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NT.filter - riversident wonder:

riversident@Matthew:9:33 @ After the demon had been cast out, the dumb man spoke. The crowd wondered and said, "Never was anything like this seen in Israel."

riversident@Matthew:21:15 @ When the high priests and the scribes saw the wonders that he did and the children shouting, "God save the Son of David!" they were angry

riversident@Matthew:22:22 @ When they heard this, they wondered and left him and went away.

riversident@Mark:15:5 @ But Jesus no longer answered anything, so that Pilate wondered.

riversident@Mark:15:44 @ Pilate wondered whether he was already dead, but he called in the Centurion and asked him whether Jesus had been long dead.

riversident@Luke:1:21 @ The people were waiting for Zacharias and wondering at his staying so long in the Temple.

riversident@Luke:1:29 @ But she was alarmed at his words, and wondered what such a greeting could mean.

riversident@Luke:1:63 @ He asked for a tablet and wrote, "His name is John." They all wondered.

riversident@Luke:2:18 @ All who heard it wondered at what was said to them by the shepherds.

riversident@Luke:2:33 @ His father and his mother wondered at the things that were spoken about him.

riversident@Luke:4:22 @ All bore witness to him, and wondered at the gracious words that came from his mouth, and said, "Is not he a son of Joseph?"

riversident@Luke:7:9 @ When Jesus heard this, he wondered, and, turning to the crowd that was following him, he said,

riversident@Luke:9:43 @ They were amazed at the greatness of God. While they were all wondering at all the things that he did, he said to his disciples,

riversident@Luke:11:14 @ He was casting out a demon and it was dumb. After the demon had gone out, the dumb man spoke and the crowds wondered.

riversident@Luke:11:38 @ The Pharisee, seeing this, wondered that he had not first washed before dinner.

riversident@Luke:24:12 @ But Peter rose and ran to the tomb and stooping down he saw nothing but the linen cloths, and he went away to his place wondering at what had happened.

riversident@Luke:24:41 @ While they still were doubting for joy and wondering, he said to them,

riversident@John:4:27 @ Upon this came his disciples, and they wondered that he was talking with a woman. But no one said, "What do you want?" or, "Why are you talking with her?"

riversident@John:9:30 @ The man answered them, "There is something wonderful in this. You do not know where he comes from, yet he has opened my eyes!

riversident@John:13:22 @ The disciples looked at one another wondering whom he meant.

riversident@Acts:2:7 @ They were amazed and, wondering, said, "Are not all these who are talking, Galilaean?

riversident@Acts:2:22 @ Fellow Israelites, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene was a man proved to be sent to you from God by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through him in the midst of you, as you yourselves know.

riversident@Acts:2:43 @ Awe came on every soul. Many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

riversident@Acts:3:10 @ and when they recognized that it was he who had sat begging at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple court, they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

riversident@Acts:3:12 @ Peter, seeing the people, explained, "Fellow Israelites, why do you wonder at this, or why do you gaze so at us, as if by our own power or piety we had made him walk?

riversident@Acts:4:30 @ while thou dost stretch out thine hand for healing and while signs and wonders are done through the name of thy holy servant Jesus."

riversident@Acts:5:12 @ Many signs and wonders were done among the people by the hands of the apostles. They were all with one purpose in Solomon's Colonnade.

riversident@Acts:6:8 @ Stephen, full of grace and of power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.

riversident@Acts:7:36 @ This man led them out, doing wonders and signs in the land of Egypt and at the Red Sea and in the wilderness for forty years.

riversident@Acts:13:41 @ 'See, you disdainful ones, and wonder and perish; for I am working a work in your days \'97 a work which you will not believe even if some one fully explains it to you.' "

riversident@Acts:14:3 @ Therefore the apostles spent considerable time speaking freely and fearlessly in reliance upon the Lord, who bore witness to his gracious message by permitting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

riversident@Acts:15:12 @ The whole assembly remained silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul relating all the signs and wonders that God had done through them among the Gentiles.

riversident@Romans:15:19 @ through the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that from Jerusalem around to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the good news of Christ,

riversident@2Corinthians:11:14 @ And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.

riversident@2Corinthians:12:12 @ The signs of an apostle were performed among you in all patience by miracles and wonders and deeds of power.

riversident@2Thessalonians:1:10 @ when he comes to be glorified among his holy ones and to be wondered at on that day among all believers \'97 for our testimony to you was believed.

riversident@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ For his coming will be when Satan is active in every sort of power and in false signs and wonders

riversident@Hebrews:2:4 @ while God added his testimony by signs and wonders and many kinds of miracles and impartation of the Holy Spirit according to his will?

riversident@1Peter:2:9 @ But you are a chosen race, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you from darkness into his wonderful light.

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