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NT-GOSPEL.filter - wmth test:

wmth@Matthew:3:14 @ John protested. »It is I,« he said, »who have need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?«

wmth@Matthew:18:16 @ But if he will not listen to you, go again, and ask one or two to go with you, that every word spoken may be attested by two or three witnesses.

wmth@Matthew:22:35 @ and one of them, an expounder of the Law, asked Him as a test question,

wmth@Matthew:22:36 @ »Teacher, which is the greatest Commandment in the Law?«

wmth@Matthew:22:38 @ This is the greatest and foremost Commandment.

wmth@Matthew:23:11 @ He who is the greatest among you shall be your servant;

wmth@Matthew:26:35 @ »Even if I must die with you,« declared Peter, »I will never disown you.« In like manner protested all the disciples.

wmth@Matthew:26:59 @ Meanwhile the High Priests and the whole Sanhedrin were seeking false testimony against Jesus in order to put Him to death;

wmth@Matthew:26:61 @ who testified, »This man said, `I am able to pull down the Sanctuary of God and three days afterwards to build a new one.'«

wmth@Mark:13:27 @ Then He will send forth the angels and gather together His chosen People from north, south, east and west, from the remotest parts of the earth and the sky.

wmth@Mark:14:31 @ »Even if I must die with you,« declared Peter again and again, »I will never disown you.« In like manner protested also all the disciples.

wmth@Mark:14:56 @ for though many gave false testimony against Him, their statements did not tally.

wmth@Mark:14:59 @ But not even in this shape was their testimony consistent.

wmth@Luke:9:5 @ Wherever they refuse to receive you, as you leave that town shake off the very dust from your feet as a protest against them.«

wmth@Luke:9:46 @ Now there arose a dispute among them, which of them was to be the greatest.

wmth@Luke:9:48 @ and said to them, »Whoever for my sake receives this little child, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives Him who sent me. For the lowliest among you all–he is the greatest.«

wmth@Luke:10:11 @ »`The very dust of your town that hangs about us we wipe off as a protest. Only be sure of this, that the Kingdom of God is close at hand.'«

wmth@Luke:10:25 @ Then an expounder of the Law stood up to test Him with a question. »Rabbi,« he asked, »what shall I do to inherit the Life of the Ages?«

wmth@Luke:11:16 @ Others, to put Him to the test, asked Him for a sign in the sky.

wmth@Luke:11:48 @ It follows that you bear testimony to the actions of your forefathers and that you fully approve thereof. They slew, you build.

wmth@Luke:16:15 @ »You are they,« He said to them, »who boast of their own goodness before men, but God sees your hearts; for that which holds a proud position among men is detestable in God's sight.

wmth@Luke:22:24 @ There arose also a dispute among them which of them should be regarded as greatest.

wmth@Luke:22:26 @ With you it is not so; but let the greatest among you be as the younger, and the leader be like him who serves.

wmth@John:1:7 @ He came as a witness, in order that he might give testimony concerning the Light–so that all might believe through him.

wmth@John:1:8 @ He was not the Light, but he existed that he might give testimony concerning the Light.

wmth@John:1:15 @ John gave testimony concerning Him and cried aloud, saying, »This is He of whom I said, `He who is coming after me has been put before me,' for He was before me.«

wmth@John:1:19 @ This also is John's testimony, when the Jews sent to him a deputation of Priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who he was.

wmth@John:1:32 @ John also gave testimony by stating: »I have seen the Spirit coming down like a dove out of Heaven; and it remained upon Him.

wmth@John:2:25 @ and did not need any one's testimony concerning a man, for He of Himself knew what was in the man.

wmth@John:3:11 @ In most solemn truth I tell you that we speak what we know, and give testimony of that of which we were eye-witnesses, and yet you all reject our testimony.

wmth@John:3:19 @ And this is the test by which men are judged–the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness more than they loved the Light, because their deeds were wicked.

wmth@John:3:26 @ they came to John and reported to him, »Rabbi, he who was with you on the other side of the Jordan and to whom you bore testimony is now baptizing, and great numbers of people are resorting to him.«

wmth@John:3:32 @ What He has seen and heard, to that He bears witness; but His testimony no one receives.

wmth@John:3:33 @ Any man who has received His testimony has solemnly declared that God is true.

wmth@John:5:31 @ »If I give testimony concerning myself, my testimony cannot be accepted.«

wmth@John:5:32 @ There is Another who gives testimony concerning me, and I know that the testimony is true which He offers concerning me.

wmth@John:5:34 @ But the testimony on my behalf which I accept is not from man; though I say all this in order that you may be saved.

wmth@John:5:36 @ »But the testimony which I have is weightier than that of John; for the work the Father has assigned to me for me to bring it to completion –the very work which I am doing– affords testimony concerning me that the Father has sent me.«

wmth@John:5:37 @ And the Father who sent me, has given testimony concerning me. None of you have ever either heard His voice or seen what He is like.

wmth@John:5:39 @ »You search the Scriptures, because you suppose that in them you will find the Life of the Ages; and it is those Scriptures that yield testimony concerning me;«

wmth@John:6:6 @ He said this to put Philip to the test, for He Himself knew what He was going to do.

wmth@John:7:7 @ It is impossible for the world to hate you; but me it does hate, because I give testimony concerning it that its conduct is evil.

wmth@John:8:6 @ They asked this in order to put Him to the test, so that they might have some charge to bring against Him. But Jesus leant forward and began to write with His finger on the ground.

wmth@John:8:13 @ »You are giving testimony about yourself,« said the Pharisees; »your testimony is not true.«

wmth@John:8:14 @ »Even if I am giving testimony about myself,« replied Jesus, »my testimony is true; for I know where I came from and where I am going, but you know neither of these two things.

wmth@John:8:18 @ I am one giving testimony about myself, and the Father who sent me gives testimony about me.«

wmth@John:10:25 @ »I have told you,« answered Jesus, »and you do not believe. The deeds that I do in my Father's name–they give testimony about me.

wmth@John:18:37 @ »So then are a king!« rejoined Pilate. »Yes,« said Jesus, »you say truly that I am a king. For this purpose I was born, and for this purpose I have come into the world–to give testimony for the truth. Every one who is a friend of the truth listens to my voice.«

wmth@John:19:35 @ This statement is the testimony of an eye-witness, and it is true. He knows that he is telling the truth–in order that you also may believe.

wmth@John:21:24 @ That is the disciple who gives his testimony as to these matters, and has written this history; and we know that his testimony is true.

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