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bwe@Matthew:2:18 @ He said, A voice could be heard in the town of Ramah. Rachel was crying for her children. She would not let anyone comfort her because her children were dead.

bwe@Matthew:5:33 @ Also you have heard this said to men long ago, "You must not make a promise in Gods name and break it." And, "You must do for the Lord what you said you would do."

bwe@Matthew:9:2 @ Some men brought a sick man to him. The man could not move his arms or legs. He was lying on a bed. Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, My son, be glad! The wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Matthew:11:14 @ If you will believe it, this man is the Elijah who would come.

bwe@Matthew:11:21 @ He said, Chorazin! You will have trouble! Bethsaida! You will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped their wrong ways long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad. They would sit in ashes.

bwe@Matthew:11:23 @ Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to death. If the big things I did in you had been done in the city of Sodom, it would be standing now.

bwe@Matthew:12:7 @ You do not know what this means, "I want you to be kind; I do not want a sacrifice." If you knew, then you would not have said what they did was wrong. What they did was not wrong.

bwe@Matthew:12:11 @ Jesus said to them, If one of you had a sheep and it fell into a hole on the Sabbath day, would you not take hold of it and pull it out?

bwe@Matthew:13:15 @ The hearts of these people have no feeling. They do not hear well with their ears. And they have shut their eyes. They do not want to see with their eyes. They do not want to hear with their ears. They do not want to understand in their hearts. They do not want to turn to me. If they did turn, I would heal them."

bwe@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they understood that he was not talking about bread. He did not mean that the yeast of bread would spoil them. They understood that he was talking about the things the Pharisees and Sadducees taught.

bwe@Matthew:17:20 @ Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.

bwe@Matthew:20:10 @ Those who started work first thought they would get more than that. But they also were paid a days wages.

bwe@Matthew:21:42 @ Jesus said, Have you never read in the holy writings "The stone which the builders would not use is now the chief corner stone. The Lord did this. It looks wonderful to us"?

bwe@Matthew:22:3 @ The king sent his servants to call the people who had been asked to the wedding. But they would not come.

bwe@Matthew:23:30 @ You say, "If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have helped to kill the prophets of God."

bwe@Matthew:23:37 @ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets. You throw stones to kill the men who are sent to you! How often I have wanted to gather your people together, as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings. But you would not come!

bwe@Matthew:24:15 @ Daniel the prophet said that people would put something very bad in the temple. (Let the one who reads this understand it.)

bwe@Matthew:24:22 @ No person would be saved if the Lord did not cut the time of trouble shorter. He will cut it shorter for the sake of his chosen people.

bwe@Matthew:24:43 @ And remember this. The owner of the house does not know at what time of the night a man will come to steal something. If he knew, he would watch and not let the man break into his house.

bwe@Matthew:25:27 @ You should have put my money in the bank. Then when I came home, I would have had my money with interest on it.

bwe@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of Man will go away just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Matthew:26:25 @ Judas was the one who would give Jesus over to the people who hated him. He said, Master, is it I? Jesus said, Yes, it is.

bwe@Matthew:26:48 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and hold him.

bwe@Matthew:26:53 @ Do you think that I cannot talk to my Father, and he would send me right now more than twelve armies of angels?

bwe@Matthew:26:54 @ But then, how would Gods word come true? The holy writings say that this is the way it must be.

bwe@Matthew:26:55 @ At that same time Jesus said to the people, Have you come to take me with swords and sticks as you would a man who steals? Every day I sat with you in the temple and taught. But you did not try to catch me then.

bwe@Matthew:26:56 @ All this happened so that what the prophets said in the holy writings would come true. Then all the disciples left Jesus and ran away.

bwe@Matthew:26:58 @ Peter followed Jesus a long way behind. He went as far as the yard of the high priests house. He sat down with the people who worked for the high priest. He wanted to see how this would end.

bwe@Matthew:27:34 @ They wanted Jesus to drink wine mixed with something bitter. Jesus tasted it but he would not drink it.

bwe@Matthew:27:63 @ They said, Sir, that man fooled people. We remember what he said when he was still living. He said that he would rise after three days.

bwe@Matthew:27:64 @ So give orders that the grave must be guarded for three days. Then his disciples cannot come in the night to carry away his body, and tell people he rose from death. This last trick would be worse than the first.

bwe@Matthew:27:66 @ So they went and shut the grave tight. They put a government mark on the big stone. And the soldiers stayed to guard it. This was to make sure the grave would stay shut.

bwe@Mark:1:4 @ John baptised people in the desert. He told them to stop doing wrong things and be baptised, and God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Mark:2:5 @ Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, Son, the wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Mark:3:2 @ The Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath day. They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Mark:3:9 @ Jesus saw that the crowd was very big. He told the disciples to have a small boat ready for him so that he would have more room.

bwe@Mark:4:12 @ They may look and look, but they will not see. They may listen and listen, but they will not understand. If they did understand, they would turn back to God and he would forgive them for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Mark:6:23 @ He made a promise which he would not break. He said, Anything that you ask me for I will give you, even if you ask me for half of my kingdom.

bwe@Mark:11:16 @ He would not let anyone carry anything through the temple.

bwe@Mark:12:10 @ Have you not read this writing: "The stone which the builders would not use is now the chief stone of the corner. The Lord did this. It looks wonderful to us."?

bwe@Mark:13:14 @ Daniel the Man of God said that people would put something very bad in the temple. (Let the one who reads this understand it.) When that happens, the people in Judea must go quickly to the hills.

bwe@Mark:13:20 @ No person would be saved if the Lord did not make the time of trouble shorter. He will make it shorter for the sake of his chosen people.

bwe@Mark:14:21 @ The Son of Man will go just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Mark:14:44 @ The man who was going to help them catch Jesus had told them that he would give them a sign. He said, The man that I kiss is the one. Catch him and take him away safely.

bwe@Mark:14:48 @ Jesus said, Have you come to take me with knives and sticks the way you would take a man who steals?

bwe@Mark:15:23 @ They wanted Jesus to drink wine mixed with something bitter. But Jesus would not drink it.

bwe@Mark:16:11 @ Mary told them that he was living. She had seen him. But they would not believe it.

bwe@Mark:16:13 @ They went back and told the rest of the disciples, but they would not believe them either.

bwe@Luke:1:36 @ Your cousin Elizabeth is also going to have a baby son, though she is an old woman. This is the sixth month for her. She is one whom people said would not have a baby.

bwe@Luke:1:71 @ He said he would save us from our enemies and set us free from those who hate us.

bwe@Luke:1:72 @ He said he would be kind to our fathers. He said he would remember his agreement with them.

bwe@Luke:1:73 @ That was what he promised our father Abraham he would surely do. He promised to set us free from our enemies. He promised that we should be without fear. He promised that we would worship him and be holy and good before him as long as we live.

bwe@Luke:2:20 @ Then the men who were taking care of the sheep went back. They praised and thanked God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as they had been told it would be.

bwe@Luke:2:25 @ A man named Simeon was in Jerusalem. He was a good man and he loved God. He was watching and waiting for the one who would save Israel. The Holy Spirit was on him.

bwe@Luke:2:26 @ The Holy Spirit had shown him that he would not die before he had seen the Lords Christ.

bwe@Luke:2:38 @ While Simeon was talking to Mary, Anna also came along and thanked God. She talked about Jesus to all the people who were waiting for the one who would set Jerusalem free.

bwe@Luke:3:3 @ Then John went to all the country around the Jordan River. He told the people to stop doing wrong things, turn back to God and be baptised. And God would forgive them for the wrong things they did.

bwe@Luke:3:15 @ The people were waiting to see what would happen. They were all asking about John. They thought that he might be the Christ, the great king promised by God long ago.

bwe@Luke:4:41 @ The bad spirits also came out of many people. They called out, You are the Son of God! But he stopped them. He would not let them talk because they knew that he was the Christ.

bwe@Luke:5:20 @ Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to him, Man, the wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Luke:6:7 @ The scribes and Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath day. They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Luke:7:30 @ But the Pharisees and teachers of the law would not follow Gods way and they were not baptised by John.

bwe@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee who had asked Jesus to his house saw this. He said to himself, If this man were a prophet of God, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She is a bad woman.

bwe@Luke:7:43 @ Simon answered, I would say the one he let off the most. Jesus said, You are right.

bwe@Luke:9:31 @ Light was shining from them. They talked about his leaving this world. That would happen when he was in Jerusalem.

bwe@Luke:9:45 @ But they did not understand what he said. The meaning was hidden from them so they would not understand it. And they were afraid to ask him about it.

bwe@Luke:9:53 @ But the people would not take him in because he was going to Jerusalem.

bwe@Luke:10:13 @ Chorazin, you will have trouble! Bethsaida, you will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped doing bad things long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad, and would sit in ashes.

bwe@Luke:12:39 @ And remember this. If the owner of a house knew at what time a man would come to steal, he would not let the man break into his house.

bwe@Luke:13:34 @ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets of God. You throw stones to kill men who are sent to you. How often I have wanted to gather your people together as a mother hen gathers her little ones under her wings. But you would not come!

bwe@Luke:15:16 @ He would have been glad to eat the food the pigs ate. But no one gave him anything.

bwe@Luke:15:28 @ But the older son was angry. He would not go into the house. His father came out and begged him to come in.

bwe@Luke:16:17 @ It would be easier to take away the sky and the earth than for the smallest part of the law to fall.

bwe@Luke:16:30 @ He answered, "No, father Abraham! But if a man who had died went to them, they would stop their wrong ways."

bwe@Luke:17:2 @ A big stone should be tied around his neck and then he should be thrown into the sea. That would be better for him than to make one of these little children do wrong.

bwe@Luke:17:6 @ The Lord said, If you believe as much as a little mustard seed, then you can say to this tree, "Come up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea." And it would obey you.

bwe@Luke:18:4 @ For a long time he would not do it. But after a time he said, "I do not respect God or care about people.

bwe@Luke:19:11 @ While they were listening to this, he started to tell them a story. He did so because they were near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God would begin right away.

bwe@Luke:19:23 @ Why did you not put my money in the bank? Then when you came home I would have had my money with interest."

bwe@Luke:19:42 @ He said, I wish you knew today what things would give you peace! But now you do not see what they are.

bwe@Luke:20:17 @ But Jesus looked right at them. He said, What about this writing then? "The stone which the builders would not use is now the chief corner stone."

bwe@Luke:20:20 @ So they watched for a chance to catch him. And they sent men to spy on him. These men acted as if they were good men. They did this because they wanted to catch him in something that he said. They wanted to give him over to the ruler who would judge and punish him.

bwe@Luke:22:5 @ They were glad, and they said they would give him money for it.

bwe@Luke:23:8 @ He was glad to see Jesus. He had heard about him. And he had wanted to see him for a long time. He was hoping that he would see Jesus do a big work.

bwe@Luke:24:7 @ He said that the Son of Man would be given over to bad men. He would be nailed to a cross, and he would rise on the third day.

bwe@Luke:24:20 @ But we were hoping that he was the one who would free the people of Israel. But that is not all. This is the third day since they did it.

bwe@John:1:31 @ I myself did not know who he was. But I came and baptized people in water so that the people of Israel would know who he was.

bwe@John:2:24 @ But Jesus would not trust himself to them.

bwe@John:4:9 @ Jesus answered her, You do not know what God gives people. And you do not know who is asking you for a drink. If you knew him, then it is you who would have asked for a drink of water. He would give you living water.

bwe@John:5:23 @ He did this so that all people would respect the Son, just as they respect his Father. My Father has sent his Son. Anyone who does not respect his Son does not respect the Father.

bwe@John:5:46 @ If you really believed Moses, you would believe me too, because he wrote about me.

bwe@John:6:6 @ Jesus knew what he himself would do, but he said this to see what Philip would do.

bwe@John:6:7 @ Philip answered him, It would take nearly a years wages to buy enough food for them, even if each one gets only a little.

bwe@John:6:62 @ What would you do if you saw the Son of Man go up to the place where he came from?

bwe@John:6:64 @ But even so, some of you do not believe me. Jesus knew right from the beginning which ones of them would not believe. He knew who was going to give him over to people who hated him.

bwe@John:7:1 @ After this, Jesus travelled around in Galilee. He would not travel around in Judea because the leaders of the Jews wanted to kill him.

bwe@John:7:39 @ This is what Jesus meant: those who believe in him would receive the Spirit. At that time no one had received the Holy Spirit because Jesus had not yet been lifted up to heaven

bwe@John:8:6 @ They said this to see what Jesus would do, because they wanted to find something wrong with him. Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground with his finger.

bwe@John:8:19 @ They asked him, Where is your Father? He said, You do not know me and you do not know my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.

bwe@John:8:39 @ They answered him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said, If you were Abrahams children, you would do what Abraham did.

bwe@John:8:42 @ Jesus said to them, If God were your Father you would love me, because I have come from God. I did not come by my own power. God sent me.

bwe@John:8:56 @ Your father Abraham was glad that he would see my coming. He did see it and he was very glad.

bwe@John:9:3 @ Jesus answered, It was not that he or his parents did any wrong thing. But it was so that people would see what God will do in him.

bwe@John:9:22 @ The parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. They knew that the leaders of the Jews had already agreed that if anyone said Jesus is the Christ, they would be put out of the meeting place.

bwe@John:9:41 @ Jesus answered them, If you agreed that you were blind, you would not be bad people. But you say, "We can see." So then you are still bad people.

bwe@John:11:21 @ Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:32 @ Mary reached the place where Jesus was. When she saw him, she kneeled down before him and said, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:40 @ Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you believed God you would see that he is great?

bwe@John:11:52 @ Jesus would die, not only for those people, but he would gather together all of Gods people who are out in different places.

bwe@John:12:33 @ He said this to show how he would die.

bwe@John:12:40 @ So they could not believe. Isaiah said also, God has made them blind. Their hearts have no feeling. They cannot see. They do not understand with their heart. They will not turn to God. If they did turn, he would heal them.

bwe@John:12:42 @ Some of the chief rulers believed in Jesus, but they did not tell anyone that they believed in him. They were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the meeting place.

bwe@John:14:2 @ In my Fathers house are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to make a place ready for you.

bwe@John:14:7 @ If you knew me, you would have known my Father also. But from now on you do know him because you have seen him.

bwe@John:14:28 @ You heard me say, "I am going away and then I will come back to you." If you really loved me, then you would have been very glad that I am going to my Father. My Father is greater than I am.

bwe@John:15:19 @ If you belonged to this world, the world would love you. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

bwe@John:15:22 @ I came and spoke to them. If I had not done that, then what they did would not have been a wrong thing. But now they have no excuse for doing it.

bwe@John:15:24 @ No other person has ever done the work that I have done. If they had, then what they did would not be a wrong thing. But now they have seen me and hated me and my Father also.

bwe@John:18:30 @ They said to him, If he were not a very bad man, then we would not have brought him to you.

bwe@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered him, I am not a king in this world. If I were, my people would fight so that I would not be given to the Jews. But I am not a king in this world.

bwe@John:19:11 @ Jesus said, You would have no power over me if God did not give you power. So then, the man who gave me up to you has done something worse than you.

bwe@John:21:19 @ Jesus said this to show how Peter would die and make Gods name great. When he had finished saying this, he said to him, Come and follow me!

bwe@John:21:23 @ So the report went around among the brothers that that disciple would not die. Jesus had not said to him, You will not die. But he had said, If I want him to wait till I come, what is that to you?

bwe@John:21:25 @ Jesus did many other things also. If every one were written down, I think that the world would be too small to hold all the books that would need to be written. Yes, it is so!

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