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rwp@1Corinthians:5:1 @{Actually} (\hol“s\). Literally, wholly, altogether, like Latin _omnino_ and Greek \pant“s\ (1Corinthians:9:22|). Songs:papyri have it for "really" and also for "generally" or "everywhere" as is possible here. See also strkjv@6:7|. With a negative it has the sense of "not at all" as in strkjv@15:29; strkjv@Matthew:5:34| the only N.T. examples, though a common word. {It is reported} (\akouetai\). Present passive indicative of \akou“\, to hear; so literally, it is heard. "Fornication is heard of among you." Probably the household of Chloe (1:11|) brought this sad news (Ellicott). {And such} (\kai toiautˆ\). Climactic qualitative pronoun showing the revolting character of this particular case of illicit sexual intercourse. \Porneia\ is sometimes used (Acts:15:20,29|) of such sin in general and not merely of the unmarried whereas \moicheia\ is technically adultery on the part of the married (Mark:7:21|). {As is not even among the Gentiles} (\hˆtis oude en tois ethnesin\). Height of scorn. The Corinthian Christians were actually trying to win pagans to Christ and living more loosely than the Corinthian heathen among whom the very word "Corinthianize" meant to live in sexual wantonness and license. See Cicero _pro Cluentio_, v. 14. {That one of you hath his father's wife} (\h“ste gunaika tina tou patros echein\). "Songs:as (usual force of \h“ste\) for one to go on having (\echein\, present infinitive) a wife of the (his) father." It was probably a permanent union (concubine or mistress) of some kind without formal marriage like strkjv@John:4:8|. The woman probably was not the offender's mother (step-mother) and the father may have been dead or divorced. The Jewish law prescribed stoning for this crime (Leviticus:18:8; strkjv@22:11; strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:30|). But the rabbis (Rabbi Akibah) invented a subterfuge in the case of a proselyte to permit such a relation. Perhaps the Corinthians had also learned how to split hairs over moral matters in such an evil atmosphere and so to condone this crime in one of their own members. Expulsion Paul had urged in strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:6| for such offenders.

rwp@1Corinthians:6:16 @{One body} (\hen s“ma\). With the harlot. That union is for the harlot the same as with the wife. The words quoted from strkjv@Genesis:2:24| describing the sexual union of husband and wife, are also quoted and explained by Jesus in strkjv@Matthew:19:5f.| which see for discussion of the translation Hebraism with use of \eis\. {Saith he} (\phˆsin\). Supply either \ho theos\ (God) or \hˆ graphˆ\ (the Scripture).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:3 @{Render the due} (\tˆn opheilˆn apodidot“\). Marriage is not simply not wrong, but for many a duty. Both husband and wife have a mutual obligation to the other. "This dictum defends marital intercourse against rigorists, as that of ver. 1| commends celibacy against sensualists" (Findlay).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:4 @{The wife} (\hˆ gunˆ\). The wife is mentioned first, but the equality of the sexes in marriage is clearly presented as the way to keep marriage undefiled (Hebrews:13:4|). "In wedlock separate ownership of the person ceases" (Robertson and Plummer).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:10 @{To the married} (\tois gegamˆkosin\). Perfect active participle of \game“\, old verb, to marry, and still married as the tense shows. {I give charge} (\paraggell“\). Not mere wish as in verses 7,8|. {Not I, but the Lord} (\ouk eg“ alla ho kurios\). Paul had no commands from Jesus to the unmarried (men or women), but Jesus had spoken to the married (husbands and wives) as in strkjv@Matthew:5:31f.; strkjv@19:3-12; strkjv@Mark:10:9-12; strkjv@Luke:16:18|. The Master had spoken plain words about divorce. Paul reenforces his own inspired command by the command of Jesus. In strkjv@Mark:10:9| we have from Christ: "What therefore God joined together let not man put asunder" (\mˆ chorizet“\). {That the wife depart not from her husband} (\gunaika apo andros mˆ choristhˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive (indirect command after \paraggell“\) of \choriz“\, old verb from adverbial preposition \ch“ris\, separately, apart from, from. Here used of divorce by the wife which, though unusual then, yet did happen as in the case of Salome (sister of Herod the Great) and of Herodias before she married Herod Antipas. Jesus also spoke of it (Mark:10:12|). Now most of the divorces are obtained by women. This passive infinitive is almost reflexive in force according to a constant tendency in the _Koin‚_ (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 817).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:11 @{But and if she depart} (\ean de kai ch“risthˆi\). Third class condition, undetermined. If, in spite of Christ's clear prohibition, she get separated (ingressive passive subjunctive), {let her remain unmarried} (\menet“ agamos\). Paul here makes no allowance for remarriage of the innocent party as Jesus does by implication. {Or else be reconciled to her husband} (\ˆ t“i andri katallagˆt“\). Second aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of \katallass“\, old compound verb to exchange coins as of equal value, to reconcile. One of Paul's great words for reconciliation with God (2Corinthians:5:18-20; strkjv@Romans:5:10|). \Diallass“\ (Matthew:5:24| which see) was more common in the older Greek, but \katallass“\ in the later. The difference in idea is very slight, \dia-\ accents notion of exchange, \kat-\ the perfective idea (complete reconciliation). Dative of personal interest is the case of \andri\. This sentence is a parenthesis between the two infinitives \ch“risthˆnai\ and \aphienai\ (both indirect commands after \paraggell“\). {And that the husband leave not his wife} (\kai andra mˆ aphienai\). This is also part of the Lord's command (Mark:10:11|). \Apolu“\ occurs in Mark of the husband's act and \aphienai\ here, both meaning to send away. Bengel actually stresses the difference between \ch“risthˆnai\ of the woman as like _separatur_ in Latin and calls the wife "pars ignobilior" and the husband "nobilior." I doubt if Paul would stand for that extreme.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:12 @{But to the rest say I, not the Lord} (\tois de loipois leg“ eg“, ouch ho Kurios\). Paul has no word about marriage from Jesus beyond the problem of divorce. This is no disclaimer of inspiration. He simply means that here he is not quoting a command of Jesus. {An unbelieving wife} (\gunaika apiston\). This is a new problem, the result of work among the Gentiles, that did not arise in the time of Jesus. The form \apiston\ is the same as the masculine because a compound adjective. Paul has to deal with mixed marriages as missionaries do today in heathen lands. The rest (\hoi loipoi\) for Gentiles (Ephesians:2:3|) we have already had in strkjv@1Thessalonians:4:13; strkjv@5:6| which see. The Christian husband married his wife when he himself was an unbeliever. The word \apistos\ sometimes means unfaithful (Luke:12:46|), but not here (cf. strkjv@John:20:27|). {She is content} (\suneudokei\). Late compound verb to be pleased together with, agree together. In the papyri. {Let him not leave her} (\mˆ aphiet“ autˆn\). Perhaps here and in verses 11,13| \aphiˆmi\ should be translated "put away" like \apolu“\ in strkjv@Mark:10:1|. Some understand \aphiˆmi\ as separation from bed and board, not divorce.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:14 @{Is sanctified in the wife} (\hˆgiastai en tˆi gunaiki\). Perfect passive indicative of \hagiaz“\, to set apart, to hallow, to sanctify. Paul does not, of course, mean that the unbelieving husband is saved by the faith of the believing wife, though Hodge actually so interprets him. Clearly he only means that the marriage relation is sanctified so that there is no need of a divorce. If either husband or wife is a believer and the other agrees to remain, the marriage is holy and need not be set aside. This is so simple that one wonders at the ability of men to get confused over Paul's language. {Else were your children unclean} (\epei ara ta tekna akatharta\). The common ellipse of the condition with \epei\: "since, accordingly, if it is otherwise, your children are illegitimate (\akatharta\)." If the relations of the parents be holy, the child's birth must be holy also (not illegitimate). "He is not assuming that the child of a Christian parent would be baptized; that would spoil rather than help his argument, for it would imply that the child was not \hagios\ till it was baptized. The verse throws no light on the question of infant baptism" (Robertson and Plummer).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:15 @{Is not under bondage} (\ou dedoul“tai\). Perfect passive indicative of \doulo“\, to enslave, has been enslaved, does not remain a slave. The believing husband or wife is not at liberty to separate, unless the disbeliever or pagan insists on it. Wilful desertion of the unbeliever sets the other free, a case not contemplated in Christ's words in strkjv@Matthew:5:32; strkjv@19:9|. Luther argued that the Christian partner, thus released, may marry again. But that is by no means clear, unless the unbeliever marries first. {But God hath called us in peace} (\en de eirˆnˆi keklˆken hˆmas\ or \humas\). Perfect active indicative of \kale“\, permanent call in the sphere or atmosphere of peace. He does not desire enslavement in the marriage relation between the believer and the unbeliever.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:16 @{For how knowest thou?} (\ti gar oidas;\). But what does Paul mean? Is he giving an argument _against_ the believer accepting divorce or _in favour_ of doing so? The syntax allows either interpretation with \ei\ (if) after \oidas\. Is the idea in \ei\ (if) _hope_ of saving the other or _fear_ of not saving and hence peril in continuing the slavery of such a bondage? The latter idea probably suits the context best and is adopted by most commentators. And yet one hesitates to interpret Paul as _advocating_ divorce unless strongly insisted on by the unbeliever. There is no problem at all unless the unbeliever makes it. If it is a hopeless case, acquiescence is the only wise solution. But surely the believer ought to be sure that there is no hope before he agrees to break the bond. Paul raises the problem of the wife first as in verse 10|.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:27 @{Art thou bound to a wife?} (\dedesai gunaiki;\). Perfect passive indicative of \de“\, to bind, with dative case \gunaiki\. Marriage bond as in strkjv@Romans:7:2|. {Seek not to be loosed} (\mˆ zˆtei lusin\). Present active imperative with negative \mˆ\, "Do not be seeking release" (\lusin\) from the marriage bond, old word, here only in N.T. {Seek not a wife} (\mˆ zˆtei gunaika\). Same construction, Do not be seeking a wife. Bachelors as well as widowers are included in \lelusai\ (loosed, perfect passive indicative of \lu“\). This advice of Paul he only urges "because of the present necessity" (verse 26|). Whether he held on to this opinion later one does not know. Certainly he gives the noblest view of marriage in strkjv@Ephesians:5:22-33|. Paul does not present it as his opinion for all men at all times. Men feel it their duty to seek a wife.

rwp@1Corinthians:7:32 @{Free from cares} (\amerimnous\). Old compound adjective (\a\ privative and \merimna\, anxiety). In N.T. only here and strkjv@Matthew:28:14| which see. {The things of the Lord} (\ta tou Kuriou\). The ideal state (so as to the widow and the virgin in verse 33|), but even the unmarried do let the cares of the world choke the word (Mark:4:19|). {How he may please the Lord} (\p“s aresˆi t“i Kuri“i\). Deliberative subjunctive with \p“s\ retained in an indirect question. Dative case of \Kuri“i\. Same construction in verse 33| with \p“s aresˆi tˆi gunaiki\ (his wife) and in 34| \p“s aresˆi t“i andri\ (her husband).

rwp@1Corinthians:7:34 @{And there is a difference also between the wife and the virgin} (\kai memeristai kai hˆ gunˆ kai hˆ parthenos\). But the text here is very uncertain, almost hopelessly so. Westcott and Hort put \kai memeristai\ in verse 33| and begin a new sentence with \kai hˆ gunˆ\ and add \hˆ agamos\ after \hˆ gunˆ\, meaning "the widow and the virgin each is anxious for the things of the Lord" like the unmarried man (\ho agamos\, bachelor or widow) in verse 32|. Possibly so, but the MSS. vary greatly at every point. At any rate Paul's point is that the married woman is more disposed to care for the things of the world. But, alas, how many unmarried women (virgins and widows) are after the things of the world today and lead a fast and giddy life.

rwp@1Corinthians:9:5 @{Have we no right?} (\Mˆ ouk echomen exousian;\). Same idiom. {To lead about a wife that is a believer?} (\adelphˆn gunaika periagein;\). Old verb \periag“\, intransitive in strkjv@Acts:13:11|. Two substantives in apposition, a sister a wife, a common Greek idiom. This is a plea for the support of the preacher's wife and children. Plainly Paul has no wife at this time. {And Cephas} (\kai Kˆphƒs\). Why is he singled out by name? Perhaps because of his prominence and because of the use of his name in the divisions in Corinth (1:12|). It was well known that Peter was married (Matthew:8:14|). Paul mentions James by name in strkjv@Galatians:1:19| as one of the Lord's brothers. All the other apostles were either married or had the right to be.

rwp@1Peter:3:1 @{In like manner} (\homoi“s\). Adverb closely connected with \hupotassomenoi\, for which see strkjv@2:18|. {Ye wives} (\gunaikes\). Without article. About wives see also strkjv@Colossians:3:18; strkjv@Ephesians:5:22; strkjv@Titus:2:4|. {To your own husbands} (\tois idiois andrasin\). \Idiois\ occurs also in Ephesians and Titus, but not in Colossians. It strengthens the idea of possession in the article \tois\. Wives are not enjoined to be in subjection to the husbands of other women, as some think it fine to be (affinities!) {Even if any obey not the word} (\kai ei tines apeithousin t“i log“i\). Condition of first class and dative case of \logos\ (1:23,25; strkjv@2:8|), that is, remain heathen. {That they be gained} (\hina kerdˆthˆsontai\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and first future passive indicative of \kerdain“\, old verb, to gain (from \kerdos\, gain, interest) as in strkjv@Matthew:18:15|. See the future with \hina\ also in strkjv@Luke:20:10; strkjv@Revelation:3:9|. {Without the word} (\aneu logou\). Probably here "word from their wives" (Hart), the other sense of \logos\ (talk, not technical "word of God"). {By the behaviour of their wives} (\dia tˆs t“n gunaik“n anastrophˆs\). Won by pious living, not by nagging. Many a wife has had this blessed victory of grace.

rwp@1Peter:3:7 @{Ye husbands likewise} (\hoi andres homoi“s\). Probably "likewise" here refers to honouring all men (2:17|), not "likewise" of strkjv@3:1|. {Dwell with} (\sunoikountes\). Present active participle of \sunoike“\, old verb for domestic association, here only in N.T. Used as imperative here like the participle in strkjv@2:18; strkjv@3:1|. {According to knowledge} (\kata gn“sin\). "With an intelligent recognition of the nature of the marriage relation" (Vincent). {Giving honour unto the woman as unto the weaker vessel} (\h“s asthenester“i skeuei t“i gunaikei“i aponemontes timˆn\). Present active participle of \aponem“\, old verb, to assign, to portion out (or off), here only in N.T. \Skeuos\ is an old and common word for vessel, furniture, utensil (Matthew:12:29; strkjv@2Timothy:2:20|). Here both husband and wife are termed vessels or "parts of the furniture of God's house" (Bigg). See Paul's use of \skeuos\ for ministers (2Corinthians:4:7|). \Gunaikei“i\ here is an adjective (female, feminine) from \gunˆ\ (woman, wife). She is termed "the weaker" (\t“i asthenester“i\), not for intellectual or moral weakness, but purely for physical reasons, which the husband must recognize with due consideration for marital happiness. {Joint-heirs of the grace of life} (\sunklˆronomoi charitos z“ˆs\). Late double compound found in an Ephesian inscription and the papyri, in N.T. only here, strkjv@Romans:8:17; strkjv@Ephesians:3:6; strkjv@Hebrews:11:9|. God's gift of life eternal belongs to woman as well as to man. In the eyes of God the wife may be superior to the husband, not merely equal. {To the end that your prayers be not hindered} (\eis to mˆ egkoptesthai tas proseuchas hum“n\). Purpose clause with \eis to\ and the present passive infinitive (with negative \mˆ\) of \egkopt“\, to cut in, to interrupt, late verb (Polybius), as in strkjv@Romans:15:22|, etc. Very vivid to us now with our telephones and radios when people cut in on us. \Proseuchas\ (prayers) is the accusative of general reference. Husbands surely have here cause to consider why their prayers are not answered.

rwp@1Timothy:5:14 @{I desire} (\boulomai\). See strkjv@2:8|. {The younger widows} (\ne“teras\). No article and no word for widows, though that is clearly the idea. \Ne“teras\ is accusative of general reference with \gamein\ (to marry) the object (present infinitive active) of \boulomai\. {Bear children} (\teknogonein\). A compound verb here only in N.T. and nowhere else save in Anthol. See \teknogonia\ in strkjv@2:15|. {Rule the household} (\oikodespotein\). Late verb from \oikodespotˆs\ (Mark:14:14|), twice in the papyri, only here in N.T. Note that the wife is here put as ruler of the household, proper recognition of her influence, "new and improved position" (Liddon). {Occasion} (\aphormˆn\). Old word (\apo, hormˆ\), a base to rush from, Pauline use in strkjv@2Corinthians:5:12; strkjv@11:12; strkjv@Galatians:5:13|. {To the adversary} (\t“i antikeimen“i\). Dative case of the articular participle of \antikeimai\, a Pauline idiom (Phillipians:1:28|). {Reviling} (\loidorias\). Old word (from \loidore“\), in N.T. only here and strkjv@1Peter:3:9|. Genitive case with \charin\.

rwp@2Corinthians:1:22 @{Sealed us} (\sphragisamenos hˆmas\). From \sphragiz“\ old verb, common in LXX and papyri for setting a seal to prevent opening (Daniel:6:17|), in place of signature (1Kings:21:18|). Papyri examples show a wide legal use to give validity to documents, to guarantee genuineness of articles as sealing sacks and chests, etc. (Deissmann, _Bible Studies_, p. 238; Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_). {The earnest of the Spirit} (\ton arrab“na tou pneumatos\). A word of Semitic origin (possibly Phoenician) and spelled both \arab“n\ and \arrab“n\. It is common in the papyri as earnest money in a purchase for a cow or for a wife (a dowry). In N.T. only here; strkjv@5:5; strkjv@Ephesians:1:14|. It is part payment on the total obligation and we use the very expression today, "earnest money." It is God, says Paul, who has done all this for us and God is Paul's pledge that he is sincere. He will come to Corinth in due time. This earnest of the Spirit in our hearts is the witness of the Spirit that we are God's.

rwp@Info_2John @ SECOND JOHN ABOUT A.D. 85 TO 90 BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION There is little to add to what was said about the First Epistle except that here the author terms himself "the elder" (\ho presbuteros\) and writes to "the elect lady" (\eklektˆi kuriƒi\). There is dispute about both of these titles. Some hold that it is the mythical "presbyter John" of whom Papias may speak, if so understood, but whose very existence is disproved by Dom Chapman in _John the Presbyter and the Fourth Gospel_ (1911). Peter the apostle (1Peter:1:1|) calls himself "fellow-elder" (\sunpresbuteros\) with the other elders (1Peter:5:1|). The word referred originally to age (Luke:15:25|), then to rank or office as in the Sanhedrin (Matthew:16:21; strkjv@Acts:6:12|) and in the Christian churches (Acts:11:30; strkjv@20:17; strkjv@1Timothy:5:17,19|) as here also. A few even deny that the author is the same as in the First Epistle of John, but just an imitator. But the bulk of modern scholarly opinion agrees that the same man wrote all three Epistles and the Fourth Gospel (the Beloved Disciple, and many still say the Apostle John) whatever is true of the Apocalypse. There is no way of deciding whether "the elect lady" is a woman or a church. The obvious way of taking it is to a woman of distinction in one of the churches, as is true of "the co-elect lady in Babylon" (1Peter:5:13|), Peter's wife, who travelled with him (1Corinthians:9:5|). Some even take \kuria\ to be the name of the lady (Cyria). Some also take it to be "Eklecta the lady." Dr. Findlay (_Fellowship in the Life Eternal_, p. 31) holds that Pergamum is the church to which the letter was sent. The same commentaries treat I, II, and III John as a rule, though Poggel has a book on II, III John (1896) and Bresky (1906) has _Das Verhaltnis des Zweiten Johannesbriefes zum dritten_. Dr. J. Rendel Harris has an interesting article in _The Expositor_ of London for March, 1901, on "The Problem of the Address to the Second Epistle of John," in which he argues from papyri examples that \kuria\ here means "my dear" or "my lady." But Findlay (_Fellowship in the Life Eternal_, p. 26) argues that "the qualifying adjunct 'elect' lifts us into the region of Christian calling and dignity." It is not certain that II John was written after I John, though probable. Origen rejected it and the Peshitta Syriac does not have II and III John. strkjv@2John:1:1 @{And her children} (\kai tois teknois autˆs\). As with \eklektˆ kuria\, so here \tekna\ may be understood either literally as in strkjv@1Timothy:3:4|, or spiritually, as in strkjv@Galatians:4:19,25; strkjv@1Timothy:1:2|. For the spiritual sense in \teknia\ see strkjv@1John:2:1,12|. {Whom} (\hous\). Masculine accusative plural, though \teknois\ is neuter plural (dative), construction according to sense, not according to grammatical gender, "embracing the mother and the children of both sexes" (Vincent). See thus \hous\ in strkjv@Galatians:4:19|. {I} (\Eg“\). Though \ho presbuteros\ is third person, he passes at once after the Greek idiom to the first and there is also special emphasis here in the use of \agap“\ with the addition of \en alˆtheiƒi\ (in truth, in the highest sphere, as in strkjv@John:17:19; strkjv@3John:1:1|) and \ouk eg“ monos\ (not I only, "not I alone"). Brooke argues that this language is unsuitable if to a single family and not to a church. But Paul employs this very phrase in sending greetings to Prisca and Aquila (Romans:16:4|). {That know} (\hoi egn“kotes\). Perfect active articular participle of \gin“sk“\, "those that have come to know and still know."

rwp@Ephesians:5:23 @{For the husband is the head of the wife} (\hoti anˆr estin kephalˆ tˆs gunaikos\). "For a husband is head of the (his) wife." No article with \anˆr\ or \kephalˆ\. {As Christ also is the head of the church} (\h“s kai ho Christos kephalˆ tˆs ekklˆsias\). No article with \kephalˆ\, "as also Christ is head of the church." This is the comparison, but with a tremendous difference which Paul hastens to add either in an appositional clause or as a separate sentence. {Himself the saviour of the body} (\autos s“tˆr tou s“matos\). He means the church as the body of which Christ is head and Saviour.

rwp@Ephesians:5:25 @{Even as Christ also loved the church} (\kath“s kai ho Christos ˆgapˆsen tˆn ekklˆsian\). This is the wonderful new point not in strkjv@Colossians:3:19| that lifts this discussion of the husband's love for his wife to the highest plane.

rwp@Ephesians:5:33 @{Nevertheless} (\plˆn\). "Howbeit," not to dwell unduly (Abbott) on the matter of Christ and the church. {Do ye also severally love} (\kai humeis hoi kath' hena hekastos agapƒt“\). An unusual idiom. The verb \agapƒt“\ (present active imperative) agrees with \hekastos\ and so is third singular instead of \agapƒte\ (second plural) like \humeis\. The use of \hoi kath' hena\ after \humeis\ = " ye one by one " and then \hekastos\ takes up (individualizes) the "one" in partitive apposition and in the third person. {Let the wife see that she fear} (\hˆ gunˆ hina phobˆtai\). There is no verb in the Greek for "let see" (\blepet“\). For this use of \hina\ with the subjunctive as a practical imperative without a principal verb (an elliptical imperative) see strkjv@Mark:5:23; strkjv@Matthew:20:32; strkjv@1Corinthians:7:29; strkjv@2Corinthians:8:7; strkjv@Ephesians:4:29; strkjv@5:33| (Robertson, _Grammar_, p. 994). "Fear" (\phobˆtai\, present middle subjunctive) here is "reverence."

rwp@Hebrews:7:19 @{Made nothing perfect} (\ouden etelei“sen\). Another parenthesis. First aorist active indicative of \teleio“\. See verse 11|. And yet law is necessary. {A bringing in thereupon} (\epeisag“gˆ\). An old double compound (\epi\, additional, \eisag“gˆ\, bringing in from \eisag“\). Here only in N.T. Used by Josephus (_Ant_. XI. 6, 2) for the introduction of a new wife in place of the repudiated one. {Of a better hope} (\kreittonos elpidos\). This better hope (6:18-20|) does bring us near to God (\eggizomen t“i the“i\) as we come close to God's throne through Christ (4:16|).

rwp@John:12:2 @{Songs:they made him a supper there} (\epoiˆsan oun aut“i deipnon ekei\). Here again \oun\ is not inferential, but merely transitional. This supper is given by Mark (Mark:14:3-9|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:6-13|) just two days (Mark:14:1|) before the passover, that is on our Tuesday evening (beginning of Jewish Wednesday), while John mentions (12:2-9|) it immediately after the arrival of Jesus in Bethany (12:1|). One must decide which date to follow. Mark and Matthew and Luke follow it with the visit of Judas to the Sanhedrin with an offer to betray Jesus as if exasperated by the rebuke by Jesus at the feast. Bernard considers that John "is here more probably accurate." It all turns on John's purpose in putting it here. This is the last mention of Jesus in Bethany and he may have mentioned it proleptically for that reason as seems to me quite reasonable. Westcott notes that in chapter 12 John closes his record of the public ministry of the Lord relative to the disciples at this feast (1-11|), to the multitude in the triumphal entry (12-19|), to the world outside in the visit of the Greeks (20-36a|), and with two summary judgements (36b-50|). There is no further reason to refer to the feast in the house of another Simon when a sinful woman anointed Jesus (Luke:7:36-50|). It is no credit to Luke or to John with Mark and Matthew to have them all making a jumble like that. There were two anointings by two absolutely different women for wholly different purposes. See the discussion on Luke for further details. {And Martha served} (\kai hˆ Martha diˆkonei\). Imperfect active of \diakone“\, picturing Martha true to the account of her in strkjv@Luke:10:40| (\pollˆn diakonian\, \diakonein\ as here). But this fact does not show that Martha was the wife of this Simon at all. They were friends and neighbours and Martha was following her bent. It is Mark (Mark:14:3|) and Matthew (Matthew:26:6|) who mention the name of the host. It is not Simon the Pharisee (Luke:7:36|), but Simon the leper (Mark:14:3; strkjv@Matthew:26:6|) in whose house they meet. The name is common enough. The Simon in Luke was sharply critical of Jesus; this one is full of gratitude for what Jesus has done for him. {That sat at meat} (\t“n anakeimen“n\). "That lay back," reclined as they did, articular participle (ablative case after \ek\) of the common verb \anakeimai\. Perhaps Simon gave the feast partly in honour of Lazarus as well as of Jesus since all were now talking of both (John:12:9|). It was a gracious occasion. The guests were Jesus, the twelve apostles, and Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.

rwp@John:12:25 @{Loseth it} (\apolluei autˆn\). The second paradox. Present active indicative of \apollu“\. This great saying was spoken at various times as in strkjv@Mark:8:35| (Matthew:16:25; strkjv@Luke:9:24|) and strkjv@Mark:10:39| (Luke:17:33|). See those passages for discussion of \psuchˆ\ (life or soul). For "he that hateth his life" (\ho mis“n tˆn psuchˆn autou\) see the sharp contrasts in Luke strkjv@14:26-35| where \mise“\ is used of father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, as well as one's own life. Clearly \mise“\ means "hate" when the issue is between Christ and the dearest things of life as happens when the choice is between martyrdom and apostasy. In that case one keeps his soul for eternal life by losing his life (\psuchˆ\, each time) here. That is the way to "guard" (\phulaxei\) life by being true to Christ. This is the second paradox to show Christ's philosophy of life.

rwp@John:19:8 @{He was the more afraid} (\mallon ephobˆthˆ\). First aorist passive indicative of \phobeomai\. He was already afraid because of his wife's message (Matthew:27:19|). The claim of Jesus to deity excited Pilate's superstitious fears.

rwp@John:19:25 @{Were standing by the cross of Jesus} (\histˆkeisan para t“i staur“i tou Iˆsou\). Perfect of \histˆmi\, to place, used as imperfect (intransitive) with \para\ (beside) and the locative case. Vivid contrast this to the rude gambling of the soldiers. This group of four (or three) women interests us more. Matt. (Matthew:27:55f.|) spoke of women beholding from afar and names three (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee). Mark also (Mark:15:40|) names three (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome). They have clearly drawn near the Cross by now. John alone mentions the mother of Jesus in the group. It is not clear whether the sister of the mother of Jesus is Salome the mother of the sons of Zebedee or the wife of Clopas. If so, two sisters have the name Mary and James and John are cousins of Jesus. The point cannot be settled with our present knowledge.

rwp@Luke:4:38 @{He rose up} (\anastas\). Second aorist active participle of \anistˆmi\, a common verb. B. Weiss adds here "from the teacher's seat." Either from his seat or merely leaving the synagogue. This incident of the healing of Peter's mother-in-law is given in strkjv@Mark:1:29-34| and strkjv@Matthew:8:14-17|, which see for details. {Into the house of Simon} (\eis tˆn oikian Sim“nos\). "Peter's house" (Matthew:8:14|). "The house of Simon and Andrew" (Mark:1:29|). Paul's reference to Peter's wife (1Corinthians:9:5|) is pertinent. They lived together in Capernaum. This house came also to be the Capernaum home of Jesus. {Simon's wife's mother} (\penthera tou Sim“nos\). The word \penthera\ for mother-in-law is old and well established in usage. Besides the parallel passages (Mark:1:30; strkjv@Matthew:8:14; strkjv@Luke:4:38|) it occurs in the N.T. only in strkjv@Luke:12:53|. The corresponding word \pentheros\, father-in-law, occurs in strkjv@John:18:13| alone in the N.T. {Was holden with a great fever} (\ˆn sunechomenˆ puret“i megal“i\). Periphrastic imperfect passive, the analytical tense accenting the continuous fever, perhaps chronic and certainly severe. Luke employs this verb nine times and only three others in the N.T. (Matthew:4:24| passive with diseases here; strkjv@2Corinthians:5:14| active; strkjv@Phillipians:1:23| passive). In strkjv@Acts:28:8| the passive "with dysentery" is like the construction here and is a common one in Greek medical writers as in Greek literature generally. Luke uses the passive with "fear," strkjv@Luke:8:37|, the active for holding the hands over the ears (Acts:7:57|) and for pressing one or holding together (Luke:8:45; strkjv@19:43; strkjv@22:63|), the direct middle for holding oneself to preaching (Acts:18:5|). It is followed here by the instrumental case. Hobart (_Medical Language of Luke_, p. 3) quotes Galen as dividing fevers into "great" (\megaloi\) and "small" (\smikroi\).

rwp@Luke:14:26 @{Hateth not} (\ou misei\). An old and very strong verb \mise“\, to hate, detest. The orientals use strong language where cooler spirits would speak of preference or indifference. But even so Jesus does not here mean that one must hate his father or mother of necessity or as such, for strkjv@Matthew:15:4| proves the opposite. It is only where the element of choice comes in (cf. strkjv@Matthew:6:24|) as it sometimes does, when father or mother opposes Christ. Then one must not hesitate. The language here is more sharply put than in strkjv@Matthew:10:37|. The \ou\ here coalesces with the verb \misei\ in this conditional clause of the first class determined as fulfilled. It is the language of exaggerated contrast, it is true, but it must not be watered down till the point is gone. In mentioning "and wife" Jesus has really made a comment on the excuse given in verse 20| (I married a wife and so I am not able to come). {And his own life also} (\eti te kai tˆn psuchˆn heautou\). Note \te kai\, both--and. "The \te\ (B L) binds all the particulars into one bundle of _renuncianda_" (Bruce). Note this same triple group of conjunctions (\eti te kai\) in strkjv@Acts:21:28|, "And moreover also," "even going as far as his own life." Martyrdom should be an ever-present possibility to the Christian, not to be courted, but not to be shunned. Love for Christ takes precedence "over even the elemental instinct of self-preservation" (Ragg).

rwp@Luke:15:3 @{This parable} (\tˆn parabolˆn tautˆn\). The Parable of the Lost Sheep (15:3-7|). This is Christ's way of answering the cavilling of these chronic complainers. Jesus gave this same parable for another purpose in another connection (Matthew:18:12-14|). The figure of the Good Shepherd appears also in strkjv@John:10:1-18|. "No simile has taken more hold upon the mind of Christendom" (Plummer). Jesus champions the lost and accepts the challenge and justifies his conduct by these superb stories. "The three Episodes form a climax: The Pasture--the House--the Home; the Herdsman--the Housewife--the Father; the Sheep--the Treasure--the Beloved Son" (Ragg).

rwp@Luke:17:32 @{Remember Lot's wife} (\mnˆmoneuete tˆs gunaikos L“t\). Here only in the N.T. A pertinent illustration to warn against looking back with yearning after what has been left behind (Genesis:19:26|).

rwp@Luke:20:33 @{Had her} (\eschon\). Constative second aorist indicative of \ech“\ including all seven seriatim. Songs:Matthew:22:28; strkjv@Mark:12:33| {To wife} (\gunaika\). As wife, accusative in apposition with "her."

rwp@Mark:1:29 @{The house of Simon and Andrew} (\tˆn oikian Sim“nos kai Andreou\). Peter was married and both he and Andrew lived together in "Peter's house" (Matthew:8:14|) with Peter's wife and mother-in-law. Peter was evidently married before he began to follow Jesus. Later his wife accompanied him on his apostolic journeys (1Corinthians:9:5|). This incident followed immediately after the service in the synagogue on the sabbath. All the Synoptics give it. Mark heard Peter tell it as it occurred in his own house where Jesus made his home while in Capernaum. Each Gospel gives touches of its own to the story. Mark has "lay sick of a fever " (\katekeito puressousa\), lay prostrate burning with fever. Matthew puts it "stretched out (\beblˆmenˆn\) with a fever." Luke has it "holden with a great fever" (\ˆn sunechomenˆ puret“i megal“i\), a technical medical phrase. They all mention the instant recovery and ministry without any convalescence. Mark and Matthew speak of the touch of Jesus on her hand and Luke speaks of Jesus standing over her like a doctor. It was a tender scene.

rwp@Mark:6:18 @{Thy brother's wife} (\tˆn gunaika tou adelphou\). While the brother was alive (Leviticus:18:16; strkjv@20:21|). After a brother's death it was often a duty to marry his widow.

rwp@Mark:10:12 @{If she herself shall put away her husband and marry another} (\ean autˆ apolusasa ton andra autˆs gamˆsˆi\). Condition of the third class (undetermined, but with prospect of determination). Greek and Roman law allowed the divorce of the husband by the wife though not provided for in Jewish law. But the thing was sometimes done as in the case of Herodias and her husband before she married Herod Antipas. Songs:also Salome, Herod's sister, divorced her husband. Both Bruce and Gould think that Mark added this item to the words of Jesus for the benefit of the Gentile environment of this Roman Gospel. But surely Jesus knew that the thing was done in the Roman world and hence prohibited marrying such a "grass widow."

rwp@Mark:12:20 @{Took a wife} (\elaben gunaika\). Songs:Luke:20:29|. Matthew has "married" (\gˆmas\).

rwp@Mark:12:23 @{To wife} (\gunaika\). Predicate accusative in apposition with "her" (\autˆn\). Songs:Luke, but Matthew merely has "had her" (\eschon autˆn\), constative aorist indicative active.

rwp@Matthew:1:1 @{The Son of David, the son of Abraham} (\huiou Daueid huiou Abraam\). Matthew proposes to show that Jesus Christ is on the human side the son of David, as the Messiah was to be, and the son of Abraham, not merely a real Jew and the heir of the promises, but the promise made to Abraham. Songs:Matthew begins his line with Abraham while Luke traces his line back to Adam. The Hebrew and Aramaic often used the word son (\bˆn\) for the quality or character, but here the idea is descent. Christians are called sons of God because Christ has bestowed this dignity upon us (Romans:8:14; strkjv@9:26; strkjv@Galatians:3:26; strkjv@4:5-7|). Verse 1 is the description of the list in verses 2-17|. The names are given in three groups, Abraham to David (2-6|), David to Babylon Removal (6-11|), Jechoniah to Jesus (12-16|). The removal to Babylon (\metoikesias Babul“nos\) occurs at the end of verse 11|, the beginning of verse 12|, and twice in the resume in verse 17|. This great event is used to mark off the two last divisions from each other. It is a good illustration of the genitive as the case of genus or kind. The Babylon removal could mean either to Babylon or from Babylon or, indeed, the removal of Babylon. But the readers would know the facts from the Old Testament, the removal of the Jews to Babylon. Then verse 17| makes a summary of the three lists, fourteen in each by counting David twice and omitting several, a sort of mnemonic device that is common enough. Matthew does not mean to say that there were only fourteen in actual genealogy. The names of the women (Thamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba the wife of Uriah) are likewise not counted. But it is a most interesting list.

rwp@Matthew:1:18 @{Betrothed to Joseph} (\Mnˆsteutheisˆs t“i I“sˆph\). Matthew proceeds to explain his statement in strkjv@1:16| which implied that Joseph, though the legal father of Jesus in the royal line, was not the actual father of Mary's Son. Betrothal with the Jews was a serious matter, not lightly entered into and not lightly broken. The man who betrothed a maiden was legally husband (Genesis:29:21; strkjv@Deuteronomy:22:23f.|) and "an informal cancelling of betrothal was impossible" (McNeile). Though they did not live together as husband and wife till actual marriage, breach of faithfulness on the part of the betrothed was treated as adultery and punished with death. _The New Testament in Braid Scots_ actually has "mairry't till Joseph" for "betrothed to Joseph." Matthew uses the genitive absolute construction here, a very common Greek idiom.

rwp@Matthew:1:20 @{An angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream} (\aggelos kuriou kat' onar ephanˆ aut“i\). This expression (\aggelos kuriou\) is without the article in the New Testament except when, as in strkjv@1:24|, there is reference to the angel previously mentioned. Sometimes in the Old Testament Jehovah Himself is represented by this phrase. Surely Joseph needed God's help if ever man did. If Jesus was really God's Son, Joseph was entitled to know this supreme fact that he might be just to both Mary and her Child. It was in a dream, but the message was distinct and decisive for Joseph. He is called "Son of David" as had been shown by Matthew in strkjv@Matthew:1:16|. Mary is called his "wife" (\tˆn gunaika sou\). He is told "not to become afraid" (ingressive first aorist passive subjunctive in prohibition, (\mˆ phobˆthˆis\), "to take to his side" (\paralabein\, ingressive aorist active infinitive) her whom he had planned (\enthumˆthentos\, genitive absolute again, from \en\ and \thumos\) to send away with a writ of divorce. He had pondered and had planned as best he knew, but now God had called a halt and he had to decide whether he was willing to shelter Mary by marrying her and, if necessary, take upon himself whatever stigma might attach to her. Joseph was told that the child was begotten of the Holy Spirit and thus that Mary was innocent of any sin. But who would believe it now if he told it of her? Mary knew the truth and had not told him because she could not expect him to believe it.

rwp@Matthew:1:24 @{Took unto him his wife} (\parelaben tˆn gunaika autou\). The angel had told him not to be afraid to "take to his side" Mary his wife (1:20|). Songs:when he awoke from his sleep he promptly obeyed the angel and "took his wife home" (Moffatt). One can only imagine the relief and joy of Mary when Joseph nobly rose to his high duty toward her. I have tried to sketch Mary's problems in _Mary the Mother of Jesus: Her Problems and Her Glory._

rwp@Matthew:5:31 @{A writing of divorcement} (\apostasion\), "a divorce certificate" (Moffatt), "a written notice of divorce" (Weymouth). The Greek is an abbreviation of \biblion apostasiou\ (Ma strkjv@19:7; strkjv@Mark:10:4|). Vulgate has here _libellum repudii_. The papyri use \suggraphˆ apostasiou\ in commercial transactions as "a bond of release" (see Moulton and Milligan's _Vocabulary_, etc.) The written notice (\biblion\) was a protection to the wife against an angry whim of the husband who might send her away with no paper to show for it.

rwp@Matthew:10:35 @{Set at variance} (\dichasai\). Literally divide in two, \dicha\. Jesus uses strkjv@Micah:7:1-6| to describe the rottenness of the age as Micah had done. Family ties and social ties cannot stand in the way of loyalty to Christ and righteous living. {The daughter-in-law} (\numphˆn\). Literally bride, the young wife who is possibly living with the mother-in-law. It is a tragedy to see a father or mother step between the child and Christ.

rwp@Matthew:14:3 @{For the sake of Herodias} (\dia Hˆr“idiada\). The death of John had taken place some time before. The Greek aorists here (\edˆsen, apetheto\) are not used for past perfects. The Greek aorist simply narrates the event without drawing distinctions in past time. This Herodias was the unlawful wife of Herod Antipas. She was herself a descendant of Herod the Great and had married Herod Philip of Rome, not Philip the Tetrarch. She had divorced him in order to marry Herod Antipas after he had divorced his wife, the daughter of Aretas King of Arabia. It was a nasty mess equal to any of our modern divorces. Her first husband was still alive and marriage with a sister-in-law was forbidden to Jews (Leviticus:18:16|). Because of her Herod Antipas had put John in the prison at Machaerus. The bare fact has been mentioned in strkjv@Matthew:4:12| without the name of the place. See strkjv@11:2| also for the discouragement of John \en t“i desm“tˆri“i\ (place of bondage), here \en tˆi phulakˆi\ (the guard-house). Josephus (_Ant_. xviii. 5.2) tells us that Machaerus is the name of the prison. On a high hill an impregnable fortress had been built. Tristram (_Land of Moab_) says that there are now remains of "two dungeons, one of them deep and its sides scarcely broken in" with "small holes still visible in the masonry where staples of wood and iron had once been fixed. One of these must surely have been the prison-house of John the Baptist." "On this high ridge Herod the Great built an extensive and beautiful palace" (Broadus). "The windows commanded a wide and grand prospect, including the Dead Sea, the course of the Jordan, and Jerusalem" (Edersheim, _Life and Times of Jesus_).

rwp@Matthew:18:25 @{Had not wherewith to pay} (\mˆ echontos autou apodounai\). There is no "wherewith" in the Greek. This idiom is seen in strkjv@Luke:7:42; strkjv@14:14; strkjv@Hebrews:6:13|. Genitive absolute though \auton\ in the same clause as often in the N.T. {To be sold} (\prathˆnai\). First aorist passive infinitive of \piprask“\. This was according to the law (Exodus:22:3; strkjv@Leviticus:25:39,47|). Wife and children were treated as property in those primitive times.

rwp@Matthew:19:6 @{What therefore God hath joined together} (\ho oun ho theos sunezeuxen\). Note "what," not "whom." The marriage relation God has made. "The creation of sex, and the high doctrine as to the cohesion it produces between man and woman, laid down in Gen., interdict separation" (Bruce). The word for "joined together" means "yoked together," a common verb for marriage in ancient Greek. It is the timeless aorist indicative (\sunezeuxen\), true always. {Bill} (\biblion\). A little \biblos\ (see on ¯1:1|), a scroll or document (papyrus or parchment). This was some protection to the divorced wife and a restriction on laxity.

rwp@Matthew:27:19 @{His wife} (\hˆ gunˆ autou\). Poor Pilate was getting more entangled every moment as he hesitated to set Jesus free whom he knew to be free of any crime against Caesar. Just at the moment when he was trying to enlist the people in behalf of Jesus against the schemes of the Jewish leaders, his wife sent a message about her dream concerning Jesus. She calls Jesus "that righteous man" (\t“i dikai“i ekein“i\) and her psychical sufferings increased Pilate's superstitious fears. Tradition names her Procla and even calls her a Christian which is not probable. But it was enough to unnerve the weak Pilate as he sat on the judgment-seat (\epi tou bˆmatos\) up over the pavement.

rwp@Matthew:27:24 @{Washed his hands} (\apenipsato tas cheiras\). As a last resort since the hubbub (\thorubos\) increased because of his vacillation. The verb \aponipt“\ means to wash off and the middle voice means that he washed off his hands for himself as a common symbol of cleanliness and added his pious claim with a slap at them. {I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man} (or {this blood}); {see ye to it}. (\Ath“ios eimi apo tou haimatos tou dikaiou toutou\ or \tou haimatos toutou\ as some manuscripts have it, \humeis opsesthe\.) The Jews used this symbol (Deuteronomy:21:6; strkjv@Psalms:26:6; strkjv@73:13|). Plummer doubts if Pilate said these words with a direct reference to his wife's message (26:19|), but I fail to see the ground for that scepticism. The so-called _Gospel of Peter_ says that Pilate washed his hands because the Jews refused to do so.

rwp@Philippians:4:3 @{True yokefellow} (\gnˆsie sunzuge\). All sorts of suggestions have been made here, one that it was Lydia who is termed Paul's wife by the word \sunzuge\. Unfortunately for that view \gnˆsie\ is masculine vocative singular. Some have suggested it as a proper name though it is not found in the inscriptions, but the word does occur as an appellative in one. Lightfoot even proposes Epaphroditus, the bearer of the Epistle, certainly a curious turn to take to address him. After all it matters little that we do not know who the peacemaker was. {Help these women} (\sunlambanou autais\). Present middle imperative of \sunlamban“\, to seize (Matthew:26:55|), to conceive (Luke:1:24|), then to take hold together with one (associative instrumental case), to help as here (Luke:5:7|). "Take hold with them." {They laboured with me} (\sunˆthlˆsan moi\). First aorist active indicative of \sunathle“\ (for which see strkjv@1:27|) with associative instrumental case (\moi\). {With Clement also} (\meta kai Klˆmentos\). There is no evidence that he was Clement of Rome as the name is common. {In the book of life} (\en bibl“i z“ˆs\). The only instance of this expression in the N.T. outside of the Apocalypse (3:5; strkjv@13:8; strkjv@17:8|, etc.). Hence real Christians in spite of their bickerings.

rwp@Revelation:1:20 @{The mystery of the seven stars} (\to mustˆrion t“n hepta aster“n\). On the word \mustˆrion\ see on ¯Matthew:13:11; strkjv@2Thessalonians:2:7; strkjv@Colossians:1:26|. Here it means the inner meaning (the secret symbol) of a symbolic vision (Swete) as in strkjv@10:7; strkjv@13:18; strkjv@17:7,9; strkjv@Daniel:2:47|. Probably the accusative absolute (Charles), "as for the mystery" (Robertson, _Grammar_, pp. 490, 1130), as in strkjv@Romans:8:3|. This item is picked out of the previous vision (1:16|) as needing explanation at once and as affording a clue to what follows (2:1,5|). {Which} (\hous\). Masculine accusative retained without attraction to case of \aster“n\ (genitive, \h“n\). {In my right hand} (\epi tˆs dexias mou\). Or "upon," but \en tˆi\, etc., in verse 16|. {And the seven golden candlesticks} (\kai tas hepta luchnias tas chrusƒs\). "The seven lampstands the golden," identifying the stars of verse 16| with the lampstands of verse 12|. The accusative case here is even more peculiar than the accusative absolute \mustˆrion\, since the genitive \luchni“n\ after \mustˆrion\ is what one would expect. Charles suggests that John did not revise his work. {The angels of the seven churches} (\aggeloi t“n hepta ekklˆsi“n\). Anarthrous in the predicate (angels of, etc.). "The seven churches" mentioned in strkjv@1:4,11|. Various views of \aggelos\ here exist. The simplest is the etymological meaning of the word as messenger from \aggell“\ (Matthew:11:10|) as messengers from the seven churches to Patmos or by John from Patmos to the churches (or both). Another view is that \aggelos\ is the pastor of the church, the reading \tˆn gunaika sou\ (thy wife) in strkjv@2:20| (if genuine) confirming this view. Some would even take it to be the bishop over the elders as \episcopos\ in Ignatius, but a separate \aggelos\ in each church is against this idea. Some take it to be a symbol for the church itself or the spirit and genius of the church, though distinguished in this very verse from the churches themselves (the lampstands). Others take it to be the guardian angel of each church assuming angelic patrons to be taught in strkjv@Matthew:18:10; strkjv@Acts:12:15|. Each view is encompassed with difficulties, perhaps fewer belonging to the view that the "angel" is the pastor. {Are seven churches} (\hepta ekklˆsiai eisin\). These seven churches (1:4,11|) are themselves lampstands (1:12|) reflecting the light of Christ to the world (Matthew:5:14-16; strkjv@John:8:12|) in the midst of which Christ walks (1:13|).

rwp@Revelation:21:2 @{The holy city, new Jerusalem} (\tˆn polin tˆn hagian Ierousalˆm kainˆn\). "The New Earth must have a new metropolis, not another Babylon, but another and greater Jerusalem" (Swete), and not the old Jerusalem which was destroyed A.D. 70. It was called the Holy City in a conventional way (Matthew:4:5; strkjv@27:53|), but now in reality because it is new and fresh (\kainˆn\), this heavenly Jerusalem of hope (Hebrews:12:22|), this Jerusalem above (Galatians:4:26ff.|) where our real citizenship is (Phillipians:3:20|). {Coming down out of heaven from God} (\katabainousan ek tou ouranou apo tou theou\). Glorious picture caught by John and repeated from strkjv@3:12| and again in strkjv@21:10|. But Charles distinguishes this new city of God from that in strkjv@21:9-22:2| because there is no tree of life in this one. But one shrinks from too much manipulation of this symbolism. It is better to see the glorious picture with John and let it tell its own story. {Made ready} (\hˆtoimasmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \hetoimaz“\ as in strkjv@19:7|. The Wife of the Lamb made herself ready in her bridal attire. {As a bride adorned} (\h“s numphˆn kekosmˆmenˆn\). Perfect passive participle of \kosme“\, old verb (from \kosmos\ ornament like our cosmetics), as in strkjv@21:19|. Only here the figure of bride is not the people of God as in strkjv@19:7|, but the abode of the people of God (the New Jerusalem). {For her husband} (\t“i andri autˆs\). Dative case of personal interest.

rwp@Revelation:21:9 @{One of the seven angels} (\heis ek t“n hepta aggel“n\). As in strkjv@17:1| with the same introduction when the angel made the announcement about the harlot city (Babylon), so here the description of the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, is given by one of the same group of angels who had the seven bowls. Thus the \numphˆ\ (Bride) is placed in sharp contrast with the \pornˆ\ (Harlot). The New Jerusalem was briefly presented in verse 2|, but now is pictured at length (21:9-22:5|) in a nearer and clearer vision. {The bride the wife of the Lamb} (\tˆn numphˆn tˆn gunaika tou arniou\). Twice already the metaphor of the Bride has been used (19:7; strkjv@21:2|), here termed "wife" (\gunaika\), mentioned proleptically as in strkjv@19:7| if the marriage is not yet a reality. For the use of the same metaphor elsewhere in the N.T. see on ¯19:7|.

rwp@Romans:16:15 @{Philologus} (\Philologon\). Another common slave name. {Julia} (\Ioulian\). The commonest name for female slaves in the imperial household because of Julius Caesar. Possibly these two were husband and wife. {Nereus} (\Nˆrea\). Found in inscriptions of the imperial household. But the sister's name is not given. One wonders why. {Olympas} (\Olumpƒn\). Possibly an abbreviation for Olympiodorus. {All the saints that are with them} (\tous sun autois pantas hagious\). Possibly another church in the house. These unnamed, the "and others," constitute the great majority in all our churches.

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