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bwe@Matthew:1:21 @ She will have a baby son. Name him Jesus, because he will save his people from the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Matthew:3:2 @ He said, Stop doing wrong things and turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven is almost here.

bwe@Matthew:3:6 @ He baptised them in the Jordan River when they said how sorry they were for the wrong things they had done.

bwe@Matthew:5:11 @ God makes you happy when people say wrong things about you, when they trouble you, and when they say all kinds of lies about you. God makes you happy when it is for my sake.

bwe@Matthew:5:16 @ So, let your light shine to all people. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father in heaven.

bwe@Matthew:5:22 @ But I tell you this. Anyone who is angry with his brother without having a good reason, will be judged in court. Anyone who says wrong things to his brother will be judged for it in the big court. Anyone who says "You fool!" will be judged to go into hell fire.

bwe@Matthew:5:24 @ If so, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go to your brother and make things right with him. Then come and give your gift to God.

bwe@Matthew:6:1 @ Do not do good things so that people will see you do them. If you do, you will get no reward from your Father in heaven.

bwe@Matthew:6:4 @ In this way, what you give to the poor will be secret. Your Father sees secret things and he will reward you.

bwe@Matthew:6:6 @ But when you talk to God, go into your room and shut the door. Then talk to your Father in secret. Your Father sees secret things and he will reward you.

bwe@Matthew:6:12 @ "Forgive us for the wrong things we have done, the way we forgive those who have done wrong things to us.

bwe@Matthew:6:14 @ If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.

bwe@Matthew:6:15 @ But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Matthew:6:18 @ Then people will not see that you are fasting. But your Father sees secret things, and he will reward you.

bwe@Matthew:6:19 @ Do not keep many things for yourself on earth. Insects and rust will spoil them. People will get in and steal them.

bwe@Matthew:6:20 @ But keep things for yourself in heaven. Insects and rust will not spoil them there. People will not get in and steal them.

bwe@Matthew:6:21 @ The place where you keep things is where your heart will be also.

bwe@Matthew:6:27 @ Can any one of you live any longer by troubling yourself about these things?

bwe@Matthew:6:32 @ It is the people who do not believe in God who work for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need them all.

bwe@Matthew:6:33 @ Work first for Gods kingdom and what he calls good. Then you will have all these things also.

bwe@Matthew:7:11 @ You are wrong, and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, your Father in heaven will give good things to those who ask him.

bwe@Matthew:7:16 @ You will know them by the things they do. People do not pick fruit like grapes from thistles. They do not pick fruit like figs from thorn trees.

bwe@Matthew:7:20 @ So you will know them by the things they do, good or bad fruit.

bwe@Matthew:7:28 @ Jesus finished saying all these things. The people were surprised at his teaching.

bwe@Matthew:8:15 @ Jesus took hold of her hand and the fever left her. She got up and began to do things for Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:8:17 @ What the prophet Isaiah said came true. He said, He took away the things that made us weak. He took away the things that made us sick.

bwe@Matthew:9:2 @ Some men brought a sick man to him. The man could not move his arms or legs. He was lying on a bed. Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, My son, be glad! The wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Matthew:9:4 @ Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, Why do you think these wrong things in your heart?

bwe@Matthew:9:5 @ Which is easier, to say, "The wrong things you have done are forgiven," or to say, "Get up and walk"?

bwe@Matthew:9:6 @ I want you to know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive wrong things people have done. So he said to the sick man, Get up. Make up your bed and go home.

bwe@Matthew:9:13 @ Go and learn what this means: "I want you to be kind. I do not want a sacrifice." I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Matthew:9:18 @ While Jesus was telling them these things, a ruler came to him. He bowed down in front of Jesus to worship him and said, My daughter has just died. But if you will come and put your hand on her, she will live.

bwe@Matthew:11:20 @ Then Jesus began to talk about the towns where he had done most of his big works. He said hard things about the people, because they did not stop their wrong ways and turn back to God.

bwe@Matthew:11:23 @ Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to death. If the big things I did in you had been done in the city of Sodom, it would be standing now.

bwe@Matthew:11:25 @ Then Jesus said, Father, you are Lord of heaven and earth. I thank you because you have hidden these things from people who are wise and know many things. But you have shown them to people who are like children.

bwe@Matthew:12:12 @ A man is worth much more than a sheep. So it is right to do good things on the Sabbath day.

bwe@Matthew:12:29 @ If anyone wants to go into a strong mans house and steal his things, he must first tie the strong man. Then he can steal his things.

bwe@Matthew:12:31 @ That is why I tell you this. All wrong things that people do or say, will be forgiven. But people who say wrong things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.

bwe@Matthew:12:34 @ You family of snakes! How can you say good things? You are wrong! The mouth will say what is in the heart.

bwe@Matthew:12:35 @ A good man has stored up good things in his heart, so he will say good things. A bad man has stored up wrong things in his heart, so he will say wrong things.

bwe@Matthew:13:3 @ He taught the people many things by telling them stories. He said, Listen, a man went out to sow some seed.

bwe@Matthew:13:11 @ Jesus answered them, You can learn the secret things about the kingdom of heaven. But they cannot learn them.

bwe@Matthew:13:22 @ Some seed fell among the weeds. That is like the person who hears the message. But he thinks about the things of this world. He wants to get money to be happy. These things push the message out of his heart. No good comes from it.

bwe@Matthew:13:34 @ Jesus told the people all these things in stories. He did not tell them anything without a story.

bwe@Matthew:13:35 @ What the prophet of God said long ago, came true. He said, I will use stories. I will tell things that have been secret since the world was made.

bwe@Matthew:13:41 @ The Son of Man will send his angels. They will gather everything that is bad and the people who do bad things. They will take them out of his kingdom.

bwe@Matthew:13:52 @ Then Jesus said to them, So anyone who knows the law and has learned about the kingdom of heaven, is like the headman of a house. He can bring both new things and old things out of what he has stored up.

bwe@Matthew:15:4 @ God said, "Respect your father and your mother." And God said, "Anyone who says wrong things to his father or his mother will surely die."

bwe@Matthew:15:19 @ Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, killing people, all kinds of adultery, stealing, lying, and saying wrong things about people.

bwe@Matthew:15:20 @ These things make a person dirty. To eat with hands that are not washed does not make him dirty.

bwe@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they understood that he was not talking about bread. He did not mean that the yeast of bread would spoil them. They understood that he was talking about the things the Pharisees and Sadducees taught.

bwe@Matthew:18:21 @ Then Peter came to Jesus and asked him, Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother when he does wrong things to me? Should I forgive him seven times?

bwe@Matthew:19:27 @ Then Peter said, See, we have left all things and have come with you. So what will we have?

bwe@Matthew:21:23 @ He came to the temple and went in and taught the people. The chief priests and the leaders of the people came to him. They asked, What right have you to do these things? Who gave you the right to do them?

bwe@Matthew:21:24 @ Jesus answered them, I will ask you a question also. If you answer me, I will answer you. I will tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Matthew:21:27 @ So they answered Jesus, We do not know. Then Jesus said, Neither will I tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Matthew:23:23 @ You scribes and Pharisees will have trouble. You who are not true to yourselves! You give God a tenth part of small garden plants. But you have not done those bigger matters of the law. You have not judged in the right way. You have not been kind. You have not believed God. You should be doing these things and the other things too.

bwe@Matthew:23:36 @ I tell you the truth. The people who are still living now will be punished for all these things.

bwe@Matthew:24:6 @ You will hear about wars. You will hear that war is coming. But do not fear. These things must happen, but that is not yet the end.

bwe@Matthew:24:12 @ People will do more and more wrong things and many people will stop loving me.

bwe@Matthew:24:17 @ A person who is on the top of a house must not go down into the house to get things from the house.

bwe@Matthew:24:24 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets. But they are not true. They will show big signs and do wonderful things to fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Matthew:24:25 @ Watch! I have told you these things before they happen.

bwe@Matthew:24:33 @ It is the same when you see all these things. You will know that the time is very near, right at the door.

bwe@Matthew:24:34 @ I tell you the truth. The people who are living then, will not die before all these things happen.

bwe@Matthew:25:16 @ Right away the servant who had five bags of money began to buy and sell things with it. He made five bags of money more than he had at first.

bwe@Matthew:25:21 @ His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."

bwe@Matthew:25:23 @ His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."

bwe@Matthew:26:1 @ When Jesus had finished telling all these things, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Matthew:26:28 @ This is my blood. My blood is the blood of the new agreement. It is given so that many people will be forgiven for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Matthew:26:60 @ But they found nothing. Many people came and said things that were not true. At last two men came.

bwe@Matthew:27:39 @ The people who passed by said bad things about him. They shook their heads.

bwe@Matthew:27:44 @ The bad men who were also nailed to crosses with him said the same things to him.

bwe@Matthew:27:54 @ The Roman captain and some of his soldiers were guarding Jesus on the cross. When they saw the earth shake and the other things happen, they were very much afraid. They said, Surely this man was Gods Son.

bwe@Matthew:28:20 @ Teach them to do all the things I have told you to do. I am with you always, even to the end of time.

bwe@Mark:1:4 @ John baptised people in the desert. He told them to stop doing wrong things and be baptised, and God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:1:5 @ People from all the land of Judea and all the city of Jerusalem went out to John. He baptised them in the Jordan River when they told about the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:1:31 @ Jesus went to her. He took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her right away, and she began to do things to help them.

bwe@Mark:2:5 @ Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, Son, the wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Mark:2:7 @ They were thinking, Why does this man say such wrong things against God? He is not giving God respect! Who can forgive the wrong things people do? No one but God can do that.

bwe@Mark:2:8 @ Jesus understood in his spirit what the scribes were thinking. He said right away, Why do you think these wrong things in your hearts?

bwe@Mark:2:9 @ Which is easier, to say to the sick man, "The wrong things you have done are forgiven," or to say, "Get up. Take up your mat and walk"?

bwe@Mark:2:10 @ I want you to know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive the wrong things people do. So he said to the sick man,

bwe@Mark:2:17 @ Jesus heard it. He said to them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him. I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Mark:3:4 @ Then he spoke to the Pharisees. He said, Is it right to do good things on the Sabbath day or to do wrong things? Is it right to heal people so they will live, or to let them die? But the Pharisees said nothing.

bwe@Mark:3:27 @ If anyone wants to go into a strong mans house and steal his things, he must first tie the strong man. Then he can steal his things.

bwe@Mark:3:28 @ I tell you the truth. All wrong things that people do and say about anyone will be forgiven.

bwe@Mark:3:29 @ But people who say wrong things against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. A person who does that will be punished for ever.

bwe@Mark:4:2 @ He told the people stories and taught them many things.

bwe@Mark:4:11 @ He said to them, You can learn the secret things about the kingdom of God. But we must use stories to tell the other people.

bwe@Mark:4:12 @ They may look and look, but they will not see. They may listen and listen, but they will not understand. If they did understand, they would turn back to God and he would forgive them for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Mark:4:19 @ But they think about the things of this world. They want to get money and other things to be happy. These things push the message out of their hearts. No good comes from it.

bwe@Mark:6:12 @ The disciples went out and told the people that they should stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Mark:6:14 @ King Herod heard about these things. People were talking about Jesus everywhere. Herod said, John the Baptizer is risen from death. That is why he is able to do such great works.

bwe@Mark:6:34 @ When the boat got there, Jesus saw the many people. He was very sorry for them because they were like sheep with no one to care for them. He began to teach them many things.

bwe@Mark:7:8 @ You do not keep the law of God, but you keep the laws made by people. Those laws are about washing pots and cups. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:7:10 @ Moses said, "Respect your father and your mother. Anyone who says wrong things to his father or his mother will die."

bwe@Mark:7:13 @ You make Gods law to mean nothing so that you can keep your own laws. You do many other things like that also.

bwe@Mark:7:21 @ Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, all kinds of adultery, stealing, killing, wanting things that other people have, doing very wrong things, fooling people, breaking the law, jealousy, saying wrong things about people, being proud, being foolish.

bwe@Mark:7:22 @ All these wrong things come from a persons heart and make him dirty.

bwe@Mark:8:32 @ Jesus said this very plainly. Peter took him to one side and began to tell him not to say such things.

bwe@Mark:8:37 @ What can a person give to get back his soul? People have gone away from God and are full of wrong ways. If anyone in this time is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of Man will come with his holy angels, and be great like his Father.

bwe@Mark:9:10 @ So they kept these things to themselves, asking each other what he meant about rising from death.

bwe@Mark:9:39 @ Jesus said, Do not stop him. Anyone who can do a great work in my name will not be quick to say wrong things about me.

bwe@Mark:10:28 @ Peter began to speak and said to him, See, we have left all things and have come with you.

bwe@Mark:11:23 @ I tell you the truth. Anyone may say to this hill, "Go and jump into the sea." He must not doubt in his heart, but he must believe that he will have the things he asks for and he will have them.

bwe@Mark:11:25 @ When you stand and talk with God, forgive others for the wrong things they have done to you. Then your Father in heaven will also forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Mark:11:26 @ But if you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Mark:11:28 @ They said, What right have you to do these things? Who gave you the right to do them?

bwe@Mark:11:29 @ Jesus said, I will ask you a question. If you answer me, I will answer you and tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Mark:11:33 @ So they answered Jesus, We do not know. Then Jesus said, Neither will I tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Mark:12:4 @ He sent another servant. They hurt this one also, and cut his head. The things they did to him were very wrong.

bwe@Mark:12:27 @ He is not the God of dead people, but of living people. The way you look at things is wrong altogether.

bwe@Mark:12:38 @ Jesus went on to teach them. He said, Take care. Do not let the scribes fool you by the way they do things. They like to walk about with long gowns. They want people to greet them in the market.

bwe@Mark:12:40 @ They take away the homes of women whose husbands are dead. They cover up the wrong things they do by talking to God a long time. They will be punished more!

bwe@Mark:13:4 @ They said, Tell us, when will this happen? What will be the sign when these things are going to be done?

bwe@Mark:13:7 @ You will hear about wars. You will hear that war is coming. But do not fear. These things must happen, but that is not yet the end.

bwe@Mark:13:15 @ A person who is on the top of a house must not go down into the house to get things.

bwe@Mark:13:22 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets of God. But they are not true to themselves. They will show big signs and do wonderful things that will fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Mark:13:23 @ Watch! I have told you all these things before they happen.

bwe@Mark:13:29 @ It is the same when you see all these things. You will know that the time is very near, right at the door.

bwe@Mark:13:30 @ I tell you the truth. The people who are living then will not die before all these things happen.

bwe@Mark:14:36 @ He said, Oh, my Father, you can do all things. Take this cup away from me. But do not do what I want, but what you want.

bwe@Mark:14:56 @ Many people came and said things that were not true. But one said this thing and the other said that thing.

bwe@Mark:15:29 @ The people who passed by said wrong things about him. They shook their heads and said, Ha, ha! You are the man who said you could break down the temple and build it again in three days.

bwe@Mark:15:32 @ If he is the Christ, the king of the people of Israel, he should come down from the cross now. We want to see it and believe! The bad men who were also nailed to crosses said the same things to him.

bwe@Luke:1:1 @ Many people have tried already to write down the things that have happened among us.

bwe@Luke:1:2 @ These things were told us by men who saw them happen from the time they began to happen. And these men helped tell the good news.

bwe@Luke:1:4 @ Then you will know that the things people have told you are true.

bwe@Luke:1:6 @ Both of them were good people as God saw them. They obeyed all the laws and the things that the Lord said they should do.

bwe@Luke:1:53 @ He has given hungry people good things to eat, and sent away the rich people with nothing.

bwe@Luke:1:65 @ Everyone who lived around there began to wonder at these things. And everywhere in the hill country of Judea, all these things were talked about.

bwe@Luke:2:19 @ Mary remembered all these things and kept thinking about them.

bwe@Luke:2:33 @ Joseph and Mary were surprised at the things Simeon said about Jesus.

bwe@Luke:2:51 @ He went with them back to Nazareth and obeyed them. But his mother remembered all these things.

bwe@Luke:3:3 @ Then John went to all the country around the Jordan River. He told the people to stop doing wrong things, turn back to God and be baptised. And God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Luke:3:8 @ Do good things that will show you have stopped your wrong ways! Do not begin to say to yourselves, "We are Abrahams children. "I tell you, God can make children for Abraham from these stones.

bwe@Luke:3:19 @ John told Herod the ruler that he had done wrong things. He told him he should not have his brothers wife, Herodias. He also told him about all the other wrong things he had done.

bwe@Luke:3:20 @ Later on Herod did another wrong thing after all those wrong things. He put John in prison.

bwe@Luke:4:23 @ Then Jesus said, I know that you will say this to me "Doctor, heal yourself. We have heard what you did in Capernaum. Do the same things here in your own country."

bwe@Luke:4:39 @ He went and stood beside her. He told the fever to leave her. It left. She got up right away and began to do things for them.

bwe@Luke:5:20 @ Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to him, Man, the wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Luke:5:21 @ The scribes and Pharisees began to talk about this. They said, Who is this man that is not giving respect to God? No one but God can forgive anyone for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Luke:5:22 @ Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said, Why do you think these wrong things in your hearts?

bwe@Luke:5:23 @ Which is easier, to say, "The wrong things you have done are forgiven," or to say, "Get up and walk"?

bwe@Luke:5:24 @ I want you to know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive wrong things people have done. So he said to the sick man, I tell you, get up. Take up your bed and go home.

bwe@Luke:5:26 @ The people were all surprised and they praised God. They did not know what to think. They said, We have seen things today that are hard to believe.

bwe@Luke:5:32 @ I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Luke:6:9 @ Jesus said to them, I ask you, is it right to do good things on the Sabbath day, or to do wrong things? Is it right to heal people so that they will live, or to let them die?

bwe@Luke:6:22 @ God will make you happy when people hate you, when they will not let you belong to their group, when they say wrong things about you and make your name bad. God blesses you when it is for the sake of the Son of Man.

bwe@Luke:6:23 @ Be very happy on that day and dance for joy. God will be good to you in heaven. The fathers of these people did the same things to the prophets of God long ago.

bwe@Luke:6:26 @ When all the people praise you, you will have trouble! The fathers of these people did the same things to those who were not true prophets of God.

bwe@Luke:6:27 @ But I say to you who hear, love your enemies. Do good things to those who hate you.

bwe@Luke:6:33 @ If you do good things to those who do good things to you, what good is there in that? Bad people do the same.

bwe@Luke:6:35 @ Love your enemies. Do good things. Lend to people and do not look to get anything back. You will be paid well. You will be sons of the Highest One. He is kind to those who do not thank him and to those who are bad.

bwe@Luke:6:45 @ A good man has stored up good things in his heart, so he says good things. A bad man has stored up wrong things in his heart, so he will say wrong things. The mouth will say what is in the heart.

bwe@Luke:7:1 @ Jesus finished saying all these things for the people to hear. Then he went to Capernaum.

bwe@Luke:7:18 @ John also heard about all these things from his disciples.

bwe@Luke:7:25 @ What did you go out to see? A man wearing fine clothes? People who wear fine clothes and have nice things live in kings houses.

bwe@Luke:7:47 @ So I tell you, she has done many wrong things, but she has been forgiven because she loved me so much. But one who has been forgiven a little loves me only a little

bwe@Luke:7:48 @ Jesus said to the woman, The wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Luke:7:49 @ Then those who were at the table with him began to say to themselves, Who is this man? He even forgives people for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Luke:8:10 @ He said to them, You can learn the secret things about the kingdom of God. But other people must have stories. They will look, but they will not see. They will hear, but they will not understand.

bwe@Luke:8:14 @ Some seeds fell among the weeds. They are like people who hear the word. But they think about the things of this world. They want to get money and things to be happy in this life. As they go on in life, these things push the message out of their hearts and no good comes from them.

bwe@Luke:9:9 @ Herod said, I cut off Johns head. Now who is this man of whom I hear such things? He wanted to see Jesus.

bwe@Luke:9:26 @ If anyone is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of man will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of man will come with his holy angels and be great like his Father.

bwe@Luke:9:28 @ About eight days after saying these things, Jesus went up on a hill to talk with God. He took Peter, John, and James with him.

bwe@Luke:10:13 @ Chorazin, you will have trouble! Bethsaida, you will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped doing bad things long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad, and would sit in ashes.

bwe@Luke:10:21 @ At that same time the Holy Spirit made Jesus very happy. Jesus said, Father, you are Lord of heaven and earth. I thank you because you have hidden these things from people who are wise and know many things. But you have shown them to people who are like children. Yes, Father. That was the way you wanted it.

bwe@Luke:10:24 @ I tell you this. Many prophets and kings wanted to see the things you see. But they did not see them. They wanted to hear the things you hear. But they did not hear them.

bwe@Luke:10:40 @ But Martha was very busy doing many things for Jesus. She came to Jesus and said, Lord, my sister has left me to do all the work. Do you not care? Tell her to come and help me.

bwe@Luke:10:41 @ The Lord answered her, Martha, Martha, you are worrying. You are troubled about many things.

bwe@Luke:11:4 @ Forgive us for the wrong things we have done. We forgive everyone who has done wrong to us. Do not lead us to be tested."

bwe@Luke:11:13 @ You are wrong and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, the Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.

bwe@Luke:11:21 @ A strong man has something in his hand to fight. He guards his place. He will not lose his things.

bwe@Luke:11:22 @ But when a stronger man comes, he catches the man who guards his house. He will take away what is in the mans hand. And he will take his things and give them to his friends.

bwe@Luke:11:37 @ While Jesus was saying these things, a Pharisee asked him to come to eat at his house. So Jesus went in and sat at the table.

bwe@Luke:11:42 @ You Pharisees will have trouble! You give to God a tenth part of small garden plants. But you do not judge in the right way. And you do not love God. You should do these things and the other things too.

bwe@Luke:11:45 @ Then one of the men who taught Gods law said to Jesus, Teacher, when you say these things, you talk against us too.

bwe@Luke:11:48 @ In this way you show you agree to the things your fathers did. They killed the prophets, and you build places to bury them.

bwe@Luke:11:53 @ When Jesus left the house, the scribes and Pharisees began to be very angry with him. They asked him questions about many things.

bwe@Luke:12:10 @ Everyone who says anything against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But anyone who says wrong things against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

bwe@Luke:12:13 @ One of the people in the crowd said, Teacher, tell my brother to divide with me the things my father left when he died.

bwe@Luke:12:14 @ Jesus said, Man, who made me a judge over you or gave me power to divide your things?

bwe@Luke:12:15 @ Then he said to the people, Take care. Do not be greedy in any way to get more and more things. Even if a man has much more than he needs, it cannot give him life.

bwe@Luke:12:16 @ Then he told them a story. He said, A rich man had a farm. The things that grew on it were many.

bwe@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him, "You are a fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will have all the things you have kept for yourself?"

bwe@Luke:12:21 @ So anyone who keeps things for himself is not rich in the way God wants him to be rich.

bwe@Luke:12:25 @ Can any of you live any longer by troubling yourself about these things?

bwe@Luke:12:26 @ If you cannot do a small thing like that, why do you trouble yourself about the other things?

bwe@Luke:12:30 @ All the people who are not Jews work for these things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need them.

bwe@Luke:12:31 @ But work for Gods kingdom. Then you will have all these things also.

bwe@Luke:12:33 @ Sell what you have and give it to poor people. Make for yourselves money bags that will not wear out. Keep the things you like in heaven. They will not be lost there. People cannot go in and steal them, and insects cannot spoil them.

bwe@Luke:12:34 @ The place where you keep the things you like is where your heart will be also.

bwe@Luke:13:3 @ I tell you, "No!" But if you do not stop doing wrong things, then you will all die as they did.

bwe@Luke:13:5 @ I tell you, "No!" But if you do not stop doing wrong things, you will all die as they did.

bwe@Luke:13:17 @ When he said that, all those who had talked against him were ashamed. All the other people were very glad for all the wonderful things Jesus did.

bwe@Luke:15:7 @ I tell you, the angels in heaven will be glad like that when one bad person stops doing wrong things. The angels will be more glad about that one person than about ninety-nine good people who do not need to change their ways.

bwe@Luke:15:10 @ I tell you, the angels of God will be glad like that when one bad person stops doing wrong things.

bwe@Luke:15:13 @ After a few days, the younger son packed up his things. He left home and went to a country far away. There he spent his money in foolish and wrong ways.

bwe@Luke:16:1 @ Jesus also talked to his disciples. He said, A rich man had a manager in charge of his things. People told the rich man that the manager was wasting his things.

bwe@Luke:16:14 @ The Pharisees loved money. They heard all these things. They made fun of him.

bwe@Luke:17:31 @ On that day a man will be at the top of his house, and his things will be below. But he must not go down to get his things. In the same way a man will be in the field, but he must not go back home.

bwe@Luke:18:28 @ Peter said, See, we have left all things and have come with you.

bwe@Luke:18:34 @ But the disciples did not understand any of these things. The meaning was hidden from them and they did not understand what he said.

bwe@Luke:19:42 @ He said, I wish you knew today what things would give you peace! But now you do not see what they are.

bwe@Luke:20:2 @ They said to him, Tell us what right you have to do these things. Who gave you the right to do them?

bwe@Luke:20:8 @ Then Jesus said to them, Neither will I tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Luke:20:11 @ So he sent another servant. They beat this one also, and did wrong things to him. And they sent him away without any fruit.

bwe@Luke:21:5 @ Some people were talking about how nice the temple looked. They talked about the fine stones and the things people gave to make the temple.

bwe@Luke:21:6 @ Jesus said, You see these things. Not one stone here will be left on top of another. They will all be thrown down!

bwe@Luke:21:7 @ They asked him, Teacher, when will this happen? What will be the sign when these things are going to be done?

bwe@Luke:21:9 @ When you hear about wars and fighting, do not fear. These things must happen first, but it is not the end right away.

bwe@Luke:21:11 @ In some places the earth will shake very much. In many places the people will have no food to eat. And many people will be sick. There will be things to make people fear. There will be big signs in the sky.

bwe@Luke:21:12 @ But before all these things happen, people will catch you and trouble you. They will take you to the meeting houses to be judged. They will put you in prison. They will take you to kings and rulers because you are true to me.

bwe@Luke:21:26 @ Men will be weak with fear. They will be afraid of the things that will be happening to the world. The powers in the sky will be shaken.

bwe@Luke:21:28 @ When these things begin to happen, look up. Lift up your heads. You will soon be free.

bwe@Luke:21:31 @ It is the same way when you see all these things happening. You will know that the kingdom of God is near.

bwe@Luke:21:32 @ I tell you the truth. People who are living then will not die before all these things happen.

bwe@Luke:21:34 @ But take care. Do not think too much about eating, drinking, and things in this life. If you do, that day will come and catch you like a trap.

bwe@Luke:21:36 @ Watch all the time. Ask God to make you strong to do right so that you will not go through all these things that are going to happen. Ask him to make you able to stand in front of the Son of Man.

bwe@Luke:22:4 @ Judas went away and talked things over with the chief priests and captains. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Luke:22:37 @ The holy writings say, "He was counted as one of the bad people." And I tell you, that means me. And the things that are written about me must happen to me.

bwe@Luke:22:65 @ And they said many other wrong things to him.

bwe@Luke:23:39 @ One of the bad men who was hanging there said wrong things against Jesus. He said If you are the Christ, why do you not save yourself and us?

bwe@Luke:23:41 @ It is right for us to be punished because we have done wrong things. But this man has done nothing bad.

bwe@Luke:23:56 @ Then they went back and got things ready to put on his body. These things were spices that smelled very nice, and sweet kinds of oil. On the Sabbath day they rested as the law said they should.

bwe@Luke:24:1 @ On the first day of the week, early in the morning, the women went to the grave. They took with them the things they had made ready.

bwe@Luke:24:9 @ They left the grave and went back. They told all these things to the eleven disciples and to all the other people.

bwe@Luke:24:10 @ The women who told these things to the apostles were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women who were with them.

bwe@Luke:24:13 @ They were talking together about all the things that had happened.

bwe@Luke:24:18 @ Jesus said, What things?" They said, All that has happened to Jesus of Nazareth. He was a prophet of God. He had power to do big works and to teach the people. He was respected by God and all the people.

bwe@Luke:24:21 @ Some of our women told us things that surprised us. Early this morning they were at the grave.

bwe@Luke:24:37 @ He said to them, Why are you troubled? Why do you wonder about these things in your hearts?

bwe@Luke:24:41 @ Then he said, I told you this while I was with you. I told you that things were written about me in the books of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. And I told you that all of these things must come true.

bwe@Luke:24:42 @ Then he taught them so that they understood the things in the holy writings.

bwe@Luke:24:45 @ You are the men who have seen these things, and will tell people about them.

bwe@John:1:50 @ Jesus answered, I told you that I saw you under the fig tree. Is that why you believe in me now? You will see more wonderful things than that!

bwe@John:2:14 @ In the temple he found people buying and selling things. They were selling cows, sheep, and doves. Others were sitting at tables changing money for the people.

bwe@John:2:16 @ He said to the people who sold doves, Take these things out of here. Do not make my Fathers house into a market place.

bwe@John:3:9 @ Nicodemus asked Jesus, How can such things be?

bwe@John:3:11 @ I tell you the truth. We know what we are talking about. We talk about the things we have seen. But you will not believe what we tell you.

bwe@John:3:12 @ You do not believe what I have told you about things on earth. So how will you believe if I tell you about things in heaven?

bwe@John:3:19 @ Light came into the world. But people wanted to be in the dark because they did wrong things. They did not want the light. That is why they are judged.

bwe@John:3:20 @ Everyone who does wrong things hates light. He does not come to the light because he is afraid people will see what he does and will say it is bad.

bwe@John:3:31 @ The one who comes from heaven is greater than all other people. The one who is of the earth talks about things on earth. So the one who comes from heaven is greater than all.

bwe@John:4:44 @ When he came to Galilee, the people of that country were glad to see him. They had seen all the things he did when he was at the feast in Jerusalem. They had been at the feast also.

bwe@John:5:14 @ After that, Jesus saw the man in the temple. He said to him, See, you are healed. Do no more wrong things. If you do, something worse may happen to you.

bwe@John:6:59 @ Jesus was in the meeting house in Capernaum when he was teaching people these things.

bwe@John:7:4 @ When a person wants people to know about him, he does not hide what he is doing. If you are doing these big things, let the world see you.

bwe@John:7:12 @ People were talking among themselves about Jesus. Some said, He is a good man. Others said, No. He is leading people to do wrong things.

bwe@John:8:21 @ Jesus talked to them again. He said, I am going away. You will try to find me and will die doing wrong things. You cannot come where I am going.

bwe@John:8:24 @ That is why I said, "You will die doing wrong things." If you do not believe that I am who I said I am, then you will die doing wrong things.

bwe@John:8:26 @ I have many things to say to you and to judge you in many things. But he who sent me is true. I tell the world what he has told me.

bwe@John:8:34 @ Jesus answered them, I tell you the truth. People who do wrong things are not free. They become a slave of the wrong things they do.

bwe@John:8:38 @ I tell you about the things that I have seen where my Father is, and you do what you have seen your father do.

bwe@John:8:44 @ The bad spirit, the devil, is your real father. You gladly do the wrong things he wants you to do. From the beginning he killed people. He has nothing to do with what is true. His way is to tell lies. He himself is a liar and all lying comes from him.

bwe@John:9:2 @ His disciples asked Jesus, Master, was this man born blind because of the wrong things he did, or was it the wrong things his parents did?

bwe@John:10:1 @ Then Jesus went on to say, I tell you the truth. A person must get to the sheep through the door. Anyone who climbs over the wall to get in is a bad man and steals things. He has come to steal the sheep.

bwe@John:10:8 @ All those who came before me are bad people and steal things. They came to steal the sheep. But the sheep did not listen to them.

bwe@John:10:21 @ But others said, A person who has a bad spirit in him does not say the things this man says. Can a bad spirit make blind people see?

bwe@John:10:32 @ So Jesus said to them, I have done many good things that come from my Father. For which one of those are you going to kill me?

bwe@John:11:45 @ When they saw the things Jesus did, many of the Jews who had come with Mary believed on Him.

bwe@John:12:16 @ His disciples did not understand this at first. But when God had made Jesus great, then they remembered what the holy writings said about him. They remembered that people had done these things to him.

bwe@John:12:48 @ The one who will not believe in me and will not listen to what I say will be judged anyway. The same things that I have said will judge him on the last day.

bwe@John:14:10 @ Do you not believe that I am in my Father and my Father is in me? The things that I say, I speak not from my own mind. But my Father lives in me and he does the work.

bwe@John:14:21 @ He who knows the things I tell him to do and does them, really loves me. My Father will love him and I also will love him. I will show him who I am.

bwe@John:14:25 @ I have told you these things while I am still with you.

bwe@John:15:11 @ I have told you these things so that you may be glad in the same way I am glad. Then you will be very glad always.

bwe@John:15:16 @ You did not choose me, but I chose you. I gave you a big work to do. That work is to go out and do good things and to make the good things that you do remain strong. If you do that, my Father will do anything you ask in my name.

bwe@John:15:21 @ They will do all these things to you because you are true to me. They do not know the one who sent me.

bwe@John:16:1 @ I have told you these things so that you will not turn back.

bwe@John:16:3 @ They will do these things because they do not know my Father nor me.

bwe@John:16:4 @ I have told you all these things now. Then when that time comes, you will remember that I told you about them. I did not tell you these things in the beginning because I myself was with you.

bwe@John:16:6 @ Your hearts are very sad because I have told you these things.

bwe@John:16:12 @ I have many other things to tell you, but you cannot understand them now.

bwe@John:16:13 @ When the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will show you everything that is true. He will not speak his own message, but he will tell you the things that he has been told to tell you. He will tell you what is going to happen.

bwe@John:16:25 @ I have told you these things by a story. The time will come when I will not talk by stories. I will tell you about my Father plainly.

bwe@John:16:33 @ I have told you these things so that you may have peace. I give you peace. The world will trouble you much. But be glad. I have power over the world.

bwe@John:17:1 @ When Jesus had said these things, he looked up to heaven and said, Father, the time has come now. Make your Sons name great, so that your Son may make your name great.

bwe@John:17:8 @ I have told them the things that you told me to tell them. And they have believed my words. They know it is true that I was with you before I came. They have believed that you sent me.

bwe@John:17:13 @ Now I am coming to you. I say these things while I am in the world so that they may be very glad, as I am.

bwe@John:18:3 @ The chief priests and the Pharisees sent soldiers and guards with Judas. They had lamps, and torches, and things to fight with.

bwe@John:18:40 @ Then they all shouted again, Not this man, but Barabbas! Barabbas was a man who had stolen things.

bwe@John:20:23 @ Whoever you make free from the wrong things they have done will be free. Whoever you do not make free from the wrong things they have done will not be free.

bwe@John:20:31 @ But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. And when you believe in his name, then he will give you power to live.

bwe@John:21:24 @ The same disciple said these things and wrote them. We know what he said is true.

bwe@John:21:25 @ Jesus did many other things also. If every one were written down, I think that the world would be too small to hold all the books that would need to be written. Yes, it is so!

bwe@Acts:1:1 @ Theophilus, in the first book I wrote to you, I wrote about all the things Jesus began to do and to teach.

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