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NT-GOSPEL.filter - geneva worlde:

geneva@Matthew:13:22 @ And hee that receiued the seede among thornes, is hee that heareth the woorde: but the care of this worlde, and the deceitfulnesse of riches choke the word, and he is made vnfruitfull.

geneva@Matthew:13:35 @ That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables, and will vtter the thinges which haue beene kept secrete from the foundation of the worlde.

geneva@Matthew:13:38 @ And the field is the worlde, and the good seede are the children of the kingdome, and the tares are the children of that wicked one.

geneva@Matthew:13:39 @ And the enemie that soweth them, is the deuill, and the haruest is the end of the worlde, and the reapers be the Angels.

geneva@Matthew:16:26 @ For what shall it profite a man though he should winne the whole worlde, if hee lose his owne soule? Or what shall a man giue for recompence of his soule?

geneva@Matthew:24:21 @ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the worlde to this time, nor shalbe.

geneva@Matthew:26:13 @ Verely I say vnto you, wheresoeuer this Gospel shall bee preached throughout all the worlde, there shall also this that shee hath done, be spoken of for a memoriall of her.

geneva@Luke:9:25 @ For what auantageth it a man, if he win the whole worlde, and destroy himselfe, or lose himselfe?

geneva@John:7:4 @ For there is no man that doeth any thing secretely, and hee himselfe seeketh to be famous. If thou doest these things, shewe thy selfe to the worlde.

geneva@John:8:23 @ And hee saide vnto them, Ye are from beneath, I am from aboue: ye are of this world, I am not of this worlde.

geneva@John:10:36 @ Say ye of him, whome the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the worlde, Thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Sonne of God?

geneva@John:15:19 @ If ye were of the worlde, the world woulde loue his owne: but because ye are not of ye world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

geneva@John:16:20 @ Verely, verely I say vnto you, that ye shall weepe and lament, and the worlde shall reioyce: and ye shall sorowe, but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioye.

geneva@John:16:28 @ I am come out from the Father, and came into the worlde: againe I leaue the worlde, and goe to the Father.

geneva@John:17:9 @ I pray for them: I pray not for the worlde, but for them which thou hast giuen me: for they are thine.

geneva@John:17:12 @ While I was with them in the worlde, I kept them in thy Name: those that thou gauest me, haue I kept, and none of them is lost, but the childe of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.

geneva@John:17:13 @ And now come I to thee, and these things speake I in the worlde, that they might haue my ioy fulfilled in themselues.

geneva@John:17:16 @ They are not of the worlde, as I am not of the world.

geneva@John:17:21 @ That they all may bee one, as thou, O Father, art in me, and I in thee: euen that they may be also one in vs, that the worlde may beleeue that thou hast sent me.

geneva@John:17:23 @ I in them, and thou in mee, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the worlde may knowe that thou hast sent mee, and hast loued them, as thou hast loued me.

geneva@John:17:25 @ O righteous Father, the worlde also hath not knowen thee, but I haue knowen thee, and these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me.

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