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gltv@Matthew:12:44 @ Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came out. And coming, he finds it standing empty, swept and decorated.

gltv@Matthew:13:49 @ So it will be in the end of the age: the angels will go out and will separate the wicked from the midst of the righteous,

gltv@Matthew:19:6 @ So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.

gltv@Matthew:25:32 @ And before Him shall be gathered all the nations; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

gltv@Mark:6:14 @ And Herod the king heard, for His name became publicly known. And he said, John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and because of this the works of power operate in him.

gltv@Luke:1:3 @ it seemed good also to me, having traced out all things accurately from the first, to write in order to you, most excellent Theophilus,

gltv@Luke:11:25 @ And coming, he finds it swept and decorated.

gltv@Acts:13:2 @ And while they were doing service to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, So then separate both Barnabas and Saul to Me, for the work to which I have called them.

gltv@Acts:15:39 @ Then there was sharp feeling, so as to separate them from each other. And taking Mark, Barnabas sailed away to Cyprus.

gltv@Acts:16:20 @ And bringing them near to the magistrates, they said, These men are very much troubling our city, being Jews,

gltv@Acts:16:22 @ And the crowd rose up against them. And tearing off their clothes, the magistrates ordered men to flog them.

gltv@Acts:16:35 @ And day having come, the magistrates sent the floggers, saying, let those men go.

gltv@Acts:16:36 @ And the jailer announced these words to Paul, The magistrates have sent that you be let go. Now, then, going out, proceed in peace.

gltv@Acts:16:38 @ And the floggers reported these words to the magistrates. And hearing that they were Romans, they were afraid.

gltv@Acts:18:25 @ This one having been taught by mouth in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things about the Lord, having understood only the baptism of John.

gltv@Acts:18:26 @ And this one began to speak boldly in the synagogue. And hearing him Priscilla and Aquila took him and more accurately expounded the way of God to him.

gltv@Acts:19:9 @ But when some were hardened, and did not obey, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, departing from them, He separated the disciples, conversing day by day in the school of a certain Tyrannus.

gltv@Acts:23:15 @ Now, then, you with the sanhedrin inform the chiliarch, so that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as intending more accurately to find out about him. And before his drawing near, we are ready to kill him.

gltv@Acts:23:20 @ And he said, The Jews agreed to ask you that tomorrow you bring down Paul into the sanhedrin, as being about to inquire more accurately concerning him.

gltv@Acts:24:22 @ And hearing these things, Felix put them off, knowing more accurately about the Way, saying, When Lysias the chiliarch comes down, I will examine the things as to you.

gltv@Romans:1:1 @ Paul, a slave of Jesus Christ, a called apostle, separated to the gospel of God,

gltv@Romans:8:35 @ Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?

gltv@Romans:8:39 @ nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:10 @ But I command the ones being married (not I, but the Lord), a woman not to be separated from her husband;

gltv@1Corinthians:7:11 @ but if indeed she is separated, remain unmarried, or be reconciled to the husband; and a husband not to leave his wife.

gltv@1Corinthians:7:15 @ But if the unbelieving one separates, let them be separated; the brother or the sister is not in bondage in such matters; but God has called us in peace.

gltv@1Corinthians:12:11 @ But the one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing separately to each as He wills.

gltv@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Because of this, "come out from among them" "and be separated," says the Lord, "and do not touch the unclean thing," and I will receive you. Isaiah. strkjv@52:11

gltv@Galatians:1:15 @ But when God was pleased, "He having separated me from my mother's womb" and having called through His grace, Isaiah. strkjv@49:1

gltv@Galatians:2:12 @ For before some came from James, he ate with the nations. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, being afraid of those of the circumcision.

gltv@1Thessalonians:5:2 @ For you yourselves know accurately the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night.

gltv@1Timothy:3:2 @ Then it behooves the overseer to be blameless, husband of one wife, temperate, sensible, well-ordered, hospitable, apt at teaching;

gltv@1Timothy:3:11 @ Likewise, their wives to be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things.

gltv@2Timothy:2:23 @ But refuse the foolish and uninstructed questionings, knowing that they generate quarrels.

gltv@2Timothy:4:14 @ Alexander the coppersmith demonstrated many evil things to me. The Lord "will give back to him according to his works." LXX-Psa. strkjv@61:13; Proverbs. strkjv@24:12; MT-Psa. strkjv@62:12

gltv@Titus:1:8 @ but hospitable, a lover of good, discreet, just, holy, temperate,

gltv@Titus:2:2 @ aged men to be temperate, sensible, discreet, sound in faith, in love, in patience;

gltv@Philemon:1:6 @ so that the fellowship of your faith may operate in a full knowledge of every good thing in you for Jesus Christ.

gltv@Philemon:1:15 @ For perhaps for this he was separated for an hour, that you might receive him eternally;

gltv@Hebrews:7:26 @ For such a High Priest was fitting for us: holy, harmless, undefiled, and separated from sinners, and having become higher than the heavens;

gltv@Hebrews:10:20 @ which He consecrated for us, a new and living way through the veil; that is, His flesh;

gltv@1Peter:1:3 @ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, He according to His great mercy having regenerated us to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

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