were they had eaten bread, after the Lord had given thanks, they got into the boats themselves,

mnt@John:6:24 @ when they saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus.

mnt@John:6:26 @ Jesus answered. "In solemn truth I tell you that you are looking for me, not because you saw miracles signs, but because you ate of the bread and were filled.

mnt@John:6:39 @ "And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should not lose one of all those whom he has given me, but should raise them up at the last day.

mnt@John:6:53 @ "I tell you solemnly," said Jesus, "that unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

mnt@John:6:54 @ "He who feeds upon my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.

mnt@John:6:55 @ "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.

mnt@John:6:66 @ Therefore many of his disciples drew back and no longer companied with him.

mnt@John:7:11 @ The Jews meanwhile kept looking for him at feast, and saying, "Where is he?" "I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own Name these whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are one.

mnt@John:7:12 @ and there was much disputing about him among the crowd. Some would say, "He is a good man." Others. "No! he is misleading the people." "While I was with them I kept them by the power of thy name which thou hast given me. I guarded them, and none of them was lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

mnt@John:7:15 @ The Jews were amazed. They said, "How does this fellow know the sacred writings when he has never learned them?" "I am not asking that thou wilt take them out of the world, but that thou wilt protect them from the Evil One.

mnt@John:7:18 @ "The man who speaks on his own authority is always seeking his own glory. But one who is eager for the glory of Him who sent him, he is true, and therefore is nothing false about him.

mnt@John:7:26 @ "And look! he is speaking boldly and they are saying nothing to him. Can it possibly be that the rulers have really discovered that he is the Christ?

mnt@John:7:28 @ So Jesus cried aloud as he was teaching in the Temple, and said. "You both know me and you know where I am from; and I am not come on my own authority, but he who sent me is trustworthy, and him you do not know.

mnt@John:7:33 @ Then Jesus said to them. "Still for a little longer I am with you, and then I am going my way to him who sent me.

mnt@John:7:35 @ Then the Jews said to one another. "Where does this fellow intend to go, so that we shall not find him? He is not intending to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and to teach the Greeks, is he?

mnt@John:7:37 @ Now the last day, that the great day of the feast, Jesus stood up and cried in a loud voice.

mnt@John:7:38 @ "If any man thirst let him come to me and drink. From the heart of him who believes in me will flow, as the Scripture said, rivers of living water."

mnt@John:7:39 @ Now he said this concerning the Spirit whom those who believed in him should receive. For the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

mnt@John:8:9 @ When they heard that, they went out one by one, beginning with the eldest. And Jesus was left behind alone - and the woman in the middle of the court.

mnt@John:8:12 @ Once more Jesus addressed them. "I am the light of the world," he said; "He who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but he shall have the Light of life."

mnt@John:8:16 @ "Though even if I do judge, my judgment is trustworthy, because I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me.

mnt@John:8:23 @ And he said to them. "You are from below. I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world.

mnt@John:8:29 @ "and he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I do always the things that please him."

mnt@John:8:42 @ Jesus said to them. "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded forth and am now come from God. I did not come on my own authority, but God himself sent me.

mnt@John:8:54 @ "If I glorify myself." said Jesus, "my glory is nothing. It is my Father that glorifies me, and you say, He is our God.

mnt@John:9:1 @ Now as he was passing along he saw a man, blind from birth.

mnt@John:9:7 @ Then he said to him, "Go, wash in the pool of Siloam" (a word which means "sent"). So the man went and washed his eyes, and came back seeing.

mnt@John:9:9 @ Some said, "It is he." Others said, "No, but he looks like him." "I am the man," he said.

mnt@John:9:11 @ He answered. "The man who is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes, and said to me, Go to Siloam and wash;so I went and washed and received my sight."

mnt@John:9:25 @ "Give glory to God! we know that this man is a sinner." Upon this the blind man answered. "I do not know if he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that once I was blind, and know I can see."

mnt@John:9:29 @ "We know that God spoke to Moses. But this fellow! We do not know where he comes from."

mnt@John:10:4 @ "When he has brought all his own sheep, he walks before them and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.

mnt@John:10:5 @ "But a stranger they will not follow, but flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."

mnt@John:10:16 @ "I have other sheep also, which do not belong to this fold. I must bring them too, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.

mnt@John:10:17 @ "The Father loves me for this, because I am laying down my life that I may take it again.

mnt@John:10:23 @ It was winter, and Jesus used to walk in the Temple, in Solomons Portico.

mnt@John:10:24 @ Then all the Jews encircled him and kept asking him. "How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly."

mnt@John:10:27 @ "My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them and they follow me.

mnt@John:11:2 @ - it was Mary who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill.

mnt@John:11:4 @ When Jesus heard it he said, "This illness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that through it the Son of God may be glorified."

mnt@John:11:5 @ Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.

mnt@John:11:16 @ Upon this Thomas, who was called "The Twin," said to his fellow disciples, "Let us go too, that we may die with him."

mnt@John:11:31 @ Then the Jews who were in the house trying to console her, when they saw that Mary rose quickly and went out, followed her, because they thought she was going to the tomb to weep there.

mnt@John:11:36 @ "See how he loved him," said the Jews. But some of them said,

mnt@John:11:40 @ Jesus answered her, "Did I not tell you that if you would believe you should see the glory of God?"

mnt@John:11:44 @ Out came the dead man, wrapped hand and foot with grave-clothes, and his face bound up in a napkin. Jesus said to them, "Untie him, and let him go."

mnt@John:11:48 @ "What are we going to do?" they said, "now that this man is performing many signs?" If we leave him alone, this way, every one will believe on him, and the Romans will come and rob us of both our sacred place and of our people."

mnt@John:11:52 @ and not in behalf of the nation alone, but in order that he might gather into one the widely scattered children of God.

mnt@John:11:53 @ So from that day they plotted to kill him.

mnt@John:11:54 @ Jesus therefore no longer went about publicly among the Jews, but went away from there into the region near the desert to a town called Ephraim,

mnt@John:11:56 @ So they kept looking for Jesus and saying to one another, as they stood in the Temple, "What do you think - that he will not come to the feast at all?"

mnt@John:12:7 @ used to purloin what was put in it. Then said Jesus. "Let her alone. Against the day of my burial has she kept this;

mnt@John:12:9 @ When the great mass of the Jews learned that Jesus was there, they came not alone because of Jesus, but to see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead.

mnt@John:12:10 @ And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too,

mnt@John:12:13 @ and taking branches from the palm trees went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Even Israels King!"

mnt@John:12:16 @ His disciples did not understand these things at first; but when Jesus had been glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written concerning him, and what they had done to him.

mnt@John:12:19 @ Then the Pharisees said among themselves. "You see! You can do nothing! Look! The world is gone after him!"

mnt@John:12:23 @ "The hour is come that the Son of man should be glorified.

mnt@John:12:25 @ He who loves his life loses it; and he who regards not his life in this world shall keep it for eternal life.

mnt@John:12:26 @ If any one is ready to serve me, let him follow me; and where I am there shall my servant be also. If any man is ready to serve me, him will my Father honor.

mnt@John:12:28 @ Father, glorify thy name!" Whereupon there came a voice from heaven, saying, "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again."

mnt@John:12:35 @ "The Light is among you a little longer," answered Jesus. "Walk while you have the Light, lest darkness overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going.

mnt@John:12:38 @ So the words spoken by Isaiah, the prophet, were fulfilled. Lord, who hath believed our message, And to whom hath the Arm of the Lord been revealed?

mnt@John:12:41 @ Isaiah uttered these words because he saw his glory, and he spoke of him.

mnt@John:12:43 @ For they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.

mnt@John:12:44 @ Now Jesus, speaking in a loud voice, had said.

mnt@John:13:1 @ Now just before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour was come when he should leave this world to go to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, showed forth his love to the end.;38 "Your life you will lay down for me? In solemn truth I tell you, the cock shall not crow before you have three times disowned me."

mnt@John:13:6 @ Then he came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Lord, are you going to wash my feet?"

mnt@John:13:9 @ "Lord," said Simon Peter, "not my feet only, but also my hands and my head."

mnt@John:13:22 @ Then the disciples began looking at one another, wondering which one of them he meant.

mnt@John:13:23 @ There was reclining upon Jesus breast one of the disciples whom he loved.

mnt@John:13:25 @ So that disciples just leaned back against Jesus breast and said to him, "Lord, who is it?"

mnt@John:13:31 @ So when he was gone, Jesus said. "Now has the Son of man been glorified, and God has been glorified in him.

mnt@John:13:32 @ If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and straightway will he glorify him.

mnt@John:13:33 @ "My little children, I am only to be with you a little longer. You will seek me; just as I said to the Jews, Where I go you cannot come, so now I say to you.

mnt@John:13:34 @ I give you a new commandment, Love one another!

mnt@John:13:35 @ By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another."

mnt@John:13:36 @ Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?" "Where I am going," answered Jesus, "you cannot follow me now; but you shall follow me later."

mnt@John:13:37 @ "Why cannot I follow you now, Master?" said Peter. "I will lay down my life for you." Jesus answered him.

mnt@John:14:5 @ "We do not know where you are going Lord," said Thomas, "so how can we know the way?"

mnt@John:14:8 @ "Lord," said Philip, "cause us to see the Father, and we shall be satisfied."

mnt@John:14:9 @ "Have I been so long among you, and yet you, Philip, have you not recognized me? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, Cause us to see the Father?

mnt@John:14:13 @ "And whatever you ask in my name I will do; that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

mnt@John:14:15 @ "If you love me, you will obey my commandments,

mnt@John:14:21 @ "It is he who has my commands and obeys them that loves me; and he who loves me shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will manifest myself to him."

mnt@John:14:22 @ "How is it, Lord," said Judas (not Iscariot) "that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world?"

mnt@John:14:23 @ Jesus replied."If any loves me he will obey my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

mnt@John:14:24 @ "He that loves me not does not obey words, and yet the words to which you are listening are not mine, but the Fathers who sent me.

mnt@John:14:28 @ "You heard me tell you, I am going away, and yet I am coming to you. If you loved me you would have been glad because I said I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I.

mnt@John:14:31 @ "He has nothing in me, but in his coming the world may know that I love the Father, and that I do just as the Father commanded. Rise, let us be going!"

mnt@John:15:8 @ "By this is my Father glorified, by your bearing abundant fruit, and so being my disciples.

mnt@John:15:9 @ "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love.

mnt@John:15:10 @ "If you obey my commands you will abide in my love, just as I have obeyed my Fathers commands and abide in his love.

mnt@John:15:12 @ "This is my command, Love one another as I have loved you.

mnt@John:15:13 @ "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

mnt@John:15:15 @ "I no longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have learned from my Father.

mnt@John:15:17 @ "This is my command. to love one another. If the worlds hates you,

mnt@John:15:19 @ "If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for that reason the world hates you.

mnt@John:16:14 @ "He will glorify me; for he will take of what is mine and will make known to you.

mnt@John:16:21 @ "A woman in labor has grief because her hour is come; but when she has given birth to the babe she no longer remembers her anguish, because of joy that a child has been born into the world.

mnt@John:16:25 @ "I have told you these things in figures; but the time is coming when I shall no longer speak in figures, but will tell you about the Father in plain words.

mnt@John:16:27 @ "for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and believed that I came forth from the God.

mnt@John:16:32 @ "behold the hour approaches and is already come when you will be scattered, each man to his home, and will leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

mnt@John:17:1 @ When he had thus spoken, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said. "Father, the hour is come. Glorify the Son, that thy Son may glorify thee;

mnt@John:17:4 @ "I have glorified thee on the earth; I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

mnt@John:17:5 @ "And now, O Father, glorify thou me with own self, with the glory I had with thee before the world began.

mnt@John:17:10 @ "and all thine are mine, and mine are thine; and I am glorified in them.

mnt@John:17:20 @ "Nor do I pray for them alone, but for those also who believe in me through their word,

mnt@John:17:22 @ "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one even as we are one,

mnt@John:17:23 @ "I in them and thou in me; that they may be made perfectly one, so that the world may recognize that thou didst send me, and hast loved them as thou hast loved me.

mnt@John:17:24 @ "Father, it is my will that wherever I am these also, thy gift to me, may be with me, that they may see the glory, my glory which thou hast given me, because thou didst love me before the foundations of the world.

mnt@John:17:26 @ "And I have declared - and will declare - thy name unto them, that the love with which thou hast loved me may be in them, and that I may be in them."

mnt@John:18:4 @ Then Jesus, knowing all that was coming upon him, went forth to meet them, and asked them, "Who is it that you are looking for?"

mnt@John:18:7 @ so he asked them once more, "Whom are you looking for?" and they replied, "Jesus of Nazareth."

mnt@John:18:8 @ "I have already told you that I am he," said Jesus. "If, then, you are looking for me, let these go their way."

mnt@John:18:9 @ "(In order that the word which he had spoken might be fulfilled, "Of those whom thou hast given me I have not lost one.")

mnt@John:18:15 @ Meanwhile Simon Peter was following Jesus, and so was another disciple who was known to the high priest, and they went in with Jesus into the court of the high priests palace.

mnt@John:18:22 @ When he had spoken these words, one of the police standing by gave him a blow with his hand, saying as he did so, "Is that the way you answer the high priest?"

mnt@John:18:32 @ The Jews answered him, "We are not allowed to put anyone to death" (that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled in which he predicted the kind of death he was to die).

mnt@John:19:2 @ and the soldiers plaited a crown of thorns, placed it on his head, and threw a purple cloak about him, and kept marching up to him,

mnt@John:19:3 @ saying, "Hail! King of the Jews!" They also gave him blow after blow with their hands.

mnt@John:19:14 @ And it was the day of Preparation for the Passover, about six oclock in the morning. Then he said to the Jews, "Behold your King!"

mnt@John:19:24 @ so the soldiers said one to another. "Let us not tear it. Let us draw lots, to see whose it shall be" - that the Scripture might be fulfilled. They divided my garments among them, For my raiment did they cast lots. This was what the soldiers did.

mnt@John:19:25 @ Now there stood near the cross of Jesus, his mother and his mothers sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

mnt@John:19:26 @ When Jesus saw his mother, and standing near her the disciple whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman behold your son."

mnt@John:19:34 @ One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a lance, and immediately blood and water flowed out.

mnt@John:19:37 @ And again another Scripture says, They shall look on him whom they have pierced.

mnt@John:19:39 @ Nicodemus also (the one who visited Jesus by night, at first) came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, weighing nearly a hundred pounds.

mnt@John:20:2 @ So she came running to Simon Peter and that other disciple whom Jesus loved, saying, "They have taken the Master out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him!"

mnt@John:20:6 @ Then Peter also came following him, and he went inside the tomb; and he gazed at the linen wrapping as they lay,

mnt@John:20:11 @ Meanwhile, outside, Mary stood sobbing near the tomb. Still sobbing she stooped and looked into the tomb,

mnt@John:20:19 @ On the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, although the doors of the room where the disciples gathered had been locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came, and there he stood among them, saying. "Peace to you!"

mnt@John:20:20 @ As he said this he showed them his hands and his side. Then were the disciple glad, when they saw the Lord.

mnt@John:20:25 @ Accordingly the other disciples kept telling him, "We have seen the Lord." But he told them, "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and thrust my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe it."

mnt@John:20:26 @ A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and stood there among and said. "Peace to you!"

mnt@John:20:28 @ Thomas answered him, "My Lord and my God!"

mnt@John:21:1 @ After this Jesus showed himself again to his disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. He showed himself as follows.

mnt@John:21:7 @ Then that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" On hearing that it was the Lord, Simon Peter girt his fishers coat about him (for he was naked), and threw himself into the water.

mnt@John:21:12 @ "Come and have breakfast," said Jesus to them. Not one of the disciples dared ask him, "Who are you?" Knowing that it was the Lord.

mnt@John:21:15 @ When they were through breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others do?" "Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me." he answered. Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs."

mnt@John:21:16 @ He said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me." "Be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.

mnt@John:21:19 @ This he said to show by what kind of death Peter was to glorify God. After speaking thus, he said to him, "Follow me."

mnt@John:21:20 @ Peter turned around and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following - he who at the supper leaned back upon his breast and said, "Lord, who is to betray you?"

mnt@John:21:21 @ On catching sight of him, Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, what about him?"

mnt@John:21:22 @ "If I choose that he remain until I come," said Jesus, "what is that to you? Do you follow me."

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