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riversident@Matthew:4:16 @ the people that sat in darkness saw a great light and upon those sitting in the land and shadow of death light dawned."

riversident@Matthew:13:1 @ ON that day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the lake.

riversident@Matthew:13:2 @ Great crowds gathered to him so that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the crowd stood on the shore.

riversident@Matthew:15:29 @ On leaving there, Jesus came along by the lake of Galilee and went up on the mountain and sat down there.

riversident@Matthew:15:37 @ All ate and were satisfied, and they picked up seven baskets full of fragments that were left over.

riversident@Matthew:26:58 @ Peter followed him at a distance as far as the court of the High Priest, and went in and sat among the attendants to see the end.

riversident@Matthew:27:36 @ Then they sat and kept watch over him there.

riversident@Matthew:28:2 @ And suddenly there was a great earthquake. For an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came to the stone and rolled it away and sat upon it.

riversident@Mark:1:13 @ And he was in the wild lands forty days, tempted by Satan. There he was among the wild beasts, but angels waited upon him.

riversident@Mark:4:1 @ AGAIN Jesus began to teach beside the lake, and a very great crowd gathered around him, so that he got into a boat on the lake and sat down, and all the crowd was on the shore near the lake.

riversident@Mark:8:8 @ All ate and were satisfied, and they picked up of the fragments that were left over seven basketfuls.

riversident@Mark:14:54 @ Peter followed him at a distance and came inside the court of the High Priest and sat with the attendants, and warmed himself in the light of the fire.

riversident@Mark:15:15 @ Then Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, set free Barabbas for them and after scourging Jesus handed him over to be crucified.

riversident@Mark:16:19 @ Then the Lord Jesus, after talking with them, was taken up into heaven and sat down on the right hand of God.

riversident@Luke:3:14 @ Soldiers asked him, "And what shall we do?" He said to them, "Do violence to no man; bring no false accusations; be content with your rations."

riversident@Luke:4:20 @ Then he rolled up the book and handed it over to the attendant and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.

riversident@Luke:7:15 @ The dead man sat up and began to speak, and he gave him to his mother.

riversident@Luke:9:28 @ About eight days after this conversation, Jesus took with him Peter and John and James and went up the mountain to pray.

riversident@Luke:22:3 @ But Satan entered into Judas, called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve,

riversident@John:4:6 @ Jacob's well was there. Jesus, weary from his journey, sat just as he was on the well. It was about noon.

riversident@John:6:12 @ When they were satisfied, he said to his disciples,

riversident@John:8:2 @ EARLY in the morning he came again to the Temple courts and all the people came to him and he sat down and taught them.

riversident@John:9:8 @ His neighbors and those accustomed to see him before, when he was begging, said, "Is not this the man that sat and begged?"

riversident@John:12:14 @ Jesus, finding a young ass, sat on it, as it is written,

riversident@John:13:27 @ After the piece of bread Satan entered into him. Jesus said to him,

riversident@John:14:8 @ Philip said to him, "Master, show us the Father and we shall be satisfied."

riversident@John:19:13 @ Pilate, on hearing these words, brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge's seat in the place called the Mosaic Pavement \'97 in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

riversident@Acts:3:10 @ and when they recognized that it was he who had sat begging at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple court, they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

riversident@Acts:5:3 @ Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land?

riversident@Acts:9:40 @ Peter sent them all out and kneeling down he prayed. Then turning to the body he said, "Tabitha, rise." She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.

riversident@Acts:12:21 @ On an appointed day Herod in his royal robes sat on a platform and made an address to them.

riversident@Acts:13:14 @ But they went on from Perga and came to Antioch in Pisidia. On the Sabbath they went into the synagogue and sat down.

riversident@Acts:16:13 @ On the Sabbath day we went outside of the gate to a place on the riverside where it was customary to go for prayer, and we sat down and talked with the women who had gathered there.

riversident@Acts:24:13 @ nor can they bring you proofs of their accusations against me.

riversident@Acts:24:19 @ who ought to have been here before you to present their accusations if they had anything against me,

riversident@Acts:25:11 @ If I am in the wrong and have committed anything worthy of death, I do not ask not to die. But if there is nothing in the accusations of these men, no one has the power to give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar."

riversident@Romans:2:15 @ they show the requirements of the Law written in their hearts, since their conscience corroborates it and their thoughts argue in mutual accusation or in self-defense),

riversident@Romans:15:24 @ while making a journey to Spain, I hope to see you as I pass through and to be furthered on my journey by you, after first partially satisfying my desire of being with you.

riversident@Romans:16:20 @ The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you!

riversident@1Corinthians:4:8 @ You are already fully satisfied. You have already become rich. You have become kings without us. Would that you had become kings so that we might be kings with you!

riversident@1Corinthians:5:5 @ I decided to deliver over such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.

riversident@1Corinthians:7:5 @ Do not deprive one another, unless by agreement for a time, that you may have freedom for prayer, and again come together. You must not let Satan tempt you through your lack of self-control.

riversident@1Corinthians:10:7 @ Be not idolaters, as some of them were, as it is written, "The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to dance."

riversident@2Corinthians:2:11 @ that Satan may not take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his purposes.

riversident@2Corinthians:11:14 @ And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.

riversident@2Corinthians:12:7 @ and because of the surpassing nature of the revelations. For this reason, that I should not be puffed up, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan, to torment me, so that I should not be puffed up.

riversident@1Thessalonians:2:18 @ For that reason we determined to come to you, yes, I, Paul, more than once: but Satan hindered us.

riversident@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ For his coming will be when Satan is active in every sort of power and in false signs and wonders

riversident@1Timothy:1:20 @ Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, that they may learn not to speak profanely.

riversident@1Timothy:5:15 @ For already some have turned aside after Satan.

riversident@1Timothy:5:19 @ Against an elder do not receive an accusation unless on the testimony of two or three witnesses.

riversident@3John:1:10 @ Therefore, if I come I will bring to mind the works that he is doing, accusing us with wicked words, and not satisfied with that, neither does he receive the brethren, and he hinders those who wish to do so and expels them from the church.

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