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NT-GOSPEL.filter - lont prophet:

lont@Matthew:1:22 @ In all this what the Lord had spoken by the Prophet was verified,

lont@Matthew:2:5 @ They answered, at Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the Prophet,

lont@Matthew:2:15 @ «where he continued until the death of Herod; so that, what the Lord had spoken by the Prophet, was verified,» 'Out of Egypt I called my Son.'

lont@Matthew:2:17 @ Then was the word of Jeremiah the Prophet verified,

lont@Matthew:2:23 @ and resided in a city named Nazareth; in this verifying the declarations of the Prophet concerning Jesus, that he should be called a Nazarene.

lont@Matthew:3:3 @ «For this is he, of whom the Prophet Isaiah speaks in these words,» 'The voice of one proclaiming in the wilderness, Prepare a way for the Lord, make for him a straight passage.'

lont@Matthew:4:14 @ thereby verifying the words of Isaiah the Prophet;

lont@Matthew:8:17 @ «thus verifying the saying of the Prophet Isaiah,» 'He has himself carried off our infirmities, and borne our distresses.'

lont@Matthew:12:17 @ Thus the word of the Prophet Isaiah was verified,

lont@Matthew:13:35 @ «in this verifying the word of the Prophet,» 'I will discourse in parables; I will utter things concerning which, all antiquity has been silent.'

lont@Matthew:14:5 @ And Herod would have put him to death, but was afraid of the populace, who accounted him a prophet.

lont@Matthew:16:14 @ They answered, Some say, John the Immerser; others, Elijah; others, Jeremiah, or one of the Prophets.

lont@Matthew:21:4 @ Now all this was done, that the words of the Prophet might be fulfilled,

lont@Matthew:21:11 @ The crowd answered, It is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth, in Galilee.

lont@Matthew:21:26 @ And if we say, From men, we dread the multitude, amongst whom John is universally accounted a prophet.

lont@Matthew:21:46 @ but though they wished to lay hold on him, they were afraid of the populace, who reckoned him a prophet.

lont@Matthew:27:9 @ «Then was the word of Jeremiah the Prophet verified,» 'The thirty shekels, the price at which he was valued, I took, as the Lord appointed me, from the sons of Israel,'

lont@Mark:1:2 @ «As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet,» 'Behold, I send my messenger before thee, who shall prepare thy way:'

lont@Mark:6:15 @ Others said, It is Elijah. Others, It is a prophet like those of ancient times.

lont@Mark:8:28 @ They answered, John the Immerser; but some say, Elijah; and others, One of the prophets.

lont@Mark:11:32 @ But if we say, From men; we are in danger from the people, who are all convinced that John was a prophet.

lont@Luke:1:70 @ (as anciently he promised by his holy prophets)

lont@Luke:1:76 @ And you, child, shall be called a prophet of the Most High; for you shall go before the Lord, to prepare his way,

lont@Luke:2:36 @ There was also a prophetess, Anna, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, in advanced age, who had lived seven years with a husband, whom she married when a virgin;

lont@Luke:3:4 @ «As it is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah,» 'The voice of one proclaiming in the wilderness, Prepare a way for the Lord, make for him a straight passage.'

lont@Luke:4:17 @ And they put into his hands the book of the Prophet Isaiah, and having opened the book, he found the place where it is written,

lont@Luke:7:16 @ And all present were struck with awe, and glorified God, saying, A great prophet has arisen among us; and God has visited his people.

lont@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee, who had invited him, observing this, said within himself, If this man were a prophet, he would have known who this woman is that touches him, and of what character, for she is a sinner.

lont@Luke:9:8 @ and some, Elijah has appeared; and others, One of the ancient prophets is risen again.

lont@Luke:9:19 @ They answered, John the Immerser; others say, Elijah; and others, that one of the ancient prophets is risen again.

lont@Luke:20:6 @ And if we say, From men, all the people will stone us; for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.

lont@Luke:24:19 @ said he. They answered, Concerning Jesus, the Nazarene, who was a prophet, powerful in word and deed, before God and all the people;

lont@Luke:24:27 @ Then beginning with Moses, and proceeding through all the prophets, he explained to them all the passages relating to himself.

lont@John:1:21 @ And they asked him, Who, then? Are you Elijah? He said, I am not. Are you the prophet? He answered, No.

lont@John:1:23 @ «He answered, I am he whose voice proclaims in the wilderness,» 'Make straight the way of the Lord,' 'as said, the Prophet Isaiah.'

lont@John:1:25 @ And they questioned him further, Why, then, do you immerse, if you be not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?

lont@John:1:45 @ Philip meets Nathanael, and says to him, We have found the person described by Moses in the law, and by the prophets, Jesus, the son of Joseph, of Nazareth.

lont@John:4:19 @ The woman said, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.

lont@John:4:44 @ for he had himself declared that a prophet is not regarded in his own country.

lont@John:6:14 @ When those men had seen the miracle which Jesus had wrought they said, This is certainly the prophet who comes into the world.

lont@John:7:40 @ Many of the people having heard what was spoken, said, This is certainly the prophet.

lont@John:7:52 @ They answered him, Are you also a Galilean? Search, and you will find that prophets arise not out of Galilee.

lont@John:8:52 @ The Jews then said to him, Now we are certain that you have a demon: Abraham is dead, and the prophets; yet you say,

lont@John:8:53 @ Are you greater than our Father Abraham, who is dead. The prophets also are dead: whom do you make yourself?

lont@John:9:17 @ Again they asked the man, who had been blind, What do you say of him, for giving you sight? He answered, He is a prophet.

lont@John:12:38 @ «so that the word of the Prophet Isaiah was verified,» 'Lord, who has believed out report?' 'and, '«To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?»

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