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mnt@Matthew:1:11 @ Josiah, of Jechoniah and his brethren, at the time of the carrying away to Babylon.

mnt@Matthew:2:7 @ Thereupon Herod sent secretly for the Magi, and found out from them the time when the star appeared.

mnt@Matthew:3:13 @ At that very time Jesus was on his way from Galilee to the Jordan, to John, to be baptized by him.

mnt@Matthew:4:17 @ From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near."

mnt@Matthew:8:16 @ At evening-time they brought to him many demoniacs. He cast out the demons with a word, and healed all who were ill,

mnt@Matthew:8:29 @ "You Son of God," they shouted, "what have you to do with us? Are you come to torment us before the time?"

mnt@Matthew:9:14 @ At that time the disciples of Johncame and asked him, "Why are we and the Pharisees always fasting, while your disciples are not?"

mnt@Matthew:11:25 @ At that time Jesus answered and said. "I praise thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and wary, and hast revealed them to the children.

mnt@Matthew:12:1 @ At that time Jesus walked through the wheatfields one Sabbath Day; and his disciples were hungry, and began to pluck some ears of wheat and to eat them.

mnt@Matthew:12:34 @ "You generation of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. "When the time of fruit drew near, he sent his slaves to the vine-dressers seized to get his fruit.

mnt@Matthew:13:21 @ "But he has no root in himself; he continues for a time, but when trouble arises, or persecutions, on account of the word, at once he stumbles and falls.

mnt@Matthew:13:29 @ "No, he answered, for fear lest while you are collecting the tares, you at the same time pull up the wheat.

mnt@Matthew:13:30 @ "Let both grow together until harvest, and at harvest-time I will tell the reapers to first gather the tares and tie them in bundles for burning, but to bring all the wheat into my store-house."

mnt@Matthew:16:3 @ and at dawn you say, It will storm today, for the sky is red and lowering. You know how to discern the look of the sky, but the signs of the times you cannot read.

mnt@Matthew:18:21 @ Just then Peter came to him, and asked him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?"

mnt@Matthew:18:22 @ "I do not tell you till seven times,"answered Jesus, "but till seventy times seven.

mnt@Matthew:19:29 @ "And every one who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my sake, shall many times as much, and fall heir to eternal life.

mnt@Matthew:24:21 @ "for then shall be a time of great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never shall be again.

mnt@Matthew:24:23 @ "If at that time any one should say to you, See, here is the Christ! or There he is! believe him not.

mnt@Matthew:24:40 @ "At that time there will be two men in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left.

mnt@Matthew:24:48 @ "But if, because he is a bad slave, he should say to himself, My Master is a long time in coming,

mnt@Matthew:25:19 @ "After a long time the master of those slaves came, and demanded a reckoning with them.

mnt@Matthew:26:16 @ and from that time he kept looking for a chance to betray him.

mnt@Matthew:26:18 @ "Go into the city," he answered, "to a certain man, and tell him. "The Teacher says. "My time is near. I am going to keep the Passover at your house, with my disciples.""

mnt@Matthew:26:34 @ Jesus said to him, "In solemn truth I tell you that on this very night, before cockcrow, you will deny me three times!"

mnt@Matthew:26:42 @ Then he went away again a second time and prayed, saying, "O, my Father, if this cup cannot pass except I drink it, Thy will be done."

mnt@Matthew:26:44 @ So he left them and went away again, and prayed the third time in the same words as before.

mnt@Matthew:26:64 @ "I am He," Jesus answered; "yet I tell you that from this time on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven."

mnt@Matthew:26:75 @ Then Peter recalled the word that Jesus had spoken, "Before the cock crow, you shall three times deny me" - and he went out and broke out into bitter weeping.

mnt@Matthew:27:16 @ At that time they had a notorious prisoner named Barabbas.

mnt@Matthew:27:38 @ At that time two robbers, also, were crucified with him; one on his right hand, the other on his left.

mnt@Mark:1:9 @ It was at that time that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by Johnin the Jordan;

mnt@Mark:1:15 @ "The time is now come," he said, "and the kingdom of God is near! Repent and believe the gospel."

mnt@Mark:4:17 @ but because they have no root in themselves they last for a time; but when suffering or persecution ensues because of the Word, they at once fall away.

mnt@Mark:4:29 @ Then as soon as the crop is ready the man has the sickle put in at once, because harvest-time is come.

mnt@Mark:6:31 @ Then he said to them, "Come apart, yourselves, to a quiet spot, and rest a while." For there were many coming and going, and they could not get time even to eat.

mnt@Mark:10:30 @ but shall receive a hundred times as much, now in this present world, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, lands-and persecutions with them - and in the world to come eternal life.

mnt@Mark:10:46 @ Then they reached Jericho; and as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd, Bartimeus, the son of Timaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting beside the road.

mnt@Mark:11:13 @ and seeing a fig tree in the distance full of leaves, he came to see if he could find anything on it, and found on it nothing but leaves (for it was not the time of figs).

mnt@Mark:12:2 @ At vintage-time he sent a slave to the vine-dressers to collect some of the proceeds of the vineyard;

mnt@Mark:13:21 @ "At that time if any one tell you, See, here is Christ, or See, there he is, do not believe it;

mnt@Mark:13:34 @ Take heed! Awake! for you never know the time. As a man gone abroad and leaving his house gives authority to his slaves, to each his task;

mnt@Mark:14:8 @ She has done what she could. she has before time anointed my body for my burial.

mnt@Mark:14:30 @ Jesus said to him, "I tell you in solemn truth that you yourself, today on this very night, before the cock crow twice, shall three times disown me."

mnt@Mark:14:41 @ Then he came the third time, and said. "Sleep on now, and take your rest! It is over. My hour is come. Look! the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

mnt@Mark:14:70 @ A second time he continued to deny it. After a little the by- standers began to say to Peter again, "Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean."

mnt@Mark:14:72 @ At that instant for the second time a cock crew. Then Peter recalled the word which Jesus had spoken to him, "Before the cock crows twice you will disown me thrice." And as he thought of it, he began to weep aloud.

mnt@Mark:15:6 @ Now at the time of the feast it was customary to release to them a prisoner, whatever one they asked for.

mnt@Mark:15:44 @ But Pilate wondered whether he were already dead. So he summoned the army captain, and inquired if he had been any time dead;

mnt@Luke:1:20 @ "And now you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day the day when this has taken place; because you did not believe my words - Words which will be fulfilled at their appointed time."

mnt@Luke:1:57 @ Now when the time of Elizabeths delivery was come, she gave birth to a son;

mnt@Luke:2:21 @ When eight days had passed, and the time had come to circumcise him, he was called Jesus, the name given him by the angel before his conception in the womb.

mnt@Luke:2:42 @ And when he was twelve years old they went up, as was customary, at the time of the feast

mnt@Luke:4:1 @ Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, came back from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, all the time tempted by the devil.

mnt@Luke:4:5 @ And the devil led him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time, and the devil said to him.

mnt@Luke:4:13 @ So, after exhausting on him every kind of temptation, the devil left him for a time.

mnt@Luke:5:10 @ and so were Simons partners, Jamesand John, sons of Zebedee.) But Jesus answered Simon. "Fear not; from this time on, you will be catching men."

mnt@Luke:5:12 @ Another time when he was in one of their cities, there was a man there full of leprosy. And he, upon seeing Jesus, fell on his face and implored him. "Lord," he said, "if only you choose you can make me clean."

mnt@Luke:5:35 @ "But there is coming a day when the Bridegroom will have been taken away from them; then at that time they will fast."

mnt@Luke:6:12 @ It happened about that time that he went out into the mountain to pray. He continued all night in prayer to God.

mnt@Luke:8:13 @ "Those on the rock are people who, upon hearing, receive the word with joy; but they have no root. For a time indeed they all believe, but in time of temptation they fall away.

mnt@Luke:8:27 @ When he landed here he was met by a certain townsman who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes and nor lived in any house, but in tombs.

mnt@Luke:8:29 @ For Jesus was already commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For many times it had seized him and held him, and they again and again kept him under guard, and put him in chains and fetters. But he would break his bonds asunder, as he was driven by the demon in to the desert.

mnt@Luke:9:36 @ When the voice ceased Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told no one at that time about what they had seen.

mnt@Luke:9:51 @ When now when the time drew near for him to be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,

mnt@Luke:12:42 @ The Lord answered. "Who then is that faithful steward, the wise man whom his Lord will put in charge of the rations in due time?

mnt@Luke:12:52 @ "From this time there will be five in one house divided, three against two and two against three;

mnt@Luke:12:56 @ "Hypocrites! you know how to read the face of the earth and of the sky; but how is it that you do not know how to read the signs of the present time?

mnt@Luke:14:17 @ "At dinnertime he sent his slave to say to those who had been invited, Come, for all things are now ready.

mnt@Luke:16:22 @ "But in the course of time the beggar died; and he was carried by angels into Abrahams bosom.

mnt@Luke:16:25 @ "Remember my son. said Abraham, that you had in your lifetime all your good things, and in the same way Lazarus his evil things; but now here he is comforted, and you are in anguish.

mnt@Luke:17:4 @ "And if he sins against you seven times a day, and seven times a day turns to you saying I repent, you shall forgive him."

mnt@Luke:17:26 @ "And this was in the time of Noah, so will it be in the time of the Son of man.

mnt@Luke:17:28 @ "The same was true in the time of Lot; they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building;

mnt@Luke:18:30 @ "who shall not certainly receive many times as much in this time, and in the age to come eternal."

mnt@Luke:19:42 @ exclaiming. "Oh that at this time you knew, yes, even you, on what your peace depends! But now it is hidden from your eyes.

mnt@Luke:19:43 @ "The time will come for you when your enemies will throw ramparts around you, and encompass you, and shut you in on every side, and raze you to the ground,

mnt@Luke:19:44 @ "you and your children within you. And they will not leave in you one stone upon the another. Because you knew not the time of your visitation."

mnt@Luke:20:9 @ Then he began to tell the people this parable. "There was a man who planted a vineyard, and let it out to vine-dressers, and went to another country for a long time.

mnt@Luke:20:10 @ "At harvest-time he sent a slave to the vine-dressers, to ask them to give him a share of the crop; but the vine-dresser beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

mnt@Luke:21:6 @ "As for what you are looking at, the time is coming when not one stone will be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

mnt@Luke:21:8 @ "Take heed," he answered, "that you are not led astray, for many will come in my name, saying, I am he, and The time is close at hand. Do not go and follow them.

mnt@Luke:21:24 @ "They shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led captive among the Gentiles, and Jerusalem shall be trampled under foot by the Gentiles, until the appointed times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

mnt@Luke:21:36 @ "So be on your guard at all times, praying that you may be worthy to escape these things that shall come to pass, and to take your stand in the presence of the Son of man."

mnt@Luke:22:34 @ "I tell you, Peter," he answered. "the cock will not crow this day until you will three times deny that you know me."

mnt@Luke:22:61 @ Then the Lord turned and looked at Peter, and Peter recollected the word of the Lord, how he had said to him, "This very day, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times."

mnt@Luke:23:22 @ For the third time he appealed to them. "But what crime has he committed? I have found in him nothing that deserves death. I will therefore flog him, and let him go."

mnt@John:2:4 @ "Woman," said Jesus, "what have you to do with me? My time is not yet come."

mnt@John:3:4 @ "How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus replied; "Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb, and be born?"

mnt@John:5:6 @ When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, "Do you want to get well?"

mnt@John:5:35 @ "That man was the Lamp-burning and shining - and you were willing for a time rejoice in his light.

mnt@John:5:37 @ "And the Father who sent me has himself borne testimony concerning me. None of you has heard his at any time or seen him,

mnt@John:7:2 @ When the time of the Jewish feast of Tabernacles drew near,

mnt@John:7:6 @ "My time is not yet come," said Jesus, "but your time is always at hand.

mnt@John:7:8 @ Do you go up to the feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, because my time is not yet fully come."

mnt@John:9:24 @ So the Jews a second time summoned the man who had been blind, and said to him.

mnt@John:11:9 @ Jesus replied. "Are there not twelve hours in the daytime? If any one walks in the daytime he does not stumble, because he beholds the light of this world;

mnt@John:11:39 @ "Roll away the stone," said Jesus. "Master," said Martha, the sister of the dead man "he is offensive by this time, for he has been four days in the tomb."

mnt@John:13:1 @ Now just before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour was come when he should leave this world to go to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, showed forth his love to the end.;38 "Your life you will lay down for me? In solemn truth I tell you, the cock shall not crow before you have three times disowned me."

mnt@John:13:19 @ "From this time forward, I tell you before it comes to pass, that when it is come to pass you may believe who I am.

mnt@John:16:2 @ "They will excommunicate you from their synagogues; indeed the time is coming when any one who kills you will suppose that he is doing Gods service.

mnt@John:16:4 @ "But I have told you these things, that when the time comes you may remember that I told you about them, myself. I did not, however, speak of these things at first, because I was with you.

mnt@John:16:25 @ "I have told you these things in figures; but the time is coming when I shall no longer speak in figures, but will tell you about the Father in plain words.

mnt@John:18:39 @ "I find no crime in this man. Now it is a custom of yours that I release one prisoner to you at the time of the Passover feast. Do you wish me to release to you the King of the Jews?"

mnt@John:21:14 @ This was the third time that Jesus showed himself to the disciples after he had risen from among the dead.

mnt@John:21:16 @ He said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that you are dear to me." "Be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.

mnt@John:21:17 @ The third time Jesus asked him, "Am I really dear to you?" Peter was grieved because the third time he asked, "Am I really dear to you?" and he answered, "Master, you know all things, you know that you are dear to me."

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