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kjv@Matthew:4:6 @ And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

kjv@Matthew:4:9 @ And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

kjv@Matthew:5:15 @ Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

kjv@Matthew:5:31 @ It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:

kjv@Matthew:5:42 @ Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

kjv@Matthew:6:11 @ Give us this day our daily bread.

kjv@Matthew:6:12 @ And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

kjv@Matthew:6:14 @ For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

kjv@Matthew:6:15 @ But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

kjv@Matthew:7:6 @ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

kjv@Matthew:7:7 @ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

kjv@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?

kjv@Matthew:7:10 @ Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

kjv@Matthew:7:11 @ If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

kjv@Matthew:9:2 @ And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.

kjv@Matthew:9:5 @ For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?

kjv@Matthew:9:6 @ But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.

kjv@Matthew:9:8 @ But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.

kjv@Matthew:9:24 @ He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.

kjv@Matthew:10:8 @ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

kjv@Matthew:10:19 @ But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.

kjv@Matthew:10:42 @ And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

kjv@Matthew:11:28 @ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

kjv@Matthew:12:31 @ Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

kjv@Matthew:12:32 @ And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

kjv@Matthew:12:36 @ But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

kjv@Matthew:12:39 @ But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

kjv@Matthew:13:11 @ He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

kjv@Matthew:13:12 @ For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

kjv@Matthew:14:7 @ Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask.

kjv@Matthew:14:8 @ And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger.

kjv@Matthew:14:9 @ And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her.

kjv@Matthew:14:11 @ And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.

kjv@Matthew:14:16 @ But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.

kjv@Matthew:16:4 @ A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

kjv@Matthew:16:19 @ And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

kjv@Matthew:16:26 @ For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

kjv@Matthew:17:27 @ Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

kjv@Matthew:18:21 @ Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

kjv@Matthew:18:35 @ So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

kjv@Matthew:19:7 @ They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?

kjv@Matthew:19:11 @ But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

kjv@Matthew:19:21 @ Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

kjv@Matthew:20:4 @ And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.

kjv@Matthew:20:8 @ So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.

kjv@Matthew:20:14 @ Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.

kjv@Matthew:20:23 @ And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.

kjv@Matthew:20:28 @ Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

kjv@Matthew:21:43 @ Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

kjv@Matthew:22:17 @ Tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?

kjv@Matthew:22:30 @ For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

kjv@Matthew:24:19 @ And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

kjv@Matthew:24:29 @ Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

kjv@Matthew:24:45 @ Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

kjv@Matthew:25:8 @ And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

kjv@Matthew:25:28 @ Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

kjv@Matthew:25:29 @ For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

kjv@Matthew:26:9 @ For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.

kjv@Matthew:26:15 @ And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.

kjv@Matthew:26:53 @ Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

kjv@Matthew:28:18 @ And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

kjv@Mark:2:5 @ When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.

kjv@Mark:2:7 @ Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?

kjv@Mark:2:9 @ Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

kjv@Mark:2:10 @ But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)

kjv@Mark:3:28 @ Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

kjv@Mark:3:29 @ But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

kjv@Mark:4:11 @ And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

kjv@Mark:4:12 @ That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.

kjv@Mark:4:24 @ And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.

kjv@Mark:4:25 @ For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.

kjv@Mark:5:43 @ And he charged them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat.

kjv@Mark:6:2 @ And when the sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue: and many hearing him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?

kjv@Mark:6:22 @ And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee.

kjv@Mark:6:23 @ And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom.

kjv@Mark:6:25 @ And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.

kjv@Mark:6:37 @ He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?

kjv@Mark:8:12 @ And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation.

kjv@Mark:8:37 @ Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

kjv@Mark:9:41 @ For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

kjv@Mark:10:21 @ Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

kjv@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give; but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared.

kjv@Mark:10:45 @ For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.

kjv@Mark:11:25 @ And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

kjv@Mark:11:26 @ But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

kjv@Mark:12:9 @ What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.

kjv@Mark:12:14 @ And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

kjv@Mark:12:15 @ Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it.

kjv@Mark:12:25 @ For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.

kjv@Mark:13:11 @ But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

kjv@Mark:13:17 @ But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

kjv@Mark:13:24 @ But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

kjv@Mark:14:5 @ For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.

kjv@Mark:14:11 @ And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.

kjv@Mark:14:23 @ And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it.

kjv@Mark:14:44 @ And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, and lead him away safely.

kjv@Luke:1:32 @ He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

kjv@Luke:1:77 @ To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,

kjv@Luke:1:79 @ To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.

kjv@Luke:4:6 @ And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

kjv@Luke:4:10 @ For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:

kjv@Luke:5:20 @ And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.

kjv@Luke:5:21 @ And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?

kjv@Luke:5:23 @ Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Rise up and walk?

kjv@Luke:5:24 @ But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house.

kjv@Luke:6:30 @ Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

kjv@Luke:6:37 @ Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

kjv@Luke:6:38 @ Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

kjv@Luke:7:47 @ Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.

kjv@Luke:7:48 @ And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven.

kjv@Luke:7:49 @ And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also?

kjv@Luke:8:10 @ And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

kjv@Luke:8:18 @ Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

kjv@Luke:8:55 @ And her spirit came again, and she arose straightway: and he commanded to give her meat.

kjv@Luke:9:13 @ But he said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but five loaves and two fishes; except we should go and buy meat for all this people.

kjv@Luke:10:7 @ And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.

kjv@Luke:10:19 @ Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

kjv@Luke:11:3 @ Give us day by day our daily bread.

kjv@Luke:11:4 @ And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

kjv@Luke:11:7 @ And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee.

kjv@Luke:11:8 @ I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.

kjv@Luke:11:9 @ And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

kjv@Luke:11:11 @ If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

kjv@Luke:11:13 @ If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

kjv@Luke:11:29 @ And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

kjv@Luke:11:36 @ If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light.

kjv@Luke:11:41 @ But rather give alms of such things as ye have; and, behold, all things are clean unto you.

kjv@Luke:12:10 @ And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

kjv@Luke:12:32 @ Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

kjv@Luke:12:33 @ Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.

kjv@Luke:12:42 @ And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?

kjv@Luke:12:48 @ But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

kjv@Luke:12:51 @ Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

kjv@Luke:12:58 @ When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate, as thou art in the way, give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him; lest he hale thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and the officer cast thee into prison.

kjv@Luke:14:9 @ And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room.

kjv@Luke:15:12 @ And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

kjv@Luke:16:2 @ And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.

kjv@Luke:16:12 @ And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?

kjv@Luke:17:3 @ Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

kjv@Luke:17:4 @ And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

kjv@Luke:17:18 @ There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.

kjv@Luke:17:27 @ They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

kjv@Luke:18:12 @ I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

kjv@Luke:19:8 @ And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

kjv@Luke:19:15 @ And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

kjv@Luke:19:24 @ And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds.

kjv@Luke:19:26 @ For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.

kjv@Luke:20:10 @ And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty.

kjv@Luke:20:16 @ He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, God forbid.

kjv@Luke:20:22 @ Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?

kjv@Luke:20:34 @ And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:

kjv@Luke:20:35 @ But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

kjv@Luke:21:15 @ For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

kjv@Luke:21:23 @ But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

kjv@Luke:22:5 @ And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money.

kjv@Luke:22:19 @ And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

kjv@Luke:23:2 @ And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King.

kjv@Luke:23:34 @ Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

kjv@John:1:17 @ For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

kjv@John:1:22 @ Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?

kjv@John:3:27 @ John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.

kjv@John:3:34 @ For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

kjv@John:3:35 @ The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.

kjv@John:4:7 @ There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

kjv@John:4:10 @ Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

kjv@John:4:14 @ But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

kjv@John:4:15 @ The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.

kjv@John:5:26 @ For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

kjv@John:5:27 @ And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man.

kjv@John:5:36 @ But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.

kjv@John:6:11 @ And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

kjv@John:6:23 @ (Howbeit there came other boats from Tiberias nigh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord had given thanks:)

kjv@John:6:27 @ Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

kjv@John:6:32 @ Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.

kjv@John:6:33 @ For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.

kjv@John:6:34 @ Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.

kjv@John:6:37 @ All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

kjv@John:6:39 @ And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

kjv@John:6:51 @ I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

kjv@John:6:52 @ The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat?

kjv@John:6:65 @ And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.

kjv@John:7:19 @ Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me?

kjv@John:7:39 @ (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

kjv@John:9:24 @ Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner.

kjv@John:10:11 @ I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

kjv@John:10:28 @ And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

kjv@John:11:22 @ But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.

kjv@John:11:57 @ Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that, if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take him.

kjv@John:12:5 @ Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?

kjv@John:13:3 @ Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

kjv@John:13:15 @ For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

kjv@John:13:26 @ Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.

kjv@John:13:29 @ For some of them thought, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus had said unto him, Buy those things that we have need of against the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor.

kjv@John:13:34 @ A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

kjv@John:14:16 @ And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

kjv@John:14:27 @ Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

kjv@John:15:16 @ Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

kjv@John:16:23 @ And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

kjv@John:17:2 @ As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

kjv@John:17:7 @ Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

kjv@John:17:8 @ For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

kjv@John:17:9 @ I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

kjv@John:17:11 @ And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

kjv@John:17:14 @ I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

kjv@John:17:22 @ And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

kjv@John:17:24 @ Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

kjv@John:18:11 @ Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?

kjv@John:19:11 @ Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

kjv@John:21:13 @ Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise.

kjv@Acts:1:2 @ Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:

kjv@Acts:3:6 @ Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

kjv@Acts:3:16 @ And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

kjv@Acts:4:12 @ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

kjv@Acts:5:31 @ Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.

kjv@Acts:5:32 @ And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

kjv@Acts:6:4 @ But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

kjv@Acts:7:5 @ And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.

kjv@Acts:7:38 @ This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:

kjv@Acts:8:18 @ And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,

kjv@Acts:8:19 @ Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.

kjv@Acts:8:22 @ Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.

kjv@Acts:10:43 @ To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

kjv@Acts:13:16 @ Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.

kjv@Acts:13:34 @ And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise, I will give you the sure mercies of David.

kjv@Acts:13:38 @ Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:

kjv@Acts:17:16 @ Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.

kjv@Acts:17:25 @ Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

kjv@Acts:17:31 @ Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

kjv@Acts:19:40 @ For we are in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse.

kjv@Acts:20:2 @ And when he had gone over those parts, and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,

kjv@Acts:20:32 @ And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

kjv@Acts:20:35 @ I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

kjv@Acts:21:40 @ And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,

kjv@Acts:24:26 @ He hoped also that money should have been given him of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore he sent for him the oftener, and communed with him.

kjv@Acts:26:18 @ To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

kjv@Acts:27:24 @ Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

kjv@Romans:4:7 @ Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

kjv@Romans:5:5 @ And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

kjv@Romans:8:32 @ He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

kjv@Romans:11:8 @ (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

kjv@Romans:11:35 @ Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

kjv@Romans:12:3 @ For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

kjv@Romans:12:6 @ Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

kjv@Romans:12:8 @ Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

kjv@Romans:12:13 @ Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.

kjv@Romans:12:19 @ Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

kjv@Romans:12:20 @ Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

kjv@Romans:14:6 @ He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.

kjv@Romans:14:12 @ So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

kjv@Romans:15:15 @ Nevertheless, brethren, I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind, because of the grace that is given to me of God,

kjv@Romans:16:4 @ Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles.

kjv@1Corinthians:1:4 @ I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ;

kjv@1Corinthians:2:12 @ Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

kjv@1Corinthians:3:7 @ So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

kjv@1Corinthians:3:10 @ According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:25 @ Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment, as one that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful.

kjv@1Corinthians:7:38 @ So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.

kjv@1Corinthians:10:30 @ For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

kjv@1Corinthians:10:32 @ Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

kjv@1Corinthians:11:15 @ But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

kjv@1Corinthians:11:24 @ And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.

kjv@1Corinthians:12:3 @ Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

kjv@1Corinthians:12:7 @ But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

kjv@1Corinthians:12:8 @ For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

kjv@1Corinthians:12:24 @ For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked:

kjv@1Corinthians:13:3 @ And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

kjv@1Corinthians:14:7 @ And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped?

kjv@1Corinthians:14:8 @ For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?

kjv@1Corinthians:14:17 @ For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:38 @ But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.

kjv@1Corinthians:15:57 @ But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

kjv@1Corinthians:16:1 @ Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.

kjv@2Corinthians:1:11 @ Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.

kjv@2Corinthians:1:22 @ Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:7 @ So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow.

kjv@2Corinthians:2:10 @ To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ;

kjv@2Corinthians:3:6 @ Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

kjv@2Corinthians:4:6 @ For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:5 @ Now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:12 @ For we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that ye may have somewhat to answer them which glory in appearance, and not in heart.

kjv@2Corinthians:5:18 @ And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

kjv@2Corinthians:8:10 @ And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago.

kjv@2Corinthians:9:7 @ Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

kjv@2Corinthians:9:9 @ (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.

kjv@2Corinthians:10:8 @ For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:

kjv@2Corinthians:12:7 @ And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.

kjv@2Corinthians:12:13 @ For what is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome to you? forgive me this wrong.

kjv@2Corinthians:13:10 @ Therefore I write these things being absent, lest being present I should use sharpness, according to the power which the Lord hath given me to edification, and not to destruction.

kjv@Galatians:2:9 @ And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.

kjv@Galatians:3:21 @ Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.

kjv@Galatians:3:22 @ But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

kjv@Galatians:4:15 @ Where is then the blessedness ye spake of? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me.

kjv@Ephesians:1:7 @ In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

kjv@Ephesians:1:16 @ Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

kjv@Ephesians:1:17 @ That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

kjv@Ephesians:3:2 @ If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:

kjv@Ephesians:3:7 @ Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.

kjv@Ephesians:3:8 @ Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

kjv@Ephesians:4:7 @ But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

kjv@Ephesians:4:19 @ Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

kjv@Ephesians:4:27 @ Neither give place to the devil.

kjv@Ephesians:4:28 @ Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

kjv@Ephesians:4:32 @ And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

kjv@Ephesians:5:2 @ And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

kjv@Ephesians:5:14 @ Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

kjv@Ephesians:6:19 @ And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

kjv@Philippians:1:29 @ For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

kjv@Philippians:2:9 @ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

kjv@Colossians:1:3 @ We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,

kjv@Colossians:1:14 @ In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

kjv@Colossians:1:25 @ Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;

kjv@Colossians:2:13 @ And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

kjv@Colossians:4:1 @ Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also have a Master in heaven.

kjv@1Thessalonians:1:2 @ We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;

kjv@1Thessalonians:4:8 @ He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

kjv@1Thessalonians:5:18 @ In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:13 @ But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

kjv@2Thessalonians:2:16 @ Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

kjv@2Thessalonians:3:16 @ Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

kjv@1Timothy:1:4 @ Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.

kjv@1Timothy:3:2 @ A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

kjv@1Timothy:3:3 @ Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;

kjv@1Timothy:3:8 @ Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;

kjv@1Timothy:4:13 @ Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

kjv@1Timothy:4:14 @ Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.

kjv@1Timothy:4:15 @ Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.

kjv@1Timothy:5:7 @ And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless.

kjv@1Timothy:5:14 @ I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

kjv@1Timothy:6:13 @ I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;

kjv@1Timothy:6:17 @ Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

kjv@2Timothy:1:7 @ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

kjv@2Timothy:1:9 @ Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

kjv@2Timothy:1:16 @ The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain:

kjv@2Timothy:2:7 @ Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.

kjv@2Timothy:2:25 @ In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

kjv@2Timothy:3:16 @ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

kjv@2Timothy:4:8 @ Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

kjv@Titus:1:7 @ For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

kjv@Titus:2:3 @ The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

kjv@Philemon:1:22 @ But withal prepare me also a lodging: for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you.

kjv@Hebrews:2:1 @ Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

kjv@Hebrews:2:13 @ And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me.

kjv@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

kjv@Hebrews:13:17 @ Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

kjv@James:1:5 @ If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

kjv@James:2:16 @ And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

kjv@James:4:6 @ But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

kjv@James:4:12 @ There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

kjv@James:5:15 @ And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

kjv@1Peter:3:15 @ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

kjv@1Peter:4:5 @ Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.

kjv@1Peter:4:11 @ If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

kjv@1Peter:5:5 @ Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

kjv@2Peter:1:3 @ According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

kjv@2Peter:1:4 @ Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

kjv@2Peter:1:10 @ Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

kjv@2Peter:3:15 @ And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

kjv@1John:1:9 @ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

kjv@1John:2:12 @ I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake.

kjv@1John:3:24 @ And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

kjv@1John:4:13 @ Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

kjv@1John:5:11 @ And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

kjv@1John:5:16 @ If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

kjv@1John:5:20 @ And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

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