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NT.filter - orthjbc knowledge:

orthjbc@Matthew:6:8 @ Therefore, be nisht azoi (note:)not so(:note); for your Av has da'as knowledge of what things you have need before you ask him.

orthjbc@Matthew:11:27 @ "All things were given to me by Avi, and no one has da'as (note:)knowledge(:note) of HaBen except HaAv, nor does anyone have da'as of HaAv, except HaBen, and anyone to whom HaBen chooses to unveil him.

orthjbc@Luke:7:29 @ (And when kol haAm and the mochesim heard this, they acknowledged the Tzidkat Hashem, having been submitted to the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.

orthjbc@Luke:12:8 @ "And I say to you, whoever will declare publicly the Ani Ma'amin of me [as Moshiach] before bnei Adam, the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] will make hoda'ah (note:)acknowledgement(:note) of him before the malachim of Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:2:23 @ "this one, delivered up by the determined cheshbon (note:)plan(:note) and Yedi'ah mukdemet foreknowledge of Hashem, you nailed to HaAitz Devarim strkjv@21:22 by the hand of lawless bnei Adam and put Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to death. [Yeshayah strkjv@53:10]

orthjbc@Acts:18:24 @ Now a certain man, a Yehudi, arrived in Ephesus, Apollos by name, hailing from Alexandria, a Lamdan (note:)a Torah scholar with prodigious knowledge(:note), being tief deep and profound, baki, erudite, chorif, keen in the Kitvei HaKodesh.

orthjbc@Acts:23:8 @ Loit (note:)according to(:note) the Tzedukim sadducees, there is no Techiyas HaMesim nor a malach nor ruchot, but Perushim acknowledge all these things.

orthjbc@Acts:24:3 @ "This in every way and everywhere, we acknowledge, most excellent Felix, with todah rabbah.

orthjbc@Romans:2:20 @ a rabbinic moreh (note:)teacher(:note) of the foolish, a melammed instructor of the young, having the embodiment of da'as knowledge and Emes Rom.1:25 in the Torah...

orthjbc@Romans:3:20 @ For by ma'asei HaTorah (note:)statutory works of the Torah(:note) shall KOL CHAI LO YITZDAK "all living not be justified" TEHILLIM strkjv@143:2, for through the Torah comes the da'as HaChet the knowledge of sin.

orthjbc@Romans:11:33 @ O the depth of the riches and the chochmah (note:)wisdom(:note) and da'as knowledge of Hashem. How unfathomable are His mishpatim judgments and incomprehensible His ways.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:8:1 @ Now concerning the sacrifice to an elil (note:)idol in avodah zarah, idol worship(:note), we have da'as that "we all possess da'as knowledge." But da'as puffs up with ga'avah, but ahavah agape--12:31-14:1 builds up.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:8:7 @ However, not kol Bnei Adam have this da'as (note:)knowledge(:note); some are so accustomed to the elil idol until now that when they eat, they think of the ma'achal food as being sacrificed to the elil in avodah zarah, and their matzpun conscience being weak, is made to be tameh defiled, unclean.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:8:10 @ For if anyone sees you, the one having da'as (note:)knowledge(:note), eating in the temple of an elil, will not the matzpun of him be strengthened so as to eat the okhel at the mitzbeach of avodah zarah sacrificed to an elil idol?

orthjbc@1Corinthians:12:8 @ to one through the Ruach Hakodesh is given a dvar chochmah (note:)a dvar of wisdom--Act strkjv@16:7(:note); to another, according to the same Ruach Hakodesh, a dvar da'as word of knowledge--Act strkjv@5:3;

orthjbc@1Corinthians:13:2 @ And if I have nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note) and have da'as all sodot mysteries and all da'as knowledge, and if I have all emunah faith so as to remove mountains, but ahavah agape I do not have, I am nothing.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:11:6 @ But if indeed I am unskilled in lashon [I Cor strkjv@1:17; strkjv@2:1,13] yet I am not in da'as (note:)knowledge(:note) [Eph strkjv@3:4] but in all ways and all things I have made this abundantly clear to you.

orthjbc@Galatians:2:6 @ But from the men of repute--whatever they once were matters nothing to me, ki ein masso panim im Hashem (note:)for there is no respect of persons with G-d, no partiality(:note)--for to me these men of repute added nothing. MOSHIACH'S SHLUCHIM, KEFA AND YA'AKOV AND YOCHANAN, ACKNOWLEDGED THERE MUST BE A SHLICHUT FOR THE YEHUDIM AND ALSO ANOTHER SHLICHUT FOR THE GOYIM, AND THAT THE BRIS MILAH PARTY [THE ONES HOLDING ASSERTING IN THE FACE OF EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY THAT GOYIM HAD TO HAVE THE BRIS MILAH TO BE SAVED] SHOULD NOT DICTATE POLICY ON THE FIELD IN THE DIASPORA

orthjbc@Galatians:4:8 @ But, formerly, when you did not have da'as (note:)knowledge(:note) of Hashem, you were avadim serving that which is by nature not haEl ha'Amiti the true G-d.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:4 @ who wants kol bnei Adam to have Yeshu'at Eloheynu (note:)the Salvation of our G-d(:note) and to come to da'as Emes a knowledge of the truth.

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:20 @ O Timotiyos, the pikkadon (note:)deposit(:note) [of Moshiach's torah] entrusted to you, guard, turning away from the profane empty utterances and oppositions of the falsely named [or pseudo-Jewish--1:7] Da'as Knowledge,

orthjbc@Titus:3:3 @ For all of us were once chaser da'at (note:)lacking knowledge(:note), sorrarim disobedient, being led astray, avadim slaves of ta'avot and to various pleasures of Olam Hazeh, spending our lives in eyvah enmity--Bereshis strkjv@3:15 and kina jealousy, hated, and hating one another.

orthjbc@1Peter:1:2 @ to haBechirim (note:)the Chosen ones(:note) according to the foreknowledge [1:20] of Elohim Avinu, the ones set apart as kedoshim by the Ruach Hakodesh, resulting in mishma'at obedience [1:14,22; strkjv@3:6; strkjv@4:17] to the Moshiach and resulting in hazzayat haDam haMoshiach sprinkling of the Blood of Moshiach--Yeshayah strkjv@52:15, Shemot strkjv@24:7, of Moshiach Yehoshua. May Chesed Hashem and Shalom Hashem abound to all of you! A BERACHAH FOR THE NEW BIRTH IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@1Peter:1:14 @ As Bnei Mishma'at (note:)Children of Obedience--1:2(:note), not conforming yourselves to your former ta'avot, when you lacked da'as personal, saving knowledge,

orthjbc@1Peter:2:15 @ For it is the ratzon Hashem (note:)the will of G-d(:note) that you, by acting as anshei tzedek, may silence the lack of da'as knowledge of the kesilim the foolish people.

orthjbc@2Peter:1:2 @ Chesed Hashem and Shalom Hashem to you abundantly in the da'as (note:)personal, saving knowledge(:note) of Hashem and Adoneinu Yehoshua. HAVTACHOT GEDOLOT FOR THE WAY OF ESCAPE: THE KERI'AH AND BECHIRAH OF THE MA'AMIN IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@2Peter:1:3 @ As the gevurat Hashem (note:)the power of G-d(:note) has given us everything for Chayyim life and chassidus through the da'as personal, saving knowledge of the One who bestows on us the keri'ah calling to his own Kavod Glory and Tzidkanut Righteousness--see strkjv@1:5-7; strkjv@2:5,21; strkjv@3:13,

orthjbc@2Peter:1:5 @ For this very reason, you must apply all diligence to supply to emunah, midah hatov (note:)the attribute of virtue(:note), and to midah hatov, da'as knowledge,

orthjbc@2Peter:1:8 @ For if these middos are in you increasingly, they will forestall you from being batlanim (note:)idlers(:note) and lo poreh unfruitful in the da'as personal saving knowledge of Moshiach Adoneynu Yehoshua.

orthjbc@2John:1:1 @ From the Zeken (note:)Elder, SHEMOT strkjv@3:16(:note) To the Gevirah haBechirah the Chosen Lady and her Banim Sons, Children, for whom I have ahavah agap b'Emes, and not only I but also all those who have da'as haEmes knowledge of the Truth,

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