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NT.filter - acv multitude:

acv@Matthew:4:25 @ And many multitudes from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond the Jordan followed him.

acv@Matthew:5:1 @ And having seen the multitudes, he went up onto the mountain. And when he sat down, his disciples came to him.

acv@Matthew:7:28 @ And it came to pass, when Jesus finished these sayings, the multitudes were astonished at his teaching,

acv@Matthew:8:1 @ And upon his coming down from the mountain, many multitudes followed him.

acv@Matthew:8:18 @ Now when Jesus saw many multitudes around him, he commanded to depart to the other side.

acv@Matthew:9:8 @ But when the multitudes saw it, they marveled, and glorified God, who gave such authority to men.

acv@Matthew:9:33 @ And when the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke. And the multitudes marveled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.

acv@Matthew:9:36 @ But when he saw the multitudes, he felt compassion for them, because they were troubled and dejected, as sheep having no shepherd.

acv@Matthew:11:7 @ And while those men departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes about John, What did ye go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

acv@Matthew:12:15 @ And having known it Jesus withdrew from there, and many multitudes followed him, and he healed them all.

acv@Matthew:12:23 @ And all the multitudes were amazed, and said, Is this not the son of David?

acv@Matthew:12:46 @ While he was still speaking to the multitudes, behold, his mother and his brothers had stood outside, seeking to speak to him.

acv@Matthew:13:2 @ And many multitudes were gathered to him, so as for him (having entered in) to sit in the boat, and all the multitude had stood on the shore.

acv@Matthew:13:34 @ Jesus spoke all these things in parables to the multitudes, and he did not speak to them independent of a parable,

acv@Matthew:13:36 @ Then having sent the multitudes away, Jesus came into the house. And his disciples came to him, saying, Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.

acv@Matthew:14:5 @ And though he wanted to kill him, he feared the multitude because they held him as a prophet.

acv@Matthew:14:13 @ Now when Jesus heard it, he departed from there in a boat into a desolate place in private. And when the multitudes heard of it, they followed him on foot from the cities.

acv@Matthew:14:14 @ And having come forth, Jesus saw a great multitude, and he felt compassion toward them, and healed the feeble of them.

acv@Matthew:14:15 @ And having become evening, his disciples came to him, saying, The place is desolate, and the hour is now past. Send the multitudes away, so that having gone into the villages, they may buy food for themselves.

acv@Matthew:14:19 @ And after commanding the multitudes to sit down on the grass, having taken the five loaves, and the two fishes, having looking up to heaven, he blessed. And having broken them in pieces, he gave the loaves to the disciples, and the

acv@Matthew:14:22 @ And straightaway Jesus compelled the disciples to enter into the boat, and to go ahead of him to the other side, until he would dismiss the multitudes.

acv@Matthew:14:23 @ And having dismissed the multitudes, he went up onto the mountain in private to pray. And having become evening, he was there alone.

acv@Matthew:15:10 @ And having called in the multitude, he said to them, Hear and understand.

acv@Matthew:15:30 @ And many multitudes came to him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, crippled, and many others. And they placed them beside Jesus' feet, and he healed them,

acv@Matthew:15:31 @ so as for the multitudes to marvel seeing the mute speaking, the maimed healthy, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they glorified the God of Israel.

acv@Matthew:15:32 @ And Jesus having summoned his disciples, he said, I feel compassion toward the multitude because they continue with me now three days and do not have what they might eat. And I do not want to dismiss them without food, lest they mi

acv@Matthew:15:33 @ And his disciples say to him, From where are so many loaves for us in a wilderness so as to feed so great a multitude?

acv@Matthew:15:35 @ And he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the ground.

acv@Matthew:15:36 @ And after taking the seven loaves and the fishes, having expressed thanks, he broke in pieces, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the multitudes.

acv@Matthew:15:39 @ And having dismissed the multitudes, he entered into the boat, and came into the regions of Magdala.

acv@Matthew:17:14 @ And when they came to the multitude, a man came to him, kneeling to him, and saying,

acv@Matthew:19:2 @ And many multitudes followed him and he healed them there.

acv@Matthew:20:29 @ And when they went out from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.

acv@Matthew:20:31 @ And the multitude rebuked them, so that they would be quiet, but they cried out greater, saying, Be merciful to us, Lord, thou son of David.

acv@Matthew:21:9 @ And the multitudes who went ahead and those who followed, cried out, saying, Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of Lord. Hosanna in the highest!

acv@Matthew:21:11 @ And the multitudes said, This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee.

acv@Matthew:21:26 @ But if we should say, From men, we fear the multitude, for all hold John as a prophet.

acv@Matthew:21:46 @ And when they sought to seize him, they feared the multitudes, because they held him as a prophet.

acv@Matthew:22:33 @ And when the multitudes heard it, they were astonished at his doctrine.

acv@Matthew:23:1 @ Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to his disciples, saying,

acv@Matthew:26:47 @ And while he was still speaking, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs from the chief priest and elders of the people.

acv@Matthew:26:55 @ In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, Did ye come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to seize me? I sat daily with you teaching in the temple, and ye did not seize me.

acv@Matthew:27:20 @ But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.

acv@Matthew:27:24 @ And when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather an uproar was developing, after taking water, he washed his hands in front of the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man. See ye to it.

acv@Mark:2:13 @ And he went forth again by the sea, and all the multitude resorted to him, and he taught them.

acv@Mark:3:7 @ And Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea, and a great multitude from Galilee followed him.

acv@Mark:3:8 @ And from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, having heard how many things he did, came to him.

acv@Mark:3:20 @ And the multitude comes together again, so as for them, no, not even to be able to eat bread.

acv@Mark:3:32 @ And a multitude was sitting around him, and they said to him, Behold, thy mother, and thy brothers, and thy sisters, outside seek for thee.

acv@Mark:4:1 @ And again he began to teach by the sea. And a great multitude was gathered to him, so as for him, after entering into the boat, to sit on the sea, and all the multitude was by the sea on the land.

acv@Mark:4:36 @ And having sent the multitude away, they bring him along as he was in the boat. And other small boats were also with him.

acv@Mark:5:21 @ And when Jesus crossed over again in the boat to the other side, a great multitude gathered to him, and he was near the sea.

acv@Mark:5:24 @ And he went with him, and a great multitude followed him, and they thronged him.

acv@Mark:5:31 @ And his disciples said to him, Thou see the multitude crowding thee, and thou say, Who touched me?

acv@Mark:6:34 @ And Jesus having come out, he saw a great multitude. And he felt compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.

acv@Mark:7:33 @ And having taken him from the multitude in private, he put his fingers into his ears, and having spat, he touched his tongue.

acv@Mark:8:1 @ In those days, the multitude being very great, and not having what they might eat, Jesus having summoned his disciples, he says to them,

acv@Mark:8:2 @ I feel compassion toward the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and do not have what they might eat.

acv@Mark:8:34 @ And having called in the multitude with his disciples, he said to them, Whoever wants to follow behind me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

acv@Mark:9:14 @ And when they came to the disciples he saw a great multitude around them, and scholars disputing with them.

acv@Mark:9:15 @ And straightaway all the multitude, having noticed him, were startled. And running near they greeted him.

acv@Mark:9:17 @ And having answered, one from the multitude said, Teacher, I brought my son to thee, who has a mute spirit.

acv@Mark:10:1 @ And having risen from there, he comes into the borders of Judea through the other side of the Jordan. And multitudes come together to him again, and, as he has practiced, he taught them again.

acv@Mark:12:12 @ And they sought to seize him. And they feared the multitude, for they knew that he spoke the parable against them. And having left him, they went away.

acv@Mark:12:37 @ David himself therefore calls him Lord, and in what way is he his son? And the great multitude heard him gladly.

acv@Mark:12:41 @ And having sat down opposite the treasury, Jesus watched how the multitude cast money into the treasury, and many rich men cast in much.

acv@Mark:14:43 @ And straightaway, while he still spoke, Judas, being one of the twelve, comes, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs from the chief priests, and the scholars, and the elders.

acv@Mark:15:8 @ And having cried aloud, the multitude began to ask as he was always doing for them.

acv@Luke:1:10 @ And the whole multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense.

acv@Luke:2:13 @ And suddenly there came to be with the agent a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

acv@Luke:3:7 @ He said therefore to the multitudes who went out to be immersed by him, Ye offspring of vipers, who showed you to flee from the coming wrath?

acv@Luke:4:42 @ And when it became day, having departed, he went to a desolate place. And the multitudes sought him, and they came to him, and were restraining him not depart from them.

acv@Luke:5:1 @ Now it came to pass, while the multitude pressed upon him to hear the word of God, and having stood still, he was beside the lake of Gennesaret.

acv@Luke:5:6 @ And having done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net was tearing.

acv@Luke:5:15 @ But the report about him went through more, and many multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by him from their infirmities.

acv@Luke:5:19 @ And not having found how they might bring him in because of the multitude, after going up upon the housetop, they let him down through the tiles with the small bed into the midst in front of Jesus.

acv@Luke:6:19 @ And all the multitude sought to touch him, because power came forth from him, and healed them all.

acv@Luke:7:9 @ And when Jesus heard these things, he marveled him, and having turned around to the multitude who followed him, he said, I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.

acv@Luke:7:11 @ And it came to pass on the next day that he went to a city called Nain, and a considerable number of his disciples went with him, also a large multitude.

acv@Luke:7:24 @ And after John's messengers departed, he began to say to the multitudes about John, What did ye go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

acv@Luke:8:4 @ And when a large multitude gathered together, and those coming to him from each city, he spoke by a parable.

acv@Luke:8:37 @ And the whole multitude of the region around the Gadarenes besought him to depart from them, because they were gripped by great fear. And he, having embarked into the boat, returned.

acv@Luke:8:40 @ And it came to pass during Jesus returning, the multitude welcomed him, for they were all waiting for him.

acv@Luke:8:42 @ because there was with him an only begotten daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. But during his going the multitudes thronged him.

acv@Luke:8:45 @ And Jesus said, Who is he who touched me? But when they all denied, Peter and those with him, said, Master, the multitudes come together and crowd thee, and thou say, Who is he who touched me?

acv@Luke:9:11 @ But the multitudes having known, they followed him. And having received them, he spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and he cured those who had need of healing.

acv@Luke:9:12 @ And the day began to decline, and the twelve having come near, they said to him, Send the multitude away, so that, after going into the villages and fields around, they may rest and find provision, because we are here in a desolate

acv@Luke:9:16 @ And after taking the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to heaven, he blessed them, and broke in pieces, and gave to the disciples to set before the multitude.

acv@Luke:9:18 @ And it came to pass, as he was praying privately, the disciples were with him. And he questioned them, saying, Who do the multitudes say that I am?

acv@Luke:11:14 @ And he was casting out a demon, and it was mute. And it happened when the demon was gone out, the mute man spoke. And the multitudes marveled,

acv@Luke:11:29 @ And when the multitudes gathered together he began to say, This generation is evil. They seek a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah, the prophet.

acv@Luke:12:1 @ During which time the myriads of the multitude having gathered together so as to trample each other, he began first to say to his disciples, Take heed to yourselves from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

acv@Luke:12:54 @ And he also said to the multitudes, When ye see a cloud rising from the west, straightaway ye say, A shower is coming, and so it happens.

acv@Luke:13:14 @ And having responded, the synagogue-ruler, being indignant because Jesus healed on the Sabbath, answered and said to the multitude, There are six days in which he ought to work. Therefore coming in these, be healed, and not on the

acv@Luke:13:17 @ And as he said these things all those opposing him were shamed, and all the multitude rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him.

acv@Luke:14:25 @ Now many multitudes went with him, and having turned, he said to them,

acv@Luke:18:36 @ And having heard a multitude going by, he inquired what this may be.

acv@Luke:19:37 @ And as he was now coming near, at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began rejoicing to praise God in a great voice about all the mighty works that they had seen, saying,

acv@Luke:19:39 @ And some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, Teacher, rebuke thy disciples.

acv@Luke:22:6 @ And he consented and sought opportunity to betray him to them apart from the multitude.

acv@Luke:22:47 @ While he yet spoke, behold, a multitude, and the man called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them. And he came near to Jesus to kiss him.

acv@Luke:23:4 @ And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitudes, I find nothing guilty in this man.

acv@Luke:23:27 @ And a great multitude of the people followed him, and also of women who bewailed and lamented him.

acv@Luke:23:48 @ And all the multitudes who came together to this scene, watching that which happened, turned back, beating their breasts.

acv@John:5:3 @ In these lay a great multitude of those who are feeble, blind, lame, withered, waiting for the movement of the water.

acv@John:5:13 @ But the man who was healed had not known who he is, for Jesus withdrew, a multitude being in the place.

acv@John:6:2 @ And a great multitude followed him because they saw his signs, which he did on those who are infirmed.

acv@John:6:5 @ Jesus therefore having lifted up his eyes, and having seen that a great multitude comes to him, he says to Philip, From where will we buy loaves, so that these may eat?

acv@John:6:22 @ On the morrow the multitude that stood on the other side of the sea, having seen that there was no other boat there except that one in which his disciples entered, and that Jesus did not go with his disciples into the boat, but his

acv@John:6:24 @ when therefore the multitude saw that Jesus is not there, nor his disciples, they entered into the boats, and came to Capernaum seeking Jesus.

acv@John:7:12 @ And there was much murmuring among the multitudes about him. Some said, He is a good man, others said, No, but he leads the multitude astray.

acv@John:7:20 @ The multitude answered and said, Thou have a demon. Who seeks to kill thee?

acv@John:7:40 @ Many from the multitude therefore, when they heard the saying, said, This is truly the prophet.

acv@John:7:43 @ So there became a division among the multitude because of him.

acv@John:7:49 @ But this multitude that does not know the law are accursed.

acv@John:11:42 @ And I had known that thou always hear me, but because of the multitude that stands by I spoke, so that they may believe that thou sent me.

acv@John:12:9 @ Therefore a great multitude of the Jews knew that he is there. And they came, not only because of Jesus, but that they might also see Lazarus whom he had raised from the dead.

acv@John:12:12 @ On the morrow a great multitude having come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,

acv@John:12:17 @ Therefore the multitude, the one that was with him when he called Lazarus from the sepulcher, and raised him from the dead, testified.

acv@John:12:18 @ Also because of this the multitude met him, because they heard of him doing this sign.

acv@John:12:29 @ The multitude therefore that stood by and heard, said thunder occurred, others said, A heavenly agent has spoken to him.

acv@John:12:34 @ The multitude answered him, We have heard from the law that the Christ remains into the age. And how can thou say, The Son of man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?

acv@Acts:1:15 @ And in those days, Peter, having stood up in the midst of the disciples (and there was a multitude of names at the same place, about a hundred twenty), he said

acv@Acts:2:6 @ And the sound of this that happened brought the multitude together. And it was bewildered because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

acv@Acts:4:32 @ And the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul. And not even one man said that anything of the things that was possessed by him was his own, but all things were common to them.

acv@Acts:5:14 @ And more who believe were added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women,

acv@Acts:6:2 @ And the twelve, having summoned the multitude of the disciples, they said, It is not right for us, having left the word of God behind, to serve tables.

acv@Acts:6:5 @ And the word was pleasing before all the multitude. And they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte, a citizen of Antioch,

acv@Acts:8:6 @ And the multitudes unanimously heeded the things that were spoken by Philip during their listening and seeing the signs that he did.

acv@Acts:11:24 @ Because he was a good man, and full of Holy Spirit and of faith. And a considerable multitude was added to the Lord.

acv@Acts:11:26 @ and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to pass a whole year for them to be assembled in the congregation, and to teach a considerable multitude, and to call the disciples Christians, first at Antioch.

acv@Acts:13:45 @ But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled of envy, and contradicted the things spoken by Paul, contradicting and slandering.

acv@Acts:14:11 @ And the multitudes who saw what Paul did, lifted up their voice, speaking Lycaonian, The gods came down to us, having become like men.

acv@Acts:14:13 @ And the priest of Zeus, being in front of their city, after bringing oxen and garlands to the gates, wanted to sacrifice with the multitudes.

acv@Acts:14:18 @ And saying these things, they scarcely restrained the multitudes not to sacrifice to them.

acv@Acts:15:12 @ And all the multitude kept silent, and they heard Barnabas and Paul describing how many signs and wonders God did among the Gentiles through them.

acv@Acts:15:30 @ Indeed therefore after being dismissed, they came to Antioch, and having gathered the multitude together, they delivered the letter.

acv@Acts:16:22 @ And the multitude rose up together against them. And the magistrates, having torn off their clothes, commanded to beat them with rods.

acv@Acts:17:8 @ And they disturbed the multitude and the city rulers when they heard these things.

acv@Acts:19:9 @ But when some were hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, having withdrawn from them, he separated the disciples, discoursing daily in the school of a certain Tyrannus.

acv@Acts:19:26 @ And ye see and hear, that not only at Ephesus, but almost in all Asia, this man Paul, having persuaded them, turned away a considerable multitude, saying that there are no gods made by hands.

acv@Acts:19:33 @ And they urged forward Alexander out of the multitude, having put him forward from the Jews. And Alexander having waved his hand, wanted to make a defense to the crowd.

acv@Acts:19:35 @ And when the town clerk calmed the multitude, he says, Ephesian men, now who is the man who does not know the city of the Ephesians being temple-guardian of the great goddess Artemis, and of what fell from Zeus?

acv@Acts:21:22 @ What is it therefore? Certainly the multitude needs to get together, for they will hear that thou have come.

acv@Acts:25:24 @ And Festus says, King Agrippa, and all who are present with us, ye see this man about whom all the multitude of the Jews appealed to me, both at Jerusalem and here, shouting he ought not to live any longer.

acv@Hebrews:11:12 @ And therefore from one man, and these things having become deadened, were begotten as the stars of the heaven for multitude, and as the sand of the seashore, countless.

acv@James:5:20 @ let him know that he who converts a sinful man from his wandering way, will save a soul from death, and will hide a multitude of sins.

acv@1Peter:4:8 @ And above all having fervent love for yourselves, because love will cover a multitude of sins,

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