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NT.filter - mnt Ruth:

mnt@Matthew:1:5 @ Salmon (by Rahab), of Boaz; Boaz (by Ruth), of Obed; Obed, of Jesse;

mnt@Matthew:5:18 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a comma, will pass from the Law until all has taken place.

mnt@Matthew:6:2 @ "And whatever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and streets, in order that men may praise them. In solemn truth I tell you they already have their reward in full.

mnt@Matthew:6:5 @ "And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the corners of the avenues, in order that men may see them. In solemn truth I tell you that they have their reward in full.

mnt@Matthew:6:16 @ "When you fast, do not look downcast like the hypocrites; for they disfigure their faces so that it may be apparent to men that they are fasting. In solemn truth I tell you, they already have received their reward.

mnt@Matthew:8:10 @ As Jesus listened to this reply he was astonished, and said to those who followed him. "In solemn truth I tell you that I have found faith like this in any Israelite.

mnt@Matthew:10:23 @ "But when they persecute you in one city, flee to the next. In solemn truth I tell you that you shall not have completed the cities of Israel, before the Son of man comes.

mnt@Matthew:10:42 @ "And whoever gives to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, because he is a disciple, I tell you in solemn truth, he shall not lose his reward.

mnt@Matthew:11:11 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that there has not arisen among those born of women a greater than Johnthe Baptist; yet one of the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

mnt@Matthew:13:3 @ Then he told them many truths in parables. "Behold," he said, "the sower went forth to sow;

mnt@Matthew:13:17 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that many prophets and holy men have seen it not, and to hear what you are hearing, and have not heard it.

mnt@Matthew:17:20 @ "Because of your little faith," he answered. "In solemn truth I tell you that if you have faith the size of a mustard-seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from this place to that! and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

mnt@Matthew:18:3 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that unless you turn and become like little children, you will not even enter the kingdom of heaven.

mnt@Matthew:18:18 @ "I tell you all in solemn truth that whatever you forbid upon earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.

mnt@Matthew:19:23 @ So Jesus said to his disciples. "In solemn truth I tell you that a rich man will find it difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven.

mnt@Matthew:19:28 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," Jesus answered, "that in the New Creation, when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory, you also who have followed me shall sit on twelve thrones, to govern the twelve tribes of Israel.

mnt@Matthew:21:21 @ In reply Jesus said to them, "In solemn truth I tell you that if you have faith and never doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, Up, cast yourself into the sea! it shall be done;

mnt@Matthew:23:36 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that all these things will come upon this generation.

mnt@Matthew:24:34 @ "I tell you in solemn truth, that the present generation shall not pass away till all these things happen.

mnt@Matthew:24:47 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that he will set him over all his property.

mnt@Matthew:25:12 @ "In solemn truth I tell you, he replied, I know you not.

mnt@Matthew:25:40 @ "In solemn truth I tell you, the King will answer them, that inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these, my brothers, you have done it unto me.

mnt@Matthew:25:45 @ "But he will reply, In solemn truth I tell you that inasmuch as you did not do it unto one of these least, you did not do it unto me.

mnt@Matthew:26:13 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that wherever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, what she has done shall be told about, as her memorial."

mnt@Matthew:26:21 @ and as they were eating, he said to them, "In solemn truth I tell you that one of you is going to betray me!"

mnt@Matthew:26:34 @ Jesus said to him, "In solemn truth I tell you that on this very night, before cockcrow, you will deny me three times!"

mnt@Mark:3:28 @ In solemn truth I tell you that the sons of men shall be forgiven all their sins and all the blasphemies they may utter,

mnt@Mark:4:11 @ He went on to say to them. "The secret truth concerning the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those outside everything is told in parables,

mnt@Mark:5:33 @ and the woman knowing what had happened to her, came in fear and trembling, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

mnt@Mark:8:12 @ At this Jesus sighed deeply in his spirit, and said. "Why does the present generation seek a sign? In solemn truth I tell you that no sign shall be given this generation."

mnt@Mark:9:1 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," he said, "there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God, come with power."

mnt@Mark:9:41 @ For whoever gives you even a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, in solemn truth I tell you, that he shall certainly not lose his reward.

mnt@Mark:11:23 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall say to this mountain, Up and hurl yourself into the sea! and shall not doubt in his heart, but on the contrary shall believe that what he says will happen, it will be granted him.

mnt@Mark:12:14 @ So when they came, they said. "Teacher, we know that you are sincere and are not afraid of any one, for you do not regard the face of men; nay, but you reach the way of God in truth. Is it right to pay poll- tax to Caesar or not?

mnt@Mark:12:32 @ "Admirably said, O Teacher," exclaimed the Scribe. "You have truthfully said that He is one,

mnt@Mark:14:9 @ I tell you in solemn truth that wherever the gospel is preached throughout the whole world, there what she has done shall be told in remembrance of her."

mnt@Mark:14:30 @ Jesus said to him, "I tell you in solemn truth that you yourself, today on this very night, before the cock crow twice, shall three times disown me."

mnt@Mark:15:39 @ Then the army captain, who was standing facing Jesus when he thus died, said, "in truth this man was a Son of God."

mnt@Luke:4:24 @ "I tell you in solemn truth," he added, "that no prophet is acceptable in his own country.

mnt@Luke:4:25 @ In very truth I tell you there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were closed for three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land;

mnt@Luke:12:44 @ "Of a truth I tell you that he will put him in charge of his possessions.

mnt@Luke:18:17 @ "I tell you in solemn truth that whoever will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child, he will never get into it."

mnt@Luke:18:29 @ And he said to them, "In Solemn truth I tell you that there is no one who, for the sake of the kingdom of God, has left houses, or wife, or brother, or parents, or children,

mnt@Luke:21:3 @ And he said. "Of truth I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than than they all;

mnt@Luke:21:32 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that this generation shall not pass away until all this happens.

mnt@Luke:23:43 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," said Jesus, "that this day you shall be with me in Paradise."

mnt@John:1:14 @ And the Word became flesh and tented with us. And we gazed on his glory - glory as of the Fathers only Son - full of grace and truth.

mnt@John:1:17 @ For the Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

mnt@John:3:3 @ "In very truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "that unless a man is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

mnt@John:4:23 @ But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father is seeking such as his worshipers.

mnt@John:4:24 @ God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

mnt@John:5:19 @ So Jesus answered them in these words. "In solemn truth I tell that the Son cannot do anything of himself, except what he sees the Father doing; for whatever he does, that the Son does also.

mnt@John:5:33 @ "You yourselves sent to John, and he has been and is a witness to the truth.

mnt@John:6:14 @ So when the people saw the sign which he had performed, they said, "This is in the truth the Prophet who is to come into the world."

mnt@John:6:26 @ Jesus answered. "In solemn truth I tell you that you are looking for me, not because you saw miracles signs, but because you ate of the bread and were filled.

mnt@John:6:32 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," said Jesus in reply, "Moses did not give you the bread out of heaven, but my Father does give you the true bread out of heaven;

mnt@John:7:17 @ "If any one wills to do Gods will he shall know concerning my teaching, whether it is from God, or I speak my own authority. "Dedicate them in thy truth; thy word is truth.

mnt@John:8:32 @ "and you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

mnt@John:8:34 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," Jesus replied, "every one who commits sin is a slave

mnt@John:8:40 @ "But now you are seeking to kill me - a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do that.

mnt@John:8:44 @ "You are of your father, the devil, and you want to do what your father desires. He was a man-slayer from the very beginning; and he has no standing place in the truth, because truth is not in him. Whenever he utters a lie, he speaks from his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lying.

mnt@John:8:45 @ "But as for me, it is because I speak the truth to you that you do not believe me.

mnt@John:8:46 @ "Which one of you convicts me of sin? Why then, if I am speaking the truth, do you not believe me?

mnt@John:8:51 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that if any one obeys my teaching he shall never behold death."

mnt@John:8:58 @ "In solemn truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "that before Abraham came into existence, I am."

mnt@John:10:1 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, that man is a thief and a robber;

mnt@John:10:7 @ "In solemn truth I tell you that I am the Door of the sheep.

mnt@John:12:24 @ In solemn truth I tell you that except a kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die, it remains a single kernel; but if it die it bears a great crop.

mnt@John:13:1 @ Now just before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour was come when he should leave this world to go to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, showed forth his love to the end.;38 "Your life you will lay down for me? In solemn truth I tell you, the cock shall not crow before you have three times disowned me."

mnt@John:13:16 @ In solemn truth I tell you that a slave is not greater than his master, neither is a messenger greater than the one who sends him.

mnt@John:13:20 @ In solemn truth I tell you, he who receives any one that I send is receiving me; and he who receives me is receiving Him who sent me."

mnt@John:13:21 @ When he had spoken thus, Jesus was deeply moved. He testified and said, "In solemn truth I tell you that one of you will betray me."

mnt@John:14:6 @ Jesus answered him. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man ever comes to the Father but by me.

mnt@John:14:17 @ "and he will give you another Comforter to be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot receive him because it does not see him nor know him, but you know him, for he is ever with you and within you.

mnt@John:15:26 @ "When the Comforter is come whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who comes forth from the Father, he will bear witness of me;

mnt@John:16:7 @ "Yet - I am telling you the truth - my going is for your good. For unless I go away the Comforter will not come to you; but if I depart I will send him unto you.

mnt@John:16:13 @ "But when he is come, that Spirit of Truth, he will guide you into the whole truth. For he will not speak on his own authority, but all that he hears he will speak, and will make known to you that which is to come.

mnt@John:17:19 @ "And for their sakes I dedicate myself, that they also may be thoroughly dedicated in the truth.

mnt@John:18:37 @ "You are a king, then? You!" said Pilate. "You say truly that I am a king." answered Jesus, "for this purpose I was born, and to this end came I into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Every man who is of the truth listens to my voice."

mnt@John:18:38 @ Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" As he said this, he went outside again to the Jews and said to them.

mnt@John:19:35 @ And he who saw it has borne testimony, and his testimony is trustworthy, and he knows that he is telling the truth in order that you may believe.

mnt@John:21:18 @ "Feed my sheep," said Jesus. "In solemn truth I tell you that when you were young, you used to put on your own girdle, and walk wherever you wished; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands for some one to gird you, and carry you where you do not wish to go."

mnt@Acts:10:34 @ Then Peter began to speak. "Of a truth I begin to see quite plainly that God is no respecter of persons;

mnt@Acts:20:30 @ and that from among your own number, men will arise, perverting the truth, to draw away the disciples after them.

mnt@Acts:21:24 @ "We have four men here under a vow; associate yourself with them, purify yourself with them, and pay their expenses so that they may have their heads shaved; then every one will know that there is no truth in the rumors that they have heard about you; but that you yourself walk orderly obeying the law.

mnt@Acts:24:8 @ From him you will be able, by examining Paul yourself, to learn the truth of all these charges we are bringing against him."

mnt@Acts:26:26 @ "I am speaking words of sober truth. For the King, to whom I am speaking freely, knows of these matters. I am persuaded that not one of these things has escaped his notice; for these things were not done in a corner.

mnt@Romans:1:18 @ For Gods wrath is ever being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who smother the truth by their unrighteousness.

mnt@Romans:1:25 @ because they exchanged the truth of God for an untruth, and worshiped and served the creature, rather than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen.

mnt@Romans:2:2 @ "We know that Gods judgment against those who practise such vices is in accord with the truth," you say?

mnt@Romans:2:8 @ but anger and wrath upon those who are self-willed and disobey the truth, but obey unrighteousness.

mnt@Romans:2:20 @ an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of the young, because you have in the Law the form of knowledge and of the truth - well then, you who are teaching others, do you ever teach yourself?

mnt@Romans:3:7 @ But if by a falsehood of mine the truthfulness of God has been made to redound to his glory, why am I still tried as a sinner?

mnt@Romans:9:1 @ I am speaking the truth in Christ, it is no lie. My conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit that I have deep sorrow

mnt@Romans:11:25 @ For I would not, my brothers, have you ignorant of this hidden truth, for fear that you become wise in your own conceits. that a hardening in part has befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles is come in.

mnt@Romans:15:8 @ For I say that Christ has been made a minister of the Circumcision the people of Israel, in vindication of Gods truth, so that he may confirm the promises given to our forefathers;

mnt@Romans:16:25 @ Now I commend you to Him who is able to keep you stedfast, according to my gospel, and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, whereby is unveiled the secret truth which was kept secret through immemorial ages,

mnt@1Corinthians:4:1 @ Let any man look upon us as servants of Christ, and stewards of the secret truths of God.

mnt@1Corinthians:5:8 @ So let us keep the unending feast, not with any old leaven, neither with leaven of malice and vice, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

mnt@1Corinthians:11:18 @ To begin with, I am told - and I believe there is some truth in it - that when you meet at a church there are divisions among you.

mnt@1Corinthians:13:6 @ but rejoices when the truth rejoices.

mnt@1Corinthians:14:2 @ For he who speaks in a "tongue" speaks not to man but to God, for no one understands him, but in the Spirit he utters secret truths.

mnt@1Corinthians:14:25 @ and the secret depths of his heart are laid open. So he will fall upon his face and worship God, saying, "Of a truth, God is with you."

mnt@1Corinthians:15:51 @ Lo, I tell you a secret truth. we shall not all be sleeping, but we shall be changed,

mnt@2Corinthians:4:2 @ I have renounced the hidden things of shame, not spending my life in craftiness, nor adulterating the word of God; but setting forth the truth openly, I strive to commend myself to every mans conscience as in the sight of God.

mnt@2Corinthians:7:14 @ Although I have been boasting a little to him about you, I have not been put to shame. But as in every matter I have spoken the truth to you, so also my boast to Titus has been proved to be the truth.

mnt@2Corinthians:11:10 @ As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine shall not be stopped within the boundaries of Greece!

mnt@2Corinthians:11:31 @ The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I am telling the truth.

mnt@2Corinthians:12:6 @ If I should choose to continue boasting I should not be foolish, for I should be speaking the truth. But I refrain, lest by the stupendous grandeur of the revelation any one should estimate me beyond what he sees in me, or hears from me.

mnt@2Corinthians:12:12 @ In truth the signs of the true apostle were wrought among you in all patience by signs and marvels and powers.

mnt@2Corinthians:13:8 @ For I have no power against the truth, but only in defense of the truth.

mnt@Galatians:1:20 @ (In what I am now writing, I call God to witness that I am telling the truth.)

mnt@Galatians:2:5 @ To them we did not yield submission even for an hour, in order that the truth of the gospel might abide unshaken among you.

mnt@Galatians:2:14 @ But when I saw that they were not walking a straight path, in the presence of the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all. "If you, although you are a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, why do you try to compel the Gentiles to become Jews?

mnt@Galatians:4:16 @ Am I then become your enemy, because I am telling you the truth?

mnt@Galatians:5:7 @ You were running your race nobly. Who hindered you from obeying the truth?

mnt@Ephesians:1:13 @ And in him, because you listened to the proclamation of the truth, the evangel of your salvation, and trusted it, you Gentiles too were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,

mnt@Ephesians:3:3 @ You have heard how by direct revelation the secret truth was made known to me, as I have already briefly written you.

mnt@Ephesians:3:4 @ By reading what I have written, you can judge of my insight into that secret truth of Christ

mnt@Ephesians:4:15 @ but holding the truth in love we shall grow up in every part into him who is our Head, even Christ.

mnt@Ephesians:4:21 @ if indeed you have listened to him, and in him been taught the truth as it is in Jesus.

mnt@Ephesians:4:24 @ and to put on the new self, created after Gods likeness, in the uprightness and holiness of the truth.

mnt@Ephesians:4:25 @ So then put away falseness and speak every man the truth to his neighbor, for we are members one of another.

mnt@Ephesians:5:9 @ Lead the life of children of light, for the fruit of the light consists in every kind of goodness and uprightness and truth.

mnt@Ephesians:6:14 @ Stand firm then, girt about with the belt of truth, and wearing the breastplate of righteousness,

mnt@Philippians:1:18 @ What of it? In any case, whether in pretence or in honest truth, Christ is still preached, and in that I am rejoicing, yes, and will rejoice.

mnt@Philippians:3:8 @ In very truth I count all things but loss compared to the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and esteem them but refuse that I may gain Christ,

mnt@Colossians:1:5 @ because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Long ago you heard of this hope in the message which came to you of the truth of the gospel.

mnt@Colossians:1:26 @ that secret truth, which, although hidden from ages and generations of old, has now been made manifest to his saints.

mnt@Colossians:1:27 @ To them God willed to make known among the Gentiles how glorious are the riches of that secret truth, which is "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

mnt@Colossians:2:2 @ May their hearts be comforted! May they be knit together in love! May they gain in all its riches the full assurance of their understanding! May they come to a perfect knowledge of the secret truth of God, which is Christ himself.

mnt@Colossians:4:3 @ Keep on praying for me, too, that God may open for me a door of utterance to speak the secret truth of Christ, for which I am a prisoner.

mnt@1Thessalonians:2:13 @ For this reason also I am giving continual thanks to God, because when you heard from me the spoken word of God, you received it not as the word of men, but as the word of God (which in truth it is), who himself is effectually at work in you believe.

mnt@2Thessalonians:2:10 @ and with all deceit of unrighteousness for those who are perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth for their salvation.

mnt@2Thessalonians:2:12 @ so that they all should be condemned, who are faithless to the truth, but take pleasure in evil.

mnt@2Thessalonians:2:13 @ But for you, brothers, whom the Lord loves, I ought to give thanks to God continually, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation in consecration of the Spirit and belief of the truth.

mnt@1Timothy:2:4 @ whose will it is that all men should be saved, and come into full knowledge of the truth.

mnt@1Timothy:2:7 @ It was for this testimony that I myself was appointed a herald and apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), to be a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.

mnt@1Timothy:3:15 @ I am writing this to you in case I should be detained, to let you see how you ought to behave in the household of God - the Church of the everliving God, the pillar and mainstay of the truth.

mnt@1Timothy:4:3 @ who discourage marriage, and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thankfulness, by those who believe, and have a clear knowledge of the truth.

mnt@1Timothy:6:5 @ and wrangling between men whose minds are corrupt and destitute of the truth; who suppose that godliness is a source of gain.

mnt@2Timothy:2:14 @ Always call these truths to mens mind; adjuring them in the presence of God to avoid controversy. It is a useless thing, and subverts those who listen to it.

mnt@2Timothy:2:15 @ Strive earnestly to present yourself unto God, tested and proved worthy by trial, a workman unashamed, ever cutting a straight path for the message of the truth.

mnt@2Timothy:2:18 @ Among such are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have gone astray concerning the truth by declaring that the resurrection is already past; and they are undermining the faith of some.

mnt@2Timothy:2:25 @ He must be gentle when instructing opponents; for possibly God may give them a change of mind for the recognition of the truth,

mnt@2Timothy:3:7 @ and led captive by ever-changing impulses, are always learning but never able to arrive at knowledge of truth.

mnt@2Timothy:3:8 @ As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so also do these men withstand the truth; being corrupt in mind and worthless in all that concerns the faith.

mnt@2Timothy:4:4 @ They will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to myths.

mnt@Titus:1:1 @ To Titus, my true son in a common faith, from Paul, a slave of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of Gods elect, and to the knowledge of the truth which goes with piety;

mnt@Titus:1:14 @ so as to make them sound in the faith, not giving heed to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.

mnt@Hebrews:10:26 @ For if we sin wilfully, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains any other sacrifice for sins,

mnt@James:1:18 @ Because he willed, he gave us birth through the word of truth, so that we should be a kind of first-fruits among his creatures.

mnt@James:3:14 @ But if you have bitter jealousy and faction in your heart, do not be boasting of that, and be false to the truth.

mnt@James:5:19 @ My brothers, if any one of you strays from the truth, and some one brings him back,

mnt@1Peter:1:12 @ It was revealed to them that it was not for themselves, but for you, that they were ministering the truths which have now been announced to you, by those who preached the gospel to you, through the help of the Holy Spirit sent forth from heaven - truths into which angels long to look.

mnt@1Peter:1:22 @ Now that by obedience to the truth you have purified your lives for a brotherly love without hypocrisy, you must love one another from your hearts, fervently.

mnt@1Peter:4:11 @ If any one preaches, let him always preach as one who utters Gods truth; if any one serves another, let it be with the strength which God supplies; so that in every way God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever, Amen.

mnt@2Peter:1:12 @ I shall therefore be always ready to remind you of all this, even though you know it, and are firmly founded in the truth which is with you.

mnt@2Peter:2:2 @ Then there will be many who will follow their immorality, because of whom the Way of the Truth will be maligned.

mnt@1John:1:6 @ If we say, "We have partnership with Him," when we are passing our life in the darkness, we are lying and are not doing the truth.

mnt@1John:1:8 @ If we say, "We have no sin," we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.

mnt@1John:2:5 @ and the truth is not in him; bit if any man obey his word, in him truly is the love of God made perfect. By this we come to know that we are in him.

mnt@1John:2:21 @ I am not writing to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and know that no lie is of the truth.

mnt@1John:3:18 @ My children, let us not love in word nor in talk, but in deed and in truth.

mnt@1John:3:19 @ By this we shall come to know that we are really of the truth,

mnt@1John:4:6 @ But you are of God. He who is beginning to know God listens to us; he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we may distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of error.

mnt@1John:5:6 @ Jesus Christ is he who came by water and blood, not by the water only, but by the water and by the blood. The spirit is he who bears testimony, because the Spirit is the truth.

mnt@2John:1:1 @ The Elder to the Elect Lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all those who have come to know the truth.

mnt@2John:1:2 @ I love you for the sake of the truth which is abiding in us and will be with us forever.

mnt@2John:1:3 @ Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father, and from Jesus Christ the Fathers Son, in truth and love.

mnt@2John:1:4 @ I am greatly rejoiced to find some of your children leading their lives in truth, even as we received commandment from the Father.

mnt@3John:1:1 @ The Elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.

mnt@3John:1:3 @ For I was glad when brothers came and bore testimony to your truth, as indeed you are passing your life in truth.

mnt@3John:1:4 @ I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are passing their lives in the truth.

mnt@3John:1:8 @ Hence we ought to support such, so that we may become fellow workers for the truth.

mnt@3John:1:12 @ All men bear testimony to Demetrius, and so does the truth itself. I also bear testimony to him; and you know that my testimony is true.

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