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diaglotnt@Matthew:2:6 @ And thou Bethleem, land of Juda; by no means least art among the princes of Juda; out of thee for shall come forth a prince, who shall govern the people of me, the Israel.

diaglotnt@Matthew:2:8 @ and sending them into Bethleem, he said: Passing on your way, exactly inquire about the infant; as soon as and you have found, bring word to me, that I also going pay homage to him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:2:13 @ Having withdrawn but of the, lo, a messenger of a Lord appears in a dream to the Joseph, saying: Arising take the infant and the mother of it, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there, till I speak to thee; is about for Herod to seek the infant, to kill it.

diaglotnt@Matthew:2:15 @ and he was there till the death of Herod; that might be fulfilled the word spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: Out of Egypt I called the son of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:3 @ This for is he spoken of by Esaias the prophet, saying: A voice crying out in the desert; make you ready the way of a Lord, straight make ye the beaten tracks of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:4 @ He and the John had the outer garment of him from hairs of a camel, and a belt made of skin around the loins of him; the and food of him was locusts and honey wild.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:5 @ Then went out to him Jerusalem, and all the Judea, and all the country about of the Jordan;

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:7 @ Seeing and many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the dipping of him, he said to them: O broods of venomous serpents, who pointed out to you to flee from the coming wrath?

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:9 @ and not think to say in yourselves: A father we have the Abraham; I say for to you, that is able the God out of the stones these to raise up children to the Abraham.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:17 @ And lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying: This is the son of me the beloved, in whom I delight.

diaglotnt@Matthew:4:4 @ He but answering said: It is written: Not by bread alone shall live a man; but by every word proceeding from mouth of God.

diaglotnt@Matthew:4:23 @ And went about all the Galilee the Jesus, teaching in the synagogues of them, and preaching the glad tidings of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every malady among the people.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:2 @ and opening the mouth of him, he taught them, saying:

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:13 @ You are the salt of the earth. If but the salt become tasteless, with what shall it be salted? for nothing is it of service any more, except to be cast out, and trodden under foot by the men.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:22 @ I but say to you, that all the being angry to the brother of him, without cause, liable shall be to the tribunal: who and ever shall say to the brother of him, Vile fellow, liable shall be to the Sanhedrim; who and ever shall say: O fool, liable shall be to the Gehenna of the fire.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:26 @ Indeed I say to thee, by no means thou wilt come out thence, till thou hast paid the last farthing.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:29 @ If and the eye of thee the right ensnare thee, tear out it, and cast it from thee, it is profitable for to thee, that should perish one of the members of thee, and not whole the body her, and cast from thee;

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:28 @ And about clothing why be over careful? Consider the lilies of the field how it grows; not it labors, nor spins;

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:5 @ O hypocrite, pull first the beam out of the eye of thee, and then thou shalt see clearly to pull the splinter out of the eye of the brother of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:22 @ Many shall say to me in that the day; O Lord, O Lord, not to the thy name have we prophesied, and to the thy name demons have we cast out, and to the thy name wonders many have we done?

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:12 @ The but sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into the darkness the outer; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:16 @ Evening now being come, they brought to him being possessed many; and he cast out the spirits by a word, and all those sickness having he healed;

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:18 @ Seeing and the Jesus great multitudes about him, he gave orders to depart to the other side.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:28 @ And coming to him to the other side, into the country of the Gergesenes, met him two being demonized, out of the sepulchres coming forth, fierce very, so that not to be able any one to pass along by the way that.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:29 @ And lo, they cried out saying: What to us and to thee, O son of the God? Comest thou there before a destined time to torment us?

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:31 @ The and demons implored him, saying: If thou cast out us, send us to the herd of the swine.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:32 @ And he said to them: Go. They and coming out they went to the swine. And lo, rushed whole the herd down the steep place into the lake, and died in the waters.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:34 @ And lo, whole the city went out to a meeting to the Jesus; and seeing him, they entreated, that he would depart from the coast of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:25 @ When but they put out the crowd, he entering took hold of the hand of her; and was raised the girl.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:27 @ And passing on from there the Jesus, went after him two blind men, crying out and saying: Have pity on us, O son of David.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:33 @ And having cast out the demon, spoke the dumb. And were astonished the crowds, saying: Never was it seen thus in to the Israel.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:34 @ The but Pharisees said: By the prince of the demons he cast out the demons.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:35 @ And went about the Jesus the cities all and the villages, teaching in the synagogues of them, and publishing the glad tidings of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every malady.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:38 @ Implore then the Lord of the harvest, that he would send out laborers into the harvest of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:1 @ And having called the twelve disciples of him, he gave to them authority spirits unclean, so as to cast out them, and to heal every disease and every malady.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:8 @ Those being sick heal, dead ones raise up, lepers cleanse, demons cast out; freely you have received, freely give.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:11 @ Into what and ever city or country–town you may enter, search out, who in her worthy is; and there abide, till you go thence.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:14 @ And who if not may receive you, nor hear the words of you, coming out of the house or of the city that, shake off the dust of the feet of you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:23 @ When but they persecute you in the city this, flee into the other; and if out of this they persecute you, flee into the other. Indeed for I say to you, in no wise you may finish the cities of the Israel, till may come the son of the man.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:29 @ Not two sparrows an assarius are sold? and one of them not shall fall upon the earth without the Father of you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:5 @ blind ones see again, and lame ones are walking about, lepers are cleansed, and deaf ones are hearing, dead ones are raised up, and poor ones are addressed with joyful news;

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:7 @ These and going away, began the Jesus to say to the crowds concerning John: What went you out in the desert to see? a reed by wind being shaken?

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:8 @ But what went you out to see? a man in soft garments having been clothed? Lo, those the soft (garments) wearing, in the houses of the kings are.

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:9 @ But what went you out to see? a prophet? Yes, I say to you, and much more of a prophet.

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:14 @ And if you are willing to receive, this is Elias, that being about to come.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:13 @ Then he says to the man: Stretch out the hand of thee. And he stretched it out; and it was restored whole, as the other.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:14 @ The then Pharisees a council held against him going out, how him they might destroy.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:19 @ Not he shall strive, nor cry out, nor shall hear any one in the wide places the voice of him;

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:24 @ The and Pharisees hearing, said: This not casts out the demons, if not by the Beelzebul, a prince of the demons.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:26 @ And if the adversary the adversary casts out, with himself he is at variance; how then will stand the kingdom of him?

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:27 @ And if I by Beelzebul cast out the demons, the sons of you by whom do they cast out? In this they of you shall be judges.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:28 @ If but by spirit of God I cast out the demons, then has suddenly come among you the majesty of the God.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:34 @ O broods of venomous serpents, how are you able good (things) to speak, evil (men) being? out of for the fulness of the heart the mouth speaks.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:35 @ The good man out of the good treasure bring forth the good (things); and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil (things).

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:42 @ Queen of south shall rise up in the judgment against the generation of this, and shall give judgment against her; for she came from the ends of the earth to her the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:43 @ When but the unclean spirit may come out from the man, it wanders about through dry places seeking a resting–place, and not it finds.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:46 @ While and he is talking to the crowds, lo, the mother and the brothers of him stood without, seeking to him to speak.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:47 @ Said then one to him: Lo, the mother of thee and the brothers of thee without stand, seeking to thee to speak.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:49 @ And stretching out the hand of him towards the disciples of him, said: Lo, the mother of me, and the brothers of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:3 @ And he spake to them much in parables, saying: Lo, went out the sower of the (seed) to sow.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:34 @ These all spake the Jesus in parables to the crowds, and without a parable not he spake to them;

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:35 @ so that it might be fulfilled the word spoken through the prophet, say: I will open in parables the mouth of me; I will openly declare things having been hid from a beginning of the world.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:41 @ Will send the son of the man the messengers of him, and they will gather out of the kingdom of him all the seducers and those working the lawlessness,

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:52 @ He then said to them: Therefore this every scribe, being instructed to the kingdom of the heavens, like is to a man an householder, who brings out of the treasury of him new and old.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:14 @ And coming out the Jesus saw great a crowd; and he was moved with pity towards them, and healed the sick of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:21 @ Those and eating were men about five–thousand, besides women and children.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:31 @ Immediately and the Jesus stretching out the hand, took hold of him, and says to him: O distrustful man, for why didst thou doubt?

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:35 @ And knowing him the men of the place that, they send into all the country round about that, and they brought to him all those disease having,

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:5 @ You but say: Whoever may say to the father or the mother, A gift, whatever out of me thou mightest be profited;

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:9 @ without profit but they reverence me, teaching doctrine, commandments of men.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:11 @ Not that entering into the mouth pollutes the man; but that proceeding out of the mouth this pollutes the man.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:17 @ Not yet perceive you, that all that entering into the mouth, into the belly passes, and into a privy is cast?

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:18 @ Those but proceeding out of the mouth, from the heart issues forth, and they pollute the man.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:22 @ And lo, a woman Canaanitish, of the parts those coming out, cried out to him, saying: Pity me, O lord, O son David; the daughter of me sadly is demonized.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:11 @ Why not do you perceive, that not about bread I spoke to you to take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:27 @ Is about for the the son of the man to come in the glory of the Father of him, with the messengers of him, and then he will render to each one according to the behavior of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:5 @ Still of him speaking, lo, a cloud of light overshadowed them; and lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is the son of me the beloved, in whom I delight; of him hear you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:12 @ I say but to you, that Elias just now came, and not they knew him, but have done to him as much as they wished; thus also the son of the man is about to suffer by them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:18 @ And rebuked him the Jesus, and came out of him the demon; and was cured the boy from the hour that.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:19 @ Then coming the disciples to the Jesus by himself, said: Why we not were able to cast out it?

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:21 @ This but the kind not goes out, if not in prayer and fasting.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:22 @ Were traveling and of them in the Galilee, said to them the Jesus: Is about the son of the man to be delivered up into hands of men,

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:27 @ That but not we may offend them, going to the sea, cast thou a hook, and the ascending first fish take up; and opening the mouth of him, thou wilt find a stater; that taking, give to them for me and thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:9 @ And if the eye of thee insnares thee, tear out it, and cast from thee; good of thee it is one–eyed into the life to enter, than two eyes having to be cast into the Gehenna of the fire.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:16 @ If but not he may hear, take with thee besides one or two; that by mouth two of witnesses or of three may be proved every word.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say to you, that if two of you may agree upon the earth, about any matter, whatever they may ask, it shall be to them from the Father of me, of that in heavens.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:28 @ Going out but the slave that, found one of the fellow–slaves of him, who owned to him a hundred denarii; and seizing him he coked him, saying: Pay to me if any thing thou owest.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:1 @ Like for is the kingdom of the heavens to a man a householder, who went out with morning to hire laborers into the vineyard of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:3 @ And going out about third hour, he saw others standing in the market–place idle;

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:5 @ Again going out about sixth and ninth hour, he did in like manner.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:6 @ About and the eleventh hour going out, he found others standing, and he says to them: Why here stood you all the day idle?

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:9 @ And having come those about the eleventh hour, received each a denarius.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:22 @ Answering but the Jesus said: Not you know, what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup, which I am about to drink? They say to him: We are able.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:30 @ And lo, two blind men, sitting by the way, hearing that Jesus passes by, cried out, saying: Pity us, O lord, son of David.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:31 @ The and crowd reproved them, that they might be silent. They but more did cry out, saying: Pity us, O lord, son of David.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:12 @ And entered the Jesus into the temple of the God, and cast out all the selling and buying in the temple, and the tables of the money changers overturned, and the seats of the selling the doves;

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:16 @ and said to him: Hearest thou what these are saying? The and Jesus says them: Yes; Never have you read: That out of mouth of babes and of suckling (ones) thou has perfected praise?

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:17 @ And having left them, he went out of the city into Bethany, and he lodged there

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:33 @ Another parable hear you; a man was a householder, who planted a vineyard, and a hedge to it placed around, and digged in it a wine–press, and built a tower; and let out it to husbandmen, and went abroad.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:39 @ And having taken him, they cast out of the vineyard, and killed.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:41 @ They say to him: Wretches wretchedly destroy them; and the vineyard will let out to other husbandmen, who will render to him the fruits in the seasons of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:45 @ And having heard the high–priests and the Pharisees the parables of him, knew, that about them he says.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:9 @ Go you therefore to the outlets of the ways, and whoever you may find, call you to the marriage–feasts.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:13 @ Then said the king to the servants: Having bound of him feet and hands, take him, and cast into the darkness the outer; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:14 @ Many for are called, few but picked out.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent away to him the disciples of them with the Herodians, saying: O teacher, we know, that true thou art, and the way of the God in truth thou teachest, and not there is care to thee about no one; not for thou lookest into face of men.

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:31 @ About but the resurrection of the dead (ones) not have you read that having been spoken to you by the God, saying:

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:35 @ and asked one out of them, a lawyer, tempting him and saying:

diaglotnt@Matthew:22:42 @ saying: What to you thinks about the Anointed? of whom a son is he? They say to him: Of the David.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:15 @ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees hypocrites; because you go about the sea and the dry, to make one proselyte; and when he becomes, you make him a son of Gehenna double of you.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:24 @ Guides blind; the straining out the gnat the but camel swallowing down.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:25 @ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, within but they are full of rapine and injustice.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:26 @ O Pharisee blind, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the dish, that may become also the outside of them clean.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:27 @ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to tombs having been whitened, which without indeed appear beautiful, within but are full of bones of dead and of all uncleanness.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:28 @ So and you without indeed appear to the men just, within but full are of hypocrisy and of lawlessness.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:34 @ Because of this, lo, I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; and out of them you will kill and will crucify, and out of them you will scourge in the synagogues of you and pursue from city to city;

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:1 @ And being come out the Jesus was going from the temple; and came the disciples of him to point out to him the buildings of the temple.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:6 @ You shall be about and to hear wars, and reports of wars; see, not you be disturbed; it behooves for all to take place; but not yet is the end.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:13 @ He but holding out the end, the same shall be saved.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:17 @ he upon the roof, not let him go down, to take the out of the house of him;

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:26 @ If then they should say to you: Lo, in the desert he is; not you should go out; Lo, in the retired places; not you should believe;

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:27 @ As for the lightning comes out from east, and shines to west, so shall be also the presence of the son of the man.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:36 @ About and the day that and hour no one knows, nor the messengers of the heavens, except the Father alone.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:1 @ Then will be compared the kingdom of the heavens ten virgins, who having taken the lamps of them, went out to a meeting of the bridegroom.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:6 @ Of middle and night a cry was raised; Lo, the bridegroom comes; go out to a meeting of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:8 @ The but foolish to the prudent said: Give to us out of the oil of you, because the lamps of us are extinguished.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:30 @ And the useless slave cast you into the darkness the outer; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:24 @ The indeed son of the man goes as it has been written about him; Woe but to the man that, through whom the son of the man is delivered up; good it was to him, if not was born the man that.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:27 @ And having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave to them, saying: Drink you out of it all;

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:28 @ this for is the blood of me, that of the new covenant, that about many being shed for forgiveness of sins.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:51 @ And lo, one of the with Jesus, stretching the hand, drew out the sword of him; and striking the slave of the high–priest, cut off of him the ear.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:55 @ In that the hour said the Jesus to the crowds: As upon a robber came you out with swords and clubs, to take me; every day with you I did sit teaching in the temple, and not you seized me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:69 @ The and Peter without sat in the courtyard. And came to him one maid–servant, saying: Also thou wast with Jesus of the Galilee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:71 @ Going out and he into the portico, saw him another, and says to those there; also this was with Jesus of the Nazareth.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:75 @ And remembered the Peter of the word of the Jesus, declaring to him; That before a cock crows, thrice thou wilt deny me. And going out, he wept bitterly.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:32 @ Going out and, they met a man a Cyrenian, by name Simon; him they compelled, that he might carry the cross of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:46 @ About and the ninth hour cried out the Jesus with a voice great, saying: Eli, Eli; lama sabachthani? that is: O God of me, O God of me; why me hast thou forsaken?

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:8 @ And coming out quickly from the tomb with fear and joy great, they ran to inform the disciples of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:3 @ A voice crying out in the desert; Make you ready the way of a lord, straight make you the beaten ways of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:5 @ And went out to him all the Judea country, and the Jerusalem all; and were dipped in the Jordan river by him, confessing the sins of them.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:7 @ And he cried out saying: Comes the mightier of me after me, of whom not I am worthy bowed down to loose the string of the sandals of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:11 @ And a voice came out of the heavens: Thou art the son of me the beloved in whom I delight.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:23 @ And was in the synagogue of them a man in spirit unclean, and he cried out,

diaglotnt@Mark:1:25 @ And rebuked him the Jesus, saying: Be silent, and come out of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:26 @ And convulsing him the spirit the unclean, and crying a voice great, came out of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:28 @ Went out and the report of him forthwith into whole the country of the Galilee.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:29 @ And instantly, out of the synagogue being come, he went into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:30 @ The and mother–in–law of Simon was laid down having a fever; and immediately they spoke to him about her.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:34 @ And he healed many sick having various diseases; and demons many cast out, and not allowed to speak the demons, because they knew him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:35 @ And early, night much, having arisen he went out, and depart into a desert place, and there prayed.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:38 @ And he says to them: We must go into the neighboring towns, that also there I may preach; for this because I have come out.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:39 @ And he was proclaiming in the synagogues of the, in whole the Galilee, and the demons casting out.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:41 @ The and Jesus being moved with pity, stretching out the hand, touched of him, and says to him; I will, be thou cleansed.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:45 @ He but going out began to publish many (things) and spread abroad the word, so as no longer him to be able publicly into a city to enter; but without in desert place he was, and they went to him from all parts.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:12 @ And he was raised immediately, and taking up the bed, went out in presence of all; so as to astonish all, and to glorify the God, saying: That never thus we saw.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:13 @ And he went out again by the sea; and all the crowds came to him, and he taught them.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:5 @ And looking round them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of the hearts of them, he says to the man: Stretch out the hand of thee. And he stretched it out; and was restored the hand of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:6 @ And coming out the Pharisees, immediately with the Herodians a council held against him, how him they might destroy.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:8 @ and from the Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and those about Tyre and Sidon, a multitude great, having heard what things he did, came to him.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:15 @ and to have authority to cure the diseases, and to cast out the demons.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:21 @ And having heard those with him, went out to restrain him; they said for: That he is out of place.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:22 @ And the scribes, those from Jerusalem having come down, said: That Beelzebul he has; also; That by the chief of the demons he casts out the demons.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:23 @ And having called them, in parables he said to them: How is able an adversary and adversary to cast out?

diaglotnt@Mark:3:31 @ Comes then the mother of him and the brothers of him; and without standing they sent to him, calling him.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:32 @ And sat a crowd about him; said and to him: Lo, the mother of thee and the brothers of thee without are seeking thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:34 @ And looking about round those about him sitting, he says: Lo the mother of me, and the brothers of me.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:3 @ Hear you: Lo, went out the sower of the (seed) to sow.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:10 @ When and he was alone, asked him those about him, with the twelve, the parables.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:11 @ And he said to them: To you it is given to know the secret of the kingdom of the God; to them but to those without in parables the all (things) are done;

diaglotnt@Mark:4:19 @ and the cares of the age, and the delusion of the wealth, and the about the other (things) strong desires entering in choke the word; and unfruitful it becomes.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:34 @ Without but a parable not he spoke to them; privately but to the disciples of himself he explained all.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:2 @ And having come to him out of the ship, immediately met him out of the tombs a man in spirit unclean,

diaglotnt@Mark:5:5 @ and always, night and day, in the tombs and in mountains he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:7 @ and crying out with voice great, said: what to me and to thee, Jesus, O son of the God of the highest? I will adjure thee the God, not me thou mayest torment.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:8 @ (He had said for to him: Come out the spirit the unclean out of the man.)

diaglotnt@Mark:5:10 @ And he besought him many times, that not them he would send out of the country.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:13 @ And gave leave to them immediately the Jesus. And having come out the spirits the unclean entered into the swine; and rushed the herd down the precipice into the sea; they were and about two thousand; and were choked in the sea.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:14 @ Those and feeding them fled, and reported to the city, and to the villages. And they came out to see, what is that having been done.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:16 @ And related to them those having seen, how it happened to the one being demonized, and about the swine.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:27 @ having heard about Jesus, having come in the crowd behind, touched the mantle of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:30 @ And immediately the Jesus knowing in himself the out of himself power having gone out, having turned round in the crowd, said: Who of me touched the clothes?

diaglotnt@Mark:5:40 @ And they derided him. He but, having sent out all he takes the father of the child, and the mother and those with him, and goes in, where was the child.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:42 @ And immediately arose the girl, and walked about; she was for years twelve. And they were astonished with an astonishment great.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:1 @ And he went out thence, and came into the country of himself; and follow him the disciples of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:4 @ Said but to them the Jesus: That not is a prophet without honor, except in the country of himself, and among the relatives, and in the house of himself.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:6 @ And he wondered because of the unbelief of them. And he went out round the villages round about, teaching.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:11 @ And whoever not may receive you, nor hear you, going away from thence, shake out the dust that under the feet of you, for a witness to them.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:12 @ And having gone out they published, that they should reform;

diaglotnt@Mark:6:13 @ and demons many they cast out, and anointed with oil many sick ones, and they were cured.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:14 @ And heard the king Herod, (well–known for was the name of him,) and well–known for was the name of him,) and he said: That John he dipping out of dead has been raised, and through the work the mighty powers in him.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:24 @ The and going out, said to the mother of herself: What shall I ask? She and said: The head of John the dipper.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:34 @ And coming out he saw great a crowd, and was moved with pity towards them, for they were as sheep, not having a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:48 @ And he saw them tormented in the rowing; was for the wind opposite to them. And about fourth watch of the night comes towards them, walking on the sea; and wished to pass them.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:49 @ They but, seeing him walking on the sea, they thought a phantom to be, and they cried out.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:51 @ And he went up to them into the boat; and ceased the wind. And greatly out of measure in themselves they were amazed and wondered.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:52 @ Not for they understood about the loaves; was for the heart of them having been stupified.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:54 @ And coming out of them out of the ship, immediately knowing him,

diaglotnt@Mark:6:55 @ running about whole the adjacent country that, they began on the couches those sickness having to carry out, where they heard, that there he is.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:6 @ He but answering said to them: That well prophesied Esaias about you the hypocrites, as it is written: This the people with the lips me honor, the but heart of them far off is removed from me.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:11 @ You but say: If should say man to the father or the mother, Corban (which is, a gift), whatever out of me thou mightest be profited;

diaglotnt@Mark:7:15 @ Nothing is outside of the man, entering into him, which is able him to make common; but the things proceeding from him, those is the things making common the man.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:18 @ And he says to them: Thus also you without understanding are? Not know you, that all that without, entering into the man, not is able him to make common?

diaglotnt@Mark:7:19 @ that not goes of it into the heart, but into the belly; and into the privy goes out, cleansing all the foods.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:20 @ He said and: That the out of the man, proceeding forth, that makes common the man.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:21 @ Within for out of the heart of the men the purposes the evil proceeds; adulteries, fornications, murders,

diaglotnt@Mark:7:25 @ Having heard for a woman about him, of whom had the little daughter of herself a spirit unclean, having come fell down to the feet of him;

diaglotnt@Mark:7:26 @ (was now the woman a Greek, a Syrophenician to the birth;) and she besought him, that the demon he would cast out of the daughter of herself.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:29 @ And he said to her: Through this the word go; has come out the demon from the daughter of thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:30 @ And having gone into the house of her, she found the demon having gone out, and the daughter having been laid upon the bed.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:31 @ And again coming out from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, he came to the sea of the Galilee, through midst of the borders of Decapolis.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:9 @ Were and those having eaten, about four thousand; and he dismissed them.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:23 @ And having taken the hand of the blind man, he led him outside of the village; and having spit into the eyes of him, having placed the hands to him, he asked him, if any thing he sees.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:30 @ And he strictly charged them, that no one they should tell about him.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:7 @ And there came a cloud overshadowing them; and came a voice out of the cloud: This is the son of me the beloved; him hear you.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:9 @ Coming down and of them from the mountain, he charged them, that to no one they should relate what they saw, except when the son of the man out of dead ones should be raised.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:10 @ And the word they kept to themselves, arguing, what is that out of dead ones to be raised.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:12 @ He and answering said to them: Elias indeed coming first; restores all things, and how it is written about the son of the man, that many things he should suffer, and should be despised.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:13 @ But I say to you, that both Elias has come, and they have done to him whatever they wished, even as it is written about him.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:14 @ And coming to the disciples, he saw a crowd great about them, and scribes disputing with them.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:17 @ And answering one out of the crowd said: O teacher, I brought the son of me to thee, having a spirit dumb.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:18 @ And wherever him it may seize, it convulses him; and he foams, and grinds the teeth of him, and pines away. And I spoke to the disciples of thee, that it they might cast out, and not they had power.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:19 @ He and answering to them says: O generation without faith, till when you shall I be? till when shall I bear you? Bring you him to me.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:24 @ And immediately crying out the father of the child, with tears he said: I believe help thou of me the unbelief.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:25 @ Seeing and the Jesus, that runs together a crowd, he rebuked the spirit the unclean, saying to it: The spirit the dumb and deaf, I to thee command; Come out of him, and no more enter into him.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:26 @ And crying out, and many times convulsing, it came out. And he became as dead, so that many to say, that he is dead.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:28 @ And having come him into a house, the disciples of him asked him privately: That we not were able to cast out it?

diaglotnt@Mark:9:29 @ And he said to them: This the kind by nothing is able to go out, if not in prayer and fasting.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:38 @ Answered and to him John, saying: O teacher, I saw one to the name of thee casting out demons; and we forbade him, because not he follows us.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:47 @ And if the eye of thee may insnare thee, cast thou out him; good to thee it is one–eyed to enter into the kingdom of the God, than two eyes having to be cast into the Gehenna of the fire,

diaglotnt@Mark:9:50 @ Good the salt; if but the salt without taste may become, with what it will you season? Have you in yourselves salt, and be you at peace with one another.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:17 @ And going out of him into a way, running up one, and kneeling before him, he asked him: O teacher good, what must I do, that life age–lasting I may inherit?

diaglotnt@Mark:10:32 @ They were and in the way going up to Jerusalem; and was going before them the Jesus; and they were amazed, and following they were afraid. And taking aside again the twelve, he began to them to tell the things being about to him to happen:

diaglotnt@Mark:10:41 @ And having heard the ten, they began to be angry about James and John.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:46 @ And they come into Jericho; and going out of him from Jericho, and the disciples of him, and a crowd great, a son of Timeus, Bartimeus the blind, sat by the way begging.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:47 @ And hearing, that Jesus the Nazarene it is, he began to cry out and to say: The son of David, Jesus, have pity me.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:48 @ And rebuked him many, so that he might be silent; he but much more cried out: O son of David, have pity on me.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:4 @ They went and, and found a colt having been tied near the door without in the street; and they loosen him.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:11 @ And entered into Jerusalem the Jesus, and into the temple; and having looked round on all, evening now being the hour, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:12 @ And the next day coming out of them from Bethany, he was hungry;

diaglotnt@Mark:11:15 @ And they come to Jerusalem; and going into temple he began to cast out those selling and buying in the temple; and the tables the money–changers, and the seats of those selling the doves he overturned;

diaglotnt@Mark:11:19 @ And when evening it became, he went out of the city.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:1 @ And he began to them in parables to talk: A vineyard planted a man, and placed around a hedge, and dug a wine–vat, and built a tower; and let out it to husbandmen, and went abroad.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:8 @ And having taken him, they killed, and cast out of the vineyard.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:14 @ They having come they say to him: O teacher, we know, that true thou art, and not cares thee about no one; not for thou lookest into face of men, but in truth the way of the God thou teachest; is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give, or not? should we give, or not should we give?

diaglotnt@Mark:12:25 @ When for out of dead (ones) they may rise, neither they marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as messengers in the heavens.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:30 @ and thou shalt love a Lord the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee, and out of whole of the strength of thee. This first commandment.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:33 @ and the to love him out of whole of the heart, and out of whole of the understanding, and out of whole the soul, and out of whole of the strength, and the to love the neighbor as himself, more is of all of the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:38 @ And he said to them in the teaching of himself: Beware you of the scribes, those desiring in long robes to walk about, and salutations in the markets,

diaglotnt@Mark:12:44 @ All for out of the abounding fulness to them have cast; this but out of the poverty of herself all as much as she had cast, whole the living of herself.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:1 @ And departing of him out of the temple, says to him one of the disciples of him: O teacher, see, what stones and what buildings.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:4 @ Say to us, when these things shall be, and what the sign, when are about all these things to be ended?

diaglotnt@Mark:13:15 @ he and on the roof, not let him go down into the house, nor enter, to take any thing out of the house of himself;

diaglotnt@Mark:14:23 @ And taking the cup, having given thanks he gave to them; and they drank out of it all.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:48 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: As upon a robber came you out with swords and clubs, to take me.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:51 @ And one a certain young man followed him, wrapped about a linen cloth on naked; and they seized him the young men.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:58 @ That we heard him saying: That I will destroy the temple this the made with hands, and in three days another made without hands I will build.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:68 @ He but denied, saying: Not know, nor comprehend what thou sayest. And he went out into the outer court; and a cock crew.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:8 @ And crying out the crowd began to demand, as always he did to them.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:13 @ They but again cried out: Crucify him.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:14 @ The and Pilate said to them: What for evil has he done? They but vehemently cried out: Crucify him.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:20 @ And when they mocked him, they took off him the purple, and put on him the clothes the own; and they led out him, that they might crucify him.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:37 @ The then Jesus uttering a voice loud, breathed out.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:39 @ Seeing but the centurion, that having stood by over against him, that thus having cried he breathed out, said: Truly the man this a son was of a god.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:46 @ And having bought lien, and having taken down him, he wrapped the lien; and laid him in a tomb, which was having been hewn out of a rock; and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:5 @ And having entered into the tomb, they saw a youth sitting on the right, having been clothed a robe white; and they were awe–struck.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:8 @ And having gone out, they fled from the tomb; had seized and them trembling and astonishment, and to no one nothing they said; they were afraid for.

diaglotnt@Mark:16:17 @ Signs and to those having believed these shall attend: In the name of me demons they shall cast out; with tongues they shall speak new;

diaglotnt@Luke:1:1 @ Since many have undertaken to prepare a narrative about those having been fully established among us facts,

diaglotnt@Luke:1:10 @ and whole the multitude was of the people praying without to the hour of the incense burning.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:15 @ He shall be for great in sight of a Lord; and wine and strong drink not not he may drink; and a spirit of holy shall be filled yet out of womb of mother of himself.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:22 @ Coming out but not he was able to speak to them; and they perceived, that a vision he has been in the temple; and he was making signs to them, and remained dumb.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:41 @ And it happened, as heard the Elisabeth the salutation of the Mary, leaped the babe in the womb of her; and was filled a spirit of holy the Elisabeth, and she cried out with a voice great and said:

diaglotnt@Luke:1:56 @ Abode and Mary with her about months three; and returned to the house of her.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:64 @ Was opened and the mouth of him immediately, and the tongue of him and he spoke blessing the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:65 @ And came on all a fear those dwelling around them; and in whole the hilly–country of the Judea talked of through out all the things these.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:70 @ (even as he spoke through mouth of the holy ones, of those from age, of prophets of himself);

diaglotnt@Luke:1:74 @ without fear, from hand of the enemies of us having been rescued, to worship him

diaglotnt@Luke:2:4 @ Went up and also Joseph from the Galilee, out of city Nazareth, into the Judea, into a city of David, which is called Bethleem, (because the to be him of house and family of David,)

diaglotnt@Luke:2:18 @ And all those having heard wondered about those having been told by the shepherds to them.

diaglotnt@Luke:2:33 @ And was the father of him and the mother wondering at those being spoken about him.

diaglotnt@Luke:2:37 @ also she a widow about years eighty–four, who not withdrew from the temple, fastings and prayers serving night and day.

diaglotnt@Luke:2:38 @ And she, this the hour standing by, acknowledged the Lord, and spoke about him to all those looking for redemption in Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Luke:3:3 @ And he went into all the country about the Jordan, preaching a dipping of reformation into a forgiveness of sins;

diaglotnt@Luke:3:7 @ He said then to those coming out of crowds to be dipped by him: O broods of venomous serpents, who pointed out to you to flee from the coming wrath?

diaglotnt@Luke:3:8 @ Bring forth then fruits worthy of the reformation; and not you should begin to say in yourselves: A father we have the Abraham. I say for to you, that is able the God out of the stones of these to rise up children to the Abraham.

diaglotnt@Luke:3:15 @ Expecting and of the people, and reasoning all in the hearts of them about the John, whether he were the Anointed,

diaglotnt@Luke:3:19 @ The but Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him about Herodias of the wife of the brother of him, and about all of which had done evils the Herod,

diaglotnt@Luke:3:22 @ and to descend the spirit the holy in a bodily form, like a dove, upon him, and a voice out of heaven to have come saying Thou art the son of me the beloved in thee I delight.

diaglotnt@Luke:3:23 @ And he was the Jesus about years thirty, beginning, being, as was allowed, a son of Joseph, of the Heli,

diaglotnt@Luke:4:1 @ Jesus and spirit of holy full returned from the Jordan; and was led about by the spirit into the desert,

diaglotnt@Luke:4:14 @ And returned the Jesus in the power of the spirit into the Galilee; and a report went out through whole the surrounding region about him.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:22 @ And all bore testimony to him, and wondered at the words of the graciousness, those proceeding out of the mouth of him, and said: Not this is the son of Joseph?

diaglotnt@Luke:4:29 @ And rising up they cast out him outside of the city; and they led him even to a brow of the mountain, on which the city of them was built, so as to cast down him;

diaglotnt@Luke:4:33 @ And in the synagogue was a man having a spirit of a demon unclean, and he cried out with a voice loud,

diaglotnt@Luke:4:35 @ And rebuked him the Jesus, saying: Be silent, and come out out of him. And having thrown him the demon into midst, came out of him, nothing hurting him.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:36 @ And came amazement on all; and talked to one another, saying: What the word this, for with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out?

diaglotnt@Luke:4:38 @ Having risen up and out of the synagogue, he entered into the house of Simon; mother–in–law and of the Simon was seized with fever great; and they asked him about her.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:41 @ Came out and also demons from many, crying out and saying: That thou art the son of the God. And rebuking not he permitted them to say, that they knew the Anointed him to be.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:42 @ Being come and day, coming out he went into a desert place; and the crowds sought him, and came to him, and urged him not to depart from them.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:3 @ Entering and into one of the ships, which was of the Simon; he asked him from the land to put off a little; and sitting down he taught out of the ship the crowds.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:4 @ When and he ceased speaking, he said to the Simon: Put out into the deep, and let down the nets of you for a draught.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:13 @ And stretching out the hand, he touched him, saying: I will, be thou cleansed. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:17 @ And it happened in one of the days, and he was teaching; and were sitting Pharisees and teachers of the law, they were having come out of all villages of the Galilee and Judea, and Jerusalem; and power of Lord was into the to heal them.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:27 @ And after these he went out, and saw publican with a name Levi, sitting at the custom–house; and he said to him: Follow me.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:10 @ And looking around on all them, he said to him: Stretch out the hand of thee. He and did; and was restored the hand of him as the other.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:12 @ It came to pass and in the days those, he went out into the mountain to pray; and was passing the night in the place of prayer of the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:19 @ And all the crowd sought to touch him; for a power from him went out, and healed all.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:22 @ Blessed are you, when may hate you the men, and when they may separate you, and they may revile, and may cast out the name of you as evil, on account of the son of the man.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:42 @ or how art thou able to say to the brother of thee: O brother, allow me, I can cast out the splinter that in the eye of thee; thyself the in the eye of thee beam not beholding? O hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of the eye of thee, and then thou wilt see clearly to cast out the splinter that in the eye of the brother of thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:45 @ The good man out of the good treasure of the heart of himself brings forth the good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure of the heart of himself brings forth the evil; out of for the fulness of the heart speaks the mouth of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:49 @ He but having heard, and not having done, like he is to a man having built a house on the earth without a foundation; to which dashed against the stream; and immediately it feel, and became the ruin of the house that great.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:2 @ Of a centurion and certain slave sick being, was about to die, who was to him valuable.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:3 @ Having heard about the Jesus, he sent to him elders of the Jews, asking him, that coming he would save the slave of himself.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:12 @ As and he drew near to the gate of the city, and lo, was being carried out a dead man, a son only born to the mother of himself, and she a widow; and a crowd of the city great was with her.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:17 @ And went out the word this in whole the Judea concerning him, and in all the surrounding country.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:18 @ And told John the disciple of him about all these.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:22 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Going away relate to John what you have seen and heard; that blind ones see again, lame ones are walking about, lepers are cleansed, deaf ones are hearing, dead ones are raised up, poor ones are addressed with glad tidings;

diaglotnt@Luke:7:24 @ Having departed and the messengers of John, he began to say to the crowds concerning John: What have you come out into the desert to see? a reed by wind being shaken?

diaglotnt@Luke:7:25 @ But what have you come out to see? a man in soft garments having been clothed? Lo, those in clothing showy and in luxury living in the royal places are.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:26 @ But what have you come out to see? a prophet? Yes I say to you, and much more of a prophet?

diaglotnt@Luke:8:2 @ and women certain, who were having been healed from spirits evil and infirmities; Mary that being called Magdalene, from whom demons seven has gone out,

diaglotnt@Luke:8:5 @ Went out the sower of the sow the seed of himself; and in the sowing it, this indeed fell by the path; and it was trodden down, and the birds of the heaven ate it.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:20 @ And it was told to him, saying: The mother of thee and the brothers of thee stand without to see thee desiring.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:27 @ Going out and to him on the land, met him a man certain out of the city, who had demons from times many, and a mantle not he put on, and in a house not he remained, but in the tombs.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:28 @ Seeing and the Jesus, and crying out, he fell down to him, and with a voice loud he said: What to me and to thee, Jesus, O son of the God of the highest? I beseech thee, not me thou mayest torment.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:29 @ (He had commanded for the spirit the unclean to come out from the man; many for times it had seized him; and he was bound with chains and fetters, being guarded; and breaking the bonds, he was driven by the demon into the deserts.)

diaglotnt@Luke:8:33 @ Having gone out and the demons from the man, they entered into the swine; and rushed the herd down the precipice into the lake, and were chocked.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:35 @ They came out and to see that having been done; and came to the Jesus, and found sitting the man, from whom the demons had gone out, having been clothed and being of sane mind, at the feet of the Jesus; and they were afraid.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:38 @ Begged and of him the man, from whom had gone out the demons, to be with him. Sent away but him the Jesus, saying:

diaglotnt@Luke:8:42 @ for a daughter only was to him about years twelve, and she was dying. In and to the to go him, the crowds pressed him.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:46 @ The and Jesus said: Touched me some one; I for know a power went out from me.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:54 @ He but having put out all, and having grasped the hand of her, called out, saying: The child, arise.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:5 @ And whoever not may receive you, coming out from the city that, even the dust from the feet of you shake off, for a testimony against them.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:7 @ Heard and Herod the tetrarch that being done by him all; and he was perplexed, because the to be said by some, that John has been raised out of dead;

diaglotnt@Luke:9:14 @ They were for about men five thousand. He said and to the disciples of himself: Make recline them in companies each fifty.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:28 @ It happened and after the words these, about days eight, and having taken Peter and John and James, he went up into to mountain to pray.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:31 @ they appearing in glory, spoke of the departure of him, which he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:35 @ And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: This is the son of me the beloved; him hear you.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:39 @ and lo, a spirit seizes him, and suddenly he cries out, and convulses him with foam, and hardly departs from him, bruising him.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:41 @ Answering and the Jesus said: O generation without faith and having been perverted; till when shall I be with you, and bear with you? Lead the son of thee here.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:44 @ Place you into the ears of you the words these; the for son of the man is about to be delivered into hands of men.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:49 @ Answering and the John said: O master, we saw one in the name of thee casting out the demons; and we forbade him, because not he follows with us.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:1 @ After but these things appointed the Lord also others seventy, and sent them each two before face of himself into every city and place, where was about he to go.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:2 @ He said then to them: The indeed harvest great, the but laborers few; implore therefore the lord of the harvest, that he would send out laborers into the harvest of himself.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:10 @ Into what but ever city you may enter, and not they may receive you, going out into the wide places of her say you:

diaglotnt@Luke:10:18 @ He said and to them: I beheld the adversary as lightning out of the heaven having fallen.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:27 @ He and answering said: Thou shalt love Lord the God of thee out of whole of the heart of thee, and out of whole of the soul of thee, and out of whole of the strength of thee, and out of whole of the mind of thee; and the neighbor of thee as thyself.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:35 @ And on the next day having come out, having taken out two denarii he gave to the inn keeper, and said to him: Take care of him; and whatever thou mayest expend more, I, in the return me, I will pay to thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:40 @ The but Martha was–over–busied about much serving; having come near and said: O lord, not concerns thee, that the sister of me alone me has left to serve? say then to her, that to me she may give aid.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:41 @ Answering and said to her the Jesus: Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and troubled about many things;

diaglotnt@Luke:11:14 @ And he was casting out a demon, and it was dumb; it came to pass and of the demon having come out, spake the dumb; and wondered the crowds.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:15 @ Some but of them said: By Beelzebul, a ruler of the demons, he cast out the demons;

diaglotnt@Luke:11:18 @ If and also the adversary against himself has been divided, how shall stand the kingdom of him? for you say, by Beelzebul to cast out me the demons.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:19 @ If but I by Beelzebul cast out the demons, the sons of you by whom do they cast out? Through this judges of you they shall be.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:20 @ If but by a finger of God I cast out the demons, then has suddenly come upon you the royal majesty of the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:24 @ When the unclean spirit may come out from the man, passes through dry places, seeking a resting place; and not finding, says: I will return into the house of me, whence I came out.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:27 @ It happened and in to the to speak him these things, having lifted certain woman a voice out of the crowd, said to him: Blessed the womb that having carried thee, and breasts those thou hast sucked.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:31 @ A queen of South will be raised in the judgment with the men of the generation this, and will condemn them; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon here.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:39 @ Said and the Lord to him: Now you the Pharisees the outside of the cup and of the platter you cleanse; the but inside of you is full of extortion and of evil.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:40 @ O unwise, not he having made the outside, also the inside made?

diaglotnt@Luke:11:49 @ Because of this and the wisdom of the God said: I will send to them prophets and apostles, and out of them they will kill and persecute;

diaglotnt@Luke:11:53 @ Saying and of him these things to them, began the scribes and the Pharisees greatly to be incensed, and to make speak off–hand him about many things; trying to entrap him, seeking to each something out of the mouth of him, that they might accuse him.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:5 @ I will point out and to you, whom you should fear; you should fear the after the to have killed, authority having to cast into the gehenna; yes I say to you, this fear you.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:6 @ Not five sparrows are sold assarii two? and one out of them not is being forgotten in presence of the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:13 @ Said and one to him out of the crowd: O teacher, speak to the brother of me to divide with me the inheritance.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:15 @ He said and to them: See you and beware you of the covetousness; because not in the to abound any one the life of him is out of the possessions of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:26 @ If then not even least you are able why about the remaining ones are you anxious?

diaglotnt@Luke:12:55 @ And when south wind is blowing, you say: That burning heat shall be; and it happens.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:59 @ I say to thee, not not thou mayest come out thence, till even the last lepton thou hast paid.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:8 @ He and answering says to him: O lord, leave her also this the year, till I may dig about her, and I may put dung;

diaglotnt@Luke:13:22 @ And he passed throughout cities and towns, teaching, and went on making for Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:25 @ From when may be raised the householder, and may have shut the door, and you may begin without to stand, and to knock the door, saying: O lord, O lord, open thou to us; and answering he will say to you: Not I know you, whence you are.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:28 @ There will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth, when you may see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of the God, you and being cast outside.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:29 @ And they will come from east and west, and from north and south; and will recline in the kingdom of the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:31 @ In this the day approached certain of Pharisees, saying to him: Come out, and go thou hence; for Herod wishes thee to kill.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:32 @ And he said to them: Having gone say you to the fox this: Lo, I cast out demons and cures perform to–day and to–morrow, and in the third I shall have ended.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:33 @ But it behooves me to–day and to–morrow and in the coming to go; for not it is possible a prophet to perish out of Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:5 @ And answering to them said: Of any one of you an ass or an ox into a pit shall fall, and not immediately will draw out him in the day of the sabbath?

diaglotnt@Luke:14:7 @ He spoke and to those having been invited a parable, observing how the first reclining places they were choosing out, saying to them:

diaglotnt@Luke:14:18 @ And they began from one to excuse themselves all. The first said to him: A field I bought, and I have need to go out and to see him; I beseech thee, have me having been excused.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:21 @ And having come the slave that reported to the lord of himself these. Then being angry the householder said to the slave of himself: Go out quickly into the wide places and streets of the city, and the poor ones and maimed ones and lame ones and blind ones bring in hither.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:23 @ And said the lord to the slave: Go out into the ways and hedges, and urge to enter, that may be filled the house of me.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:35 @ Neither for land, nor for manure fit it is; out they cast it. He having ears to hear, let him hear.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:14 @ Having expended and of him all, came a famine mighty throughout the country that; and he began to be in want.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:22 @ Said but the father to the slaves of himself: Bring you out the robe the chief, and clothe you him, and give you a finger–ring into the hand of him, and shoes for the feet.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:28 @ He was angry and, and not was disposed to enter. The therefore father of him going out besought him.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:4 @ I know what i will do, that, when I may be put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into the house of themselves.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:9 @ And I to you say: Make you to yourselves friends out of the mammon of the unjust; that, when you may fail, they may receive you into the age–lasting tabernacles.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:24 @ And he crying out said: O father Abraham, do thou pity me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of the finger of himself of water, and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain in the flame this.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:31 @ He said but to him: If Moses and the prophets not they hear, neither if one out of dead one should rise, will they be convinced.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:2 @ It is possible for him if a millstone upper was hung about the neck of him and have been thrown into the sea, than he should ensnare one of the little ones these.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:7 @ Which but of you a slave having ploughing or feeding cattle, who having come out of the field will say: Immediately going do thou recline?

diaglotnt@Luke:17:24 @ Even as for the lightening, that flashing out of the under heaven, to the under heaven shines; so will be the son of the man in the day of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:29 @ in the but day went out Lot from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed all;

diaglotnt@Luke:18:21 @ He and said: These all I observed from youth of me.

diaglotnt@Luke:18:38 @ And he shouted, saying: Jesus, O son of David, pity me.

diaglotnt@Luke:18:39 @ And those going before rebuked him, that he might be silent. He but much more cried out: O son of David, pity me.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:4 @ And running before, he went up on a sycamore, that he might see him; for that he was about to pass by.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:11 @ Hearing and of them these things proceeding he spoke a parable, because the near him to be Jerusalem, and to think them, that immediately is about the kingdom of the God to appear.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:22 @ He says and to him: Out of the mouth of thee I will judge thee, O evil slave; thou knowest, that I a man harsh am, taking up what not I laid down, and reaping what not I sowed.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:40 @ And answering he said to them: I say to you, that if these should be silent, the stones will cry out.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:45 @ And entering into the temple, he began to cast out those selling in it and buying,

diaglotnt@Luke:20:9 @ He began and to the people to say the parable this: A man planted a vineyard and let out it to husbandmen; and went abroad times many.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:12 @ And he proceeded to send a third; they but also this having wounded cast out.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:15 @ And casting him out of the vineyard, they killed. What then will do to them the lord of the vineyard?

diaglotnt@Luke:20:35 @ those but having been accounted worthy of the age that to obtain, and of the resurrection that out of dead ones, neither marry, nor are given in marriage;

diaglotnt@Luke:21:4 @ All for they out of the abundance of them cast into the gifts of the God; she but out of the want of herself all the living, which she had, she cast.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:5 @ And some speaking about the temple that with stones beautiful and offerings it was adorned, he said:

diaglotnt@Luke:21:7 @ They asked and him, saying: O teacher, when then these will be? and what the sign, when may be about these to be done?

diaglotnt@Luke:21:13 @ It will turn out and to you for a testimony.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:15 @ I for will give to you a mouth and wisdom, which not will be able to gainsay or resist all the opponents to you.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:21 @ Then those in the Judea, let them flee to the mountains; and those in midst of her, let them go out; and those in the country places, not let them enter into her.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:36 @ Watch you then in every season, praying, that you may be accounted worthy to escape these all the things being about to occur, and to stand in presence of the son of the man.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:37 @ He was and the days in the temple teaching; the and nights going out he lodged in the mountain that being called of olive trees.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:6 @ And he consented; and he sought opportunity of the to deliver up him to them without of a crowd.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:20 @ In like manner also the cup, after the supper, saying: This the cup, the new covenant in the blood of me, that in behalf of you being poured out.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:23 @ And they began to inquire among themselves, the, which then it could be of them the this being about to do.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:35 @ And he said to them: When I sent you without a purse, and a bag, and sandals, not anything wanted you? They and said; Nothing.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:37 @ I say for to you, that yet this the having been written must to be finished in me, that: And with law–breakers he was counted. Also for the things about me an end has.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:39 @ And going out he went according to the custom to the mountain of the olive–trees; followed and him also the disciples of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:41 @ And he was withdrawn from them about of a stone throw, and having placed the knees he prayed, saying:

diaglotnt@Luke:22:49 @ Seeing and those about him the was going to be, said to him: O lord, if shall we strike with a sword?

diaglotnt@Luke:22:52 @ Said and the Jesus to those having come on him high–priests, and offices of the temple, and elders: As on a robber you have come out with swords and clubs;

diaglotnt@Luke:22:53 @ every day being of me with you in the temple, not you did stretch out the hands on me; but this of you it is the hour, and the authority of the darkness.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:59 @ And having intervened about hour one, another person confidently affirmed, saying: In truth also this with him was also for a Galilean he is.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:62 @ And going out, he wept bitterly.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:71 @ They and said: What further need have we of testimony? Ourselves for we have heard from the mouth of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:8 @ The and Herod seeing the Jesus, rejoiced greatly; he was for wishing of a long time to see him, because the to hear many things about him; and hoped some sign to see by him being done.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:18 @ Cried out and all together, saying: Take away this, release and to us the Barabbas.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:44 @ It was and about hour sixth, and darkness came over whole the land, till hour ninth.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:46 @ And crying with a voice loud the Jesus, said: O Father, into hands of thee I commit the breath of me. And these having said, he breathed out.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:55 @ Having followed after and also women, who were having been with him out of the Galilee, beheld the tomb, and now they laid the body of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:4 @ And it happened in the to be perplexed them about this, and lo, men two stood by them in clothing shining.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:14 @ And they were talking to each other about all of the having happened of these.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:19 @ And he said to them: What things? They and said to him: The things about Jesus the Nazarene, who was a man a prophet, powerful in work and word in presence of the God and all the people.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:21 @ We but hoped, that he it is the being about to redeem the Israel; but besides all these third this day goes away to–day, from of which these occurred;

diaglotnt@Luke:24:27 @ And beginning from Moses and from all of the prophets, he explained to them in all the writings the things about himself.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:46 @ and he said to them: That thus it is written, and thus it behooved to have suffered the Anointed, and to stand up out of dead ones in the third day,

diaglotnt@Luke:24:50 @ He led and them out even to Bethany; and having lifted up the hands of himself, be blessed them.

diaglotnt@John:1:3 @ All through it was done; and without it was done not even one, that has been done.

diaglotnt@John:1:7 @ this came for a witness, that he might testify about the light, that all might believe through him.

diaglotnt@John:1:8 @ Not was he the light, but that he might testify about the light.

diaglotnt@John:1:16 @ Because out of the fulness of him we all received, and favor upon favor.

diaglotnt@John:1:22 @ They said then to him: Who art thou? that an answer we may give to those having sent us; what sayest thou about thyself?

diaglotnt@John:1:30 @ This is he, about whom I said: After me comes a man, who before me has become; because first of me he was.

diaglotnt@John:1:32 @ And bore testimony John, saying: That I saw the spirit coming down like a dove out of heaven, and it abode on him.

diaglotnt@John:1:39 @ He says to them: Come you and see you. They came and saw, where he dwells; and with him abode the day that. Hour it was about tenth.

diaglotnt@John:1:46 @ And said to him Nathanael: Out of Nazareth is able any good to be? Says to him Philip: Come and see.

diaglotnt@John:2:15 @ And having made a whip out of rushes, all he drove out of the temple, the and sheep and the oxen; and of the money–changers he poured out the coin, and the tables over–turned;

diaglotnt@John:2:22 @ When therefore he was raised out of dead ones, remembered the disciples of him, that this he spoke; and they believed the writing, and the word which said the Jesus.

diaglotnt@John:3:5 @ Answered Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born out of water and spirit, not is able to enter into the kingdom of the God.

diaglotnt@John:3:6 @ That having been born out of the flesh, flesh is; and that having been born out of the spirit, a spirit is.

diaglotnt@John:3:8 @ The spirit where it wills breathes; and the sound of it thou hearest, but not thou knowest, whence it comes, and where it goes; thus is every one the having been born out of of the spirit.

diaglotnt@John:3:13 @ And no one has ascended into the heaven, except he out of the heaven having descended, the son of the man, the being in the heaven.

diaglotnt@John:3:25 @ Occurred then a disciple of the disciples of John with a Jew about cleansing.

diaglotnt@John:4:6 @ Was and there a spring of the Jacob. The then Jesus having become weary from the journey, sat down thus over the spring; hour was about six.

diaglotnt@John:4:30 @ They went out of the city, and were coming to him.

diaglotnt@John:4:39 @ Out of and the city that many believed into him of the Samaritans, through the word of the woman, testifying: That he told me all what I did.

diaglotnt@John:4:43 @ After and the two days he went out thence, and went out into the Galilee.

diaglotnt@John:4:47 @ This hearing that Jesus was come out of the Judea into the Galilee, went to him, and was asking him, that he would come down, and heal of him the son; he was about for to die.

diaglotnt@John:4:54 @ This again a second sign did the Jesus, having come out of the Judea into the Galilee.

diaglotnt@John:5:13 @ He but having been cured not knew who it is; the for Jesus slipped out, a crowd being in the place.

diaglotnt@John:5:24 @ Indeed indeed I say to you, that he the word of me hearing, and believing, the having sent me has life age–lasting, and into judgment not comes, but has passed out of the death into the life.

diaglotnt@John:5:31 @ If I testify concerning myself, the testimony of me out not is true.

diaglotnt@John:6:6 @ (This but he said trying him; he for knew, what he was about to do.)

diaglotnt@John:6:10 @ Said and the Jesus: Make you the men to recline. Was and grass much in the place. Reclined therefore the men the number about five thousand.

diaglotnt@John:6:13 @ They collected therefore, and filled twelve baskets of fragments, out of the five loaves of the barley, which remained to those having eaten.

diaglotnt@John:6:15 @ Jesus therefore knowing that they were about to come, and to seize him, that they might make him a king, retired again into the mountain himself alone.

diaglotnt@John:6:19 @ Having driven therefore about furlongs twenty–five or thirty, they see the Jesus walking on the sea, and near the ship was coming; and they were afraid.

diaglotnt@John:6:37 @ All what gives to me the Father, to me will come; and the coming to me, not not I will cast out;

diaglotnt@John:6:39 @ This and is the will of the having sent me, that every which he has given to me, not I may lose out of it, but raise up it in the last day.

diaglotnt@John:6:41 @ Were murmuring then the Jews about him, because he said: I am the bread that having come down from the heaven;

diaglotnt@John:6:61 @ Knowing but the Jesus in himself, that were murmuring about this the disciples of himself, he said to them: This you offends?

diaglotnt@John:6:64 @ But are of you some, who not believe; knew for from beginning the Jesus, some are who not believing, and who is he about betraying him.

diaglotnt@John:6:71 @ He spoke now the Judas of Simon Iscariot; this for was about him to deliver up, one being of the twelve.

diaglotnt@John:7:12 @ And murmuring much about him was among the crowds. The some said: That good he is; other said: No; but he deceives the crowd.

diaglotnt@John:7:13 @ No one however with freedom spoke about him, because of the fear of the Jews.

diaglotnt@John:7:14 @ Now and of the feast being half out, went up the Jesus into the temple, and taught.

diaglotnt@John:7:31 @ Many and out of the crowd believed into him, and said: That the Anointed when he may come, not more signs of these will do, which he did?

diaglotnt@John:7:32 @ Heard the Pharisees of the crowd murmuring about him these things; and sent the Pharisees and the high–priests officers, that they might seize him.

diaglotnt@John:7:35 @ Said therefore the Jews to themselves: Where this he is about to go, that we not shall find him? not into the dispersion of the Greeks is about to go, and to teach the Greeks?

diaglotnt@John:7:38 @ He believing into me, as said the scripture, rivers out of the belly of him shall flow of water living.

diaglotnt@John:7:39 @ This but said concerning the spirit, of which was about to receive the believing into him; not yet for was spirit holy, because the Jesus not yet was glorified.

diaglotnt@John:7:40 @ Many therefore out of the crowd having heard the word, said: This is truly the prophet.

diaglotnt@John:7:41 @ Others said: This is the Anointed. Others but said: Not for out of the Galilee the Anointed comes?

diaglotnt@John:7:52 @ They answered and said to him: Not also thou of the Galilee art? search and see, that a prophet out of the Galilee not has been raised.

diaglotnt@John:8:7 @ When but they continued asking him, having raised up he said to them: He without sin of you, first the stone on her let him cast.

diaglotnt@John:8:9 @ They and having heard, and by the conscience being convinced, went out one by one, beginning from the elders even to the last ones; and left alone the Jesus, and the woman in middle standing.

diaglotnt@John:8:26 @ Many things I have about you to say, and to judge; but he having sent me true is; and I what I heard from him, these things I say to the world.

diaglotnt@John:8:42 @ Said to them the Jesus: If the God a father of you was, you would love me; I for from the God came out and am come; not even for of myself I have come, but he me sent.

diaglotnt@John:8:59 @ They took up therefore stones, that they might cast on him; Jesus but hid himself, and went out of the temple.

diaglotnt@John:9:34 @ They answered and said to him: In sins thou wast born wholly; and thou teachest us? And they cast him out.

diaglotnt@John:9:35 @ Heard the Jesus, that they cast him out; and having found him, said to him: Thou believest into the son of the God?

diaglotnt@John:10:3 @ To him the door–keeper opens; and the sheep the voice of him hears; and the own sheep he calls by name, and he leads out them.

diaglotnt@John:10:9 @ I am the door; through me if any one may come in, he shall be saved, and shall come in and go out, and pasture shall find.

diaglotnt@John:10:13 @ The but hireling flees, because an hireling he is, and not it concerns him about the sheep.

diaglotnt@John:10:28 @ and I life age–lasting give to them, and not not they will perish into the age, and not will wrest any one them out of the hand of me.

diaglotnt@John:10:29 @ The father of me, who has given to me, greater of all is; and no one is able to wrest out of the hand of the Father of me;

diaglotnt@John:10:39 @ They sought therefore again him to seize; and he went forth out of the hand of them.

diaglotnt@John:11:1 @ Was and certain sick one, Lazarus, from Bethany, out of the village of Mary and Martha the sister of her.

diaglotnt@John:11:13 @ Had spoken but the Jesus about the death of him; they but thought, that concerning the repose of the sleep he speaks.

diaglotnt@John:11:18 @ Was now the Bethany near the Jerusalem, about from furlongs fifteen.

diaglotnt@John:11:19 @ And many of the Jews had come to those about Martha and Mary, that they might comfort them concerning the brother of them.

diaglotnt@John:11:31 @ The therefore Jews, those being with her in the house and were comforting her, seeing the Mary, that quickly she rose up and went out, followed her, saying: That she goes into the tomb, that she may weep there.

diaglotnt@John:11:43 @ And these things saying, with a voice loud he cried out: O Lazarus, come out.

diaglotnt@John:11:44 @ Came out he having been dead, having been bound the feet and the hands with bandages, and the face of him with a napkin bound about. Says to them the Jesus: Loose you him, and allow to go.

diaglotnt@John:11:51 @ This but from himself not he said; but high–priest being of the year that, he prophesied, that was about Jesus to die in behalf of the nation;

diaglotnt@John:11:55 @ Was and near the passover the Jews; and went up many into Jerusalem out of the country before the passover, that they might purify themselves.

diaglotnt@John:12:1 @ The therefore Jesus before six days the passover came into Bethany, where was Lazarus he having been dead, whom he raised out of dead ones.

diaglotnt@John:12:4 @ Says therefore one of the disciples of him, Judas of Simon Iscariot, he being about him to deliver up:

diaglotnt@John:12:6 @ He said now this, not because about the poor it concerned him, but because a thief he was, and the box he had, and the things being put in he carried off.

diaglotnt@John:12:9 @ Knew therefore a crowd great of the Jews, that there he is; and they came not on account of the Jesus alone; but that also the Lazarus they might see, whom he raised out of dead ones.

diaglotnt@John:12:13 @ they took the branches of the palm–trees, and went out to a meeting with him, and cried out: Hosanna, worthy of blessing he coming in name of Lord, the king of the Israel.

diaglotnt@John:12:16 @ These things now not knew the disciples of him the first; but when was glorified the Jesus, then they remembered, that these things was about him having been written, and these things they did to him.

diaglotnt@John:12:17 @ Testified then the crowd, that being with him, that the Lazarus he called out of the tomb, and raised him out of dead ones.

diaglotnt@John:12:28 @ O Father, glorify of thee the name. Came then a voice out of the heaven: Both I glorified, and again will glorify.

diaglotnt@John:12:31 @ Now a judgment is the world this; now the ruler of the world this, will be cast out.

diaglotnt@John:12:33 @ This but he said, signifying by what death he was about to die.

diaglotnt@John:12:34 @ Answered him the crowd: We heard out of the law, that the Anointed abides into the age; and how thou sayest, that it behooves to be lifted up the son of the man? who is this the son of the man?

diaglotnt@John:13:1 @ Before and the feast of the passover, knowing the Jesus, that was come of himself the hour, that he should depart out of the world this to the world, to an end he loved them.

diaglotnt@John:13:3 @ knowing the Jesus, that all things had given him the Father into the hands, and that from God he came out and to the God he goes;

diaglotnt@John:13:18 @ Not about all of you I speak; I know whom I chose; but, that the writing may be fulfilled: He eating with me the loaf, lifted up against me the heel of himself.

diaglotnt@John:13:22 @ Looked then to each other the disciples, doubting about whom he was speaking.

diaglotnt@John:13:30 @ Having taken then the little piece he immediately went out; it was and night.

diaglotnt@John:13:31 @ When he went out, says the Jesus: Just now was glorified the son of the man, and the God was glorified in him.

diaglotnt@John:14:22 @ Says to him Judas (not the Iscariot): O lord, and how has it happened, that to us thou art about to manifest thyself, and not to the world?

diaglotnt@John:15:6 @ If not any one may abide in me, he is cast out, like the branch, and is withered; and they gather them, and into a fire they cast, and it is burned.

diaglotnt@John:15:19 @ If of the world you were, the world would the own kiss, because but of the world not you are, but I chose you out of the world, on account of this hates you the world.

diaglotnt@John:15:22 @ If not I had come and spoken to them, sin not they had; now but an excuse not they have about the sin of them.

diaglotnt@John:15:25 @ But, that may be fulfilled the word of having been written in the law of them: That they hated me without cause.

diaglotnt@John:15:26 @ When but may come the helper, whom I will send to you from the Father, (the spirit of the truth, which from the Father shall come out,) that will testify concerning me.

diaglotnt@John:16:14 @ He me will glorify, because out of the mine will take, and will declare to you.

diaglotnt@John:16:15 @ All things what was the Father, mine is. On account of this I said, that out of the mine he takes, and declares to you.

diaglotnt@John:16:27 @ himself for the Father loves you, because you me have loved and have believed, that I from the God came out.

diaglotnt@John:16:28 @ I came out from the Father, and have come into the world; again I leave the world; and am going to the Father.

diaglotnt@John:16:30 @ Now we know, that thou knowest all things, and no need has, that any one thee should ask; in this we believe, that from God thou didst come out.

diaglotnt@John:17:6 @ I manifested of thee the name to the men, whom thou hast given to me out of the world; thine they were, and to me them thou hast given; and the word of thee they have kept.

diaglotnt@John:17:8 @ because the words which thou hast given me, I have given to them; and they received, and knew truly, that thou thee I came out, and believed, that thou me didst send.

diaglotnt@John:17:15 @ Not I ask, that thou wouldst take them out of the world, but that thou wouldst keep them from the evil one.

diaglotnt@John:18:1 @ These things saying the Jesus went out with the disciples of himself beyond the brook of the Kedron, where was a garden, into which entered himself and the disciples of him.

diaglotnt@John:18:4 @ Jesus therefore knowing all the things coming on him, going out said to them: Whom seek you?

diaglotnt@John:18:16 @ The but Peter stood at the door without. Went out therefore the disciples the other, who was known to the high–priest, and spoke to the door–keeper, and brought in the Peter.

diaglotnt@John:18:29 @ Went out therefore the Pilate to them, and said: What accusation bring you against the man this?

diaglotnt@John:18:32 @ So that the word of the Jesus might be fulfilled, which he said, pointing out by what death he was about to die.

diaglotnt@John:18:38 @ Says to him the Pilate: What is truth? And this saying, again he went out to the Jews, and says to them: I not one fault find in him.

diaglotnt@John:18:40 @ They cried out then again all saying: Not this, but the Barabbas. Was now the Barabbas a robber.

diaglotnt@John:19:2 @ And the soldiers braiding a crown of thorns, placed of him the head, and a mantle purple threw about him,

diaglotnt@John:19:4 @ Went again out the Pilate, and says to them: Lo, I bring to you him out, that you may know, that in him not one fault I find.

diaglotnt@John:19:5 @ (Came then the Jesus out, wearing the thorny crown, and the purple mantle.) And he says to them: See the man.

diaglotnt@John:19:6 @ When therefore saw him the high–priests and officers, they cried out saying: Crucify, crucify him. Says to them the Pilate: Take him you, and crucify; I for not find in him a fault.

diaglotnt@John:19:12 @ From this seeks the Pilate to release him. The but Jews cried out, saying: If this thou release, not thou art a friend of the Caesar; every one the king himself making, speaks against the Caesar.

diaglotnt@John:19:13 @ The therefore Pilate having heard this the word, brought out the Jesus, and sat down on the tribunal into a place being called Pavement, in Hebrew but Gabbatha;

diaglotnt@John:19:14 @ (it was and a preparation of the passover, hour and about sixth;) and he says to the Jews: See the king of you.

diaglotnt@John:19:15 @ They but cried out: Away, away; crucify him. Says to them the Pilate: The king of you shall I crucify? Answered the high–priests: Not we have a king, if not Caesar.

diaglotnt@John:19:17 @ And carrying the cross of himself, he went out into the being called of a skull a place, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha.

diaglotnt@John:19:23 @ The then soldiers, when they crucified the Jesus, took the mantles of him, (and made four parts, to each soldier a part,) and the coat. Was but the coat without seam, from the top woven throughout whole;

diaglotnt@John:19:24 @ they said then to each other: Not let us tear him, but we may cast lots about him, of whom it shall be. That the writing might be fulfilled that saying: They divided the mantles of me for themselves, and on the raiment of me they cast a lot. The indeed therefore soldiers these things did.

diaglotnt@John:19:29 @ A vessel therefore stood of vinegar full; they and filling a sponge of vinegar, and to a hyssop–stalk putting round, brought of him to the mouth.

diaglotnt@John:19:34 @ but one of the soldiers with a spear of him the side pierced, and immediately came out blood and water.

diaglotnt@John:19:39 @ Came and also Nicodemus, (the having come to the Jesus by night the first,) bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes about pounds a hundred.

diaglotnt@John:20:1 @ The and first of the week Mary the Magdalene comes early, dark yet being, into the tomb; and sees the stone having been taken away out of the tomb,

diaglotnt@John:20:2 @ she runs therefore and comes to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom loved the Jesus, and says to them: They took away the Lord out of the tomb, and not we know, where they laid him.

diaglotnt@John:20:3 @ Went out then the Peter and the other disciples, and they came into the tomb.

diaglotnt@John:20:9 @ Not yet for they knew the writing, that it behooved him out of dead ones to have been raised.

diaglotnt@John:20:11 @ Mary but stands by the tomb weeping outside. As therefore she wept, she stopped down into the tomb,

diaglotnt@John:21:3 @ Says to them Simon Peter: I am going to fish. They say to him: Are going also we with thee. They went out, and entered into the ship immediately, and in that the night they caught nothing.

diaglotnt@John:21:8 @ The but other disciples by the little ship came (not for they were far from the land, but about from cubits two hundred), dragging the net of the fishes.

diaglotnt@John:21:14 @ This already third was manifested the Jesus to the disciples of himself, having been raised out of the dead ones.

diaglotnt@John:21:18 @ Indeed indeed I say to thee, when thou wast younger, thou didst gird thyself, and didst walk where thou didst wish; when but thou art old, thou wilt stretch out the hands of thee, and another thee will gird, and will carry where not thou wishest.

diaglotnt@John:21:20 @ Having turned about and the Peter sees the disciples, whom loved the Jesus, following (who also reclined at the supper on the breast of him, and said: O lord, who is he betraying thee?)

diaglotnt@John:21:23 @ Went out therefore the word this among the brethren, that the disciple that not dies. And not said to him the Jesus, that not he dies; but: If him I wish to abide till I come, what to thee?

diaglotnt@Acts:1:15 @ And in the days these having stood up Peter in middle of the disciples, he said: (was and a crowd of names, in the same about a hundred twenty;)

diaglotnt@Acts:1:16 @ Men brethren, it was necessary to be fulfilled the writing this, which spoke before the spirit the holy through mouth of David, about Judas that having become a guide to those having seized the Jesus;

diaglotnt@Acts:1:18 @ This indeed therefore bought a field out of a reward of the wickedness; and head–foremost having fallen, he burst in middle, and were poured out all the bowels of him;

diaglotnt@Acts:1:21 @ It is necessary therefore of those having associated with us men in all time, in which went in and went out among us the Lord Jesus,

diaglotnt@Acts:1:24 @ And praying they said: Thou, O Lord, heart–knower of all, show which thou didst select out of these the two one,

diaglotnt@Acts:2:17 @ And it shall be in the last the days, say the God, I will pour out from of the spirit of me upon all flesh; and shall prophesy the sons of you and the daughters of you, and the young men of you visions shall see, and the old men of you dreams shall dream;

diaglotnt@Acts:2:18 @ and even on the male–slaves of me and on the female–slaves of me in the days those I will pour out from of the spirit of me, and they shall prophesy.

diaglotnt@Acts:2:22 @ Men Israelites, hear you the words these: Jesus the Nazarene, a man from the God having been pointed out to you by mighty works and prodigies and signs, (which did through him the God in midst of you, as also yourselves you know,)

diaglotnt@Acts:2:30 @ A prophet there being, and knowing that with an oath swore to him the God, out of fruit of the loins of him to cause to sit on the throne of him,

diaglotnt@Acts:2:33 @ To the right hand therefore of the God having been exalted, the and promise of the holy spirit having received from the Father, he poured out this, which you see and hear.

diaglotnt@Acts:2:41 @ They indeed therefore gladly having received the word of him, were dipped; and were added the day that souls about three thousand.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:3 @ Who seeing Peter and John being about to go into the temple, asked alms to receive.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:15 @ the and prince of the life you killed; whom the God raised out of dead ones, of whom we witnesses are;

diaglotnt@Acts:3:18 @ The but God what he foretold through mouth of all of the prophets of himself, to suffer the Anointed, he fulfilled thus.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:19 @ Reform you therefore and turn you, in order that the to be wiped out of you the sins, that may come seasons of refreshing from face of the Lord,

diaglotnt@Acts:3:21 @ whom must heaven indeed to receive till time of restoration of all things, which spoke the God through mouth of the holy of himself prophets from an age.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:23 @ It shall be and, every soul whatever not may hear the prophet that, shall be destroyed out of the people.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:2 @ being grieved through the to teach them the people, and to announce in the Jesus the resurrection that out of dead ones.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:4 @ Many but of those having heard the word believed; and became the number of the men about thousand five.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:10 @ Known be it all to you and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Anointed the Nazarene, whom you crucified whom the God raised out of the dead ones, by him this has stood in presence of you sound.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:15 @ Having ordered and them outside of the high–council to go, they consulted with each other,

diaglotnt@Acts:4:25 @ who through mouth of David a servant of thee having said: Why raged nations, and peoples devised vain things?

diaglotnt@Acts:4:28 @ to do what things the hand of thee and the will of thee before marked out to be done.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:30 @ in the the hand of thee to stretch out thee for healing, and signs and prodigies to do through the name of the holy child of thee Jesus.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:5 @ Having heard and the Ananias the words these, falling down breathed out. And came a fear great on all those having heard these.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:6 @ Having arisen and the younger ones wrapped up him, and having carried out they buried.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:7 @ It happened and about hours three apart, and the wife of him not having known that having been done came in.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:9 @ The and Peter said to her: Why that it has been agreed upon by you to tempt the spirit of Lord? Lo the feet of those having buried the husband of thee, at the door, and they will carry out thee.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:10 @ She fell and immediately at the feet of him, and breathed out; having come in and the younger ones found her dead, and having carried out they buried with the husband of her.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:15 @ so that in the open squares to bring out the sick ones, and to place on beds and couches, that coming of Peter if even the shadow might overshadow some of them.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:19 @ A messenger but of a Lord by the night opened the doors of the prison, having brought out and them said:

diaglotnt@Acts:5:34 @ Having arisen and one in the high council a Pharisee, by name Gamaliel a teacher of law, honored by all the people, ordered without a little while the apostles to be put.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:35 @ He said and to them: Men Israelites, take heed to yourselves, to the men these, what you are about to do.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:36 @ Before for these the days stood up Theudas, saying to be some one himself, to whom adhered a number of men about four hundred; who was put to death, and all as many as listened to him, were dispersed, and came to nothing.

diaglotnt@Acts:6:3 @ Look you out therefore, brethren, men from of you being attested seven, full of spirit and wisdom, whom we will appoint to the need this;

diaglotnt@Acts:7:3 @ And said to him: Go out from the land of thee, and from the kindred of thee, and come into a land, which to thee I may show.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:4 @ Then going out from land of Chaldeans, he dwelt in Charran; and thence, after the to have died the father of him, he caused to remove him into the land this, in which you now dwell;

diaglotnt@Acts:7:7 @ and the nation, to which they may be enslaved, will judge I, said the God; and after these things they shall come out, and shall render service to me in the place this.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:10 @ and delivered him out of all of the afflictions of him, and gave to him favor and wisdom in presence of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and placed him ruling over Egypt and whole the house of himself.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:36 @ This led out them, having done prodigies and signs in the Egypt, and in red sea, and in the desert, years forty.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:40 @ saying to the Aaron: Make for us gods, who shall go before us; the for Moses this who led out us from land Egypt, not we know what has happened to him.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:45 @ which also brought having received by succession the fathers of us with Jesus in to the possession of the nations, which drove out the God from face of the fathers of us, till the days of David;

diaglotnt@Acts:7:58 @ and having cast outside the city, they stoned. And the witnesses laid down the mantles of them at the feet of a young man being called Saul,

diaglotnt@Acts:7:60 @ Having placed and the knees he cried out with a voice loud: O Lord, not thou mayest place to them the sin this. And this having said, he fell asleep.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:3 @ Saul but was outraging the congregation, into the houses entering, dragging and men and women, was delivering up into prison;

diaglotnt@Acts:8:4 @ they indeed therefore having been scattered wandered about, preaching glad tidings the word.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:7 @ Many for of those possessing spirits unclean, crying with a voice loud came out; many and having been praised and lame were cured.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:26 @ A messenger and of a Lord spoke to Philip, saying: Do thou arise, and go towards south, in the way that leading down from Jerusalem to Gaza; this is desert.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:32 @ The and portion of the writing, which he was reading, was this: As a sheep to slaughter was led, and as a lamb before the one shearing him is dumb, so not he opens the mouth of himself.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:35 @ Having opened and the Philip the mouth of himself, and having begun from the writing this, announced glad tidings to him the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:38 @ When and they came up out of the water, spirit of Lord seized the Philip; and now saw him no longer the eunuch; he went for the way of himself rejoicing.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:16 @ I for will point out to him, what things it behooves him in behalf of the name of me to suffer.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:28 @ And he was with them coming in and going out in Jerusalem, and speaking boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:40 @ Having put and out all the Peter having placed the knees he prayed; and having turned to the body, said: Tabitha, do thou arise. She and opened the eyes of herself; and seeing the Peter, sat up.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:3 @ he saw in a vision clearly, about hour ninth of the day, a messenger of the God having come to him, and saying to him: O Cornelius.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:9 @ On the and morrow, pursuing the journey of them, and to the city drawing near, went up Peter to the roof to pray, about hour sixth.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:23 @ Having called in then them he lodged. On the and morrow having arisen he went out with them, and some of the brethren, those from Joppa, went with him.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:29 @ Therefore also without hesitation I came having been sent after. I ask therefore, for what reason you sent after me?

diaglotnt@Acts:10:34 @ Having opened and Peter the mouth, said: In truth I perceive, that not is a respecter of persons the God;

diaglotnt@Acts:10:38 @ Jesus that from Nazareth, how anointed him the God with spirit holy and power, who went about doing good and curing all those being oppressed by the accuser, because the God was with him;

diaglotnt@Acts:10:41 @ not to all the people, but to witnesses to those having been chosen before by the God, to us, who ate with and drank with him after that to have raised him out of the dead ones.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:45 @ And were astonished those of circumcision believers as many as came with the Peter, because also on the Gentiles the gift of the holy spirit has been poured out;

diaglotnt@Acts:11:5 @ I was in city of Joppa praying; and I saw in a trance a vision, coming down a vessel certain like a sheet great, four ends being lowered out of the heaven, and came as far as me;

diaglotnt@Acts:11:8 @ I said but: But no means, O Lord; because common or unclean never entered into the mouth of me.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:9 @ Answered but to me a voice a second time out of the heaven: What the God cleansed, thou not pollute.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:19 @ Those indeed therefore having been scattered from the affliction that having happened about Stephen, went through to Phenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, not speaking the word if not alone to Jews.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:22 @ Was reported and the word into the ears of the congregation that in Jerusalem concerning them; and they sent out Barnabas to go through to Antioch.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:25 @ Went out and into Tarsus the Barnabas, to seek Saul; and having found him, he brought him to Antioch.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:28 @ Having arisen and one of them, by name Agabus, signified through the spirit, a famine great about is going to be over whole the habitable; which also occurred under Claudius.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:4 @ whom also having seized he placed into a prison, having delivered to four sets of four soldiers to watch him, intending after the passover to lead out him to the people.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:6 @ When but was about him to bring before the Herod, in the night that was the Peter sleeping between two soldiers, having been bound with chains two, guards and before the door watching the prison.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:9 @ And having gone out he followed him, and not knew, that real it is that being done through the messenger, thought but a vision to see.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:10 @ Passing through and first guard and second, they came to the gate the iron that leading into the city, which self–moved opened to them; and having gone out went forward street one, and immediately stood the messenger from him.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:11 @ And the Peter having come in to himself, said: Now I know really, that sent forth Lord the messenger of himself, and delivered me out of hand of Herod, and all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:17 @ Having waved but to them the hand to be silent, he related to them, how the Lord him led out of the prison. Said and: Report you to James and to the brethren these things. And going out he went into another place.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:22 @ The but people shouted: Of a god voice, and not of a man.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:23 @ Immediately and struck him a messenger of Lord, because not he gave glory to the God; and being eaten of worms, he breathed out.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:11 @ And now lo, a hand of Lord on thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun till a season. Immediately and fell on him a mist and darkness; and going about he sought guides.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:13 @ Having set sail and from the Paphos those about the Paul, came into Perga of the Pamphylia. John but, having gone away from them, returned into Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:17 @ The God of the people this chose the fathers of you; and the people exalted in the sojourning in land of Egypt, and with an arm lifted up be brought them out of her;

diaglotnt@Acts:13:18 @ and about forty years time he nourished them in the desert;

diaglotnt@Acts:13:19 @ and having cast out nations seven in land of Canaan, he distributed by lot to them the land of them.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:20 @ And after these things about years four hundred and fifty he gave judges, till Samuel the prophet.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:30 @ The but God raised him out of dead ones,

diaglotnt@Acts:13:34 @ Because and he raised him out of dead ones, no more being about to return to corruption, thus he said: That I will give to you the holy things of David the faithful.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:42 @ Having gone out and of them, they desired on the next sabbath to be spoken to them the words these.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:50 @ The but Jews stirred up the religious women the honorable, and the chiefs of the city, and raised a persecution against the Paul and the Barnabas, and cast out them from the borders of them.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:3 @ Considerable indeed then time they remained speaking freely about the Lord, that testifying to the word of the favor of himself, granting signs and prodigies to be done through the hands of them.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:8 @ And a certain man in Lystra unable in the feet was sitting, lame from womb of mother of himself, who never had walked about.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:10 @ said loud with the voice: Do thou stand upon the feet of the erect. And he leaped up, and walked about.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:14 @ Having heard and the apostles Barnabas and Paul, having rent the mantles of them, rushed out into the crowd, crying out,

diaglotnt@Acts:14:17 @ Although indeed not without witness himself left, doing good, from heaven to you rains giving and seasons fruitful, being full of food and of joy the hearts of you.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:19 @ Came and from Antioch and Iconium Jews; and having persuaded the crowds, and having stoned the Paul, they dragged outside of the city, supposing him to be dead.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:2 @ Being therefore a dispute and discussion not a little the Paul and the Barnabas with them, they decided to send up Paul and Barnabas and some others of them to the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, about the question this.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:7 @ Much and debate being, having arisen Peter said to them: Men brethren, you know, that from days former the God among us chose through the mouth of me to hear the Gentiles the word of the glad tidings, and to believe.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:14 @ Simon related, how first the God looked to take out the Gentiles a people for the name of himself.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:22 @ Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders with whole the congregation, having chosen men out of themselves to send to Antioch with the Paul and Barnabas, Judas that being called Barsabas, and Silas, men leading among the brethren;

diaglotnt@Acts:15:24 @ Since we have heard, that some from us having gone out troubled you with words, unsettling the souls of you, saying to be circumcised and to keep the law, to whom not we gave command;

diaglotnt@Acts:15:25 @ it seemed good to us being of one mind, having chosen out men to send to you, with the beloved of us Barnabas and Paul,

diaglotnt@Acts:15:40 @ Paul but having selected Silas went out, having been commanded to the favor of the God by the brethren.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:3 @ This wished the Paul with him to go out; and having taken he circumcised him, on account of the Jews those being in the places those; they knew for all the father of him, that a Greek he was.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:10 @ When and the vision he saw, immediately we sought to go out into the Macedonia, inferring that had called to us the Lord to announce glad tidings to them.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:13 @ On the and day of the sabbaths we went out of the city by a river, where was allowed a place of prayer to be, and having sat down we spoke to the having come together women.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:18 @ This and she did for many days. Being grieved but the Paul, and having turned, to the spirit he said: I command thee in the name of Jesus Anointed, to come out from her. And it came out in that the hour.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:19 @ Seeing and the lords of her, that came out the hope of the gain of them, having taken hold of the Paul and the Silas, they dragged into the market to the rulers;

diaglotnt@Acts:16:27 @ Out of sleep and having arisen the jailor, and seeing having opened the doors of the prison, having drawn a sword, was about himself to kill, supposing to have been fled the prisoners.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:28 @ Cried out and with a voice loud the Paul, saying: Not thou mayest do to thyself harm, all for we are here.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:30 @ And having led them out, he said: O sirs, what me it behooves to do, that I may be saved?

diaglotnt@Acts:16:36 @ Told and the jailor the words these to the Paul: That has sent the commanders, that you may be released; now therefore going out, do you go in peace.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:37 @ The but Paul said to them: Having beaten us publicly, uncondemned, men Romans being, they cast into prison, and now privately us do they cast out? No indeed, but having come themselves us let them lead out.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:39 @ And having come they entreated them, and having led out they asked to go out of the city.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:40 @ Having gone and out of the prison they came in to the Lydia; and having seen the brethren, they exhorted them, and went out.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:3 @ Opening and setting forth, that the Anointed it was necessary to have suffered and to have been raised out of dead ones, and that this is the Anointed Jesus, whom I announce to you.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:5 @ Having taken to themselves and the Jews of the market–loungers some men of evil, and having gathered a crowd, they disturbed the city; having assaulted and the house of Jason, they sought them to led out into the people;

diaglotnt@Acts:17:12 @ Many indeed therefore out of them believed, and of the Greek women of the honorable and men not a few.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:14 @ Immediately and then the Paul sent out the brethren to go as to the sea; remained and the, both Silas and the Timothy there.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:26 @ made and out of one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, having fixed having been appointed seasons and the fixed limits of the habitation of them;

diaglotnt@Acts:17:31 @ because he established a day, in which he is about to judge the habitable in righteousness, by a man whom he appointed, a guarantee having furnished to all, having raised him out of dead ones.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:32 @ Having heard and a resurrection of dead ones, these indeed mocked; those but said: We will hear thee again about this.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:33 @ And thus the Paul went out from midst of them.

diaglotnt@Acts:18:14 @ being about but the Paul to open the mouth, said the Gallio to the Jews: If indeed therefore it was injustice any, or reckless evil, O Jews, according to reason I would hear with you;

diaglotnt@Acts:18:15 @ if but a question it is about a word and names and of a law of that with you, you will see yourselves; a judge for I of these not choose to be.

diaglotnt@Acts:18:18 @ The and Paul yet having remained days many, to the brethren having bid farewell, sailed out into the Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila, having shaved the head in Cenchrea; he had for a vow.

diaglotnt@Acts:18:23 @ And having spent time some, he went out, passing through in order, the Galatia country and Phrygia, establishing all the disciples.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:7 @ Were and the all men about twelve.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:12 @ so that even to those being sick to be brought from the skin of him napkins or aprons, and to be set free from them the diseases, the and spirits the evil to be cast out.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:13 @ Took in hand and some from those going about Jews exorcists to name on those having the spirits the evil the name of the Lord Jesus, saying: I adjure you the Jesus, whom the Paul preaches.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:16 @ and leaping on them the man, in whom was the spirit the evil, and having overcome them, prevailed against them, so that naked and having been wounded to have fled out of the house that.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:25 @ Whom having brought together, and those about the such like workmen, said: Men, you know, that out of this the work the wealth of us is;

diaglotnt@Acts:19:27 @ Not only and this in danger to us the craft into contempt to come; but also that the great goddess Diana temple into nothing to be despised, to be about and also to be destroyed the magnificence of her, which whole the Asia and the habitable worships.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:28 @ Having heard and, and having become full of wrath, they cried out, saying: Great the Diana of Ephesians.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:33 @ Out of and crowd they pushed forward Alexander, thrusting forward him the Jews; the and Alexander having waved the hand, wished to defend himself in the assembly of the people.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:34 @ Knowing but that a Jew he is, voice came one from all, about for hours two crying: Great the Diana of Ephesians.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:40 @ Even for we are in danger to be accused of tumult concerning the day, not one cause being, about which we are able to give a reason far the gathering this.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:1 @ After and the to be restrained the tumult, having called to the Paul the disciples, and having embraced, he went out to go into the Macedonia.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:3 @ having continued and months three, being formed him a plot against by the Jews, being about to sail into the Syria, came a resolution of the to return through Macedonia.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:6 @ we but sailed out after the days of the unleavened cakes from Philippi, and came to them into the Troas in days five, where we remained days seven.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:7 @ In and the first of the sabbaths, having been assembled of us to break bread, the Paul discoursed to them, being about to depart on the morrow; continued and the discourse till midnight.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:9 @ Sitting and certain youth, by name Eutychus, in the window, being overpowered with sleep deep, discoursing the Paul for a longer time, having been overcome from the sleep, fell from the third story down, and was taken up dead.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:12 @ They brought and the youth living, and were comforted not a little.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:13 @ We but going before to the ship, sailed to the Assos, there intending to take in again the Paul; so for it was having been arranged, being about himself to go on foot.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:25 @ And now lo, I know, that no longer will see the face of me you all, among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom of the God.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:35 @ All these I pointed out to you, that so laboring it is necessary to aid those being weak, to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said: Blessed it is more to give than to receive.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:38 @ sorrowing most of all for the word which he spoke, that no more, they are about the face of him to see. They accompanied and him to the ship.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:5 @ When and it happened us to have completed the days, having gone out we went our way, accompanying us all with wives and children, till outside of the city; and having placed the knees on the shore, we prayed.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:8 @ On the and morrow having gone out we came into Caesarea; and having entered into the house of Philip the Evangelist, being from of the seven, we remained with him.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:27 @ When and were about the seven days to be completed, those from the Asia Jews having seen him in the temple, stirred up all the crowd, and put on him the hands,

diaglotnt@Acts:21:30 @ Was moved and the city whole, and was a running together of the people; and having taken hold of the Paul, they were dragging him outside of the temple, and immediately were closed the gates.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:37 @ Bring about and to be led into the castle the Paul, he says to the commander: If it is permitted for me to say anything to thee? He and said: Greek understandest thou?

diaglotnt@Acts:21:38 @ Not then thou art the Egyptian, who before these the days having raised an insurrection and having led out into the desert the four thousand men of the Sicarii? Said and the Paul:

diaglotnt@Acts:22:6 @ It happened and to me traveling and drawing near to the Damascus, about noon suddenly out of the heaven to shine round a light great about me;

diaglotnt@Acts:22:14 @ He and said: The God of the fathers of us destined thee to know the will of himself, and to see the righteous one, and to hear a voice out of the mouth of him;

diaglotnt@Acts:22:18 @ and to see him saying to me: Do thou hasten, and come out with speed from Jerusalem; because not they will receive of thee the testimony concerning me.

diaglotnt@Acts:22:20 @ and when was poured out the blood of Stephen the martyr of thee, and myself was having been standing, and approving, and keeping the mantles of those killing him.

diaglotnt@Acts:22:23 @ Crying out and of them and tossing up the mantles, and dust throwing into the air,

diaglotnt@Acts:22:25 @ As and they stretched out him with the thongs, said to the standing by centurion the Paul: If a man a Roman and uncondemned it is lawful for you to scourge?

diaglotnt@Acts:22:26 @ Having heard and the centurion, having gone to the commander reported, saying: what are thou about to do? the for man this a Roman is.

diaglotnt@Acts:22:29 @ Immediately then went away from him those being about him to examine. And the commander also was afraid, having ascertained that a Roman he is, and that he was him having been bound.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:2 @ The and high–priest Ananias gave a charge to those having been standing by him, to strike of him the mouth.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:3 @ Then the Paul to him said: To strike thee is about the God, O wall having been white washed; and thou sittest judging me according to the law, and violating the law thou orderest me to be struck?

diaglotnt@Acts:23:6 @ Knowing and the Paul, that the one part is of Sadducees, the and other of Pharisees, he cried out in the sanhedrim: Men brethren, I a Pharisee am, a son of a Pharisee; concerning hope and a resurrection of dead ones I being judged.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:9 @ Was and an outcry great; and having arisen the scribes of the party of the Pharisees contended, saying: Nothing evil we find in the man this; if but a spirit spoke to him, or a messenger.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:15 @ Now therefore you make known to the commander with the sanhedrim, in order that him he may lead down to you, as being about to examine more accurately the things concerning him; we and, before of the to have come nigh him, ready we are of the to kill him.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:20 @ he said and: That the Jews agreed together of the to ask thee, that to–morrow into the sanhedrim thou mayest lead down the Paul, as being about something more accurately to investigate concerning him.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:22 @ The indeed then commander dismissed the young man, having charged to no one to speak out, that these things thou didst report to me.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:27 @ The man this having been seized by the Jews, and being about to be killed by them, having come suddenly with the armed force I rescued him, having learned that a Roman he is.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:30 @ Having been disclosed but to me a plot against the man to be about to be by the Jews, instantly I sent to thee, having commanded also the accusers to say the things against him before thee. Farewell.

diaglotnt@Acts:24:7 @ Having come but Lysias the commander, with a great force out of the hands of us led away,

diaglotnt@Acts:24:15 @ A hope having in the God, which even they themselves are looking for, a resurrection about to be of dead ones, of just ones and also unjust ones.

diaglotnt@Acts:24:21 @ or concerning one this voice, which cried out standing among them: That concerning a resurrection of dead ones I am judged to–day by you.

diaglotnt@Acts:24:22 @ Put off but them the Felix, more accurately knowing the things concerning the way, saying: When Lysias the commander may come down, I will inquire into the things about you.

diaglotnt@Acts:24:25 @ Discoursing and of him concerning justice and self–control and of the judgment that being about to come, terrified being the Felix answered: The present being go thou; a season and having found I will call thee.

diaglotnt@Acts:25:4 @ The indeed then Festus answered, to be kept the Paul in Caesarea, himself but to be about with speed to go out.

diaglotnt@Acts:25:7 @ Having approached and of him, stood around the from Jerusalem having been come down Jews, many and heavy accusations bring against the Paul, which not they were able to point out;

diaglotnt@Acts:25:24 @ And said the Festus: Agrippa O king, and all those things being present with us men, you see this, concerning whom all the multitude of the Jews applied to me in both Jerusalem and here, crying out not to be right to live him longer.

diaglotnt@Acts:26:1 @ Agrippa and to the Paul said: It is permitted for thee in behalf of thyself to speak. Then the Paul made a defence, having stretched out the hand;

diaglotnt@Acts:26:2 @ concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, O king Agrippa, I esteem myself happy, before thee being about to–day to make a defence;

diaglotnt@Acts:26:4 @ The indeed therefore mode of life of me that from youth, that from beginning being among the nation of me in Jerusalem, know all the Jews;

diaglotnt@Acts:26:22 @ Help therefore having obtained of that from of the God, till the day this I have stood, testifying to small both and to great, nothing beyond saying, of what both the prophets spoke being about to take place, and Moses;

diaglotnt@Acts:26:23 @ that liable to suffer the Anointed, that first from a resurrection of dead ones a light he is about to announce to the people and to the Gentiles.

diaglotnt@Acts:26:24 @ These things and of him saying in defence the Festus loud with the voice said: Thou art mad, O Paul; the much learning into madness turns about.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:2 @ Having gone on board and a ship Adramyttium, being about to sail the in the Asia places, we were put to sea, being with up Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:10 @ saying to them: Men, I perceive, that with damage and much loss not only of the freight and of the ship, but also of the lives of us to be about to be the voyage.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:12 @ Inconvenient and of the harbor being to winter in, the greater part placed a wish to be led out from thence also, if possibly they might be able having come to Phenice to winter, a harbor of the Crete looking towards south–west and towards north–west.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:13 @ Having blown gently and South wind, supposing the purpose to have been attained, having raised up, close passed by the Crete.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:18 @ Exceedingly and being storm–tossed of us, on the next a throwing out they began;

diaglotnt@Acts:27:19 @ and on the third with their own hands the furniture of the ship they threw out.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:27 @ When and fourteenth night was come, being driven along of us in the Adriatic, about middle of thew night suspected the sailors to draw near some to them country;

diaglotnt@Acts:27:29 @ fearing and, lest on rough places we should fall, out of stern having thrown anchors four, they were wishing day to be.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:30 @ The and sailors seeking to flee out of the ship and having lowered the boat into the sea, for an excuse as out of prow being about anchors to let down,

diaglotnt@Acts:27:33 @ Till and while about day to be, called upon the Paul all to partake of food, saying: Fourteenth to–day day looking for, without food you continue, nothing having taken.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:42 @ The and soldiers design was, that the prisoners they should kill, lest any one having swum out should escape.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:43 @ The but centurion wishing to save the Paul, restrained them from the purpose, ordered and those being able to swim, having thrown off first to the land to go out;

diaglotnt@Acts:28:3 @ Having gathered and the Paul of sticks a bundle, and having placed on the fire, a viper from the heat having come out fastened on the hand of him.

diaglotnt@Acts:28:6 @ they but were expecting him to be about to swell, or to fall down suddenly dead. For a long and of them, expecting, and seeing nothing out of place to him happening, changing their minds they said: A god him to be.

diaglotnt@Acts:28:7 @ In and to those about the place that were farms to the chiefs of the island, by name Poplius; who having received us, three days kindly entertained.

diaglotnt@Acts:28:10 @ who also with many rewards rewarded us, and leading out they placed on the things for the need.

diaglotnt@Acts:28:13 @ Whence having gone round we came to Rhegium; and after one day having sprung up a South wind, second day we came to Puteoli;

diaglotnt@Acts:28:15 @ And thence the brethren having heard the things concerning us, came out to a meeting with us as far as Appii forum, and Three taverns; whom seeing the Paul, having given thanks to the God, he took courage.

diaglotnt@Romans:1:27 @ In like manner and also the males having left the natural use of the female, were inflamed with the lust of them for for each other, males with males the indecency working out, and the recompence, which it was proper, of the error of them in themselves receiving back.

diaglotnt@Romans:2:12 @ As many as for without law sinned, without law also shall perish; and as many as under law sinned, by law shall be judged,

diaglotnt@Romans:2:18 @ and knowest the will, and discernest the things differing, being instructed out of the law;

diaglotnt@Romans:2:28 @ Not for he in the outward appearance, a Jew is, nor that in the outward appearance, in flesh, circumcision;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:11 @ not is he understanding, not is he seeking out the God;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:14 @ Of whom the mouth of cursing and bitterness is full.

diaglotnt@Romans:3:15 @ Swift the feet of them to pour out blood;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:19 @ We know and, that what things the law says, to those under the law it speaks; that every mouth may be stopped, and liable to penalty may become all the world to the God.

diaglotnt@Romans:3:21 @ Now but without law a righteousness of God has been made manifest, being attested by the law and the prophets,

diaglotnt@Romans:3:25 @ whom set forth the God a mercy–seat through the faith by the of him blood, for a pointing out of the righteousness of himself, through the passing by of the formerly committed sins in the forbearance of the God;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:26 @ to a point out of the righteousness of himself in the present time, in order that to be him righteous, and justifying him of faith of Jesus.

diaglotnt@Romans:3:27 @ Where then the boasting? it is shut out. Through what kind of law? of the works? no, but through a law of faith;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:28 @ we reckon for, to be justified by faith a man, without works of law.

diaglotnt@Romans:4:6 @ even as and David speaks the blessedness of the man, to whom the God counts righteousness without works;

diaglotnt@Romans:4:15 @ the for law wrath works out; where for not is law, neither transgression.

diaglotnt@Romans:4:19 @ and not having grown weak in the faith, not he regarded the of himself body already having been deadened, an hundred years old thereabouts being, and the deadness of the womb of Sarah;

diaglotnt@Romans:4:24 @ but also on account of us, to whom it is about to be counted, to those believing on the one having raised up Jesus the Lord of us out of dead ones;

diaglotnt@Romans:5:3 @ Not alone and, but also we boast in the afflictions, knowing that the affliction endurance works out,

diaglotnt@Romans:5:5 @ the and hope not is put to shame, because the love of the God has been poured out in the hearts of us through spirit holy of that having been given to us.

diaglotnt@Romans:5:6 @ Yet for an Anointed one, being of us without strength still, according to a season in behalf of impious ones he died.

diaglotnt@Romans:5:14 @ But reigned the death from Adam till Moses and over those not having sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam; who is a type of the one being about to come.

diaglotnt@Romans:6:4 @ We were buried together therefore with him through the dipping into the death, that as was raised up Anointed out of dead ones through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life should walk.

diaglotnt@Romans:6:9 @ knowing, that Anointed having been raised out of dead ones, no longer dies; death of him no longer lords over.

diaglotnt@Romans:6:13 @ nor present you the members of you weapons of unrighteousness to the sin; but present you yourselves to the God, as out of dead ones living, and the members of you weapons of righteousness to the God.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:4 @ Therefore brethren of me, also you were put to death by the law through the body of the Anointed, in order that to become you to another, to him out of dead ones having been raised, so that we should bring forth fruit to the God.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:8 @ Opportunity and having taken the sin, through the commandment worked out in me all strong desire; apart from for law sin dead.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:13 @ That then good thing, to me has become death? Not let it be; but the sin; so that it might appear sin, through the good to me working out death, so that might become in excess a sinner the sin through the commandment.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:15 @ What for I work out, not I know; not for what I wish, this I practice; but what I hate, this I do.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:17 @ Now but no longer I work out it, but the dwelling in me sin.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:18 @ I know for, that not dwells in me, this is in the flesh of me, a good thing; the for to will is present with me, the but to work out the excellent, not I find.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:20 @ If but what not wish I, this I do, no longer I work out it, but the dwelling in me sin.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:11 @ If but the spirit of him having raised up Jesus out of the dead ones dwells in you, he having raised the Anointed out of dead ones, will make alive also the mortal bodies of you, through the indwelling of him spirit in you.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:13 @ If for according to flesh you live, you are about to die; if but by spirit the practices of the body you put to death, you shall live.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:18 @ I reckon for, that not comparable the sufferings of the now season with the being about glory to be revealed in us.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:29 @ Because whom he foreknew, also he before marked out copies of the likeness of the son of himself for the to be him a first–born among many brethren.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:30 @ Whom and he before marked out, those also he called; and whom he called, those also he justified whom and he justified, those also he glorified.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:38 @ I am persuaded for, that neither death nor life, nor messengers, nor principalities, nor things being present, nor things being about to come, nor powers,

diaglotnt@Romans:9:21 @ Or not has authority the potter of the clay, out of the same mixture to make, this indeed for honor a vessel, that and for dishonor?

diaglotnt@Romans:10:7 @ Or, who shall go down into the abyss? this is, an Anointed out of dead ones to lead back.

diaglotnt@Romans:10:8 @ But what says it? Near thee the word is, in the mouth of thee, and in the heart of thee; this is, the word of the faith which we publish;

diaglotnt@Romans:10:9 @ that if thou wilt confess with the mouth of thee Lord Jesus, and thou wilt believe in the heart of thee, that the God him raised out of dead ones, thou shalt be saved.

diaglotnt@Romans:10:10 @ (In heart for it is believed for righteousness; with mouth and it is confessed for salvation.)

diaglotnt@Romans:10:14 @ How then shall they call on, into whom not they believed? how and shall they believe, where not they heard? how and shall they hear without one proclaiming?

diaglotnt@Romans:10:18 @ But I say: Not not they heard? Yes indeed into all the earth went out the sound of them, and into the ends of the inhabited earth the words of them.

diaglotnt@Romans:10:21 @ In respect to but the Israel he says: Whole the day I stretched out the hands of me to a people disobeying and contradicting.

diaglotnt@Romans:11:15 @ If for the casting off of them a reconciliation of a world; what the receiving, if not life out of dead ones?

diaglotnt@Romans:11:24 @ If for thou out of the according to nature wast cut off wild olive, and in violation of nature thou wast ingrafted into a good olive, by how much more these who according to nature, shall be ingrafted in the own olive.

diaglotnt@Romans:11:26 @ and then all Israel shall be saved, as it has been written: Shall come out of Zion the deliver, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.

diaglotnt@Romans:11:36 @ Because out of him, and through him, and for him the things all; to him the glory for the ages. So be it.

diaglotnt@Romans:13:11 @ And this, knowing the season, that an hour us already out of sleep to be aroused; (now for nearer of us the salvation, than when we believed;

diaglotnt@Romans:15:1 @ Are bound and we the strong ones the infirmities of those without strength to bear, and not ourselves to please;

diaglotnt@Romans:15:6 @ that with one mind with one mouth you may glorify the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed.

diaglotnt@Romans:15:18 @ not for I will dare to speak any of those things not worked out Anointed through me, for obedience of nations, in word and work; by power of signs and of wonders,

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:1:30 @ Out of him but you are in Anointed Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness also and sanctification and redemption;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:2:7 @ but we speak of God wisdom in a mystery, that having been hidden, which previously marked out the God before the ages, for glory of us;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:3:22 @ whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or world, or life, or death, or present things, or being about to be; all things of you is;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:4:8 @ Already having been filled you are, already you were rich, without us you reigned; and I wish indeed you did reign, no that also we with you might reign together.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:7 @ Cleanse out the old leaven, that you may be new mass, as you are unleavened; even for the paschal lamb of us on behalf of us was slain, Anointed.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:10 @ And not altogether with the fornicators of the world this, or with the covetous ones, or extortioners, or idolaters; since you are bound indeed from the world to come out.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:12 @ what for to me also those without to judge? Not those within you judge?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:13 @ Those but without the God will judge. Put out the evil one from of yourselves.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:6:18 @ Flee you the fornication. All sins which if may do a man, outside of the body is; he but committing fornication against the own body sins.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:7:35 @ This and for the of you yourselves benefit I say; not that a snare to you I may throw, but for the decorum and devotedness to the Lord without solicitude.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:8:6 @ but to us one God the Father, out of whom the all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Anointed, through whom the all things, and we through him.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:9:5 @ Not not have we a right a sister a wife to lead about, as also the others apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:9:18 @ What then to me is the reward? So that announcing glad tidings without expense I will place the glad tidings of the Anointed, in order that not to fully use the authority of me in the glad tidings.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:9:21 @ to those without law as without law, (not being without law to God, but within law to Anointed,) that I might gain lawless ones;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:9:27 @ but I browbeat of me the body and lead it captive, lest possibly to others having proclaimed, myself without proof should become.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:10:13 @ A temptation you not has taken if not being belonging to man; faithful but the God, who not will permit you to be tempted above what you are able, but will make you with the temptation also the way out, that you may be able to bear up under.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:11:11 @ But neither woman without man, nor man without woman, in Lord.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:11:12 @ As for the woman from the man, so also the man through the woman; the but all things out of the God.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:12:31 @ You earnestly desire but the gracious gifts those better. And yet a more excellent way to you, I point out.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:14:7 @ In like manner the things without life a sound giving, whether a flute, or a harp, if a difference to the notes not they should give, how shall be known that being played on flute or that being played on harp?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:14:36 @ Or from you the word of the God went out? or to you alone did it come?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:6 @ After that he was seen above by five hundred brethren at once, out of whom the greater number remain till now, some but also have fallen asleep.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:12 @ If but Anointed is proclaimed, that out of dead ones has been raised, how say some among you, that a resurrection of dead ones not is?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:20 @ Now but Anointed has been raised up out of dead ones, a first–fruit of those having fallen asleep.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:16:10 @ If and should have come Timothy, see you, that without fear he may be to you; the for work of Lord he works as even I;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:2:4 @ Out of for much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you through many tears, not that you might be grieved, but the love that you might know, which I have more abundantly towards you.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:2:13 @ but having bade farewell to them, I went out into Macedonia.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:4:6 @ Because the God that commanding out of darkness light to shine, who shone in the hearts of us, for illumination of the knowledge of the glory of the God in face of Jesus Anointed.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:4:7 @ We have but, the treasure this in earthen vessels, so that the superabounding of the power may be of the God, and not out of us;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:4:10 @ always the putting to death of the Jesus in the body bearing about, that also the life of the Jesus in the body of us may be manifested.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:4:16 @ Wherefore not we faint; but if even the outward of us man is wasted, yet the inward is renewed by day and by day.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:4:17 @ The for momentary lightness of the affliction of us, according to an exceeding on an exceeding age–lasting weight of glory works out for us;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:5:5 @ The and one having worked out us for same this God; that also having given to us the pledge of the spirit.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:5:8 @ we are confident but, also we are well–pleased rather to be from home out of the body, and to be at home with the Lord;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:5:18 @ The but all things out of the God, that one having reconciled us to himself through Jesus Anointed, and having given to us the service of the reconciliation.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:11 @ The mouth of us has been opened to you, O Corinthians, the heart of us has been enlarged.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:16 @ what and connection a temple of God with idols? You for a temple of God are living; as said the God: That I will in dwell among them, and will walk about in; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore come you out from midst of them and be you separated, says Lord, and of an unclean thing not touch you; and I will receive you,

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:7:5 @ Indeed for having come of us into Macedonia, not had rest the flesh of us, but in everything being distressed; without fights, within fears.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:7:10 @ The for according to God sorrow reformation for salvation not to be repented of works out; the but of the world sorrow death works out.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:8:11 @ now but also the to do do you perfect, that as the promptness of the to will, so also the to finish out of the to have.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:8:13 @ Not for, that to others rest, to you but affliction, but out of an equality; in the present season the to you abundance for the of them want,

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:8:17 @ because the indeed exhortation he received; more earnest but being, of his own accord he went out to you.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:8:24 @ The therefore proof of the love of you, and of us boasting on behalf of you, for them point you out in face of the congregations.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:9:11 @ in every thing being enriched for all liberality, which works out through us thanksgivings to the God;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:11:28 @ Besides the outward things, the crowding of me that every day, the care of all of the congregations.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:12:2 @ I know a man in Anointed, above years fourteen, (whether with a body, not I know; or without the body, not I know; the God knows;) having been snatched away the such a one to third heaven.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:12:3 @ And I know the such a man, (whether in a body, or without the body not I know; the God knows;)

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:12:12 @ The indeed signs of the apostle were worked out among you in all patience, in signs and prodigies and powers.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:13:1 @ Third time this I come to you; in mouth of two witnesses and of three shall be established every word.,

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:13:5 @ yourselves try you, if you are in the faith; yourselves prove you. Or not do you know yourselves, that Jesus Anointed in you is? if not without proof you are.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:13:6 @ I hope but that you will know, that we not are without proof.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:13:7 @ I wish but to the God, not to do you evil nothing; not that we approved ones may appear, but that you the good may do, we but as without proof may be.

diaglotnt@Galatians:1:1 @ Paul, an apostle not from men nor through a man, but through Jesus Anointed and God a Father of the having raised him out of dead ones;

diaglotnt@Galatians:1:4 @ of the having given himself concerning the sins of us, in order that he might rescue us out of the having been present an age of evil, according to the will of the God and Father of us,

diaglotnt@Galatians:1:7 @ which not is other; if not some are who are troubling you, and wishing to turn about the glad tidings to you,

diaglotnt@Galatians:2:4 @ On account of but the secretly introduced false brethren; (who stole in to have spied out the freedom of us which we hold in Anointed Jesus, so that us they might enslave;)

diaglotnt@Galatians:2:5 @ to whom not even for an hour we yielded by the submission, in order that the truth of the glad tidings might remain throughout with you.

diaglotnt@Galatians:2:21 @ Not I set aside the favor of the God; if for through law justification, then Anointed without cause died.

diaglotnt@Galatians:3:4 @ So many things you suffered without cause? If indeed even without cause.

diaglotnt@Galatians:3:23 @ Before the but to have come the faith, under law we were guarded being shut up together for the being about faith to have been revealed.

diaglotnt@Galatians:4:14 @ and the temptation of me that in the flesh of me not you despised nor did you spit out; but as a messenger of God you received me, even as Anointed Jesus.

diaglotnt@Galatians:4:15 @ What then was the benediction of you? testify for to you, that, if able, the eyes of you having dug out would you give to me.

diaglotnt@Galatians:4:17 @ They show affection towards you not honorably; but to have shut out you they wish, so that them you may ardently love.

diaglotnt@Galatians:4:27 @ It has been written for: Be thou made glad O barren who not is bearing, burst thou forth and shout thou who not is bringing to birth; because many the children of the deserted one more than of the one having the husband.

diaglotnt@Galatians:4:30 @ But what says the writing? Cast out the bond–woman and the son of her; not for not should inherit the son of the bond–woman with the son of the free–woman.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:1:5 @ in love having previously marked out us for sonship through Jesus Anointed for himself, according to the good pleasure of the will of himself,

diaglotnt@Ephesians:1:11 @ by whom also we obtained a portion, having been previously marked out according to a design of the the things all operating according to the counsel of the will of himself,

diaglotnt@Ephesians:1:20 @ which he exerted in the Anointed, having raised up him out of dead ones; and seated at right of himself in the heavenlies,

diaglotnt@Ephesians:1:21 @ far above every government and authority and power and lordship, and every name being named not only in the age this, but also in the one about coming;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:2:7 @ that he may point out in the ages those coming the surpassing wealth of the favor of himself, by kindness towards us in Anointed Jesus.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:2:12 @ that you were in the season that, without Anointed, having been aliens from the common wealth of the Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, a hope not having, and godless, in the world;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:14 @ so that no longer we may be babes, being tossed and being whirled about with every wind of the teachings, in the trickery of the men, by cunning with the method of the deceit;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:29 @ Every word rotten out of the mouth of you not let go forth, but, if anything good for a building up of the use, that it may give benefit to those hearing;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:10 @ searching out what is well–pleasing to the Lord;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:14 @ Therefore it says: Awake thou the one sleeping, and arise thou out of the dead ones, and will shine on thee the Anointed.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:30 @ because members we are of the body of him, out of the flesh of him, and out of the bones of him.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:32 @ The secret this great is; I but speak about Anointed, and about the congregation.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:6:13 @ Because of this take you up the complete armor of the God, so that you may be able to stand against in the day the evil, and all things having worked out to stand.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:6:19 @ and on behalf of me, that to me may be given a word in opening of the mouth of me, with boldness to make known the secret of the glad tidings,

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:12 @ So that, beloved ones of me, as always you obeyed, not as in the presence of me only, but now much more in the absence of me, with fear and trembling the of yourselves salvation work you out;

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:14 @ All things do you without murmurings and disputings;

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:16 @ a word of life holding out; for a boast to me in a day of Anointed, that not in vain I ran, nor in vain I toiled.

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:17 @ But if even I am poured out on the sacrifice and public service of the faith of you, I am glad and I rejoice with all you;

diaglotnt@Philippians:3:11 @ if possibly I may attain to the resurrection out of the dead ones.

diaglotnt@Philippians:3:14 @ one but, the things even behind forgetting, the things but before stretching out to, according to a mark I pursue towards the prize of the above calling of the God in Anointed Jesus.

diaglotnt@Philippians:3:20 @ Of us for the commonwealth in heavens begins, out of which also a savior we look for Lord Jesus Anointed,

diaglotnt@Philippians:4:10 @ I rejoiced and in Lord greatly, because now at length you revived the on behalf of me to think; on which also you were thinking, were without opportunity but.

diaglotnt@Philippians:4:15 @ You know and also you, O Philippians, that in a beginning of the glad tidings, when I went out from Macedonia, no one with me congregation communicated in an account of giving and receiving, if not you only;

diaglotnt@Colossians:1:18 @ and he is the head of the body, of the congregation; who is a beginning, first–born out of the dead ones, so that he might become among all himself pre–eminent;

diaglotnt@Colossians:2:12 @ having been buried with him by the dipping; in which also you were raised by means of the faith of the strong working of the God of that one having raised him out of dead ones;

diaglotnt@Colossians:2:14 @ having blotted out that against us written by hand in the ordinances, which was contrary to us, and it he has removed out of the midst, having nailed it to the cross;

diaglotnt@Colossians:2:17 @ which are a shadow of the things about coming, the but body of Anointed. Colossians

diaglotnt@Colossians:2:18 @ No one you let deprive of the prize, wishing by humility of mind and a religious worship of the messengers, what things not he has seen prying into, without cause being puffed up by the mind of the flesh of himself,

diaglotnt@Colossians:3:8 @ now but put off also you the things all, anger, wrath, malice, evil speaking, filthy words out of the mouth of you;

diaglotnt@Colossians:4:5 @ In wisdom walk you towards those outside, the season buying for yourselves.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:1:10 @ and to wait for the son of him from the heavens, whom he raised out of the dead ones, Jesus, the one delivering us from the wrath of that coming.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:3:1 @ Wherefore no longer holding out, we thought well to be left in Athens alone,

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:3:4 @ indeed for when with you we were, we previously said to you, that we are about to be afflicted, even as also it happened and you know;)

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:3:5 @ on account of this also I no longer holding out, I sent in order the to know the faith of you lest perhaps tempted you the tempter, and in vain should become the toil of us.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:4:12 @ so that you walk becomingly towards those outside, and of nothing need may have.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:4:14 @ If for we believe, that Jesus died and arose, so and the God those having slept through the Jesus will lead out with him.

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ The for secret thing already works of the lawlessness, only the one restraining now till out of midst it may be;

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ and then will be revealed the lawless one; whom the Lord Jesus will consume with the breath of the mouth of himself, and will make powerless by the appearing of the presence of himself;

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:3:2 @ and that we may be delivered from the out of place and evil men; not for of all the faith.

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:3:11 @ We hear for some are walking, among you out of order, nothing working, but being above work.

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:3:14 @ If but any one not hearkens to the word of us by means of the letter, him point you out; and not mix you together with him, so that he may be put to shame;

diaglotnt@1Timothy:1:5 @ (the now end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and conscience good and faith unfeigned;

diaglotnt@1Timothy:1:16 @ but through this I received mercy, that in me first might show forth Jesus Anointed the all forbearance, for an example of those being about to believe on him for life age–lasting;

diaglotnt@1Timothy:2:8 @ I direct therefore to pray the men in every place, lifting up holy hands without wrath and disputing.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:3:7 @ it behooves but him also a testimony good to have from those outside, so that not into reproach he may fall and a snare of the accuser.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:4:8 @ The for bodily discipline for a little it is profitable; the but piety for all things profitable it is, a promise having of life of the now and of that about coming.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:4:12 @ No one thee the youth let despise, but a pattern become thou of the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:13 @ at the same time and also idle ones they learn to go about the houses; not only but idle ones, but also praters and busy bodies, speaking the things not proper.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:19 @ Against an elder an accusation not do thou receive, without if not by two or three witnesses.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:21 @ I solemnly enjoin in presence of the God and Lord Jesus Anointed and of the chosen messengers, that these things thou mayst keep without prejudice nothing doing by partiality.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:6:4 @ he is puffed up, nothing being versed in, but being sick about questions and strifes of words, out of which arises envy, strife, evil–speakings, suspicions wicked,

diaglotnt@1Timothy:6:7 @ Nothing for we brought into the world; evident, that neither to carry out any thing are we able.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:6:12 @ contest thou the good contest of the faith, do thou lay hold of the age–lasting life, for which thou wast called out, and thou didst confess the good confession in presence of many witnesses.

diaglotnt@2Timothy:1:13 @ An outline hold thou of sound words, of which from me thou didst hear, in faith and love in that in Anointed Jesus;

diaglotnt@2Timothy:2:8 @ Do thou remember Jesus Anointed having been raised out of dead ones, from seed of David, according to the glad tidings of me;

diaglotnt@2Timothy:2:14 @ These things do thou put in mind, earnestly testifying in presence of the Lord, not to dispute about words, for nothing useful, to a subversion of those hearing.

diaglotnt@2Timothy:2:22 @ The now youthful desires flee thou; pursue thou but righteousness, faith, love, peace with those calling on the Lord out of pure a heart.

diaglotnt@2Timothy:3:3 @ void of natural affection, implacable, accusers, without self–control, fierce ones, without love to good men,

diaglotnt@2Timothy:3:6 @ Out of these for are those entering into the houses and leading captive little women having been laden with sins, being led away by inordinate desires various,

diaglotnt@2Timothy:3:11 @ the persecutions, the sufferings, what things to me happened in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of all me delivered the Lord.

diaglotnt@2Timothy:4:1 @ I solemnly charge in presence of the God, and Jesus Anointed of that one being about to judge living ones and dead ones, and the appearing of himself and the kingdom of himself;

diaglotnt@2Timothy:4:6 @ I for already and being poured out, and the season of the of my dissolution has come near;

diaglotnt@2Timothy:4:17 @ the but Lord by me stood, and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fully established, and might hear all the nations; and I was delivered out of mouth of a lion;

diaglotnt@Titus:3:6 @ of which he poured out on us richly, through Jesus Anointed the saviour of us,

diaglotnt@Titus:3:9 @ foolish but questions and genealogies and strifes and fightings about law; they are for unprofitable and vain.

diaglotnt@Philemon:1:14 @ without but of the thy consent nothing I wished to do, so that not as according to constraint the good of thee might be, but according to willingness.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:1:14 @ Not all are public serving spirits, for service being sent forth on account of those being about to inherit salvation?

diaglotnt@Hebrews:2:5 @ Not for to messengers he did subject the habitable that about coming, concerning which we speak.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:2:11 @ He both for sanctifying and those being sanctified out of one all; for which cause not he is ashamed brethren them to call,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:3:16 @ Some for having heard did provoke? but not all those having come out from Egypt by means of Moses?

diaglotnt@Hebrews:4:12 @ Living for the word of the God, and energetic, and more cutting beyond every sword two–mouthed, even cutting through to a division of life both and of breath, of joints both and of marrows, and able to judge of thoughts and of intentions of heart;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:4:13 @ and not is a creature out of sight in presence of him, all things but naked and having been laid open to the eyes of him, with whom for us the word.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:5:7 @ Who in the days of the flesh of himself, prayers both and supplications to him being able to deliver him out of death, with a cry strong and tears having offered, and having been heard from the piety,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:6:5 @ and good having tasted of God word, powers and about coming of an age,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:3 @ without a father, without a mother, without a genealogy, neither a beginning of days nor of life an end having, having been made like but to the son of the God, remains a priest for the continuance.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:4 @ Consider you but, how great this, to whom even a tenth Abraham gave out of the choice spoils, the patriarch.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:5 @ And those indeed from the sons of Levi the priesthood receiving, a commandment have to tithe the people according to the law, this is, the brethren of them, though having come out of the loins of Abraham;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:7 @ Without but all contradiction, the less by the greater is blessed.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:20 @ And in as much as not without swearing; (they indeed for without swearing are priests having become;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:8:5 @ who in an example and in a shadow serve of the heavenlies, even as had been divinely warned Moses, being about to finish the tabernacle: See thou for, he says, thou mayest make all things according to the pattern that having been shown to thee in the mount;)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:8:9 @ not according to the covenant which I made with the fathers of them, in a day having laid hold of me of the hand of them, to lead out them out of land of Egypt; because they not did abide in the covenant of me, and I cared not for them, says a Lord.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:7 @ into but the second once of the year alone the high–priest, not without blood, which he offers on behalf of himself and for the of the people ignorances;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:18 @ Hence not even the first without blood has been dedicated.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:22 @ And almost by blood all things are cleansed according to the law, and without blood–shedding not takes place forgiveness.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:28 @ so also the Anointed once for all having been offered for the of many to carry away sins, a second time without sins will be seen, by those him expecting for salvation.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:1 @ A shadow for having the law of the about coming good things, not very the image of the things, every year by the same sacrifices which they offer for the continuance, never is able the ones drawing near to perfect.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:23 @ and having been bathed the body in water pure, we should hold fast the confession of the hope without declining; (faithful for the one having promised;)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:27 @ fearful but some expectation of judgment, and of a fire of indignation, to eat up being about the opponents.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:28 @ Having violated any one a law of Moses, without mercies by two or three witnesses dies;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:3 @ In faith we perceive to have been adjusted the ages by a word of God, in order that not out of things appearing the things being seen to have happened.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:6 @ Without but faith impossible to have pleased; to believe for it is necessary the one coming near to the God, because he is, and to those seeking him a rewarder he becomes.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:8 @ In faith being called Abraham was obedient to go forth into the place, which he was about to receive for an inheritances, and he went forth, not knowing where he was going.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:19 @ inferring, that even out of dead ones to raise up is able the God; whence him also in a similitude he recovered.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:22 @ In faith Joseph ending concerning the going out of the sons of Israel reminded, and concerning the bones of himself gave charge.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:33 @ who by means of faith subdued kingdoms, performed righteousness, obtained promises, closed up, mouths of lions,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:34 @ quenched power of fire, escaped mouths of sword, were made strong from weakness, became mighty ones in war, camps overturned of foreigners;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:37 @ they were stoned, they were sawn a sunder, they were tempted, by slaughter of sword they died; they went about in sheepskins, in goat skins, being in want, being afflicted, being ill–treated,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:1 @ Therefore also we, such having surrounding us a cloud of witnesses, encumbrance having laid aside every, and the close–girding sin, by means of patient endurance we should run the being laid out for us course;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:8 @ If but without you are discipline, of which partakes have become all, certainly bastards you are and not sons.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:13 @ and paths level do you make for the feet of you, so that not the lame may be turned out, may be healed but rather.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:14 @ Peace do you pursue with all, and the holiness, which without no one shall see the Lord.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:2 @ Of the kind–to strangers not be you neglectful; through this for without knowing some having entertained messengers.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:9 @ By teachings various and strange not be you lead away; good for by favor to be established the heart, not by provisions, by which not were profited those having walked about.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:11 @ Of whom for is brought animals the blood concerning sin into the holies by means of the high–priest, of these the bodies are burned outside of the camp.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:12 @ Therefore also Jesus, so that he might sanctify through the own blood the people, outside of the gate suffered.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:13 @ Now then let us go forth to him outside of the camp, the reproach for him bearing;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:14 @ not for we have here abiding a city, but the one being about to come we seek.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:20 @ The now God of the peace, the one having led up out of dead ones the shepherd of the sheep the great by blood of a covenant age–lasting, the Lord of us Jesus,

diaglotnt@James:1:3 @ knowing, that the proof of you of the faith works out patience.

diaglotnt@James:1:14 @ Each one but is tempted, by the own inordinate desire being drawn out and being entrapped;

diaglotnt@James:1:20 @ Wrath for of man righteousness of God not works out.

diaglotnt@James:2:12 @ Thus speak you and thus do you, as by means of a law of freedom being about to be judged.

diaglotnt@James:2:18 @ But will say some one: Thou faith hast, and I works have; show to me the faith of thee without the works of thee, and I will show to thee by the works of me the faith of me.

diaglotnt@James:2:20 @ Wishest thou but to know, O man vain, that the faith without the works dead is?

diaglotnt@James:2:25 @ In like manner and also Rahab the harlot not by works was justified, having received the messengers, and by another way having sent out?

diaglotnt@James:2:26 @ As for the body without breath dead is, so also the faith without the works dead is.

diaglotnt@James:3:3 @ Lo, of the horses the bits into the mouths we put in order that to make obedient them to us, and whole the body of them we turn about.

diaglotnt@James:3:4 @ Lo, also the ships, so great being, and by violent winds being driven, are turned about by a very small helm, wherever the will of the one steering pleases.

diaglotnt@James:3:10 @ out of the same mouth goes forth blessing and cursing. Not ought, brethren of me, these things so to be.

diaglotnt@James:3:11 @ Not the fountain out of the same opening send forth the sweet and the bitter?

diaglotnt@James:3:13 @ Any one wise and discreet among you? let him show out of the honorable conduct the works of himself with meekness of wisdom;

diaglotnt@James:3:17 @ The but from above wisdom first indeed pure it is, then peaceable, gentle, easily persuaded, full of mercy and of fruits good, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

diaglotnt@James:5:4 @ Lo, the reward of the laborers of those having reaped the fields of you, that having been withheld by you, cries out; and the loud cries of the reapers into the ears of Lord of armies have entered.

diaglotnt@James:5:19 @ Brethren, if any one among you may wander from the truth, and may turn back any one him, let him know, that the one having turned a sinner out of wandering way of him, will save a soul from death, and will hide a multitude of sins.

diaglotnt@1Peter:1:3 @ Blessed the God and Father of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed, that according to the great of himself mercy having begotten us to a hope of life through a resurrection of Jesus Anointed, out of dead ones,

diaglotnt@1Peter:1:10 @ Concerning which salvation sought out and examined closely prophets, those concerning the for you favor having prophesied;

diaglotnt@1Peter:1:17 @ And if a Father you call on him without respect of persons judging according to the of each work, in fear the of the sojourning of you time pass you;

diaglotnt@1Peter:1:21 @ those through him having believed in God, that one having raised up him out of dead ones and glory to him having given, so that the faith of you and hope to be in God.

diaglotnt@1Peter:1:22 @ The lives of you having been purified in the obedience of the truth through spirit to brotherly kindness unfeigned, out of a pure heart each other love you intensely;

diaglotnt@1Peter:2:9 @ You but, a race chosen, a royal priesthood, a nation holy, a people for a purpose, so that the virtues you may declare of the out of darkness you one having called into the wonderful of himself light;

diaglotnt@1Peter:2:22 @ who sin not did, nor was found guile in the mouth of him;

diaglotnt@1Peter:3:1 @ In like manner the wives, submitting yourselves to the own husbands, so that even if some are disobedient to the word, through the of the wives conduct without a word they may be gained,

diaglotnt@1Peter:3:3 @ Of whom let be not the outside, of braiding of hairs and placing around of golden chains or wearing of clothes, adorning;

diaglotnt@1Peter:4:9 @ hospitable towards each other, without murmurings;

diaglotnt@1Peter:5:1 @ Elders the among you I exhort, the fellow–elder and witness of those of the Anointed sufferings, the and of the being about to be revealed glory partaker;

diaglotnt@1Peter:5:8 @ Be you sober, be you watchful; the opponent of you an accuser, like a lion roaring, walks about seeking whom he may gulp down,

diaglotnt@2Peter:1:16 @ Not for having been cunningly devised tales having followed out we made known to you the of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed power and presence, but lookers on having become of the of that greatness.

diaglotnt@2Peter:2:9 @ knows Lord pious ones out of temptation to rescue, unjust ones but for a day of judgment being cut off to be kept;

diaglotnt@2Peter:2:17 @ These are fountains without water, and fogs by a whirlwind being driven; for which the gloom of the darkness for an age has been kept.

diaglotnt@2Peter:3:5 @ It escapes notice for them this being willing, that heavens were of old, and earth out of water and through water having been placed together, by the of the God word,

diaglotnt@1John:2:19 @ From of us they went out, but not they were of us; if for they were of us, they would have remained with us; but so that they might be manifested, that not they are all of us.

diaglotnt@1John:4:1 @ Beloved ones, not every spirit do you believe, but do you prove the spirits, if from of the God is; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

diaglotnt@1John:4:13 @ By this we know, that in him we abide, and he in us, because out of the spirit of himself he has given us.

diaglotnt@1John:4:18 @ Fear not is in the love, but the perfect love outside casts the fear; because the fear a restraint has; the but one fearing not has been perfected in the love.

diaglotnt@2John:1:12 @ Many things having to you to write, not I wished by means of paper and of ink; I hope for to come to you, and mouth to mouth speak, so that the joy of us may be having been perfected.

diaglotnt@3John:1:10 @ On account of this, if I come, I will remember of him the works which he does, with words evil prating against us; and not being satisfied in these things, not even he receives the brethren, and those wishing he forbids, and out of the congregation he casts.

diaglotnt@3John:1:14 @ I hop but immediately to see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:5 @ To remind but you I wish, knowing you once this, because the Lord, people out of land of Egypt having saved, the second time those not having believed he destroyed;

diaglotnt@Jude:1:7 @ as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the about them cities, the like to them manner having committed fornication, and having gone away after flesh of another, are placed before an example, of fire age–lasting retributive justice are undergoing.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:9 @ The but Michael the chief messenger, when with the accuser contending he reasoned about the of Moses; body, not he dared a judgment to bring against of reviling, but he said: May rebuke thee Lord.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:12 @ These are in the love–feasts of you hidden rocks, feasting together without fear, themselves feeding; clouds without water, by winds being swept along; trees autumnal, unfruitful, twice having died, having been rooted;

diaglotnt@Jude:1:13 @ waves wild of sea, foaming out the of themselves shame; stars wandering, for which the gloom of the darkness for an age has been kept.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:16 @ These are murmurers, complainers, according to the lusts of themselves walking; and the mouth of them speaks swelling words, admiring faces, of gain on account.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:19 @ These are they marking out boundaries themselves, soulical ones, a spirit not having.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:23 @ some but in fear do you save, out of the fire snatching; hating even the from the flesh having been spotted garment.

diaglotnt@Revelation:1:1 @ A revelation of Jesus Anointed, which gave to him the God, to point out to the bond–servants of himself the things it behooves to have done with speed, and he signified having sent by means of the messenger of himself to the bond–servant of himself to John;

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