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NT.filter - acv feast:

acv@Matthew:23:6 @ And they love the chief place at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,

acv@Matthew:26:5 @ But they said, Not during the feast, lest an uproar develop among people.

acv@Matthew:27:15 @ Now during a feast the governor had been accustomed to release to the crowd one prisoner whom they wanted.

acv@Mark:12:39 @ and chief seats in the synagogues, and places of honor at the feasts,

acv@Mark:14:2 @ but they said, Not during the feast, lest there will be an uproar of the people.

acv@Mark:15:6 @ Now during a feast he released to them one prisoner, whomever they requested.

acv@Luke:2:41 @ And his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover.

acv@Luke:2:42 @ And when he became twelve years old, them having gone up according to the custom of the feast,

acv@Luke:5:29 @ And Levi made a great feast for him in his house, and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others who were relaxing with them.

acv@Luke:14:13 @ But when thou make a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind,

acv@Luke:20:46 @ Beware of the scholars, who desire to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces, and chief seats in the synagogues, and places of honor at the feasts,

acv@Luke:22:1 @ Now the feast of unleavened bread was coming near, which is called Passover.

acv@Luke:23:17 @ Now he had need to release one man to them at every feast.

acv@John:2:8 @ And he says to them, Draw out now, and carry to the feast-ruler. And they carried.

acv@John:2:9 @ And when the feast-ruler tasted the water that became wine, and had not known from where it was (but the helpers who drew the water had known), the feast-ruler called the bridegroom,

acv@John:2:23 @ Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover during the feast, many believed in his name seeing his signs that he did.

acv@John:4:45 @ So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.

acv@John:5:1 @ After these things there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

acv@John:6:4 @ Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near.

acv@John:7:2 @ Now the feast of the Jews, the feast of tabernacles, was near.

acv@John:7:8 @ Go ye up to this feast. I am not yet going to this feast, because my time is not yet fulfilled.

acv@John:7:10 @ But when his brothers went up, then he also went up to the feast, not openly, but as in private.

acv@John:7:11 @ The Jews therefore sought him at the feast, and said, Where is that man?

acv@John:7:14 @ And when it was now in the middle of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and taught.

acv@John:7:37 @ Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus had stood and cried out, saying, If any man thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

acv@John:10:22 @ And the feast of the dedication happened at Jerusalem, and it was winter.

acv@John:11:56 @ Therefore they sought Jesus, and spoke with each other as they stood in the temple, What does it seem to you? That he will, no, not come to the feast?

acv@John:12:12 @ On the morrow a great multitude having come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

acv@John:12:20 @ Now some Greeks were from those who came up so that they might worship at the feast.

acv@John:13:1 @ Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, having seen that his hour has come that he would depart out of this world to his Father, having loved his own in the world, he loved them to the end.

acv@John:13:29 @ For some thought, since Judas had the purse, that Jesus said to him, Buy what things we have need of for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor.

acv@Acts:18:21 @ but separated from them, having said, I must definitely keep the coming feast at Jerusalem, but I will return again to you, God willing. And he launched from Ephesus.

acv@1Corinthians:5:8 @ Therefore we should feast, not by old leaven, nor by leaven of evil and wickedness, but by non-leaven of sincerity and truth.

acv@2Peter:2:13 @ getting back a wage of unrighteousness. Men who consider soft living in the daytime to be pleasure, spots and blemishes reveling in their deceitfulness, feasting together with you,

acv@Jude:1:12 @ These are reefs in your love-feasts, feasting together, fearlessly tending to themselves, waterless clouds carried along by winds, autumn trees without fruit, who died twice having being uprooted,

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