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wmth@Matthew:1:12 @ After the Removal to Babylon Jeconiah had a son Shealtiel; Shealtiel was the father of Zerubbabel;

wmth@Matthew:1:19 @ But Joseph her husband, being a kind-hearted man and unwilling publicly to disgrace her, had determined to release her privately from the betrothal.

wmth@Matthew:1:22 @ All this took place in fulfilment of what the Lord had spoken through the Prophet,

wmth@Matthew:1:24 @ When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded, and brought home his wife,

wmth@Matthew:1:25 @ but did not live with her until she had given birth to a son. The child's name he called JESUS.

wmth@Matthew:2:9 @ After hearing what the king said, they went to Bethlehem, while, strange to say, the star they had seen in the east led them on until it came and stood over the place where the babe was.

wmth@Matthew:2:15 @ There he remained till Herod's death, that what the Lord had said through the Prophet might be fulfilled,

wmth@Matthew:2:16 @ Then Herod, finding that the Magi had trifled with him, was furious, and sent and massacred all the boys under two years of age, in Bethlehem and all its neighbourhood, according to the date he had so carefully ascertained from the Magi.

wmth@Matthew:2:22 @ But hearing that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod on the throne of Judaea, he was afraid to go there; and being instructed by God in a dream he withdrew into Galilee,

wmth@Matthew:7:28 @ When Jesus had concluded this discourse, the crowds were filled with amazement at His teaching,

wmth@Matthew:7:29 @ for He had been teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their Scribes taught.

wmth@Matthew:8:18 @ Seeing great crowds about Him Jesus had given directions to cross to the other side of the Lake,

wmth@Matthew:8:33 @ The swineherds fled, and went and told the whole story in the town, including what had happened to the demoniacs.

wmth@Matthew:9:8 @ And the crowds were awe-struck when they saw it, and ascribed the glory to God who had entrusted such power to a man.

wmth@Matthew:9:20 @ But a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage came behind Him and touched the tassel of His cloak;

wmth@Matthew:9:28 @ And when He had gone indoors, they came to Him. »Do you believe that I can do this?« He asked them. »Yes, Sir,« they replied.

wmth@Matthew:10:3 @ Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the tax-gatherer, James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;

wmth@Matthew:11:1 @ When Jesus had concluded His instructions to His twelve disciples, He left in order to teach and to proclaim His Message in the neighbouring towns.

wmth@Matthew:11:2 @ Now John had heard in prison about the Christ's doings, and he sent some of his disciples to inquire:

wmth@Matthew:11:7 @ When the messengers had taken their leave, Jesus proceeded to say to the multitude concerning John, »What did you go out into the Desert to gaze at? A reed waving in the wind?

wmth@Matthew:11:20 @ Then began He to upbraid the towns where most of His mighty works had been done–because they had not repented.

wmth@Matthew:11:21 @ »Alas for thee, Chorazin!« He cried. »Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the mighty works been done in Tyre and Sidon which have been done in both of you, they would long ere now have repented, covered with sackcloth and ashes.

wmth@Matthew:11:23 @ And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be exalted even to Heaven? Even to Hades shalt thou descend. For had the mighty works been done in Sodom which have been done in thee, it would have remained until now.

wmth@Matthew:13:1 @ That same day Jesus had left the house and was sitting on the shore of the Lake,

wmth@Matthew:13:36 @ When He had dismissed the people and had returned to the house, His disciples came to Him with the request, »Explain to us the parable of the darnel sown in the field.«

wmth@Matthew:14:3 @ For Herod had arrested John, and had put him in chains, and imprisoned him, for the sake of Herodias his brother Philip's wife,

wmth@Matthew:14:4 @ because John had persistently said to him, »It is not lawful for you to have her.«

wmth@Matthew:14:21 @ Those who had eaten were about 5,000 adult men, without reckoning women and children.

wmth@Matthew:14:23 @ When He had done this, He climbed the hill to pray in solitude. Night came on, and he was there alone.

wmth@Matthew:14:34 @ When they had quite crossed over, they put ashore at Gennesaret;

wmth@Matthew:15:10 @ Then, when He had called the people to Him, Jesus said, »Hear and understand.

wmth@Matthew:16:5 @ When the disciples arrived at the other side of the Lake, they found that they had forgotten to bring any bread;

wmth@Matthew:16:12 @ Then they perceived that He had not warned them against bread-yeast, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

wmth@Matthew:16:18 @ And I declare to you that you are Peter, and that upon this Rock I will build my Church, and the might of Hades shall not triumph over it.

wmth@Matthew:17:13 @ Then it dawned upon the disciples that it was John the Baptist about whom He had spoken to them.

wmth@Matthew:17:14 @ When they had returned to the people, there came to Him a man who fell on his knees before Him and besought Him.

wmth@Matthew:18:25 @ and was unable to pay. So his master ordered that he and his wife and children and everything that he had should be sold, and payment be made.

wmth@Matthew:18:28 @ But no sooner had that servant gone out, than he met with one of his fellow servants who owed him 100 shillings; and seizing him by the throat and nearly strangling him he exclaimed, `Pay me all you owe.'«

wmth@Matthew:18:31 @ His fellow servants, therefore, seeing what had happened, were exceedingly angry; and they came and told their master without reserve all that had happened.

wmth@Matthew:18:33 @ ought not you also to have had pity on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?'

wmth@Matthew:19:1 @ When Jesus had finished these discourses, He removed from Galilee and came into that part of Judaea which lay beyond the Jordan.

wmth@Matthew:19:22 @ On hearing those words the young man went away much cast down; for he had much property.

wmth@Matthew:20:9 @ »When those came who had begun at five o'clock, they received a shilling apiece;«

wmth@Matthew:20:11 @ So when they had received it, they grumbled against the employer, saying,

wmth@Matthew:21:1 @ When they were come near Jerusalem and had arrived at Bethphage and the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of the disciples on in front,

wmth@Matthew:21:6 @ So the disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them:

wmth@Matthew:21:15 @ But when the High Priests and the Scribes saw the wonderful things that He had done and the children who were crying aloud in the Temple, they were filled with indignation.

wmth@Matthew:21:25 @ John's Baptism, whence was it? –had it a heavenly or a human origin?« So they debated the matter among themselves. »If we say `a heavenly origin,'« they argued, »he will say, `Why then did you not believe him?'

wmth@Matthew:21:28 @ »But give me your judgement. There was a man who had two sons. He came to the elder of them, and said,« `My son, go and work in the vineyard to-day.'

wmth@Matthew:22:25 @ Now we had among us seven brothers. The eldest of them married, but died childless, leaving his wife to his brother.

wmth@Matthew:22:34 @ Now the Pharisees came up when they heard that He had silenced the Sadducees,

wmth@Matthew:23:30 @ and your boast is, »`If we had lived in the time of our forefathers, we should not have been implicated with them in the murder of the Prophets.'

wmth@Matthew:24:1 @ Jesus had left the Temple and was going on His way, when His disciples came and called His attention to the Temple buildings.

wmth@Matthew:24:22 @ And if those days had not been cut short, no one would escape; but for the sake of God's own People those days will be cut short.

wmth@Matthew:24:43 @ But of this be assured, that if the master of the house had known the hour at which the robber was coming, he would have kept awake, and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

wmth@Matthew:25:16 @ Without delay the one who had received the five talents went and employed them in business, and gained five more.

wmth@Matthew:25:17 @ In the same way he who had the two gained two more.

wmth@Matthew:25:18 @ But the man who had received the one went and dug a hole and buried his master's money.

wmth@Matthew:25:19 @ »After a long lapse of time the master of those servants returned, and had a reckoning with them.«

wmth@Matthew:25:20 @ The one who had received the five talents came and brought five more, and said, »`Sir, it was five talents that you entrusted to me: see, I have gained five more.'

wmth@Matthew:25:22 @ »The second, who had received the two talents, came and said,« `Sir, it was two talents you entrusted to me: see, I have gained two more.'

wmth@Matthew:25:24 @ »But, next, the man who had the one talent in his keeping came and said,« `Sir, I knew you to be a severe man, reaping where you had not sown and garnering what you had not winnowed.

wmth@Matthew:26:1 @ When Jesus had ended all these discourses, He said to His disciples,

wmth@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of Man is indeed going as is written concerning Him; but alas for that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man if he had never been born.«

wmth@Matthew:26:47 @ He had scarcely finished speaking when Judas came –one of the Twelve– accompanied by a great crowd of men armed with swords and bludgeons, sent by the High Priests and Elders of the People.

wmth@Matthew:26:48 @ Now the betrayer had agreed upon a sign with them, to direct them. He had said, »The one whom I kiss is the man: lay hold of him.«

wmth@Matthew:26:57 @ But the officers who had laid hold of Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas the High Priest, at whose house the Scribes and the Elders had assembled.

wmth@Matthew:26:75 @ and Peter recollected the words of Jesus, how He had said, »Before the cock crows you will three times disown me.« And he went out and wept aloud, bitterly.

wmth@Matthew:27:3 @ Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He was condemned, smitten with remorse he brought back the thirty shekels to the High Priests and Elders

wmth@Matthew:27:6 @ When the High Priests had gathered up the money they said, »It is illegal to put it into the Treasury, because it is the price of blood.«

wmth@Matthew:27:16 @ and at this time they had a notorious prisoner called Barabbas.«

wmth@Matthew:27:18 @ For he knew that it was from envious hatred that Jesus had been brought before him.

wmth@Matthew:27:55 @ And there were a number of women there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee ministering to His necessities;

wmth@Matthew:27:57 @ Towards sunset there came a wealthy inhabitant of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who himself also had become a disciple of Jesus.

wmth@Matthew:27:60 @ He then laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn in the solid rock, and after rolling a great stone against the door of the tomb he went home.

wmth@Matthew:28:2 @ But to their amazement there had been a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord had descended from Heaven, and had come and rolled back the stone, and was sitting upon it.

wmth@Matthew:28:11 @ While they went on this errand, some of the guards came into the city and reported to the High Priests every detail of what had happened.

wmth@Matthew:28:16 @ As for the eleven disciples, they proceeded into Galilee, to the hill where Jesus had arranged to meet them.

wmth@Mark:1:14 @ Then, after John had been thrown into prison, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming God's Good News.

wmth@Mark:1:45 @ But the man, when he went out, began to tell every one and to publish the matter abroad, so that it was no longer possible for Jesus to go openly into any town; but He had to remain outside in unfrequented places, where people came to Him from all parts.

wmth@Mark:3:6 @ But no sooner had the Pharisees left the synagogue than they held a consultation with the Herodians against Jesus, to devise some means of destroying Him.

wmth@Mark:3:10 @ For He had cured many of the people, so that all who had any ailments pressed upon Him, to touch Him.

wmth@Mark:3:18 @ Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Cananaean,

wmth@Mark:3:22 @ The Scribes, too, who had come down from Jerusalem said, »He has Baal-zebul in him; and it is by the power of the Prince of the demons that he expels the demons.«

wmth@Mark:4:32 @ yet when sown it springs up and becomes larger than all the herbs, and throws out great branches, so that the birds build under its shadow.«

wmth@Mark:5:4 @ for many a time he had been left securely bound in fetters and chains, but afterwards the chains lay torn link from link, and the fetters in fragments, and there was no one strong enough to master him.

wmth@Mark:5:8 @ For He had said to him, »Foul spirit, come out of the man.«

wmth@Mark:5:14 @ The swineherds fled, and spread the news in town and country. So the people came to see what it was that had happened;

wmth@Mark:5:15 @ and when they came to Jesus, they beheld the demoniac quietly seated, clothed and of sane mind– the man who had had the legion; and they were awe-stricken.

wmth@Mark:5:16 @ And those who had seen it told them the particulars of what had happened to the demoniac, and all about the swine.

wmth@Mark:5:18 @ As He was embarking, the man who had been possessed asked permission to accompany Him.

wmth@Mark:5:20 @ So the man departed, and related publicly everywhere in the Ten Towns all that Jesus had done for him; and all were astonished.

wmth@Mark:5:21 @ When Jesus had re-crossed in the boat to the other side, a vast multitude came crowding to Him; and He was on the shore of the Lake,

wmth@Mark:5:25 @ Now a woman who for twelve years had suffered from haemorrhage,

wmth@Mark:5:26 @ and had undergone many different treatments under a number of doctors and had spent all she had without receiving benefit but on the contrary growing worse,

wmth@Mark:5:30 @ Immediately Jesus, well knowing that healing power had gone from within Him, turned round in the crowd and asked, »Who touched my clothes?«

wmth@Mark:5:32 @ But He continued looking about to see the person who had done this,

wmth@Mark:5:33 @ until the woman, frightened and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself at His feet, and told Him all the truth.

wmth@Mark:6:14 @ King Herod heard of all this (for the name of Jesus had become widely known), and he kept saying, »John the Baptizer has come back to life, and that is why these miraculous Powers are working in him.«

wmth@Mark:6:17 @ For Herod himself had sent and had had John arrested and had kept him in prison in chains, for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife; because he had married her.

wmth@Mark:6:18 @ For John had repeatedly told Herod, »You have no right to be living with your brother's wife.«

wmth@Mark:6:30 @ When the Apostles had re-assembled round Jesus, they reported to Him all they had done and all they had taught.

wmth@Mark:6:31 @ Then He said to them, »Come away, all of you, to a quiet place, and rest awhile.« For there were many coming and going, so that they had no time even for meals.

wmth@Mark:6:52 @ For they had not learned the lesson taught by the loaves, but their minds were dull.

wmth@Mark:6:54 @ But no sooner had they gone ashore than the people immediately recognized Him.

wmth@Mark:7:1 @ Then the Pharisees, with certain Scribes who had come from Jerusalem, came to Him in a body.

wmth@Mark:7:2 @ They had noticed that some of His disciples were eating their food with `unclean' (that is to say, unwashed) hands.

wmth@Mark:7:17 @ After He had left the crowd and gone indoors, His disciples began to ask Him about this figure of speech.

wmth@Mark:8:7 @ They had also a few small fish. He blessed them, and He told His disciples to distribute these also.

wmth@Mark:8:14 @ Now they had forgotten to take bread, nor had they more than a single loaf with them in the boat;

wmth@Mark:9:9 @ As they were coming down from the mountain, He very strictly forbad them to tell any one what they had seen »until after the Son of Man has risen from among the dead.«

wmth@Mark:9:18 @ and wherever it comes upon him, it dashes him to the ground, and he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth, and he is pining away. I begged your disciples to expel it, but they had not the power.«

wmth@Mark:9:34 @ But they remained silent; for on the way they had debated with one another who was the chief of them.

wmth@Mark:11:1 @ When they were getting near Jerusalem and had arrived at Bethphage and Bethany, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples on in front, with these instructions.

wmth@Mark:11:6 @ But on their giving the answer that Jesus had bidden them give, they let them take it.

wmth@Mark:11:8 @ Then many spread their outer garments to carpet the road, and others leafy branches which they had cut down in the fields;

wmth@Mark:11:12 @ The next day, after they had left Bethany, He was hungry.

wmth@Mark:12:6 @ He had still one left whom he could send, a dearly-loved son: him last of all he sent, saying, »`They will treat my son with respect.'

wmth@Mark:12:12 @ And they kept looking out for an opportunity to seize Him, but were afraid of the people; for they saw that in this parable He had referred to. So they left Him and went away.

wmth@Mark:12:28 @ Then one of the Scribes, who had heard them disputing and well knew that Jesus had given them an answer to the point, and a forcible one, came forward and asked Him, »Which is the chief of all the Commandments?«

wmth@Mark:12:34 @ Perceiving that the Scribe had answered wisely Jesus said to him, »You are not far from the Kingdom of God.« No one from that time forward ventured to put any question to Him.

wmth@Mark:12:44 @ for they have all contributed out of what they could well spare, but she out of her need has thrown in all she possessed–all she had to live on.«

wmth@Mark:14:16 @ So the disciples went out and came to the city, and found everything just as He had told them; and they got the Passover ready.

wmth@Mark:14:21 @ For the Son of Man is going His way as it is written about Him; but alas for the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man, had he never been born.«

wmth@Mark:14:37 @ Then He came and found them asleep, and He said to Peter, »Simon, are you asleep? Had you not strength to keep awake a single hour?

wmth@Mark:14:44 @ Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them. »The one I kiss,« he said, »is the man: lay hold of him, and take him safely away.«

wmth@Mark:14:48 @ »Have you come out,« said Jesus, »with swords and cudgels to arrest me, as if you had to fight with a robber?

wmth@Mark:14:72 @ No sooner had he spoken than a cock crowed for the second time, and Peter recollected the words of Jesus, »Before the cock crows twice, you will three times disown me.« And as he thought of it, he wept aloud.

wmth@Mark:15:1 @ At earliest dawn, after the High Priests had held a consultation with the Elders and Scribes, they and the entire Sanhedrin bound Jesus and took Him away and handed Him over to Pilate.

wmth@Mark:15:7 @ and at this time a man named Barabbas was in prison among the insurgents–persons who in the insurrection had committed murder.

wmth@Mark:15:10 @ For he could see that it was out of sheer spite that the High Priests had handed Him over.

wmth@Mark:15:17 @ they arrayed Him in crimson, placed on His head a wreath of thorny twigs which they had twisted,

wmth@Mark:15:41 @ all of whom in the Galilaean days had habitually been with Him and cared for Him, as well as many other women who had come up to Jerusalem with Him.

wmth@Mark:15:44 @ But Pilate could hardly believe that He was already dead. He called, however, for the Centurion and inquired whether He had been long dead;

wmth@Mark:16:9 @ [But He rose to life early on the first day of the week, and appeared first to Mary of Magdala from whom He had expelled seven demons.

wmth@Mark:16:10 @ She went and brought the tidings to those who had been with Him, as they were mourning and weeping.

wmth@Mark:16:11 @ But they, when they were told that He was alive and that she had seen Him, could not believe it.

wmth@Mark:16:14 @ Later still He showed Himself to the Eleven themselves whilst they were at table, and He upbraided them with their unbelief and obstinacy in not having believed those who had seen Him alive.

wmth@Luke:1:5 @ There was in the time of Herod, the king of Judaea, a priest of the name of Zechariah, belonging to the class of Abijah. He had a wife who was a descendant of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.

wmth@Luke:1:7 @ But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren; and both of them were far advanced in life.

wmth@Luke:1:35 @ The angel answered, »The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for this reason your holy offspring will be called `the Son of God.'

wmth@Luke:1:58 @ and her neighbours and relatives heard how the Lord had had great compassion on her; and they rejoiced with her.

wmth@Luke:1:79 @ Dawning on those who now dwell in the darkness and shadow of death–To direct our feet into the path of peace.«

wmth@Luke:2:15 @ Then, as soon as the angels had left them and returned to Heaven, the shepherds said to one another, »Let us now go over as far as Bethlehem and see this that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.«

wmth@Luke:2:17 @ And when they saw the child, they told what had been said to them about Him;

wmth@Luke:2:20 @ And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen in accordance with the announcement made to them.

wmth@Luke:2:21 @ When eight days had passed and the time for circumcising Him had come, He was called JESUS, the name given Him by the angel before His conception in the womb.

wmth@Luke:2:22 @ And when the days for their purification appointed by the Law of Moses had passed, they took Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord–

wmth@Luke:2:27 @ To him it had been revealed by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death until he had seen the Lord's Anointed One.

wmth@Luke:2:37 @ There was also Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, belonging to the tribe of Asher. She was of a very great age, having had after her maidenhood seven years of married life,

wmth@Luke:2:40 @ Then, as soon as they had accomplished all that the Law required, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth.

wmth@Luke:3:19 @ But Herod the Tetrarch, being repeatedly rebuked by him about Herodias his brother's wife, and about all the wicked deeds that he had done,

wmth@Luke:3:21 @ Now when all the people had been baptized, and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the sky opened,

wmth@Luke:3:36 @ son of Cainan, son of Arpachshad, son of Shem, son of Noah, son of Lamech,

wmth@Luke:4:16 @ He came to Nazareth also, where He had been brought up; and, as was His custom, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read.

wmth@Luke:4:40 @ At sunset all who had friends suffering from any illness brought them to Him, and He laid His hands on them all, one by one, and cured them.

wmth@Luke:5:2 @ He, however, saw two fishing-boats drawn up on the beach (for the men had gone away from them and were washing the nets),

wmth@Luke:5:4 @ When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, »Push out into deep water, and let down your nets for a haul.«

wmth@Luke:5:9 @ (For he was astonished and terrified –he and all his companions– at the haul of fish which they had taken;

wmth@Luke:5:17 @ One day He was teaching, and there were Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village in Galilee and Judaea and from Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present for Him to cure people.

wmth@Luke:5:25 @ Instantly he stood up in their presence, took up the mattress on which he had been lying, and went away to his home, giving glory to God.

wmth@Luke:6:6 @ On another Sabbath He had gone to the synagogue and was teaching there; and in the congregation was a man whose right arm was withered.

wmth@Luke:6:14 @ These were Simon, to whom also He had given the name of Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew;

wmth@Luke:7:1 @ After He had finished teaching all these things in the hearing of the people, He went into Capernaum.

wmth@Luke:7:10 @ And the friends who had been sent, on returning to the house, found the servant in perfect health.

wmth@Luke:7:17 @ And the report of what Jesus had done spread through the whole of Judaea and in all the surrounding districts.

wmth@Luke:8:2 @ and certain women whom He had delivered from evil spirits and various diseases–Mary of Magdala, out of whom seven demons had come,

wmth@Luke:8:27 @ Here, on landing, He was met by one of the townsmen who was possessed by demons–for a long time he had not put on any garment, nor did he live in a house, but in the tombs.

wmth@Luke:8:29 @ For already He had been commanding the foul spirit to come out of the man. For many a time it had seized and held him, and they had repeatedly put him in chains and fetters and kept guard over him, but he used to break the chains to pieces, and, impelled by the demon, to escape into the Desert.

wmth@Luke:8:30 @ »What is your name?« Jesus asked him. »Legion,« he replied–because a great number of demons had entered into him;

wmth@Luke:8:34 @ The swineherds, seeing what had happened, fled and reported it both in town and country;

wmth@Luke:8:35 @ whereupon the people came out to see what had happened. They came to Jesus, and they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were terrified.

wmth@Luke:8:36 @ And those who had seen it told them how the demoniac was cured.

wmth@Luke:8:38 @ But the man from whom the demons had gone out earnestly asked permission to go with Him; but He sent him away.

wmth@Luke:8:39 @ »Return home,« He said, »and tell there all that God has done for you.« So he went and published through the whole town all that Jesus had done for him.

wmth@Luke:8:40 @ Now when Jesus was returning, the people gave Him a warm welcome; for they had all been looking out for Him.

wmth@Luke:8:42 @ for he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. And as He went, the dense throng crowded on Him.

wmth@Luke:8:43 @ And a woman who for twelve years had been afflicted with haemorrhage –and had spent on doctors all she had, but none of them had been able to cure her–

wmth@Luke:8:47 @ Then the woman, perceiving that she had not escaped notice, came trembling, and throwing herself down at His feet she stated before all the people the reason why she had touched Him and how she was instantly cured.

wmth@Luke:9:7 @ Now Herod the Tetrarch heard of all that was going on; and he was bewildered because of its being said by some that John had come back to life,

wmth@Luke:9:8 @ by others that Elijah had appeared, and by others that some one of the ancient Prophets had come back to life.

wmth@Luke:9:10 @ The Apostles, on their return, related to Jesus all they had done. Then He took them and withdrew to a quiet retreat, to a town called Bethsaida.

wmth@Luke:9:17 @ So they ate and were fully satisfied, all of them; and what they had remaining over was gathered up, twelve baskets of fragments.

wmth@Luke:9:34 @ But while he was thus speaking, there came a cloud which spread over them; and they were awe-struck when they had entered into the cloud.

wmth@Luke:9:36 @ After this voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. They kept it to themselves, and said not a word to any one at that time about what they had seen.

wmth@Luke:10:13 @ »Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the miracles been performed in Tyre and Sidon which have been performed in you, long ere now they would have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.«

wmth@Luke:10:15 @ And thou, Capernaum, shalt thou be lifted high as Heaven? Thou shalt be driven down as low as Hades.

wmth@Luke:10:39 @ She had a sister called Mary, who seated herself at the Lord's feet and listened to His teaching.

wmth@Luke:11:37 @ When He had thus spoken, a Pharisee invited Him to breakfast at his house; so He entered and took His place at table.

wmth@Luke:11:53 @ After He had left the house, the Scribes and Pharisees commenced a vehement attempt to entangle Him and make Him give off-hand answers on numerous points,

wmth@Luke:12:1 @ Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, »Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.

wmth@Luke:12:39 @ Of this be sure, that if the master of the house had known what time the robber was coming, he would have kept awake and not have allowed his house to be broken into.

wmth@Luke:12:48 @ But he who had not been told it and yet did what deserved the scourge, will receive but few lashes. To whomsoever much has been given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been entrusted, of him a larger amount will be demanded.

wmth@Luke:13:1 @ Just at that time people came to tell Him about the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

wmth@Luke:13:4 @ Or those eighteen on whom the tower at Siloam fell, do you suppose they had failed in their duty more than all the rest of the people who live in Jerusalem?

wmth@Luke:13:6 @ And He gave them the following parable. »A man,« He said, »who had a fig-tree growing in his garden came to look for fruit on it and could find none.

wmth@Luke:13:11 @ where a woman was present who for eighteen years had been a confirmed invalid: she was bent double, and was unable to lift herself to her full height.

wmth@Luke:13:14 @ Then the Warden of the Synagogue, indignant that Jesus had cured her on a Sabbath, said to the crowd, »There are six days in the week on which people ought to work. On those days therefore come and get yourselves cured, and not on the Sabbath day.«

wmth@Luke:13:16 @ And this woman, daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan had bound for no less than eighteen years, was she not to be loosed from this chain because it is the Sabbath day?«

wmth@Luke:13:17 @ When He had said this, all His opponents were ashamed, while the whole multitude was delighted at the many glorious things continually done by Him.

wmth@Luke:14:12 @ Also to His host, who had invited Him, He said, »When you give a breakfast or a dinner, do not invite your friends or brothers or relatives or rich neighbours, lest perhaps they should invite you in return and a requital be made you.

wmth@Luke:14:17 @ At dinner-time he sent his servant to announce to those who had been invited, »`Come, for things are now ready.'

wmth@Luke:15:6 @ Then coming home he calls his friends and neighbours together, and says, `Congratulate me, for I have found my sheep–the one I had lost.'

wmth@Luke:15:9 @ And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbours, and says, »`Congratulate me, for I have found the coin which I had lost.'

wmth@Luke:15:11 @ He went on to say, »There was a man who had two sons.

wmth@Luke:15:14 @ At last, when he had spent everything, there came a terrible famine throughout that country, and he began to feel the pinch of want.

wmth@Luke:15:27 @ »`Your brother has come,' he replied; `and your father has had the fat calf killed, because he has got him home safe and sound.'«

wmth@Luke:16:1 @ He said also to His disciples: »There was a rich man who had a steward, about whom a report was brought to him, that he was wasting his property.

wmth@Luke:16:22 @ »But in course of time the beggar died; and he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and had a funeral.«

wmth@Luke:16:23 @ And in Hades, being in torment, he looked and saw Abraham in the far distance, and Lazarus resting in his arms.

wmth@Luke:16:25 @ »`Remember, my child,' said Abraham, `that you had all your good things during your lifetime, and that Lazarus in like manner had his bad things. But, now and here, he is receiving consolation and you are in agony.«

wmth@Luke:18:2 @ »In a certain town,« He said, »there was a judge who had no fear of God and no respect for man.

wmth@Luke:18:40 @ At length Jesus stopped and desired them to bring the man to Him; and when he had come close to Him He asked him,

wmth@Luke:19:15 @ And upon his return, after he had obtained the sovereignty, he ordered those servants to whom he had given the money to be summoned before him, that he might learn their success in trading.

wmth@Luke:19:32 @ So those who were sent went and found things as He had told them.

wmth@Luke:19:37 @ And when He was now getting near Jerusalem, and descending the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began in their joy to praise God in loud voices for all the mighty deeds they had witnessed.

wmth@Luke:19:42 @ »O that at this time thou hadst known –yes even thou– what makes peace possible! But now it is hid from thine eyes.

wmth@Luke:20:19 @ At this the Scribes and the High Priests wanted to lay hands on Him, then and there; only they were afraid of the people. For they saw that in this parable He had referred to them.

wmth@Luke:21:4 @ For from what they could well spare they have all of them contributed to the offerings, but she in her need has thrown in all she had to live on.«

wmth@Luke:22:13 @ So they went and found all as He had told them; and they got the Passover ready.

wmth@Luke:22:14 @ When the time was come, and He had taken His place at table, and the Apostles with Him,

wmth@Luke:22:52 @ Then Jesus said to the High Priests and Commanders of the Temple and Elders, who had come to arrest Him, »Have you come out as if to fight with a robber, with swords and cudgels?

wmth@Luke:22:55 @ And when they had lighted a fire in the middle of the court and had seated themselves in a group round it, Peter was sitting among them,

wmth@Luke:22:60 @ »Man, I don't know what you mean,« replied Peter. No sooner had he spoken than a cock crowed.

wmth@Luke:22:61 @ The Master turned and looked on Peter; and Peter recollected the Master's words, how He had said to him, »This very day, before the cock crows, you will disown me three times.«

wmth@Luke:23:8 @ To Herod the sight of Jesus was a great gratification, for, for a long time, he had been wanting to see Him, because he had heard so much about Him. He hoped also to see some miracle performed by Him.

wmth@Luke:23:12 @ And on that very day Herod and Pilate became friends again, for they had been for some time at enmity.

wmth@Luke:23:19 @ –Barabbas! who had been lodged in jail for some time in connexion with a riot which had occurred in the city, and for murder.

wmth@Luke:23:39 @ Now one of the criminals who had been crucified insulted Him, saying, »Are not you the Christ? Save yourself and us.«

wmth@Luke:23:47 @ The Captain, seeing what had happened, gave glory to God, saying, »Beyond question this man was innocent.«

wmth@Luke:23:48 @ And all the crowds that had come together to this sight, after seeing all that had occurred, returned to the city beating their breasts.

wmth@Luke:23:49 @ But all His acquaintances, and the women who had been His followers after leaving Galilee, continued standing at a distance and looking on.

wmth@Luke:23:51 @ who came from the Jewish town of Arimathaea and was awaiting the coming of the Kingdom of God. He had not concurred in the design or action of the Council,

wmth@Luke:23:53 @ Then, taking it down, he wrapped it in a linen sheet and laid it in a tomb in the rock, where no one else had yet been put.

wmth@Luke:23:55 @ The women –those who had come with Jesus from Galilee– followed close behind, and saw the tomb and how His body was placed.

wmth@Luke:24:1 @ And, on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb bringing the spices they had prepared.

wmth@Luke:24:12 @ Peter, however, rose and ran to the tomb. Stooping and looking in, he saw nothing but the linen cloths: so he went away to his own home, wondering at what had happened.

wmth@Luke:24:23 @ and, finding that His body was not there, they came and declared to us that they had also seen a vision of angels who said that He was alive.

wmth@Luke:24:24 @ Thereupon some of our party went to the tomb and found things just as the women had said; but Jesus Himself they did not see.«

wmth@Luke:24:28 @ When they had come near the village to which they were going, He appeared to be going further.

wmth@Luke:24:30 @ But as soon as He had sat down with them, and had taken the bread and had blessed and broken it, and was handing it to them,

wmth@Luke:24:35 @ Then they related what had happened on the way, and how He had been recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

wmth@John:1:24 @ They were Pharisees who had been sent.

wmth@John:2:9 @ So they carried some to him. And no sooner had the President tasted the water now turned into wine, than –not knowing where it came from, though the attendants who had drawn the water knew– he called to the bridegroom

wmth@John:2:22 @ When however He had risen from among the dead, His disciples recollected that He had said this; and they believed the Scripture and the teaching which Jesus had given them.

wmth@John:4:1 @ Now as soon as the Master was aware that the Pharisees had heard it said, »Jesus is gaining and baptizing more disciples than John«–

wmth@John:4:10 @ »If you had known God's free gift,« replied Jesus, »and who it is that said to you, `Give me some water,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.«

wmth@John:4:18 @ »for you have had five husbands, and the man you have at present is not your husband. You have spoken the truth in saying that.«

wmth@John:4:45 @ When however He reached Galilee, the Galilaeans welcomed Him eagerly, having been eye-witnesses of all that He had done in Jerusalem at the Festival; for they also had been to the Festival.

wmth@John:4:46 @ So He came once more to Cana in Galilee, where He had made the water into wine. Now there was a certain officer of the King's court whose son was ill at Capernaum.

wmth@John:4:47 @ Having heard that Jesus had come from Judaea to Galilee, he came to Him and begged Him to go down and cure his son; for he was at the point of death.

wmth@John:4:52 @ So he inquired of them at what hour he had shown improvement. »Yesterday, about seven o'clock,« they replied, »the fever left him.«

wmth@John:4:53 @ Then the father recollected that that was the time at which Jesus had said to him, »Your son has recovered,« and he and his whole household became believers.

wmth@John:5:5 @ And there was one man there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.

wmth@John:5:6 @ Jesus saw him lying there, and knowing that he had been a long time in that condition, He asked him, »Do you wish to have health and strength?«

wmth@John:5:10 @ That day was a Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who had been cured, »It is the Sabbath: you must not carry your mat.«

wmth@John:5:13 @ But the man who had been cured did not know who it was; for Jesus had passed out unnoticed, there being a crowd in the place.

wmth@John:5:15 @ The man went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had restored him to health;

wmth@John:6:13 @ Accordingly they gathered them up; and with the fragments of the five barley loaves –the broken portions that remained over after they had done eating– they filled twelve baskets.

wmth@John:6:14 @ Thereupon the people, having seen the miracle He had performed, said, »This is indeed the Prophet who was to come into the world.«

wmth@John:6:17 @ There they got on board a boat, and pushed off to cross the Lake to Capernaum. By this time it had become dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.

wmth@John:6:19 @ When, however, they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the water and coming near the boat.

wmth@John:6:22 @ Next morning the crowd who were still standing about on the other side of the Lake found that there had been but one small boat there, and they had seen that Jesus did not go on board with His disciples, but that His disciples went away without Him.

wmth@John:6:23 @ Yet a number of small boats came from Tiberias to the neighbourhood of the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

wmth@John:6:25 @ So when they had crossed the Lake and had found Him, they asked Him, »Rabbi, when did you come here?«

wmth@John:6:26 @ »In most solemn truth I tell you,« replied Jesus, »that you are searching for me not because you have seen miracles, but because you ate the loaves and had a hearty meal.

wmth@John:7:10 @ When however His brothers had gone up to the Festival, then He also went up, not openly, but as it were privately.

wmth@John:7:30 @ On hearing this they wanted to arrest Him; yet not a hand was laid on Him, because His time had not yet come.

wmth@John:7:39 @ He referred to the Spirit which those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not bestowed as yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

wmth@John:7:50 @ Nicodemus interposed–he who had formerly gone to Jesus, being himself one of them.

wmth@John:8:3 @ and was teaching them when the Scribes and the Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been found committing adultery. They made her stand in the centre of the court, and they put the case to Him.

wmth@John:8:20 @ These sayings He uttered in the Treasury, while teaching in the Temple; yet no one arrested Him, because His time had not yet come.

wmth@John:8:31 @ Jesus therefore said to those of the Jews who had now believed in Him, »As for you, if you hold fast to my teaching, then you are truly my disciples;

wmth@John:9:1 @ As He passed by, He saw a man who had been blind from his birth.

wmth@John:9:8 @ His neighbours, therefore, and the other people to whom he had been a familiar object because he was a beggar, began asking, »Is not this the man who used to sit and beg?«

wmth@John:9:13 @ They brought him to the Pharisees–the man who had been blind.

wmth@John:9:15 @ So the Pharisees renewed their questioning as to how he had obtained his sight. »He put clay on my eyes,« he replied, »and I washed, and now I can see.«

wmth@John:9:18 @ The Jews, however, did not believe the statement concerning him –that he had been blind and had obtained his sight– until they called his parents and asked them,

wmth@John:9:22 @ Such was their answer, because they were afraid of the Jews; for the Jews had already settled among themselves that if any one should acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, he should be excluded from the synagogue.

wmth@John:9:24 @ A second time therefore they called the man who had been blind, and said, »Give God the praise: we know that that man is a sinner.«

wmth@John:9:33 @ Had that man not come from God, he could have done nothing.«

wmth@John:9:35 @ Jesus heard that they had done this. So having found him, He asked him, »Do you believe in the Son of God?«

wmth@John:10:40 @ Then He went away again to the other side of the Jordan, to the place where John had been baptizing at first; and there He stayed.

wmth@John:11:13 @ Now Jesus had spoken of his death, but they thought He referred to the rest taken in ordinary sleep.

wmth@John:11:17 @ On His arrival Jesus found that Lazarus had already been three days in the tomb.

wmth@John:11:21 @ So Martha came and spoke to Jesus. »Master, if you had been here,« she said, »my brother would not have died.

wmth@John:11:30 @ Now Jesus was not yet come into the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met Him.

wmth@John:11:31 @ So the Jews who were with Mary in the house sympathizing with her, when they saw that she had risen hastily and had gone out, followed her, supposing that she was going to the tomb to weep aloud there.

wmth@John:11:32 @ Mary then, when she came to Jesus and saw Him, fell at His feet and exclaimed, »Master, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.«

wmth@John:11:33 @ Seeing her weeping aloud, and the Jews in like manner weeping who had come with her, Jesus, curbing the strong emotion of His spirit,

wmth@John:11:38 @ Jesus, however, again restraining His strong feeling, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone had been laid against the mouth of it.

wmth@John:11:45 @ Thereupon a considerable number of the Jews– namely those who had come to Mary and had witnessed His deeds– became believers in Him;

wmth@John:11:46 @ though some of them went off to the Pharisees and told them what He had done.

wmth@John:11:57 @ Now the High Priests and the Pharisees had issued orders that if any one knew where He was, he should give information, so that they might arrest Him.

wmth@John:12:1 @ Jesus, however, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was whom He had raised from the dead.

wmth@John:12:9 @ Now it became widely known among the Jews that Jesus was there; but they came not only on His account, but also in order to see Lazarus whom He had brought back to life.

wmth@John:12:12 @ The next day a great crowd of those who had come to the Festival, hearing that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

wmth@John:12:16 @ The meaning of this His disciples did not understand at the time; but after Jesus was glorified they recollected that this was written about Him, and that they had done this to Him.

wmth@John:12:17 @ The large number of people, however, who had been present when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and brought him back to life, related what they had witnessed.

wmth@John:12:18 @ This was also why the crowd came to meet Him, because they had heard of His having performed that miracle.

wmth@John:12:29 @ The crowd that stood by and heard it, said that there had been thunder. Others said, »An angel spoke to him.«

wmth@John:12:37 @ But though He had performed such great miracles in their presence, they did not believe in Him–

wmth@John:13:1 @ Now just before the Feast of the Passover this incident took place. Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and go to the Father; and having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.

wmth@John:13:3 @ although He knew that the Father had put everything into His hands, and that He had come forth from God and was now going to God,

wmth@John:13:5 @ Then He poured water into a basin, and proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel which He had put round Him.

wmth@John:13:12 @ So after He had washed their feet, put on His garments again, and returned to the table, He said to them, »Do you understand what I have done to you?

wmth@John:13:27 @ Then, after Judas had received the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. »Lose no time about it,« said Jesus to him.

wmth@John:13:29 @ Some, however, supposed that because Judas had the money-box Jesus meant, »Buy what we require for the Festival,« or that he should give something to the poor.

wmth@John:15:18 @ If the world hates you, remember that it has first had me as the fixed object of its hatred.

wmth@John:15:22 @ »If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have had no sin; but as the case stands they are without excuse for their sin.«

wmth@John:15:24 @ If I had not done among them, as I have, such miracles as no one else ever did, they would have had no sin; but they have in fact seen and also hated both me and my Father.

wmth@John:17:1 @ When Jesus had thus spoken, He raised his eyes towards Heaven and said, »Father, the hour has come. Glorify Thy Son that the Son may glorify Thee;

wmth@John:17:5 @ And now, Father, do Thou glorify me in Thine own presence, with the glory that I had in Thy presence before the world existed.

wmth@John:18:2 @ Now Judas also, who at that very time was betraying Him, knew the place, for Jesus had often resorted there with His disciples.

wmth@John:18:9 @ He made this request in order that the words He had spoken might be fulfilled, »As for those whom Thou hast given me, I have not lost one.«

wmth@John:18:14 @ (It was this Caiaphas who had advised the Jews, saying, »It is to your interest that one man should die for the People.«)

wmth@John:18:18 @ Now because it was cold the servants and the police had lighted a charcoal fire, and were standing and warming themselves; and Peter too remained with them, standing and warming himself.

wmth@John:18:26 @ One of the High Priest's servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, said, »Did I not see you in the garden with him?«

wmth@John:18:38 @ »What is truth?« said Pilate. But no sooner had he spoken the words than he went out again to the Jews and told them, »I find no crime in him.

wmth@John:19:11 @ »You would have had no power whatever over me,« replied Jesus, »had it not been granted you from above. On that account he who has delivered me up to you is more guilty than you are.«

wmth@John:19:19 @ And Pilate wrote a notice and had it fastened to the top of the cross. It ran thus: JESUS THE NAZARENE, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

wmth@John:19:23 @ So the soldiers, as soon as they had crucified Jesus, took His garments, including His tunic, and divided them into four parts–one part for each soldier. The tunic was without seam, woven from the top in one piece.

wmth@John:19:30 @ As soon as Jesus had taken the wine, He said, »It is finished.« And then, bowing His head, He yielded up His spirit.

wmth@John:19:32 @ Accordingly the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man and also of the other who had been crucified with Jesus.

wmth@John:19:39 @ Nicodemus too –he who at first had visited Jesus by night– came bringing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, in weight about seventy or eighty pounds.

wmth@John:19:41 @ There was a garden at the place where Jesus had been crucified, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried.

wmth@John:20:1 @ On the first day of the week, very early, while it was still dark, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from it.

wmth@John:20:7 @ and the towel, which had been placed over the face of Jesus, not lying with the cloths, but folded up and put by itself.

wmth@John:20:8 @ Then the other disciple, who had been the first to come to the tomb, also went in and saw and was convinced.

wmth@John:20:9 @ For until now they had not understood the inspired teaching, that He must rise again from among the dead.

wmth@John:20:12 @ and saw two angels clothed in white raiment, sitting one at the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been.

wmth@John:20:18 @ Mary of Magdala came and brought word to the disciples. »I have seen the Master,« she said. And she told them that He had said these things to her.

wmth@John:21:7 @ This made the disciple whom Jesus loved say to Peter, »It is the Master.« Simon Peter therefore, when he heard the words, »It is the Master,« drew on his fisherman's shirt –for he had not been wearing it– put on his girdle, and sprang into the water.

wmth@John:21:10 @ Jesus told them to fetch some of the fish which they had just caught.

wmth@John:21:11 @ So Simon Peter went on board the boat and drew the net ashore full of large fish, 153 in number; and yet, although there were so many, the net had not broken.

wmth@John:21:14 @ This was now the third occasion on which Jesus showed Himself to the disciples after He had risen from among the dead.

wmth@John:21:15 @ When they had finished breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter, »Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others do?«»Yes, Master,« was his answer; »you know that you are dear to me.« »Then feed my lambs,« replied Jesus.

wmth@John:21:20 @ Peter turned round and noticed the disciple whom Jesus loved following–the one who at the supper had leaned back on His breast and had asked, »Master, who is it that is betraying you?«

wmth@Acts:1:2 @ after giving instruction through the Holy Spirit to the Apostles whom He had chosen, He was taken up to Heaven.

wmth@Acts:1:3 @ He had also, after He suffered, shown Himself alive to them with many sure proofs, appearing to them at intervals during forty days, and speaking of the Kingdom of God.

wmth@Acts:1:9 @ When He had said this, and while they were looking at Him, He was carried up, and a cloud closing beneath Him hid Him from their sight.

wmth@Acts:2:1 @ At length, on the day of the Harvest Festival, they had all met in one place;

wmth@Acts:2:30 @ Being a Prophet, however, and knowing that God had solemnly sworn to him to seat a descendant of his upon his throne,

wmth@Acts:2:44 @ And all the believers kept together, and had everything in common.

wmth@Acts:3:2 @ some men were carrying there one who had been lame from birth, whom they were wont to place every day close to the Beautiful Gate (as it was called) of the Temple, for him to beg from the people as they went in.

wmth@Acts:3:10 @ and recognizing him as the man who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple asking for alms, they were filled with awe and amazement at what had happened to him.

wmth@Acts:3:12 @ Peter, seeing this, spoke to the people. »Israelites,« he said, »why do you wonder at this man? Or why gaze at us, as though by any power or piety of our own we had enabled him to walk?

wmth@Acts:3:13 @ The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathers, has conferred this honour on His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to let Him go.

wmth@Acts:4:4 @ But many of those who had listened to their preaching believed; and the number of the adult men had now grown to be about 5,000.

wmth@Acts:4:14 @ And seeing the man standing with them –the man who had been cured– they had no reply to make.

wmth@Acts:4:21 @ The Court added further threats and then let them go, being quite unable to find any way of punishing them on account of the people, because all gave God the glory for the thing that had happened.

wmth@Acts:4:22 @ For the man was over forty years of age on whom this miracle of restoration to health had been performed.

wmth@Acts:4:23 @ After their release the two Apostles went to their friends, and told them all that the High Priests and Elders had said.

wmth@Acts:4:27 @ »They did indeed assemble in this city in hostility to Thy holy Servant Jesus whom Thou hadst anointed –Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and also the tribes of Israel–«

wmth@Acts:4:28 @ to do all that Thy power and Thy will had predetermined should be done.

wmth@Acts:4:31 @ When they had prayed, the place in which they were assembled shook, and they were, one and all, filled with the Holy Spirit, and proceeded to tell God's Message with boldness.

wmth@Acts:4:32 @ Among all those who had embraced the faith there was but one heart and soul, so that none of them claimed any of his possessions as his own, but everything they had was common property;

wmth@Acts:4:37 @ sold a farm which he had, and brought the money and gave it to the Apostles.

wmth@Acts:5:7 @ About three hours had passed, when his wife came in, knowing nothing of what had happened.

wmth@Acts:5:15 @ so that they would even bring out their sick friends into the streets and lay them on light couches or mats, in order that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on one or other of them.

wmth@Acts:5:21 @ Having received that command they went into the Temple, just before daybreak, and began to teach: So when the High Priest and his party came, and had called together the Sanhedrin as well as all the Elders of the descendants of Israel, they sent to the jail to fetch the Apostles.

wmth@Acts:5:41 @ They, therefore, left the Sanhedrin and went their way, rejoicing that they had been deemed worthy to suffer disgrace on behalf of the NAME.

wmth@Acts:7:12 @ When, however, Jacob heard that there was wheat to be had, he sent our forefathers into Egypt; that was the first time.

wmth@Acts:7:16 @ and they were taken to Shechem and were laid in the tomb which Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a sum of money paid in silver.

wmth@Acts:7:17 @ »But as the time drew near for the fulfilment of the promise which God had made to Abraham, the people became many times more numerous in Egypt,

wmth@Acts:7:41 @ »Moreover they made a calf at that time, and offered a sacrifice to the idol and kept rejoicing in the gods which their own hands had made.«

wmth@Acts:7:44 @ »Our forefathers had the Tent of the Testimony in the Desert, built as He who spoke to Moses had instructed him to make it in imitation of the model which he had seen.«

wmth@Acts:8:9 @ Now for some time past there had been a man named Simon living there, who had been practising magic and astonishing the Samaritans, pretending that he was more than human.

wmth@Acts:8:14 @ When the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that the Samaritans had accepted God's Message, they sent Peter and John to visit them.

wmth@Acts:8:16 @ for He had not as yet fallen upon any of them. They had only been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus.

wmth@Acts:8:27 @ Upon this he rose and went. Now, as it happened, an Ethiopian eunuch who was in a position of high authority with Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, as her treasurer, had visited Jerusalem to worship there,

wmth@Acts:8:39 @ But no sooner had they come up out of the water than the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again. With a glad heart he resumed his journey;

wmth@Acts:9:8 @ Then he rose from the ground, but when he had opened his eyes, he could not see, and they led him by the arm and brought him to Damascus.

wmth@Acts:9:27 @ Barnabas, however, came to his assistance. He brought Saul to the Apostles, and related to them how, on his journey, he had seen the Lord, and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had fearlessly taught in the name of Jesus.

wmth@Acts:9:29 @ and speaking fearlessly in the name of the Lord. And he often talked with the Hellenists and had discussions with them.

wmth@Acts:9:31 @ The Church, however, throughout the whole of Judaea, Galilee and Samaria, had peace and was spiritually built up; and grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord and receiving encouragement from the Holy Spirit.

wmth@Acts:9:33 @ There he found a man of the name of Aeneas, who for eight years had kept his bed, through being paralysed.

wmth@Acts:9:38 @ Lud, however, being near Jaffa, the disciples, who had heard that Peter was at Lud, sent two men to him with an urgent request that he would come across to them without delay.

wmth@Acts:10:3 @ About three o'clock one afternoon he had a vision, and distinctly saw an angel of God enter his house, who called him by name, saying, »Cornelius!«

wmth@Acts:10:7 @ So when the angel who had been speaking to him was gone, Cornelius called two of his servants and a God-fearing soldier who was in constant attendance on him,

wmth@Acts:10:10 @ He had become unusually hungry and wished for food; but, while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance.

wmth@Acts:10:11 @ The sky had opened to his view, and what seemed to be an enormous sail was descending, being let down to the earth by ropes at the four corners.

wmth@Acts:10:17 @ While Peter was greatly perplexed as to the meaning of the vision which he had seen, just then the men sent by Cornelius, having by inquiry found out Simon's house,

wmth@Acts:10:18 @ had come to the door and had called the servant, and were asking, »Is Simon, surnamed Peter, staying here?«

wmth@Acts:10:24 @ and the day after that they reached Caesarea. There Cornelius was awaiting their arrival, and had invited all his relatives and intimate friends to be present.

wmth@Acts:10:45 @ And all the Jewish believers who had come with Peter were astonished that on the Gentiles also the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out.

wmth@Acts:11:1 @ Now the Apostles, and the brethren in various parts of Judaea, heard that the Gentiles also had received God's Message;

wmth@Acts:11:13 @ Then he described to us how he had seen the angel come and enter his house and say, »`Send to Jaffa and fetch Simon, surnamed Peter.

wmth@Acts:11:15 @ »And,« said Peter, »no sooner had I begun to speak than the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as He fell upon us at the first.

wmth@Acts:11:19 @ Those, however, who had been driven in various directions by the persecution which broke out on account of Stephen made their way to Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch, delivering the Message to none but Jews.

wmth@Acts:11:23 @ On getting there he was delighted to see the grace which God had bestowed; and he encouraged them all to remain, with fixed resolve, faithful to the Lord.

wmth@Acts:12:4 @ He had him arrested and lodged in jail, handing him over to the care of sixteen soldiers; and intended after the Passover to bring him out again to the people.

wmth@Acts:12:17 @ But he motioned with his hand for silence, and then described to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. »Tell all this to James and the brethren,« he added. Then he left them, and went to another place.

wmth@Acts:12:19 @ And when Herod had had him searched for and could not find him, after sharply questioning the guards he ordered them away to execution. He then went down from Judaea to Caesarea and remained there.

wmth@Acts:12:20 @ Now the people of Tyre and Sidon had incurred Herod's violent displeasure. So they sent a large deputation to wait on him; and having secured the good will of Blastus, his treasurer, they begged the king to be friendly with them again, because their country was dependent on his for its food supply.

wmth@Acts:12:23 @ Instantly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he had not given the glory to God, and being eaten up by worms, he died.

wmth@Acts:13:5 @ Having reached Salamis, they began to announce God's Message in the synagogues of the Jews. And they had John as their assistant.

wmth@Acts:13:6 @ When they had gone through the whole length of the island as far as Paphos, they there met with a Jewish magician and false prophet, Bar-Jesus by name,

wmth@Acts:13:12 @ Then the Proconsul, seeing what had happened, believed, being struck with amazement at the teaching of the Lord.

wmth@Acts:13:24 @ Before the coming of Jesus, John had proclaimed to all the people of Israel a baptism of repentance.

wmth@Acts:13:29 @ and when they had carried out everything which had been written about Him, they took Him down from the cross and laid Him in a tomb.

wmth@Acts:13:31 @ And, after a few days, He appeared to the people who had gone up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem and are now witnesses concerning Him to the Jews.

wmth@Acts:13:43 @ And, when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and of the devout converts from heathenism continued with Paul and Barnabas, who talked to them and urged them to hold fast to the grace of God.

wmth@Acts:14:2 @ But the Jews who had refused obedience stirred up the Gentiles and embittered their minds against the brethren.

wmth@Acts:14:8 @ Now a man who had no power in his feet used to sit in the streets of Lystra. He had been lame from his birth and had never walked.

wmth@Acts:14:9 @ After this man had listened to one of Paul's sermons, the Apostle, looking steadily at him and perceiving that he had faith to be cured,

wmth@Acts:14:11 @ So he sprang up and began to walk about. Then the crowds, seeing what Paul had done, rent the air with their shouts in the Lycaonian language, saying, »The gods have assumed human form and have come down to us.«

wmth@Acts:14:18 @ Even with words like these they had difficulty in preventing the thronging crowd from offering sacrifices to them.

wmth@Acts:14:20 @ When, however, the disciples had collected round him, he rose and went back into the town. The next day he went with Barnabas to Derbe;

wmth@Acts:14:26 @ Thence they sailed to Antioch, where they had previously been commended to the grace of God in connexion with the work which they had now completed.

wmth@Acts:14:27 @ Upon their arrival they called the Church together and proceeded to report in detail all that God, working with them, had done, and how He had opened for the Gentiles the door of faith.

wmth@Acts:15:1 @ But certain persons who had come down from Judaea tried to convince the brethren, saying, »Unless you are circumcised in accordance with the Mosaic custom, you cannot be saved.«

wmth@Acts:15:4 @ Upon their arrival in Jerusalem they were cordially received by the Church, the Apostles, and the Elders; and they reported in detail all that God, working with them, had done.

wmth@Acts:15:5 @ But certain men who had belonged to the sect of the Pharisees but were now believers, stood up in the assembly, and said, »Yes, Gentile believers ought to be circumcised and be ordered to keep the Law of Moses.«

wmth@Acts:15:7 @ and after there had been a long discussion Peter rose to his feet. »It is within your own knowledge,« he said, »that God originally made choice among you that from my lips the Gentiles were to hear the Message of the Good News, and believe.

wmth@Acts:15:12 @ Then the whole assembly remained silent while they listened to the statement made by Paul and Barnabas as to all the signs and marvels that God had done among the Gentiles through their instrumentality.

wmth@Acts:15:13 @ When they had finished speaking, James said, »Brethren, listen to me.

wmth@Acts:15:21 @ For Moses from the earliest times has had his preachers in every town, being read, as he is, Sabbath after Sabbath, in the various synagogues.«

wmth@Acts:15:33 @ After spending some time there they received an affectionate farewell from the brethren to return to those who had sent them.

wmth@Acts:15:38 @ while Paul deemed it undesirable to have as their companion one who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not gone on with them to the work.

wmth@Acts:16:1 @ He also came to Derbe and to Lystra. At Lystra he found a disciple, Timothy by name–the son of a Christian Jewess, though he had a Greek father.

wmth@Acts:16:4 @ As they journeyed on from town to town, they handed to the brethren for their observance the decisions which had been arrived at by the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem.

wmth@Acts:16:10 @ So when he had seen the vision, we immediately looked out for an opportunity of passing on into Macedonia, confidently inferring that God had called us to proclaim the Good News to the people there.

wmth@Acts:16:13 @ On the Sabbath we went beyond the city gate to the riverside, where we had reason to believe that there was a place for prayer; and sitting down we talked with the women who had come together.

wmth@Acts:16:15 @ When she and her household had been baptized, she urged us, saying, »If in your judgement I am a believer in the Lord, come and stay at my house.« And she made us go there.

wmth@Acts:16:27 @ Starting up from sleep and seeing the doors of the jail wide open, the jailer drew his sword and was on the point of killing himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped.

wmth@Acts:17:3 @ which he clearly explained, pointing out that it had been necessary for the Christ to suffer and rise again from the dead, and insisting, »The Jesus whom I am announcing to you is the Christ.«

wmth@Acts:17:13 @ As soon, however, as the Jews of Thessalonica learnt that God's Message had been proclaimed by Paul at Beroea, they came there also, and incited the mob to a riot.

wmth@Acts:17:17 @ So he had discussions in the synagogue with the Jews and the other worshippers, and in the market place, day after day, with those whom he happened to meet.

wmth@Acts:17:18 @ A few of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also encountered him. Some of them asked, »What has this beggarly babbler to say?«»His business,« said others, »seems to be to cry up some foreign gods.« This was because he had been telling the Good News of Jesus and the Resurrection.

wmth@Acts:18:2 @ Here he found a Jew, a native of Pontus, of the name of Aquila. He and his wife Priscilla had recently come from Italy because of Claudius's edict expelling all the Jews from Rome. So Paul paid them a visit;

wmth@Acts:18:14 @ But, when Paul was about to begin his defence, Gallio said to the Jews, »If it had been some wrongful act or piece of cunning knavery I might reasonably have listened to you Jews.

wmth@Acts:18:18 @ After remaining a considerable time longer in Corinth, Paul took leave of the brethren and set sail for Syria; and Priscilla and Aquila were with him. He had shaved his head at Cenchreae, because he was bound by a vow.

wmth@Acts:18:19 @ They put in at Ephesus, and there Paul left his companions behind. As for himself, he went to the synagogue and had a discussion with the Jews.

wmth@Acts:18:25 @ He had been instructed by word of mouth in the way of the Lord, and, being full of burning zeal, he used to speak and teach accurately the facts about Jesus, though he knew of no baptism but John's.

wmth@Acts:18:27 @ Then, as he had made up his mind to cross over into Greece, the brethren wrote to the disciples in Corinth begging them to give him a kindly welcome. Upon his arrival he rendered valuable help to those who through grace had believed;

wmth@Acts:19:12 @ Towels or aprons, for instance, which Paul had handled used to be carried to the sick, and they recovered from their ailments, or the evil spirits left them.

wmth@Acts:19:13 @ But there were also some wandering Jewish exorcists who undertook to invoke the name of Jesus over those who had the evil spirits, saying, »I command you by that Jesus whom Paul preaches.«

wmth@Acts:19:18 @ Many also of those who believed came confessing without reserve what their conduct had been,

wmth@Acts:19:19 @ and not a few of those who had practised magical arts brought their books together and burnt them in the presence of all. The total value was reckoned and found to be 50,000 silver coins.

wmth@Acts:19:21 @ When matters had reached this point, Paul decided in his own mind to travel through Macedonia and Greece, and go to Jerusalem. »After that,« he said, »I must also see Rome.«

wmth@Acts:19:32 @ The people, meanwhile, kept shouting, some one thing and some another; for the assembly was all uproar and confusion, and the greater part had no idea why they had come together.

wmth@Acts:19:33 @ Then some of the people crowded round Alexander, whom the Jews had pushed forward; and Alexander, motioning with his hand to get silence, was prepared to make a defence to the people.

wmth@Acts:20:1 @ When the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples; and, after speaking words of encouragement to them, he took his leave, and started for Macedonia.

wmth@Acts:20:5 @ These brethren had gone on and were waiting for us in the Troad.

wmth@Acts:20:7 @ On the first day of the week, when we had met to break bread, Paul, who was going away the next morning, was preaching to them, and prolonged his discourse till midnight.

wmth@Acts:20:12 @ They had taken the lad home alive, and were greatly comforted.

wmth@Acts:20:13 @ The rest of us had already gone on board a ship, and now we set sail for Assos, intending to take Paul on board there; for so he had arranged, he himself intending to go by land.

wmth@Acts:21:1 @ When, at last, we had torn ourselves away and had set sail, we ran in a straight course to Cos; the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.

wmth@Acts:21:9 @ Now Philip had four unmarried daughters who were prophetesses;

wmth@Acts:21:19 @ After exchanging friendly greetings, Paul told in detail all that God had done among the Gentiles through his instrumentality.

wmth@Acts:21:20 @ And they, when they had heard his statement, gave the glory to God. Then they said, »You see, brother, how many tens of thousands of Jews there are among those who have accepted the faith, and they are all zealous upholders of the Law.

wmth@Acts:21:29 @ (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, and imagined that Paul had brought him into the Temple.)

wmth@Acts:21:33 @ Then the Tribune, making his way to him, arrested him, and, having ordered him to be secured with two chains, proceeded to ask who he was and what he had been doing.

wmth@Acts:21:35 @ When Paul was going up the steps, he had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob;

wmth@Acts:22:5 @ as the High Priest also and all the Elders can bear me witness. It was, too, from them that I received letters to the brethren in Damascus, and I was already on my way to Damascus, intending to bring those also who had fled there, in chains to Jerusalem, to be punished.

wmth@Acts:22:11 @ »And as I could not see because the light had been so dazzling, those who were with me had to lead me by the arm, and so I came to Damascus.«

wmth@Acts:22:25 @ But, when they had tied him up with the straps, Paul said to the Captain who stood by, »Does the Law permit you to flog a Roman citizen–and one too who is uncondemned?«

wmth@Acts:22:29 @ So the men who had been on the point of putting him under torture immediately left him. And the Tribune, too, was frightened when he learnt that Paul was a Roman citizen, for he had had him bound.

wmth@Acts:23:12 @ Now, when daylight came, the Jews formed a conspiracy and solemnly swore not to eat or drink till they had killed Paul.

wmth@Acts:23:27 @ This man Paul had been seized by the Jews, and they were on the point of killing him, when I came upon them with the troops and rescued him, for I had been informed that he was a Roman citizen.

wmth@Acts:23:29 @ and I discovered that the charge had to do with questions of their Law, but that he was accused of nothing for which he deserves death or imprisonment.

wmth@Acts:25:7 @ Upon Paul's arrival, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood round him, and brought many grave charges against him which they were unable to substantiate.

wmth@Acts:25:16 @ My reply was that it is not the custom among the Romans to give up any one for punishment before the accused has had his accusers face to face, and has had an opportunity of defending himself against the charge which has been brought against him.

wmth@Acts:25:18 @ But, when his accusers stood up, they did not charge him with the misdemeanours of which I had been suspecting him.

wmth@Acts:25:19 @ But they quarrelled with him about certain matters connected with their own religion, and about one Jesus who had died, but –so Paul persistently maintained– is now alive.

wmth@Acts:25:25 @ I could not discover that he had done anything for which he deserved to die; but as he has himself appealed to the Emperor, I have decided to send him to Rome.

wmth@Acts:26:32 @ And Agrippa said to Festus, »He might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed to Caesar.«

wmth@Acts:27:9 @ Our voyage thus far had occupied a considerable time, and the navigation being now unsafe and the Fast also already over, Paul warned them.

wmth@Acts:27:21 @ When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, »Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss.

wmth@Acts:27:30 @ The sailors, however, wanted to make their escape from the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow.

wmth@Acts:28:3 @ Now, when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and had thrown them on the fire, a viper, driven by the heat, came out and fastened itself on his hand.

wmth@Acts:28:11 @ Three months passed before we set sail in an Alexandrian vessel, called the `Twin Brothers,' which had wintered at the island.

wmth@Acts:28:17 @ After one complete day he invited the leading men among the Jews to meet him; and, when they were come together, he said to them, »As for me, brethren, although I had done nothing prejudicial to our people or contrary to the customs of our forefathers, I was handed over as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the power of the Romans.

wmth@Acts:28:18 @ They, after they had sharply questioned me, were willing to set me at liberty, because they found no offence in me for which I deserve to die.

wmth@Acts:28:19 @ But, at last, the opposition of the Jews compelled me to appeal to Caesar; not however that I had any charge to bring against my nation.

wmth@Acts:28:25 @ Unable to agree among themselves, they at last left him, but not before Paul had spoken a parting word to them, saying, »Right well did the Holy Spirit say to your forefathers through the Prophet Isaiah:

wmth@Romans:1:2 @ which God had already promised through His Prophets in Holy Writ, concerning His Son,

wmth@Romans:1:21 @ For when they had come to know God, they did not give Him glory as God nor render Him thanks, but they became absorbed in useless discussions, and their senseless minds were darkened.

wmth@Romans:1:25 @ For they had bartered the reality of God for what is unreal, and had offered divine honours and religious service to created things, rather than to the Creator–He who is for ever blessed. Amen.

wmth@Romans:1:28 @ And just as they had refused to continue to have a full knowledge of God, so it was to utterly worthless minds that God gave them up, for them to do things which should not be done.

wmth@Romans:4:10 @ What then were the circumstances under which this took place? Was it after he had been circumcised, or before?

wmth@Romans:4:12 @ and the forefather of the circumcised, namely of those who not merely are circumcised, but also walk in the steps of the faith which our forefather Abraham had while he was as yet uncircumcised.

wmth@Romans:4:19 @ And, without growing weak in faith, he could contemplate his own vital powers which had now decayed –for he was nearly 100 years old– and Sarah's barrenness.

wmth@Romans:4:25 @ who was surrendered to death because of the offences we had committed, and was raised to life because of the acquittal secured for us.

wmth@Romans:5:14 @ Yet Death reigned as king from Adam to Moses even over those who had not sinned, as Adam did, against Law. And in Adam we have a type of Him whose coming was still future.

wmth@Romans:7:7 @ What follows? Is the Law itself a sinful thing? No, indeed; on the contrary, unless I had been taught by the Law, I should have known nothing of sin as sin. For instance, I should not have known what covetousness is, if the Law had not repeatedly said,

wmth@Romans:9:11 @ and even then, though they were not then born and had not done anything either good or evil, yet in order that God's electing purpose might not be frustrated, based, as it was, not on their actions but on the will of Him who called them, she was told,

wmth@Romans:13:1 @ Let every individual be obedient to those who rule over him; for no one is a ruler except by God's permission, and our present rulers have had their rank and power assigned to them by Him.

wmth@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For after the world by its wisdom –as God in His wisdom had ordained– had failed to gain the knowledge of God, God was pleased, by the apparent foolishness of the Message which we preach, to save those who accepted it.

wmth@1Corinthians:2:1 @ And as for myself, brethren, when I came to you, it was not with surpassing power of eloquence or earthly wisdom that I came, announcing to you that which God had commanded me to bear witness to.

wmth@1Corinthians:2:8 @ a wisdom which not one of the leaders of the present age possesses, for if they had possessed it, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory.

wmth@1Corinthians:3:1 @ And as for myself, brethren, I found it impossible to speak to you as spiritual men. It had to be as to worldlings–mere babes in Christ.

wmth@1Corinthians:4:8 @ Every one of you already has all that heart can desire; already you have grown rich; without waiting for us, you have ascended your thrones! Yes indeed, would to God that you had ascended your thrones, that we also might reign with you!

wmth@1Corinthians:6:11 @ And all this describes what some of you were. But now you have had every stain washed off: now you have been set apart as holy: now you have been pronounced free from guilt; in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and through the Spirit of our God.

wmth@1Corinthians:7:29 @ Yet of this I warn you, brethren: the time has been shortened–so that henceforth those who have wives should be as though they had none,

wmth@1Corinthians:11:5 @ but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short.

wmth@1Corinthians:15:3 @ For I repeated to you the all-important fact which also I had been taught, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures;

wmth@2Corinthians:1:9 @ Nay, we had, as we still have, the sentence of death within our own selves, in order that our confidence may repose, not on ourselves, but on God who raised the dead to life.

wmth@2Corinthians:3:9 @ For if the service which pronounces doom had glory, far more glorious still is the service which tells of righteousness.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:7 @ but also by the fact that he had felt comforted on your account, and by the report which he brought of your eager affection, of your grief, and of your jealousy on my behalf, so that I rejoiced more than ever.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:8 @ For if I gave you pain by that letter, I do not regret it, though I did regret it then. I see that that letter, even though for a time it gave you pain, had a salutary effect.

wmth@2Corinthians:7:12 @ Therefore, though I wrote to you, it was not to punish the offender, nor to secure justice for him who had suffered the wrong, but it was chiefly in order that your earnest feeling on our behalf might become manifest to yourselves in the sight of God.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:5 @ They not only did this, as we had expected, but first of all in obedience to God's will they gave their own selves to the Lord and to us.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:6 @ This led us to urge Titus that, as he had previously been the one who commenced the work, so he should now go and complete among you this act of beneficence also.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:10 @ But in this matter I give you an opinion; for my doing this helps forward your own intentions, seeing that not only have you begun operations, but a year ago you already had the desire to do so.

wmth@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we send with them our brother, of whose zeal we have had frequent proof in many matters, and who is now more zealous than ever through the strong confidence which he has in you.

wmth@2Corinthians:12:9 @ but His reply has been, »My grace suffices for you, for power matures in weakness.« Most gladly therefore will I boast of my infirmities rather than complain of them–in order that Christ's power may overshadow me.

wmth@Galatians:2:4 @ Yet there was danger of this through the false brethren secretly introduced into the Church, who had stolen in to spy out the freedom which is ours in Christ Jesus, in order to rob us of it.

wmth@Galatians:2:7 @ Indeed, when they saw that I was entrusted with the preaching of the Good News to the Gentiles as Peter had been with that to the Jews–

wmth@Galatians:2:8 @ for He who had been at work within Peter with a view to his Apostleship to the Jews had also been at work within me with a view to my Apostleship to the Gentiles–

wmth@Galatians:2:11 @ Now when Peter visited Antioch, I remonstrated with him to his face, because he had incurred just censure.

wmth@Galatians:2:12 @ For until certain persons came from James he had been accustomed to eat with Gentiles; but as soon as these persons came, he withdrew and separated himself for fear of the Circumcision party.

wmth@Galatians:2:18 @ Why, if I am now rebuilding that structure of sin which I had demolished, I am thereby constituting myself a transgressor;

wmth@Galatians:3:17 @ I mean that the Covenant which God had already formally made is not abrogated by the Law which was given four hundred and thirty years later–so as to annul the promise.

wmth@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then was the Law given? It was imposed later on for the sake of defining sin, until the seed should come to whom God had made the promise; and its details were laid down by a mediator with the help of angels.

wmth@Galatians:3:21 @ God, however, is only one. Is the Law then opposed to the promises of God? No, indeed; for if a Law had been given which could have conferred Life, righteousness would certainly have come by the Law.

wmth@Galatians:4:14 @ and yet the bodily infirmity which was such a trial to you, you did not regard with contempt or loathing, but you received me as if I had been an angel of God or Christ Jesus Himself!

wmth@Galatians:4:15 @ I ask you, then, what has become of your self-congratulations? For I bear you witness that had it been possible you would have torn out your own eyes and have given them to me.

wmth@Galatians:4:22 @ For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave-girl and one by the free woman.

wmth@Ephesians:2:12 @ At that time you were living apart from Christ, estranged from the Commonwealth of Israel, with no share by birth in the Covenants which are based on the Promises, and you had no hope and no God, in all the world.

wmth@Ephesians:3:11 @ Such was the eternal purpose which He had formed in Christ Jesus our Lord,

wmth@Ephesians:4:4 @ There is but one body and but one Spirit, as also when you were called you had one and the same hope held out to you.

wmth@Ephesians:4:9 @ (Now this »re-ascended« –what does it mean but that He had first descended into the lower regions of the earth?

wmth@Ephesians:6:6 @ Let it not be in acts of eye-service as if you had but to please men, but as Christ's bondservants who are doing God's will from the heart.

wmth@Philippians:1:29 @ For you have had the privilege granted you on behalf of Christ–not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer on His behalf;

wmth@Philippians:2:6 @ Although from the beginning He had the nature of God He did not reckon His equality with God a treasure to be tightly grasped.

wmth@Philippians:2:27 @ For it is true that he has been ill, and was apparently at the point of death; but God had pity on him, and not only on him, but also on me, to save me from having sorrow upon sorrow.

wmth@Philippians:4:15 @ And you men and women of Philippi also know that at the first preaching of the Good News, when I had left Macedonia, no other Church except yourselves held communication with me about giving and receiving;

wmth@Colossians:2:17 @ These were a shadow of things that were soon to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.

wmth@1Thessalonians:1:6 @ And you followed the pattern set you by us and by the Master, after you had received the Message amid severe persecution, and yet with the joy which the Holy Spirit gives,

wmth@1Thessalonians:1:9 @ For when others speak of us they report the reception we had from you, and how you turned from your idols to God, to be bondservants of the true and ever-living God,

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:2 @ But, as you will remember, after we had already met with suffering and outrage at Philippi, we summoned up boldness, by the help of our God, to tell you God's Good News amid much opposition.

wmth@1Thessalonians:2:8 @ Seeing that we were thus drawn affectionately towards you, it would have been a joy to us to have imparted to you not only God's Good News, but to have given our very lives also, because you had become very dear to us.

wmth@2Thessalonians:3:9 @ This was not because we had not a claim upon you, but it arose from a desire to set you an example–for you to imitate us.

wmth@1Timothy:1:13 @ though I was previously a blasphemer and a persecutor and had been insolent in outrage. Yet mercy was shown me, because I had acted ignorantly, not having as yet believed;

wmth@2Timothy:4:16 @ At my first defence I had no one at my side, but all deserted me. May it not be laid to their charge.

wmth@Titus:3:5 @ as righteous men, had done, but as the result of His own mercy He saved us by means of the bath of regeneration and the renewal of our natures by the Holy Spirit,

wmth@Hebrews:2:3 @ how shall escape if we are indifferent to a salvation as great as that now offered to us? This, after having first of all been announced by the Lord Himself, had its truth made sure to us by those who heard Him,

wmth@Hebrews:2:10 @ For it was fitting that He for whom, and through whom, all things exist, after He had brought many sons to glory, should perfect by suffering the Prince Leader who had saved them.

wmth@Hebrews:2:14 @ Since then the children referred to are all alike sharers in perishable human nature, He Himself also, in the same way, took on Him a share of it, in order that through death He might render powerless him who had authority over death, that is, the Devil,

wmth@Hebrews:2:15 @ and might set at liberty all those who through fear of death had been subject to lifelong slavery.

wmth@Hebrews:3:4 @ For every house has had a builder, and the builder of all things is God.

wmth@Hebrews:3:16 @ For who were they that heard, and yet provoked God? Was it not the whole of the people who had come out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses?

wmth@Hebrews:3:17 @ And with whom was God so greatly grieved for forty years? Was it not with those who had sinned, and whose dead bodies fell in the Desert?

wmth@Hebrews:4:3 @ We who have believed are soon to be admitted to the true rest; as He has said, although God's works had been going on ever since the creation of the world.

wmth@Hebrews:4:6 @ Since, then, it is still true that some will be admitted to that rest, and that because of disobedience those who formerly had Good News proclaimed to them were not admitted,

wmth@Hebrews:4:8 @ For if Joshua had given them the true rest, we should not afterwards hear God speaking of another still future day.

wmth@Hebrews:6:13 @ For when God gave the promise to Abraham, since He had no one greater to swear by, He swore by Himself,

wmth@Hebrews:6:15 @ And so, as the result of patient waiting, our forefather obtained what God had promised.

wmth@Hebrews:8:7 @ For if that first Covenant had been free from imperfection, there would have been no attempt to introduce another.

wmth@Hebrews:9:1 @ Now even the first Covenant had regulations for divine worship, and had also its sanctuary–a sanctuary belonging to this world.

wmth@Hebrews:9:4 @ This had a censer of gold, and the ark of the Covenant lined with gold and completely covered with gold, and in it were a gold vase which held the manna, and Aaron's rod which budded and the tables of the Covenant.

wmth@Hebrews:9:5 @ And above the ark were the Cherubim denoting God's glorious presence and overshadowing the Mercy-seat. But I cannot now speak about all these in detail.

wmth@Hebrews:9:19 @ For when Moses had proclaimed to all the people every commandment contained in the Law, he took the blood of the calves and of the goats and with them water, scarlet wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people,

wmth@Hebrews:10:15 @ And the Holy Spirit also gives us His testimony; for when He had said,

wmth@Hebrews:10:22 @ let us draw near with sincerity and unfaltering faith, having had our hearts sprinkled, once for all, from consciences oppressed with sin, and our bodies bathed in pure water.

wmth@Hebrews:11:5 @ Through faith Enoch was taken from the earth so that he did not see death, and he could not be found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken we have evidence that he truly pleased God.

wmth@Hebrews:11:9 @ Through faith he came and made his home for a time in a land which had been promised to him, as if in a foreign country, living in tents together with Isaac and Jacob, sharers with him in the same promise;

wmth@Hebrews:11:11 @ Through faith even Sarah herself received strength to become a mother –although she was past the time of life for this– because she judged Him faithful who had given the promise.

wmth@Hebrews:11:13 @ All these died in the possession of faith. They had not received the promised blessings, but had seen them from a distance and had greeted them, and had acknowledged themselves to be foreigners and strangers here on earth;

wmth@Hebrews:11:15 @ And if they had cherished the remembrance of the country they had left, they would have found an opportunity to return;

wmth@Hebrews:11:17 @ Through faith Abraham, as soon as God put him to the test, offered up Isaac. Yes, he who had joyfully welcomed the promises was on the point of sacrificing his only son

wmth@Hebrews:11:18 @ with regard to whom he had been told,

wmth@Hebrews:11:23 @ Through faith the child Moses was hid for three months by his parents, because they saw his rare beauty; and the king's edict had no terror for them.

wmth@Hebrews:11:31 @ Through faith the notorious sinner Rahab did not perish along with the disobedient, for she had welcomed the spies and had sheltered them.

wmth@Hebrews:11:40 @ for God had provided for them and us something better, so that apart from us they were not to attain to full blessedness.

wmth@Hebrews:12:8 @ And if you are left without discipline, of which every true son has had a share, that shows that you are bastards, and not true sons.

wmth@Hebrews:12:17 @ For you know that even afterwards, when he wished to secure the blessing, he was rejected; for he found no opportunity for undoing what he had done, though he sought the blessing earnestly with tears.

wmth@Hebrews:12:20 @ For they could not endure the order which had been given,

wmth@Hebrews:13:2 @ Do not neglect to show kindness to strangers; for, in this way, some, without knowing it, have had angels as their guests.

wmth@1Peter:1:12 @ To them it was revealed that they were serving not themselves but you, when they foretold the very things which have now been openly declared to you by those who, having been taught by the Holy Spirit which had been sent from Heaven, brought you the Good News. Angels long to stoop and look into these things.

wmth@1Peter:1:18 @ knowing, as you do, that it was not with a ransom of perishable wealth, such as silver or gold, that you were set free from your frivolous habits of life which had been handed down to you from your forefathers,

wmth@1Peter:2:3 @ if you have had any experience of the goodness of the Lord.

wmth@1Peter:2:10 @ Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. Once you had not found mercy, but now you have.

wmth@1Peter:3:20 @ who in ancient times had been disobedient, while God's longsuffering was patiently waiting in the days of Noah during the building of the Ark, in which a few persons –eight in number– were brought safely through the water.

wmth@2Peter:1:16 @ For when we made known to you the power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not eagerly following cleverly devised legends, but we had been eye-witnesses of His majesty.

wmth@2Peter:2:4 @ For God did not spare angels when they had sinned, but hurling them down to Tartarus consigned them to caves of darkness, keeping them in readiness for judgement.

wmth@1John:2:7 @ My dearly-loved friends, it is no new command that I am now giving you, but an old command which you have had from the very beginning. By the old command I mean the teaching which you have already received.

wmth@1John:2:19 @ They have gone forth from our midst, but they did not really belong to us; for had they belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But they left us that it might be manifest that professed believers do not all belong to us.

wmth@1John:4:8 @ He who is destitute of love has never had any knowledge of God; because God is love.

wmth@2John:1:5 @ And now, dear lady, I pray you –writing to you, as I do, not a new command, but the one which we have had from the very beginning– let us love one another.

wmth@Jude:1:5 @ I desire to remind you –although the whole matter is already familiar to you– that the Lord saved a people out of the land of Egypt, but afterwards destroyed those who had no faith.

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