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orthjbc@Matthew:5:18 @ For, omein, truly I say to you, until Shomayim and ha'aretz pass away, not one yod, not one tag (note:)ornamental flourish(:note), will pass from the Torah until everything is accomplished.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:42 @ And the one asking you to give and the one wishing to borrow from you, from these do not turn away. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH TEACHES AHAVAH/AGAPE FOR OYEVIM (note:)ENEMIES(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:8:17 @ Thus was fulfilled what was spoken by Yeshayah the Navi, saying, ACHEN CHOLAYEINU HU NASAH UMACHOVEINU S'VALAM (note:)"Surely he took up our sicknesses and he carried away our sorrows," YESHAYAH strkjv@53:4(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:8:30 @ Now there was feeding far away from them a large herd of chazirim (note:)swine(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:8:32 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Go away!" So the shedim, coming out, went away into the chazirim. And--hinei!--all the herd of chazirim rushed down the bank into the lake, and they perished in the water.

orthjbc@Matthew:8:33 @ And the herdsmen of the chazirim fled, and, having gone away into the town, they told the whole story of what had happened to the men possessed by shedim.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:7 @ And arising, he went away to his bais.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:9 @ And going away from there, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw a man called Mattityahu sitting in the tax office. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "Follow me." And Mattityahu arose and followed him.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:15 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Surely the Bnei haChuppah (note:)wedding invitees(:note) are not able to act as avelim mourners as long as the Chosson Bridegroom is with them. But the days will come when the Chosson is taken away from them, and then they will undergo tzomot.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:16 @ No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:24 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying, "Go away! For the yaldah (note:)girl(:note) is not among the mesim dead ones--she sleeps!" And they were making leitzonus mockery, fun of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:21 @ Yet he has no root in himself but is short-lived, and when ES TZARAH * comes or persecution on account of the Dvar Hashem, immediately he ceases being a ma'amin Meshichi (note:)Messianic believer(:note) and becomes meshummad apostate, falling away and giving up the [true Orthodox Jewish] faith.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:25 @ But while men slept, his oyev (note:)enemy(:note) came and oversowed weeds in between the wheat and went away.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:36 @ Then having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came into the bais (note:)house(:note). And Moshiach's talmidim approached him, saying, `Explain to us the mashal of the weeds of the field.`

orthjbc@Matthew:13:44 @ The Malchut HaShomayim is like otzar (note:)treasure(:note) hidden in the field, which, having found, a man hid. And from the simcha he experienced, he goes away and sells everything which he has and buys that field.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:46 @ And having found one precious pearl, he went away and liquidated everything he had and acquired it.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:53 @ And it came about when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach finished these meshalim, that he went away from there. TAKING OFFENSE AT REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Matthew:14:12 @ And Yochanan's talmidim approached and carried away the chalal (note:)dead man(:note) and buried him, and they went and reported [it] to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. REBBE MOSHIACH'S TISH AND THE "MANNA" FROM SHOMAYIM SERVED AT HIS FARBRENGEN INSPIRATIONAL GATHERING

orthjbc@Matthew:14:16 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "They have no need to go away. You yourselves give them something to eat."

orthjbc@Matthew:14:20 @ And everyone ate and they were satisfied, and they took away shirayim (note:)leftovers(:note), shneym asar twelve baskets full.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:22 @ And immediately Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach compelled the talmidim to board a sirah (note:)boat(:note) and to go on ahead of him to the other side until he might send away the multitudes.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:23 @ And having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went up to the mountain by himself to daven. Now when erev had come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was alone there.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:8 @ YA'AN KI NIGASH HAAM HAZEH BEFIV U'VISHFATAV KI-B'DUNI V'LIBO RICHAK MIMENI VA'TEHI YIRA'TAM OTI MITZVAT ANASHIM MELUMADAH ("This people with their lips honor Me, but their heart is far away from Me,

orthjbc@Matthew:15:23 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did not answer her a word. And Moshiach's talmidim having approached, were asking him, saying, "Send her away, for she shouts after us."

orthjbc@Matthew:15:32 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having summoned his talmidim, said, "I have rachamanut (note:)compassion(:note) for the multitudes, for already shloshah yamim three days they remain with me and they do not have anything they may eat, and I do not want to send them away famished, lest they might faint on the way."

orthjbc@Matthew:15:39 @ And having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach embarked in the sirah (note:)boat(:note), and came to the region of Magadan.

orthjbc@Matthew:16:4 @ A dor rah um'naef (note:)an evil and adulterous generation(:note) demands an ot sign, and no ot will be given it except the ot of Yonah HaNavi." And having left them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went away. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WARNS ABOUT TEACHING THAT PUFFS UP WITH BLINDING GA'AVAH PRIDE

orthjbc@Matthew:19:7 @ They say to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Why then did Moshe Rabbenu give the mitzva to give the get, the sefer keritut (note:)bill of divorcement(:note), and send her away?"

orthjbc@Matthew:19:22 @ But having heard the divrei Moshiach, the young man went away with agmat nefesh (note:)grief(:note), for he was having many possessions.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:22 @ And having heard this, they were amazed and, having left Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they went away. THE SHEILAH (note:)QUESTION(:note) ABOUT THE TECHIYAS HAMESIM

orthjbc@Matthew:24:17 @ The one upon the roof, let him not come down to carry away the things from his bais (note:)house(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:24:34 @ Omein, I say to you, that this dor (note:)generation(:note) will by no means pass away until all these things come about.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:35 @ Shomayim v'ha'Aretz (note:)Heaven and Earth(:note) will pass away, but my Dvar Word will by no means pass away.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:39 @ And they did not know until HaMabbul came and took away everything--thus also will be the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of the Ben HaAdam.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:40 @ Then two men will be in the field, one is snatched away, and one is left behind (note:)not retained(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:24:41 @ Two women are grinding in the mill house, one is snatched away, one is left behind.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:10 @ And as they were going away to buy, the Bias of the Chosson (note:)Bridegroom(:note) occurred! The ones prepared entered with him into the Chassuna Wedding feast and the door was shut.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:25 @ And having been afraid and having gone away, I hid your talent by burying it in the ground. Here, see, you have that which belongs to you.`

orthjbc@Matthew:25:46 @ And these will go away into Onesh Olam (note:)Eternal Punishment*(:note), but the tzaddikim into Chayyei Olam Eternal Life.`

orthjbc@Matthew:26:44 @ And having left them again and having gone away, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was davening for the shlishit (note:)third(:note) time, saying the same words.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:57 @ But the ones having arrested Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach led him away to Caiapha the Kohen Gadol, where the Sofrim and the Zekenim (note:)Elders(:note) were gathered together.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:58 @ And Kefa was following Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from far away. He followed him as far as the courtyard of the Kohen Gadol and, having gone inside it, Kefa was sitting down with the servants to see the outcome.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:73 @ And after a little while the bystanders came and said to Kefa, "Truly also you are one of them, for even your accent gives you away!"

orthjbc@Matthew:27:2 @ And having performed the akedah (note:)binding(:note), they led him away, and delivered him up to Pilate the Governor.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:5 @ And Yehudah threw the shiklei kesef (note:)pieces of silver(:note) into the Beis Hamikdash and departed; and, having gone away, Yehudah hanged himself.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:31 @ And after they had ridiculed Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they took his robe off and put his garments on him, and led him away to hang him on HaAitz.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:60 @ and laid it in his own new kever, which he had hewn out in the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the entrance of the kever (note:)tomb(:note) and went away.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:64 @ Therefore, give orders for the kever to be made secure until the Yom HaShlishi (note:)the Third Day(:note), lest his talmidim come and steal him away and say to the people, `He has stood up alive from the dead.` And the last deception will be worse than the first."

orthjbc@Matthew:28:2 @ And--hinei!--a great earthquake had occurred, for a malach Adonoi (note:)an angel of Hashem(:note) descended from Shomayim and came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it.

orthjbc@Matthew:28:10 @ Then he said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and take word to my achim that they may go away to the Galil, and there they shall see me."

orthjbc@Matthew:28:13 @ and said, "You are to say, `His talmidim came by night and stole him away while we were asleep,`

orthjbc@Matthew:28:17 @ And when they saw him, they prostrated themselves before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, but some were doubtful. MOSHIACH'S PROGRAM OF KIRUV RECHOKIM (note:)BRINGING NEAR THE FAR AWAY ONES(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:1:20 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach summoned them; and, leaving Zavdai their father in the sirah boat with the sachirim hired workers, they went away to follow Moshiach [as his talmidim]. SHABBOS IN K'FAR-NACHUM MT strkjv@8:14-17; MK strkjv@1:21-34; LK strkjv@4:32-41

orthjbc@Mark:1:35 @ And very early, while it was still dark, having got up, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went out and away to a desolate place, and was davening shacharis there.

orthjbc@Mark:1:42 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) the ish metzorah leper went away from him and he was made tahor.

orthjbc@Mark:1:43 @ And having sternly warned him, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sent him away.

orthjbc@Mark:2:20 @ But yamim will come when the Chosson is taken away from them, and then they will undergo tzomot HaYom HaHu.

orthjbc@Mark:2:21 @ No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise, the patch will pull away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results.

orthjbc@Mark:3:7 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach with his talmidim went away to the lake, and a great multitude from the Galil and also from Yehudah followed Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Mark:4:17 @ Yet they do not have a shoresh (note:)root(:note) in themselves but are transitory; then when ES TZARAH comes or persecution on account of the dvar, ofen ort immediately they fall away, they become shmad. [Yirmeyah strkjv@30:7; Mattityahu strkjv@24:21]

orthjbc@Mark:4:25 @ For whoever has, it will be given to him, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

orthjbc@Mark:6:29 @ And, having heard this, Yochanan's talmidim came and carried away his geviyah and placed it in a kever. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TISH IN THE MIDBAR AND THE "MANNA" FROM SHOMAYIM SERVED AT HIS FARBRENGEN (note:)INSPIRATIONAL GATHERING(:note)MT strkjv@14:13-21; MK strkjv@6:30-44; strkjv@LK9:10-17; JO strkjv@6:1-13

orthjbc@Mark:6:31 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Come away a while, you yourselves, for a yechidus in a quiet place for a Shabbaton." For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time for okhel.

orthjbc@Mark:6:36 @ Send them away, in order that, having departed to the surrounding farms and shtetlach, they may buy for themselves what okhel they may eat."

orthjbc@Mark:7:6 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Yeshayah rightly gave nevu'ah of you tzevu'im, as it has been written, HAAM HAZEH BISFATAV KIBDUNI V'LIBO RIKHAK MIMENI VATEHI YIRATAM OTI MITZVAT ANASHIM MELUMMADAH ("This people with [their] lips honor me, but their heart is removed far away from me.

orthjbc@Mark:8:3 @ and if I send them away hungry to their batim, they will give out on the way; and some of them have come from faraway."

orthjbc@Mark:8:9 @ And there were approximately arba'at elafim (note:)four thousand [people](:note). And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sent them away. JEWISH MANHIGIM LEADERS TEST REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@15:39-16:4; LK strkjv@8:10-12

orthjbc@Mark:9:43 @ "And if your yad (note:)hand(:note) causes you a michshol, cut off your yad; for it is better for you if you enter Chayyei Olam as an amputee, than, having both yadayim, you go away into Gehinnom, into the AISH LO TIKHBEH "fire not [ever] extinguished" Yeshayah strkjv@66:24.

orthjbc@Mark:10:4 @ And they said, "Moshe Rabbeinu made it mutar (note:)permissible(:note) for a man to write SEFER KERITUT a get, a sefer keritut, bill of divorcement and to send her away dismiss her, divorce her." [Devarim strkjv@24:1-4]

orthjbc@Mark:12:3 @ "But they seized the eved and they beat him and sent him away empty.

orthjbc@Mark:12:12 @ And they were seeking to seize him, and they were afraid of the multitude, for they knew that against them he told the mashal. And leaving him, they went away. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND HIS GAINSAYERS: AN ATTEMPT TO ENTRAP REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH CONCERNING TAXES AND CAESAR (note:)MT strkjv@22:15-22; MK strkjv@12:13-17; LK strkjv@20:20-26(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:13:15 @ "And the one on the roof, let him not come down back inside and let him not enter his bais to take anything away.

orthjbc@Mark:13:30 @ "Omein, I say to you that by no means haDor HaZeh passes away until all these things take place.[Markos strkjv@13:24; Mattityahu strkjv@27:45]

orthjbc@Mark:13:31 @ "Shomayim and ha'aretz will pass away, but the dvarim of me [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] will by no means pass away.[Yeshayah strkjv@40:8]

orthjbc@Mark:14:1 @ Now it was two days before the Pesach, the Chag HaMatzot. And the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim were seeking how they might by ormah (note:)cunning(:note) do away with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Mark:14:27 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "All of you will fall away, for it has been written, "I will strike down ES HARO'EH UTEFUTEN HATZON (note:)"the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered"(:note). [Zecharyah strkjv@13:7]

orthjbc@Mark:14:29 @ But Shimon Kefa said to him, "Even if everyone will fall away, yet I will not."

orthjbc@Mark:14:36 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying, "Abba, Avi, all things [are] possible for you. Take away this KOS [YESHAYAH strkjv@51:17] from me. But not what I will, but what you [will]."

orthjbc@Mark:14:39 @ And again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went away and davened the same dvarim as before.[14:36]

orthjbc@Mark:14:44 @ Now the one betraying Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had given a signal to them, saying, "Whomever I may give the neshikah (note:)kiss(:note), he is [the one], seize him, and lead [him] away under guard."

orthjbc@Mark:14:52 @ But the bochur ran away naked, leaving the linen garment behind. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN, THE BEGINNING OF HIS TZA'AR (note:)PAIN AND SUFFERING(:note): CONDEMNED ON THE BASIS OF PERJURED EDUT MT strkjv@26:57-68; MK strkjv@14:53-65; LK strkjv@22:54, 63-65; JO strkjv@18:24

orthjbc@Mark:14:53 @ And they led away Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to the Kohen Gadol and all the Rashei Hakohanim (note:)the Chief Priests(:note) and the Zekenim and the Sofrim Scribes were assembled.

orthjbc@Mark:14:68 @ But he denied [it], saying, "I do not have da'as nor binah of what you are saying." And he walked away and went outside into the entryway and a tarnegol crowed.

orthjbc@Mark:15:1 @ And as soon as it was boker, the Rashei Hakohanim (note:)the Chief Priests(:note) with the Zekenim and Sofrim Scribes and [the] entire Sanhedrin, having performed the akedah binding of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, led [him] away and handed [him] over to Pilate. [Bereshis strkjv@22:9] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEFORE PILATE MT strkjv@27:3-14; MK strkjv@15:2-5; LK strkjv@23:1-5; JO strkjv@18:28-38

orthjbc@Mark:15:16 @ And the chaiyalim (note:)soldiers(:note) led away Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach into the courtyard, which is [the] Praetorium, the governor's headquarters, and they called together [the] whole cohort.

orthjbc@Mark:16:3 @ And they were saying to themselves, "Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the kever?"

orthjbc@Luke:1:25 @ "Hashem has done this for me. In these yamim he looked with Chen V'Chesed on me to take away my reproach among bnei Adam." [Bereshis strkjv@30:23; Yeshayah strkjv@4:1] THE HULEDET OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH FORETOLD (note:)1:26-38(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:1:53 @ "the ones hungering Hashem made mile tov and the ashirim he sent away empty. [Tehillim strkjv@107:9]

orthjbc@Luke:4:13 @ And after Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach completed all nisayonot, Hasatan went away from him until an opportune time. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH RETURNS TO THE GALIL (note:)MT. strkjv@4:12; MK strkjv@1:14; JO strkjv@4:43-45(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:4:30 @ But having gone through the midst of them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was walking away.

orthjbc@Luke:5:35 @ "But yamim will come when the Chosson is taken away from them; then, in those yamim, they will undergo tzomot." A DERECH CHADASHA IN REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS NECESSARY FOR JUDAISM'S BRIT CHADASHA, EVEN THOUGH SOME ARE COMPLACENT AND CONTENT WITH WHAT IS NOT CHADASH (note:)SEE ACTS CHAPTERS 15 AND 21(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:6:29 @ "To the one hitting you on the cheek, offer also the other, and from the one taking away your kaftan (note:)coat(:note), also the tunic and gartel do not withhold.

orthjbc@Luke:6:30 @ "To everyone asking you, give tzedakah; and from the one taking away your things, do not demand them back. [Devarim strkjv@15:7,8; Mishle strkjv@21:26]

orthjbc@Luke:8:12 @ "The ones beside the road are the ones having heard, then Hasatan comes and takes away the dvar Hashem from their levavot, so that they may not have emunah and come to Yeshua'at Eloheinu.

orthjbc@Luke:8:13 @ "Now the ones upon the rock are those who when they hear, with simcha they receive the dvar; and these have no shoresh (note:)root(:note). They have emunah for a while, but in time of nisayon, they become shmad and they fall away.

orthjbc@Luke:8:18 @ "Therefore, be shomer how you listen, for whoever has, to him shall more be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him." WHO ARE THE TRUE ACHIM OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH? (note:)MT strkjv@12:46-50; MK strkjv@3:31-35(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:8:38 @ And the ish from whom the shedim had gone out was begging Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach that he might accompany him. But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach sent him away, saying, "Return

orthjbc@Luke:8:39 @ "to your bais and tell what great things Hashem has done for you." And the man went away, preaching throughout the whole town, what great things Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach had done for him. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TZITZIT AND TAHARAT HAMISHPOCHAH: EMUNAH AS THE MEANS OF BRINGING NASHIM BACK FROM THE STATE OF ESCHATOLOGICAL NIDDAH (note:)SEPARATION(:note)MT strkjv@9:18-26; MK strkjv@5:21-43

orthjbc@Luke:9:12 @ Now the day began to decline. And having approached, the Shneym Asar said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "Send away the multitude, so that having gone into the surrounding shtetlach and farms, they may find lodging and may find provisions, for here we are in a desolate place."

orthjbc@Luke:10:30 @ In reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "A certain ish was coming down from Yerushalayim to Yericho, and he encountered shodedim (note:)robbers(:note). They stripped him and inflicted a klap blow, more than one--they went away and left him half dead.

orthjbc@Luke:10:42 @ "but one is necessary. For Miryam chose haTov which will not be taken away from her."

orthjbc@Luke:11:22 @ "but when someone stronger than him overpowers him, he takes away from him all his shiryon kaskasim (note:)coat of scale armor(:note) on which he had depended, and distributes his plunder." A WARNING AGAINST ANY JUDAISM THAT IS NOT MOSHIACH'S JUDAISM AND IS NOT FILLED WITH THE RUACH HAKODESH

orthjbc@Luke:13:15 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu answered him and said, "Tzevu'im! Does not each of you on Shabbos untie his ox or his donkey from the evus and lead it away to water him?

orthjbc@Luke:13:27 @ "And he will speak, saying to you, `I do not know you, from where you are from. Go away from me, kol po'alei resha!'

orthjbc@Luke:14:4 @ But they kept silent. And having taken hold of him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach granted him refu'ah and sent him away.

orthjbc@Luke:14:32 @ "Or else, while the other is noch (note:)still(:note) far away, he sends a delegation and seeks terms for shalom.

orthjbc@Luke:14:35 @ "It is useless either for adamah or for the dung hill; they throw it away. The one who has ears to hear, shema!"

orthjbc@Luke:15:13 @ "And not many yamim later, having gathered together everything, the younger ben went on a journey to a far away country, and there he squandered his ashires with loose living.

orthjbc@Luke:16:3 @ "And the sochen said to himself, `What may I do, because my Adon takes away the pekuddat from me? I am not strong enough to dig, I am ashamed to beg.

orthjbc@Luke:16:17 @ "But it is easier for HaShomayim and HaAretz to pass away than for one tag (note:)ornamental flourish(:note) of the Torah to be dropped.

orthjbc@Luke:16:22 @ "And it came to pass that El'azar died, and he was carried away by the malachim to the kheyk (note:)bosom(:note) of Avraham Avinu. And then the ish ashir rich man died also, and he was buried.

orthjbc@Luke:17:14 @ And having seen this, he said to them, `Go and show yourselves to the kohanim.' And it came about while they were going away that they were made metoharim (note:)clean(:note). [Vayikra strkjv@14:3]

orthjbc@Luke:19:20 @ "And the other came saying, `Adoni, hinei! Your mina which I had put away in a servetke (note:)napkin(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:19:26 @ `I say to you that to everyone having, more will be given, but from the one not having, even what he has will be taken away.

orthjbc@Luke:20:9 @ And he began to tell this mashal to HaAm Yisroel. "A certain ish planted a kerem and leased it to koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) and he went away for a long time. [Yeshayah strkjv@5:1-7]

orthjbc@Luke:20:10 @ "And in season he sent to the koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) an eved that from the p'ri of the kerem they will give to him. But the koremim vine-keepers sent him away empty, having beaten him.

orthjbc@Luke:20:11 @ "And he proceeded to send another eved. But him also, when they had beaten and dishonored him, they sent away empty.

orthjbc@Luke:21:12 @ "But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and bring redifot on you, handing you over to the shuls and the batei hasohar, being led away before melachim (note:)kings(:note) and moshelim because of my name Yehoshua/Yeshua.

orthjbc@Luke:21:32 @ "Omein, I say to you, that HaDor HaZeh will not pass away until all these things may occur.

orthjbc@Luke:21:33 @ "HaShomayim and Ha'Aretz will pass away, but my dvarim will by no means pass away.

orthjbc@Luke:22:42 @ saying, "Avi, im yirtzeh Hashem, if you are willing, take this kos (note:)cup(:note) away from me. Nevertheless not the ratzon of me but r'tzonechah thy will be done." Mt.6:10

orthjbc@Luke:22:54 @ And having seized Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they led him away and brought him into the bais of the Rashei Hakohanim. And Kefa was following from a distance.

orthjbc@Luke:22:66 @ And when boker came, the Ziknei HaAm were gathered together, both the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim, and they led him away to their Sanhedrin,

orthjbc@Luke:23:18 @ But they cried out with one kol, saying, "Away with this one! And release to us Bar-Abba!"

orthjbc@Luke:23:26 @ And as they led him away, having seized a certain Shimon, a Cyrenian, coming in from the country, they put upon him Moshiach's aitz to carry, following Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Luke:23:32 @ And two criminals were also being led away with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to be executed. [Yeshayah strkjv@53:12] THE HAGBA (note:)LIFTING UP(:note) OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@27:35-50; MK strkjv@15:24-37; LK strkjv@23:33-46; JO strkjv@19:18-30

orthjbc@Luke:23:48 @ And when all the crowds that had assembled at this spectacle had observed the things that had happened, they went away beating their chests.

orthjbc@Luke:24:2 @ But they found the even (note:)stone(:note) having been rolled away from the kever tomb,

orthjbc@John:1:18 @ No one has ever seen Hashem [Shemot strkjv@33:20]. It is Elohim the Ben Yachid (note:)who shares the nature of Hashem(:note), it is he, the one being in the kheyk bosom of HaAv, this one is Hashem's definitive derush exposition. YOCHANAN [MALACHI strkjv@3:23 4:5] OF THE TEVILAH OF TESHUVA AND HIS SOLEMN EDUT POINTING TO REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH, THE SEH HAELOHIM WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD, AS THE BEN HAELOHIM

orthjbc@John:1:29 @ On the next day, Yochanan sees Yehoshua coming to him, and Yochanan says, "Hinei! The Seh HaElohim (note:)Bereshis strkjv@22:8; Shemot strkjv@12:5-13; Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note), the one carrying away the avonot of Olam Hazeh sins of this Olam Hazeh, Yeshayah strkjv@53:6-7,12; Vayikra strkjv@16:22.

orthjbc@John:4:8 @ For Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's talmidim had gone away into the city that they might buy okhal (note:)food(:note).

orthjbc@John:4:28 @ Therefore, the isha left her waterpot and went away into the city and says to the bnei Adam of the city,

orthjbc@John:5:13 @ But the one having been granted refu'ah (note:)healing(:note) did not have da'as who it is, for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach slipped away-- there being a multitude in the place.

orthjbc@John:5:15 @ The man went away and reported to the Yehudim that Yehoshua is the one having granted him his refu'ah,

orthjbc@John:6:37 @ "All which HaAv gives to me will come to me, and the one coming to me I will never turn away.


orthjbc@John:6:66 @ From this time, many of the talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach fell away and no longer followed him as talmidim.

orthjbc@John:7:3 @ His achim then said to him, "Leave here and go away into the land of Yehudah, that also your talmidim will see your ma'asim which you do.

orthjbc@John:7:33 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Yet a little time I am with you and I go away to the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:8:21 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, therefore, again to them, "I go away and you will seek me, and in your chet you will go to your mavet. Where I go you are not able to come." [Devarim strkjv@24:16; Yechezkel strkjv@3:18]

orthjbc@John:10:40 @ And he went away again beyond the Yarden to the place where Yochanan was bereshit administering the mikveh mayim's tevilah of teshuvah, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach remained there.

orthjbc@John:11:18 @ Now Beit-Anyah (note:)Bethany(:note) was near Yerushalayim, about fifteen stadia away.

orthjbc@John:11:21 @ Therefore, Marta said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, if you were here, achi (note:)my brother(:note) would not have passed away.

orthjbc@John:11:46 @ But some of them went away to the Perushim and reported to them everything Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did.

orthjbc@John:11:48 @ "If we leave him thus, kol bnei Adam will have emunah (note:)faith(:note) in him, and the Romans will come and will take away from us both the Beis Hamikdash and the nation."

orthjbc@John:11:54 @ Therefore Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach no longer was walking openly among those of Yehudah but went away from there into the region near the wilderness, to a shtetl called Efrayim, and there Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach remained with the talmidim. [Shmuel Bais strkjv@13:23]

orthjbc@John:12:36 @ "While you have the Ohr (note:)Light(:note), walk in the Ohr Light that you may become Bnei HaOhr." THE LACK OF EMUNAH OF THOSE OF YEHUDAH These things spoke Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And, having gone away, he was hidden from them.

orthjbc@John:12:42 @ Nevertheless, however, even among the manhigim (note:)leaders(:note) many had emunah faith in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. But because of the Perushim, they were not making hoda'ah confession of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, lest they should be put away under the cherem ban from the shul.

orthjbc@John:13:33 @ "Yeladim, yet a little while I am immanu (note:)with you(:note); you will seek me, and as I said to those of Yehudah, "Where I go away, you are not able to come." Also to you I say this now. THE MITZVAH CHADASHA NEW COMMANDMENT [I YOCHANAN strkjv@2:7-8] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL MAKE HAKHCHASHAH DENIAL OF HIM MT strkjv@26:31-35; MK strkjv@14:27-31; LK strkjv@22:31-38

orthjbc@John:16:7 @ "But I tell HaEmes (note:)the truth(:note), it is better for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Melitz Yosher Praklit, Advocate, Counsellor, Helper in Court will not come to you. But if go, I will send him the Ruach Hakodesh to you.

orthjbc@John:18:8 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "I told you that Ani Hu. If therefore you seek me, let these bnei Adam go away,

orthjbc@John:19:15 @ Therefore, these cried out, "Away, away, hang him on haAitz!" Pilate says to them, "Shall I hang on haAitz your Melech?" In reply, the Kohen Gadol said, "We do not have a Melech except Caesar."

orthjbc@John:19:31 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah, vi-bahlt (note:)since(:note) it was Erev Pesach and they did not want the geviyot bodies to be left on the Aitz Tree [Shemot strkjv@12:16; Devarim strkjv@21:22-23; Yehoshua strkjv@8:29; strkjv@10:26-27] during Shabbos, for it was Shabbat haGadol [Vayikra strkjv@23:11], requested Pilate to have the legs broken and the geviyot taken away.

orthjbc@John:20:10 @ Then the talmidim went away again to their own homes. THE APPEARANCE OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH TO MIRYAM OF MAGDALA: HAYITOCHEN (note:)COULD IT BE(:note) THAT THE KEVER COULD NOT HOLD HIM?

orthjbc@John:20:15 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Isha, why do you weep? Whom do you seek?" Miryam, supposing that he was the shomer hagahn (note:)the keeper of the garden(:note), says to him, "Adon, if you carried him away, tell me where you placed him, and I will take him." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S HITGALUT TO MIRYAM

orthjbc@Acts:1:9 @ And having said these things, while they were looking on, in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was taken up, and an anan (note:)cloud(:note) took him away from their eyes.


orthjbc@Acts:3:15 @ "but the Sar HaChayyim you did away with, whom Hashem made to stand up alive again from the mesim, of which we are edim (note:)witnesses(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:3:26 @ "To you rishonah (note:)first(:note) Hashem raised up his Erev [Moshiach], sending him to give you a berucha, turning every one of you in teshuva away from your wicked ways."

orthjbc@Acts:5:33 @ And the ones having heard were cut to the quick and in fury were deciding to do away with them. AN EITZA FROM RABBAN GAMLI'EL

orthjbc@Acts:5:36 @ "For at an earlier tekufa (note:)era, period(:note), there was the uprising of Theudas, who claimed to be somebody himself, with whom were associated a number of anashim lav davka approximately four hundred; who was done away with and all as many as were obeying him were dispersed and it came to nothing.

orthjbc@Acts:5:38 @ "And now I say to you, stay away from these anashim, and leave them alone, because if this cheshbon (note:)plan(:note) or this matter is of bnei Adam, it will be overthrown,

orthjbc@Acts:7:21 @ "And after he had been exposed, the bat-Pharaoh took Moshe Rabbeinu away, and brought him up as her own son. [Shemot strkjv@2:3-10]

orthjbc@Acts:7:42 @ "But Hashem turned away and handed them over to serve the tzeva Shomayim, just as it has been written in the sefer haNevi'im, HAZEVACHIM UMINCHAH HIGASHTEM LI BAMIDBAR ARBA'IM SHANAH, BET YISROEL (note:)"It was not to me that you offered victims and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, was it, O House of Israel?"(:note) [Yehoshua strkjv@24:20; Yeshayah strkjv@63:10; Yirmeyah strkjv@19:13]

orthjbc@Acts:8:33 @ `In humiliation his judgment was taken away. The descendants of him who will tell? Because he is taken away from HA'ARETZ CHAYYIM.' [Yeshayah strkjv@53:7,8; strkjv@57:7f TARGUM HASHIVIM]

orthjbc@Acts:8:39 @ And when they came up from the mikveh mayim, the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem took Philippos away, and the eunuch did not see him any longer, but was going on his way with lev same'ach. [Melachim Alef strkjv@18:12; Melachim Bais strkjv@2:16; Yechezkel strkjv@3:12,14; strkjv@8:3; strkjv@11:1,24; strkjv@43:5]

orthjbc@Acts:9:30 @ But having learned of this, the Achim b'Moshiach brought Rav Sha'ul down to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus.

orthjbc@Acts:9:37 @ And it came about in yamim hahem that this one, having become ill, passed away. When the women had washed her body, they laid it in the upper story.

orthjbc@Acts:10:23 @ Therefore, having invited them in, Kefa gave them hachnosas orchim (note:)hospitality, lodging(:note). And on the next day Kefa got up and went away with them, and some of the Achim b'Moshiach from Yafo accompanied him.

orthjbc@Acts:12:10 @ And having gone through the shomrim, the rishonim and the sheniyyim, they came upon the Sha'ar HaBarzel leading to the Ir Kodesh. This was opened to them by itself. And having gone out, they went along one rehkov (note:)street(:note), and immediately the malach went away from him.

orthjbc@Acts:12:19 @ Now Herod, having sought after him and not having found him, after questioning the shomrim, commanded them to be led away to execution. Then Herod went down from Yehudah to Caesarea, and was staying there. THE MAVET OF HEROD

orthjbc@Acts:13:4 @ They, then, having been sent out by the Ruach Hakodesh, went down to Seleucia, and from there sailed away to Cyprus.

orthjbc@Acts:13:28 @ "Even without finding a cause for a sentence of mavet, they asked Pilate that he be done away with.

orthjbc@Acts:14:26 @ And from there, they sailed away to Syrian Antioch, their point of origin from which they had been commended to the Chen v'Chesed Hashem to the Messianic avodas kodesh which they had completed.

orthjbc@Acts:15:20 @ "but to write to them to keep away from the pollution of elilim and of zenut and of the thing strangled and of dahm. [Vayikra strkjv@3:17; strkjv@7:26; strkjv@17:10-13; strkjv@19:26; Devarim strkjv@12:16,23]

orthjbc@Acts:15:29 @ "that you non-Jewish ma'aminim hameshichiyim keep away from meat sacrificed to elilim, and dahm, and what is strangled, and zenut. If you are shomer to avoid these, you will do well. Shalom!" THE MOSHIACH'S SHLUCHIM TAKE THE IGGERET TO THE NON-JEWISH MA'AMINIM HAMESHICHIYIM AND DEPART

orthjbc@Acts:15:39 @ And there was a sharp disagreement so that they were separated from one another, and Bar-Nabba took Markos and sailed away to Cyprus.

orthjbc@Acts:16:27 @ And the soher, having awakened and having seen the delatot of the beis hasohar having been opened, drew his cherev (note:)sword(:note) and was about to commit suicide, thinking the prisoners had run away.

orthjbc@Acts:17:14 @ And immediately, then, the Achim b'Moshiach sent away Rav Sha'ul to go as far as to the sea, but both Sila and Timotiyos remained in Berea.

orthjbc@Acts:18:18 @ But Rav Sha'ul still remained a number of yamim and then took leave of the Achim b'Moshiach, and was sailing away to Syria; and with him were Priscilla and Aquila. In Cenchrea he cut his hair, for he had taken a neder. [Bamidbar strkjv@6:2,5,18]

orthjbc@Acts:19:26 @ "and you see and hear that not only here in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Rav Sha'ul has persuaded and drawn away a large multitude saying, `Elilim made with human hands are not Elohim. [Devarim strkjv@4:28; Tehillim strkjv@115:4; Yeshayah strkjv@44:10-20; Yirmeyah strkjv@10:3-5]


orthjbc@Acts:20:12 @ And they led away the bochur chai! And they were not a little comforted. THE VOYAGE FROM TROAS TO MILETUS

orthjbc@Acts:20:15 @ And from there, having sailed away, we arrived on the next day opposite Chios. And then the day following we crossed over to Samos, and, on the following day, we came to Miletus.

orthjbc@Acts:20:30 @ "And from you yourselves will rise up anashim speaking perverted doctrines in order to draw away talmidim after themselves.

orthjbc@Acts:21:36 @ for the crowd kept following and shouting, "Away with him!" RAV SHA'UL MAKES HIS HITSTADDEKUT (note:)DEFENDS HIMSELF(:note)

orthjbc@Acts:22:5 @ "as even the Kohen Gadol and all the Zekenim of the Sanhedrin could give solemn edut for me. For from them I also was authorized with iggrot to the Achim in Damascus, and I was going there to lead away also the ones who were there to bring them bound back to Yerushalayim to have them punished. RAV SHA'UL TELLS HOW HE BECAME MEKABEL REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Acts:22:16 @ `And now what do you intend to do? Get up and receive Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva and wash away your averos (note:)sins(:note) by calling upon his Shem.' [Vayikra strkjv@8:6; Tehillim strkjv@51:2; Yechezkel strkjv@36:25; Yoel strkjv@3:52:32 Malachi strkjv@3:1] RAV SHA'UL SENT TO THE NATIONS

orthjbc@Acts:22:21 @ "And Moshiach said to me, `Go! For I will send you out, far away to the Goyim.'" RAV SHA'UL AND THE ROMAN TRIBUNE

orthjbc@Acts:22:22 @ And they were listening to Rav Sha'ul up to the word "Goyim;" and then they lifted up their kol, saying, "Away with such a one from ha'aretz! He should not be allowed to live!"

orthjbc@Acts:23:10 @ And fearing much more machaloket was coming, the Roman tribune ordered the troops to go down to take Rav Sha'ul away from the midst of them and to bring him into the barracks, lest he be torn to pieces by them.

orthjbc@Acts:27:32 @ Then the chaiyalim cut away the ropes of the lifeboat, and let it fall away, setting it adrift.

orthjbc@Acts:27:42 @ Now the cheshbon (note:)plan(:note) of the chaiyalim was that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone, having swum away, should escape.

orthjbc@Romans:6:6 @ Knowing this, that our old humanity (note:)in Adam(:note) has been put to death on Moshiach's Aitz HaKelalat Hashem Tree of the Curse of G-d--Devarim strkjv@21:23 with Him, in order that the etsem HaAdam HaChet the essence of the humanity of sin, the human existence ruled by sin might be done away with, so that we might no longer serve Chet sin.

orthjbc@Romans:11:26 @ and so klal Yisroel shall be delivered, as it is written: "Out of Tziyon (note:)Zion, heavenly Zion, Jerusalem or earthly Zion/Jerusalem at the parousia/Second Coming(:note) shall come the Go'el Deliverer/Redeemer; He will turn away/remove that which is without yir'at Shomayim from Ya'akov Jacob,

orthjbc@Romans:11:27 @ and this will be my Berit (note:)covenant(:note) with them, when I take away their sins"--YESHAYAH strkjv@59:20-21; strkjv@27:9. SUMMING UP THE TOCHNIT HASHEM 8:28; strkjv@9:11

orthjbc@Romans:16:17 @ I appeal to you, Achim b'Moshiach, to look out for those who cause kitot (note:)sects(:note) and nisyonot temptations contrary to the Torah which you learned, and keep away from them.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:24 @ Each one wherever on the derech of Chayyim he was called, Achim b'Moshiach, there let him remain in devekut with Hashem. CONCERNING THE BETULOT IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT THE WHOLE SCHEME OF THINGS IN THE OLAM HAZEH IS IN THE CRISIS OF HAKETZ AND IS PASSING AWAY

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:31 @ and let the ones using the Olam Hazeh as not fully using it: for, the present form of Olam Hazeh is passing away.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:13:11 @ When I was a yeled, I used to speak like one, think like one, reason like one. But when I have became mevugar (note:)mature(:note), I put away kinderyohrn childhood days. [Tehillim strkjv@131:2]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:3:3 @ And you show that you are an iggeret from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, prepared by us, having been written not with ink but with the Ruach Hakodesh of the Elohim Chayyim, not on luchot of stone [Shemot strkjv@24:12; strkjv@31:18; strkjv@32:15,16; strkjv@34:1; Devarim strkjv@9:10,11] but on luchot of lev basar. [Mishle strkjv@3:3; strkjv@7:3; Yirmeyah strkjv@31:33; Yechezkel strkjv@11:19; strkjv@36:26] THE BRIT CHADASHA AND ITS AVODAS KODESH; WHEN MOSHE RABBEINU WENT IN BEFORE THE L-RD, MOSHE TOOK THE VEIL OFF; IN THE SAME WAY, WHOEVER TURNS TO THE L-RD, HAS THE VEIL TAKEN AWAY

orthjbc@2Corinthians:3:11 @ For if the thing, which now is fading away, came with kavod (note:)glory(:note), much more has that which remains come in kavod.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:3:13 @ And we are not as Moshe Rabbeinu, who was putting HAMMASVEH AL PANAV (note:)"the veil over his face" SHEMOT strkjv@34:33,35(:note) to keep the bnei Yisroel from gazing at the end of the thing fading away.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:3:16 @ But whenever one turns to Adoneinu HAMMASVEH is taken away. [Shemot strkjv@34:34; Yeshayah strkjv@25:7; Romans. strkjv@11:23-26]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:5:6 @ Therefore we always have bittachon, since we have da'as that being at home in the guf (note:)body(:note), we are away from home in Adoneinu. [Hebrews. strkjv@11:13-16]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:5:9 @ Therefore, also we are aspiring, whether at home or away from home to be well pleasing to Hashem, [Colossians. strkjv@1:10; I Thes strkjv@4:1]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:5:17 @ so that if anyone is in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, he is a bria chadasha (note:)a new being(:note) [Rom strkjv@8:1,10; Galatians. strkjv@6:15]: the old things passed away; hinei, all has become chadash. [Yeshayah strkjv@43:18; strkjv@65:17; Revelation. strkjv@21:5]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:12:4 @ that he was caught away into Gan-Eden and heard inexpressible dvarim for which bnei Adam to utter there is no heter (note:)permit(:note).

orthjbc@Galatians:1:17 @ nor did I go up to Yerushalayim to those who were Moshiach's Shluchim before me, but I went away into Arabia and again I returned to Damascus.

orthjbc@Galatians:2:13 @ And the rest of the Yehudim who were ma'aminim b'Moshiach joined with Kefa in this dissembling, so that even Bar-Nabba was carried away with their tzevi'ut (note:)hypocrisy(:note). TENSION BETWEEN MOSHIACH'S SHLICHUT FOR THE YEHUDIM AND MOSHIACH'S SHLICHUT FOR THE GOYIM; HOWEVER, THERE IS AGREEMENT THAT BOTH YEHUDIM AND GOYIM COME TO YESHU'AT ELOHEYNU THROUGH EMUNAH IN MOSHIACH AND NOT THROUGH CHUKIM OF THE TORAH

orthjbc@Ephesians:4:19 @ who, having put away remorse, gave themselves over to zimah (note:)lewdness(:note) for the practice of every kind of tumah with chamdanut.

orthjbc@Colossians:1:23 @ provided you remain in the [correct orthodox Jewish] Emunah [Faith, the Emunah of the true Dat haYehudit], having been founded in it and securely established and not moving away from the tikvah (note:)hope(:note) of the Besuras HaGeulah which you heard, the Besuras HaGeulah which has been proclaimed in kol hanivrah all creation under Shomayim, the Besuras HaGeulah of which I, Sha'ul, became a keli kodesh minister. THE AVODAS KODESH OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S SHLIACH IN THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH AND THE NATURE OF THAT MINISTRY

orthjbc@Colossians:2:14 @ having erased the hand-signed certificate of guilt-indebtedness (note:)choiv, debt(:note), the heavenly indictment against us in the maleh chukat haTorah full statute requirement of the Torah, which was against us. Moshiach has done away with this opposing record, having nailed it to the aitz.

orthjbc@Colossians:3:8 @ But now you also put away all these things: ka'as (note:)anger(:note), rage, kavvanah ra'ah malice, chillul Hashem blasphemy. Put away loshon hora from your mouth.

orthjbc@1Thessalonians:5:10 @ He is the one who died on our behalf al menat (note:)in order that(:note) whether we are [living] and awake or [passed away] and sleeping, we may live together with Moshiach.

orthjbc@2Thessalonians:1:9 @ These are the ones who will pay an Onesh of Avaddon Olam (note:)Eternal Destruction [Gehinnom](:note) away from the Shechinah of Hashem UMEHADAR GE'ONO "and from the splendor of his majesty" --YESHAYAH strkjv@2:19,

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:10 @ For the ahavat hakesef (note:)love of money(:note) is the shoresh root of kol hara'ot all evils, which some, craving, were thereby led away from the emunah of Moshiach and pierced themselves with many machovim sorrows. THE GOOD FIGHT OF EMUNAH IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:20 @ O Timotiyos, the pikkadon (note:)deposit(:note) [of Moshiach's torah] entrusted to you, guard, turning away from the profane empty utterances and oppositions of the falsely named [or pseudo-Jewish--1:7] Da'as Knowledge,

orthjbc@2Timothy:1:15 @ This you know: all the ones in Asia, of whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes, turned away from me.

orthjbc@2Timothy:3:5 @ having an outward form of yirat Shamayim but the ko'ach of chassidus having denied. Turn away from these.

orthjbc@2Timothy:3:6 @ For of such are the morim entering into homes and capturing weak-willed nashim laden with chata'im, led away by various ta'avot,

orthjbc@2Timothy:4:4 @ And from haEmes of Hashem they will turn away their ear and to aggadah they will be turned aside.

orthjbc@Hebrews:2:1 @ In considering all this, it is necessary for us to pay far greater attention bifraht (note:)particularly(:note) to the things we have heard, lest from it we may drift away.

orthjbc@Hebrews:3:12 @ Beware, Achim b'Moshiach, lest there will be in anyone of you a lev rah (note:)evil heart(:note) without emunah, that turns away shmad from Elohim Chayyim.

orthjbc@Hebrews:4:10 @ For whoever has entered into the menukhah of Hashem has also rested from his ma'asim, just as Hashem rested from his. WARNING AGAINST THE APOSTASY OF THE SHMAD DEFECTORS WHO FALL AWAY FROM REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH


orthjbc@Hebrews:6:6 @ and then, having fallen away, and become shmad--it is impossible to renew them again to teshuva, because they have pierced to themselves the Ben HaElohim on the Aitz haKelalat Hashem and have again held him up to contempt and open bushah.

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:22 @ Indeed, according to the Torah, almost everything is metohar (note:)purified(:note) by dahm, and without a kapparah by means of shefach dahm there is no selichah forgiveness. CHET PUT AWAY BY REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S KORBAN

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:26 @ for then it would have been necessary for him to suffer often from the hivvased tevel (note:)foundation of the world(:note); but now, once at the Ketz HaOlamim, he has appeared to put away averos sins by the korban of himself.

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:4 @ For it is impossible for the dahm of parim (note:)young bulls(:note) and se'irim goats to take away chatta'im sins.

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:9 @ then he said, "I have come LA'ASOT RETZONECHAH." He takes away HaRishonah (note:)the way of the zevakhim of the kehunah of Levy(:note) in order to establish HaSheniyah the way of the zevach of the kehunah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:11 @ And every kohen stands daily at his avodas kodesh sherut ministering and offering again and again the same korbanot that can never take away chatta'im;

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:18 @ Now where there is selicha (note:)forgiveness(:note) for these things, there is no longer a korban for chatta'im. WARNING: WE HAVE A KOHEN GADOL OVER THE BEIS HASHEM IN SHOMAYIM AND OURS IS THE TRUE ORTHODOX JEWISH EMUNAH: DO NOT TURN AWAY AND APOSTATIZE AND BECOME SHMAD DEFECTORS!

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:25 @ and let us not turn away as shmad defectors from our noiheg daily minyan, as some are doing, let us impart chizzuk (note:)strengthening, encouragement(:note) to one another, and by so much the more as you see the Yom HaDin Day of Judgment approaching.

orthjbc@Hebrews:12:25 @ See to it that you do not refuse the One speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who gave them warning on ha'aretz, much less shall we escape who turn away from the One whose warning comes from Shomayim.

orthjbc@Hebrews:13:9 @ Do not be carried away by various torot zarot; for it is tov for the lev to be given chizzuk by the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, not by okhel through which those who were thus occupied were not benefitted.

orthjbc@Hebrews:13:16 @ But do not drift away from ma'asim tovim and sharing; for with such zevakhim Hashem is well pleased.

orthjbc@James:1:11 @ For the shemesh (note:)sun(:note) rises with its burning heat and dried the grass and its TZITZ NAVEL "flower blossom falls"--Yeshayah strkjv@40:6-8 and the beauty of its appearance perished, so also the ashir rich in his goings will fade away. [Tehillim strkjv@102:4,11] STANDING FIRM IN THE SHA'AT HANISAYON HOUR OF TRIAL WITH THE DA'AS THAT HASHEM IS NOT THE TEMPTER OF ANYONE TO EVIL

orthjbc@James:1:21 @ Therefore, having put away all filthiness and what remains of resha (note:)wickedness(:note) in shiflut lowliness and meekness receive the implanted Dvar Hashem being able to save your nefashot

orthjbc@James:1:24 @ for he observed himself and has gone away and immediately forgot what he looked like.

orthjbc@1Peter:2:1 @ Therefore, having put away all rishus (note:)malice(:note), all remiyah guile, fraud, deceit and tzevi'ut hypocrisy and kin'ah envy and all lashon hora,

orthjbc@1Peter:3:11 @ SUR MEYRAH VA'ASEIR TOV BAKESH SHALOM V'RADEFEHU (note:)"Let him turn away from resha and let him do that which is good, let him seek shalom and pursue it"(:note);

orthjbc@2Peter:2:21 @ For better it was for them not to have da'as of the derech haTzidkanut (note:)the Way of Righteousness(:note) than, having known it, to turn away from the mitzvah hakedosha holy commandment handed down to them.

orthjbc@2Peter:3:10 @ But the Yom Hashem will come as a ganav (note:)thief(:note), in which the Shomayim with great suddenness will pass away and the elements, burning up, will be destroyed, and the Olam Hazeh and its ma'asim will be found out [BAMIDBAR strkjv@32:23].

orthjbc@2Peter:3:17 @ Chaverim, you therefore, knowing beforehand, guard yourselves lest with the toyus (note:)error(:note) of the mufkarim lawless ones having been led away, you fall from your own stability.

orthjbc@1John:2:8 @ Again a mitzvah chadasha I write to you, which is HaEmes in him and in you, because the choshech is passing away and the Ohr HaAmitti (note:)the True Light(:note) already is shining.

orthjbc@1John:2:17 @ And the Olam Hazeh is passing away and the ta'avah of it, but the one doing the ratzon Hashem has his manon lanetazkh (note:)forever(:note). WARNING AGAINST THE ANTI-MOSHIACH AND MANY ANTI-MOSHIACH NEVI'EI SHEKER FALSE PROPHETS WHO MAKE PEOPLE SHMAD

orthjbc@1John:3:5 @ And you have da'as that that One has been made hitgalut that the averos he might take away [Yeshayah strkjv@53:4-12], and chet in him is not. [Yeshayah strkjv@53:9]

orthjbc@Jude:1:12 @ These [men] are hidden reefs [moored at] your seudas (note:)agap-feasts(:note), feasting with you without yirat Shomayim, shepherding themselves, waterless clouds being carried away by winds, autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, torn up from their shorashim roots,

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