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riversident@Matthew:12:16 @ but he gave strict orders to them not to make him known.

riversident@Mark:3:12 @ But he ordered them repeatedly and sternly not to make him known.

riversident@Mark:5:20 @ So he went away and began to make known in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and all were astonished.

riversident@Luke:2:15 @ When the angels went away into heaven, the shepherds spoke to one another: "Let us go to Bethlehem and see this that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us."

riversident@Luke:7:39 @ When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said within himself, "This man, if he were a prophet, would have known who and what this woman who is touching him is, for she is a sinner."

riversident@John:7:4 @ For no one does anything in secret while desiring to be known publicly. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world."

riversident@John:18:15 @ Simon Peter was following Jesus and so was another disciple. That disciple was known to the High Priest and he went in with Jesus into the court of the High Priest.

riversident@John:18:16 @ Peter stood by the gate outside. The other disciple, who was known to the High Priest, went out and spoke to the girl at the door and brought in Peter.

riversident@Acts:1:19 @ It became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that that field was called in their own language Akeldama, that is, the Field of Blood.)

riversident@Acts:4:10 @ be it known to all of you and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead \'97 by this name, this man stands here before you sound.

riversident@Acts:7:13 @ On their second visit Joseph made himself known to his brothers, and Joseph's family was made known to Pharaoh.

riversident@Acts:9:24 @ but this became known to Saul. They watched the gates day and night to seize him.

riversident@Acts:9:42 @ This became known through all Joppa and many believed in the Lord.

riversident@Acts:13:38 @ "Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.

riversident@Acts:15:18 @ who does these things foreknown from of old.'

riversident@Acts:15:36 @ After some time Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the brethren in every city in which we made known the Lord's message, and see how they are prospering."

riversident@Acts:17:23 @ For in passing about and contemplating your sacred objects I came upon an altar on which was inscribed, 'To an unknown God.' What you are worshiping in ignorance \'97 that I am making known to you.

riversident@Acts:19:17 @ This became known to all who were living in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks, and awe fell on all of them, and the name of the Lord Jesus came to be held in high honor.

riversident@Acts:28:28 @ Therefore be it known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles. They will listen."

riversident@Romans:1:19 @ Because what may be known of God is manifest within them, for God has manifested it to them.

riversident@Romans:1:20 @ For God's invisible qualities \'97 his everlasting power and deity \'97 are, since the creation of the world, clearly seen, being known from what he has made. So they are without any excuse.

riversident@Romans:7:7 @ What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? Never. But I should not have come to know sin except through the Law. I should not have known lust if the Law had not said, "Thou shalt not lust."

riversident@Romans:9:22 @ What if God, choosing to exhibit his wrath and to make known what he can do, bore in long patience the vessels of wrath made for destruction,

riversident@Romans:9:23 @ and in order to make known the richness of his glory upon the vessels of mercy which he had prepared for glory

riversident@Romans:11:34 @ For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who became his counsellor?

riversident@Romans:16:26 @ but now made manifest through the prophetic Scriptures by the command of the eternal God, to promote obedience to the faith made known to all the Gentiles \'97

riversident@1Corinthians:2:8 @ None of the rulers of this world knew it, for if they had known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

riversident@1Corinthians:2:16 @ For "Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who will teach him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

riversident@1Corinthians:8:3 @ If any one loves God, he is known by him.

riversident@1Corinthians:13:12 @ For as yet we are looking at puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then face to face. As yet I know in part, but then I shall know fully, as I have been fully known.

riversident@1Corinthians:14:7 @ Inanimate things that give a sound, such as the flute or harp, \'97 unless they give a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is being played on flute or harp?

riversident@1Corinthians:14:9 @ And so you, if you do not give by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is said? For you will be talking into the air.

riversident@1Corinthians:14:38 @ But if any one does not know, he is himself unknown.

riversident@2Corinthians:3:2 @ You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men,

riversident@2Corinthians:5:16 @ So we, from now on, know no man according to the flesh. Even if we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him so no more.

riversident@2Corinthians:6:9 @ as unknown yet well known, as dying and yet we are living, as chastised yet not put to death,

riversident@Galatians:1:22 @ I was not known by face to the churches of Christ in Judaea.

riversident@Galatians:4:9 @ But now that you know God, or rather have been known by God, how are you turning back to the weak and beggarly elementary lessons to which you wish to be slaves again?

riversident@Ephesians:1:9 @ He has made known to us the mystery of his will according to his grace which he purposed in him

riversident@Ephesians:6:19 @ and in my behalf, that words may be given to me when I open my month to make known with fearlessness the mystery of the good news,

riversident@Philippians:1:13 @ so that my chains have become well known as for Christ to the whole Praetorian Guard and to all the rest,

riversident@Philippians:4:5 @ Let your fairness be known to all men. The Lord is near.

riversident@Philippians:4:6 @ Do not worry, but in everything by prayer and entreaty with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

riversident@Colossians:1:27 @ to whom God willed to make known what is the glorious wealth of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory.

riversident@2Timothy:3:15 @ and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which can give you wisdom to gain salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

riversident@Titus:1:3 @ but in due time made known as his message through the proclamation with which I was entrusted by the commission of God our Savior,

riversident@1Peter:1:20 @ who was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but was manifested at the end of time for your sake

riversident@2Peter:2:21 @ For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment that has been committed to them.

riversident@1John:3:6 @ Whoever remains in him does not sin; whoever sins has not seen him nor known him.

riversident@Revelation:1:1 @ A REVELATION of Jesus Christ which God gave to him, to make known to his servants things which must soon take place. He sent and made it known through his angel to his servant John,

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