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updv@Matthew:9:22 @ But Jesus turning and seeing her said, Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.

updv@Matthew:12:8 @ But he turned, and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan: you are a stumbling-block to me: for you do not mind the things of God, but the things of men.

updv@Matthew:14:8 @ And if the house is worthy, let your(note:){+}(:note) peace come upon it: but if it is not worthy, let your{+} peace return to you{+}.

updv@Matthew:14:16 @ And the seventy-two returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.

updv@Matthew:14:24 @ And turning to the disciples, he said, Blessed [are] the eyes which see the things that you(note:){+}(:note) see; and the ears which hear the things that you{+} hear.

updv@Matthew:15:13 @ Then he says, I will return into my house from where I came out; and when he has come, he finds it empty, swept, and garnished.

updv@Matthew:16:23 @ and be(note:){+}(:note) yourselves like men looking for their lord, when he will return from the marriage feast; that, when he comes and knocks, they may right away open to him.

updv@Matthew:18:1 @ Now there went with him great multitudes: and he turned, and said to them,

updv@Matthew:21:21 @ He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

updv@Matthew:22:9 @ Now in the morning as he returned to the city, he was hungry.

updv@Matthew:24:18 @ and let him who is in the field not return back to take his cloak.

updv@Matthew:26:17 @ Jesus says to him, Return your sword to its place.

updv@Mark:4:12 @ that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest perhaps they should turn again, and it should be forgiven them.

updv@Mark:5:30 @ And immediately Jesus, perceiving in himself that the power [proceeding] from him had gone forth, turned him about in the crowd, and said, Who touched my garments?

updv@Mark:8:33 @ But he turning about, and seeing his disciples, rebuked Peter, and says, Get behind me, Satan; for you do not mind the things of God, but the things of men.

updv@Mark:13:16 @ and let him who is in the field not return back to take his cloak.

updv@Luke:1:16 @ And many of the sons of Israel he will turn to Yahweh their God.

updv@Luke:1:17 @ And he will go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient [to walk] in the wisdom of the just; to make ready for Yahweh a people prepared [for him].

updv@Luke:1:56 @ And Mary stayed with her about three months, and returned to her house.

updv@Luke:2:20 @ And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, even as it was spoken to them.

updv@Luke:2:39 @ And when they had accomplished all things that were according to the law of Yahweh, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.

updv@Luke:2:43 @ and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and his parents didn't know it;

updv@Luke:2:45 @ and when they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking for him.

updv@Luke:4:1 @ And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the wilderness

updv@Luke:4:14 @ And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and news went out concerning him through all the surrounding region.

updv@Luke:7:9 @ And when Jesus heard these things, he marveled at him, and turned and said to the multitude that followed him, I say to you(note:){+}(:note), I haven't found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

updv@Luke:7:10 @ And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the slave whole.

updv@Luke:7:44 @ And turning to the woman, he said to Simon, Do you see this woman? I entered into your house, you gave me no water for my feet: but she has wet my feet with her tears, and wiped them with her hair.

updv@Luke:8:37 @ And all the people around the country of the Gerasenes asked him to depart from them, for they were held with great fear: and he entered into a boat, and returned.

updv@Luke:8:39 @ Return to your house, and declare how much God has done for you. And he went his way, publishing throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

updv@Luke:8:40 @ And as Jesus returned, the multitude welcomed him; for they were all waiting for him.

updv@Luke:8:55 @ And her spirit returned, and she rose up immediately: and he commanded that [something] be given her to eat.

updv@Luke:9:10 @ And the apostles, when they returned, declared to him what things they had done. And he took them, and withdrew apart to a city called Bethsaida.

updv@Luke:9:55 @ But he turned, and rebuked them.

updv@Luke:10:6 @ And if a son of peace be there, your(note:){+}(:note) peace will rest on him: but if not, it will turn to you{+} again.

updv@Luke:10:17 @ And the seventy-two returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.

updv@Luke:10:23 @ And turning to the disciples, he said privately, Blessed [are] the eyes which see the things that you(note:){+}(:note) see:

updv@Luke:11:24 @ When the unclean spirit goes out of the man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest and not finding [any]. Then it says, I will turn back to my house from where I came out.

updv@Luke:12:36 @ and be(note:){+}(:note) yourselves like men looking for their lord, when he will return from the marriage feast; that, when he comes and knocks, they may right away open to him.

updv@Luke:14:25 @ Now there went with him great multitudes: and he turned, and said to them,

updv@Luke:17:4 @ And if he sins against you seven times in the day, and seven times turn again to you, saying, I repent; you will forgive him.

updv@Luke:17:15 @ And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, with a loud voice glorifying God;

updv@Luke:17:18 @ Were there none found that returned to give glory to God, except this stranger?

updv@Luke:17:31 @ In that day, he who will be on the housetop, and his goods in the house, let him not go down to take them away: and let him who is in the field likewise not return back.

updv@Luke:19:12 @ He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.

updv@Luke:21:13 @ It will turn out to you(note:){+}(:note) for a testimony.

updv@Luke:22:32 @ but I made supplication for you, that your faith does not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, establish your brothers.

updv@Luke:22:61 @ And the Lord turned, and looked on Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how that he said to him, Before the rooster crows this day you will deny me thrice.

updv@Luke:23:28 @ But Jesus turning to them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your(note:){+}(:note) children.

updv@Luke:23:48 @ And all the multitudes that came together to this sight, when they saw the things that were done, returned striking their breasts.

updv@Luke:23:56 @ And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments. And on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment.

updv@Luke:24:9 @ and returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.

updv@Luke:24:33 @ And they rose up that very hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and those who were with them,

updv@Luke:24:52 @ And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:

updv@John:1:38 @ And Jesus turned, and looked at them following, and says to them, What do you(note:){+}(:note) seek? And they said to him, Rabbi (which is to say, being interpreted, Teacher), where do you stay?

updv@John:12:40 @ He has blinded their eyes, and he hardened their heart; Lest they should see with their eyes, and perceive with their heart, And should turn, And I should heal them.

updv@John:16:20 @ Truly, truly, I say to you(note:){+}(:note), that you{+} will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice: you{+} will be sorrowful, but your{+} sorrow will be turned into joy.

updv@John:20:14 @ When she had thus said, she turned back, and looks at Jesus standing, and didn't know that it was Jesus.

updv@John:20:16 @ Jesus says to her, Mary. She turns herself, and says to him in Hebrew, Rabboni; which is to say, Teacher.

updv@Acts:1:12 @ Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called, of Olive, which is near to Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey off.

updv@Acts:2:20 @ The sun will be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the day of the Lord comes, That great and notable [day].

updv@Acts:3:19 @ Repent(note:){+}(:note) therefore, and turn again, that your{+} sins may be blotted out;

updv@Acts:3:26 @ To you(note:){+}(:note) first, God having raised up his Son, sent him to bless you{+}, in turning away each [of you{+}] from your{+} iniquities.

updv@Acts:5:22 @ But the attendants that came didn't find them in the prison; and they returned, and told,

updv@Acts:7:39 @ to whom our fathers would not be obedient, but thrust him from them, and turned back in their hearts to Egypt,

updv@Acts:7:42 @ But God turned, and delivered them up to serve the host of heaven; as it is written in the Book of the Prophets, Did you(note:){+}(:note) offer to me slain beasts and sacrifices Forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?

updv@Acts:7:45 @ Which also our fathers, in their turn, brought in with Joshua when they entered on the possession of the nations, that God thrust out before the face of our fathers, to the days of David;

updv@Acts:8:25 @ They therefore, when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the good news to many villages of the Samaritans.

updv@Acts:8:28 @ and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah.

updv@Acts:9:35 @ And all who dwelt at Lydda and in Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.

updv@Acts:9:40 @ But Peter put them all forth, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body, he said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes; and when she saw Peter, she sat up.

updv@Acts:11:21 @ And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number that believed turned to the Lord.

updv@Acts:12:25 @ And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their service, taking with them John whose surname was Mark.

updv@Acts:13:8 @ But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.

updv@Acts:13:13 @ Now Paul and his company set sail from Paphos, and came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.

updv@Acts:13:34 @ And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he has spoken on this wise, I will give you(note:){+}(:note) the holy and sure [blessings] of David.

updv@Acts:13:46 @ And Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first be spoken to you(note:){+}(:note). Seeing you{+} thrust it from you{+}, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, look, we turn to the Gentiles.

updv@Acts:14:15 @ and saying, Sirs, why do you(note:){+}(:note) do these things? We also are men of like passions with you{+}, and bring you{+} good news, that you{+} should turn from these useless things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them:

updv@Acts:14:21 @ And when they had preached the good news to that city, and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antioch,

updv@Acts:15:16 @ After these things I will return, And I will build again the tabernacle of David, which has fallen; And I will build again its ruins, And I will set it up:

updv@Acts:15:19 @ Therefore my judgment is, that we not trouble those who from among the Gentiles turn to God;

updv@Acts:15:36 @ And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, Let us return now and visit the brothers in every city in which we proclaimed the word of the Lord, [and see] how they fare.

updv@Acts:16:18 @ And this she did for many days. But Paul, being very troubled, turned and said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it came out that very hour.

updv@Acts:17:6 @ And when they didn't find them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers before the rulers of the city, crying out, These who have turned the world upside down have come here also;

updv@Acts:18:21 @ but taking his leave of them, and saying, I will return again to you(note:){+}(:note) if God wills, he set sail from Ephesus.

updv@Acts:19:26 @ And you(note:){+}(:note) see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are no gods, that are made with hands:

updv@Acts:20:3 @ And when he had spent three months [there,] and a plot was laid against him by Jews as he was about to set sail for Syria, he determined to return through Macedonia.

updv@Acts:21:6 @ and said our goodbyes to each other; and we went onboard the ship, but they returned home again.

updv@Acts:22:17 @ And it came to pass, that, when I had returned to Jerusalem, and while I prayed in the temple, I fell into a trance,

updv@Acts:23:32 @ But on the next day they left the horsemen to go with him, and returned to the castle:

updv@Acts:26:18 @ to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me.

updv@Acts:26:20 @ but declared both to them of Damascus first and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, participating in works worthy of repentance.

updv@Acts:26:24 @ And as he thus made his defense, Festus says with a loud voice, Paul, you are insane; your much learning is turning you insane.

updv@Acts:28:27 @ For this people's heart is waxed gross, And their ears are dull of hearing, And their eyes they have closed; Lest, perhaps they should perceive with their eyes, And hear with their ears, And understand with their heart, And should turn again, And I should heal them.

updv@Romans:3:12 @ They have all turned aside, they have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not, so much as one:

updv@Romans:11:26 @ and so all Israel will be saved: even as it is written, There will come out of Zion the Deliverer; He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

updv@Romans:16:17 @ Now I urge you(note:){+}(:note), brothers, mark those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you{+} learned: and turn away from them.

updv@1Corinthians:14:27 @ If any man speaks in a tongue, [let it be] by two, or at the most three, and [that] in turn; and let one interpret:

updv@2Corinthians:3:16 @ But upon turning to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

updv@Galatians:1:17 @ neither did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me: but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus.

updv@Galatians:4:9 @ but now that you(note:){+}(:note) have come to know God, and what's more, to be known by God, how do you{+} turn back again to the weak and beggarly rudiments, to which you{+} desire to serve as slaves over again?

updv@Philippians:1:19 @ For I know that this will turn out to my salvation, through your(note:){+}(:note) supplication and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

updv@1Thessalonians:1:9 @ For they themselves report concerning us what manner of entering in we had to you(note:){+}(:note); and how you{+} turned to God from idols, to serve as slaves to a living and true God,

updv@1Timothy:1:6 @ from which things some having swerved have turned aside to vain talking;

updv@1Timothy:5:15 @ for some already turned aside after Satan.

updv@1Timothy:6:20 @ O Timothy, guard that which is committed to [you], turning away from the profane babblings and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called;

updv@2Timothy:1:15 @ This you know, that all who are in Asia turned away from me; of whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.

updv@2Timothy:3:5 @ holding a form of godliness, but having denied its power. From these also turn away.

updv@2Timothy:4:4 @ and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.

updv@Titus:1:14 @ not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.

updv@Hebrews:7:1 @ For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,

updv@Hebrews:11:15 @ And if indeed they had been mindful of that [country] from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return.

updv@Hebrews:11:34 @ quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, waxed mighty in war, turned to flight armies of aliens.

updv@Hebrews:12:13 @ and make straight paths for your(note:){+}(:note) feet, that that which is lame not be turned out of the way, but rather be healed.

updv@Hebrews:12:25 @ See that you(note:){+}(:note) do not refuse him who speaks. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned [them] on earth, much more [will] we [not escape] who turn away from him who [warns] from heaven:

updv@James:1:17 @ Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the lights [of heaven]; with whom there is neither shift in position, nor shadow that is cast by turning.

updv@James:3:3 @ Now if we put the horses' bridles into their mouths that they may obey us, we turn about their whole body also.

updv@James:3:4 @ Look, the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by rough winds, are yet turned about by a very small rudder, where the impulse of the helmsman wills.

updv@James:4:9 @ Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your(note:){+}(:note) laughter be turned to mourning, and your{+} joy to heaviness.

updv@1Peter:2:25 @ For you(note:){+}(:note) were like sheep that go astray; but have now been returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your{+} souls.

updv@1Peter:3:11 @ And let him turn away from evil, and do good; Let him seek peace, and pursue it.

updv@2Peter:2:6 @ and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, having made them an example to those who should live ungodly;

updv@2Peter:2:21 @ For it were better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.

updv@2Peter:2:22 @ It has happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turning to his own vomit again, and the sow that had washed to wallowing in the mire.

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