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riversident@Matthew:8:28 @ When he arrived at the other side, the country of the Gadarenes, there met him two demoniacs coming out of the tombs. They were very fierce, so that no one was able to pass along that road.

riversident@Matthew:9:9 @ As Jesus was passing along from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. Jesus said to him, and he arose and followed him.

riversident@Matthew:9:36 @ Seeing the crowds, he was touched with compassion for them, for they were torn and flung down like sheep that have no shepherd.

riversident@Matthew:12:9 @ Passing over from there, he came into their synagogue.

riversident@Matthew:14:14 @ As he got out of the boat, he saw a great crowd and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

riversident@Matthew:20:30 @ Two blind men were sitting at the side of the road, and when they heard that Jesus was passing, they cried out, "Sir, have pity on us, Son of David!"

riversident@Matthew:20:34 @ Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes, and at once they regained sight and followed him.

riversident@Matthew:26:17 @ On the first day of unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus and said, "Where do you wish us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?"

riversident@Matthew:26:19 @ The disciples did as Jesus had instructed them and prepared the Passover.

riversident@Mark:1:16 @ As he passed along by the lake of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.

riversident@Mark:1:41 @ He had compassion on him, and stretched out his hand and touched him, and said,

riversident@Mark:2:14 @ As he was passing along, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax office and said to him, He arose and followed.

riversident@Mark:2:23 @ It happened on a Sabbath day that he was passing through the grainfields, and his disciples began, as they walked, to pluck the heads of grain.

riversident@Mark:6:34 @ When Jesus landed, he saw a great crowd, and he was filled with compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he began and taught them many things.

riversident@Mark:9:30 @ After leaving there, they were passing through Galilee, and he did not wish any one to know it.

riversident@Mark:11:20 @ As they were passing by early in the morning they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.

riversident@Mark:13:4 @ "Tell us when these things will be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to come to pass?"

riversident@Mark:14:1 @ THE Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were to come after two days. The high priests and the scribes were contriving how they might seize him by some stratagem and kill him.

riversident@Mark:14:12 @ On the first day of unleavened bread \'97 when they sacrificed the Passover lamb \'97 his disciples said to him, "Where do you wish us to go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?"

riversident@Mark:14:16 @ The disciples went and entered the city and found everything as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover.

riversident@Mark:14:35 @ Then he went forward a little and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass from him.

riversident@Mark:15:21 @ They impressed a man who was passing by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country (note:)the father of Alexander and Rufus(:note), to carry his cross.

riversident@Mark:15:29 @ The people who passed by scoffed at him, shaking their heads and saying, "Ha, you who can pull down the Temple and build it up in three days,

riversident@Mark:16:1 @ WHEN the Sabbath had passed, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought perfumes to go and anoint him.

riversident@Luke:1:20 @ And now you will be silent and unable to speak until the day that this comes to pass, because you have not believed my words, which will be fulfilled in their time."

riversident@Luke:1:78 @ Through the tender compassion of our God, With which the sunrise from on high will shine upon us;

riversident@Luke:2:21 @ When eight days had passed and the time to circumcise him had come, his name was called Jesus \'97 the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

riversident@Luke:2:41 @ His parents used to go up every year to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover.

riversident@Luke:4:30 @ But he passed through the midst of them and went away.

riversident@Luke:6:1 @ IT happened that he was passing one Sabbath through some grainfields, and his disciples were plucking and eating the heads of grain, rubbing them in their hands.

riversident@Luke:7:13 @ When the Master saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her,

riversident@Luke:7:38 @ and took her place behind, beside his feet, weeping. Her tears began to rain down on his feet, and with the hair of her head she wiped them off, and she passionately kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment.

riversident@Luke:9:31 @ who appeared in glory and spoke of his passing which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.

riversident@Luke:9:51 @ As the days before his being taken up to heaven were passing, he set his face to go to Jerusalem

riversident@Luke:17:13 @ and, raising their voices, called, "Jesus, Master, have compassion on us."

riversident@Luke:18:36 @ Hearing a crowd passing, he inquired what this was.

riversident@Luke:18:37 @ They told him, "Jesus, the Nazarene, is passing by."

riversident@Luke:19:1 @ HE entered and was passing through Jericho.

riversident@Luke:19:4 @ So running ahead he climbed up into a mulberry tree to see him, for he was going to pass that way.

riversident@Luke:22:1 @ THE Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is called the Passover, was approaching.

riversident@Luke:22:7 @ The day of unleavened bread came, when the Passover lamb must be sacrificed,

riversident@Luke:22:13 @ They went away and found everything just as he had said, and they prepared the Passover.

riversident@Luke:24:21 @ But we were hoping that he was the one who was to redeem Israel. But now, however, the third day is passing since these things took place.

riversident@John:2:13 @ The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

riversident@John:2:23 @ When he was in Jerusalem at the Feast of the Passover, many believed in his name, seeing his signs that he did,

riversident@John:4:4 @ He had to pass through Samaria.

riversident@John:6:4 @ It was near the time for the Passover, the feast of the Jews.

riversident@John:8:9 @ After hearing that, they passed out one by one, beginning with the older men, and he was left alone and the woman there in the center.

riversident@John:9:1 @ AS he was passing by, Jesus saw a man who had been blind from birth.

riversident@John:11:55 @ The Passover of the Jews was near and many went up to Jerusalem from the country before the Passover to purify themselves.

riversident@John:12:1 @ SIX days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was whom he had raised from the dead.

riversident@John:13:1 @ BEFORE the Feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that the hour had come for him to pass from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world loved them to the end.

riversident@John:18:28 @ They led Jesus from Caiaphas to the Castle. It was early morning. The Jews did not enter the Castle, wishing to avoid defilement, so that they might eat the Passover.

riversident@John:18:39 @ But you have a custom that I should release for you one at the Passover. Do you want me to release for you the King of the Jews?"

riversident@John:19:14 @ It was the Preparation Day of the Passover, about noon. He said to the Jews, "See your king!"

riversident@Acts:7:30 @ "When forty years had passed, an angel appeared to him in the desert of Mount Sinai in the flames of a burning bush.

riversident@Acts:8:32 @ The passage of Scripture that he was reading was, "He was led as a sheep to slaughter, and as a lamb before his shearer is dumb, so he did not open his mouth.

riversident@Acts:8:40 @ But Philip found himself at Azotus, and passing through all the cities he told the good news until he came to Casarea.

riversident@Acts:9:19 @ and after taking food he regained his strength. Saul passed some days with the disciples who were in Damascus,

riversident@Acts:9:23 @ When a number of days had passed, the Jews plotted to put him out of the way,

riversident@Acts:9:32 @ It happened that Peter, while passing about among all the holy, came down also to those who were dwelling at Lydda.

riversident@Acts:12:4 @ He seized him and put him in prison, committing him to four guards of four soldiers each for safe keeping, intending to bring him out to the people after the Passover.

riversident@Acts:12:10 @ After passing the first guard and the second, they came to the iron gate that leads into the city. This opened for them of its own accord and they went out and went along one street. Then suddenly the angel left him.

riversident@Acts:13:6 @ After passing through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came across a Jewish magician and false prophet, named Bar-Jesus,

riversident@Acts:14:24 @ They passed through Pisidia and came into Pamphylia.

riversident@Acts:14:28 @ There they passed no little time with the disciples.

riversident@Acts:15:3 @ So they were sent on by the church and passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, relating the conversion of the Gentiles, which caused great joy to all the brethren.

riversident@Acts:16:8 @ Passing by Mysia they came down to Troas.

riversident@Acts:17:1 @ AFTER passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came to Thessalonica. Here there was a synagogue of the Jews.

riversident@Acts:17:23 @ For in passing about and contemplating your sacred objects I came upon an altar on which was inscribed, 'To an unknown God.' What you are worshiping in ignorance \'97 that I am making known to you.

riversident@Acts:19:1 @ WHILE Apollos was in Corinth, Paul, after passing through the upper country, came to Ephesus and found certain disciples.

riversident@Acts:19:21 @ When these things had been accomplished Paul took it in mind to pass through Macedonia and Achaia and go to Jerusalem, saying, "After I have been there I must see Rome also."

riversident@Acts:20:2 @ Passing through those parts and encouraging them by many addresses, he came into Greece.

riversident@Acts:25:13 @ When some days had passed, Agrippa the King and Bernice came to Caesarea to pay their respects to Festus.

riversident@Acts:27:9 @ When much time had passed and sailing was now dangerous because it was already after the Fast, Paul addressed them.

riversident@Romans:1:26 @ Therefore God gave them over to disgraceful passions. For their females changed the natural use for one contrary to nature,

riversident@Romans:3:25 @ whom God has set forth as a propitiation by his blood through faith, for the manifestation of his righteousness, because of the passing over of previous sins in the forbearance of God \'97

riversident@Romans:7:5 @ For when we were in the flesh the sinful passions that arise through the Law were active in our members, so that we bore fruit to death.

riversident@Romans:9:15 @ For he says to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."

riversident@Romans:13:14 @ But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for gratifying physical passions.

riversident@Romans:15:24 @ while making a journey to Spain, I hope to see you as I pass through and to be furthered on my journey by you, after first partially satisfying my desire of being with you.

riversident@Romans:15:28 @ So after completing this and sealing to them this fruit, I shall come away and pass by you to Spain.

riversident@1Corinthians:4:3 @ But it is of very slight importance to me to be judged by you or any human court. I do not even pass judgment on myself.

riversident@1Corinthians:5:7 @ Cleanse out the old yeast that you may be new dough, free from yeast, as indeed you are. For Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed.

riversident@1Corinthians:7:31 @ and those who use the world as if not overusing it. For the present order of this world is passing away.

riversident@1Corinthians:10:1 @ I DO not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea

riversident@1Corinthians:11:2 @ I praise you because you remember me in all things and hold firmly the traditions as I passed them on to you.

riversident@1Corinthians:11:23 @ For I received from the Lord that which I passed on to you that the Lord Jesus, on the night in which he was betrayed, took bread,

riversident@1Corinthians:12:31 @ Seek earnestly for the greater gifts; and yet I will show you a way that surpasses all.

riversident@1Corinthians:15:3 @ For among the first things I passed on to you what I had received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

riversident@1Corinthians:15:54 @ When this perishable has clothed itself with imperishability and this mortal has clothed itself with immortality, then will come to pass the word that is written, "Death has been swallowed up in victory.

riversident@1Corinthians:16:5 @ I shall come to you alter I pass through Macedonia. For I shall pass through Macedonia

riversident@1Corinthians:16:6 @ and perhaps I shall make some stay with you or pass the winter with you, so that you may send me forward wherever I may be going.

riversident@1Corinthians:16:7 @ I do not wish to see you now merely in passing, for I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits.

riversident@2Corinthians:3:9 @ For if the service that brought condemnation was glory, much more will the service that brings righteousness surpass in glory.

riversident@2Corinthians:3:10 @ For what was made so glorious is in a way no longer glorious compared with the glory that surpasses it.

riversident@2Corinthians:4:7 @ But we have this treasure in earthen jars, that the surpassing power may be God's and not ours \'97

riversident@2Corinthians:4:17 @ For our momentary and light distress is working out for us a far surpassing and eternal weight of glory

riversident@2Corinthians:5:17 @ So if any one is in Christ he is a new creature. The old things have passed away, they have become new.

riversident@2Corinthians:9:14 @ In their prayers in your behalf they pour out their longing love for you because of the surpassing grace of God that is upon you.

riversident@2Corinthians:12:7 @ and because of the surpassing nature of the revelations. For this reason, that I should not be puffed up, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, to torment me, so that I should not be puffed up.

riversident@Galatians:5:16 @ I say, walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the passions of the flesh.

riversident@Galatians:5:17 @ For the flesh has passions contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit contrary to the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do whatever you wish.

riversident@Galatians:5:24 @ Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its emotions and passions.

riversident@Ephesians:1:19 @ and what the surpassing greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the inworking of his vast might,

riversident@Ephesians:2:3 @ Among these we all lived once in the passions of our flesh and of our thoughts, and we were by nature children of wrath like the rest.

riversident@Ephesians:2:7 @ that he might show in the ages to come the surpassing richness of his grace in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

riversident@Ephesians:3:19 @ yes, to know the love of Christ, which yet surpasses knowledge, and may be filled with all the fullness of God.

riversident@Ephesians:4:22 @ that you should put away the old man who belonged to your former way of life and was perishing in deluding passions,

riversident@Philippians:2:1 @ IF there is any encouragement in Christ, any persuasive power in love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any sympathies and compassions,

riversident@Philippians:3:8 @ Yes, I count all to be loss because of the surpassing worth of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ

riversident@Philippians:4:7 @ And the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

riversident@Colossians:3:5 @ Treat the members of your earthly bodies as dead \'97 dead to unchastity, impurity, passion, evil desire, and avarice, which is idolatry.

riversident@Colossians:3:12 @ Put on, then, as the chosen of God, holy and beloved, sympathies, compassions, kindness, humility, gentleness, slowness to anger,

riversident@1Thessalonians:3:4 @ For when we were with you we told you in advance, "We shall soon have trouble." And so it came to pass, as you know.

riversident@1Thessalonians:4:5 @ not in the passion of lust, as the Gentiles do who know not God;

riversident@1Thessalonians:4:6 @ to have no one trespass or take advantage of his brother in this matter; for the Lord is the punisher of all such, as we have already told you and solemnly warned you.

riversident@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only there is just now one who is restraining it until he passes out of the way.

riversident@1Timothy:6:9 @ But those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and injurious passions which plunge men into destruction and ruin.

riversident@2Timothy:2:22 @ But flee the passions of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, in the company of those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

riversident@2Timothy:3:6 @ For of this class are those who make their way into houses and take captive weak women loaded with sins, led by varying passions,

riversident@Titus:2:12 @ teaching us to renounce all irreligion and worldly passions and to live soberly, justly and piously in this present world,

riversident@Titus:3:3 @ For we ourselves were once thoughtless, disobedient, astray, enslaved to passions and various pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another.

riversident@Titus:3:12 @ When I send Artemas to you or Tychicus, try to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to pass the winter there.

riversident@Hebrews:1:4 @ having become as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited surpasses theirs.

riversident@Hebrews:2:17 @ And for that reason he had to be made like his brethren in everything, so as to be a compassionate and faithful high priest in things relating to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.

riversident@Hebrews:4:14 @ Since, then, we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

riversident@Hebrews:4:16 @ Therefore let us come with confidence to the throne of grace and receive compassion and find grace for timely help.

riversident@Hebrews:11:28 @ By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer might not touch their first-born.

riversident@Hebrews:12:11 @ All discipline for the time being seems not joyous but grievous, but afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have passed through its training.

riversident@James:1:10 @ and let the rich brother glory in his lowly station, for he will pass away like a flower of the grass.

riversident@James:1:14 @ Every one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own passions and enticed.

riversident@James:1:15 @ Then when passion has conceived it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death.

riversident@James:3:17 @ But the wisdom from on high is first pure, then peaceable, fair-minded, easily persuaded, full of compassion and good fruits, impartial, sincere.

riversident@James:5:11 @ We call them blessed because they endured. You have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord's dealings with him, that the Lord is very tender and compassionate.

riversident@1Peter:1:14 @ As obedient children, do not shape your lives by the passions that ruled you in the former days of ignorance,

riversident@1Peter:2:10 @ Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God: once you had not found compassion, but now you have found compassion.

riversident@1Peter:2:11 @ Beloved, I beg you, as foreigners and resident aliens, to shun the passions of the flesh which war against the soul.

riversident@1Peter:3:8 @ Finally, all must be like-minded, sympathetic, full of brotherly love, compassionate, humble-minded,

riversident@1Peter:4:2 @ so that he does not go on living what remains of his time in the flesh according to human passions, but according to God's will.

riversident@1Peter:4:3 @ The time that has passed was enough to spend doing the will of the Gentiles, when you went on in indecencies, passions, hard drinking, revelries, carousings, and lawless idolatries.

riversident@2Peter:1:4 @ and thereby great and precious promises have been granted to us, that through them you may escape the corruption that is in the world through passion and become sharers in the divine nature,

riversident@2Peter:2:10 @ especially those who go after flesh in polluting passions, and despise lordship. They are daring, self-willed; they do not tremble to speak insultingly of glorious beings

riversident@2Peter:2:18 @ For by speaking great empty swelling words they entrap in the passions of the flesh \'97 wanton excesses \'97 those who are nearly escaping from those who live in error.

riversident@2Peter:3:3 @ First you should know this, that in the last days scoffers will come with their scoffing, living according to their own passions

riversident@2Peter:3:10 @ But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the burning elements will be dissolved and the earth and the things in it will not be found.

riversident@1John:2:8 @ Again I am writing a new command, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true Light is already shining.

riversident@1John:2:16 @ for all that is in the world, the passions of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the show and pride of life, is not from the Father, but from the world.

riversident@1John:2:17 @ And the world is passing away with its passions. But he who does the will of God endures forever.

riversident@1John:3:14 @ We know that we have passed from death into life because we love the brethren. Whoever does not love remains in death.

riversident@Jude:1:16 @ These men are complaining grumblers, living according to their own passions, and their mouths speak great swelling words. They show admiration for persons for the sake of their own gain.

riversident@Jude:1:18 @ how they told you that in the latter time there would be scoffers living according to their own ungodly passions.

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