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drb@Matthew:11:11 @Amen I say to you, there hath not risen among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist: yet he that is the lesser in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he

drb@Matthew:12:45 @As he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold his mother and his brethren stood without, seeking to speak to him.

drb@Matthew:13:21 @Yet hath he not root in himself, but is only for a time: and when there ariseth tribulation and persecution because of the word, he is presently scandalized.

drb@Matthew:13:44 @The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

drb@Matthew:14:9 @And the king was struck sad: yet because of his oath, and for them that sat with him at table, he commanded it to be given.

drb@Matthew:15:16 @But he said: Are you also yet without understanding?

drb@Matthew:16:9 @Do you not yet understand, neither do you remember the five loaves among five thousand men, and how many baskets you took up?

drb@Matthew:17:5 @And as he was yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them. And lo, a voice out of the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: hear ye him.

drb@Matthew:19:20 @The young man saith to him: All these I have kept from my youth, what is yet wanting to me?

drb@Matthew:24:6 @And you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that ye be not troubled. For these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

drb@Matthew:26:47 @As he yet spoke, behold Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs, sent from the chief priests and the ancients of the people.

drb@Matthew:27:63 @Saying: Sir, we have remembered, that that seducer said, while he was yet alive: After three days I will rise again.

drb@Mark:4:40 @And he said to them: Why are you fearful? have you not faith yet? And they feared exceedingly: and they said one to another: Who is this (thinkest thou) that both wind and sea obey him?

drb@Mark:5:35 @While he was yet speaking, some come from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying: Thy daughter is dead: why dost thou trouble the master any further?

drb@Mark:6:26 @And the king was struck sad. Yet because of his oath, and because of them that were with him at table, he would not displease her:

drb@Mark:8:17 @Which Jesus knowing, saith to them: Why do you reason, because you have no bread? do you not yet know nor understand? have you still your heart blinded?

drb@Mark:8:21 @And he said to them: How do you not yet understand?

drb@Mark:11:2 @And saith to them: Go into the village that is over against you, and immediately at your coming in thither, you shall find a colt tied, upon which no man yet hath sat: loose him, and bring him.

drb@Mark:12:6 @Therefore having yet one son, most dear to him; he also sent him unto them last of all, saying: They will reverence my son.

drb@Mark:13:7 @And when you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, fear ye not. For such things must needs be, but the end is not yet.

drb@Mark:14:29 @But Peter saith to him: Although all shall be scandalized in thee, yet not I.

drb@Mark:14:43 @And while he was yet speaking, cometh Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve: and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the ancients.

drb@Luke:8:49 @As he was yet speaking, there cometh one to the ruler of the synagogue, saying to him: Thy daughter is dead, trouble him not.

drb@Luke:10:11 @Even the very dust of your city that cleaveth to us, we wipe off against you. Yet know this, that the kingdom of God is at hand.

drb@Luke:10:20 @But yet rejoice not in this, that spirits are subject unto you; but rejoice in this, that your names are written in heaven.

drb@Luke:11:8 @Yet if he shall continue knocking, I say to you, although he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend; yet, because of his importunity, he will rise, and give him as many as he needeth.

drb@Luke:11:41 @But yet that which remaineth, give alms; and behold, all things are clean unto you.

drb@Luke:12:21 @So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God.

drb@Luke:14:22 @And the servant said: Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.

drb@Luke:14:32 @Or else, whilst the other is yet afar off, sending an embassy, he desireth conditions of peace.

drb@Luke:15:20 @And rising up he came to his father. And when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and running to him fell upon his neck, and kissed him.

drb@Luke:15:29 @And he answering, said to his father: Behold, for so many years do I serve thee, and I have never transgressed thy commandment, and yet thou hast never given me a kid to make merry with my friends:

drb@Luke:18:5 @Yet because this widow is troublesome to me, I will avenge her, lest continually coming she weary me.

drb@Luke:18:8 @I say to you, that he will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when he cometh, shall he find, think you, faith on earth?

drb@Luke:18:22 @Which when Jesus had heard, he said to him: Yet one thing is wanting to thee: sell all whatever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

drb@Luke:21:9 @And when you shall hear of wars and seditions, be not terrified: these things must first come to pass; but the end is not yet presently.

drb@Luke:22:21 @But yet behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.

drb@Luke:22:22 @And the Son of man indeed goeth, according to that which is determined: but yet, woe to that man by whom he shall be betrayed.

drb@Luke:22:37 @For I say to you, that this that is written must yet be fulfilled in me: And with the wicked was he reckoned. For the things concerning me have an end.

drb@Luke:22:42 @Saying: Father, if thou wilt, remove this chalice from me: but yet not my will, but thine be done.

drb@Luke:22:47 @As he was yet speaking, behold a multitude; and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near to Jesus, for to kiss him.

drb@Luke:22:60 @And Peter said: Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, as he was yet speaking, the cock crew.

drb@Luke:23:53 @And taking him down, he wrapped him in fine linen, and laid him in a sepulchre that was hewed in stone, wherein never yet any man had been laid.

drb@Luke:24:41 @But while they yet believed not, and wondered for joy, he said: Have you any thing to eat?

drb@Luke:24:44 @And he said to them: These are the words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that all things must needs be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.

drb@John:2:4 @And Jesus saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come.

drb@John:3:24 @For John was not yet cast into prison.

drb@John:4:26 @And immediately his disciples came; and they wondered that he talked with the woman. Yet no man said: What seekest thou? or, why talkest thou with her?

drb@John:4:34 @Do you not say, There are yet four months, and then the harvest cometh? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and see the countries; for they are white already to harvest.

drb@John:7:6 @Then Jesus said to them: My time is not yet come; but your time is always ready.

drb@John:7:13 @Yet no man spoke openly of him, for fear of the Jews.

drb@John:7:19 @Did Moses not give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law?

drb@John:7:30 @They sought therefore to apprehend him: and no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.

drb@John:7:33 @Jesus therefore said to them: Yet a little while I am with you: and then I go to him that sent me.

drb@John:7:39 @Now this he said of the Spirit which they should receive, who believed in him: for as yet the Spirit was not given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

drb@John:8:20 @These words Jesus spoke in the treasury, teaching in the temple: and no man laid hands on him, because his hour was not yet come.

drb@John:8:57 @The Jews therefore said to him: Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

drb@John:11:30 @For Jesus was not yet come into the town: but he was still in that place where Martha had met him.

drb@John:12:35 @Jesus therefore said to them: Yet a little while, the light is among you. Walk whilst you have the light, that the darkness overtake you not. And he that walketh in darkness, knoweth not whither he goeth.

drb@John:13:4 @He riseth from supper, and layeth aside his garments, and having taken a towel, girded himself.

drb@John:13:33 @Little children, yet a little while I am with you. You shall seek me; and as I said to the Jews: Whither I go you cannot come; so I say to you now.

drb@John:14:19 @Yet a little while: and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, and you shall live.

drb@John:16:12 @I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now.

drb@John:16:32 @Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now come, that you shall be scattered every man to his own, and shall leave me alone; and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

drb@John:19:41 @Now there was in the place where he was crucified, a garden; and in the garden a new sepulchre, wherein no man yet had been laid.

drb@John:20:1 @And on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalen cometh early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre; and she saw the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

drb@John:20:5 @And when he stooped down, he saw the linen cloths lying; but yet he went not in.

drb@John:20:9 @For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

drb@John:20:17 @Jesus saith to her: Do not touch me, for I am not yet ascended to my Father. But go to my brethren, and say to them: I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and your God.

drb@John:21:4 @But when the morning was come, Jesus stood on the shore: yet the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.

drb@Acts:7:5 @And he gave him no inheritance in it; no, not the pace of a foot: but he promised to give it him in possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.

drb@Acts:7:48 @Yet the most High dwelleth not in houses made by hands, as the prophet saith:

drb@Acts:8:16 @For he was not as yet come upon any of them; but they were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

drb@Acts:9:1 @And Saul, as yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,

drb@Acts:9:11 @And the Lord said to him: Arise, and go into the street that is called Stait, and seek in the house of Judas, one named Saul of Tarsus. For behold he prayeth.

drb@Acts:10:44 @While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word.

drb@Acts:18:18 @But Paul, when he had stayed yet many days, taking his leave of the brethren, sailed thence into Syria (and with him Priscilla and Aquila), having shorn his head in Cenchrae: for he had a vow.

drb@Acts:24:11 @For thou mayest understand, that there are yet but twelve days, since I went up to adore in Jerusalem:

drb@Acts:25:25 @Yet have I found nothing that he hath committed worthy of death. But forasmuch as he himself hath appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.

drb@Acts:26:11 @And oftentimes punishing them, in every synagogue, I compelled them to blaspheme: and being yet more mad against them, I persecuted them even unto foreign cities

drb@Acts:28:4 @And when the barbarians saw the beast hanging on his hand, they said one to another: Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, who though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance doth not suffer him to live.

drb@Romans:3:7 @For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie, unto his glory, why am I also yet judged as a sinner?

drb@Romans:4:5 @But to him that worketh not, yet believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is reputed to justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God.

drb@Romans:5:6 @For why did Christ, when as yet we were weak, according to the time, die for the ungodly?

drb@Romans:5:7 @For scarce for a just man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man some one would dare to die.

drb@Romans:5:8 @But God commendeth his charity towards us; because when as yet we were sinners, according to the time,

drb@Romans:8:17 @And if sons, heirs also; heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ: yet so, if we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him.

drb@Romans:9:2 @For when the children were not yet born, nor had done any good or evil (that the purpose of God, according to election, might stand,)

drb@1Corinthians:2:6 @Howbeit we speak wisdom among the perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, neither of the princes of this world that come to nought;

drb@1Corinthians:3:2 @I gave you milk to drink, not meat; for you were not able as yet. But neither indeed are you now able; for you are yet carnal.

drb@1Corinthians:3:15 @If any man's work burn, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

drb@1Corinthians:4:4 @For I am not conscious to myself of any thing, yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth me, is the Lord.

drb@1Corinthians:4:15 @For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers. For in Christ Jesus, by the gospel, I have begotten you.

drb@1Corinthians:8:2 @And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he hath not yet known as he ought to know.

drb@1Corinthians:8:6 @Yet to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

drb@1Corinthians:9:2 @And if unto others I be not an apostle, but yet to you I am. For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.

drb@1Corinthians:11:11 @But yet neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord

drb@1Corinthians:12:12 @For as the body is one, and hath many members; and all the members of the body, whereas they are many, yet are one body, so also is Christ.

drb@1Corinthians:12:20 @But now there are many members indeed, yet one body.

drb@1Corinthians:12:31 @But be zealous for the better gifts. And I shew unto you yet a more excellent way.

drb@1Corinthians:14:2 @For he that speaketh in a tongue, speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man heareth. Yet by the Spirit he speaketh mysteries.

drb@1Corinthians:14:14 @For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is without fruit.

drb@1Corinthians:15:10 @But by the grace of God, I am what I am; and his grace in me hath not been void, but I have laboured more abundantly than all they: yet not I, but the grace of God with me.

drb@1Corinthians:15:17 @And if Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain, for you are yet in your sins.

drb@1Corinthians:15:46 @Yet that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; afterwards that which is spiritual.

drb@2Corinthians:1:10 @Who hath delivered and doth deliver us out of so great dangers: in whom we trust that he will yet also deliver us.

drb@2Corinthians:4:16 @For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man is corrupted, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

drb@2Corinthians:5:3 @Yet so that we be found clothed, not naked.

drb@2Corinthians:6:8 @By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet known;

drb@2Corinthians:6:10 @As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as needy, yet enriching many; as having nothing, and possessing all things.

drb@2Corinthians:11:6 @For although I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but in all things we have been made manifest to you.

drb@2Corinthians:12:12 @Yet the signs of my apostleship have been wrought on you, in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.

drb@2Corinthians:13:4 @For although he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him: but we shall live with him by the power of God towards you.

drb@Galatians:1:10 @For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

drb@Galatians:3:4 @Have you suffered so great things in vain? If it be yet in vain.

drb@Galatians:3:15 @Brethren (I speak after the manner of man,) yet a man's testament, if it be confirmed, no man despiseth, nor addeth to it.

drb@Galatians:5:11 @And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Then is the scandal of the cross made void.

drb@Ephesians:3:2 @If yet you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me towards you:

drb@Colossians:1:22 @Yet now he hath reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unspotted, and blameless before him:

drb@Colossians:2:5 @For though I be absent in body, yet in spirit I am with you; rejoicing, and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith which is in Christ.

drb@Colossians:2:20 @If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world?

drb@2Thessalonians:2:5 @Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

drb@2Thessalonians:3:15 @Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

drb@1Timothy:2:15 @Yet she shall be saved through childbearing; if she continue in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

drb@Hebrews:2:8 @Thou hast subjected all things under his feet. For in that he hath subjected all things to him, he left nothing not subject to him. But now we see not as yet all things subject to him.

drb@Hebrews:3:14 @For we are made partakers of Christ: yet so, if we hold the beginning of his substance firm unto the end.

drb@Hebrews:7:10 @For he was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedech met him.

drb@Hebrews:7:15 @And it is yet far more evident: if according to the similitude of Melchisedech there ariseth another priest,

drb@Hebrews:8:13 @Now in saying a new, he hath made the former old. And that which decayeth and groweth old, is near its end.

drb@Hebrews:9:8 @The Holy Ghost signifying this, that the way into the holies was not yet made manifest, whilst the former tabernacle was yet standing.

drb@Hebrews:9:17 @For a testament is of force, after men are dead: otherwise it is as yet of no strength, whilst the testator liveth.

drb@Hebrews:9:25 @Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holies, every year with the blood of others:

drb@Hebrews:10:37 @For yet a little and a very little while, and he that is to come, will come, and will not delay.

drb@Hebrews:11:4 @By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice exceeding that of Cain, by which he obtained a testimony that he was just, God giving testimony to his gifts; and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

drb@Hebrews:11:7 @By faith Noe, having received an answer concerning those things which as yet were not seen, moved with fear, framed the ark for the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world; and was instituted heir of the justice which is by faith.

drb@Hebrews:11:31 @And what shall I yet say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, Barac, Samson, Jephthe, David, Samuel, and the prophets:

drb@Hebrews:12:4 @For you have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin:

drb@Hebrews:12:26 @Whose voice then moved the earth; but now he promiseth, saying: Yet once more, and I will move not only the earth, but heaven also.

drb@Hebrews:12:27 @And in that he saith, Yet once more, he signifieth the translation of the moveable things as made, that those things may remain which are immoveable.

drb@James:2:16 @And one of you say to them: Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; yet give them not those things that are necessary for the body, what shall it profit?

drb@James:3:4 @Behold also ships, whereas they are great, and are driven by strong winds, yet are they turned about with a small helm, whithersoever the force of the governor willeth.

drb@2Peter:3:9 @The Lord delayeth not his promise, as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance.

drb@1John:3:2 @Dearly beloved, we are now the sons of God; and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be. We know, that, when he shall appear, we shall be like to him: because we shall see him as he is.

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