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bbe@Matthew:3:11 @Truly, I give baptism with water to those of you whose hearts are changed; but he who comes after me is greater than I, whose shoes I am not good enough to take up: he will give you baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire:

bbe@Matthew:4:4 @But he made answer and said, It is in the Writings, Bread is not man's only need, but every word which comes out of the mouth of God.

bbe@Matthew:5:23 @If then you are making an offering at the altar and there it comes to your mind that your brother has something against you,

bbe@Matthew:5:42 @Give to him who comes with a request, and keep not your property from him who would for a time make use of it.

bbe@Matthew:6:34 @Then have no care for tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Take the trouble of the day as it comes.

bbe@Matthew:8:9 @Because I myself am a man under authority, having under me fighting men; and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it.

bbe@Matthew:10:23 @But when they are cruel to you in one town, go in flight to another: for truly, I say to you, You will not have gone through the towns of Israel before the Son of man comes.

bbe@Matthew:10:27 @What I say to you in the dark, say in the light: and what comes to your ear secretly, say publicly from the house-tops.

bbe@Matthew:10:29 @Are not sparrows two a farthing? and not one of them comes to an end without your Father:

bbe@Matthew:12:44 @Then he says, I will go back into my house from which I came out; and when he comes, he sees that there is no one in it, but that it has been made fair and clean.

bbe@Matthew:13:19 @When the word of the kingdom comes to anyone, and the sense of it is not clear to him, then the Evil One comes, and quickly takes away that which was put in his heart. He is the seed dropped by the wayside.

bbe@Matthew:13:21 @But having no root in himself, he goes on for a time; and when trouble comes or pain, because of the word, he quickly becomes full of doubts.

bbe@Matthew:13:32 @Which is smaller than all seeds; but when it has come up it is greater than the plants, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of heaven come and make their resting-places in its branches.

bbe@Matthew:15:11 @Not that which goes into the mouth makes a man unclean, but that which comes out of the mouth.

bbe@Matthew:17:27 @But, so that we may not be a cause of trouble to them, go to the sea, and let down a hook, and take the first fish which comes up; and in his mouth you will see a bit of money: take that, and give it to them for me and you.

bbe@Matthew:18:7 @A curse is on the earth because of trouble! for it is necessary for trouble to come; but unhappy is that man through whom the trouble comes.

bbe@Matthew:18:13 @And if he comes across it, truly I say to you, he has more joy over it than over the ninety-nine which have not gone out of the way.

bbe@Matthew:21:5 @Say to the daughter of Zion, See, your King comes to you, gentle and seated on an ass, and on a young ass.

bbe@Matthew:21:9 @And those who went before him, and those who came after, gave loud cries, saying, Glory to the Son of David: A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord: Glory in the highest.

bbe@Matthew:21:40 @When, then, the lord of the vine-garden comes, what will he do to those workmen?

bbe@Matthew:21:44 @Any man falling on this stone will be broken, but he on whom it comes down will be crushed to dust.

bbe@Matthew:23:39 @For I say to you, You will not see me from this time till you say, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord.

bbe@Matthew:24:25 @See, I have made it clear to you before it comes about.

bbe@Matthew:24:46 @A blessing on that servant, who will be doing so when his lord comes.

bbe@Matthew:25:6 @But in the middle of the night there is a cry, The husband comes! Go out to him.

bbe@Matthew:25:19 @Now after a long time the lord of those servants comes, and makes up his account with them.

bbe@Matthew:25:31 @But when the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then will he be seated in his glory:

bbe@Matthew:26:36 @Then comes Jesus with them to a place named Gethsemane, and says to his disciples, Be seated here, while I go over there for prayer.

bbe@Matthew:26:40 @And he comes to the disciples, and sees that they are sleeping, and says to Peter, What, were you not able to keep watch with me one hour?

bbe@Matthew:26:45 @Then he comes to the disciples; and says to them, Go on sleeping now, and take your rest: for the hour is come, and the Son of man is given into the hands of evil men.

bbe@Matthew:28:14 @And if this comes to the ruler's ears, we will see that he does not make you responsible.

bbe@Mark:4:15 @And these are they by the wayside, where the word is planted; and when they have given ear, the Evil One comes straight away and takes away the word which has been planted in them.

bbe@Mark:4:17 @And they have no root in themselves, but go on for a time; then, when trouble comes or pain, because of the word, they quickly become full of doubts.

bbe@Mark:4:21 @And he said to them, When the light comes in, do people put it under a vessel, or under the bed, and not on its table?

bbe@Mark:4:32 @But when it is planted, it comes up, and becomes taller than all the plants, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of heaven are able to take rest in its shade.

bbe@Mark:7:20 @And he said, That which comes out of the man, that makes the man unclean.

bbe@Mark:8:38 @Whoever has a feeling of shame because of me and my words in this false and evil generation, the Son of man will have a feeling of shame because of him, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

bbe@Mark:11:9 @And those who went in front, and those who came after, were crying, Glory: A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord:

bbe@Mark:12:19 @Master, in the law Moses says, If a man's brother comes to his end, and has a wife still living and no child, it is right for his brother to take his wife, and get a family for his brother.

bbe@Luke:1:43 @How is it that the mother of my Lord comes to me?

bbe@Luke:6:30 @Give to everyone who comes with a request, and if a man takes away your property, make no attempt to get it back again.

bbe@Luke:6:47 @Everyone who comes to me and gives ear to my words and does them, I will make clear to you what he is like:

bbe@Luke:7:8 @For I, myself, am a man under authority, having men under me; and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it.

bbe@Luke:8:12 @Those by the side of the road are those who have given hearing; then the Evil One comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not have faith and get salvation.

bbe@Luke:8:13 @And those on the rock are those who with joy give hearing to the word; but having no root, they have faith for a time, and when the test comes they give up.

bbe@Luke:9:26 @For if any man has a feeling of shame because of me or of my words, the Son of man will have shame because of him when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

bbe@Luke:11:17 @But he, having knowledge of their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom in which there is division is made waste; and a house in which there is division comes to destruction.

bbe@Luke:11:22 @But when one who is stronger makes an attack on him and overcomes him, he takes away his instruments of war, in which he had put his faith, and makes division of his goods.

bbe@Luke:11:25 @And when he comes, he sees that it has been made fair and clean.

bbe@Luke:12:21 @So that is what comes to the man who gets wealth for himself, and has not wealth in the eyes of God.

bbe@Luke:12:36 @And be like men who are looking for their lord, when he comes back from the bride-feast; so that when he comes to the door, it will be open to him quickly.

bbe@Luke:12:37 @Happy are those servants who are watching when the lord comes; truly I say to you, he will make himself their servant and, placing them at the table, he will come out and give them food.

bbe@Luke:12:38 @And if he comes in the second division of the night or in the third, and they are watching for him, happy are those servants.

bbe@Luke:12:43 @Happy is that servant who, when his lord comes, is doing so.

bbe@Luke:13:35 @Now see, your house is waste, and I say to you, You will not see me again till you say, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord.

bbe@Luke:14:10 @But when you come, go and take the lowest seat, so that when the giver of the feast comes, he may say to you, Friend, come up higher; and then you will have honour in the eyes of all the others who are there.

bbe@Luke:14:26 @And turning round, he said to them, If any man comes to me, and has not hate for his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and even for his life, he may not be my disciple.

bbe@Luke:14:31 @Or what king, going to war with another king, will not first take thought if he will be strong enough, with ten thousand men, to keep off him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

bbe@Luke:16:9 @And I say to you, Make friends for yourselves through the wealth of this life, so that when it comes to an end, you may be taken into the eternal resting-places.

bbe@Luke:16:31 @And he said to him, If they will not give attention to Moses and the prophets, they will not be moved even if someone comes back from the dead.

bbe@Luke:17:4 @And if he does you wrong seven times in a day, and seven times comes to you and says, I have regret for what I have done; let him have forgiveness.

bbe@Luke:17:7 @But which of you, having a servant who is ploughing or keeping sheep, will say to him, when he comes in from the field, Come now and be seated and have a meal,

bbe@Luke:17:24 @For as in a thunderstorm the bright light is seen from one end of the sky to the other, so will the Son of man be when his time comes.

bbe@Luke:18:8 @I say to you that he will quickly do right in their cause. But when the Son of man comes, will there be any faith on earth?

bbe@Luke:19:38 @Saying, A blessing on the King who comes in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven and glory in the highest.

bbe@Luke:20:18 @Everyone falling on that stone will be broken, but the man on whom the stone comes down will be crushed to dust.

bbe@Luke:20:28 @Master, Moses said that if a man's brother comes to his end, having a wife, but no children, his brother is to take the wife, and get a family for his brother.

bbe@Luke:21:9 @And when news of wars and troubled times comes to your ears, have no fear; for these things have to be, but the end will not be now.

bbe@Luke:21:14 @So take care not to be troubled before the time comes, about what answers you will give:

bbe@Luke:24:49 @And now I will send to you what my father has undertaken to give you, but do not go from the town, till the power from heaven comes to you.

bbe@John:3:8 @The wind goes where its pleasure takes it, and the sound of it comes to your ears, but you are unable to say where it comes from and where it goes: so it is with everyone whose birth is from the Spirit.

bbe@John:3:21 @But he whose life is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his acts have been done by the help of God.

bbe@John:3:31 @He who comes from heaven is greater than all others: he who comes from earth is of the earth, and of the earth are his words: he who comes from heaven is over all.

bbe@John:4:22 @You give worship, but without knowledge of what you are worshipping: we give worship to what we have knowledge of: for salvation comes from the Jews.

bbe@John:4:25 @The woman said to him, I am certain that the Messiah, who is named Christ, is coming; when he comes he will make all things clear to us.

bbe@John:5:14 @After a time Jesus came across him in the Temple and said to him, See, you are well and strong; do no more sin for fear a worse thing comes to you.

bbe@John:5:30 @Of myself I am unable to do anything: as the voice comes to me so I give a decision: and my decision is right because I have no desire to do what is pleasing to myself, but only what is pleasing to him who sent me.

bbe@John:5:43 @I have come in my Father's name, and your hearts are not open to me. If another comes with no other authority but himself, you will give him your approval.

bbe@John:5:44 @How is it possible for you to have faith while you take honour one from another and have no desire for the honour which comes from the only God?

bbe@John:6:27 @Let your work not be for the food which comes to an end, but for the food which goes on for eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you, for on him has God the Father put his mark.

bbe@John:6:33 @The bread of God is the bread which comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world.

bbe@John:6:35 @And this was the answer of Jesus: I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be in need of food, and he who has faith in me will never be in need of drink.

bbe@John:6:37 @Whatever the Father gives to me will come to me; and I will not send away anyone who comes to me.

bbe@John:6:45 @The writings of the prophets say, And they will all have teaching from God. Everyone whose ears have been open to the teaching of the Father comes to me.

bbe@John:6:50 @The bread which comes from heaven is such bread that a man may take it for food and never see death.

bbe@John:7:17 @If any man is ready to do God's pleasure he will have knowledge of the teaching and of where it comes from--from God or from myself.

bbe@John:7:22 @Moses gave you circumcision--not that it comes from Moses, but from the fathers--and even on the Sabbath you give a child circumcision.

bbe@John:7:27 @However, it is clear to us where this man comes from: but when the Christ comes no one will have knowledge where he comes from.

bbe@John:7:31 @And numbers of the people had belief in him, and they said, When the Christ comes will he do more signs than this man has done?

bbe@John:7:42 @Do not the Writings say that the Christ comes of the seed of David and from Beth-lehem, the little town where David was?

bbe@John:7:52 @This was their answer: And do you come from Galilee? Make search and you will see that no prophet comes out of Galilee.

bbe@John:8:12 @Then again Jesus said to them, I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.

bbe@John:9:4 @While it is day we have to do the works of him who sent me: the night comes when no work may be done.

bbe@John:9:29 @We are certain that God gave his word to Moses: but as for this man, we have no knowledge where he comes from.

bbe@John:9:30 @The man said in answer, Why, here is a strange thing! You have no knowledge where he comes from though he gave me the use of my eyes.

bbe@John:10:10 @The thief comes only to take the sheep and to put them to death: he comes for their destruction: I have come so that they may have life and have it in greater measure.

bbe@John:10:12 @He who is a servant, and not the keeper or the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming and goes in flight, away from the sheep; and the wolf comes down on them and sends them in all directions:

bbe@John:12:13 @Took branches of palm-trees and went out to him, crying, A blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!

bbe@John:12:26 @If any man is my servant, let him come after me; and where I am, there will my servant be. If any man becomes my servant, my Father will give him honour.

bbe@John:14:6 @Jesus said to him, I am the true and living way: no one comes to the Father but by me.

bbe@John:14:29 @And now I have given you word of it before it comes, so that, when it comes, you may have faith.

bbe@John:14:30 @After this I will not say much to you, because the ruler of this world comes: and he has no power over me;

bbe@John:14:31 @But he comes so that the world may see that I have love for the Father, and that I am doing as I am ordered by the Father. Get up, and let us go.

bbe@John:15:6 @If a man does not keep himself in me, he becomes dead and is cut off like a dry branch; such branches are taken up and put in the fire and burned.

bbe@John:15:25 @This comes about so that the writing in their law may be made true, Their hate for me was without cause.

bbe@John:15:26 @When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father even the Spirit of true knowledge who comes from the Father--he will give witness about me;

bbe@John:16:4 @I have said these things to you so that when the time comes, what I have said may come to your mind. I did not say them to you at the first, because then I was still with you.

bbe@John:16:8 @And he, when he comes, will make the world conscious of sin, and of righteousness, and of being judged:

bbe@John:17:7 @Now it is clear to them that whatever you have given to me comes from you:

bbe@Acts:2:20 @The sun will become dark and the moon will be turned to blood, before that great day of the Lord comes in glory:

bbe@Acts:24:22 @But Felix, who had a more detailed knowledge of the Way, put them off, saying, When Lysias, the chief captain, comes down, I will give attention to your business.

bbe@Acts:24:25 @And while he was talking about righteousness and self-control and the judging which was to come, Felix had great fear and said, Go away for the present, and when the right time comes I will send for you.

bbe@Romans:3:20 @Because by the works of the law no man is able to have righteousness in his eyes, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.

bbe@Romans:10:17 @So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

bbe@Romans:14:8 @As long as we have life we are living to the Lord; or if we give up our life it is to the Lord; so if we are living, or if our life comes to an end, we are the Lord's.

bbe@Romans:15:12 @And again Isaiah says, There will be the root of Jesse, and he who comes to be the ruler over the Gentiles; in him will the Gentiles put their hope.

bbe@1Corinthians:2:12 @But we have not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which comes from God, so that we may have knowledge of the things which are freely given to us by God.

bbe@1Corinthians:2:14 @For the natural man is not able to take in the things of the Spirit of God: for they seem foolish to him, and he is not able to have knowledge of them, because such knowledge comes only through the Spirit.

bbe@1Corinthians:3:14 @If any man's work comes through the test, he will have a reward.

bbe@1Corinthians:4:5 @For this reason let there be no judging before the time, till the Lord comes, who will make clear the secret things of the dark, and the designs of the heart; and then will every man have his praise from God.

bbe@1Corinthians:7:37 @But the man who is strong in mind and purpose, who is not forced but has control over his desires, does well if he comes to the decision to keep her a virgin.

bbe@1Corinthians:11:26 @For whenever you take the bread and the cup you give witness to the Lord's death till he comes.

bbe@1Corinthians:14:24 @But if all are teaching as prophets, and a man without faith or knowledge comes in, he is tested by all, he is judged by all;

bbe@1Corinthians:15:22 @For as in Adam death comes to all, so in Christ will all come back to life.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:24 @Then comes the end, when he will give up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have put an end to all rule and to all authority and power.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:42 @So is it with the coming back from the dead. It is planted in death; it comes again in life:

bbe@1Corinthians:15:43 @It is planted in shame; it comes again in glory: feeble when it is planted, it comes again in power:

bbe@1Corinthians:15:44 @It is planted a natural body; it comes again as a body of the spirit. If there is a natural body, there is equally a body of the spirit.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:46 @But that which is natural comes before that which is of the spirit.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:53 @For this body which comes to destruction will be made free from the power of death, and the man who is under the power of death will put on eternal life.

bbe@1Corinthians:16:10 @Now if Timothy comes, see that he is with you without fear; because he is doing the Lord's work, even as I am:

bbe@1Corinthians:16:22 @If any man has not love for the Lord, let him be cursed. Maran atha (our Lord comes).

bbe@2Corinthians:3:5 @Not as if we were able by ourselves to do anything for which we might take the credit; but our power comes from God;

bbe@2Corinthians:3:10 @For the glory of the first no longer seems to be glory, because of the greater glory of that which comes after

bbe@2Corinthians:4:7 @But we have this wealth in vessels of earth, so that it may be seen that the power comes not from us but from God;

bbe@2Corinthians:8:13 @And I am not saying this so that others may get off free, while the weight comes on you:

bbe@2Corinthians:8:23 @If any question comes up about Titus, he is my brother-worker, working with me for you; or about the others, they are the representatives of the churches to the glory of Christ.

bbe@2Corinthians:10:13 @We will not give glory to ourselves in over-great measure, but after the measure of the rule which God has given us, a measure which comes even to you.

bbe@2Corinthians:11:4 @For if anyone comes preaching another Jesus from the one whose preachers we are, or if you have got a different spirit, or a different sort of good news from those which came to you, how well you put up with these things.

bbe@2Corinthians:11:28 @In addition to all the other things, there is that which comes on me every day, the care of all the churches.

bbe@Ephesians:2:21 @In whom all the building, rightly joined together, comes to be a holy house of God in the Lord;

bbe@Ephesians:4:2 @With all gentle and quiet behaviour, taking whatever comes, putting up with one another in love;

bbe@Ephesians:5:6 @Do not be turned from the right way by foolish words; for because of these things the punishment of God comes on those who do not put themselves under him.

bbe@Colossians:3:6 @Because of which the wrath of God comes on those who go against his orders;

bbe@Colossians:4:10 @Aristarchus, my brother-prisoner, sends his love to you, and Mark, a relation of Barnabas (about whom you have been given orders: if he comes to you, be kind to him),

bbe@2Thessalonians:1:7 @And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus comes from heaven with the angels of his power in flames of fire,

bbe@2Thessalonians:2:6 @And now it is clear to you what is keeping back his revelation till the time comes for him to be seen.

bbe@2Timothy:3:16 @Every holy Writing which comes from God is of profit for teaching, for training, for guiding, for education in righteousness:

bbe@Hebrews:4:10 @For the man who comes into his rest has had rest from his works, as God did from his

bbe@Hebrews:7:13 @For he of whom these things are said comes of another tribe, of which no man has ever made offerings at the altar.

bbe@Hebrews:7:14 @Because it is clear that our Lord comes out of Judah, and Moses said nothing about priests from that tribe.

bbe@Hebrews:9:10 @Because they are only rules of the flesh, of meats and drinks and washings, which have their place till the time comes when things will be put right.

bbe@Hebrews:9:27 @And because by God's law death comes to men once, and after that they are judged;

bbe@Hebrews:10:5 @So that when he comes into the world, he says, You had no desire for offerings, but you made a body ready for me;

bbe@Hebrews:11:4 @By faith Abel made a better offering to God than Cain, and he had witness through it of his righteousness, God giving his approval of his offering: and his voice still comes to us through it though he is dead.

bbe@Hebrews:11:6 @And without faith it is not possible to be well-pleasing to him, for it is necessary for anyone who comes to God to have the belief that God is, and that he is a rewarder of all those who make a serious search for him.

bbe@Hebrews:12:15 @Looking with care to see that no man among you in his behaviour comes short of the grace of God; for fear that some bitter root may come up to be a trouble to you, and that some of you may be made unclean by it;

bbe@Hebrews:12:25 @See that you give ear to his voice which comes to you. For if those whose ears were shut to the voice which came to them on earth did not go free from punishment, what chance have we of going free if we give no attention to him whose voice comes from heaven?

bbe@Hebrews:13:23 @Our brother Timothy has been let out of prison; and if he comes here in a short time, he and I will come to you together.

bbe@James:1:11 @For when the sun comes up with its burning heat, the grass gets dry and the grace of its form is gone with the falling flower; so the man of wealth comes to nothing in his ways.

bbe@James:1:15 @Then when its time comes, desire gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is of full growth, gives birth to death.

bbe@James:2:2 @For if a man comes into your Synagogue in fair clothing and with a gold ring, and a poor man comes in with dirty clothing,

bbe@James:3:10 @Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing

bbe@1Peter:1:7 @So that the true metal of your faith, being of much greater value than gold (which, though it comes to an end, is tested by fire), may come to light in praise and glory and honour, at the revelation of Jesus Christ:

bbe@1Peter:1:24 @For it is said, All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flower of the grass. The grass becomes dry and the flower dead:

bbe@1Peter:2:12 @Being of good behaviour among the Gentiles; so that though they say now that you are evil-doers, they may see your good works and give glory to God when he comes to be their judge.

bbe@1Peter:5:6 @For this cause make yourselves low under the strong hand of God, so that when the time comes you may be lifted up;

bbe@2Peter:1:19 @And so the words of the prophets are made more certain; and it is well for you to give attention to them as to a light shining in a dark place, till the dawn comes and the morning star is seen in your hearts;

bbe@2Peter:3:14 @For this reason, my loved ones, as you are looking for these things, take great care that when he comes you may be in peace before him, free from sin and every evil thing.

bbe@1John:5:4 @Anything which comes from God is able to overcome the world: and the power by which we have overcome the world is our faith.

bbe@2John:1:10 @If anyone comes to you not having this teaching, do not take him into your house or give him words of love:

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