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geneva@Matthew:3:1 @ In (note:)Not when Joseph went to dwell at Nazareth, but a great while after, about fifteen years: for in the 30th year of his life Jesus was baptized by John: therefore «those days» means the time when Jesus remained as an inhabitant of the town of Nazareth.(:note) those days came John, who through his singular holiness and rare austerity of life caused men to cast their eyes on him, prepares the way for Christ who is following fast on his heels, as the prophet Isaiah foretold, and delivers the sum of the gospel, which a short time later would be delivered more fully. John the Baptist, preaching in the In a hilly country, which was nonetheless inhabited, for Zacharias dwelt there, (Luk_1:39-40), and there was Joab's house, (1Ki_2:34); and besides these, Joshua makes mention of six towns that were in the wilderness, (Jos_15:61-62). wilderness of Judaea,

geneva@Matthew:5:29 @ And if thy (note:)He names the right eye and the right hand, because the parts of the right side of our bodies are the chiefest, and the most ready to commit any wickedness.(:note) right eye Literally, do cause you to offend: for sins are stumbling blocks as it were, that is to say, rocks which we are cast upon. offend thee, pluck it out, and cast [it] from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not [that] thy whole body should be cast into hell.

geneva@Matthew:6:23 @ But if thine eye be wicked, then all thy body shalbe darke. Wherefore if the light that is in thee, be darkenes, howe great is that darkenesse?

geneva@Matthew:7:3 @ And why seest thou the mote, that is in thy brothers eye, and perceiuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye?

geneva@Matthew:7:4 @ Or howe sayest thou to thy brother, Suffer me to cast out the mote out of thine eye, and beholde, a beame is in thine owne eye?

geneva@Matthew:7:5 @ Hypocrite, first cast out that beame out of thine owne eye, and then shalt thou see clearely to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye.

geneva@Matthew:9:29 @ Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it vnto you.

geneva@Matthew:9:30 @ And their eyes were opened, and Iesus gaue them great charge, saying, See that no man knowe it.

geneva@Matthew:13:15 @ For this peoples heart is waxed fat, & their eares are dull of hearing, and with their eyes they haue winked, lest they should see with their eyes, and heare with their eares, & should vnderstand with their hearts, & should returne, that I might heale them.

geneva@Matthew:17:8 @ And when they lifted vp their eyes, they sawe no man, saue Iesus onely.

geneva@Matthew:18:9 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

geneva@Matthew:19:24 @ And again I say unto you, It is (note:)Literally, «it is of less labour».(:note) easier for a Theophylact notes, that by this word is meant a cable rope, but Caninius alleges out of the Talmuds that it is a proverb, and the word «Camel» signifies the beast itself. camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

geneva@Matthew:20:15 @ Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye (note:)Naught, that is to say, do you envy at my goodness towards them? For by an «evil eye» the Hebrews mean «envy», because such dispositions appear chiefly in the eyes, as above in (Mat_6:23). It is set in opposition to the word «single», and it is taken there for corrupt: for whereas he said before in verse 22, «If thine eye be single», he adds in verse 23, «but if thine eye by wicked», or «corrupt», the word being the same in that place as it is here. (Mat_6:22-23)(:note) evil, because I am good?

geneva@Matthew:20:33 @ They saide to him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.

geneva@Matthew:20:34 @ And Iesus mooued with compassion, touched their eyes, & immediatly their eyes receiued sight, and they followed him.

geneva@Matthew:21:42 @ Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the (note:)Master builders, who are chief builders of the house, that is of the Church.(:note) builders rejected, the same is Began to be. become the The chiefest stone in the corner is called the head of the corner: which bears up the couplings or joints of the whole building. head of the corner: That matter (in that the stone which was cast away is made the head) is the Lord's doing which we behold and greatly marvel at. this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

geneva@Matthew:25:5 @ While the bridegroom tarried, they all (note:)Their eyes being heavy with sleep.(:note) slumbered and slept.

geneva@Matthew:26:27 @ And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave [it] to them, saying, Drink ye (note:)Therefore they who took away the cup from the people, disobeyed the instruction of Christ.(:note) all of it;

geneva@Matthew:26:43 @ And he came, and founde them a sleepe againe, for their eyes were heauie.

geneva@Matthew:28:3 @ His (note:)The beams of his eyes, and by the figure of speech called synecdoche, this is understood as the countenance.(:note) countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:

geneva@Mark:7:22 @ Thefts, (note:)All types of craftiness by which men profit themselves at other men's losses.(:note) covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an Corrupted malice. evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

geneva@Mark:8:18 @ Haue yee eyes, and see not? and haue yee eares, and heare not? and doe ye not remember?

geneva@Mark:8:23 @ Then he tooke the blinde by the hand, and ledde him out of the towne, and spat in his eyes, and put his handes vpon him, and asked him, if he sawe ought.

geneva@Mark:8:25 @ After that he put [his] hands again upon his eyes, and made him (note:)He commanded him to try again, to determine whether or not he could indeed see well.(:note) look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

geneva@Mark:9:47 @ And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out: it is better for thee to goe into the kingdome of God with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hell fire,

geneva@Mark:10:25 @ It is easier for a camel to goe through the eye of a needle, then for a riche man to enter into the kingdome of God.

geneva@Mark:12:11 @ This was done of the Lord, and it is marueilous in our eyes.

geneva@Mark:14:40 @ And he returned, & founde them a sleepe againe: for their eyes were heauie: neither knewe they what they should answere him.

geneva@Mark:16:4 @ And when they (note:)When they cast their eyes toward the sepulchre.(:note) looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.

geneva@Luke:1:52 @ He hath (note:)The mighty and rich men.(:note) put down the mighty from [their] seats, and exalted them of Those of no account, who are vile in men's eyes, who are indeed the poor in spirit, that is, those who claim nothing of themselves in the sight of God. low degree.

geneva@Luke:2:30 @ For (note:)That is, for I have seen with my very eyes: for he saw before in mind, as it is said of Abraham, «He saw my day and rejoiced.»(:note) mine eyes have seen thy That in which your salvation is contained. salvation,

geneva@Luke:4:5 @ Then the deuill tooke him vp into an high mountaine, and shewed him all the kingdomes of the world, in the twinkeling of an eye.

geneva@Luke:4:20 @ And hee closed the booke, and gaue it againe to the minister, and sate downe: and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him.

geneva@Luke:6:42 @ Either howe canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou seest not the beame that is in thine owne eye? Hypocrite, cast out the beame out of thine owne eye first, and then shalt thou see, perfectly to pull out the mote that is in thy brothers eye.

geneva@Luke:10:33 @ Then a certaine Samaritane, as he iourneyed, came neere vnto him, and when he sawe him, he had compassion on him,

geneva@Luke:11:34 @ The light of the bodie is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, then is thy whole bodie light: but if thine eye be euill, then thy bodie is darke.

geneva@Luke:16:23 @ And in hell (note:)Heavenly and spiritual things are expressed and set forth using language fit for our senses.(:note) he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

geneva@Luke:18:13 @ And the publican, standing (note:)Far from the Pharisee in a lower place.(:note) afar off, would not lift up so much as [his] eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

geneva@Luke:18:25 @ Surely it is easier for a camel to go through a needles eye, then for a riche man to enter into the kingdome of God.

geneva@Luke:19:28 @ And when he had thus spoken, (note:)The disciples were staggered and stopped by what Christ said, but Christ goes on boldly even though death was before his eyes.(:note) he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem.

geneva@Luke:23:43 @ And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in (note:)God made the visible paradise in the eastern part of the world: but that which we behold with the eyes of our mind is the place of everlasting joy and salvation, through the goodness and mercy of God, a most pleasant rest for the souls of the godly, and a most quiet and joyful dwelling.(:note) paradise.

geneva@Luke:24:31 @ And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he (note:)Suddenly taken away, and we may not therefore imagine that he was there in an invisible body, but indeed believe that he suddenly changed the place where he was.(:note) vanished out of their sight.

geneva@John:9:10 @ Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes (note:)This is a Hebrew idiom, for they call a man's eyes shut when they cannot receive any light: and therefore blind men who are made to see are said to have their eyes opened.(:note) opened?

geneva@John:9:11 @ He answered, and sayd, The man that is called Iesus, made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and sayde vnto me, Goe to the poole of Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and receiued sight.

geneva@John:9:14 @ And it was the Sabbath day, when Iesus made the clay, and opened his eyes.

geneva@John:9:15 @ Then againe the Pharises also asked him, how he had receiued sight; hee sayd vnto them, He layd clay vpon mine eyes, & I washed, and doe see.

geneva@John:9:17 @ Then spake they vnto the blinde againe, What sayest thou of him, because he hath opened thine eyes? And he sayd, He is a Prophet.

geneva@John:9:21 @ But by what meanes hee nowe seeth, we know not: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell: he is olde ynough: aske him: hee shall answere for himselfe.

geneva@John:9:26 @ Then sayd they to him againe, What did he to thee? howe opened he thine eyes?

geneva@John:9:30 @ The man answered, and sayde vnto them, Doutlesse, this is a marueilous thing, that ye know not whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.

geneva@John:9:32 @ Since the world began, was it not heard, that any man opened the eyes of one that was borne blinde.

geneva@John:10:21 @ Other sayd, These are not the wordes of him that hath a deuill: can the deuill open the eyes of the blinde?

geneva@John:11:37 @ And some of them saide, Coulde not he, which opened the eyes of the blinde, haue made also, that this man should not haue died?

geneva@John:11:41 @ Then they tooke away the stone from the place where the dead was layde; Iesus lift vp his eyes, and saide, Father, I thanke thee, because thou hast heard me.

geneva@John:12:40 @ He hath blinded their eyes, and hardned their heart, that they shoulde not see with their eyes, nor vnderstand with their heart, and should be conuerted, and I should heale them.

geneva@John:14:21 @ He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will (note:)I will show myself to him, and be known by him, as if he saw me with his eyes: but this showing of himself is not bodily, but spiritual, yet so plain that no other showing could be more evident.(:note) manifest myself to him.

geneva@John:17:1 @ These (note:)Jesus Christ, the everlasting high Priest, being ready to immediately offer himself up, by solemn prayers consecrates himself to God the Father as a sacrifice, and us together with himself. Therefore this prayer was from the beginning, is, and will be to the end of the world, the foundation and ground of the Church of God.(:note) words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, He first declares that as he came into the world so that the Father might show in him (being apprehended by faith) his glory in saving his elect, so he applied himself to that only: and therefore he desires from the Father that he would bless the work which he had finished. Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

geneva@Acts:3:5 @ And he (note:)Both with heart and eyes.(:note) gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.

geneva@Acts:5:37 @ After this man, arose vp Iudas of Galile, in the dayes of the tribute, and drewe away much people after him: hee also perished, and all that obeyed him, were scattered abroad.

geneva@Acts:9:3 @ Now as he iourneyed, it came to passe that as he was come neere to Damascus, suddenly there shined rounde about him a light from heauen.

geneva@Acts:9:7 @ And the men which journeyed with him (note:)Stood still and could not go one step forward, but remained amazed as stood still like statues.(:note) stood speechless, hearing a They heard Paul's voice: for afterwards it is plainly said in (Act_22:9) that they did not hear the voice of the one who spoke. Others, however, try to reconcile these places (which seem to contradict) by saying that the men with Saul heard the sound of a voice, but did not hear it clearly. voice, but seeing no man.

geneva@Acts:9:8 @ And Saul arose from the ground, and opened his eyes, but sawe no man. Then led they him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus,

geneva@Acts:9:18 @ And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had bene scales, & suddenly he receiued sight, and arose, and was baptized,

geneva@Acts:9:40 @ But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled downe, and prayed, and turned him to the body, and sayd, Tabitha, arise; she opened her eyes, and when she sawe Peter, sate vp.

geneva@Acts:11:6 @ Towarde the which when I had fastened mine eyes, I considered, and sawe foure footed beastes of the earth, and wilde beastes, and creeping things, and foules of the heauen.

geneva@Acts:13:9 @ Then Saul (which also is called Paul) being full of the holy Ghost, set his eyes on him,

geneva@Acts:22:6 @ And so it was, as I iourneyed and was come neere vnto Damascus about noone, that suddenly there shone from heauen a great light round about me.

geneva@Acts:28:27 @ For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they (note:)They made as though they did not see that which they saw against their desires: yea, they did see, but they would not see.(:note) closed; lest they should see with [their] eyes, and hear with [their] ears, and understand with [their] heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

geneva@Romans:11:10 @ Let their eyes be darkened that they see not, and bowe downe their backe alwayes.

geneva@1Corinthians:9:1 @ Am (note:)Before he proceeds any further in his purposed matter of things offered to idols, he would show the cause of all this evil, and also take it away. That is, that the Corinthians thought that they did not have to depart from the least amount of their liberty for any man's pleasure. Therefore he propounds himself for an example, and that in a matter almost necessary. And yet he speaks of both, but first of his own person. If (he says) you allege for yourselves that you are free, and therefore will use your liberty, am I not also free, seeing I am an apostle?(:note) I not an apostle? am I not free? He proves his apostleship by the effects, in that he was appointed by Christ himself, and the authority of his function was sufficiently confirmed to him among them by their conversion. And all these things he sets before their eyes, to make them ashamed because they would not in the least way that might be, debase themselves for the sake of the weak, whereas the apostle himself did all the he could to win them to God, when they were utterly reprobate and without God. have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not ye By the Lord. my work in the Lord?

geneva@1Corinthians:12:16 @ And if the eare would say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?

geneva@1Corinthians:15:52 @ In (note:)He shows that the time will be very short.(:note) a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

geneva@Galatians:3:1 @ O (note:)The third reason or argument taken of those gifts of the Holy Spirit, with which they were endued from heaven after they had heard and believed the gospel by Paul's ministry. And seeing that they were so evident to all men's eyes, that they were as it were graphic images, in which they might behold the truth of the doctrine of the Gospel, just as much as if they had beheld with their eyes Christ himself crucified, in whose only death they ought to have their trust, he marvels how it could be that they could be so bewitched by the false apostles.(:note) foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, Christ was laid before you so notably and so plainly that you had a graphic image of him as it were represented before your eyes, as if he had been crucified before you. before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

geneva@Ephesians:1:18 @ The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the (note:)What blessings they are which he calls you to hope for, whom he calls to Christ.(:note) hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

geneva@Ephesians:6:6 @ Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, (note:)To cut off occasion of all pretences, he teaches us that it is God's will that some are either born or made servants, and therefore they must respect God's will although their service is ever so hard.(:note) doing the will of God from the heart;

geneva@Colossians:3:24 @ Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the (note:)Because you will have duly obeyed your masters, the time will come, that you will be changed from servants to sons, and you will know this for certain, which will be when you are made partakers of the heavenly inheritance.(:note) reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

geneva@1Thessalonians:4:17 @ Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be (note:)Suddenly and in the twinkling of an eye.(:note) caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

geneva@Hebrews:3:18 @ And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but vnto them that obeyed not?

geneva@Hebrews:4:13 @ Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in (note:)In God's sight.(:note) his sight: but all things [are] naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

geneva@Hebrews:11:1 @ Now (note:)An excellent description of faith by the effects, because it represents things which are but yet in hope, and sets as it were before our eyes things that are invisible.(:note) faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

geneva@1Peter:3:6 @ Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are (note:)Because women are by nature fearful, he gives them to understand that he requires of them that subjection, which is not wrung out from them either by force or fear.(:note) not afraid with any amazement.

geneva@1Peter:3:12 @ For the eyes of the Lord [are] over the righteous, and his ears [are open] unto their prayers: but the (note:)This word «face» after the manner of the Hebrews, is taken for «anger».(:note) face of the Lord [is] against them that do evil.

geneva@1John:1:1 @ That (note:)He begins with the description of the person of Christ who he makes one and not two: and him both God from everlasting (for he was with the Father from the beginning, and is that eternal life) and also made true man, whom John himself and his companions both heard, beheld, and handled.(:note) which was from the beginning, which we have I heard him speak, I saw him myself with my eyes, I handled with my hands him that is true God, being made true man, and not I alone, but others also that were with me. heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the That same everlasting Word by whom all things are made, and in whom only is there life. Word of life;

geneva@1John:2:11 @ But he that hateth his brother, is in darkenesse, and walketh in darkenesse, and knoweth not whither hee goeth, because that darkenesse hath blinded his eyes.

geneva@1John:2:16 @ For all that is in this world (as the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life) is not of the Father, but is of this world.

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