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OT-HISTORY.filter - dourh Absalom:

dourh@2Samuel:3:3 @ And his second Cheleab of Abigail the wife of Nabal of Carmel: and the third Absalom the son of Maacha the daughter of Tholmai king of Gessur:

dourh@2Samuel:13:1 @ And it came to pass after this, that Amnon the son of David loved the sister of Absalom the son of David, who was very beautiful, and her name was Thamar.

dourh@2Samuel:13:4 @ And he said to him: Why dost thou grow so lean from day to day, O son of the king? why dost thou not tell me the reason of it? And Amnon said to him: I am in love with Thamar the sister of my brother Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:13:20 @ And Absalom her brother said to her: Hath thy brother Amnon lain with thee? but now, sister, hold thy peace, he is thy brother: and afflict not thy heart for this thing. So Thamar remained pining away in the house of Absalom her brother.

dourh@2Samuel:13:22 @ But Absalom spoke not to Amnon neither good nor evil: for Absalom hated Amnon because he had ravished his sister Thamar.

dourh@2Samuel:13:23 @ And it came to pass after two years, that the sheep of Absalom were shorn in Baalhasor, which is near Ephraim: and Absalom invited all the king's sons:

dourh@2Samuel:13:25 @ And the king said to Absalom: Nay, my son, do not ask that we should all come, and be chargeable to thee. And when he pressed him, and he would not go, he blessed him.

dourh@2Samuel:13:26 @ And Absalom said: If thou wilt not come, at least let my brother Amnon, I beseech thee, come with us. And the king said to him: It is not necessary that he should go with thee.

dourh@2Samuel:13:27 @ But Absalom pressed him, so that he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him. And Absalom made a feast as it were the feast of a king.

dourh@2Samuel:13:28 @ And Absalom had commanded his servants, saying: Take notice when Amnon shall be drunk with wine, and when I shall say to you: Strike him, and kill him, fear not: for it is I that command you: take courage, and be valiant men.

dourh@2Samuel:13:29 @ And the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom had commanded them. And all the king's sons arose and got up every man upon his mule, and fled.

dourh@2Samuel:13:30 @ And while they were yet in the way, a rumour came to David, saying: Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left.

dourh@2Samuel:13:32 @ But Jonadab the son of Semmaa David's brother answering, said: Let not my lord the king think that all the king's sons are slain: Amnon only is dead, for he was appointed by the mouth of Absalom from the day that he ravished his sister Thamar.

dourh@2Samuel:13:34 @ But Absalom fled away: and the young man that kept the watch, lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold there came much people by a by-way on the side of the mountain.

dourh@2Samuel:13:37 @ But Absalom fled, and went to Tholomai the son of Ammiud the king of Gessur. And David mourned for his son every day.

dourh@2Samuel:13:38 @ And Absalom after he was fled, and come into Gessur, was there three years. And king David ceased to pursue after Absalom, because he was comforted concerning the death of Amnon.

dourh@2Samuel:14:1 @ And Joab the son of Sarvia, understanding that the king's heart was turned to Absalom,

dourh@2Samuel:14:21 @ And the king said to Joab: Behold I am appeased and have granted thy request: Go therefore and fetch back the boy Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:14:23 @ Then Joab arose and went to Gessur, and brought Absalom to Jerusalem.

dourh@2Samuel:14:24 @ But the king said: Let him return into his house, and let him not see my face. So Absalom returned into his house, and saw not the king's face.

dourh@2Samuel:14:25 @ But in all Israel there was not a man so comely, and so exceedingly beautiful as Absalom: from the sole of the foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.

dourh@2Samuel:14:27 @ And there were born to Absalom three sons: and one daughter, whose, name was Thamar, and she was very beautiful.

dourh@2Samuel:14:28 @ And Absalom dwelt two years in Jerusalem, and saw not the king's face.

dourh@2Samuel:14:30 @ He said to his servants: You know the field of Joab near my field, that hath a crop of barley: go now and set it on fire. So the servants of Absalom set the corn on fire. And Joab's servants coming with their garments rent, said: The servants of Absalom have set part of the field on fire.

dourh@2Samuel:14:31 @ Then Joab arose, and came to Absalom to his house, and said: Why have thy servants set my corn on fire?

dourh@2Samuel:14:32 @ And Absalom answered Joab: I sent to thee beseeching thee to come to me, that I might send thee to the king, to say to him: Wherefore am I come from Gessur? it had been better for me to be there: I beseech thee therefore that I may see the face of the king: and if he be mindful of my iniquity, let him kill me.

dourh@2Samuel:14:33 @ So Joab going in to the king, told him all: and Absalom was called for, and he went in to the king: and prostrated himself on the ground before him: and the king kissed Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:15:1 @ Now after these things Absalom made himself chariots, and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.

dourh@2Samuel:15:2 @ And Absalom rising up early stood by the entrance of the gate, and when any man had business to come to the king's judgment, Absalom called him to him, and said: Of what city art thou? He answered, and said: Thy servant is of such a tribe of Israel.

dourh@2Samuel:15:3 @ And Absalom answered him: Thy words seem to me good and just. But there is no man appointed by the king to hear thee. And Absalom said:

dourh@2Samuel:15:7 @ And after forty years, Absalom said to king David: Let me go, and pay my vows which I have vowed to the Lord in Hebron.

dourh@2Samuel:15:10 @ And Absalom sent spies into all the tribes of Israel, saying: As soon as you shall hear the sound of the trumpet, say ye: Absalom reigneth in Hebron.

dourh@2Samuel:15:11 @ Now there went with Absalom two hundred men out of Jerusalem that were called, going with simplicity of heart, and knowing nothing of the design.

dourh@2Samuel:15:12 @ Absalom also sent for Achitophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from his city Gilo. And while he was offering sacrifices, there was a strong conspiracy, and the people running together increased with Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:15:13 @ And there came a messenger to David, saying: All Israel with their whole heart followeth Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:15:14 @ And David said to his servants, that were with him in Jerusalem: Arise and let us flee: for we shall not escape else from the face of Absalom: make haste to go out, lest he come and overtake us, and bring ruin upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.

dourh@2Samuel:15:31 @ And it was told David that Achitophel also was in the conspiracy with Absalom, and David said: Infatuate, O Lord, I beseech thee, the counsel of Achitophel.

dourh@2Samuel:15:34 @ But if thou return into the city, and wilt say to Absalom: I am thy servant, O king: as I have been thy father's servant, so I will be thy servant: thou shalt defeat the counsel of Achitophel.

dourh@2Samuel:15:37 @ Then Chusai the friend of David went into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem.

dourh@2Samuel:16:8 @ The Lord hath repaid thee for all the blood of the house of Saul: because thou hast usurped the kingdom in his stead, and the Lord hath given the kingdom into the hand of Absalom thy son: and behold thy evils press upon thee, because thou art a man of blood.

dourh@2Samuel:16:15 @ But Absalom and all his people came into Jerusalem, and Achitophel was with him.

dourh@2Samuel:16:16 @ And when Chusai the Arachite, David's friend, was come to Absalom, he said to him: God save thee, O king, God save thee, O king.

dourh@2Samuel:16:17 @ And Absalom said to him: Is this thy kindness to thy friend? Why wentest thou not with thy friend?

dourh@2Samuel:16:18 @ And Chusai answered Absalom: Nay: for I will be his, whom the Lord hath chosen, and all this people, and all Israel, and with him will I abide.

dourh@2Samuel:16:20 @ And Absalom said to Achitophel: Consult what we are to do.

dourh@2Samuel:16:21 @ And Achitophel said to Absalom: Go in to the concubines of thy father, whom he hath left to keep the house: that when all Israel shall hear that thou hast disgraced thy father, their hands may be strengthened with thee.

dourh@2Samuel:16:22 @ So they spread a tent for Absalom on the top of the house, and he went in to his father's concubines before all Israel.

dourh@2Samuel:16:23 @ Now the counsel of Achitophel, which he gave in those days, was as if a man should consult God: so was all the counsel of Achitophel, both when he was with David, and when he was with Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:17:1 @ And Achitophel said to Absalom: I will choose me twelve thousand men, and I will arise and pursue after David this night.

dourh@2Samuel:17:4 @ And his saying pleased Absalom, and all the ancients of Israel.

dourh@2Samuel:17:5 @ But Absalom said: Call Chusai the Arachite, and let us hear what he also saith.

dourh@2Samuel:17:6 @ And when Chusai was come to Absalom, Absalom said to him: Achitophel hath spoken after this manner: shall we do it or not? what counsel dost thou give?

dourh@2Samuel:17:7 @ And Chusai said to Absalom: The counsel that Achitophel hath given this time is not good.

dourh@2Samuel:17:9 @ Perhaps he now lieth hid in pits, or in some other place where he list: and when any one shall fall at the first, every one that heareth it shall say: There is a slaughter among the people that followed Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:17:14 @ And Absalom, and all the men of Israel said: The counsel of Chusai the Arachite is better than the counsel of Achitophel: and by the will of the Lord the profitable counsel of Achitophel was defeated, that the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:17:15 @ And Chusai said to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests: Thus and thus did Achitophel counsel Absalom, and the ancients of Israel: and thus and thus did I counsel them.

dourh@2Samuel:17:18 @ But a certain boy saw them, and told Absalom: but they making haste went into the house of a certain man in Bahurim, who had a well in his court, and they went down into it.

dourh@2Samuel:17:20 @ And when Absalom's servants were come into the house, they said to the woman: Where is Achimaas and Jonathan? and the woman answered them: They passed on in haste, after they had tasted a little water. But they that sought them, when they found them not, returned into Jerusalem.

dourh@2Samuel:17:24 @ But David came to the camp, and Absalom passed over the Jordan, be and all the men of Israel with him.

dourh@2Samuel:17:25 @ Now Absalom appointed Amasa in Joab's stead over the army: and Amasa was the son of a man who was called Jethra of Jezrael, who went in to Abigail the daughter of Naas, the sister of Sarvia who was the mother of Joab.

dourh@2Samuel:17:26 @ And Israel camped with Absalom in the land of Galaad.

dourh@2Samuel:18:5 @ And the king commanded Joab, and Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom. And all the people heard the king giving charge to all the princes concerning Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:18:9 @ And it happened that Absalom met he servants of David, riding on a mule: and as the mule went under a thick and large oak, his head stuck in the oak: and while he hung between the heaven and he earth, the mule on which he rode passed on.

dourh@2Samuel:18:10 @ And one saw this and told Joab, saying: I saw Absalom hanging upon an oak.

dourh@2Samuel:18:12 @ And he said to Joab: If thou wouldst have paid down in my hands a thousand pieces of silver, I would not lay my hands upon the king's son: for in our hearing he king charged thee, and Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:18:14 @ And Joab said: Not as thou wilt, but will set upon him in thy sight. So he took three lances in his hand, and thrust them into the heart of Absalom: and whilst he yet panted for life, sticking on the oak,

dourh@2Samuel:18:17 @ And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great pit in the forest, and they laid an exceeding great heap of stories upon him: but all Israel fled to their own dwellings.

dourh@2Samuel:18:18 @ Now Absalom had reared up for himself, in his lifetime, a pillar, which is in the king's valley: for he said: I have no son, and this shall be the monument of my name. And he called the pillar by is own name, and it is called the hand of Absalom, to this day.

dourh@2Samuel:18:29 @ And the king said: Is the young man Absalom safe? And Achimaas said: I saw a great tumult, O king, when thy servant Joab sent me thy servant: I know nothing else.

dourh@2Samuel:18:32 @ And the king said to Chusai: Is the young man Absalom safe? And Chusai answering him, said: Let the enemies of my lord, the king, and all that rise against him unto evil, be as the young man is.

dourh@2Samuel:18:33 @ The king therefore being much moved, went up to the high chamber over the gate, and wept. And as he went he spoke in this manner: My son Absalom, Absalom my son: would to God that I might die for thee, Absalom my son, my son Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:19:4 @ And the king covered his head, and cried with a loud voice: O my son Absalom, O Absalom my son, O my son.

dourh@2Samuel:19:6 @ Thou lovest them that hate thee, and thou hatest them that love thee: and thou hast shewn this day that thou carest not for thy nobles, nor for thy servants: and I now plainly perceive that if Absalom had lived, and all we had been slain, then it would have pleased thee.

dourh@2Samuel:19:9 @ And all the people were at strife in all the tribes of Israel, saying: The king delivered us out of the hand of our enemies, and he saved us out of the hand of the Philistines: and now he is fled out of the land for Absalom.

dourh@2Samuel:19:10 @ But Absalom, whom we anointed over us, is dead in the battle: how long are you silent, and bring not back the king?

dourh@2Samuel:20:6 @ And David said to Abisai: Now will Seba the son of Bochri do us more harm than did Absalom: take thou therefore the servants of thy lord, and pursue after him, lest he find fenced cities, and escape us.

dourh@1Kings:1:6 @ Neither did his father rebuke him at any time, saying: Why hast thou done this? And he also was very beautiful, the next in birth after Absalom.

dourh@1Kings:2:7 @ But shew kindness to the sons of Berzellai the Galaadite, and let them eat at thy table: t for they met me when I fled from the face of Absalom thy brother.

dourh@1Chronicles:3:2 @ The third Absalom the son of Maacha the daughter of Tolmai king of Gessur, the fourth Adonias the son of Aggith,

dourh@2Chronicles:11:20 @ And after her he married Maacha the daughter of Absalom, who bore him Abia and Ethai, and Ziza, and Salomith.

dourh@2Chronicles:11:21 @ And Roboam loved Maacha the daughter of Absalom above all his wives, and concubines: for he had married eighteen wives, and threescore concubines: and he beget eight and twenty sons, and threescore daughters.

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