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acv@Matthew:1:22 @ Now all this has come to pass, so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, which says,

acv@Matthew:2:7 @ Then Herod having called the wise men privately, ascertained from them what time the star appeared.

acv@Matthew:2:15 @ And he was there until the end of Herod, so that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, which says, Out of Egypt I called my Son.

acv@Matthew:2:23 @ And having come, he dwelt in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, that he will be called a Nazarene.

acv@Matthew:4:14 @ so that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which says,

acv@Matthew:5:13 @ Ye are the salt material of the earth. But if the salt material becomes ineffective, by what will it be salted? It is potent for nothing further, except to be cast outside and to be trodden down by men.

acv@Matthew:5:39 @ But I say to you, not to resist what is troublesome, but whoever will strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

acv@Matthew:5:46 @ For if ye love those who love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the tax collectors the same?

acv@Matthew:5:47 @ And if ye only greet your friends, what do ye extra? Do not even the tax collectors this way?

acv@Matthew:6:3 @ But when thou do charity, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand does,

acv@Matthew:6:8 @ Be not therefore like them, for your Father knows what things ye have need of before ye ask him.

acv@Matthew:6:25 @ Because of this I say to you, be not anxious about your life, what ye may eat, or what ye may drink, nor yet for your body, what ye may wear. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the clothing?

acv@Matthew:6:31 @ Be not therefore anxious, saying, What may we eat? or, What may we drink? or, What may we wear?

acv@Matthew:7:2 @ For by what criticism ye criticize, ye will be criticized, and by what measure ye measure, it will be measured to you.

acv@Matthew:7:6 @ Do not give what is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them by their feet, and having turn back may lacerate you.

acv@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there of you, who, if his son may ask for bread, will give him a stone,

acv@Matthew:8:17 @ so that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which says, He himself took our infirmities, and bore our diseases.

acv@Matthew:8:27 @ But the men marveled, saying, What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?

acv@Matthew:8:29 @ And behold, they cried out, saying, What is with us and thee, Jesus, Son of God? Did thou come here before the time to torment us?

acv@Matthew:9:13 @ But after going, learn what this means, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice, for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners for repentance.

acv@Matthew:10:11 @ And into whatever city or village ye may enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and there abide until ye go forth.

acv@Matthew:10:19 @ But when they deliver you up, be not anxious how or what ye should speak, for it will be given you in that hour what ye will speak.

acv@Matthew:10:27 @ What I tell you in the darkness, speak ye in the light, and what ye hear in the ear, proclaim upon the housetops.

acv@Matthew:11:7 @ And while those men departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes about John, What did ye go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

acv@Matthew:11:8 @ But what did ye go out to see? A man clothed in delicate clothes? Behold, those wearing delicate things are in king's houses.

acv@Matthew:11:9 @ But what did ye go out to see? A prophet? Yea, I say to you, and more than a prophet.

acv@Matthew:11:16 @ But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces, calling to their companions,

acv@Matthew:12:2 @ But the Pharisees, when they saw it, said to him, Behold, thy disciples do what is not permitted to do upon the Sabbath.

acv@Matthew:12:3 @ But he said to them, Have ye not read what David did when he was hungry, he and those with him,

acv@Matthew:12:7 @ But if ye had known what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the innocent.

acv@Matthew:12:11 @ And he said to them, What man of you will there be, who will have one sheep, and if this falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will he not grasp it, and lift it out?

acv@Matthew:12:17 @ so that what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which says,

acv@Matthew:12:36 @ But I say to you, that every idle word, whatever men may speak, they will render account about it in the day of judgment.

acv@Matthew:13:12 @ For whoever has, to him will be given, and he will have abundance, but whoever has not, even what he has will be taken away from him.

acv@Matthew:13:19 @ Of every man who hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understands it, evil comes, and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is that which was sown by the wayside.

acv@Matthew:13:35 @ so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, which says, I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter things concealed from the foundation of the world.

acv@Matthew:14:7 @ Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatever she would ask.

acv@Matthew:15:5 @ But ye say, Whoever may say to the father or the mother, Whatever thou might have benefited from me is an offering.

acv@Matthew:15:32 @ And Jesus having summoned his disciples, he said, I feel compassion toward the multitude because they continue with me now three days and do not have what they might eat. And I do not want to dismiss them without food, lest they mi

acv@Matthew:16:19 @ And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever thou may bind on earth will be what is bound in the heavens, and whatever thou may loose on the earth will be what is loosed in the heavens.

acv@Matthew:16:26 @ For what does it profit a men, if he should gain the whole world, and lose his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

acv@Matthew:17:25 @ He says, Yes. And when he entered into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, What think thou, Simon? The kings of the earth, from whom do they take taxes or tribute, from their sons or from strangers?

acv@Matthew:18:12 @ What does it seem to you? If it happens a hundred sheep are with some man, and one of them went astray, after going (having left the ninety-nine on the mountains), does he not seek the one going astray?

acv@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say to you truly, that if two of you should agree on the earth concerning every matter, whatever they might ask, it will happen for them from my Father in the heavens.

acv@Matthew:19:6 @ So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, no man shall separate.

acv@Matthew:19:16 @ And behold one man having come to him, said, Good teacher, what good thing should I do so that I may have eternal life?

acv@Matthew:19:20 @ The young man says to him, All these things I have kept from my youthfulness. What do I lack yet?

acv@Matthew:19:27 @ Then having answered, Peter said to him, Lo, we have forsaken all, and followed thee. What then will be for us?

acv@Matthew:20:4 @ And he said to those men, Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatever would be right I will give you, and they went.

acv@Matthew:20:7 @ They say to him, Because no man has hired us. He says to them, Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatever would be right ye will receive.

acv@Matthew:20:15 @ Is it not permitted for me to do what I want with my own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?

acv@Matthew:20:21 @ And he said to her, What do thou want? She says to him, Speak that these my two sons may sit, one at thy right hand and one at thy left hand in thy kingdom.

acv@Matthew:20:22 @ But having answered, Jesus said, Ye know not what ye are asking. Are ye able to drink the cup that I am going to drink, or to be immersed the immersion that I am immersed? They say to him, We are able.

acv@Matthew:20:32 @ And having stood still, Jesus called them and said, What do ye want that I would do to you?

acv@Matthew:21:4 @ Now all this came to pass, so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, which says,

acv@Matthew:21:16 @ and said to him, Do thou hear what these are saying? And Jesus says to them, Yes! Did ye never read, Out of the mouth of children and those who suckle thou have perfected praise?

acv@Matthew:21:23 @ And when he came into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to him while he taught, saying, By what authority do thou these things? And who gave thee this authority?

acv@Matthew:21:24 @ And having answered, Jesus said to them, I also will ask you one word, which if ye tell me, I also will tell you by what authority I do these things.

acv@Matthew:21:27 @ And having answered Jesus, they said, We know not. He said to them, And neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

acv@Matthew:21:28 @ But what does it seem to you? A man had two children. And having come to the first, he said, Child, go work today in my vineyard.

acv@Matthew:21:40 @ When therefore the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those farmers?

acv@Matthew:22:17 @ Tell us therefore, what does it seem to thee? Is it permitted to give tribute to Caesar or not?

acv@Matthew:22:42 @ What does it seem to you about the Christ? Whose son is he? They say to him, Of David.

acv@Matthew:24:3 @ And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign of thy coming, and of the termination of the age?

acv@Matthew:24:42 @ Watch therefore, because ye know not at what hour your Lord comes.

acv@Matthew:24:43 @ But know this, that if the house-ruler had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

acv@Matthew:25:29 @ For to every man who has will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away from him.

acv@Matthew:26:13 @ Truly I say to you, wherever this good-news may be proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman did will also be told for a memorial of her.

acv@Matthew:26:15 @ he said, What are ye willing to give me, and I will deliver him to you? And they weighed out to him thirty silver pieces.

acv@Matthew:26:45 @ Then he comes to his disciples, and says to them, Sleep what remains, and take rest...Behold, the hour has come near, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

acv@Matthew:26:62 @ And the high priest having stood up, he said to him, Answer thou nothing? What do these testify against thee?

acv@Matthew:26:65 @ Then the high priest tore his garments, saying, He has blasphemed. What further need have we of witnesses? Behold, now ye heard his blasphemy.

acv@Matthew:26:66 @ What does it seem to you? Having answered, they said, He is deserving of death.

acv@Matthew:26:70 @ But he denied before them all, saying, I do not know what thou say.

acv@Matthew:27:4 @ saying, I sinned, having betrayed innocent blood. But they said, What is it to us? See thou to it.

acv@Matthew:27:22 @ Pilate says to them, What then shall I do to Jesus who is called Christ? They all say to him, He should be crucified.

acv@Matthew:27:23 @ And the governor said, For what evil has he done? But they cried out even more, saying, He should be crucified.

acv@Mark:1:24 @ saying, Oh no! What is with us and with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Did thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou are, the Holy man of God.

acv@Mark:1:27 @ And they were all amazed, so as to question among themselves, saying, What is this? What is this new doctrine, that he commands with authority, and the unclean spirits also obey him?

acv@Mark:2:24 @ And the Pharisees said to him, Look, why are they doing what is not permitted on the Sabbath day?

acv@Mark:2:25 @ And he said to them, Did ye never read what David did when he had need, and was hungry, he and those with him?

acv@Mark:4:24 @ And he said to them, Watch what ye hear. By what measure ye measure, it will be measured to you, and to those who hear, it will be added to you.

acv@Mark:4:25 @ For whoever has, to him it will be given. And he who has not, even what he has will be taken away from him.

acv@Mark:4:30 @ And he said, To what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or by what parable shall we compare it?

acv@Mark:5:7 @ And having cried out in a great voice, he said, What is with me and with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, do not torment me.

acv@Mark:5:9 @ And he demanded him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion, because we are many.

acv@Mark:5:14 @ And those who fed the swine fled, and reported in the city and in the fields. And they came to see what it was that happened.

acv@Mark:5:33 @ But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what has happened to her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

acv@Mark:6:2 @ And having become Sabbath, he began to teach in the synagogue. And many who heard him were astonished, saying, How are these things in this man? and, What is the wisdom that was given to him, and such mighty works happen by his han

acv@Mark:6:22 @ and the daughter of her (of Herodias) having come in and danced, and having pleased Herod and those who sat with the king, he said to the maiden, Ask of me whatever thou may want, and I will give to thee.

acv@Mark:6:23 @ And he swore to her, Whatever thou may ask of me, I will give to thee, as much as half of my kingdom.

acv@Mark:6:24 @ And having gone out, she said to her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the immerser.

acv@Mark:6:36 @ Send them away, so that after going into the fields and villages around, they may buy loaves for themselves, for they do not have what they may eat.

acv@Mark:7:11 @ But ye say, If a man should say to his father or mother, Whatever ye might be benefited from me is Corban, that is, an offering,

acv@Mark:8:1 @ In those days, the multitude being very great, and not having what they might eat, Jesus having summoned his disciples, he says to them,

acv@Mark:8:2 @ I feel compassion toward the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and do not have what they might eat.

acv@Mark:8:36 @ For what will it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?

acv@Mark:8:37 @ Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

acv@Mark:9:6 @ For he knew not what he would say, for they were frightened.

acv@Mark:9:9 @ And as they were coming down from the mountain, he commanded them that they should tell no man what they saw, except when the Son of man will rise from the dead.

acv@Mark:9:10 @ And they kept the saying to themselves, discussing what is the rising from the dead.

acv@Mark:9:16 @ And he questioned the scholars, What are ye disputing with them?

acv@Mark:9:33 @ And he came to Capernaum. And having become in the house he questioned them, What were ye deliberating among yourselves on the way?

acv@Mark:9:50 @ The salt material is good, but if the salt material becomes saltless, by what will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace among each other.

acv@Mark:10:3 @ And having answered, he said to them, What did Moses command you?

acv@Mark:10:9 @ What therefore God has joined together, no man shall separate.

acv@Mark:10:17 @ And as he was going forth on the way, one man having ran to him, and having knelt to him, questioned him, Good teacher, what should I do that I may inherit eternal life?

acv@Mark:10:35 @ And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come to him, saying, Teacher, we wish that thou would do for us whatever we ask.

acv@Mark:10:36 @ And he said to them, What do ye want me to do for you?

acv@Mark:10:38 @ But Jesus said to them, Ye know not what ye are asking. Are ye able to drink the cup that I drink? And to be immersed the immersion that I am immersed?

acv@Mark:10:51 @ And having answered, Jesus says to him, What do thou wish I would do for thee? And the blind man said to him, Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.

acv@Mark:11:5 @ And some of those who stood there said to them, What are ye doing, untying the colt?

acv@Mark:11:23 @ For truly I say to you, that whoever may say to this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea, and will not doubt in his heart, but will believe that what he says comes to pass, whatever he may say will be for him.

acv@Mark:11:28 @ And they say to him, By what authority are thou doing these things? Or who gave thee this authority so that thou may do these things?

acv@Mark:11:29 @ And having answering, Jesus said to them, I also will question you one word, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

acv@Mark:11:33 @ And having answered, they say to Jesus, We do not know. And having answering, Jesus says to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

acv@Mark:12:9 @ What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the farmers, and will give the vineyard to others.

acv@Mark:12:37 @ David himself therefore calls him Lord, and in what way is he his son? And the great multitude heard him gladly.

acv@Mark:13:1 @ And as he went forth out of the temple, one of his disciples says to him, Teacher, see what kind of stones and what kind of buildings.

acv@Mark:13:4 @ Tell us, when will these things be? And what is the sign when all these things are going to be fulfilled?

acv@Mark:13:11 @ But when they lead you, delivering you up, be not anxious before what ye might speak, nor meditate. But whatever may be given you in that hour, speak ye this, for ye are not who speak, but the Holy Spirit.

acv@Mark:13:37 @ And what I say to you I say to all, watch!

acv@Mark:14:8 @ She applied what she had to anoint my body. She did it beforehand for the burial.

acv@Mark:14:9 @ And truly I say to you, wherever this good-news may be preached in the whole world, also what she did will be told for a memorial of her.

acv@Mark:14:36 @ And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee. Remove this cup from me, but not what I want, but what thou want.

acv@Mark:14:40 @ And having returned, he found them again sleeping, for their eyes were weighed down, and they knew not what they should reply to him.

acv@Mark:14:60 @ And the high priest having stood up in the midst, he demanded Jesus, saying, Thou answer nothing? What is it these men testify against thee?

acv@Mark:14:63 @ And the high priest having torn his clothes, he says, What further need have we of witnesses?

acv@Mark:14:64 @ Ye have heard the blasphemy. What does it seem to you? And they all condemned him to be deserving of death.

acv@Mark:14:68 @ But he denied, saying, I know not, nor understand what thou say. And he went outside onto the porch, and a cock sounded.

acv@Mark:15:12 @ And again having answered, Pilate said to them, What then do ye wish I would do to the man whom ye call the king of the Jews?

acv@Mark:15:14 @ And Pilate said to them, For what evil has he done? But they cried out even more, Crucify him.

acv@Mark:15:15 @ And Pilate, wanting to do what was sufficent for the crowd, released Barabbas to them. And he delivered Jesus, after scourging, so that he might be crucified.

acv@Mark:15:24 @ And having crucified him, they divided his garments, casting lots for them, who would take what.

acv@Luke:1:29 @ But having seen, she was perplexed at his saying, and was pondering what kind of greeting this might be.

acv@Luke:1:62 @ And they made signs to his father, whatever he wanted to call him.

acv@Luke:1:66 @ And all who heard stored up in their heart, saying, What then will this child be? For the hand of Lord was with him.

acv@Luke:3:10 @ And the crowds questioned him, saying, What then shall we do?

acv@Luke:3:12 @ And tax collectors also came to be immersed, and they said to him, Teacher, what should we do?

acv@Luke:3:13 @ And he said to them, Collect not one thing more than from what has been appointed for you.

acv@Luke:3:14 @ And men who were soldiers also questioned him, saying, And we, what should we do? And he said to them, Do violence to no man, nor accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.

acv@Luke:4:34 @ Oh no! What is with us and with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Did thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou are, the Holy man of God.

acv@Luke:4:36 @ And amazement developed in all, and they spoke among each other, saying, What is this word? Because with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.

acv@Luke:6:2 @ But some of the Pharisees said to them, Why do ye what is not permitted to do on the Sabbath day?

acv@Luke:6:3 @ And having answered them, Jesus said, Have ye not read even this, what David did when he was hungry, and those who were with him,

acv@Luke:6:9 @ Then Jesus said to them, I will question you. What? Is it permitted on the Sabbath to do good, or to do harm, to save life, or to kill?

acv@Luke:6:11 @ But they were filled with fury, and deliberated with each other what they might do to Jesus.

acv@Luke:6:20 @ And having lifted up his eyes on his disciples, he said, Blessed are the poor, because the kingdom of God is what belongs to you.

acv@Luke:6:32 @ And if ye love those who love you, what credit is for you? For even sinners love those who love them.

acv@Luke:6:33 @ And if ye do good to those who do good to you, what credit is for you? For even sinners do the same.

acv@Luke:6:34 @ And if ye lend to whom ye hope to receive, what credit is for you? For even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

acv@Luke:7:24 @ And after John's messengers departed, he began to say to the multitudes about John, What did ye go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

acv@Luke:7:25 @ But what did ye go out to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, those in elegant clothing, and existing in luxury, are in kingly places.

acv@Luke:7:26 @ But what did ye go out to see? A prophet? Yea, I say to you, and much more than a prophet.

acv@Luke:7:31 @ To what, then will I compare the men of this generation, and to what are they like?

acv@Luke:7:39 @ But when the Pharisee who invited him saw it, he spoke within himself, saying, This man, if he were a prophet, would know who and what kind the woman is who touches him, that she is sinful.

acv@Luke:8:9 @ And his disciples questioned him, saying, What is this parable?

acv@Luke:8:18 @ Notice therefore how ye hear. For whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever has not, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.

acv@Luke:8:28 @ And when he saw Jesus, having cried out, he fell down before him. And in a great voice he said, What is with me and with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I beseech thee, do not torment me.

acv@Luke:8:30 @ And Jesus demanded him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion, because many demons were entered into him.

acv@Luke:8:34 @ And when those who tended them saw what happened, they fled and reported it in the city and in the fields.

acv@Luke:8:35 @ And they came out to see what happened. And they came to Jesus, and found the man, from whom the demons had gone out, sitting near the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.

acv@Luke:8:47 @ And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling. And having fallen down before him, she declared to him in the presence of all the people for what reason she touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

acv@Luke:9:4 @ And into whatever house ye may enter, remain there, and from there depart.

acv@Luke:9:25 @ For what is a man benefited, having gained the whole world, but having lost or having forfeited himself?

acv@Luke:9:33 @ And it came to pass, as they were departing from him, Peter said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here, and we could make three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah, not knowing what he was sayi

acv@Luke:9:55 @ But having turned around, he rebuked them, and said, Ye do not know what kind of spirit ye are.

acv@Luke:10:5 @ And into whatever house ye enter, first say, Peace to this house.

acv@Luke:10:8 @ And into whatever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat the things that are set before you.

acv@Luke:10:10 @ But into whatever city ye enter, and they will not receive you, after departing into the thoroughfares if it, say,

acv@Luke:10:23 @ And having turning toward the disciples in private, he said, Blessed are the eyes that see what ye see.

acv@Luke:10:24 @ For I say to you, that many prophets and kings desired to see what ye see, and did not see, and to hear what ye hear, and did not hear.

acv@Luke:10:25 @ And behold, a certain lawyer stood up testing him, and saying, Teacher, having done what, would I inherit eternal life?

acv@Luke:10:26 @ And he said to him, What is written in the law? How read thou?

acv@Luke:10:35 @ And on the morrow when departing, after taking out two denarii, he gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, Take care of him, and whatever thou might spend more, I will repay thee at my return.

acv@Luke:11:6 @ since a friend arrived from the road to me, and I do not have what I would set before him,

acv@Luke:12:3 @ Therefore, as many things as ye have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what ye have spoken in the ear in the inner chambers will be proclaimed upon the housetops.

acv@Luke:12:11 @ And when they bring you to the synagogues, and the principle positions, and the offices of authority, be not anxious how or what ye should answer in defense, or what ye should say,

acv@Luke:12:12 @ for the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.

acv@Luke:12:17 @ And he pondered within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have nowhere I will store my crops?

acv@Luke:12:22 @ And he said to his disciples, Because of this I say to you, be not anxious for your life, what ye may eat, nor for the body, what ye may wear.

acv@Luke:12:29 @ And do not seek what ye may eat, and what ye may drink, and do not be unsettled.

acv@Luke:12:39 @ But know this, that if the house-ruler had known in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

acv@Luke:12:49 @ I came to cast fire upon the earth, and what I desire is if it were kindled already.

acv@Luke:12:57 @ And also why do ye not judge yourselves what is right?

acv@Luke:13:18 @ And he said, What is the kingdom of God like, and to what will I compare it?

acv@Luke:13:20 @ And again he said, To what will I compare the kingdom of God?

acv@Luke:14:31 @ Or what king going to encounter another king in war, will not, having first sat down, consult whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

acv@Luke:14:34 @ The salt material is good, but if the salt material becomes tasteless, by what will it be seasoned?

acv@Luke:15:4 @ What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, does not leave behind the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go for that which was lost until he finds it?

acv@Luke:15:8 @ Or what woman having ten drachmas, if she lose one drachma, does not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she finds it?

acv@Luke:15:26 @ And having summoned one of the boys, and inquired what these things might be.

acv@Luke:16:2 @ And having called him, he said to him, What is this I hear about thee? Render the account of thy management, for thou can no longer manage.

acv@Luke:16:3 @ And the manager said within himself, What shall I do because my lord takes away the management from me? I am not able to dig. I am ashamed to beg.

acv@Luke:16:4 @ I know what I will do, so that when I am removed from the management they may receive me into their houses.

acv@Luke:16:11 @ If therefore ye did not become faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will entrust to you what is true?

acv@Luke:16:15 @ And he said to them, Ye are those who declare yourselves righteous in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts. Because what is lofty among men is an abomination in the sight of God.

acv@Luke:17:8 @ Will he not rather say to him, Prepare what I may dine, and having gird thyself, serve me until I eat and drink, and after these things thou will eat and drink?

acv@Luke:17:10 @ Thus ye also, when ye did all the things that were commanded you, say, We are unprofitable bondmen, because we have done what we are obligated to do.

acv@Luke:18:6 @ And the Lord said, Hear ye what the unrighteous judge says.

acv@Luke:18:18 @ And a certain ruler questioned him, saying, Good teacher, having done what, will I inherit eternal life?

acv@Luke:18:36 @ And having heard a multitude going by, he inquired what this may be.

acv@Luke:18:41 @ saying, What do thou want that I would do to thee? And he said, Lord, that I may receive sight.

acv@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to pass for him to return, having taken the kingdom. And he said for these bondmen to be called to him, to whom he gave the silver, so that he might know what any man gained by trading.

acv@Luke:19:21 @ For I was afraid of thee because thou are an austere man. Thou take up what thou did not lay down, and reap what thou did not sow.

acv@Luke:19:22 @ He says to him, Out of thy mouth I will judge thee, thou evil bondman. Thou had known that I am an austere man taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow.

acv@Luke:19:26 @ For I say to you, that to every man who has, will be given, but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away from him.

acv@Luke:19:48 @ And they did not find what they might do, for the people all hung upon him, listening.

acv@Luke:20:2 @ And they spoke, saying to him, Tell us, by what authority are thou doing these things? Or who is he who gave thee this authority?

acv@Luke:20:8 @ And Jesus said to them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.

acv@Luke:20:13 @ And the lord of the vineyard said, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son. Perhaps they will be made ashamed after seeing this man.

acv@Luke:20:15 @ And having cast him outside of the vineyard, they killed him. What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do to them?

acv@Luke:20:17 @ But having looked upon them, he said, What then is this that is written, The stone that those who build rejected, this became the head of the corner?

acv@Luke:21:7 @ And they questioned him, saying, Teacher, when therefore will these things be? And what is the sign when these things are going to happen?

acv@Luke:22:49 @ And when those who were around him saw what would be, they said, Lord, shall we strike with the sword?

acv@Luke:22:60 @ And Peter said, Man, I do not know what thou are saying. And immediately, while he still spoke, a cock sounded.

acv@Luke:22:71 @ And they said, What further need have we of testimony? For we have heard from his mouth.

acv@Luke:23:14 @ said to them, Ye brought this man to me as turning away the people. And behold, I, having examined him before you, found nothing guilty in this man of what ye accuse against him.

acv@Luke:23:22 @ And he said to them a third time, For what evil did this man do? I have found nothing guilty of death in him. I will therefore, having scourged, release him.

acv@Luke:23:31 @ Because if they do these things in the green tree, what will happen in the dry?

acv@Luke:23:34 @ And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing. And dividing his garments, they cast a lot.

acv@Luke:23:41 @ And we indeed justly, for we receive worthy of what we did, but this man did nothing amiss.

acv@Luke:24:17 @ And he said to them, What are these words that ye toss back to each other, while walking and are looking sad.

acv@Luke:24:19 @ And he said to them, What? And they said to him, The things about Jesus the Nazarene, who became a prophet, a mighty man in work and word before God and all the people,

acv@John:1:21 @ And they asked him, What therefore, are thou Elijah? And he says, I am not. Are thou the prophet? And he answered, No.

acv@John:1:22 @ They said therefore to him, Who are thou, so that we may give an answer to those who sent us? What do thou say about thyself?

acv@John:1:38 @ And Jesus having turned, and having seen them following, says to them, What seek ye? And they said to him, Rabbi (which says, being interpreted, Teacher), where do thou dwell?

acv@John:1:46 @ And Nathanael said to him, What good can be from Nazareth? Philip says to him, Come and see.

acv@John:2:4 @ And Jesus says to her, What is with me and with thee, woman? My hour is not yet here.

acv@John:2:5 @ His mother says to the helpers, Whatever he may say to you, do.

acv@John:2:18 @ The Jews therefore answered, and said to him, What sign do thou show us since thou do these things?

acv@John:2:25 @ and because he had no need that any man should testify about man, for he himself knew what was in man.

acv@John:3:11 @ Truly, truly, I say to thee, we speak that which we know, and testify of what we have seen, and ye do not accept our testimony.

acv@John:3:32 @ And what he has seen and heard, of this he testifies, and no man receives his testimony.

acv@John:4:22 @ Ye worship what ye do not know. We worship what we know, because salvation is from the Jews.

acv@John:4:27 @ And upon this his disciples came. And they marveled that he spoke with the woman, yet no man said, What seek thou? or, Why do thou speak with her?

acv@John:4:38 @ I sent you to reap what ye have not labored. Others have labored, and ye have entered into their labor.

acv@John:5:4 @ For a heavenly agent went down at a certain time into the pool, and agitated the water. Therefore the first man who stepped in after the agitation of the water became well from whatever affliction he had.

acv@John:5:19 @ Jesus therefore answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, except what he sees the Father doing. For whatever he may do, the Son also does these things in like manner.

acv@John:6:6 @ But he said this testing him, for he himself knew what he was going to do.

acv@John:6:9 @ There is one child here that has five barley loaves and two fishes, but what are these for so many?

acv@John:6:14 @ When therefore the men saw what sign Jesus did, they said, This really is the prophet who comes into the world.

acv@John:6:28 @ They said to him therefore, What shall we do that we may work the works of God?

acv@John:6:30 @ They said to him therefore, What sign do thou, that we may see and believe in thee? What do thou work?

acv@John:7:36 @ What is this word that he said, Ye will seek me, and will not find me, and, Where I am, ye cannot come?

acv@John:7:51 @ Does our law judge a man, unless it first may hear from himself and know what he does?

acv@John:8:5 @ Now in the law, Moses commanded us such women are to be stoned. What therefore do thou say about her?

acv@John:8:38 @ I speak what I have seen from my Father, and ye therefore do what ye have seen from your father.

acv@John:9:17 @ They say again to the blind man, What do thou say about him, that he opened thine eyes? And he said, He is a prophet.

acv@John:9:26 @ But again they said to him, What did he do to thee? How did he open thine eyes?

acv@John:10:6 @ Jesus spoke this allegory to them, but those men did not understand what it was that he spoke to them.

acv@John:11:45 @ Therefore many of the Jews who came to Mary, and who saw what Jesus did, believed in him.

acv@John:11:46 @ But some of them went away to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus did.

acv@John:11:47 @ Therefore the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council, and said, What are we doing? Because this man does many signs.

acv@John:11:56 @ Therefore they sought Jesus, and spoke with each other as they stood in the temple, What does it seem to you? That he will, no, not come to the feast?

acv@John:12:27 @ Now is my soul troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. But because of this I came to this hour.

acv@John:12:33 @ And he said this, signifying by what death he was going to die.

acv@John:12:49 @ Because I spoke not from myself, but the Father who sent me, he gave me commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

acv@John:12:50 @ And I know that his commandment is eternal life. Therefore what things I speak, just as the Father has said to me, so I speak.

acv@John:13:7 @ Jesus answered and said to him, What I do thou do not know now, but thou will understand after these things.

acv@John:13:12 @ When therefore he washed their feet, and took his garments, having sat down again, he said to them, Do ye understand what I have done to you?

acv@John:13:27 @ And after the morsel, then Satan entered into that man. Jesus therefore says to him, What thou do, do more quickly.

acv@John:13:29 @ For some thought, since Judas had the purse, that Jesus said to him, Buy what things we have need of for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor.

acv@John:14:13 @ And anything whatever ye may ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

acv@John:14:22 @ Judas (not Iscariot) says to him, Lord, and what has happened that thou are going to manifest thyself to us, and not to the world?

acv@John:15:7 @ If ye dwell in me, and my sayings dwell in you, ye will ask whatever ye may want, and it will be done to you.

acv@John:15:15 @ I no longer call you bondmen, because the bondman does not know what his lord does. But I have called you friends, because all things that I heard from my Father, I made known to you.

acv@John:15:16 @ Ye did not choose out me, but I chose out you, and appointed you, so that ye should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit may remain, so that anything whatever ye may ask of the Father in my name, he may give you.

acv@John:16:17 @ Therefore some of his disciples said among themselves, What is this that he says to us, A little while, and ye do not look at me, and, Again a little while, and ye will see me, and, Because I go to the Father?

acv@John:16:18 @ They said therefore What is this that he says, A little while? We know not what he says.

acv@John:18:21 @ Why question thou me? Question those who have heard what I said to them. Behold, these know the things that I said.

acv@John:18:29 @ Pilate therefore went out to them, and said, What accusation do ye bring against this man?

acv@John:18:32 @ so that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled that he spoke, signifying what kind of death he was going to die.

acv@John:18:35 @ Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me. What have thou done?

acv@John:18:38 @ Pilate says to him, What is truth? And having said this, he went out again to the Jews, and says to them, I find not one cause in him.

acv@John:19:22 @ Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.

acv@John:21:19 @ Now he said this, signifying by what kind of death he will glorify God. And after saying this, he says to him, Follow me.

acv@John:21:21 @ Having seen this man, Peter says to Jesus, Lord, and what of this man?

acv@John:21:22 @ Jesus says to him, If I want him to remain until I come, what is it to thee? Follow thou me.

acv@John:21:23 @ This saying therefore went forth among the brothers, that that disciple does not die. And yet Jesus did not say to him, that he does not die, but, If I want him to remain until I come, what is it to thee?

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