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geneva@Matthew:4:8 @ Againe the deuil tooke him vp into an exceeding hie mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, and the glory of them,

geneva@Matthew:8:4 @ Then Iesus saide vnto him, See thou tell no man, but goe, and shewe thy selfe vnto the Priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a witnesse to them.

geneva@Matthew:11:4 @ And Iesus answering, said vnto them, Goe, and shewe Iohn, what things ye heare, and see.

geneva@Matthew:12:4 @ How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the (note:)The Hebrews call it «bread of faces», because it stood before the Lord all the week upon the golden table appointed for that service; (Lev_24:6).(:note) shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

geneva@Matthew:12:18 @ Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew (note:)By judgment is meant a godly kingdom, because Christ was to proclaim true religion among the Gentiles, and to cast out superstition; and wherever this is done, the Lord is said to reign and judge there, that is to say, to govern and rule matters.(:note) judgment to the Gentiles.

geneva@Matthew:14:2 @ And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty (note:)By works he means that force and power by which works are performed, and not the works which are often seen before.(:note) works do shew forth themselves in him.

geneva@Matthew:16:1 @ The (note:)The wicked who otherwise disagree with one another, agree well together against Christ, but do what they can, Christ is victorious, and triumphs over them.(:note) Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and To see whether he could do that which they desired, but their purpose was useless for they thought to find something in him by it, in which case they might have just occasion to reprehend him: or else distrust and curiosity moved them to do so, for by such means also is God said to be tempted, that is to say, provoked to anger, as though men would strive with him. tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven.

geneva@Matthew:22:19 @ Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a (note:)Before (Mat_17:24) there is mention made of a didrachma, and here of a penny, whereas a didrachma is more by the seventh part then a penny: so that there seems to be an inconsistency in these two places: but they may easily be reconciled in this way: The penny was paid to the Romans for tribute, according to the proportion they were rated at, and the drachma was payed by everyone to the Temple, which also the Romans took to themselves when they had subdued India.(:note) penny.

geneva@Matthew:24:1 @ And Iesus went out, and departed from the Temple, and his disciples came to him, to shewe him the building of the Temple.

geneva@Matthew:24:24 @ For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and (note:)Will openly set forth great signs for men to behold.(:note) shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

geneva@Mark:2:26 @ How he went into the house of God in the days of (note:)In (1Sa_21:1) he is called Ahimelech and his son is called Abiathar, but by conferring other places it is plain that both of them had two names; see (1Ch_24:6; 2Sa_8:17; 2Sa_15:29; 1Ki_2:26; 2Ki_25:18).(:note) Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him?

geneva@Mark:4:29 @ And assoone as the fruite sheweth it selfe, anon hee putteth in the sickle, because the haruest is come.

geneva@Mark:5:19 @ Howbeit, Iesus would not suffer him, but said vnto him, Goe thy way home to thy friendes, and shewe them what great thinges the Lorde hath done vnto thee, and howe hee hath had compassion on thee.

geneva@Mark:13:22 @ For false Christes shall rise, and false prophets, and shall shewe signes and wonders, to deceiue if it were possible the very elect.

geneva@Mark:13:23 @ But take ye heede: beholde, I haue shewed you all things before.

geneva@Mark:14:15 @ And he will shew you a large (note:)The Greek word signifies that part of the house that is highest from the ground, and because they used to eat supper in that part of the house they called it a supper room, no matter what they were using it for.(:note) upper room furnished [and] prepared: there make ready for us.

geneva@Luke:1:19 @ And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, (note:)That appears, for so the Hebrews use this saying «to stand» to mean that they are ready to do his commandment.(:note) that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings.

geneva@Luke:1:51 @ He hath shewed strength with his (note:)Here many more words than necessary are used, which the Hebrews use very much: and «arm» here is taken for strength.(:note) arm; he hath Even as the wind does to the chaff. scattered the proud in the He has scattered them, and the imagination of their hearts; or, by and through the imagination of their own hearts; so that their wicked counsel turned to their own destruction. imagination of their hearts.

geneva@Luke:1:58 @ And her neighbours, and cousins heard tell howe the Lorde had shewed his great mercie vpon her, and they reioyced with her.

geneva@Luke:1:80 @ And the childe grewe, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the wildernesse, til the day came that he should shewe him selfe vnto Israel.

geneva@Luke:2:15 @ And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs.

geneva@Luke:4:5 @ Then the deuill tooke him vp into an high mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, in the twinkeling of an eye.

geneva@Luke:5:14 @ And he commaunded him that hee should tell it no man: but Go, sayth he, and shew thy selfe to the Priest, and offer for thy clensing, as Moses hath commanded, for a witnes vnto them.

geneva@Luke:6:4 @ Howe he went into the house of God, and tooke, and ate the shewbread, and gaue also to them which were with him, which was not lawful to eate, but for the Priests onely?

geneva@Luke:7:22 @ And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, Goe your wayes and shewe Iohn, what things ye haue seene and heard: that the blinde see, the halt goe, the lepers are cleansed, the deafe heare, the dead are raised, and the poore receiue the Gospel.

geneva@Luke:8:39 @ Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published (note:)That is, the city of the Gadarenes: and though Mark says that he preached it in Decapolis, these accounts do not differ, for Pliny records in lib. 5, chap. 18, that Gadara is a town of Decapolis: so that Decapolis was partly on this side of Jordan, and partly on the other side.(:note) throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.

geneva@Luke:10:37 @ And he saide, He that shewed mercie on him. Then said Iesus vnto him, Goe, and do thou likewise.

geneva@Luke:14:21 @ So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the (note:)Wide and broad areas.(:note) streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

geneva@Luke:17:14 @ And when he saw them, he said vnto them, Goe, shewe your selues vnto the Priestes; it came to passe, that as they went, they were clensed.

geneva@Luke:20:24 @ Shew me a penie. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered, and sayd, Cesars.

geneva@Luke:20:37 @ And that the dead shall rise againe, euen Moses shewed it besides the bush, when he said, The Lord is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob.

geneva@Luke:20:47 @ Which devour widows' (note:)By the figure of speech metonymy, «houses» is understood to mean the goods and substance.(:note) houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

geneva@Luke:22:12 @ Then he shall shewe you a great hie chamber trimmed: there make it ready.

geneva@Luke:24:40 @ And when he had thus spoken, he shewed them his hands and feete.

geneva@John:2:11 @ This beginning of miracles did Iesus in Cana a towne of Galile, and shewed forth his glorie: and his disciples beleeued on him.

geneva@John:5:20 @ For the Father loueth the Sonne, & sheweth him all things, whatsoeuer he himselfe doeth, and he will shewe him greater workes then these, that ye should marueile.

geneva@John:7:4 @ For there is no man that doeth any thing secretely, and hee himselfe seeketh to be famous. If thou doest these things, shewe thy selfe to the worlde.

geneva@John:10:32 @ Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my (note:)Through my Father's authority and power.(:note) Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

geneva@John:11:57 @ Nowe both the hie Priestes and the Pharises had giuen a commaundement, that if any man knew where he were, he should shewe it, that they might take him.

geneva@John:14:8 @ Philippe sayd vnto him, Lord, shewe vs thy Father, and it sufficeth vs.

geneva@John:14:9 @ Iesus sayd vnto him, I haue bene so long time with you, and hast thou not knowen mee, Philippe? he that hath seene me, hath seene my Father: how then sayest thou, Shewe vs thy Father?

geneva@John:16:13 @ Howbeit, when he is come which is the Spirit of trueth, he will leade you into all trueth: for he shall not speake of himselfe, but whatsoeuer he shall heare, shall he speake, and he will shew you the things to come.

geneva@John:16:15 @ All thinges that the Father hath, are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shewe it vnto you.

geneva@John:20:20 @ And when he had so saide, he shewed vnto them his handes, and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they had seene the Lord.

geneva@John:21:1 @ After these things (note:)In that Christ is not only present here but also eats with his disciples, he gives a most full assurance of his resurrection.(:note) Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he [himself].

geneva@John:21:14 @ This is now the third time that Iesus shewed himselfe to his disciples, after that he was risen againe from the dead.

geneva@Acts:1:24 @ And they praied, saying, Thou Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, shewe whether of these two thou hast chosen,

geneva@Acts:2:19 @ And I wil shew wonders in heauen aboue, and tokens in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and the vapour of smoke.

geneva@Acts:3:18 @ But those things, which God before had shewed (note:)Though there were many Prophets, yet he speaks only of one mouth, to show us the consent and agreement of the Prophets.(:note) by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

geneva@Acts:4:22 @ For the man was aboue fourtie yeeres olde, on whome this miracle of healing was shewed.

geneva@Acts:5:12 @ Thus by the hands of the Apostles were many signes and wonders shewed among the people (and they were all with one accorde in Solomons porche.

geneva@Acts:7:3 @ And said vnto him, Come out of thy countrey, and from thy kindred, and come into the land, which I shall shewe thee.

geneva@Acts:7:26 @ And the next day, he shewed himselfe vnto them as they stroue, and woulde haue set them at one againe, saying, Syrs, ye are brethren: why doe ye wrong one to another?

geneva@Acts:7:52 @ Which of the Prophets haue not your fathers persecuted? & they haue slaine them, which shewed before of the comming of that Iust, of whome ye are now the betrayers and murtherers,

geneva@Acts:9:16 @ For I will (note:)I will plainly show him.(:note) shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake.

geneva@Acts:9:39 @ Then Peter arose and came with them: and when hee was come, they brought him into the vpper chamber, where all the widowes stoode by him weeping, and shewing the coates and garments, which Dorcas made, while she was with them.

geneva@Acts:10:28 @ And he sayd vnto them, Ye know that it is an vnlawfull thing for a man that is a Iewe, to company, or come vnto one of another nation: but God hath shewed me, that I should not call any man polluted, or vncleane.

geneva@Acts:10:40 @ Him God raysed vp the third day, and caused that he was shewed openly:

geneva@Acts:11:13 @ And he shewed vs, howe he had seene an Angel in his house, which stoode and said to him, Send men to Ioppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter.

geneva@Acts:16:17 @ She followed Paul and vs, and cryed, saying, These men are the seruants of the most high God, which shewe vnto you the way of saluation.

geneva@Acts:18:28 @ For mightily hee confuted publikely the Iewes, with great vehemencie, shewing by the Scriptures, that Iesus was that Christ.

geneva@Acts:20:20 @ [And] how I kept (note:)I did not refrain form speaking, neither did I conceal my motives in any way at all, either for fear or for wicked gain.(:note) back nothing that was profitable [unto you], but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house,

geneva@Acts:20:35 @ I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought (note:)As it were by reaching out the hand to those who otherwise are about to slip and fall away, and so to steady them.(:note) to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

geneva@Acts:23:19 @ Then the chiefe captaine tooke him by the hande, and went apart with him alone, and asked him, What hast thou to shewe me?

geneva@Acts:23:30 @ And when it was shewed me, how that the Iewes layd waite for the man, I sent him straightway to thee, and commaunded his accusers to speake before thee the thinges that they had against him. Farewell.

geneva@Acts:25:27 @ For me thinketh it vnreasonable to send a prisoner, and not to shewe the causes which are layde against him.

geneva@Acts:26:20 @ But shewed first vnto them of Damascus, and at Hierusalem, & throughout all the coasts of Iudea, & then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turne to God, and doe workes worthy amendement of life.

geneva@Acts:26:23 @ That Christ should (note:)That Christ would not be such a king as the Jews dreamed of, but one appointed to bear our miseries, and the punishment of our sins.(:note) suffer, [and] that he should be the The first of those who are raised from the dead. first that should rise from the dead, and should shew Life, yea and that a most blessed life which will be endless: and this is set against darkness, which almost in all languages sometimes signifies death, and sometimes misery and calamity. light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.

geneva@Acts:28:2 @ And the Barbarians shewed vs no litle kindnesse: for they kindled a fire, and receiued vs euery one, because of the present showre, and because of the colde.

geneva@Acts:28:21 @ Then they saide vnto him, We neither receiued letters out of Iudea concerning thee, neither came any of the brethren that shewed or spake any euill of thee.

geneva@Romans:2:15 @ Which shew the work of the law (note:)This knowledge is a natural knowledge.(:note) written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and [their] thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

geneva@Romans:11:31 @ Euen so nowe haue they not beleeued by the mercie shewed vnto you, that they also may obtaine mercie.

geneva@Romans:12:8 @ Or he that (note:)Who in other passages is called the «pastor».(:note) exhorteth, on exhortation: he that That is, the alms, that he distributes them faithfully, and without any favouritism. giveth, [let him do it] with simplicity; he that The elders of the church. ruleth, with diligence; he that Those that are occupied with the care of the poor must do it with cheerfulness, lest they add sorrow upon sorrow. sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

geneva@1Corinthians:10:28 @ But if any man say vnto you, This is sacrificed vnto idoles, eate it not, because of him that shewed it, and for the conscience (for the earth is the Lords, and all that therein is)

geneva@1Corinthians:11:26 @ For as often as ye shall eate this bread, and drinke this cup, ye shewe the Lords death till hee come.

geneva@2Corinthians:7:11 @ For beholde, this thing that ye haue bene godly sory, what great care it hath wrought in you: yea, what clearing of yourselues: yea, what indignation: yea, what feare: yea, howe great desire: yea, what a zeale: yea, what reuenge: in all things ye haue shewed your selues, that ye are pure in this matter.

geneva@2Corinthians:8:24 @ Wherefore shew ye to them, and before the (note:)All the churches in whose presence you are in will be witnesses of this your godly behaviour, for these men are the messengers whom they have chosen by common consent, and sent to you.(:note) churches, the proof of your love, and of our boasting on your behalf.

geneva@Galatians:6:12 @ As many as desire to make a (note:)He sets a fair show against the truth.(:note) fair shew in In the keeping of ceremonies. the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the For the preaching of him that was crucified. cross of Christ.

geneva@Ephesians:2:7 @ That he might shewe in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace, through his kindnesse toward vs in Christ Iesus.

geneva@Ephesians:3:3 @ That is, that God by reuelation hath shewed this mysterie vnto me (as I wrote aboue in fewe wordes,

geneva@Colossians:2:15 @ [And] having spoiled (note:)Satan and his angels.(:note) principalities and powers, he As a conqueror he made show of those captives, and put them to shame. made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in That is, the cross. The cross was a chariot of triumph. No conqueror could have triumphed so gloriously in his chariot, as Christ did upon the cross. it.

geneva@Colossians:4:9 @ With Onesimus a faithfull and a beloued brother, who is one of you. They shall shew you of all things here.

geneva@1Thessalonians:1:9 @ For (note:)All the believers.(:note) they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, It is no true conversion to forsake idols, unless a man in addition worships the true and living God in Christ the only Redeemer. and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;

geneva@2Thessalonians:2:4 @ Who opposeth and (note:)All men know who he is that says he can shut up heaven and open it at his pleasure, and takes upon himself to be lord and master above all kings and princes, before whom kings and princes fall down and worship, honouring that antichrist as a god.(:note) exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; He foretells that the antichrist (that is, whoever he is that will occupy that seat that falls away from God) will not reign outside of the Church, but in the very bosom of the Church. so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

geneva@1Timothy:1:16 @ Notwithstanding, for this cause was I receiued to mercie, that Iesus Christ should first shewe on me all long suffering vnto the ensample of them, which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life.

geneva@1Timothy:6:15 @ Which in his times he shall shew, [who is] the (note:)He combines many words together for one purpose: by which he confirms the power of God, which if we trust steadfastly in, we will not be moved out of our position.(:note) blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

geneva@Titus:2:10 @ Neither pickers, but that they shew al good faithfulnesse, that they may adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things.

geneva@Titus:3:2 @ That they speake euill of no man, that they be no fighters, but soft, shewing all meekenesse vnto all men.

geneva@Titus:3:14 @ And let ours also learne to shewe foorth good woorkes for necessary vses, that they be not vnfruitfull.

geneva@Hebrews:6:11 @ And we desire that euery one of you shew the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope vnto the ende,

geneva@Hebrews:6:17 @ Wherein God, willing more (note:)More than was needed, were it not for the wickedness of men who do not believe God, even though he swears.(:note) abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed [it] by an oath:

geneva@Hebrews:8:5 @ Who serue vnto the paterne and shadowe of heauenly things, as Moses was warned by God, whe he was about to finish the Tabernacle. See, saide hee, that thou make all thinges according to the paterne, shewed to thee in the mount.

geneva@Hebrews:9:2 @ For the first Tabernacle was made, wherein was the candlesticke, and the table, and the shewebread, which Tabernacle is called the Holy places.

geneva@James:2:13 @ For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no (note:)He that is harsh and short with his neighbour, or else does not help him, he shall find God a hard and rough judge to him.(:note) mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

geneva@James:2:18 @ Yea, (note:)No, by this every man will be eaten up with pride.(:note) a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

geneva@2Peter:1:14 @ Seeing I knowe that the time is at hand that I must lay downe this my tabernacle, euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me.

geneva@1John:1:2 @ (For the life was manifested, and we have seen [it], and bear witness, and (note:)Being sent by him: and that doctrine is correctly said to be shown, for no man could so much as have thought of it, if it had not been thus shown.(:note) shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)

geneva@Revelation:1:1 @ The (note:)This chapter has two principal parts, the title or inscription, which stands in place of an introduction: and a narration going before the whole prophecy of this book. The inscription is double, general and particular. In (Rev_1:1) the general inscription contains the kind of prophecy, the author, end, matter, instruments, and manner of communication the same, in (Rev_1:2) the most religious faithfulness of the apostle as public witness and the use of communicating the same, taken from the promise of God, and from the circumstance of the time, (Rev_1:3)(:note)An opening of secret and hidden things. Revelation of Which the Son opened to us out of his Father's bosom by angels. Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John:[1 AD] The dragon watches the Church of the Jews, which was ready to travail: She brings forth, flees and hides herself, while Christ was yet on the earth. [34 AD] The dragon persecutes Christ ascending to heaven, he fights and is thrown down: and after persecutes the Church of the Jews. [67 AD] The Church of the Jews is received into the wilderness for three years and a half. [70 AD] When the Church of the Jews was overthrown, the dragon invaded the catholic church: all this is in the twelfth chapter. The dragon is bound for a thousand years in chapter twenty. The dragon raises up the beast with seven heads, and the beast with two heads, which make havock of the catholic church and her prophets for 1260 years after the passion of Christ in (Rev_13:11). [97 AD] The seven churches are admonished of things present, somewhat before the end of Domitian his reign, and are forewarned of the persecution to come under Trajan for ten years, chapter 2,3. God by word and signs provokes the world, and seals the godly in chapter 6 and 7. He shows examples of his wrath on all creatures, mankind excepted in chapter 8. [1073 AD] The dragon is let loose after a thousand years, and Gregory the seventh, being Pope, rages against Henry the third, then Emperor in chapter 20. [1217 AD] The dragon vexes the world for 150 years to Gregory the ninth, who wrote the Decretals, and most cruelly persecuted the Emperor Fredrick the second. [1295 AD] The dragon kills the prophets after 1260 years, when Boniface the eighth was Pope, who was the author of the sixth book of the Decretals: he excommunicated Philip the French King. [1300 AD] Boniface celebrates the Jubile. [1301 AD] About this time was a great earthquake, which overthrew many houses in Rome. [1305 AD] Prophecy ceases for three years and a half, until Benedict the second succeeded after Boniface the eighth. Prophecy is revived in chapter 11. The dragon and the two beasts question prophecy in chapter 13. Christ defends his Church in word and deed, chapter 14, and with threats and arms, chapter 16. Christ gives his Church victory over the harlot, chapter 17 and 18. Over the two beasts, chapter 19. Over the dragon and death, chapter 20. The Church is fully glorified in heaven with eternal glory, in Christ Jesus, chapter 21 and 22.

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