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NT.filter - orthjbc souls:

orthjbc@Matthew:11:29 @ "Take my ol (note:)yoke(:note) upon you and learn from me, for I am anav humble and lowly in lev heart, and you will find menuchah rest [RUTH strkjv@1:9] for your nefashot (souls, YIRMEYAH strkjv@6:16].

orthjbc@Luke:21:19 @ "In your savlanut you will gain your nefashot (note:)souls(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:2:41 @ Those, who were Mekabel Besuras HaGeulah and welcomed his dvar, submitted to a tevilah of teshuvah and there were added in that day nefashot (note:)souls(:note) beerech approximately, dacht zich shloshet alafim three thousand.

orthjbc@Acts:7:14 @ "And having sent, Yosef summoned Ya'akov his Abba and all his mishpochah, SHIVIM (note:)Bereshis strkjv@46:27(:note) nefashot souls. [Bereshis strkjv@45:9,10; strkjv@46:26,27; Shemot strkjv@1:5; Devarim strkjv@10:22]

orthjbc@Acts:14:2 @ And the Yehudim who disobeyed were the ones who aroused and stirred up in anger the nefashot (note:)souls(:note) of the Goyim keneged against the Achim b'Moshiach.

orthjbc@Acts:14:22 @ strengthening the nefashot (note:)souls(:note) of Moshiach's talmidim, encouraging them to remain in the [Orthodox Jewish] emunah faith, and exhorting them that through tzarot rabbot it is necessary for us to enter into the Malchut Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:15:24 @ "Vi-bahlt (note:)since(:note) we heard that certain men had gone out from us, though not having any directives from us, and have given you mitzvot with dvarim unsettling your nefashot souls,

orthjbc@2Corinthians:12:15 @ But with simcha I will expend and be utterly expended for the nefashot (note:)souls(:note) [Php strkjv@2:17]. If more abundantly I have ahavah for you, are you to have less ahavah for me?

orthjbc@Colossians:1:13 @ Elohim HaAv is the One who rescued nafsheinu (note:)our souls(:note) from the memshalet dominion of Choshech and transferred us into the Malchut of the Ben haElohim of his ahavah,

orthjbc@1Peter:1:9 @ obtaining the maskana (note:)outcome, toitzaa(:note) of your Emunah, the Yeshu'at Eloheynu of your nefashot souls. THE NEVU'OT OF THE NEVI'IM AND THE MA'AMINIM IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@1Peter:1:18 @ knowing that the padut nafsheynu (note:)redemption of our souls(:note) was not with perishable things such as silver or gold when your Geulah Redemption was purchased from the Derech haHevel handed down to you from your Avot.

orthjbc@1Peter:1:22 @ Having purified your nefashot (note:)souls(:note) by mishma'at obedience--1:2 to haEmes, resulting in ahavah shel achvah brotherly love without tzevi'ut hypocrisy, have fervent ahavah agap for one another, from a lev tahor. NEW BIRTH IN MOSHIACH WHO IS THE DVAR ELOHEYNU YAKUM L'OLAM

orthjbc@1Peter:2:25 @ For you were KULANU KATZON TA'INU (note:)"all of us like sheep we went astray"--YESHAYAH strkjv@53:6(:note), for you were as sheep being led astray, but you made teshuva now to the Ro'eh [YECHEZKEL strkjv@34:1-16] and Mashgiach Overseer--IYOV strkjv@10:12 of your nefashot souls.

orthjbc@1Peter:3:20 @ to ones without mishma'at (note:)obedience(:note) back then when the zitzfleisch patience of Hashem was waiting, in the days of Noach, while the Teva Ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is shemoneh nefashot eight souls, were delivered through that mabbul's mikveh mayim;

orthjbc@2Peter:2:14 @ Having eyes full of ni'uf (note:)adultery(:note), ceaselessly committing averos sins, enticing unstable nefashot souls, having levavot trained in chomed covetous greed--banim mekulalim accursed children!

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