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NT.filter - geneva shalbe:

geneva@Matthew:5:6 @ Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnes: for they shalbe filled.

geneva@Matthew:6:23 @ But if thine eye be wicked, then all thy body shalbe darke. Wherefore if the light that is in thee, be darkenes, howe great is that darkenesse?

geneva@Matthew:9:21 @ For shee saide in her selfe, If I may touche but his garment onely, I shalbe whole.

geneva@Matthew:11:22 @ But I say to you, It shalbe easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the day of iudgement, then for you.

geneva@Matthew:12:31 @ Wherefore I say vnto you, euery sinne and blasphemie shalbe forgiuen vnto men: but the blasphemie against the holy Ghost shall not be forgiuen vnto men.

geneva@Matthew:13:12 @ For whosoeuer hath, to him shalbe giuen, and he shall haue abundance: but whosoeuer hath not, from him shalbe taken away, euen that he hath.

geneva@Matthew:13:42 @ And shall cast them into a fornace of fire. There shalbe wailing and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:13:50 @ And shall cast them into a fornace of fire: there shalbe wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:15:13 @ But hee answered and saide, Euery plant which mine heauenly Father hath not planted, shalbe rooted vp.

geneva@Matthew:17:20 @ And Iesus said vnto them, Because of your vnbeliefe: for verely I say vnto you, if ye haue faith as much as is a graine of mustarde seede, ye shall say vnto this mountaine, Remooue hence to yonder place, and it shall remoue: and nothing shalbe vnpossible vnto you.

geneva@Matthew:18:18 @ Verely I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer ye loose on earth, shalbe loosed in heauen.

geneva@Matthew:20:16 @ So the last shalbe first, and the first last: for many are called, but fewe chosen.

geneva@Matthew:23:38 @ Beholde, your habitation shalbe left vnto you desolate,

geneva@Matthew:24:3 @ And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, his disciples came vnto him apart, saying, Tell vs when these things shall be, and what signe shalbe of thy coming, and of the ende of the world.

geneva@Matthew:24:12 @ And because iniquitie shalbe increased, the loue of many shalbe colde.

geneva@Matthew:24:19 @ And woe shalbe to them that are with childe, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.

geneva@Matthew:24:21 @ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the worlde to this time, nor shalbe.

geneva@Matthew:25:29 @ For vnto euery man that hath, it shall be giuen, and he shall haue abundance, and from him that hath not, euen that he hath, shalbe taken away.

geneva@Matthew:25:30 @ Cast therefore that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenes: there shalbe weeping and gnasshing of teeth.

geneva@Matthew:25:32 @ And before him shalbe gathered all nations, & he shal seperate them one from another, as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from ye goates.

geneva@Mark:5:28 @ For she said, If I may but touch his clothes, I shalbe whole.

geneva@Mark:9:35 @ And he sate downe, and called the twelue, and said to them, If any man desire to be first, the same shalbe last of all, and seruant vnto all.

geneva@Mark:9:43 @ Wherefore, if thine hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, then hauing two hands, to goe into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:9:45 @ Likewise, if thy foote cause thee to offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to go halt into life, then hauing two feete, to be cast into hell, into the fire that neuer shalbe quenched,

geneva@Mark:10:8 @ And they twaine shalbe one flesh: so that they are no more twaine, but one flesh.

geneva@Mark:10:39 @ And they said vnto him, We can. But Iesus sayd vnto them, Ye shall drinke in deede of the cup that I shall drinke of, and be baptized with the baptisme wherewith I shalbe baptized:

geneva@Mark:10:40 @ But to sit at my right hand, and at my left, is not mine to giue, but it shalbe giuen to them for whome it is prepared.

geneva@Mark:12:7 @ But ye husbandmen said among themselues, This is the heire: come, let vs kill him, and the inheritance shalbe ours.

geneva@Mark:13:4 @ Tell vs, when shall these things be? And what shalbe the signe when all these things shalbe fulfilled?

geneva@Mark:13:8 @ For nation shal rise against nation, & kingdome against kingdome, and there shalbe earthquakes in diuers quarters, and there shalbe famine and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorowes.

geneva@Mark:13:17 @ Then wo shalbe to the that are with child, and to them that giue sucke in those dayes.

geneva@Mark:14:9 @ Verely I say vnto you, wheresoeuer this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done, shalbe spoken of in remembrance of her.

geneva@Mark:16:16 @ He that shall beleeue and be baptized, shalbe saued: but he that will not beleeue, shalbe damned.

geneva@Luke:1:20 @ And beholde, thou shalt be domme, & not be able to speake, vntill the day that these things be done, because thou beleeuedst not my words, which shalbe fulfilled in their season.

geneva@Luke:1:60 @ But his mother answered, and saide, Not so, but he shalbe called Iohn.

geneva@Luke:2:10 @ Then the Angel saide vnto them, Be not afraid: for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great ioy, that shalbe to all the people,

geneva@Luke:2:12 @ And this shalbe a signe to you, Yee shall finde the babe swadled, and laid in a cratch.

geneva@Luke:2:23 @ (As it is written in the Lawe of the Lorde, Euery man childe that first openeth ye wombe, shalbe called holy to the Lord)

geneva@Luke:3:5 @ Euery valley shalbe filled, and euery mountaine and hill shall be brought lowe, and crooked things shalbe made straight, and the rough wayes shalbe made smoothe.

geneva@Luke:3:9 @ Nowe also is the axe layed vnto the roote of the trees: therefore euery tree which bringeth not foorth good fruite, shalbe hewen downe, and cast into the fire.

geneva@Luke:5:35 @ But the dayes will come, euen when the bridegrome shalbe taken away from them: then shall they fast in those dayes.

geneva@Luke:6:21 @ Blessed are ye that hunger nowe: for ye shalbe satisfied: blessed are ye that weepe now: for ye shall laugh.

geneva@Luke:7:7 @ Wherefore I thought not my selfe worthy to come vnto thee: but say the word, and my seruant shalbe whole:

geneva@Luke:11:9 @ And I say vnto you, Aske, and it shall be giuen you: seeke, and yee shall finde: knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you.

geneva@Luke:11:10 @ For euery one that asketh, receiueth: and he that seeketh, findeth: & to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened.

geneva@Luke:12:47 @ And that seruant that knewe his masters will, and prepared not himselfe, neither did according to his will, shalbe beaten with many stripes.

geneva@Luke:12:53 @ The father shalbe deuided against ye sonne, and the sonne against the father: the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother: the mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe, and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe.

geneva@Luke:13:23 @ Then saide one vnto him, Lorde, are there fewe that shalbe saued? And he said vnto them,

geneva@Luke:13:30 @ And beholde, there are last, which shalbe first, and there are first, which shalbe last.

geneva@Luke:17:34 @ I tell you, in that night there shall be two in one bed: the one shalbe receiued, and the other shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:17:35 @ Two women shalbe grinding together: the one shalbe taken, and the other shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:17:36 @ Two shalbe in the fielde: one shalbe receiued, and another shalbe left.

geneva@Luke:18:14 @ I tell you, this man departed to his house iustified, rather then the other: for euery man that exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shalbe exalted.

geneva@Luke:18:32 @ For he shal be deliuered vnto the Gentiles, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe spitefully entreated, and shalbe spitted on.

geneva@Luke:19:26 @ For I say vnto you, that vnto all them that haue, it shalbe giuen: and from him that hath not, euen that he hath, shalbe taken from him.

geneva@Luke:20:35 @ But they which shalbe counted worthy to enioy that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry wiues, neither are married.

geneva@Luke:21:16 @ Yea, ye shalbe betrayed also of your parents, and of your brethren, and kinsmen, and friendes, and some of you shall they put to death.

geneva@John:4:14 @ But whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shall giue him, shall neuer be more a thirst: but the water that I shall giue him, shalbe in him a well of water, springing vp into euerlasting life.

geneva@John:8:36 @ If that Sonne therefore shal make you free, ye shalbe free in deede.

geneva@John:11:12 @ Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleepe, he shalbe safe.

geneva@John:16:20 @ Verely, verely I say vnto you, that ye shall weepe and lament, and the worlde shall reioyce: and ye shall sorowe, but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioye.

geneva@John:19:36 @ For these things were done, that the Scripture shoulde be fulfilled, Not a bone of him shalbe broken.

geneva@Acts:1:8 @ But yee shall receiue power of the holy Ghost, when he shall come on you: and ye shalbe witnesses vnto me both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea, and in Samaria, and vnto the vttermost part of the earth.

geneva@Acts:2:20 @ The Sunne shalbe turned into darkenesse, and the moone into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come.

geneva@Acts:3:23 @ For it shalbe that euery person which shall not heare that Prophet, shall be destroyed out of the people.

geneva@Acts:11:14 @ He shall speake wordes vnto thee, whereby both thou and all thine house shalbe saued.

geneva@Acts:11:16 @ Then I remembred the word of the Lord, howe he said, Iohn baptized with water, but ye shalbe baptized with the holy Ghost.

geneva@Acts:24:15 @ And haue hope towardes God, that the resurrection of the dead, which they themselues looke for also, shalbe both of iust and vniust.

geneva@Acts:27:22 @ But now I exhort you to be of good courage: for there shalbe no losse of any mans life among you, saue of the ship onely.

geneva@Romans:2:9 @ Tribulation and anguish shalbe vpon the soule of euery man that doeth euill: of the Iewe first, and also of the Grecian.

geneva@Romans:2:10 @ But to euery man that doeth good, shalbe glory, and honour, and peace: to the Iew first, and also to the Grecian.

geneva@Romans:4:24 @ But also for vs, to whom it shalbe imputed for righteousnesse, which beleeue in him that raised vp Iesus our Lord from the dead,

geneva@Romans:5:10 @ For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne, much more being reconciled, we shalbe saued by his life,

geneva@Romans:8:39 @ Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesus our Lord.

geneva@Romans:9:26 @ And it shalbe in the place where it was said vnto them, Ye are not my people, that there they shalbe called, The children of the liuing God.

geneva@Romans:11:26 @ And so all Israel shalbe saued, as it is written, The deliuerer shall come out of Sion, and shall turne away the vngodlinesse from Iacob.

geneva@1Corinthians:13:10 @ But when that which is perfect, is come, then that which is in part, shalbe abolished.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:37 @ And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shalbe, but bare corne as it falleth, of wheat, or of some other.

geneva@1Corinthians:15:54 @ So when this corruptible hath put on incorruption, and this mortall hath put on immortalitie, then shalbe brought to passe the saying that is written, Death is swallowed vp into victorie.

geneva@2Corinthians:3:16 @ Neuertheles when their heart shall be turned to the Lord, the vaile shalbe taken away.

geneva@2Corinthians:6:18 @ And I will be a Father vnto you, and ye shalbe my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lord almightie.

geneva@Philippians:4:9 @ Which yee haue both learned & receiued, and heard, and seene in mee: those things doe, and the God of peace shalbe with you.

geneva@1Timothy:2:4 @ Who will that all men shalbe saued, and come vnto the acknowledging of the trueth.

geneva@Hebrews:8:10 @ For this is the Testament that I will make with the house of Israel, After those dayes, saith the Lord, I will put my Lawes in their minde, and in their heart I will write them, and I wil be their God, and they shalbe my people,

geneva@Hebrews:12:20 @ (For they were not able to abide that which was commaunded, yea, though a beast touche the mountaine, it shalbe stoned, or thrust through with a dart:

geneva@James:4:14 @ (And yet ye cannot tell what shalbe to morowe. For what is your life? It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time, and afterward vanisheth away)

geneva@James:5:3 @ Your gold and siluer is cankred, & the rust of them shalbe a witnesse against you, and shall eate your flesh, as it were fire. Ye haue heaped vp treasure for the last dayes.

geneva@2Peter:1:11 @ For by this meanes an entring shalbe ministred vnto you aboundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ.

geneva@2John:1:2 @ For the trueths sake which dwelleth in vs, and shalbe with vs for euer:

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