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NT-GOSPEL.filter - bwe where:

bwe@Matthew:2:2 @ They asked, Where is the child who has been born to be King of the Jews? We saw his star rising and we have come to worship him.

bwe@Matthew:2:4 @ He called all the chief priests and the scribes of the Jews for a meeting. He asked them, Where is the Christ to be born?

bwe@Matthew:2:8 @ He sent them to Bethlehem. He said, Go and ask everywhere until you find the child. When you have found him, come and tell me, so that I myself may go and worship him.

bwe@Matthew:2:9 @ After they heard what the king said, they went away. And the star, which they had seen rising, went in front of them. It stopped above the place where the child was.

bwe@Matthew:4:15 @ He talked about, The country of Zebulun and the country of Naphtali, the road by the sea, the land on the other side of the Jordan River, Galilee where the people are not Jews.

bwe@Matthew:5:34 @ But I tell you, do not make a promise in Gods name. Do not use the name of heaven, because that is where God rules.

bwe@Matthew:5:35 @ Do not use the name of earth, because that is where God rests his feet. Do not use the name of Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King.

bwe@Matthew:6:21 @ The place where you keep things is where your heart will be also.

bwe@Matthew:8:19 @ A scribe came and said to him, Teacher, I will go anywhere you go.

bwe@Matthew:9:9 @ Jesus went on from there. He saw a man named Matthew. He was sitting at the place where people came to pay taxes. Jesus said to him, Come with me. Matthew stood up and went with him.

bwe@Matthew:11:20 @ Then Jesus began to talk about the towns where he had done most of his big works. He said hard things about the people, because they did not stop their wrong ways and turn back to God.

bwe@Matthew:12:16 @ He told them not to tell where he was.

bwe@Matthew:12:44 @ Then he says, "I will go back to my house from where I came." When he comes back, he finds it is empty, clean, and all fixed up.

bwe@Matthew:13:2 @ Many people came to where he was. So he got into a boat and sat down. All the people stood on the land by the water.

bwe@Matthew:13:54 @ He went back to his home town and he taught people in their meeting house. They were very much surprised and said, Where did he learn all this? Where did he get the power to do these big works?

bwe@Matthew:13:56 @ Are not his sisters all here with us? Where did he get all this?

bwe@Matthew:15:32 @ The disciples said to him, Where can we get enough food in this lonely place to feed so many people?

bwe@Matthew:18:20 @ Where two or three people meet together in my name, I am there with them.

bwe@Matthew:21:13 @ He said to them, The holy writings say, "My house shall be called a house where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Matthew:24:26 @ So if people say to you, "He is in the wilderness," do not go there. If they say, "He is hiding somewhere," do not believe it.

bwe@Matthew:24:28 @ The big birds that eat meat will all go to the place where the dead body is.

bwe@Matthew:24:31 @ He will send his angels to call with a loud trumpet or horn. They will gather his chosen people from everywhere all over the earth.

bwe@Matthew:25:24 @ The servant who had been given one bag of money came and said, "Sir, I knew that you were a hard man. You cut grain where you did not plant. You pick fruit where you put nothing in.

bwe@Matthew:25:26 @ His master answered him, "You are a bad and lazy servant. You knew that I cut grain where I did not plant. You knew that I pick fruit where I put nothing in.

bwe@Matthew:26:13 @ I tell you the truth. Any place in the whole world where people tell the good news, people will also tell what she has done. People will remember her because of it.

bwe@Matthew:26:17 @ It was the first day of the feast with bread that has no yeast in it. The disciples came to Jesus and asked, Where do you want us to make ready for you to eat the Passover Feast?

bwe@Matthew:27:61 @ Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there. They sat where they could see the grave.

bwe@Matthew:28:6 @ He is not here. He has risen, as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

bwe@Matthew:28:16 @ The eleven disciples went to Galilee. They went to the hill where Jesus had told them to meet him.

bwe@Mark:1:45 @ But the man went out and told everyone everywhere what had happened to him. Because he did this, Jesus could not go into any large town freely. He stayed in places where only a few people were. There people came to him from everywhere.

bwe@Mark:2:4 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. They made a hole in the roof. Then they let down the mat with the sick man on it.

bwe@Mark:2:14 @ As he went along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus. He was sitting at the place where people come to pay taxes. Jesus said to him, Come with me. Levi stood up and went with him.

bwe@Mark:5:5 @ All the time he stayed in the hills where the graves were. He screamed day and night and cut himself with sharp stones.

bwe@Mark:5:40 @ They laughed at him. So he sent them all outside. Then he took the girls father and mother and the three disciples into the room where the girl was lying.

bwe@Mark:6:2 @ On the Sabbath day he began to teach in the meeting house again. Many people who heard him were very much surprised and said, Where did he learn all this? Where did he get the power to do these big works?

bwe@Mark:6:14 @ King Herod heard about these things. People were talking about Jesus everywhere. Herod said, John the Baptizer is risen from death. That is why he is able to do such great works.

bwe@Mark:6:55 @ They went quickly to all the country around. They brought sick people in their beds to the place where they heard Jesus was.

bwe@Mark:7:35 @ Jesus said, Do not tell anyone. But the more he told them not to tell, the more they told it everywhere.

bwe@Mark:8:4 @ His disciples answered, Where can anyone get enough food in this lonely place to feed so many people?

bwe@Mark:9:18 @ Wherever it takes hold of him, it throws him around. It makes him foam at his mouth. It makes him make noises with his teeth. He is getting weak and thin. I asked your disciples to drive the bad spirit out, but they could not do it.

bwe@Mark:11:17 @ He taught the people, saying, The holy writings say, "My house shall be called a house for all tribes and nations, where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Mark:12:26 @ People do rise from death! Have you never read what Moses wrote? It is in the place where we read about the small tree which burned. Moses tells how God said to him, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

bwe@Mark:12:41 @ Jesus sat down in the temple near the place where people put in their money. He saw how the people put in money. Many rich people put in much money.

bwe@Mark:13:27 @ He will send out the angels to gather his chosen people. They will gather them from everywhere all over the earth.

bwe@Mark:14:9 @ I tell you the truth. Any place in the whole world where people tell the good news, people will also tell what she has done. People will remember her because of it.

bwe@Mark:14:12 @ It was the first day of the feast with bread that has no yeast in it. The sheep had to be killed for the Passover Feast. His disciples asked Jesus Where do you want us to make ready for you to eat the Passover Feast?

bwe@Mark:14:14 @ When he goes into a house, talk to the master of the house. Say to him, "The Teacher says, Where is my room where I can eat the Passover Feast with my disciples?"

bwe@Mark:15:47 @ Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where they laid Jesus.

bwe@Mark:16:6 @ He said, Do not be surprised. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth who was nailed to a cross. He is risen. He is not here. Look, here is where they laid him.

bwe@Mark:16:20 @ Then the disciples went and told the good news everywhere. The Lord worked with them. He made their words come true by the signs that happened after they talked.

bwe@Luke:1:32 @ He will be a great man. He will be called the Son of the Highest One <FI>a name for God<Fi>. The Lord God will make him king where his father David was king.

bwe@Luke:1:65 @ Everyone who lived around there began to wonder at these things. And everywhere in the hill country of Judea, all these things were talked about.

bwe@Luke:2:7 @ This was her first child, a son. She wrapped him in a cloth and laid him in a box where cows feed. There was no room for them in the house for strangers.

bwe@Luke:2:12 @ This is the way you will know him. You will find a baby wrapped in a cloth, lying in a box where cows feed.

bwe@Luke:2:16 @ They went quickly. They found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the box where cows feed.

bwe@Luke:4:5 @ The devil took Jesus to a high place where he could see all the countries of the world at one time.

bwe@Luke:4:16 @ He went to Nazareth where he had grown up. He went to the meeting house as he always did on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read.

bwe@Luke:4:17 @ A man gave him the book that Isaiah the prophet of God wrote long ago. He opened the book and found the place where it says,

bwe@Luke:5:19 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. Then through a hole in the roof they let down the bed with the sick man on it, until he was in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:5:27 @ After this, Jesus went out. He saw a tax collector named Levi. Levi was sitting at the place where people came to pay taxes. Jesus said to him Come with me.

bwe@Luke:9:6 @ The disciples left and went through the towns. They told the good news and healed people everywhere.

bwe@Luke:9:57 @ As they went along on the road, a man said to him, I will go anywhere you go.

bwe@Luke:11:24 @ When a bad spirit has gone out of a man, he goes through dry places. He looks for a place to rest, but he does not find any. Then he says, "I will go back to my house from where I came."

bwe@Luke:11:35 @ So be sure that it is not dark in you where it should be light.

bwe@Luke:11:52 @ You teachers of Gods law will have trouble! You have taken away the key of the door where people can go in and know what is true. You yourselves did not go in, and you stopped those who were going in.

bwe@Luke:12:34 @ The place where you keep the things you like is where your heart will be also.

bwe@Luke:13:25 @ The master of the house will get up and lock the door. Then you will be standing outside. You will begin to knock on the door and call, "Sir, open the door for us!" But he will answer, "I do not know where you belong."

bwe@Luke:13:27 @ But he will say, "I tell you, I do not know where you belong. Go away from me all you who do wrong! "

bwe@Luke:16:9 @ I tell you this. Money may be a wrong thing, but use it to make friends for yourselves. Then when your money is spent, they will be glad to see you come into that place where people live for ever.

bwe@Luke:16:26 @ But that is not all. A wide hole is between you and us. No one can go from here to you if he wanted to. And no one can come from where you are to us."

bwe@Luke:16:28 @ I have five brothers there. Tell him to talk to them so that they will not come to this place where there is pain."

bwe@Luke:17:17 @ Then Jesus asked, Were not ten people healed? Where are the other nine?

bwe@Luke:17:37 @ They asked him, Where will this be, Lord? He said, The big birds that eat meat will go to the place where the dead body is.

bwe@Luke:19:21 @ I was afraid of you. You are a hard man. You take in where you put nothing out. You gather where you did not plant."

bwe@Luke:19:22 @ The ruler said "You bad servant! I will judge you by your own words. You knew that I was a hard man! You knew that I take in where I put nothing out. You knew that I gather where I did not plant.

bwe@Luke:19:27 @ But where are those people who hate me and did not want me to rule over them? Bring them here and kill them right here in front of me."

bwe@Luke:19:38 @ They said, God bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven where God is praised!

bwe@Luke:19:46 @ He said to them, It is written, "My house shall be a place where people talk with God." But you have made it a place for people who steal!

bwe@Luke:20:37 @ Even Moses showed that people do rise from death. It is in his book where we read about the small tree which burned. Moses says that the Lord is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

bwe@Luke:21:1 @ Jesus looked around in the temple. He saw the place where the people put in their money. Rich people were putting in their money.

bwe@Luke:22:9 @ They asked, Where do you want us to get it ready?

bwe@Luke:22:10 @ He said, When you go into the city, a man carrying a pot of water will meet you. Follow him into the house where he goes.

bwe@Luke:22:11 @ Tell the master of the house, "The Teacher says, Where is the room where I can eat the Passover Feast with my disciples?"

bwe@Luke:22:39 @ Then Jesus went out of the room and went to the hill called the Mount of Olives where he often went. His disciples went with him.

bwe@Luke:23:55 @ Some women had come with Jesus from Galilee. They followed and saw the grave where his body was put.

bwe@Luke:24:25 @ Christ had to have this trouble and go to the place where he will be great, did he not?

bwe@John:1:5 @ The Light shone where it was dark and the darkness did not stop the Light from shining.

bwe@John:1:28 @ The place where John was baptizing was Bethany on the other side of the Jordan River.

bwe@John:1:38 @ Jesus turned. He saw them coming after him. He said to them, What are you looking for? They said, Teacher, where do you live?

bwe@John:1:39 @ Jesus said, Come and see. They went and saw the place where Jesus was staying. The time was about four oclock in the afternoon. They stayed with Jesus the rest of the day.

bwe@John:2:9 @ The man in charge of the feast tasted the water that was now turned into wine. He did not know where it came from, but the servants who drew the water knew. When the man had tasted it, he called the man who was being married.

bwe@John:3:8 @ The wind blows where it wants to blow. You can hear the sound of it. But you do not know where it comes from, and you do not know where it goes. It is the same way with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

bwe@John:4:10 @ The woman said, Sir, you have nothing to draw with. The well is deep. Where do you get that living water?

bwe@John:4:45 @ So Jesus came back to the town of Cana in Galilee. That was the place where he had changed water into wine. One of the kings officers was there. His son was sick in the town of Capernaum.

bwe@John:6:5 @ When Jesus looked up, he saw many people coming to him. He said to Philip, Where shall we buy food for these people to eat?

bwe@John:6:23 @ But there were some other boats from Tiberias. It was near the place where they had eaten bread, after the Lord had thanked God for it.

bwe@John:6:62 @ What would you do if you saw the Son of Man go up to the place where he came from?

bwe@John:7:11 @ The leaders of the Jews at the feast tried to find him. They said, Where is he?

bwe@John:7:27 @ But we know where this man comes from. When the Christ comes, no one will know where he comes from.

bwe@John:7:28 @ Jesus was teaching in the temple. He spoke loudly saying, You know me and you know where I come from. I have not come in my own power. The one who sent me is true. He is the one you do not know.

bwe@John:7:34 @ You will look for me, but you will not find me. You will not be able to go to the place where I will be.

bwe@John:7:35 @ The Jews said to one another, Where will he go that we cannot find him? Will he go to our people who are living in other countries? Will he teach them?

bwe@John:7:36 @ What does he mean by this: "You will look for me and will not find me. You will not be able to go to the place where I will be"?

bwe@John:7:42 @ Do not the holy writings say that Christ will be of Davids family? Will he not come from Bethlehem where David lived?

bwe@John:8:10 @ Jesus looked up and said to her, Woman, where are the people? Has no one judged you?

bwe@John:8:14 @ Jesus said to them, Even if I do talk about myself, what I say is true. I know where I come from and I know where I am going. But you do not know where I came from, or where I am going.

bwe@John:8:19 @ They asked him, Where is your Father? He said, You do not know me and you do not know my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.

bwe@John:8:20 @ When Jesus said these words he was teaching in the temple. He was in the place where the money is kept. No one caught him because it was not yet his time.

bwe@John:8:21 @ Jesus talked to them again. He said, I am going away. You will try to find me and will die doing wrong things. You cannot come where I am going.

bwe@John:8:22 @ Then the Jews said, Will he kill himself? He says, "You cannot come where I am going."

bwe@John:8:38 @ I tell you about the things that I have seen where my Father is, and you do what you have seen your father do.

bwe@John:8:59 @ Then they picked up stones to throw at him. But Jesus got out of their way. He left the temple and they did not know where he went.

bwe@John:9:12 @ Where is the man? they asked. He said, I do not know.

bwe@John:9:29 @ We know that God talked to Moses. But this man, we do not know where he comes from.

bwe@John:9:30 @ The man who had been blind said, This surprises me! He healed me and yet you do not know where he comes from!

bwe@John:10:40 @ He went away again to the other side of the Jordan River. He went to the place where John <FI>the Baptizer<Fi> was when he first baptized people. Jesus stayed there for a while.

bwe@John:11:6 @ When he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was for two days more.

bwe@John:11:30 @ Jesus was not in the town yet. He was at the same place where Martha had met him.

bwe@John:11:32 @ Mary reached the place where Jesus was. When she saw him, she kneeled down before him and said, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:34 @ Where have you buried him? he said. Come, Lord, and see, they said.

bwe@John:11:57 @ Both the chief priest and the Pharisees had told the people, If any man knows where he is, tell us. We want to catch him.

bwe@John:12:1 @ Six days before the Passover Feast Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus lived. This was the Lazarus that Jesus had raised from death.

bwe@John:12:19 @ The Pharisees said to each other, See, you cannot stop this thing. People everywhere are going after him.

bwe@John:12:26 @ If anyone wants to do my work, he must go where I go. Then he and I will be together. My Father will honour everyone who works for me.

bwe@John:12:35 @ Then Jesus said to them, You have light for a short time longer. Walk while you have the light so that you will not need to walk in the dark. The person who walks in the dark cannot see where he is going.

bwe@John:12:36 @ Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may be a people who have the light in you. When Jesus had said this, he left them. They did not know where he was.

bwe@John:13:4 @ Jesus stood up where he had been eating. He took off his outer clothing. And he took a towel and tied it around him.

bwe@John:13:33 @ My children, I am with you for a short time longer. You will look for me. What I said to the Jews I say to you now: "You cannot come to the place where I am going."

bwe@John:13:36 @ Simon Peter said to him, Lord, where are you going? Jesus answered him, You cannot go with me where I am going now. Later on you will go with me.

bwe@John:14:4 @ You know where I am going, and you know the way.

bwe@John:14:5 @ Thomas said to Jesus, Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?

bwe@John:16:5 @ But now I am going back to him who sent me here. Yet not one of you is asking me, "Where are you going?"

bwe@John:18:2 @ Jesus had gone to this place often with his disciples, so Judas knew where the place was. He was the one who gave Jesus over to the people who hated him.

bwe@John:18:20 @ Jesus answered him, I have talked so that anyone who wanted to could hear me. I have always taught in the meeting houses and in the temple. That is where the Jews always go. I have not said anything in a secret way.

bwe@John:19:9 @ He went into the court house again and said to Jesus, Where do you come from? But Jesus did not answer him.

bwe@John:19:13 @ When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out. Then Pilate sat on the bench where the judge sits. The place was called the Street of Stone. The Jews called it Gabbatha.

bwe@John:19:20 @ Many of the Jews read this sign. The place where Jesus was nailed to a cross was near the city. The sign was written in the Jewish, Greek, and Latin languages.

bwe@John:19:41 @ There was a garden at the place where Jesus was nailed to the cross. In the garden was a new grave cut in the rock. No one had ever been laid in it.

bwe@John:20:2 @ So she ran and met Simon Peter and the other disciple, whom Jesus loved. She said to them, They have taken the Lord out of the grave! We do not know where they have laid him!

bwe@John:20:9 @ Until this time they did not understand the holy writings where it says, He must rise from death.

bwe@John:20:12 @ She saw two angels with white clothes on. They were sitting where Jesus body had been. One sat at the head and one at the foot.

bwe@John:20:13 @ They said to her, Woman, why are you crying? She said to them, They have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid him.

bwe@John:20:15 @ Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for? She thought he was the man who took care of the garden. So she said to him, Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him. I will take him away.

bwe@John:21:18 @ I tell you the truth. When you were young, you put on your own belt. You went where you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will put out your hands. Others will put your belt on for you. They will take you where you do not want to go.

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