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bwe@Matthew:9:12 @ Jesus heard it. He said to them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him.

bwe@Matthew:9:21 @ She said to herself, If only I touch his clothes, I will be well.

bwe@Matthew:12:13 @ Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man held out his hand and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Matthew:13:15 @ The hearts of these people have no feeling. They do not hear well with their ears. And they have shut their eyes. They do not want to see with their eyes. They do not want to hear with their ears. They do not want to understand in their hearts. They do not want to turn to me. If they did turn, I would heal them."

bwe@Matthew:15:30 @ The people were surprised. They saw that people who had not been able to talk were talking. They saw that people who were hurt were made well. They saw that lame people were walking. They saw that blind people could see. And they praised the God of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:25:21 @ His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."

bwe@Matthew:25:23 @ His master said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. I can trust you. You have taken good care of a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come, have a good time with your master."

bwe@Matthew:27:65 @ Pilate said to them, Take soldiers. Go and guard the grave as well as you can.

bwe@Mark:2:17 @ Jesus heard it. He said to them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him. I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Mark:3:5 @ Jesus was angry as he looked at them. And he was sad that their hearts were so hard. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so, and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Mark:5:28 @ She said to herself, If only I touch his clothes, I will be well.

bwe@Mark:7:3 @ They and all the Jews keep the laws made by men. God did not give them those laws. They do not eat until they wash their hands very well.

bwe@Mark:7:31 @ The people brought a man to Jesus who could not hear and could not talk well. They begged Jesus to put his hand on him.

bwe@Mark:7:34 @ Right away the mans ears were opened and his tongue was made free. He could talk well.

bwe@Mark:7:36 @ The people were very much surprised. They said, He has done everything well. The people who could not hear can hear. The people who could not talk can talk.

bwe@Mark:10:52 @ Jesus said, Go home. Because you believe in me, your faith has made you well. Right then he was able to see. He followed Jesus on the road.

bwe@Mark:16:18 @ They will take up snakes. If they drink poison, it will not make them sick. They will put their hands on sick people and sick people will get well again.

bwe@Luke:5:31 @ Jesus answered them, People who are well do not need a doctor. But sick people need him.

bwe@Luke:6:10 @ He looked around at them all. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Luke:6:35 @ Love your enemies. Do good things. Lend to people and do not look to get anything back. You will be paid well. You will be sons of the Highest One. He is kind to those who do not thank him and to those who are bad.

bwe@Luke:7:10 @ The men who had been sent to Jesus went back into the house. They found that the servant who had been sick was well.

bwe@Luke:8:8 @ But some seed fell on good ground and it grew well. Those plants gave a hundred times as much grain as the man sowed. When Jesus had said this, he called out, Everyone who has ears to hear, listen!

bwe@Luke:9:44 @ He said, Listen well to what I say. The Son of Man will be given over to men,

bwe@Luke:15:27 @ The servant said, "Your brother has come home. Your father has killed the fat young cow because your brother is home and he is well."

bwe@Luke:19:17 @ The ruler said, "You have done well. You are a good servant. You will rule over ten cities because you have done well with a very small thing."

bwe@John:1:21 @ So they asked him, Well then, are you Elijah? He answered, No, I am not. They asked, Are you the Prophet? He answered, No.

bwe@John:4:5 @ Jacobs well was there. Jesus was very tired from walking on the road. So he sat down by the well. It was about midday.

bwe@John:4:6 @ A woman from Samaria came to the well to draw water. Jesus said, Please give me a drink of water.

bwe@John:4:10 @ The woman said, Sir, you have nothing to draw with. The well is deep. Where do you get that living water?

bwe@John:4:11 @ Are you greater than our father Jacob who gave us this well? He drank water from this well, also his children and cattle.

bwe@John:4:13 @ But anyone who drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty. The water I give him will become a well inside of him that will never be dry. It will give him life for ever.

bwe@John:4:51 @ He asked, What time did he begin to get well? They said, Yesterday at one hour after midday the fever left him.

bwe@John:11:12 @ His disciples said, Lord, if he is sleeping then he will get well again.

bwe@Acts:3:16 @ This man whom you see and know, believed in the name of Jesus Christ. This mans faith in that name has healed him. Yes, believing in Jesus Christ has made him well here in front of you all.

bwe@Acts:4:10 @ Well, let it be known by all the people of Israel. This man standing before you is healed by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He has done this. You nailed him to a cross, but God raised him from death.

bwe@Acts:5:13 @ Other people feared to join them, but they spoke well of them.

bwe@Acts:5:23 @ They said, The prison was locked very well. And the police were guarding the doors. But when we opened the doors, no one was inside.

bwe@Acts:10:22 @ They answered, God sent a holy angel to Cornelius. He told him to call you to his house and hear what you have to say. Cornelius is a captain in the army. He is a good man. He does what is right and obeys God. All the Jews speak well of him.

bwe@Acts:10:33 @ So I sent for you right away. You have done well to come. Now we are all here before God to hear all that the Lord has told you to tell me.

bwe@Acts:15:29 @ You must not eat food that has been given to idols. You must not eat the meat of animals that are killed by choking. You must not taste blood. You must not commit adultery. If you keep away from these things, you will do well. Goodbye.

bwe@Acts:16:2 @ The Christian brothers at Lystra and Iconium spoke very well of Timothy.

bwe@Acts:18:24 @ A Jew came to Ephesus. His name was Apollos. He was born in Alexandria. He spoke with power and was able to explain the holy writings well.

bwe@Acts:22:2 @ When the people heard him speak in the Jews language, they were even more quiet. Then Paul said, I am a Jew. I was born in the city of Tarsus in Cilicia. But I was raised here in this city. Gamaliel was my teacher. He taught me very well in the law of our fathers. I was trying hard to obey God, just as you all are today.

bwe@Acts:22:12 @ A man named Ananias was there. He obeyed the law of Moses, and all the Jews who lived there spoke well of him.

bwe@Acts:25:10 @ Paul said, I am standing in Caesars court. That is where I should be judged. I have done nothing wrong to the Jews. You yourself know that well.

bwe@Acts:28:6 @ The people thought surely he would swell up or would drop down dead at once. They waited a long time and saw that nothing bad happened to him. Then they said, We were wrong. He must be a god.

bwe@1Corinthians:7:37 @ But the man who has made up his mind not to marry his woman will do well. That is, if he does not have to marry her, and is able to control himself, and if he is sure about it in his own mind.

bwe@1Corinthians:9:27 @ But I control my own body really well. I make my body obey me. After telling others the good news, I myself do not want to be left out.

bwe@1Corinthians:10:24 @ A person must not think only of himself. But he should think of the other person as well.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:2 @ You are doing well. You remember everything I told you. And you are doing what I taught you to do.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:6 @ If a woman does not cover her head, she might as well cut off her hair. But if it is a shame for a woman to cut off her hair, or to shave her head, then she should have her head covered.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:17 @ In the next thing I have to talk about, I cannot say that you are doing well. Your meeting together is more bad than good.

bwe@1Corinthians:11:22 @ Do you not have your own homes where you can eat and drink? Do you have no respect for the church of God? Do you want to make poor people ashamed? What shall I say to you? Shall I say you are doing well? No, you are not doing well in this matter!

bwe@1Corinthians:15:32 @ I fought against wild animals at Ephesus. If I was thinking only of life on earth, why did I do this? If dead people do not rise, then we might just as well say, Let us eat and drink because we will die tomorrow.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:10 @ We must all stand before Christ to be judged. Then we will receive pay. If we have done well, our pay will be good. If we have not done well, our pay will not be good. must be feared, so we try to get people to believe. God knows what we are and what we do. And we hope that in your hearts you, too, know.

bwe@2Corinthians:6:9 @ Many people do not know us, and yet many people know us very well. We almost die and yet we live. People give us much trouble but they do not kill us. We are very sad and yet always glad.

bwe@2Corinthians:8:7 @ We remember how well you do in everything. You do well in believing, in talking, in knowing things, in trying your best, and in the way you love us. So now, do well in giving this gift.

bwe@Galatians:5:7 @ You were doing well. Who stopped you from doing what is right?

bwe@Ephesians:6:2 @ Respect your father and mother. This is the first law of God with a promise: So that all will be well with you, and that you may live long on earth.

bwe@Colossians:2:5 @ Even though I am not with you in body, I am with you in spirit. I am happy to see that you stand together well and that you keep on believing in Christ.

bwe@1Timothy:3:2 @ For a man to be a church leader, people must speak well of him. He must have only one wife. He must be able to control himself. He must use good sense. He must behave himself well. He must be kind to strangers in his house. He must be a good teacher.

bwe@1Timothy:3:7 @ People who are not church people must also speak well of a church leader, so that he will not fall into the devils trap.

bwe@1Timothy:3:13 @ When they have done the work of a helper well, people will respect them. If they do well, they will not fear to tell what they believe about Christ Jesus.

bwe@1Timothy:4:6 @ Tell the Christian brothers and sisters these things and you will do the work of Christ Jesus well. Your own heart will be fed by the things you have believed and the good teaching you have followed.

bwe@1Timothy:4:15 @ Take time to think about these things. Then everybody will see how well you are going ahead in your work.

bwe@1Timothy:5:10 @ People must speak well of the good works she has done. Has she brought up children? Has she been kind to strangers and cared for them in her house? Has she washed the feet of Gods people? Has she helped people who were in trouble? Has she done every kind of good thing to help people?

bwe@1Timothy:5:17 @ The leaders of the church people who rule well should be given greater honour and reward. At least do this for those who work hard in speaking and teaching.

bwe@2Timothy:1:18 @ I hope the Lord will be kind to him on that great day. You know very well all that he did for me in the city of Ephesus.

bwe@Hebrews:12:13 @ Walk straight ahead. Then weak feet will not get worse, but will be made well.

bwe@James:2:8 @ The holy writings say, Love your neighbour as you love yourself. If you obey this law of your King you do well.

bwe@James:5:15 @ Because they talk to God, and believe, he will hear them. The sick man will be healed. The Lord will make him well again. If the sick man has done wrong things, the Lord will forgive him.

bwe@1Peter:3:7 @ Husbands, also live with your wife the way you know is right. Respect her because she is a woman. She is not as strong as a man. Also respect her because God has given her, as well as you, the blessing of life. In this way, you will not stop God from doing what you ask him to do.

bwe@2Peter:1:19 @ And so we are more sure about what the prophets of God said long ago. You will do well to listen to them. It is like a lamp shining in a dark place. Then the daylight will come and the morning star will shine in your hearts.

bwe@2Peter:2:17 @ These men are like wells with no water in them. They are like fog that is blown away by a strong wind. A very dark place has been kept to put them in.

bwe@3John:1:2 @ My dear brother, I ask God that you may be all right in every way and that your body may be well. I know that your soul is all right.

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