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tcent@Matthew:3:17 @ And behold, a voice from heaven, saying, »This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.«

tcent@Matthew:14:6 @ But when Herod’s birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod,

tcent@Matthew:17:5 @ While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and a voice from the cloud said, »This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Listen to him!«

tcent@Matthew:18:27 @ The master of that servant took pity on him, released him, and forgave him the debt.

tcent@Matthew:21:33 @ »Hear another parable: there was a landowner who planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a wine press in it and built a tower. And he leased it to vine dressers and went into a far country.

tcent@Matthew:27:26 @ Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.

tcent@Mark:1:11 @ And a voice came from heaven, »You are my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.«

tcent@Mark:6:22 @ And when the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests. The king said to the girl, »Ask me for whatever you want, and I will give it to you.«

tcent@Mark:12:1 @ Then he began to speak to them in parables: »A man planted a vineyard and set a hedge around it, dug a place for the wine vat and built a tower. And he leased it to vine dressers and went into a far country.

tcent@Mark:15:15 @ So Pilate, wanting to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and he delivered Jesus, after he had scourged him, to be crucified.

tcent@Luke:3:22 @ and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, »You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.«

tcent@Luke:20:9 @ Then he began to tell the people this parable: »A man planted a vineyard, leased it to vine-dressers, and went into another country for a long time.

tcent@Luke:23:25 @ And he released the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection and murder, the one they asked for; but Jesus he delivered up to their will.

tcent@Acts:4:23 @ When they had been released, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.

tcent@Acts:6:5 @ And the statement pleased the whole congregation; and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch.

tcent@Acts:12:3 @ When he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. This was during the days of Unleavened Bread.

tcent@Acts:22:30 @ But on the next day, wishing to know for certain why he had been accused by the Jews, he released him and ordered the chief priests and all the Council to assemble, and brought Paul down and set him before them.

tcent@Romans:7:2 @ For a married woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives, but if her husband dies she is released from the law of her husband.

tcent@Romans:7:6 @ But now, by dying to what once held us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

tcent@Romans:15:26 @ For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem.

tcent@Romans:15:27 @ They were pleased to do it, and indeed they are in debt to them. For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings.

tcent@1Corinthians:1:21 @ For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know God, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

tcent@1Corinthians:10:5 @ Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased; for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

tcent@Galatians:1:15 @ But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through his grace, was pleased

tcent@Colossians:1:19 @ For all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him

tcent@Hebrews:11:5 @ By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God had taken him. For before he was taken he was attested as having pleased God.

tcent@Hebrews:11:35 @ Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection.

tcent@Hebrews:13:16 @ Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

tcent@Hebrews:13:23 @ You should know that our brother Timothy has been released, with whom I will see you if he comes soon.

tcent@2Peter:1:17 @ For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him by the Majestic Glory, saying, »This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.«

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