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dby@Mark:9:39 @ But Jesus said, Forbid him not; for there is no one who shall do a miracle in my name, and be able soon [after] to speak ill of me;

dby@Mark:10:14 @ But Jesus seeing [it], was indignant, and said to them, Suffer the little children to come to me; forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.

dby@Mark:14:34 @ And he says to them, My soul is full of grief even unto death; abide here and watch.

dby@Luke:2:8 @ And there were shepherds in that country abiding without, and keeping watch by night over their flock.

dby@Luke:6:29 @ To him that smites thee on the cheek, offer also the other; and from him that would take away thy garment, forbid not thy body-coat also.

dby@Luke:8:27 @ And as he got out [of the ship] on the land, a certain man out of the city met him, who had demons a long time, and put on no clothes, and did not abide in a house, but in the tombs.

dby@Luke:9:4 @ And into whatsoever house ye enter, there abide and thence go forth.

dby@Luke:9:50 @ And Jesus said to him, Forbid [him] not, for he that is not against you is for you.

dby@Luke:9:61 @ And another also said, I will follow thee, Lord, but first allow me to bid adieu to those at my house.

dby@Luke:10:7 @ And in the same house abide, eating and drinking such things as they have; for the workman is worthy of his hire. Remove not from house to house.

dby@Luke:18:16 @ But Jesus calling them to [him] said, Suffer little children to come to me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of God.

dby@Luke:23:2 @ And they began to accuse him, saying, We have found this [man] perverting our nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ, a king.

dby@John:1:33 @ And I knew him not; but he who sent me to baptise with water, he said to me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding on him, he it is who baptises with [the] Holy Spirit.

dby@John:1:38 @ But Jesus having turned, and seeing them following, says to them, What seek ye? And they said to him, Rabbi (which, being interpreted, signifies Teacher), where abidest thou?

dby@John:3:36 @ He that believes on the Son has life eternal, and he that is not subject to the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides upon him.

dby@John:4:40 @ When therefore the Samaritans came to him they asked him to abide with them, and he abode there two days.

dby@John:5:38 @ and ye have not his word abiding in you; for whom he hath sent, him ye do not believe.

dby@John:6:27 @ Work not [for] the food which perishes, but [for] the food which abides unto life eternal, which the Son of man shall give to you; for him has the Father sealed, [even] God.

dby@John:8:31 @ Jesus therefore said to the Jews who believed him, If ye abide in my word, ye are truly my disciples;

dby@John:8:35 @ Now the bondman abides not in the house for ever: the son abides for ever.

dby@John:12:24 @ Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, it abides alone; but if it die, it bears much fruit.

dby@John:12:34 @ The crowd answered him, We have heard out of the law that the Christ abides for ever; and how sayest thou that the Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this, the Son of man?

dby@John:12:46 @ I am come into the world [as] light, that every one that believes on me may not abide in darkness;

dby@John:14:10 @ Believest thou not that I [am] in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words which I speak to you I do not speak from myself; but the Father who abides in me, he does the works.

dby@John:14:17 @ the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see him nor know him; but ye know him, for he abides with you, and shall be in you.

dby@John:14:25 @ These things I have said to you, abiding with you;

dby@John:15:4 @ Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abide in the vine, thus neither [can] ye unless ye abide in me.

dby@John:15:5 @ I am the vine, ye [are] the branches. He that abides in me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.

dby@John:15:6 @ Unless any one abide in me he is cast out as the branch, and is dried up; and they gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

dby@John:15:7 @ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall come to pass to you.

dby@John:15:9 @ As the Father has loved me, I also have loved you: abide in my love.

dby@John:15:10 @ If ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love, as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.

dby@John:15:16 @ Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and have set you that ye should go and [that] ye should bear fruit, and [that] your fruit should abide, that whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name he may give you.

dby@John:21:22 @ Jesus says to him, If I will that he abide until I come, what [is that] to thee? Follow thou me.

dby@John:21:23 @ This word therefore went out among the brethren, That disciple does not die. And Jesus did not say to him, He does not die; but, If I will that he abide until I come, what [is that] to thee?

dby@Acts:10:47 @ Can any one forbid water that these should not be baptised, who have received the Holy Spirit as we also [did]?

dby@Acts:11:17 @ If then God has given them the same gift as also to us when we had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who indeed was I to be able to forbid God?

dby@Acts:11:23 @ who, having arrived and seeing the grace of God, rejoiced, and exhorted all with purpose of heart to abide with the Lord;

dby@Acts:14:22 @ establishing the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to abide in the faith, and that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God.

dby@Acts:16:6 @ And having passed through Phrygia and the Galatian country, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia,

dby@Acts:16:15 @ And when she had been baptised and her house, she besought [us], saying, If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house and abide [there]. And she constrained us.

dby@Acts:27:31 @ Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, Unless these abide in the ship ye cannot be saved.

dby@Romans:9:11 @ [the children] indeed being not yet born, or having done anything good or worthless (that the purpose of God according to election might abide, not of works, but of him that calls),

dby@Romans:11:22 @ Behold then [the] goodness and severity of God: upon them who have fallen, severity; upon thee goodness of God, if thou shalt abide in goodness, since [otherwise] thou also wilt be cut away.

dby@Romans:11:23 @ And they too, if they abide not in unbelief, shall be grafted in; for God is able again to graft them in.

dby@1Corinthians:3:14 @ If the work of any one which he has built upon [the foundation] shall abide, he shall receive a reward.

dby@1Corinthians:7:20 @ Let each abide in that calling in which he has been called.

dby@1Corinthians:7:24 @ Let each, wherein he is called, brethren, therein abide with God.

dby@1Corinthians:13:13 @ And now abide faith, hope, love; these three things; and the greater of these [is] love.

dby@1Corinthians:14:39 @ So that, brethren, desire to prophesy, and do not forbid the speaking with tongues.

dby@2Corinthians:2:13 @ I had no rest in my spirit at not finding Titus my brother; but bidding them adieu, I came away to Macedonia.

dby@2Corinthians:3:11 @ For if that annulled [was introduced] with glory, much rather that which abides [subsists] in glory.

dby@Philippians:1:25 @ and having confidence of this, I know that I shall remain and abide along with you all, for your progress and joy in faith;

dby@Colossians:1:23 @ if indeed ye abide in the faith founded and firm, and not moved away from the hope of the glad tidings, which ye have heard, which have been proclaimed in the whole creation which [is] under heaven, of which I Paul became minister.

dby@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ forbidding us to speak to the nations that they may be saved, that they may fill up their sins always: but wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.

dby@1Timothy:4:3 @ forbidding to marry, [bidding] to abstain from meats, which God has created for receiving with thanksgiving for them who are faithful and know the truth.

dby@2Timothy:2:13 @ if we are unfaithful, he abides faithful, for he cannot deny himself.

dby@2Timothy:3:14 @ But thou, abide in those things which thou hast learned, and [of which] thou hast been fully persuaded, knowing of whom thou hast learned [them];

dby@Hebrews:7:3 @ without father, without mother, without genealogy; having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but assimilated to the Son of God, abides a priest continually.

dby@Hebrews:10:34 @ For ye both sympathised with prisoners and accepted with joy the plunder of your goods, knowing that ye have for yourselves a better substance, and an abiding one.

dby@Hebrews:13:1 @ Let brotherly love abide.

dby@Hebrews:13:14 @ for we have not here an abiding city, but we seek the coming one.

dby@James:1:25 @ But he that fixes his view on [the] perfect law, that of liberty, and abides in [it], being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of [the] work, he shall be blessed in his doing.

dby@1Peter:1:23 @ being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by [the] living and abiding word of God.

dby@1Peter:1:25 @ but the word of [the] Lord abides for eternity. But this is the word which in the glad tidings [is] preached to you.

dby@1John:2:6 @ He that says he abides in him ought, even as he walked, himself also [so] to walk.

dby@1John:2:10 @ He that loves his brother abides in light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him.

dby@1John:2:14 @ I have written to you, fathers, because ye have known him [that is] from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and ye have overcome the wicked [one].

dby@1John:2:17 @ And the world is passing, and its lust, but he that does the will of God abides for eternity.

dby@1John:2:24 @ As for you let that which ye have heard from the beginning abide in you: if what ye have heard from the beginning abides in you, ye also shall abide in the Son and in the Father.

dby@1John:2:27 @ and yourselves, the unction which ye have received from him abides in you, and ye have not need that any one should teach you; but as the same unction teaches you as to all things, and is true and is not a lie, and even as it has taught you, ye shall abide in him.

dby@1John:2:28 @ And now, children, abide in him, that if he be manifested we may have boldness, and not be put to shame from before him at his coming.

dby@1John:3:6 @ Whoever abides in him, does not sin: whoever sins, has not seen him or known him.

dby@1John:3:9 @ Whoever has been begotten of God does not practise sin, because his seed abides in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God.

dby@1John:3:14 @ We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love [his] brother abides in death.

dby@1John:3:15 @ Every one that hates his brother is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

dby@1John:3:17 @ But whoso may have the world's substance, and see his brother having need, and shut up his bowels from him, how abides the love of God in him?

dby@1John:3:24 @ And he that keeps his commandments abides in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit which he has given to us.

dby@1John:4:12 @ No one has seen God at any time: if we love one another, God abides in us, and his love is perfected in us.

dby@1John:4:13 @ Hereby we know that we abide in him and he in us, that he has given to us of his Spirit.

dby@1John:4:15 @ Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

dby@1John:4:16 @ And we have known and have believed the love which God has to us. God is love, and he that abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

dby@2John:1:2 @ for the truth's sake which abides in us and shall be with us to eternity.

dby@2John:1:9 @ Whosoever goes forward and abides not in the doctrine of the Christ has not God. He that abides in the doctrine, he has both the Father and the Son.

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