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bwe@Matthew:4:24 @ The people in all the country of Syria heard about him. They brought all who were sick in any way, or had bad spirits in them, and those who could not walk or use their hands. Jesus healed them.

bwe@Matthew:8:16 @ That evening, many people who had bad spirits were brought to Jesus. He spoke to the bad spirits and drove them out. And he healed all the people who were sick.

bwe@Matthew:9:2 @ Some men brought a sick man to him. The man could not move his arms or legs. He was lying on a bed. Jesus saw that they believed he would be healed. So he said to the sick man, My son, be glad! The wrong things you have done are forgiven.

bwe@Matthew:9:32 @ As they were leaving, people brought a man to Jesus. This man could not talk He had a bad spirit in him.

bwe@Matthew:12:22 @ Then the people brought a man to Jesus. The man had a bad spirit in him. He was blind and could not talk. Jesus healed him. Then the man could talk and see.

bwe@Matthew:13:44 @ The kingdom of heaven is like this. Something worth a lot of money is buried in a field. A man found it and covered it again. He was so glad that he went and sold everything he had. Then he bought that field.

bwe@Matthew:13:46 @ He found a pearl that was worth a lot of money. Then he went and sold everything he had and bought it.

bwe@Matthew:14:5 @ Herod wanted to kill John, but he was afraid of the people. They thought John was a prophet, a man of God.

bwe@Matthew:14:11 @ Johns head was brought on a plate. It was given to the girl. And she took it to her mother.

bwe@Matthew:14:35 @ The men there knew him and sent word to the people in all the country around. They brought all the sick people to him.

bwe@Matthew:15:19 @ Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, killing people, all kinds of adultery, stealing, lying, and saying wrong things about people.

bwe@Matthew:15:29 @ Many people came to him. They brought sick people with them. Some were lame. Some were hurt. Some were blind. Some could not talk. And there were many others. They laid them down in front of Jesus. And he healed them.

bwe@Matthew:17:16 @ I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.

bwe@Matthew:18:24 @ The first servant was brought in. He owed the king a very large sum of money.

bwe@Matthew:19:13 @ Then people brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them and ask God to bless them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Matthew:20:10 @ Those who started work first thought they would get more than that. But they also were paid a days wages.

bwe@Matthew:21:7 @ They brought the donkey and her young one. They put their coats on them. Then Jesus got on to ride.

bwe@Matthew:21:46 @ They wanted to catch him, but they feared the people. The people thought Jesus was a prophet.

bwe@Matthew:22:10 @ So those servants went out on the roads. They brought all the people they could find, both bad and good people. Then the room was full of people for the wedding.

bwe@Matthew:22:19 @ Show me a piece of money used for tax. They brought him a piece of money.

bwe@Matthew:23:12 @ Anyone who puts himself up will be brought down. And anyone who puts himself down will be brought up.

bwe@Matthew:25:20 @ The servant who had been given five bags of money brought five bags more to his master. He said, "Sir, you gave me five bags of money. See, I have made five bags more money."

bwe@Matthew:27:3 @ Judas was the man who helped them take Jesus. He saw that they had judged Jesus and were going to kill him. He was sorry for what he had done, so he brought the thirty pieces of silver money back to the chief priests and leaders.

bwe@Matthew:27:7 @ They talked the matter over and bought a field that belonged to a man who made pots. They bought it for a place in which to bury strangers.

bwe@Matthew:27:12 @ When the chief priests and leaders brought their complaints, Jesus said nothing.

bwe@Matthew:27:18 @ Pilate knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they had brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Mark:1:32 @ That evening when the sun went down, people brought to Jesus all the sick people and those who had bad spirits.

bwe@Mark:2:3 @ Four men brought a sick man to Jesus. The man could not move his arms or legs.

bwe@Mark:6:28 @ He brought the head on a plate and gave it to the girl. She gave it to her mother.

bwe@Mark:6:49 @ But when they saw him walking on the water, they thought it was a spirit. They shouted loudly.

bwe@Mark:6:55 @ They went quickly to all the country around. They brought sick people in their beds to the place where they heard Jesus was.

bwe@Mark:7:21 @ Here is what comes from the heart: wrong thoughts, all kinds of adultery, stealing, killing, wanting things that other people have, doing very wrong things, fooling people, breaking the law, jealousy, saying wrong things about people, being proud, being foolish.

bwe@Mark:7:31 @ The people brought a man to Jesus who could not hear and could not talk well. They begged Jesus to put his hand on him.

bwe@Mark:8:22 @ Then they came to Bethsaida. Some people brought a blind man to Jesus. They begged him to touch the man.

bwe@Mark:9:17 @ One of the people said, Teacher, I brought my son to you. A bad spirit is in him so he cannot talk.

bwe@Mark:9:20 @ So they brought the boy to him. As soon as the bad spirit saw him, he threw the boy around. The boy fell on the ground and rolled around. Foam was coming from his mouth.

bwe@Mark:10:13 @ They brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Mark:11:7 @ They brought it to Jesus and laid their coats on it. He got on it.

bwe@Mark:12:16 @ They brought one to him. He asked, Whose picture and name is this? They answered, Caesars.

bwe@Mark:15:3 @ The chief priests brought many complaints against Jesus.

bwe@Mark:15:10 @ He knew that the chief priests did not like Jesus. He knew that was why they brought Jesus to him.

bwe@Mark:16:1 @ The Sabbath day was past. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome came to the grave. They brought spices that smelled very nice to put on the body of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:1:66 @ All those who heard them thought much about them. They said, What will this child be some day? They said this because the power of the Lord was with him.

bwe@Luke:2:27 @ He came into the temple, led by the Spirit. The parents brought in the child Jesus to do what the law said they should do about him.

bwe@Luke:2:44 @ They thought he was coming with the rest of the people. They travelled one day. Then they looked for him among their family and friends.

bwe@Luke:3:15 @ The people were waiting to see what would happen. They were all asking about John. They thought that he might be the Christ, the great king promised by God long ago.

bwe@Luke:3:23 @ Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his work. The people thought he was Josephs son. Here are the names of Jesus family line: Joseph, Heli, Matthat, Levi, Melchi, Janna, Joseph, Mattathiah, Amos, Nahum, Esli, Naggai, Maath, Mattathiah, Semei, Joseph, Judah, Joannas, Rhesa, Zerubbabel, Shealtiel, Neri, Melchi, Addi, Cosam, Elmodam, Er, Jose, Eliezer, Jorim, Matthat, Levi, Simeon, Judah, Joseph, Jonan, Eliakim, Melea, Menen, Mattathah, Nathan, David, Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Salmon, Nahshon, Amminadab, Ram, Hezron, Perez, Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Shelah, Cainan, Arphaxad, Shem, Noah, Lamech, Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalalel, Cainan, Enosh, Seth, Adam. Adam came from God.

bwe@Luke:4:40 @ When the sun went down, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick in any way. He put his hands on every one of them and healed them.

bwe@Luke:5:11 @ They brought their boats to the land. Then they left everything and went with Jesus.

bwe@Luke:5:18 @ Some men brought a sick man on his bed. The man could not move his arms or legs. They tried to bring him in and put him in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:7:37 @ In that city was a bad woman. When she knew that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house, she came and brought a bottle of oil. It was oil that smelled very sweet and cost much money.

bwe@Luke:14:11 @ Everyone who puts himself up in a high place will be brought down to a low place. And everyone who puts himself down in a low place will be brought up to a high place.

bwe@Luke:14:18 @ But the people all began to make excuses. The first one said, I have bought a farm. I must go and see it. I beg you, excuse me from the feast."

bwe@Luke:14:19 @ Another man said, "I have bought ten oxen. I am going to see them. I beg you, excuse me from the feast."

bwe@Luke:16:3 @ Then the manager thought to himself, "What will I do? My master is taking my work away from me. I am not strong enough to go out and dig. I am ashamed to beg.

bwe@Luke:17:28 @ It was the same way in the time of Lot. People ate and drank. They bought and sold. They planted and built.

bwe@Luke:18:9 @ There were some people who thought they were very good. And they thought that other people were not good. Jesus told this story to them.

bwe@Luke:18:14 @ I tell you, when this man went home, he was right with God. The other one was not. Everyone who puts himself up in a high place will be brought down to a low place. And everyone who puts himself in a low place will be brought up to a high place.

bwe@Luke:18:15 @ People brought even small children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. When the disciples saw it, they tried to stop the people.

bwe@Luke:19:11 @ While they were listening to this, he started to tell them a story. He did so because they were near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God would begin right away.

bwe@Luke:19:35 @ They brought it to Jesus and laid their coats on it. Then they put Jesus on it.

bwe@Luke:23:10 @ The chief priests and the scribes stood near. They brought strong complaints against him.

bwe@Luke:23:14 @ He said to them, You brought this man to me. You said he is leading your people to do wrong. I have asked questions here in front of you. I have found nothing wrong in this man.

bwe@Luke:23:25 @ He let the other man go free. (He was the one who had been put in prison because he fought and had killed a man. He was the one the people asked Pilate to let go free.) And Pilate did to Jesus what they wanted him to do.

bwe@Luke:23:36 @ The soldiers made fun of him. They came and brought him wine to drink.

bwe@Luke:24:36 @ They were troubled and afraid. They thought they were seeing a spirit.

bwe@John:1:42 @ Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, You are Simon, the son of John. Your name will be Cephas. (Cephas means Peter, a rock or stone.)

bwe@John:4:32 @ So the disciples asked one another, Has anyone brought him food to eat?

bwe@John:8:3 @ The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus. They had caught her having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made the woman stand in front of them.

bwe@John:9:13 @ They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind.

bwe@John:9:16 @ Then some of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God. He does not obey the Sabbath day law. The others said, But how can a bad man do such a big work? So the Pharisees did not agree together in what they thought about Jesus.

bwe@John:11:13 @ But Jesus meant that Lazarus had died. The disciples thought that Lazarus was sleeping to have a rest.

bwe@John:13:29 @ Judas had the money bag. Some thought that Jesus was telling him, Buy what we need for the feast, or that he wanted Judas to give something to the poor people.

bwe@John:18:16 @ But Peter stood by the gate outside. The other disciple who knew the high priest talked to the servant at the door and brought in Peter.

bwe@John:18:30 @ They said to him, If he were not a very bad man, then we would not have brought him to you.

bwe@John:18:35 @ Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? Your own people and the chief priests have brought you here to me. Tell me, what have you done?

bwe@John:19:13 @ When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out. Then Pilate sat on the bench where the judge sits. The place was called the Street of Stone. The Jews called it Gabbatha.

bwe@John:19:39 @ Nicodemus also came. He was the one who had come to Jesus at night. He brought with him a heavy bag of sweet-smelling spices called myrrh and aloes. It was mixed together.

bwe@John:20:15 @ Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for? She thought he was the man who took care of the garden. So she said to him, Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him. I will take him away.

bwe@Acts:1:18 @ Judas received money for the wrong thing he did. He bought a field with the money and fell on his face. His belly burst open and all his insides came out.

bwe@Acts:3:2 @ There was a man who had been born lame. He was carried and was laid at the gate of the temple every day. The gate was called Beautiful. He was brought there to beg. He asked for money from the people who went into the temple.

bwe@Acts:3:5 @ The man looked at them. He thought they would give him something.

bwe@Acts:3:15 @ You killed the one who gives life, the one whom God brought back from death. We saw it and are telling people about it.

bwe@Acts:4:2 @ They were angry at Peter and John because they taught the people. They were angry because they told them that Jesus was brought back from death.

bwe@Acts:4:7 @ Peter and John were brought before them. They asked the apostles, By what power or in what name have you done this?

bwe@Acts:4:8 @ Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, Rulers of the people and leaders of Israel, have you brought us to court today because of the good thing that was done to the lame man? Do you want to find out how he was healed?

bwe@Acts:4:34 @ None of them was in need of anything. Those who owned fields and houses sold them. They brought the money to the apostles. Then the apostles gave each one what he needed.

bwe@Acts:4:37 @ He had a field and sold it. He brought the money to the apostles and gave it to them.

bwe@Acts:5:1 @ A man named Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, sold a field. He brought some of the money to the apostles. But he kept the rest of it. His wife knew what he had done.

bwe@Acts:5:15 @ They brought sick people out into the streets and laid them on beds and mats. They hoped that at least Peters shadow would touch them as he passed by.

bwe@Acts:5:16 @ Many people also came from the cities around Jerusalem. They brought others who were sick and those who were controlled by bad spirits. Every one of them was healed.

bwe@Acts:5:19 @ But that night the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out.

bwe@Acts:5:24 @ When the high priest, the captain of the temple, and the chief priests heard this, they did not know what to think. We wonder what will come from all this, they thought.

bwe@Acts:5:26 @ Then the captain went with the men and brought the apostles quietly. They did not bring them by force because they were afraid the people would kill them with stones.

bwe@Acts:5:27 @ So they brought them in and put them before the court. The high priest asked them, Did we not tell you that you must never teach again in this name? But here you are, teaching people all over Jerusalem in this name. You are trying to put on us the blame for this mans death.

bwe@Acts:6:6 @ These men were brought before the apostles. When the apostles had talked with God, they put their hands on their heads <FI>to bless them<Fi>.

bwe@Acts:6:13 @ They brought in the men who told lies about him. They said, This man is always saying wrong things about this holy place and the laws.

bwe@Acts:7:16 @ They were taken back to the place called Shechem and buried. Abraham had bought a grave from the family of Hamor in Shechem. He had paid money for it.

bwe@Acts:7:24 @ There he saw one of them being hurt by an Egyptian. So he helped him. He fought for him and knocked down the Egyptian.

bwe@Acts:7:25 @ He thought his people would know that God wanted him to make them free. But they did not understand.

bwe@Acts:7:40 @ They said to Aaron, "Make gods to lead us. We do not know what has happened to this Moses who brought us out of Egypt."

bwe@Acts:7:45 @ Our fathers brought that tent with them when they came to this country. Joshua was their leader. God put aside the people who lived here first. Our fathers kept that tent with them until the time of David.

bwe@Acts:8:18 @ Simon saw that the people received the Holy Spirit when the apostles put their hands on them. Then he brought money to the apostles.

bwe@Acts:8:20 @ Peter said, May you and your money be destroyed! You thought that you could buy the gift of God with money.

bwe@Acts:9:13 @ Then Ananias replied, Lord, often I have heard of this man. He has brought much trouble to your people at Jerusalem.

bwe@Acts:9:27 @ But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them, Saul has seen the Lord on the road. The Lord has talked to him. After that he told Gods word in the name of Jesus, without fear at Damascus.

bwe@Acts:12:9 @ Peter followed him out. He did not know that what the angel had done was true. He thought he was dreaming.

bwe@Acts:12:12 @ And when he thought about this, he went to Marys house. Mary was John Marks mother. Many people were meeting there, talking to God <FI>about Peter<Fi>.

bwe@Acts:12:17 @ He put out his hand for them to be quiet. Then he told them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. He said, Tell James and the brothers about this. Then he went away to another place.

bwe@Acts:12:25 @ Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had finished their work. They brought John Mark with them.

bwe@Acts:13:17 @ The God of the people of Israel chose our fathers. He made the people into a large tribe when they were strangers in the land of Egypt. God brought them out of Egypt by his power.

bwe@Acts:14:13 @ There was a temple of Jupiter in front of the city. The priest of the temple brought animals and flowers to the gates to make a sacrifice. All the people were with him.

bwe@Acts:14:19 @ Some of the Jewish leaders from Antioch and Iconium came to Lystra and won the people to their side. They threw stones at Paul. Then they carried him out of the city because they thought he was dead.

bwe@Acts:15:28 @ The Holy Spirit and we thought it was not good to give you a hard thing to do. But here is what you must not do.

bwe@Acts:15:34 @ But Silas thought it was good to stay at Antioch.

bwe@Acts:16:13 @ On the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the river. We thought this was a place where people met to talk with God. So we sat down and talked to the women who had come there.

bwe@Acts:16:20 @ When they had brought them before the judges, they said, These men are Jews. And they are making much trouble in our city.

bwe@Acts:16:27 @ The prison guard woke up. He saw all the prison doors open. So he took a long knife and was going to kill himself. He thought that all the prisoners had run away.

bwe@Acts:16:30 @ He brought them out of the prison and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

bwe@Acts:16:39 @ So they came to Paul and Silas. They said they were sorry for what they had done. They brought them out of prison and asked them to leave the city.

bwe@Acts:17:19 @ So they took Paul and brought him to a meeting at the hill called Areopagus. They said, We want to know what this new teaching is that you are talking about.

bwe@Acts:19:19 @ Many had been witch-doctors. They brought their books and burned them in front of all the people. All the books together had cost about 50,000 silver coins.

bwe@Acts:19:37 @ The men whom you have brought here have not taken anything from the house. They have not even said anything wrong about our goddess.

bwe@Acts:21:28 @ They shouted, All you men of Israel, come and help us! This is the man who teaches everyone everywhere not to respect our people. He says we need not obey the law or respect this temple. And what is more, he has brought Greek people into the temple. He has made this holy place unclean.

bwe@Acts:21:29 @ They said this because they had seen a man from Ephesus named Trophimus. He was in the city with Paul. And they thought that Paul had brought him into the temple.

bwe@Acts:21:37 @ Just as the soldiers were going to take Paul into their army house, he said to the officer, May I tell you something? So, you speak the Greek language! said the officer. I thought you were the man from the country of Egypt who made trouble a while ago. I thought you were the one who led four thousand bad men into the desert.

bwe@Acts:22:5 @ The high priest and all the leaders know that this is true about me. They wrote letters for me to carry to the leaders of the Jews in the city of Damascus. I went to have the Christians there tied and brought to Jerusalem to be punished.

bwe@Acts:22:24 @ The man in charge of the soldiers ordered Paul to be brought into the army house. He said that he should be beaten hard to make him tell why the people shouted so much at him.

bwe@Acts:22:30 @ The officer wanted to know the real reason why the Jewish leaders were angry with Paul. So the next day he had Paul untied. He called the chief priests and the leaders to hold a court meeting. Then he took Paul down and brought him in before them.

bwe@Acts:23:1 @ Paul looked at the members of the court and said, My brothers, I have done what I thought God wanted me to do, right up to this day.

bwe@Acts:23:28 @ I wanted to find out what complaint they had against him, so I brought him into their court.

bwe@Acts:23:33 @ When they reached Caesarea, they gave the letter to the ruler and brought Paul to him.

bwe@Acts:24:1 @ Five days later, Ananias the high priest came from Jerusalem. He brought with him some of the leaders and a lawyer named Tertullus. They told the ruler their complaint against Paul.

bwe@Acts:24:8 @ He told those who have complaints against him to come to you. Ask him yourself and you will find out from him about all these complaints we have brought against him.

bwe@Acts:25:6 @ Festus stayed only eight or ten days more among them. Then he went to Caesarea. The next day he sat on his chair in the court and had Paul brought in.

bwe@Acts:25:14 @ They stayed for many days. Festus brought Pauls matter to the king. He said, Felix left a man in prison here.

bwe@Acts:25:17 @ So they came here with me. I did not wait. The very next day I sat on my chair in the court and had the man brought in.

bwe@Acts:25:18 @ When they stood up, they did not say the wrong things against him that I thought they would.

bwe@Acts:25:23 @ So the next day Agrippa and Bernice came, making a big show of themselves. They went into the room to hear Paul talk. Officers and the leading men of the city also went in. When Festus called for Paul, he was brought in.

bwe@Acts:25:26 @ But I have no real complaint about him to write to my ruler. So I have brought this man before you all, and most of all before you, king Agrippa. When you have heard him, I hope I will have something to write about him.

bwe@Acts:26:31 @ They left the room and talked the matter over. They said, This man is not doing anything wrong for which he ought to be in prison or die.

bwe@Acts:27:12 @ This place was not a good place for the boat to stay through the winter months of the year. So most of the men wanted to go on. They thought they might be able to reach Phoenicia and stay there for the winter. Phoenicia is a good place on the island of Crete. Boats can stay there. The winds do not blow against them.

bwe@Acts:27:13 @ When the south wind began to blow a little, they thought they had what they wanted. So they started off. They went along very close to the land of Crete.

bwe@Acts:27:27 @ On the fourteenth night we were being blown across the Adrian Sea. About midnight the boatmen thought that we must be near some land.

bwe@Acts:27:39 @ In the morning they saw land. But they did not know what country it was. They saw a sandy place. So they talked it over and thought they would try to get the boat on it.

bwe@Acts:28:6 @ The people thought surely he would swell up or would drop down dead at once. They waited a long time and saw that nothing bad happened to him. Then they said, We were wrong. He must be a god.

bwe@Acts:28:19 @ But the Jewish leaders did not agree to let me go free, so I had to ask to be brought before Caesar. I did not have anything to say against my people.

bwe@Romans:1:21 @ Even though they knew he was God, they did not worship him as God. They did not thank him. Their thoughts were no good. Their foolish minds became dark.

bwe@Romans:1:28 @ They did not want to know God. So he left them to their wrong thoughts and to do things that are not right.

bwe@Romans:1:29 @ They were very bad. They did every kind of wrong thing. They were greedy. They hated people. They were very jealous. They killed many people. They fought. They fooled people. They told lies about people. They carried stories from one person to another.

bwe@Romans:1:30 @ They said wrong things about people. They hated God. They did not respect people. They were proud. They talked big. They even thought of new wrong things to do. They did not obey their parents.

bwe@Romans:2:15 @ They show that the law is written in their hearts. They know what is right to do and what is wrong to do. Their own thoughts tell them they have done what is wrong or what is not wrong.)

bwe@Romans:2:18 @ You know what he wants people to do. You know the thoughts that are good because you have been taught the law.

bwe@Romans:3:19 @ We know that everything the law says, it says to the people who have the law. Then no one can say a word for themselves. All the people in the world will be brought to God to be judged.

bwe@Romans:4:19 @ He did not stop believing when he thought about his own body. It was almost dead. He was about one hundred years old. He did not stop believing when he thought about Sarah, even though she had never given birth to any children.

bwe@Romans:5:2 @ Because we believe, Christ has brought us to the place where God can do us good. We are in that place now. We are very happy because we have the hope that we shall see Gods greatness.

bwe@Romans:5:10 @ When we were enemies, the death of his Son brought us back to God. Now that we are made right with God, it is the life of Jesus that will save us.

bwe@Romans:5:11 @ Not only is that true, but it is through our Lord Jesus Christ that we can enjoy God. This is for all who have been brought back to God by him.

bwe@Romans:14:22 @ Keep to yourself and God what you believe about these things. God blesses a man who does not feel he has done wrong when he did what he thought was right.

bwe@1Corinthians:2:9 @ The holy writings say, No eye has seen the things God has made ready for those who love him. No ear has heard about them. No persons heart has ever thought of them.

bwe@1Corinthians:3:20 @ It also says, The Lord knows that the wise mens thoughts are good for nothing.

bwe@1Corinthians:4:15 @ Even if you have ten thousand people to take care of you as Christians, yet you do not have many fathers. I am your Christian father because I brought you the good news.

bwe@1Corinthians:6:20 @ But you were bought and paid for. So then, bring glory to God with your bodies.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:23 @ You were bought and paid for. Do not become slaves of men!

bwe@1Corinthians:13:11 @ When I was a child, I talked like a child. I understood like a child. I thought like a child. But when I became a man, I stopped doing things like a child.

bwe@1Corinthians:15:21 @ It was a man who first brought death. So it was also a man who was first raised from death.

bwe@1Corinthians:15:32 @ I fought against wild animals at Ephesus. If I was thinking only of life on earth, why did I do this? If dead people do not rise, then we might just as well say, Let us eat and drink because we will die tomorrow.

bwe@2Corinthians:1:7 @ Brothers, we want you to know about the trouble we had in the country of Asia Minor. We were not strong enough to carry such a load of trouble. It was so heavy we thought we would die.

bwe@2Corinthians:2:6 @ So now, you ought to forgive him and comfort him. If you do not, then he may be so sad he cannot bear it.

bwe@2Corinthians:3:7 @ The old law that brought death was written on pieces of rock. There was a very bright light when God gave it to the people. The people of Israel could not look at Moses because his face was so bright. And even as they saw it, the light on his face was going away.

bwe@2Corinthians:3:9 @ Bringing the law was a wonderful thing even though it brought death. So bringing the good news that people can be put right with God is much more wonderful.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:18 @ God was in Christ. He brought the world back to himself. He forgave them for the wrong things they had done. And he gave us the message that will bring people back to himself.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:5 @ And they did more than we thought they would do. First, they gave themselves to the Lord and to us, because we were doing Gods work.

bwe@2Corinthians:9:5 @ So I thought it would be good to send these brothers to you first. They will get this gift ready which you promised. Then it will be ready like a gift, and not as if you were forced to give it.

bwe@2Corinthians:10:5 @ We can break down what people think and every big idea that tries to stop people from knowing God. And we can make every thought a prisoner to obey Christ.

bwe@Ephesians:2:7 @ He did this to show us in all times to come how much he can bless people and how kind he is. It was Jesus Christ who brought this kindness to us.

bwe@Ephesians:2:13 @ At one time you were far away, but now you have been brought near to God by the blood <FI>death<Fi> of Jesus Christ.

bwe@Ephesians:2:14 @ Christ has made peace between us. He has brought both Jews and non-Jews together into one people. He has broken down the wall that divided us.

bwe@Philippians:2:5 @ Think the same way Jesus Christ thought.

bwe@Philippians:2:25 @ I thought I must send Epaphroditus, our Christian brother, back to you. He has worked with me and has also been a soldier of Christ with me. He was your messenger and he brought your gift for my needs.

bwe@Colossians:1:22 @ But now Christ himself has died on a cross, and he has brought you back to God. Christ will bring you before God holy, clean, and good.

bwe@Colossians:1:23 @ But you must keep on believing and stand strong and true. Let nothing shake the hope which the good news brought you. You heard the same good news as is told to everyone in the whole world. I, Paul, was given the work of telling that same good news.

bwe@Colossians:2:18 @ Do not let anyone tell you that you are wrong and that to be humble you must worship angels. He talks about things he has not seen. He is very proud, but he has nothing to be proud of, because his thoughts come from his own mind.

bwe@1Thessalonians:1:4 @ The good news we brought you was not just words. It had power. It had the Holy Spirit. It made people very sure it was true. And you also know how we lived when we were with you to help you.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:1 @ We felt we could not wait any longer. So we thought it best to stay at the city of Athens alone.

bwe@1Thessalonians:3:6 @ But now Timothy has come back to us from you. He has brought us the good news that you are still believing and have love in your hearts. He has told us that you always remember us. He also told us that you want to see us, just as we want to see you.

bwe@2Thessalonians:2:14 @ God called you to be saved by the good news we brought you. He did this so that you would have some of the honour which the Lord Jesus Christ has.

bwe@1Timothy:5:10 @ People must speak well of the good works she has done. Has she brought up children? Has she been kind to strangers and cared for them in her house? Has she washed the feet of Gods people? Has she helped people who were in trouble? Has she done every kind of good thing to help people?

bwe@1Timothy:6:4 @ If there is such a person, he is full of pride. He knows nothing. He wants to quarrel and talk about words. Such things make people jealous of each other. They think wrong thoughts about each other which are not true.

bwe@1Timothy:6:7 @ When we were born, we brought nothing into this world, and when we die, we can take nothing out of the world.

bwe@2Timothy:3:8 @ Jannes and Jambres were two men who were very much against Moses. In the same way, these men I am talking about are against what is true. They are men who have wrong thoughts in their minds. They do not believe.

bwe@2Timothy:3:11 @ You know about my troubles. You know what happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, and in Lystra. You know how badly the people treated me. But the Lord brought me safely through it all.

bwe@2Timothy:4:7 @ I have fought the kind of fight that is good. I have reached the mark on the road that God wanted me to reach. And I have kept on believing in him.

bwe@Hebrews:7:4 @ Just think how great he was! Even Abraham, the father of our people, gave him a tenth, one part out of ten, of all he brought back.

bwe@Hebrews:7:19 @ The law did not make anything right. But something better has been brought to us. It is Gods promise. And by that promise we come near to God.

bwe@Hebrews:10:1 @ The law can show only a little about the good things that are coming. It cannot show the good things themselves. People come to worship God. But the law can never make them all right by the same sacrifices that are brought every year.

bwe@Hebrews:11:25 @ He chose to have troubles along with Gods people. He thought that was better than the fun which he could have living a wrong life. The fun would last only for a short time.

bwe@Hebrews:11:26 @ He thought it was better to take shame, as Christ did, than to be a rich man in Egypt. He was looking for Gods blessings.

bwe@Hebrews:13:20 @ God gives peace. He brought back our Lord Jesus from death. Our Lord Jesus cares for Gods people and he gave his blood for the agreement that stands for ever.

bwe@James:5:19 @ My brothers, has one of you left the right way? Has another person brought him back again?

bwe@James:5:20 @ Do not forget that the person who has brought a man back from his wrong ways will save that man from death. He will cover up many wrong things and be forgiven.

bwe@1Peter:1:18 @ You know this. You lived the way your fathers taught you to live, and it was not a good way to live. You were bought and set free from that way of life. But you were not bought with silver or gold money, which can spoil.

bwe@1Peter:1:19 @ You were bought with blood that is worth much. It is like the blood of a sheep that is perfect with nothing wrong in its body. You were bought with the blood of Christ.

bwe@2Peter:2:1 @ But prophets who were not true were also among the people of Israel. Also there will be teachers who will not be true among you. They will bring in wrong teaching that leads to death. They will even say that they do not belong to the Master who bought them. And so they will quickly bring themselves to death.

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